Newt X Y/n - Tumblr Posts

The Glade
The Glade (newt x fem!reader)
Word Count: 587 words
Warnings: threats, mild violence
Summary: you arrive in the box, with no idea where or who you are
you open your eyes. not much changes. you’re met with pure blackness. a rattling greets your ears and you feel that you’re rising upwards. you appear to be in a lift.
dark objects hit you. something that feels like leaves and what must be a crate. that’s when the panic set in.
what’s is going on? where are you? who are you?
you begin to shout. hoping that someone, anyone will hear you. of course no one does. then the rattling stops. you look around for a moment until a hatch above you opens and light floods into your prison.
covering your eyes with your arms, you look at the inside of your eyelids, tinged with red. voices bombard you, boys by the sound of it. you can only make out a few words they are saying.
“It’s a girl”
“Yeah, a girl”
“What’s a girl doing here”
you blink rapidly as someone jumps down beside you. opening your eyes fully you see a boy of about 16 smiling down at you with a hand outstretched, “hey greenie, name’s Newt, welcome to the glade.”
rising slowly to your feet, you look around, faces look back at you, all boys, all about the same age as Newt except for a few, 12-13, by the looks for them.
Newt climbs out of the pit looking thing you’d just come up in, tossing his blond hair out of his dark eyes. he twists his fingerless gloves in his hands, brushing dust from his trousers. he reaches down for you and pulls you gently after him. you look down to find your footing and see that one of Newt’s legs is bent in an awkward angle, and he is not putting weight on it.
“I know you probably have a lot of questions but just wait until we get away from this lot and I’ll answer them”
you nod silently tearing your eyes away from his leg and, follow the boy as he pushes through the crowd. “I call dibs on her” a voice rises above the crowd and an unknown person grabs your arm.
you give a small exclamation of surprise and Newt turns. the unknown boy tries to drag you into the crowd but Newt pushes his way past you and grabs him by the front of his shirt, lifting him onto his toes. he puts his face about an inch away from the other’s.
“Do that again shank and I’ll snap your neck in half”
“That would be breaking one of the rules Newt.”
yet another boy joins the crowd, smiling. “Alby, he tried to drag the new greenie off.”
“Maybe, but I don’t want to have to banish you, so don’t make me”
Newt drops the boys shirt, shoots him such a look of hatred and contempt he recoils slightly, and makes his way to you and Alby.
Alby pats him on the back, and starts shouting orders getting the boys to haul the crates and strange leafy things, which turned out to be carrots, out the pit.
“right, I spect’ you’re pretty confused, firstly, can you remember your name, only that seems to be the only thing anyone can remember when they come up in the box”
you think for a moment then reply, “y/n, my name’s y/n”
“y/n, that’s a nice name” he smiles at you. “I know you’re probably confused but we’re all in the same boat. no idea where the bloody hell we are, only we call this place the glade.”

I really like you
I really like you (Newt x Reader)
Word Count: 665 words
Warnings: kissing, eavesdropping, romantic stuff (why are these hard to write)
Summary: when you overhear a conversation with Thomas and Newt, you find out he feels the same way about you, as you do to him.
you press your back up against the hut, listening hard to the two murmuring voices. sighing in quiet frustration, you move closer so you’re nearly visible from behind the wall.
“..listen, I know your going to deny it, but hear me out”
Thomas’s hushed whisper sounds from where he was sitting with another boy.
Newt’s apprehensive voice drifts towards you, “go on”
after a deep breath, Thomas says, “you like y/n, don’t you”
you peep your head around the hut and the little of the blond boy’s face that you can see is slowly turning a deep shade of red.
“I don’t know what you’re-”
“Seriously Newt. do you honestly think that you’re convincing anyone. you really aren’t. you turn as red as a tomato every time you look at her.”
he looks at his hands twisted in his lap and mumbles something you cannot hear. Thomas laughs, “you should go up to her, talk to her, at least look at her.”
“I can’t”
Thomas looks at him in exaggerated disbelief, “you got your leg snapped in three different places, you would run into a griever to save someone else and you’re scared of a girl”
Newt doesn’t answer.
“And what is more” Thomas raises his voice a little, “she’s standing right behind that hut, listening to our every word”
you hear a soft thump, and when you turn the corner you see Newt on the floor, evidently having just fallen.
Thomas is wearing a grin as he watches Newt’s face, as expected, turning red.
“oh hey y/n” he didn’t meet your eyes, staring at the ground. Thomas slaps his hands together, grinning, “ahh, here comes Minho now, I better go meet him.”
you know perfectly well that Minho was, at that moment, working with Chuck to sneak food out of frypan’s fridge, due to walking directly past the pair, hearing their whispered commands. not where Thomas was pointing.
Thomas walks off, grinning so widely the corners of his mouth almost touch his ears. you watch him leave and see Newt do the same.
scuffing the ground with the toe of your shoe, you click your tongue and look at the sky.
“Listen,” you look the boy in the eyes, “I’m not going to beat around the bush here, but,” you take a breath, “is it true you like me, or was it just a joke”
you look at your fingers. after a few moments Newt speaks, “No, no its not a joke. I like you y/n”
you find yourself surprised and look up at him, to find him, for the first time, ever you suppose, looking at you in the eyes. you stare at each other for a few moments, or maybe it’s several years, staring deep into his dark eyes, gentle and soft.
almost as though you’d planned it, you both start moving towards each other. you keep moving until you’re almost touching foreheads, not breaking eye contact.
“I like you y/n. I really like you.”
you smile at him, and reach for his hand, “I really like you too”
and then your lips were pressed together, swaying on the spot, hands intertwined. you close your eyes, lost in your own world. no maze, no glade, nobody but you and the blond boy.
you reach your arms around him and pull him closer, wrapping your arms around his neck. his hands move down to your hips as you continue to spin on the spot.
eventually, after what feels like several sunlit years, you break apart. Newt’s face is redder than ever and a wide smile is spreading across his face. he laughs and brushes a hair away from your eyes.
a loud, distant whoop sounds from a ways away, and you turn to see Thomas, jumping up and down, shouting, “he did it, he did it.”
Newt looks at you and rolls his eyes, smiling, as Thomas keeps shouting, his voice echoing past you and Newt’s once more intertwined bodies. “He did it, He did it, He did it!”

I love you too
I love you too (Newt x Reader)
Word count: 724 words
Warnings: cuddling, arguing, mention of Newt’s incident
Summary: when you decide to become a runner, Newt is less than happy.
(Hi, just wanna say, I’m currently working on a big fanfic, so keep an eye out for that)
(Also I’m posting two fanfics today because it’s the start of the summer holiday for me, so, 😁)
you pound on the door, Thomas standing at you shoulder watching you. “Newt, I know you’re in there, come out.” you can hear him moving around on the other side of the door, but it does not open.
looking over to Thomas, you see him chewing his lip, looking anxiously and sympathetically at the door. you continued to hit the door with your now aching fists, shouting his name.
eventually the lock clicks and the door creaks open a little, with Newt’s face, half hidden in shadow, looking out of it.
you open your mouth, but he holds up his hand. “Listen, I know you want to be a runner, but,” he breathes deeply, “y/n, I know what’s in that maze, it’s more dangerous than you could ever imagine”
he cuts you off as you open your mouth again to retort, “yes, I know, your not stupid, but I know you, if someone else was dying, you would run to try and save them, wouldn’t you”
you don’t answer him, the truth was you would, it often was the only reason he was furious with you. running in to try and save him from anything and usually getting hurt yourself.
“y/n, you need to listen to me, if you’re going to do this, I want you to know something.” he looks at you in the eyes, seriousness glistening in his own. “y/n, if someone gets caught by a griever and you have the opportunity, you can’t save them.”
“that stupid, we have the cure, why not save them”
“If a griever catches you, you’re dead, no matter whether you’re a greenie or someone like Minho, you’re dead.”
he looks grimly at Thomas and you look at him too. he’s looking grave, and you can see what he’s saying is true.
“Newt” Thomas speaks for the first time, “y/n can take care of herself, and if not, I’ll take care of her”
Newt flares up instantly, “don’t Thomas, you won’t always be able to. you know how it works, only when your a greenie do you move in a group, rest of the time your alone. what do you think she’ll do if she sees someone caught by a griever. huh? go on say it.”
Thomas doesn’t answer or look at his friend.
“That’s what I thought”
Newt looks back over to you, “it’s not that I don’t trust you y/n,” he puts a hand of your shoulder but you push him away.
“It’s pretty obvious that you don’t trust me.”
hurt and frustration flashes in his dark eyes and he says in a loud voice, “I’m scared y/n, what do you think I’d do if you died. what do you think I’d do without you”
you know exactly what he was getting at, and shut your mouth tightly, blinking rather rapidly.
he opens the door more and holds his arms open, with you walking into them. he pulls you into him and lets you bury your head in his chest. “hey, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you, I’m just worried about you” he breathes into your ear, stroking you hair.
you hug him tightly, “I’m glad you care about me, but I can do it, Thomas’ll look after me”
Thomas laughs, “if I don’t I’ll get snapped in half by yours truly.” you laugh, a little shakily, still wrapped in Newt’s arms.
“hey, do you want to stay with me tonight.” you nod and Thomas quickly leaves after a good night, as Newt carries you, bridal style, into the room, closing the door with his foot.
he lowers you slowly onto his hammock and climbs in beside you once he’s sure you’re comfortable. after a few minutes of laying in silence, Newt says in an anxious voice, “are you alright y/n, are you still upset”
“I’m alright”, you turn over to face him, and see his eyes streaked with worry. he reaches for your hand, “good, look I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that, it was tactless.”
“no, no, no” you cup his cheek in your hand, “it was honest, it might be sad, but it was the truth, and the truth can be sad.”
he strokes your hand with his thumb and looks at you silently, after a moment he whispers, “I love you y/n.”
you smile, “I love you too.”

