Lone Wanderer - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago
Shipping Big Scary Ghouls With Little Goody Two Shoes Vaulties That Need To Find Their Dads Since 2008

shipping big scary ghouls with little goody two shoes vaulties that need to find their dads since 2008

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4 years ago

Wooo i got some stuff of mt boy Bean and his Ghoul bodyguard/boyfriend who is over 200 years old.

I hope you all like them and I hope to do more art of them let me know what you all think.

Wooo I Got Some Stuff Of Mt Boy Bean And His Ghoul Bodyguard/boyfriend Who Is Over 200 Years Old.
Wooo I Got Some Stuff Of Mt Boy Bean And His Ghoul Bodyguard/boyfriend Who Is Over 200 Years Old.

What does a guy gotta do to see some fucken charon from fallout 3 romantic with a male lone wander! Ghouls can be gay to damn it!

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6 years ago

A rant..

I'm just here to vent. I didn't start a freaking blog to vent but to post doing what I really like, writing. To make someone happy, you know a fluffy short humorous poem or story to make your day better. But I'm sorry for being selfish, I can't make your day better if my days are already so monotonous. But is it only that? I mean, my problems may not be that big, not as big as your problems but they're affecting me very much. I want to be happy and there are times when I'm insanely happy and I also know I can't be happy all the time, because nobody can be happy all the time. But I don't wanna be happy one second and the next second feel left out so much it kills me. I'm not writing with proper punctuation I know but I don't care anymore about freaking grammar or punctuation. I don't want to feel like I put way too much effort into things I do for people to not get even a quarter of it back. And I know all this has been said way too much at this point and it's so redundant I can write it with my eyes closed and you can probably read it with yours closed too but I'm saying it one more time. I don't want to be thrown away like garbage. I can cite like, 5 examples of the times where I have been like really 'over the top' happy and now that I think about it why? What went wrong? I'm not even sure if you'd be interested in reading this over all your issues but I'm so freaking glad to be writing it because it makes me a tad bit happier right now and that's all I need.

Love, Sky.

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3 years ago

And Wolves Beneath Their Seams

Author: cyprith

Fandoms: Fallout 3

Relationships: Charon/Female Lone Wanderer

“Charon shares a certain kinship with his new employer. She's been designed, he thinks. Built. Not unlike himself.”

The texture of this work is darkly poetic - it builds the harsh, desolate feel of the capital wasteland around you subtly from small details interwoven with the actions and events surrounding the characters. The author builds on in-game locations and lore, adding sophisticated layers to the bare-bones of Charon's backstory, and gives substantial emotional depth and struggle to the LW. Fantastic characterization and dialogue, amazing writing and artistic vision. It's beautiful, heart-breaking, and an excellent example of what the best of fic does - expands and elevates character and story. https://archiveofourown.org/works/1052742/chapters/2107037

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10 months ago

That wasteland air be hitting differently

That Wasteland Air Be Hitting Differently

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6 months ago

Me, stay with a consistent character design? You must be mistaken. Anyway here my new design for my Lone Wander Abby

Me, Stay With A Consistent Character Design? You Must Be Mistaken. Anyway Here My New Design For My Lone

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6 months ago

Turned on my Xbox to play fallout 3 again and I guess this is where I left it last.

Turned On My Xbox To Play Fallout 3 Again And I Guess This Is Where I Left It Last.

The clipping of the bangs is so hehe

Turned On My Xbox To Play Fallout 3 Again And I Guess This Is Where I Left It Last.

I became the pint sized Slasher last night.

I was so baked I actually sobbed when I made Timmy cry.

I killed Martha and felt so bad.

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8 months ago
Louise Champagne (My Fallout 3 Oc) Stimboard For Me :3 He Is Mentally Unwell . I Love Him So Much . He
Louise Champagne (My Fallout 3 Oc) Stimboard For Me :3 He Is Mentally Unwell . I Love Him So Much . He
Louise Champagne (My Fallout 3 Oc) Stimboard For Me :3 He Is Mentally Unwell . I Love Him So Much . He
Louise Champagne (My Fallout 3 Oc) Stimboard For Me :3 He Is Mentally Unwell . I Love Him So Much . He
Louise Champagne (My Fallout 3 Oc) Stimboard For Me :3 He Is Mentally Unwell . I Love Him So Much . He
Louise Champagne (My Fallout 3 Oc) Stimboard For Me :3 He Is Mentally Unwell . I Love Him So Much . He
Louise Champagne (My Fallout 3 Oc) Stimboard For Me :3 He Is Mentally Unwell . I Love Him So Much . He
Louise Champagne (My Fallout 3 Oc) Stimboard For Me :3 He Is Mentally Unwell . I Love Him So Much . He
Louise Champagne (My Fallout 3 Oc) Stimboard For Me :3 He Is Mentally Unwell . I Love Him So Much . He

louise champagne (My fallout 3 oc) stimboard for me :3 he is mentally unwell . i love him so much . he loves officer gomez

sources under cut not in order but labelled

https://www.tumblr.com/babyflurry/743781758807474176/red-shark-stuffed-animal?source=share red yarn

https://www.tumblr.com/stim-burrow/739388511422169088/could-i-bug-you-for-a-grian-stim-board?source=share reed sweater

https://www.tumblr.com/hivernal-stims/744679324837380096/source?source=share champagne

https://www.tumblr.com/raindrop-stimmies/750779935581454336/sparkling-cookie-stimboard?source=share champagne again

https://www.tumblr.com/honeybutterstims/173011676789/champagne-stimboard-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x?source=share more champagne lol

https://www.tumblr.com/dim20-stims/749474569547628544/could-you-do-a-fanny-fawnsworth-please?source=share champagne bubble 

https://www.tumblr.com/dollie-stims/748305478457638913/sally-starlet-themed-stimboard?source=share star

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6 years ago

My heart has such wanderlust it in it. It's no wonder I was drawn to you.

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7 months ago

Can we talk about the parallels between Kellogg and Nate..

They’re both over a hundred years old using technology, while still looking somewhat young.

Wives and babies killed, Shaun always dies.

Killing machines used by powerful forces, the Institute and US military.

Kellogg comments that Sarcastic Nate (which is arguably canon) reminds him of himself.

Nukaworld is basically Nate’s Kellogg arc. GOD BLESS THE U S OF A

What I find interesting about Colonel Autumn is that he's a parallel to the Lone Wanderer in the ways that matter.

Autumn was around 19-20 when most of the people around the Oil Rig died. The Lone Wanderer was 19 when James left the vault, leaving the Overseer to go mad and have security kill a number of Vault dwellers. Either way, both lost everything on those fateful days of their lives.

Both of them have deceased scientist fathers.

When you invert blue, you're left with orange, and in some cases, beige. LW wears a blue jumpsuit, and Autumn wears a beige longcoat.

Both are the de-facto driving forces behind their respective sides. While Owyn and Sarah do stuff with the BoS, more often than not, the LW is the one doing things like getting the G.E.C.K., destroying the mobile Enclave crawler, etc. Despite Eden being President and outranking Autumn, the Colonel is still de-facto leader of the Enclave, and has more control over it than one may initially think. Furthermore, you cross his path at various times in the story because he's actively looking for you. From Project Purity, Vault 87, Raven Rock, and Project Purity again. He is very much active in going against you.

Both of them are President Eden's only (living) confidants that know his secret.

Both get hit by the radiation spike in Project Purity and survive. (LW in Broken Steel)

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