just-a-casual-newtasaur - “Thank you for being my friend”
“Thank you for being my friend”

Just your causal Newt fangirl with anxiety and a British accent to rival the man himself.

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Bloody Lip

Bloody Lip

Bloody lip

Bloody lip (Newt x Reader)

Word Count: 858 words

Warnings: BLOOD, VIOLENCE (sorry for the caps, just wanna make sure y’all know), kissing, jealousy.

Summary: when Gally find out you and Newt are dating you find him less than happy.

(Tysm to, Anonymous for giving the request for this piece! I’m really grateful, this was very fun to write)

you sit next to your best friend, and he watches you closely, his eyes narrowed. “What?” you ask, annoyed.

“I don’t like the way you’re looking at him.” he jerks his head toward the blond boy, laughing with two others, you had indeed been watching.


Gally narrows his eyes, “I don’t like him.”

“You don’t like anyone Gally” you sigh. he grins, “you know me so well.”

“I should hope so.” you stand up, “I’m off to get some food.”

you feel Gally’s eyes on the back of your head as you move meaningfully past the boys.

the blond boy’s eyes meet yours and you flit your eyes to the side. understanding shows in his face and you hear him making an excuse to his friends as you walk off.

you sit on a counter of frypan’s kitchen, waiting for the boy you knew would come. after a moment or two Newt slips through the door, smiling as he sees you. “Hey” he moves towards you.

“How are you”

“Tired.” he sighs a little.

“Too tired to keep meeting me”

he grins, “you know I’ll never be too tired to meet you.”

you share a kiss before Newt clears his throat. “Listen y/n, I think you need to tell Gally about us, he’s pretty much like your brother and he deserves to know”

“Are you kidding, he’d snap you in half.”

Newt laughs quietly, but you keep a serious face, and Newt’s laugh fades.

“Let’s just keep this between us for now, alright.” you say, moving closer to him.

“Bit too late for that now.” you jump away form Newt at the sound of Gally’s voice.

“Oh, Gally, hi” you blush furiously.

Gally’s face is stoney he’s looking at Newt as though he would like to rip him limb from limb.

“Uhm, what are you doing here”

“Don’t act dumb y/n, I’ve been standing here for longer than you think. I’m not stupid, it’s not like I didn’t notice how you both decide to leave at the same time.”

“Listen, Gally.” Newt steps towards him, “me and y/n are just friends, good friends that’s it”

“Oh, Oh” Gally puts his hands on his hips in mock understanding, “Yes, good friends, good friends who kiss each other?”

Newt’s face turns steadily red and he doesn’t answer. “Look, Gally, we didn’t want to tell you because we thought you’d be jealous but me and Newt are dating”

Gally smiles very exaggeratedly and nods making little “oh” sounds. then he grabs Newt, drags him out of the room and throws him into the ground.

you shout in surprise and rush after the pair, seeing Newt trying to get to his feet, wincing in pain. Gally kicks him in the chest, pushing him onto the ground. he kneels beside him and puts his face and inch away form his, “stay away from y/n, you hear me, stay away from her or I’ll break every bone in your body and feed you to a griever.

Newt shrinks away from him, still trying to stand up, but keeping getting pushed down by Gally. “you hear me, blondie.”

Newt shakes his head, “no Gally, you can’t do this”

“Watch me”

he draws back a fist and punches him so hard blood splatters the grass around him. Newt holds his bleeding nose in his hands. you try to rush towards him but you are stopped by Gally’s arm.

“I said you hear me, blondie”

Newt shakes his head again, still looking defiant. Gally swings back his arm again, and punches Newt harder in the face. when he draws back his fist again it’s coated in blood and one of Newts eyes is pressed shut.

“Gally stop”

“I’ll stop when he understands me”

he turned back to Newt, let’s try one more time, “do..you..understand..me……blondie.”

Newt raised his chin in constant defiance, shaking his head and spitting blood out of his mouth onto Gally’s shoe.

Gally draws back his fist again but is stopped before he can punch. he turns to see Thomas holding onto his arm with Minho at his shoulder.

as Gally starts a heated talk with the boys you kneel beside Newt, who’s still cupping his hands over his bleeding lip.

“We need to get you to a medjack.” he nods, letting you help him to his feet. you walk together, seeing the disgusting look Gally throws Newt as you pass.

“Newt,” he looks sideways at you, “thank you, I can’t believe you let yourself get punched to stay with me”

he smiles at you, spitting blood out his mouth before his answers, “of course, I love you, I’m not letting you go for what, a couple scratches and a bruised eye.