It’s all my fault
It’s all my fault (Newt x Reader)
Word Count: 1074 words
Warnings: kissing, violence, injury, mentions of Newt’s incident, blood
Summary: when you break your ankle in the maze, you notice something in Newt’s eyes
the clicking of a griever sounds from behind you and you run as fast as you can away from it. glancing over your shoulder you see the creature crawling after you. you know you can’t run away from it forever.
taking a deep breath you look towards the wall of ivy. you grip a particularly thick one, pull on it and then begin to climb.
the clicking keeps sounding as you climb higher and higher. you climb and climb. that is until your arm slips out of the grip of a string of ivy. you let out a small gasp as you feel your feet slip and tangle in the leaves.
and then you’re falling. you swing on the vines, attached by your ankle before hitting your head hard on the ground, noticing as you did so, the sky darkening. you won’t make it back before the doors close. you won’t make it back at all.
the griever was getting closer. closing your eyes you try and block out the dull ringing in your head.
someone is running towards you, a boy, you think. he gets closer and closer, until your blurred vision can finally make him out.
Minho runs as fast as he can towards you, finally reaching you and grabbing you. he drags you to your feet and hauls you along after him as he runs.
your feet bump along the floor as he keeps dragging you. shouts from a distance, quiet clicking and small grunts from Minho are the only thing you hear.
finally, you turn a corner and see the gladers, crowded around a rapidly closing door. they shout as they spot Minho and you see through your blurred vision, Newt’s face momentarily split into joy then fills with horror as he sees Minho dragging you.
he bounces on the balls of his feet as the two of you stumble towards the group. shouts fight to rise above each other, “hurry!”
“come on, you can do it”
“leave her Minho, save yourself!” you’re almost certain that one was Gally.
then a huge gasp escapes the gladers and you look back to see what had happened. your heart drops into your stomach as you see Newt break free of the crowd and limp as fast as he could towards you.
he reaches you and gently helps Minho carry you. running in a three, you’re arms draped around both Newt and Minho’s shoulders, you race towards the opening.
the loud screeching of the doors closing pierces the air.
Newt unhook your arms from his shoulder and pushes you and Minho in front of him, through the gap. he jumps through after you, only just snatching his leg out the way before it was crushed.
you slump onto the ground and Minho bends down, examining you for any injuries. “I don’t see why you didn’t just leave her Minho.” Gally’s voice murmurs from somewhere behind you.
a loud thump sounds and you turn to see Gally clutching a bleeding nose and Newt, fist splattered with blood and face contorted into a snarl. he moves forwards, and draws his fist back again, “say that again you bloody shank, say it again and see what happens.”
Minho straightens and puts a hand on his shoulder, talking in his ear. Newt shoots a glare at Gally and turns to you, dropping down beside you.
“What happened y/n”
your voice comes out slightly hoarse as you say, “I was being caused by a griever so I climbed the ivy but I fell and hit my head”
you see Newt’s face drain of colour and he looks like he’s going to faint. something is flashing in his eyes, and Minho is looking at his friend anxiously.
he touches his friends arm and Newt grasps at his wrist still looking faint. sucking in a deep breath of forced calm, he looks back at you. you notice his eyes flitting to your ankle.
“y/n, what happened to your ankle”
“My foot got tangled in the ivy as I fell, I think I might have twisted it”
Newt looks at Minho questioningly. Minho looks closer at the ankle, at the sharp bend in it. he holds onto Newts shoulder, takes a breath and says, “y/n, I think it might be broken”
Newt rises to his feet and sprints off towards the wood, stumbling more than usual. Gally looks sniffly after him, muttering darkly.
you look confused at Minho and he sighs, “has Newt never told you how he broke his leg”
you shake your head.
“It was in an accident,” he stresses that word, “similar to yours.” you can tell he is deliberately keeping something out of the story but don’t press him.
“Do I need to see a medjack”
“Their dealing with Ben at the moment and I doubt there is much a medjack can do for you, it’s not bleeding, and we can’t heal it, all I can do is straighten it”
“I saw them do it to Newt’s leg.” he adds at your skeptical look.
after an excruciating few moments, Minho lets you go to ‘rest’, but you have other motives. you limp towards the trees looking for, there.
a boy huddles up against a tree, shaking, either with sobs or shock. you limp closer, calling out his name.
his head jerks towards you and as soon as he notices your ankle, and you limping he rushes towards you, pulling you into a hug.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s my fault, it’s all my fault”
“What are you talking about”
“I said I’d protect you, I promised. I never wanted anyone else, not even Gally, to end up like me.”
you hold his cheeks in your hands, tears streaming down his face and sobs shaking his body. looking into his watery eyes you say, “Newt, I love you how you are, you’re the strongest one of all of us, why would I care if I end up like you”
he opens his mouth to reply but before he can, you pull him into you pressing your lips against his.
you finally break apart and look at him, “understand me?”
“Yeah” he answers quietly.
you pull him back into you, with him kissing you back this time, putting your arms around his neck and him holding your waist. you spin on the spot.
“I love you, you know, I really do”
you smile against his lips, “I know”

Bloody lip
Bloody lip (Newt x Reader)
Word Count: 858 words
Warnings: BLOOD, VIOLENCE (sorry for the caps, just wanna make sure y’all know), kissing, jealousy.
Summary: when Gally find out you and Newt are dating you find him less than happy.
(Tysm to, Anonymous for giving the request for this piece! I’m really grateful, this was very fun to write)
you sit next to your best friend, and he watches you closely, his eyes narrowed. “What?” you ask, annoyed.
“I don’t like the way you’re looking at him.” he jerks his head toward the blond boy, laughing with two others, you had indeed been watching.
Gally narrows his eyes, “I don’t like him.”
“You don’t like anyone Gally” you sigh. he grins, “you know me so well.”
“I should hope so.” you stand up, “I’m off to get some food.”
you feel Gally’s eyes on the back of your head as you move meaningfully past the boys.
the blond boy’s eyes meet yours and you flit your eyes to the side. understanding shows in his face and you hear him making an excuse to his friends as you walk off.
you sit on a counter of frypan’s kitchen, waiting for the boy you knew would come. after a moment or two Newt slips through the door, smiling as he sees you. “Hey” he moves towards you.
“How are you”
“Tired.” he sighs a little.
“Too tired to keep meeting me”
he grins, “you know I’ll never be too tired to meet you.”
you share a kiss before Newt clears his throat. “Listen y/n, I think you need to tell Gally about us, he’s pretty much like your brother and he deserves to know”
“Are you kidding, he’d snap you in half.”
Newt laughs quietly, but you keep a serious face, and Newt’s laugh fades.
“Let’s just keep this between us for now, alright.” you say, moving closer to him.
“Bit too late for that now.” you jump away form Newt at the sound of Gally’s voice.
“Oh, Gally, hi” you blush furiously.
Gally’s face is stoney he’s looking at Newt as though he would like to rip him limb from limb.
“Uhm, what are you doing here”
“Don’t act dumb y/n, I’ve been standing here for longer than you think. I’m not stupid, it’s not like I didn’t notice how you both decide to leave at the same time.”
“Listen, Gally.” Newt steps towards him, “me and y/n are just friends, good friends that’s it”
“Oh, Oh” Gally puts his hands on his hips in mock understanding, “Yes, good friends, good friends who kiss each other?”
Newt’s face turns steadily red and he doesn’t answer. “Look, Gally, we didn’t want to tell you because we thought you’d be jealous but me and Newt are dating”
Gally smiles very exaggeratedly and nods making little “oh” sounds. then he grabs Newt, drags him out of the room and throws him into the ground.
you shout in surprise and rush after the pair, seeing Newt trying to get to his feet, wincing in pain. Gally kicks him in the chest, pushing him onto the ground. he kneels beside him and puts his face and inch away form his, “stay away from y/n, you hear me, stay away from her or I’ll break every bone in your body and feed you to a griever.
Newt shrinks away from him, still trying to stand up, but keeping getting pushed down by Gally. “you hear me, blondie.”
Newt shakes his head, “no Gally, you can’t do this”
“Watch me”
he draws back a fist and punches him so hard blood splatters the grass around him. Newt holds his bleeding nose in his hands. you try to rush towards him but you are stopped by Gally’s arm.
“I said you hear me, blondie”
Newt shakes his head again, still looking defiant. Gally swings back his arm again, and punches Newt harder in the face. when he draws back his fist again it’s coated in blood and one of Newts eyes is pressed shut.
“Gally stop”
“I’ll stop when he understands me”
he turned back to Newt, let’s try one more time, “……blondie.”
Newt raised his chin in constant defiance, shaking his head and spitting blood out of his mouth onto Gally’s shoe.
Gally draws back his fist again but is stopped before he can punch. he turns to see Thomas holding onto his arm with Minho at his shoulder.
as Gally starts a heated talk with the boys you kneel beside Newt, who’s still cupping his hands over his bleeding lip.
“We need to get you to a medjack.” he nods, letting you help him to his feet. you walk together, seeing the disgusting look Gally throws Newt as you pass.
“Newt,” he looks sideways at you, “thank you, I can’t believe you let yourself get punched to stay with me”
he smiles at you, spitting blood out his mouth before his answers, “of course, I love you, I’m not letting you go for what, a couple scratches and a bruised eye.
“It’s a little more than a couple of scratches but, I appreciate it”
you move towards him and kiss him, not caring when the metallic tang of blood seeps into your mouth.
you don’t know how long you stay there only that the whole time, Gally stares daggers at the two of you, possibly planning the things he would do to Newt next time he got him on his own…

