3d Art - Tumblr Posts
Do you post your 3D art anywhere? I'm curious
I'm in the middle of a 3D break just because I did a whole lot for a couple years and kinda burned myself out trying to figure out what I wanted to specialize in (animation, modeling, vfx, etc.). I can share some of what I've made, but it's pretty basic stuff - I still consider myself a student.

my portfolio got finished and sent out today! Its pretty surreal to let go of 4 months of work but im glad its over. Here is my favorite 3D piece i made, its a character prop presentation that focuses on the shoes and skateboard i designed, alot of love went into them
Oh stars... I swear it's gonna take forever to make at least a simple walking animation for this fella.
It's better than nothing
I'll call it "The goofy walk" lmao
Берегите природу , мы обязаны ей жизнью.

У каждого есть своя бесконечность , какая она будет зависит от личных фантазий и настроения 🪽

here is a 3d model i made for fun his name is Ferbath

Depressed Kirby
a blender sculpt i have made

Living Room made in blender based off the image on the right the other images are just showing some wires i made in grease pencil

a quick blender sculpt i made of a egg chud image because @cannibalbaker told me too
Random Blender Art Dump
so this is just a random collection of projects i probly wont really finish or add onto that i have made in blender since i am trying to get more into art and my counselor recommended getting back into art
starting off with number 1 american gothic worm sculpt i asked my bestie CannibalCake what to sculpt and they said american gothic but as worms so i did this quick sculpt of the american gothic guy and gave him a worm body

2nd one is this cartoon frog that i named KafleGore that i made to test out cel shading and paint texturing i fully modeled it and just didnt really know what to do with it

and the 3rd one is a small series of retopologizing heads i tried mostly anime heads for practice and the first head looked like a mask a serial killer would wear and i was kinda dissapointed with it so i made this other head that ended up looking like the fish from rango mixed with the puppets from the dark crystal i was kinda more happy with it in a way and also did some hair made of curves sometime i might remake this character tho

number 4 another retopology facethis time i wanted to make like a little low poly clown mask and i felt good about this one however there are some kinda messed up vertices but im still pretty proud

number 5 this cool looking sword i found on the internet

number 6 another retopology face but only the top half because 1 got bored and 2 didnt know how to make it look correct

number 7 another low poly model i wanted to make of a bussiness person who is just extremely tired and hasnt slept in weeks his name is joinkis

number 8 joinkises computer a idea that i had that i never finished

and finally number 9 mug with a face another thing my bestie told me to do a quick sculpt on

that is all for now thank you for looking at all of these weird works i have made have this little doodle of a thinking fella i made once as a gift

thank you i will probly upload some more art dumps or just normal art later on in the future

we are so back (to me making a large project that will probably end up collecting dust)
some stuff i’ve done from the first 2 weeks of uni.
our project is based on “Salome” by Oscar Wilde. i’ve been exploring Princess Salome and how she’s perceived.