“It’s a little more than a couple of scratches but, I appreciate it”

you move towards him and kiss him, not caring when the metallic tang of blood seeps into your mouth.

you don’t know how long you stay there only that the whole time, Gally stares daggers at the two of you, possibly planning the things he would do to Newt next time he got him on his own…

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More Posts from Just-a-casual-newtasaur



Lucky (Newt x Reader)

Word Counter: 688 words

Warnings: hugging, mention of Newt’s incident, injury, mild violence.

Summary: you feel resentment of Newt, thinking he was so lucky, but you had no idea how wrong you were.

you sit apart from the crowd, resting on a log, a book propped open on your lap. your best friend, Thomas, sits beside you, occasionally looking over your shoulder at what you’re reading. a boy walks past you and you stiffen.

hearing a small exasperated sigh, you turn to face your friend, “what?”


“It’s obviously not nothing”

he rests his elbows on his knees, looking after the boy that had just joined the others. “Why do you hate Newt?”

“I don’t-“

“Y/n, don’t try and deny it, it’s obvious”

you narrow your eyes at the back of the boy’s blond head.

“He’s so lucky”

Thomas raises his eyebrows. you cross your arms, “I don’t see how he became second in command, surely someone like Minho would be way better for the job.”

sighing, Thomas keeps his eyes on the crowd. you press on, “he barely does any work, why isn’t he a runner, he seems perfectly capable of it. he just lazes around in the gardens all day while you, me and Minho work our butts off.”

you slap the book closed, not interested in it anymore. “I’m going to bed.”

you walk over to your hut, still in a bad mood. it’s not until you reach the door of your hut when you notice the second pair of quiet footsteps behind you.

you whip around and see Newt standing behind you. “Go away, I’m not in the mood”

he doesn’t answer, just looks at you. “Go!”

“Y/n, why are you angry at me, what did I do wrong?” he sounds confused with hurt and coldness edging his voice.

“Nothing, now leave me alone”

he doesn’t move, just looks at you in a mix of pity and sadness. you feel a flare of anger and walk straight up to him, until the two of you are inches away from each other.

“I said leave, I’m not going to ask again”


you shove him hard, sending him tumbling on the grass.

“LEAVE ME ALONE!” you shout at him so loudly that a crowd starts to gather around the two of you.

the end of one of Newt’s trousers legs has slid up his leg and you see several awkward bends in his ankle that you have never noticed before.

“what happened to your leg?”

“Nothing” Newt hastily pulls down the leg of his trousers.

“It looks broken”

“It’s nothing.” he stands up and begins walking away.

“I can’t believe you. and you wonder why I hate you” you add in a mumble.

Newt spins around to face you, his face angry, with a shadow masking his usually gentle features.

“You wonder why I’m not a runner. huh? you wonder why I ‘laze around in the gardens’.” he pulls up his trouser leg, showing the unnatural bends again.

“I was a runner. I was a runner until this stopped me. now I’m stuck with this leg. I wish I could keep running. but I bloody can’t.” his voice rises steadily.

“next time before you hate someone, get to know them first.”

he lets his trouser leg drop and walks away, now that you thought about it, with a small limp.

silence rings in your ears and you look around at the faces. all either shocked, angry or confused.

you sprint around the back of your hut, away from the staring. tears prick your eyes as you start sprinting towards the disappearing shadow of the boy.

when you get close enough you slam into him, hugging him tightly. he stumbles slightly, but catches himself. turning to look at you, you see the cold look on his face melt as he sees tears streaming down you face.

“I’m sorry”

he takes your cheeks in his hands and wipes away the tears with his thumbs. “It’s alright,” he pulls you into him, hugging you, “you’re alright.”

you stand there, hugging in the moonlight, voices echoing in the distance behind you. burying your face in his neck, you feel tears drop slowly down your face as you take shaky breaths.

“It’s alright.” Newt’s voice whispers soothingly in your ear, “I’ve got you.”

(Btw, I’m on holiday so if my upload schedule is a bit wacky, that’s why, there isn’t much signal here)

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Banished (Newt x Reader) (what a surprise)

Word Count: 862 words

Warnings: I guess mild violence

Summary: you are banished (why? idk I was too lazy to think of a reason, so feel free to come up with your own)

your breath is ragged and rasping as you are dragged towards the circle of boys. ropes bind your wrists, cutting into your skin. Minho holds tight to the twine, keeping your arms stuck behind the back of your head.

you twist around to look at the boy, he keeps his eyes away from yours, looking like he doesn’t know who you are. though this was the common practice when someone was stung. when someone was banished.

“Minho.” you say in a quiet voice, “Minho you don’t understand,”

you know there is no point trying to dissuade any of them but you were, in truth, desperate. there was nothing that awaited you out there but a lonely, long, painful death.