Greenie (Newt x Reader)
Word Count: 576 words
Warnings: don’t think there is any, but just be aware because I’m not good at spotting these
Summary: by the time Newt gets out of the Medjack’s hut, he finds there is a new greenie, you.
(I’ve put (prompts) in here that you can customise depending on what applies to you, to make this feel a little more personal. just trying this out cause this is my first Newt POV)
Newt POV (gasp exciting 😱)
I sit between two other gladers, elbows on my knees and hands twisted in my lap. Minho and Tommy sits beside me.
“So, did you two find anything new today?” I say.
they shake their head, and I sigh, “How did Alby do without me.” I smile.
Tommy laughs, “you were in the medjack hut for like three days, not much has changed.
Minho looks at his friend in mock disbelief, “what on earth are you talking about Thomas, you didn’t see him bawling his eyes out when his little gardener got punched by Gally.”
“I hear he’s still in the slammer.” I sit forwards in my seat. Minho grins, “you think Alby would let him get away with what he did, not only punching you but talking rubbish about this ugly shank” he gestures to Tommy and he smiles.
just at that moment, a person that I had never seen before strolled past me. I find myself turning in my seat to follow them with my eyes.
they walk confidently past, flicking their, (colour of your hair) hair, out of their eyes.
I turn back to the other two and jerk my thumb at the newbie. “Who’s that?”
“New greenie, arrived here about two days ago, you were still with the medjacks”
I turn back to look at them, laughing with some of the others. “What’s their name?” I don’t take my eyes off them.
“y/n” I find myself smiling, “that’s a really nice name”
“It is” Minho agrees, grinning at my face.
“You’re not usually this interested in the greenie Newt” Tommy is watching me closely and I force my face to become straight.
“I’m going to go and introduce myself”
I stand up, and see the others grin at each other as I walk over to the greenie.
“Hey.” I raise a hand and the newbie turns towards me.
they smile, “hi, I haven’t seen you around here, are you new too”
I have to stop myself from laughing, “no, I’m one of the people who’ve been here longest”
they nod their head and outstretch their hand, “my name is y/n, and yours is?”
“Newt.” I take their hand and shake it.
“Newt, Newt” they murmur, then they snap their fingers, “yes I remember you, those two over there,” they gesture towards Minho and Tommy, “told me about you”
“Oh really, what did they say.” I find myself expecting the worst.
“They told me you are second in command, and you help around when Alby can’t lead this lot. the brown haired one,” they point to Tommy, “told me you’re nice.”
I find my hopes lifting despite myself. “and the black haired one,” my heart sinks, “told me you’re an ugly shank, whatever that means.”
I look at Minho who is smiling innocently. “I don’t think you’re ugly though.” I look back at them and see them blinking (colour of your eyes) eyes. “you don’t?”
I find myself smiling, “I don’t think you’re ugly. I think you’re pretty. your hair is very pretty and your eyes are beautiful”
they start blushing, turning away with a hand over their mouth.
“Well, I’ll see you around y/n.” I start to walk away, back to Tommy and Minho, smiling goofily.
I sit between them. “so, how did your two get on.” Minho kicks one of his legs over the other.
I grin at him, “that’s the one for me!”
(Hope you like this, I tried something different, I’m sorry if it’s not great, I’m trying to learn as I go)

Can’t sleep?
Can’t sleep? (Newt x Reader)
Word Count: 511 words
Warnings: cuddling, this contains descriptions of a condition (insomnia) that I’m definitely not educated in so if I get any facts wrong please let me know.
Summary: you struggle to fall asleep but you know just who to go to.
(Note: this was requested by Anonymous so I hope they and everyone else like it)
(Also sorry this took ages to post, I’ve been making some clay sculptures recently)
you jerk awake for the third time that night. you grumble and turn over. after a couple of seconds you realise there’s no way you are going to get to sleep.
you sigh in frustration and decide to get some fresh air. pushing open your door, you step out of the hut and take a deep breath of cold night air.
standing there, watching the clouds drift slowly across the moon, you look around at the dark huts. there is no movement around the glade, most of the gladers, no doubt, being asleep.
you sit down and put your chin on your knees, watching the wind ripple the grass. you know you need to sleep, but you won’t sleep back in the hammock you had just left.
getting to your feet you start walking along, between the huts.
strolling between the wooden huts you creep past open door where gentle snoring is drifting out into the night.
your eyes fall on a dark hut, slightly apart from the rest. you move towards it, waiting on the threshold for a couple seconds before pushing open the door.
heavy breathing sounds from a dark corner of the room. you take a moment to let your eyes adjust to the dark.
when it does, you see the shadow of a boy, curled in a hammock with his back to the door.
you walk over to it and shake the boy laying in it, whispering as you do, “Newt.”
the slumped shade groans. you shake him again, “Newt.” the boy lifts his head, squinting at you through bleary eyes.
“No it’s me”
“Y/n.” he brushes tangled hair out of his eyes and rubs them, “what are you doing here, shouldn’t you be sleeping”
“I can’t”
he smiles at you, pretending to be reluctant though you can tell he less than minds. “Fine.” he pats the hammock beside him and you grin, sitting down next to him. dropping back onto his side, you lay down beside him and he wraps his arms protectively around you, stroking your hair soothingly.
he whispers words into your ear, and you feel your eyelids go heavy, faster than you know they would if you were back in your own hut.
Newt yawns hugely but doesn’t shut his eyes until he hears your breathing steady.
sunlight creates a red glow on your eyelids and you blink open your eyes. Newt is already awake, moving around. he smiles at you when he sees your eyes open, watching him.
“How did you sleep”
you yawn. “No matter how well I sleep I’ll be tired”
he moves to sit next to you. “Do you want to go back to sleep.”
“Minho won’t let me skip running”
Newt waves an airy hand, “I’ll handle Minho. you’re obviously exhausted.”
you nod and curl up, Newt’s sweet, earthy smell still prominent in the hammock.
he lets you hold onto his hand as he speaks quiet compliments to you.
you sigh slightly, close your eyes and drift along with the wave of sleep than washes over you.

