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Heres A Little Peice I Did Up Becuase I Love Other Skyrim Hybrid Characters And @nimthedragonbabe Has
Heres a little peice i did up becuase I love other skyrim hybrid characters and @nimthedragonbabe has such an amazing character.
I hope you all like Nimriel and LotsKar
Nim the Khajiit and Mer/ elf hybrid
LotsKar the Giant and Nord hybrid.

insignificantpotato liked this · 3 years ago
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Please money I need you
if you’re reading this
a lump sum of money is on the way to you
We had my first horse who my brother killed going over a cliff which I called Brolga. My brother died going over the cliff to and the randomly generated horse when he after he died was our new horse. We named him Butterscotch and my brother hated this horse so much. But after nearly 4 months he still has butterscotch. And he really loves that horse now. I will always miss brolga. But butterscotch and my new horse on my account called Rat.

Nancy was a wild horse I tamed and had throughout the whole game. She was a crazy bitch and I loved her. Tag me in pics of you’re horsies. I’m begging you.
Wooo i got some stuff of mt boy Bean and his Ghoul bodyguard/boyfriend who is over 200 years old.
I hope you all like them and I hope to do more art of them let me know what you all think.

What does a guy gotta do to see some fucken charon from fallout 3 romantic with a male lone wander! Ghouls can be gay to damn it!
I love this because July the 13th is my birthday so I now know who I'm gonna enjoy cosplaying
July 13th is Lone's canon birthday...FO3 reacts to lone wanting to throw a huge fucking party, I mean a BIG fucking party
I don’t think I knew that that was their birthday, also sorry this is a couple days past the 13th lol..
Butch: “Well, at the very least, I hope this is better than that one party from when we were kids. That one sucked.” He was pretty passive aggressive about the whole thing, but was low key kind of excited.
Clover: 100% on board, makes plans with Lone and everything but low key sets the party time a little sooner than Lone had, so then it’d be like a surprise party.. that they knew was gonna happen.
Charon: Never in his entire life has he witnessed a party, so he was more than a little curious as to what went into one.
Dogmeat: He loves when ppl at the party give him special attention (them good pats).
Jericho: “Why the hell not?” It’s been a long time since Jericho has been to a party where someone didn’t get killed, also if he could potentially get free food, he’s in.
Fawkes: He liked the idea of throwing them a party, but he had to make sure all the guests knew about him, and wouldn’t freak out at the sight of a super mutant.
Sarah: She wanted to have the party in the Citadel. The party was for Lone of course, but if she could give the brotherhood’s members a good time too, then she’d be even more happy.
Star Paladin Cross: Lone had done so much work that they definitely deserved a little down time, and a birthday party seemed fitting. Cross made the best cake that she possibly could make with what little she had.
Paladin Danse Saw a Roomba and Yelped Like a Frightened Puppy and Fell on His Ass Trying to Escape the Terrifying Robot in Pursuit of Him, Bringing Down Two Shelfs and Knocking Over His Entire Power Armor Stand, and the Roomba Still Booped Against His Boot
– a publicly narrated bedtime story for the people of Goodneighbor by Mayor John Hancock