Minho doesn’t answer or look at you, he keeps his eyes fixed forwards as he walks towards the circle.

as you draw nearer, a somber silence presses in on you, the keepers and glader’s faces are filled with either, hostility, a numb stare, or pity.

yet your eyes seek only one. you spot him, as expected, next to the other keepers, knuckles white on the long stick he held and looking just about ready to crumble into a pile of dust right there and then.

Minho drags you into the middle of the circle and pushes you onto your knees, holding your arms above your head and putting the knife up to it.

he cuts the rope and you fall forwards onto the ground. you watch Minho’s boots move in front of you and here a thump as he throws a bag of stuff that you all know won’t do anything to stop a griever eating anyone.

though it was customary. banishing was not exactly enjoyable experience, and if they had to sentence a child to death they at least wanted to try and help them.

if you were stung you were not sent to death. no, you were sent away to protect the others. and you were sure, if your mind were working properly, you would oblige if it meant keeping the others safe.

however, no such same thoughts occurred to you as the deafening sound of the door closing echoes around the entire glade. feeling your already broken mind break even more, you here Ably’s shout above the sound.

“Hold!” the keepers lower their staffs and point them at you, the gladers doing the same with long pointed sticks. there was no way out.

“No, no please.” your son is lost in the shaking wind and rattling of the doors. you get shakily to your feet, looking around at all of the gladers. the people who you thought were your friends.

no, no they were your friends, that small, still sane part of you pipes up, they were trying to protect the others.

“Move in!” Alby’s second shout breaks your train of thought. the keepers start advancing on you, herding you towards the steadily closing doors. you back away looking at the faces of the keepers.

Zart…Frypan, looking like he was attending a funeral…Alby…Gally, whose face was filled with hostility…Winston…and then the boy you most wanted to see.

Newt looked as though he was about to faint, unlike the other he had not made the move yet to close in on you, Alby nudges him and he starts moving forwards, looking as he did so that he regretted every step.

you are right in between the wall, between the glade and the maze. your eyes lock onto Newt’s who dark insides looked both sick with terror and wet with tears.

“Newt.” you say quietly, yet you are sure everybody can hear you, “Newt please. please.” tears run down your face.

your plea gets more desperate as you are shoved further into the maze, “Please!”

you are in the maze now, and the keepers are drawing their staffs back into the glade, watching you gravely.

Newt looks to be fighting some painful internal struggle. only about a metre is left between the two walls.

you look, terrified, at the gladers as the gap closes. a shout rises from the crowd as do several protests. Newt breaks free of the group and sprints towards you.

Alby dives for him and tackles him to the ground, pulling his arms behind his back and trying to stop him from running at you.

“Get off me!” Newt’s shout is lost in the cries of surprise and gasps from the crowd, as he writhes desperately, kicking his friend hard in the leg.

Alby lets go of him, gasping in surprise and pain. Newt sprints towards you again, ignoring the many outcries of, “Newt!”, “stop!”, “she’s not worth it!”

wasn’t that hard to identify who the last voice belonged to. he slams into you, hugging you tightly before turning to look back at the shocked faces, some still trying to figure out what had just happened.

the last thing you see is Thomas, Minho and Alby looked sadly at the two of you, before the large doors slam shut, and you’re lost in the dark.

the two of you stand in the dark, arms wrapped around each other, breathing heavily and taking in what had just happened.

(Preparing some Newtmas fanfics, exciting)

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Golden (newt x gn!reader)

Word Count: 529 (sorry it’s so short)

Warnings: hints at being naked

Summary: the boy told you to wake him at sunrise but you find yourself not wanting to.

the golden light of the sun peers over the gigantic walls, turning the sky a honey colour.

you stand in the doorway of the hut, wondering what to do. Newt had told you last night to wake him if he wasn’t up by sunrise, but the peaceful look on his face made you not want to.

the yellow light of the sun shines onto his face, turning his hair, which was growing fast and covering part of his face, a beautiful golden colour. it rustles with every steady breath giving it a feeling of being alive.

freckles splash his pale face making it look as though small fireflies dance across his cheeks and nose.

his thin pink lips are turned up in a small smile, no doubt he was dreaming of a better place than here.

but that was not the only reason that you do not wish to wake him. he looked so relaxed and content that a soft yellow glow seemed to emanate from him, only another thing that made him look like an angelic, ethereal being.

you walk slowly into the room, not wanted to rouse the sleeping boy, but knowing you have to.

“Newt.” you breathe, half hopping that he won’t wake.

he groans a little and curls further into the hammock.

“Newt.” you move closer to him, brushing hair his from his closed eyelids. his blond eyelashes flutter and he opens them, showing slightly bleary chocolate irises.

“y/n? what are you doing here?” he runs a hand through his hair, unsticking strands of it from his face.

“you told me to wake me up at sunrise.” you roll your eyes, chuckling slightly.