Welcome to the scorch
Welcome to the scorch (Newt x Reader)
Word Count: 588 words
Warning: cuddling, mentions of death
Summary: getting through the scorch is less than easy and it leaves you questioning if the ‘safe haven’ is even real.
you cup your hands over your eyes, squinting in the sun. after the storm, you had lost most of the quilts in the strong wind.
therefore the precious few you did have, had been dispersed and shared. the shape of Minho and Thomas’ sheet, bobbing up and down, was visible in front of you.
looking sideways at the boy you were sharing a quilt with, you see Newt’s head jerking sideways to look fixedly ahead.
it was obvious he had just been looking at you or past you. you hitch the white sheet higher into the air, wincing as your aching arms give a particularly painful throb.
with each step, your feet sink into the sand, making you have to kick the annoyingly small grains out of your shoes every few seconds until you accepted that you would never be free of the sand.
the scorch stretches on forever. you have to stop yourself from groaning. how did they even know if the safe haven wasn’t just a sick joke of WICKED’s?
your feet sink deeper into the sand, and as you try and pull them out you fall, face first into the dune.
spitting sand out of your mouth, you raise your head at a worried voice. “Are you alright.”
the blond boy stands above you, one hand extended. you take it and he pulls you to your feet.
“Stupid sand”
he smiles, “welcome to the scorch.” you continue walking after the others.
“so what do you think about this whole safe haven thing.” you look sideways at Newt and he looks back at you.
“Might as well try, it’s either die trying, or sit here and wait to be eaten by cranks.”
you nod. “It just doesn’t feel like it’s gonna be this easy. WICKED put us through hell, and now they’re just going to let us get a cure, this easily.”
“We’re tracking across a desert, we lost many friend in that storm. I wouldn’t call this easy.”
the glaring orange sky starts turning steadily to black and finally Minho stops and turns towards the group.
“Alright everyone, stop here and try and get some sleep.”
several people collapse onto the sand, massaging their aching feet. most huddle together under their quilts as a cold wind starts blowing across the dunes.
you sit down on the sand and wrap the quilt more tightly around you and Newt. lying down, you curl up, trying to keep warm, and get comfortable.
looking over your shoulder, you see the boy do the same. both of you curl under the quilt like a heavy white tent.
you shiver a little as cold air drifts under the folds. turning over you see Newt, knees tucked up to his chin and eyes open, swirling shapes into the sand by his head. he looks up at you and you hold each others gaze.
you slowly start shifting closer together. one second, you have your backs pressed together for warmth. the next, you have your head on Newt’s chest as he has his arms wrapped around you, stroking your hair.
after a moment or two, Newt’s breathing goes heavy. you look up into his face. his eyes are closed. you brush a stray strand of hair that is falling in his slightly open mouth. the heavy breathing of gladers and howl of the wind echo around your small tent like quilt.
you roll knot your side and fall asleep, dreaming of green fields, shadowy indistinct faces and a familiar, smiling, blond framed face…
(Just wanna say, if you wanna put in a request for a maze runner character x reader, that isn’t Newt, you can still request them. I’m happy to giving anything a go)

Lucky (Newt x Reader)
Word Counter: 688 words
Warnings: hugging, mention of Newt’s incident, injury, mild violence.
Summary: you feel resentment of Newt, thinking he was so lucky, but you had no idea how wrong you were.
you sit apart from the crowd, resting on a log, a book propped open on your lap. your best friend, Thomas, sits beside you, occasionally looking over your shoulder at what you’re reading. a boy walks past you and you stiffen.
hearing a small exasperated sigh, you turn to face your friend, “what?”
“It’s obviously not nothing”
he rests his elbows on his knees, looking after the boy that had just joined the others. “Why do you hate Newt?”
“I don’t-“
“Y/n, don’t try and deny it, it’s obvious”
you narrow your eyes at the back of the boy’s blond head.
“He’s so lucky”
Thomas raises his eyebrows. you cross your arms, “I don’t see how he became second in command, surely someone like Minho would be way better for the job.”
sighing, Thomas keeps his eyes on the crowd. you press on, “he barely does any work, why isn’t he a runner, he seems perfectly capable of it. he just lazes around in the gardens all day while you, me and Minho work our butts off.”
you slap the book closed, not interested in it anymore. “I’m going to bed.”
you walk over to your hut, still in a bad mood. it’s not until you reach the door of your hut when you notice the second pair of quiet footsteps behind you.
you whip around and see Newt standing behind you. “Go away, I’m not in the mood”
he doesn’t answer, just looks at you. “Go!”
“Y/n, why are you angry at me, what did I do wrong?” he sounds confused with hurt and coldness edging his voice.
“Nothing, now leave me alone”
he doesn’t move, just looks at you in a mix of pity and sadness. you feel a flare of anger and walk straight up to him, until the two of you are inches away from each other.
“I said leave, I’m not going to ask again”
you shove him hard, sending him tumbling on the grass.
“LEAVE ME ALONE!” you shout at him so loudly that a crowd starts to gather around the two of you.
the end of one of Newt’s trousers legs has slid up his leg and you see several awkward bends in his ankle that you have never noticed before.
“what happened to your leg?”
“Nothing” Newt hastily pulls down the leg of his trousers.
“It looks broken”
“It’s nothing.” he stands up and begins walking away.
“I can’t believe you. and you wonder why I hate you” you add in a mumble.
Newt spins around to face you, his face angry, with a shadow masking his usually gentle features.
“You wonder why I’m not a runner. huh? you wonder why I ‘laze around in the gardens’.” he pulls up his trouser leg, showing the unnatural bends again.
“I was a runner. I was a runner until this stopped me. now I’m stuck with this leg. I wish I could keep running. but I bloody can’t.” his voice rises steadily.
“next time before you hate someone, get to know them first.”
he lets his trouser leg drop and walks away, now that you thought about it, with a small limp.
silence rings in your ears and you look around at the faces. all either shocked, angry or confused.
you sprint around the back of your hut, away from the staring. tears prick your eyes as you start sprinting towards the disappearing shadow of the boy.
when you get close enough you slam into him, hugging him tightly. he stumbles slightly, but catches himself. turning to look at you, you see the cold look on his face melt as he sees tears streaming down you face.
“I’m sorry”
he takes your cheeks in his hands and wipes away the tears with his thumbs. “It’s alright,” he pulls you into him, hugging you, “you’re alright.”
you stand there, hugging in the moonlight, voices echoing in the distance behind you. burying your face in his neck, you feel tears drop slowly down your face as you take shaky breaths.
“It’s alright.” Newt’s voice whispers soothingly in your ear, “I’ve got you.”
(Btw, I’m on holiday so if my upload schedule is a bit wacky, that’s why, there isn’t much signal here)

The Homestead
The Homestead (Newt x Reader)
Word Count: 369 words
Warnings: cuddling, kissing, very cringy and sappy writing from me.
Summary: when you have to sleep in the homestead to be safe from the grievers, you find yourself close to a particular blond boy
(Warning: this is very sappy, viewer discretion is advised)
you lie on the floor of the homestead. the boys small snores and the grievers clicking outside, are the only sounds you hear.
turning over, you see the boy you had talked to only hours before, as you planned to sleep next to each other.
you shiver a little as a draft drifts through the boards of the homestead. drawing one of Newt’s jumpers, that he had insisted on lending you, more tightly around you, you see the blond boys eyes flit open.
you look into those dark eyes, as he reaches out a hand. taking it, you put it up by your cheek, not taking your eyes off his.
he inches closer and you let him until your foreheads are touching. stroking your hand with his thumb, he puts his other hand in your hair.
he twirls it in his fingers gently, moving into you and brushing your nose with his lips. you smile and he returns it.
this time you move in and as you press your lips lightly against his, you feel his mouth turn up into a smile.
you feel your chest flutter as he pulls back and looks at you with warmth in his dark eyes.
you pull him closer and wrap your arms around him. he puts his head next to your ear and breathes, “we’ll be out of here before you know it love”
“I wouldn’t mind staying here for a little longer.” you smile at him and see a wide grin spreading across his face, even in the dark.
you move closer together so you’re pressed up against each other.
and then you’re kissing again, more passionately than you can remember. you hold his arm that wraps around you.
he whispers to you, soft strings all slurring into a warm hum in your head.
you hear an annoyed voice, “can you two lovebirds keep it down, some of us,” Minho stresses the word ‘some’, “are trying to sleep.”
“Sorry” Newt say, but he doesn’t sound at all sorry.
Minho grumbles something about there being a time and a place as he turns over.
you press your forehead against the boys and he closes his eyes, sighing quietly.
“Good night y/n”

