Sculptor, inventor, imagination architect, digital adventurer, serial creator
64 posts
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L.A. LIVE Adobe MAX Bash (October 07, 2014)
1) 3D skull by Shogyo Mujo … It changes constantly… Incredible #AdobeMAX #skullgamecray #dayofthedead #sugarskull (via reidstiegman http://instagram.com/p/t4Uj1vSOmh/)
2-3) (via cressidalain http://instagram.com/p/t4Et2nsFaj/ http://instagram.com/p/t4EkLFsFaZ/)
4) This is gonna pop off!!! #adobemax2014 #maxbash (via djrmora http://instagram.com/p/t4B0F1g5w-/)
5) awesome sauce #adobemax #bash (via leighdarilek http://instagram.com/p/t4KfEqiMfi/)
6) And one #stillshot Bc I have to. #shogyomujo #lalive #adobemaxbash. #create. #mixedmedia #installation. #sosick. #art (via jaye_rose_13 http://instagram.com/p/t5LT_nyNw2/ and video (1): http://instagram.com/p/t5K-OQSNwH/ DL http://videos-d-18.ak.instagram.com/hphotos-ak-xaf1/10725735_643569019094478_1058638301_n.mp4 , video (2): http://instagram.com/p/t4VqE8SN-4/ DL http://videos-g-7.ak.instagram.com/hphotos-ak-xaf1/10725538_303069626562527_181929709_n.mp4)
7) Adobe threw a great bash tonight. Fantastic attention to detail. (via mamaloney http://instagram.com/p/t4LgyCme-v/)
8) #sickpiece by #vyalone @vyalone at #adobemaxbash #tonight. #adobemax #adobemax2014 #streetart #streetisart #loveit. #appreciation #ftw. #create (via jaye_rose_13 http://instagram.com/p/t4TrdEyN8n/)
BTW - I’m obsessed with skulls #NOTSORRY :)))

My Shogyo Mujo projection mapping/sculpture project collaboration with Bart Kresa

"Crania Anatomica Filigre " in cast sterling silver
#skull #silver

Crania Geodesica

3d printed flower from"Mazzo di Fiori" Kickstarter project by Joshua Harker.

"Mazzo di Fiori" Kickstarter project by Joshua Harker to support R&D of a revolutionary new 3d printing technology.

Anatomical 3D Self-Portrait by Joshua Harker

Check out this really cool shot by @shapeways of one of Joshua Harker’s (@joshuaharkerartist) polyamide sculptures coming out of the printer. Joshua initially sculpts his work digitally using special computer software, then it’s printed, brushed off and (when necessary) assembled.
This skull printed in one part, but the work on view at Gristle is a bit more complex with moving parts. Some of Joshua’s sculptures require complex engineering. All are very impressive- he is a pioneer in his field.
Get in touch with @gristletattoo at info@gristletattoo.com to inquire about the available work of his we have on view. You can see it if you scroll through my profile here, at Gristleartgallery.com or in person at the gallery:
The Elusive Key #elusivekey Gristle Tattoo 178 N. 8th St. Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY 1 block north of the Bedford stop on the L train. Inquiries: info@gristleartgallery.com

Joshua Harker just sent this pic of his 3-D printed sculpture, pre-assemblage. Really excited to be working with Harker, a pioneer of this new medium. Come see this completed work this Saturday!
~~ THE ELUSIVE KEY A group exhibition exploring the mystery behind Houdini’s Mirror escape.
~~ Opening reception: March 15th, 6-9 On view from March 15th - April 11th, 2014 ~~ Gristle Tattoo 178 N 8th St., Brooklyn, NY 11211 www.gristletattoo.com & www.samanthalevinfineart.com inquiries: info@gristletattoo.com or 347.889.6422

Sneak peek at the Elusive Key

Further workings with Artist Joshua Harker’s
Anatomica di Revolutis

Further workings with Artist Joshua Harker and his
Crania Anatomica Filigre.

Enjoying joshuaharker at the 3D Printshow in New York

3D Printed Sculptures by Joshua Harker
[ SketchFab interactive model ]

An amazing look into the current state of 3D printing.
Printshow NYC: 3D Printing Comes to Fashion, Medicine, and Art

One of Joshua Harker’s 3-D printed sculptures on view at the #3-D #Design show in #NYC. Joshua is set to exhibit a new work in the #Elusivekey show coming up at @gristletattoo in March.

Peek at 1 of my pieces from my new floral series. Full collection debuts at 3D Printshow NYC next week

Selfie in self-portrait mask

Designers Liz and Kyle von Hasseln of The Sugar Lab (previously featured here ) teamed up with artist Josh Harker (previously featured here) to create this stunning one-of-a-kind 3D-printed El Dia de los Muertos filigree sugar skull. Based on Harker’s Cráneo de La Calaca and created for Halloween 2013, this edible beauty is one of the loveliest sugar skulls we’ve ever seen.
[via Lost At E Minor and Cubify]

Rob ‘The Piercer’ & Skull..

"Quixotic Divinity" headdress by Joshua Harker (model Beverley @ Zone Models, photo by Faith Robinson, Stylist Leah Jennings, coat by Aimee Ward)

"Quixotic Divinity" headdress by Joshua Harker

Profile of Joshua Harker’s Crania Anatomica Filigre..
As part of our ongoing collaboration.

Joshua Harker’s Crania Anatomica Filigre..
As part of our ongoing collaboration.