“Yeah well…” he pauses for a moment, “thanks”

you smile, “you better get out of bed.”

he groans again, burying his face in a pillow before resurfacing and swinging his legs over the side of the hammock.

“I’ll leave while you get dressed.”

“I don’t mind if you stay.”

“nice try,” you smirk and kiss him on the cheek, “I’ll be waiting outside.”

after a minute or two, Newt slips out of the hut, looking much less exhausted. the two of you walk across towards the hall where Frypan’s kitchen attached to the hall where the gladers ate.

the golden sky was now splashed with blue, and the sun was higher, sitting serenely on the gigantic walls.

swift footsteps run towards you, and you turn to see Thomas skid to a stop next to the blond boy.

“you two getting breakfast?” he doesn’t wait for an answer, “that’s nice. listen,” he lowers his voice even though there are no other people around, “Alby needs you Newt, he wants all the keepers and well you,” he adds somewhat apologetically, “to meet him in the map room.”

Newt looks back at you and your mouth tilts into a smile, “I think I’ll be alright eating breakfast by myself for once.”

he smiles and follows Thomas towards the map room, leaving you to watch them for a moment before spinning on your heel and making your way towards the large hall. wondering all the way, what Newt would have to tell you when he returned.

(Sorry it’s short and rubbish, I have writers block, whoop whoop 🎉)

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I’m going to do something for requests. If you don’t want to request a specific thing then u can just request a word and I’ll write the first thing that comes to mind when I think of that word. :)



Greenie (Newt x Reader)

Word Count: 576 words

Warnings: don’t think there is any, but just be aware because I’m not good at spotting these

Summary: by the time Newt gets out of the Medjack’s hut, he finds there is a new greenie, you.

(I’ve put (prompts) in here that you can customise depending on what applies to you, to make this feel a little more personal. just trying this out cause this is my first Newt POV)

Newt POV (gasp exciting 😱)

I sit between two other gladers, elbows on my knees and hands twisted in my lap. Minho and Tommy sits beside me.

“So, did you two find anything new today?” I say.

they shake their head, and I sigh, “How did Alby do without me.” I smile.

Tommy laughs, “you were in the medjack hut for like three days, not much has changed.

Minho looks at his friend in mock disbelief, “what on earth are you talking about Thomas, you didn’t see him bawling his eyes out when his little gardener got punched by Gally.”

“I hear he’s still in the slammer.” I sit forwards in my seat. Minho grins, “you think Alby would let him get away with what he did, not only punching you but talking rubbish about this ugly shank” he gestures to Tommy and he smiles.

just at that moment, a person that I had never seen before strolled past me. I find myself turning in my seat to follow them with my eyes.

they walk confidently past, flicking their, (colour of your hair) hair, out of their eyes.

I turn back to the other two and jerk my thumb at the newbie. “Who’s that?”

“New greenie, arrived here about two days ago, you were still with the medjacks”

I turn back to look at them, laughing with some of the others. “What’s their name?” I don’t take my eyes off them.


“y/n” I find myself smiling, “that’s a really nice name”

“It is” Minho agrees, grinning at my face.

“You’re not usually this interested in the greenie Newt” Tommy is watching me closely and I force my face to become straight.

“I’m going to go and introduce myself”

I stand up, and see the others grin at each other as I walk over to the greenie.

“Hey.” I raise a hand and the newbie turns towards me.

they smile, “hi, I haven’t seen you around here, are you new too”

I have to stop myself from laughing, “no, I’m one of the people who’ve been here longest”

they nod their head and outstretch their hand, “my name is y/n, and yours is?”

“Newt.” I take their hand and shake it.

“Newt, Newt” they murmur, then they snap their fingers, “yes I remember you, those two over there,” they gesture towards Minho and Tommy, “told me about you”

“Oh really, what did they say.” I find myself expecting the worst.

“They told me you are second in command, and you help around when Alby can’t lead this lot. the brown haired one,” they point to Tommy, “told me you’re nice.”

I find my hopes lifting despite myself. “and the black haired one,” my heart sinks, “told me you’re an ugly shank, whatever that means.”

I look at Minho who is smiling innocently. “I don’t think you’re ugly though.” I look back at them and see them blinking (colour of your eyes) eyes. “you don’t?”


I find myself smiling, “I don’t think you’re ugly. I think you’re pretty. your hair is very pretty and your eyes are beautiful”

they start blushing, turning away with a hand over their mouth.

“Well, I’ll see you around y/n.” I start to walk away, back to Tommy and Minho, smiling goofily.

I sit between them. “so, how did your two get on.” Minho kicks one of his legs over the other.

I grin at him, “that’s the one for me!”

(Hope you like this, I tried something different, I’m sorry if it’s not great, I’m trying to learn as I go)

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