Deal (Newt x Reader)
Word Count: 1861 words
Warnings: injury, gore, blood, mentions of self harm
Summary: your worst, most terrifying memory
(I’m back with some 3k+ word fanfics that I’ll be posting soon :3)
if someone were to ask anyone what their scariest memory is, they may say multiple contenders. stormy nights, darkness, death.
but for you, there is no question, no contender.
it was one of those stories that you could only relive when clutched in Newt’s arms, where you were safest. one of those stories that still woke you at night. like most stories, the day started like any other.
you’re running, running alone, which is, granted, not normal for you, but still running as usual.
the reason for you running alone was that the person you would usually run with had gotten the morning off.
it is lonely, but you know that your friend is exhausted. black always seems to be peeking out from under his eyes, and he will often zone out when you’re talking to him.
Newt was probably resting at that moment, you thought as you run, though the last you had seen of him, he seemed to be walking in the opposite direction of the huts.
the sun, previously high in the sky, was now sinking slowly. deciding it would be a good idea to head back, you retrace your steps, trying to remember the turns you took to get where you just were. it was at one of the last turns where you heard it. a pained scream and cry for help, mingled into one horrifying symphony.
straining your ears to recognise the voice, you finally pick out Alby, sounding more worried than you had ever heard him. you start sprinting, rushing forwards and skidding to a halt when you reach the glade. your eyes scanning the area, looking for anything unusual.
the first thing you notice was that everyone seemed to be still, looking towards a point out of your field of vision. frozen, arms suspending unidentifiable objects.
you look over to your right where everyone’s eyes seem to be resting. your heart seems to drop, stopping to rest, somewhere in your stomach. two boys hobble along, arms around each other’s shoulders. one of them is leaning heavily on the other, holding his leg at an awkward angle.
the boy has sandy hair. very familiar sandy hair. “Newt!” you start running towards the pair, the second boy, now he was closer, turning out to be Alby, as you had suspected.
Newt looks up, a pained, slightly confused expression on his face. Alby doesn’t look at you, but pushes past, shouting.
“Medjack, Medjack now!” Clint and another medjack you didn’t know the name of, skid into view.
“What happened.” you bite your lip, looking at the blond boy.
Ably ignores you, pushing people out of the way in his effort to get his friend to the medjacks.
you follow the two, running to keep up with Alby, who is practically carrying Newt. “Get out of the way!” he shouts at a young boy, frozen in place. kicking open the door, Alby lays Newt on a table and the boy crys out in pain.
the medjack’s rummages around, silver instruments and bottles of strange liquids rattling in their arms. Clint approaches Newt, who was letting out small gasps of pain.
he rolls up his trouser leg gently and Newt gives a pained shout. you look down at the leg, your breakfast nearly making a reappearance.
a bloody, mangled, mess, sits where skin once was, sharp bends makes spikes in the previously straight leg.
“hold him down.” Clint puts his hands
on either side of his injured leg. you hold onto Newt’s other leg and Alby pushes his shoulders and arms down.
Newt’s pale face looks up at Clint, like a small child, that had fallen over and scraped their knee. he mouths something nobody can pick out before the medjack bends the leg back into a straight line.
and then Newt made the sound that still haunts your dreams. he screams. not the type of scream you hear in one of those horror movies. a terrible, earsplitting, glass breaking, scream.
the boy starts writhing underneath him, trying to free his other leg from your grasp. the other medjack runs forward and holds down his injured leg so Clint can dab something foul smelling onto it.
he steps back to admire his work. “it won’t heal completely, but this is the best I can do.” Clint picks up a jar and fills a syringe with the contents.
looking at Newt’s arms, he holds one down and jabs the needle into it, pressing down on the pump.
Newts wild thrashes slow, getting more and more tired until he is still.
the medjack sighs and presses a wet towel into you hand, “mop him up, will you.” you nod silently.
Alby has his hands twisted together and he looks more scared than you had ever seen him. he mutters something about finding Minho and hurries from the room.
you drag a chair up beside Newt and begin to gently mop the blood from his leg. you could feel your eyes pricking slightly, as you look into the face of the boy.
you don’t know how long you sat there. an hour, a day, perhaps several weeks. but suddenly Newt’s lips started moving. barley parting, but definitely moving.
a small rasp escapes his mouth, “y/n.” you look down at Newt, who’s lips were moving silently, eyes pressed shut.
“y/n.” he says again.
“yes. yes I’m here.” you hold onto the boy’s hand.
Newt’s eyes flutter open, looking slightly confused. “y/n?”
you nod. and Newt shakes his head.
“no. no. no you can’t be here.”
“what do you-“
“no. I’m dead. you shouldn’t be here.”
you feels your eyes prick with tears. you suck in a breath. “you’re not dead Newt, you’re alive.”
“but, I jumped. I should be dead. why am I not dead?”
your breath catches in your throat as you try to answer. swallowing, you blink away the tears in his eyes.
“you’re alright, you’re safe.”
“no. I can’t be, I don’t want to be. I-“ he stops, still looking confused.
the two of you sit in silence, “I want to be dead.”
you look at him and he blinks at you, a dazed look in his eyes. it was like he didn’t fully recognise you. his eyes were swimming and you could almost see, in your inner eye, the pale boy in front of you, jumping, ending it all.
it was too much. you feel the tears dripping down your cheeks. twisting the blood soaked towel in your hands you bow your head and watch tears fall into you lap.
“why are you crying?”
you wipe at your eyes with a sleeve, looking back into his dark eyes. “you say you want to die. you want to end it. you tried to. but if you ended it,” you take a shaky breath, “I cant-, I don’t want-“ your words fumble over each other in your effort to tell him what you need him to know.
“I can’t do this without you Newt.” you feel his eyes on you and you sigh a little, “I’m sorry, I should be the one comforting you, it’s obvious you need it.”
“Maybe we can comfort each other at the same time.”
he gently pushes himself to a sitting position and pulls you into a hug. you put a head on his shoulder and he does the same on yours. both of you sit there for several minutes, each thinking.
you try to put as much feeling into the hug as you can, for sheer words cannot express the many emotions that bubble inside you.
then, still not speaking, you break apart and you sit back on the chair, drawing it a little closer to the table. you pick up the towel and keep mopping up Newt’s leg.
Clint walks in, “ah good, it’s looking better already. I’ll wrap it up and then you can sleep here for tonight.”
he takes out some tightly wrapped bandages from a drawer and walks towards Newt. he grips your hand as Clint ties the white fabric, gently yet firmly, around the wound.
“it won’t do much to fix the bone, but we can try heal the skin. it’s the best we can do.”
Newt looks up at him and opens his mouth, Clint answers before he can speak however, not meeting his eyes. “no. I’m sorry Newt, but you won’t be able to be a runner anymore.”
you see him nod but can see in his eyes that he has gone numb.
stroking the back of his hand, you watch ad Clint begins walking back to the door, “get him into bed will you y/n, and then let him get some rest. you can go back to your hut after that if you want.”
he pushes open the door and walks into the darkened sky. standing up, you turn to face Newt, “we need to get you into a bed, are you okay to move.”
he nods but as you pull him upright, an arm around your shoulder, you see his already pale face whiten, making his blond hair look odd next to the bright white skin.
you hobble along and when you drop him gently onto the bed, he sighs. tucking the sheets around him, you start to move away, like Clint had told you.
“y/n” he reaches out and arm and holds onto the sleeve of your jumper. you take his hand in yours. “stay. please.”
you nod and begin to drag the chair next to his bed but he pats the bed beside him. gratefully, you climb in beside him and he throws the sheet over both of you, making sure to keep his bandaged leg out of the fabric.
you face each other, foreheads pressed lightly together and hands clasped. both of you look into each others eyes, gentle brown meeting soft (colour of your eyes).
the sky outside the window becomes flecked with stars as the two of you lay there together.
“why are you doing this?”
“doing what?”
“why do you still care about me?”
“because I love you Newt, I love you more than anything, and if you died-“
you can’t finish that sentence. the lump in your throat has returned.
swallowing hard, you force yourself to continue talking. he needs to know.
“if you died, I don’t think I could do it.”
“do what?”
the two of you are silent for another moment. you break the silence, you have to know, “Newt, you won’t try it again?”
he takes a moment to answer, “no.” it’s a flat answer and you’re not fully convinced.
“how am I supposed to know that you won’t?”
he smiles softly, the first one you had seen from him in god knows how long.
“Because, now I have a reason to live.”
“and what exactly is that?”
“to keep you going.”
“that goes both ways.”
you’re smiling now, “let’s make a deal.”
“you keep going and I keep going. deal?”
you inch closer to each other noses brushing, then lips brushing.
he puts his lips next your ear and you can hear the small smile in his whispered voice.

Black Veins
Black Veins (newt x gn!reader)
Word Count: 695 words
Warnings: Spoilers, pretty sure that’s it
Summary: you’ve been distancing yourself after finding out you’re not immune, but you’re less alone than you think.
(Requested by anonymous)
(Check out @PandaPlayz on Pinterest who I got this idea from)
you watch the crowd from a distance, hands clasped in your lap and eyes set on the people talking and laughing together. you blow a stray strand of hair out of your eyes and push yourself to your feet.
with one more glance behind you, you slip out of the door into a hallway with doors on either end. WICKED never failed to disappoint you with needlessly advanced, well everything, you think to yourself as an automatic door slides open the second you approach it.
you walk down the long echoing hallway with doors lining it, looking for the room a WICKED employee in a white suit had shown you to when you arrived. when you are about to reach it, a voice sounds from behind you.
“you seemed in a hurry to get away.”
you don’t even jump. you knew that he would follow you. knew he’d notice you slip away.
“What do you want Newt?” you sigh, turning to face him, arms crossed.
“I want to know why you’ve been keeping away from everyone. you’ve been acting strange.”
“I just, need some time to myself.”
he continues to look concerned and you force a smile and relax against the door, “I’m fine, honestly Newt”
but you could tell he didn’t believe you. you knew he wouldn’t leave until you told him the truth. you sigh again, “Alright, you win. I’m not fine.”
“Well what’s wrong?”
in answer you roll up a leg of your trousers to reveal black veins, snaking up your leg. at first he looks confused and then you see horror cross his face.
“Turns out I’m not immune.” you try to sound casual but your voice is shaking slightly. he opens his arms and you walk into them. pulling you close to him, he whispers, “shh, shh” as you start to sob.
“Newt, I don’t want to be a crank.” you know it sounds childish, but too many emotions are swelling inside you too worry about that now.
“I know, I know, listen” he holds you at arms length and looks you in the eyes. waiting for you to calm yourself, he makes sure the tears have stopped before pulling up a sleeve of his jacket.
you feel your heart fall into your stomach as you see the same dark veins across his arm. he smiles at you, his dark eyes swimming, “if we’re going to be cranks, at least we won’t be alone.”
then your arms are wrapped around each other again. you bury your face in his chest as he does the same in the crook of your neck.
you stand there in the middle of the hall, not even noticing the footsteps making their way towards the two of you.
“What’s going on?” Minho’s voice echoes towards you, sounding worried, which was not usual for him. no doubt seeing Newt cry would be worrying for anyone but you.
next to none of time Newt cries in front of anyone, unless he had his face hidden in your neck.
you break apart, Newt giving you a meaningful look before pulling down his sleeve and turning to face Minho and Thomas. kicking your trouser leg down you stand next to the boy beside you, shoulders pressed together.
“What’s going on?” Minho repeated. you both stand in silence before Newt finally answers. “We were just talking.”
“Mhm. Sad conversation?”
“Is there any relevant topic that isn’t a sad conversation?”
Minho doesn’t answer and Thomas speaks up, “are you sure, you seem a little,” he pauses and watches Newt use a sleeve to wipe the tears from his eyes, “upset.”
“We’re just tired. y/n was just about to go to bed before I stopped for a chat with them.”
“Well if you’re sure.” the two walk away, talking in hushed, worried voices.
Newt turns to face you and puts his hands on your shoulders, looking into your eyes. “Listen, we don’t tell the others until they find out themselves, alright?”
he nods and lets go of your shoulders, he opens his mouth, looking like he wants to say something more before nodding again and walking away after a, “goodnight y/n.”
(I might turn this into a bigger fanfic, lemme know what you think)
(Also, I don’t know whether or not I’ve already mentioned this but I wanted to say, if you wanna request a fic of a maze runner character other than Newt, lemme know and I’ll do my best to deliver)

Paper Boats
Paper Boats (newt x gn!reader)
Word Count: 625 words
Warnings: thoughts of mild violence
Summary: you and Newt are sitting by the river when you are met by an unwelcome guest
you sit near the river, low hanging trees tickling the surface and making ripples in the water. in silence you fold the paper that you and Newt had nicked from the map room only minutes ago. the very boy sits beside you, crafting a paper boat with gentle hands.
a soft sound of running water is the only thing you hear, as you lean your head on his shoulder. you finish up your own little paper boat, and hold it out to show him. he smiles, “I think they’re ready to swim.”
Newt gets to his feet, offering you a hand, you take it, nodding in thanks. you walk along the river for a moment or two before kneeling next to it and setting the two small boats on the water. you look at the boy and he nods, you both let go of the boats and watch them bob steadily down the water.
you grab Newt’s hand and begin to run after the small paper creations. they pick up the pace and you start running backwards, laughing as you see Newt struggling to keep up with you. he laughs too, and speeds up, sprinting, a little jerkily, ahead of you.
you jog alongside him, laughing harder as he grabs both your hands, spinning you around. the two of you collapse onto the grass, laughing hard and watching the little ivory shapes disappear down the river.
leaning your head back on his shoulder, you let out a sigh as you see an angry looking Gally and rather amused looking Alby walking towards you. “Can’t get a moment of peace around here.” Newt mutters as he stands up, yet he doesn’t sound angry.
“Alright?” Alby calls to the two of you, still with that amused expression on his face. “Not bad, you?”
“Would be if this shank hadn’t been ranting at me the whole way here about how the paper in the map room was precious and we can’t live without all of it.”
Gally opens his mouth to say a no doubt insulting retort, but Alby interrupts him. “You wanted to talk to them and for me to come and listen. I’ve already told you what I think, there’s no point ruining these guy’s fun, because of a few bits of paper.
the boy looks angry, no doubt at the fact that another of his attempts to get you and Newt, though mostly the latter, punished for something, had been foiled, as usual, by Alby.
he looks from you to Newt a look in his eyes that clearly said if they were alone Gally would very much have liked to run them through with a machete. Gally stomps away, possibly thinking of more ways to get the two of you framed or at best banished for something.
Alby leans in to talk to you.
“he really thinks that he can get everyone to banish you” (teaser for my next fanfic 🤫)
“was it that obvious that we’d stole paper?” it wasn’t that Newt cared about taking the paper and neither did anyone but Gally for that matter but you knew he wanted to know how to spare the trouble of being interrupted next time.
“Gally’s determined to catch you out for anything, he’s always got an eye on you to make sure he knows if you do anything wrong.”
“That’s a nice thought” you shiver a little.
Alby chuckles and claps his hands together. “Right well I’ll let you two get on with what you were doing before we interrupted.”
you thank him as he walks back in the direction Gally’s piercing gaze was now glaring at you from.
“Some people, eh,” Newt shakes his head as you sit back down on the grass, “honestly.”

Banished (Newt x Reader) (what a surprise)
Word Count: 862 words
Warnings: I guess mild violence
Summary: you are banished (why? idk I was too lazy to think of a reason, so feel free to come up with your own)
your breath is ragged and rasping as you are dragged towards the circle of boys. ropes bind your wrists, cutting into your skin. Minho holds tight to the twine, keeping your arms stuck behind the back of your head.
you twist around to look at the boy, he keeps his eyes away from yours, looking like he doesn’t know who you are. though this was the common practice when someone was stung. when someone was banished.
“Minho.” you say in a quiet voice, “Minho you don’t understand,”
you know there is no point trying to dissuade any of them but you were, in truth, desperate. there was nothing that awaited you out there but a lonely, long, painful death.
Minho doesn’t answer or look at you, he keeps his eyes fixed forwards as he walks towards the circle.
as you draw nearer, a somber silence presses in on you, the keepers and glader’s faces are filled with either, hostility, a numb stare, or pity.
yet your eyes seek only one. you spot him, as expected, next to the other keepers, knuckles white on the long stick he held and looking just about ready to crumble into a pile of dust right there and then.
Minho drags you into the middle of the circle and pushes you onto your knees, holding your arms above your head and putting the knife up to it.
he cuts the rope and you fall forwards onto the ground. you watch Minho’s boots move in front of you and here a thump as he throws a bag of stuff that you all know won’t do anything to stop a griever eating anyone.
though it was customary. banishing was not exactly enjoyable experience, and if they had to sentence a child to death they at least wanted to try and help them.
if you were stung you were not sent to death. no, you were sent away to protect the others. and you were sure, if your mind were working properly, you would oblige if it meant keeping the others safe.
however, no such same thoughts occurred to you as the deafening sound of the door closing echoes around the entire glade. feeling your already broken mind break even more, you here Ably’s shout above the sound.
“Hold!” the keepers lower their staffs and point them at you, the gladers doing the same with long pointed sticks. there was no way out.
“No, no please.” your son is lost in the shaking wind and rattling of the doors. you get shakily to your feet, looking around at all of the gladers. the people who you thought were your friends.
no, no they were your friends, that small, still sane part of you pipes up, they were trying to protect the others.
“Move in!” Alby’s second shout breaks your train of thought. the keepers start advancing on you, herding you towards the steadily closing doors. you back away looking at the faces of the keepers.
Zart…Frypan, looking like he was attending a funeral…Alby…Gally, whose face was filled with hostility…Winston…and then the boy you most wanted to see.
Newt looked as though he was about to faint, unlike the other he had not made the move yet to close in on you, Alby nudges him and he starts moving forwards, looking as he did so that he regretted every step.
you are right in between the wall, between the glade and the maze. your eyes lock onto Newt’s who dark insides looked both sick with terror and wet with tears.
“Newt.” you say quietly, yet you are sure everybody can hear you, “Newt please. please.” tears run down your face.
your plea gets more desperate as you are shoved further into the maze, “Please!”
you are in the maze now, and the keepers are drawing their staffs back into the glade, watching you gravely.
Newt looks to be fighting some painful internal struggle. only about a metre is left between the two walls.
you look, terrified, at the gladers as the gap closes. a shout rises from the crowd as do several protests. Newt breaks free of the group and sprints towards you.
Alby dives for him and tackles him to the ground, pulling his arms behind his back and trying to stop him from running at you.
“Get off me!” Newt’s shout is lost in the cries of surprise and gasps from the crowd, as he writhes desperately, kicking his friend hard in the leg.
Alby lets go of him, gasping in surprise and pain. Newt sprints towards you again, ignoring the many outcries of, “Newt!”, “stop!”, “she’s not worth it!”
wasn’t that hard to identify who the last voice belonged to. he slams into you, hugging you tightly before turning to look back at the shocked faces, some still trying to figure out what had just happened.
the last thing you see is Thomas, Minho and Alby looked sadly at the two of you, before the large doors slam shut, and you’re lost in the dark.
the two of you stand in the dark, arms wrapped around each other, breathing heavily and taking in what had just happened.
(Preparing some Newtmas fanfics, exciting)

Golden (newt x gn!reader)
Word Count: 529 (sorry it’s so short)
Warnings: hints at being naked
Summary: the boy told you to wake him at sunrise but you find yourself not wanting to.
the golden light of the sun peers over the gigantic walls, turning the sky a honey colour.
you stand in the doorway of the hut, wondering what to do. Newt had told you last night to wake him if he wasn’t up by sunrise, but the peaceful look on his face made you not want to.
the yellow light of the sun shines onto his face, turning his hair, which was growing fast and covering part of his face, a beautiful golden colour. it rustles with every steady breath giving it a feeling of being alive.
freckles splash his pale face making it look as though small fireflies dance across his cheeks and nose.
his thin pink lips are turned up in a small smile, no doubt he was dreaming of a better place than here.
but that was not the only reason that you do not wish to wake him. he looked so relaxed and content that a soft yellow glow seemed to emanate from him, only another thing that made him look like an angelic, ethereal being.
you walk slowly into the room, not wanted to rouse the sleeping boy, but knowing you have to.
“Newt.” you breathe, half hopping that he won’t wake.
he groans a little and curls further into the hammock.
“Newt.” you move closer to him, brushing hair his from his closed eyelids. his blond eyelashes flutter and he opens them, showing slightly bleary chocolate irises.
“y/n? what are you doing here?” he runs a hand through his hair, unsticking strands of it from his face.
“you told me to wake me up at sunrise.” you roll your eyes, chuckling slightly.
“Yeah well…” he pauses for a moment, “thanks”
you smile, “you better get out of bed.”
he groans again, burying his face in a pillow before resurfacing and swinging his legs over the side of the hammock.
“I’ll leave while you get dressed.”
“I don’t mind if you stay.”
“nice try,” you smirk and kiss him on the cheek, “I’ll be waiting outside.”
after a minute or two, Newt slips out of the hut, looking much less exhausted. the two of you walk across towards the hall where Frypan’s kitchen attached to the hall where the gladers ate.
the golden sky was now splashed with blue, and the sun was higher, sitting serenely on the gigantic walls.
swift footsteps run towards you, and you turn to see Thomas skid to a stop next to the blond boy.
“you two getting breakfast?” he doesn’t wait for an answer, “that’s nice. listen,” he lowers his voice even though there are no other people around, “Alby needs you Newt, he wants all the keepers and well you,” he adds somewhat apologetically, “to meet him in the map room.”
Newt looks back at you and your mouth tilts into a smile, “I think I’ll be alright eating breakfast by myself for once.”
he smiles and follows Thomas towards the map room, leaving you to watch them for a moment before spinning on your heel and making your way towards the large hall. wondering all the way, what Newt would have to tell you when he returned.
(Sorry it’s short and rubbish, I have writers block, whoop whoop 🎉)

And then the world exploded
And then the world exploded (Newt x gn!reader)
Words: 5.4k
Warnings: injury, infection, explosions, mentions of death, blood, violence, mentions of violence, kissing
Summary: Minho has been taken by WICKED and the gladers are trying to rescue him
(50 follower special, whoop whoop 🎉, I luv you all tyy for being here and have an amazing week)
you follow the boys as they run along a road, looking around nervously. if they were seen by WICKED wouldn’t hesitate to blow them all sky high. you raise your head along the crowd and see Newt herding boy after boy under a moss covered overhang.
when you reach him he says in a worried voice, “is that everyone”
“yes, I’m the last one”
he nods and follows you after the others. the youngest of the boys are being comforted by the others while some had spilt into small groups to talk.
you walk with Newt, peering out around the rock you were hiding behind. you see Newts eyes scanning the area and the sky around it, muttering, “he should be here”
you put a hand on his shoulder and he holds onto your wrist, still scanning.
Thomas joins his friend at his shoulder and starts surveying the barren land between the distance WICKED building and their rocky overhang.
Newt stares, absently kicking the sand with the toe of his boot as he keeps looking into the distance.
you look at Thomas and he looks at you. he is biting his tongue and looking anxious for his friend. he had known Minho for maybe more than two years, and you have no idea what he’d do if his friend didn’t make it back to them.
“There!” Newt’s cry makes you, Thomas and others look up. you see from the distance a figure walking towards them from a distance. even from far away, it is almost certainly Minho. Newt rushes forward only stopped from running right to Minho by Thomas’ arm and quiet words.
the gladers crowd in a semicircle, bunched together watching as Minho stumbles towards them, Newt and Thomas’s faces are filled with glee and you can tell Newt is barley stopping himself from running towards his friend.
everyone keeps looking left and right, he was doing alright so far, it looked like WICKED hadn’t noticed him yet. hadn’t noticed that one of their prisoners had just escaped. the last thing you see is Minho’s face split into a giant grin. and then the world exploded.
you fall to your knees, ears ringing as bombs fall from the sky. smokes snakes around you making you cough and fire rains from above.
you bend your head, covering it with your hands and coughing violently. and then everything was still. a dull ringing fills your head and people are standing up all around you.
you find you’re sighing in relief despite yourself, as you see Newt and Thomas are already on their feet, looking around to where Minho had been a few moments ago.
“Over there.” Thomas points towards a hunched figure, no doubt Minho, shaking with coughs. three shadowy figures holding long sticks with electricity fizzing from the end, approach him from behind.
you don’t think. you weren’t thinking. all you know is that you’re running. running towards the crouched boy.
“No! Y/n!” you glance behind you to see Newt fighting off Thomas who had his arms gripped around his waist, restraining him. “No!”
you turn away from him, Newt’s screams still ringing after you. you race towards Minho and the figures, slamming into one of them and making his teammates turn and raise their weapons.
there is a fizz of electricity and you feel your limbs jerk from under you. a strangled scream escapes your mouth as you fall to the ground.
hands carry you away, another flash of electricity and shout of pain tells you Minho is being carried after you. pain ripples through your body. and then you pass out.
Newt POV
I struggle against Tommy’s grip, fighting as hard as I can to run after them. “No! Y/n!” Thomas grunts with the effort of restraining me and Frypan moves to help, grabbing my arms and pinning them down by my sides.
I see them slam into one of the figures and a flash of light as the others shoot their weapons. a strangled cry, somewhere between a scream and a sob, escapes my mouth and I double my efforts in fighting to free myself.
“Newt stop it”
I ignore him.
“Newt, if you get caught now, we won’t be able to help them”
I stop struggling and Tommy uses the opportunity to drag me away after the other gladers who had taken cover behind the large overhang.
you blink open your eyes and see Minho leaning on one of the walls of the blinding white room you’re in. “you’re finally awake.” sitting up, you rub your head.
“That was a really stupid thing to do.”
you scoff, “yeah, you’re welcome” he smiles grimly at you.
“When Newt gets his hands on us, he’ll kill both of us.” at the thought of Newt your stomach flips and you fight the urge to be sick. you didnt know whether they were safe or not, if any of them weren’t.
the last time you remember seeing him was him screaming at you to not go while being held back by Thomas.
you spin around and start hitting one of the walls with your fist, hoping you were somewhere near the door that was pretty much invisible. or non existent. but you push that thought away.
Minho is watching you, a tiny smile on his face, “it’s no use, you don’t think I’ve already tried that?”
you press your back against the wall and slide down it. Minho sits beside you, “Listen y/n, I’m grateful for what you did, I really am, but you didn’t have too”
you look at him sadly, “I did though, I couldn’t leave a friend.”
Minho sighs, “this is why Newt gets so worried about you.” you rest your head on your knees, and Minho pats you on the arm.
“I’m sorry y/n.”
“No, it’s alright, it’s true”
“but I’m still sorry”
“it’s not that. I just feel bad that I left him. that I left all of them.”
“you got me though. that was pretty brave of you, even if it was stupid. I’m glad I’m not on my own”
you look sideways at him and smile a little. he smiles back and tucks his knees up to his chin.
Newt POV
I bounce on the balls of my feet, “we need to go get them, we need to go get them”
Tommy puts a hand on my arm, “calm down, it’s alright.”
I push him away, “it’s not bloody alright, what if they’re hurt, what if they hurt them, what if they-”
I cannot finish that sentence but Tommy’s eyes show understanding. “they’re tough, y/n, they can take care of themself.”
I sighs, “I know it’s just” I bite my lip, worry creasing lines into my face.
Thomas pulls me around to face him and hugs me tightly. I find myself hugging back, resting my face on his shoulder.
“y/n’s fine, they’re both fine, they’re troopers, they’ve been through worse.”
the click of the little hatch on the door makes you jump to your feet. “about time.” Minho scoops up the food and hands you half of it, digging into his own.
you sit cross legged on the floor, silently eating with Minho. “you know you have no manners.”
Minho grins at you through a mouthful of potato and starts stuffing his face so much he looks like a hamster.
you laugh quietly.
“I’m glad I’m not alone in this place. It’d be pretty miserable.”
“Don’t worry, we won’t be alone for long. they’ll get us out”
you scoff.
“Seriously, I wouldn’t be surprised if Newt isn’t pulling out bits of his hair right now. he worries about you, you know”
you put your chin on your knees, not very hungry anymore. you did not want to think about Newt right now, let alone think about the worry you knew he must be experiencing.
Minho puts down his food, “I’m sorry y/n, I’m just trying to keep you from losing hope”
you nod at him, “how did you escape before.”
he grins to himself, pointing to a piece of plaster scraped hastily over a patch of ceiling.
“See that up there, these shanks don’t think we can get up there but I wasn’t keeper of the runners for no reason”
he gets to his feet, walks up to the back wall, takes a breath and sprints as fast as he can at the opposite wall, he jumps on a small foothold you see Minho must have made himself, and pushes off it touching the uneven ceiling with the palm of his hand.
he lands on his feet, and sits back down next to you. “it was probably because I need some fresh air but now they’ve just covered it up and are probably using some kind of fancy technology to blast air in here.”
you sigh, “how on earth are we getting out of this place”
“You’ll see” Minho smiles at you, “the others will be here, they’ll help us”
Newt POV
I feel my leg shaking, having to stop myself biting my nails for the fourth time. Tommy paces behind me, talking with Frypan and a few other gladers.
they are talking about how best to get Minho and y/n out of their prison. Brenda has a vague idea of where they are, but the rest of us are stumped, we just know that they’re in that building.
I get to my feet and walk over to the group. “Have you decided what to do for Minho and y/n yet?”
“Newt,” Tommy starts patiently, “it’s only been five minutes since you last asked that, and we haven’t got much further in figuring out how to get them out”
“Let’s just burst in there”
“Newt they’ll shoot you down within seconds”
I feel my blood boiling with hatred for WICKED, “I’d like to see them try, I’ll snap their necks in half for what they’ve done to all of us”
Tommy puts a hand on my shoulder, “If we start hurting them what do you think they’ll do to y/n and Minho. they have them trapped. won’t be too hard to put a bullet through their brains if we do anything wrong”
I press my mouth into a thin line and take a deep breath, closing my eyes tight before nodding and sitting back down some ways away, watching the WICKED building and imagining many things, most involving piles of Cranks and giant rocks of fire, destroying the whole place.
I feel my hopes lift as Thomas beckons all the gladers to gather around him. “I think we have come up with an idea to get Minho and y/n back from WICKED.”
I listen carefully as Thomas explains the plan, “but before we do this, I need to tell you, if anyone breaks from their post,” he fixes me with a serious stare, “this whole thing might not work.”
I raise my head indignantly, “I won’t break from my post, so long as I’m helping actually rescue them.”
Thomas looks at me and I glare back at him. then he sighs and I know he’s given in. “Fine, you can help, but don’t go running off, or attack anyone from WICKED just because they’re passing”
“Alright, alright, I’ll behave myself”
“Good,” Thomas turns to assign posts to the others, as they gather around him.
you sit in the middle of the room, your back pressed against Minho’s. “So, how long do you think it’ll be before the others get in here.”
“At least we’ll hopefully know if they tried,” you look at him in confusion, “well they’ll be thrown in here, won’t they?”
“Doesn’t seem like WICKED will let us all share a cell.”
Minho doesn’t answer, just kicks one of his legs over the other. “When do you think they’ll bring dinner.”
you laugh, “I thought we were talking about the others rescuing us.”
he shrugs, “I’m hungry.”
you laugh and he laughs too. that’s when the door clicks. both of you scramble to your feet, expecting to see the faces of their friends.
as the rat man steps through, your face falls. “What do you want.” Minho’s voice is harsh and he folds his arms across his chest.
“I’m here to take y/n”
“Mhm, let me think about that, no”
“It’s not your choice, I’ve been sent to take them”
“And why is that?”
“That, is not your concern”
Minho opens his mouth again, but you pat him on the shoulder and step towards the rat man.
he nods at you and gestures for you to step out of the door. you see Minho’s confused and a little anxious face as the door slides close behind you.
two guards flank you and the rat man as you walk down a long hallway. you look around, thinking of the possibility of escape. a guard prods you in the back with his launcher, “don’t even think about it.”
you reach a door and the rat man opens it with the guards shoving you inside. “Make yourself at home, you’ll be here for a while.” the rat man smiles cruelly as he shuts the door on you, leaving you in another, slightly smaller, white room.
Newt POV
I crouch next to Tommy, keeping my eyes on the building. two people sprint towards it, using the overhanging rocks to shield themselves from the view of the cameras that are propped all around the walls of the building.
they run until they are about one hundred meters away from it, and then they raise a hand above their head.
Thomas nods at me, and we and three others run towards them. Funny really, WICKED had so much security, yet they fail to put any cameras under these rocks. or maybe they did and were just toying with us. that was one of the reasons that only me and Tommy were going in.
we run, doubled over to avoid hitting our heads on the rough rocky roof.
Tommy holds out his hand and we stop abruptly. he turns to the boys behind us, “okay, you three, wait here and make sure nobody notices that anyone is going in or out. use a distraction, cover the cameras, just make sure WICKED isn’t focusing on us or Minho and y/n.”
they nod and Tommy moves forwards with me close behind him. we reach a heavy door, when Tommy spins around to face me. “Listen, I know you want to get them out, and we will, but don’t do anything stupid.”
I look defiant but eventually say, “fine.” he nods and ducks under the garage like door, slipping inside.
a long hallway stretches before us. Tommy leads the way down it, peeking around corners before moving.
I breathe quietly into his ear, “where are they?”
he looks around before answering, “Brenda said it was around here somewhere.”
we slip down the hallway, running around corners before Tommy stops so abruptly I slam into him.
I peer around him and see a door. my heart starts racing, and he shoots me a look that says, ‘remember don’t do anything stupid’.
he walks ahead of you, keeping one of his arms stiff as though he is getting ready to hold me back if he has to.
Thomas flattens his palms and starts patting the door, muttering under his breath. no doubt Brenda had told him how to open these mechanical door.
there is a click and a whir, and the door slides open slowly. I’m surprised that people don’t start running towards us, the sound wasn’t exactly quiet.
Minho’s apprehensive face comes into view but it quickly splits into grin as he sees me and Thomas standing on the other side.
he rushes towards us, “I knew it, I knew you’d come. I kept telling y/n.”
“speaking of which where is y/n,” I survey the room, feeling my face grow pale.
Minho looks at me, “the rat man took her. I don’t know where she is.”
Thomas pats me on the arm, and I take a deep breath, though on the inside, my heart is screaming. “Right, we probably don’t have much time before WICKED find out that you’re out of here, so we’d better find y/n, and get out of here”
at the silence that follows I nod and gesture for either Thomas or Minho to lead the way. they share a look of understanding before Thomas moves in front of me.
I follow behind him, being much less careful to be quiet. it was only a matter of time before WICKED was on us anyways.
you sit, curled in a corner of the room, bored out of your mind. footsteps run past your door and you jump to your feet, pressing your ear up to the door at the sound of mumbling.
“He’s out somehow, the cell’s empty”
“Sounds like his friends have finally come for him”
“Where is security, they should have been stopped”
“They’re over by Denver, taking care of some Cranks”
“That isn’t our problem”
“Well their paying for it and we all know-“
the last bit of the WICKED employee’s sentence was cut of by a loud crunching, and the sound of flesh against flesh.
their friend shouts in surprise but his is cut short too by a thumping sound. “Newt I told you not to do anything stupid,” Thomas’ annoyed voice echoes from near the unfindable door of your cell, “like that.”
you bang your fists on the door, shouting, “Thomas, Newt!” a shout sounds from nearby, “y/n!”
you hear footsteps run towards your door. “Back up Newt, I’ll open it.” you hear a few clicks and whirs and then a hiss as the door slides open slowly.
“Y/n!” Newt grins widely at you and you sprint towards him, throwing yourself at him, wrapping your legs around his waist. you crash your lips onto his the second you two collide.
he stumbles backwards slightly, but keeps his balance, returning your kiss and hugging you back so tightly, you’re sure neither of you can breathe. You finally break apart as Newt says quietly, “Never do that again, you hear me. Never.”
you don’t answer, you can’t promise that.
you raise your head a little and see Thomas and Minho grinning at each other. unfortunately, the moment doesn’t last. at that very moment, alarms blare and red flashing lights dance before your eyes.
“well that’s our cue, let’s get out of here.”
you intertwine your fingers with his and run after the three, down long, narrow corridors. footsteps and shouts sound from behind you.
you glance over your shoulder and hear a clicking sound. armed WICKED guards race towards the group, aiming guns at you.
the bullet flies through the air and hits you in the leg. you cry and feel it jerk out from underneath you.
Newt turns around and bends down next to you, “no, they’re not taking you again.” he sweeps you, bridal style, into his arms and runs with you.
catching up to the others, you see their eyes widen as they see you, still letting out small cries of pain, in Newt’s arms.
Thomas reaches out an arm to help his friend but he waves him away. “Keep going, I’ll take care of y/n, get the others out of the way, it won’t be long before WICKED sends those bombs again.”
Thomas nods, speeds up to run beside Minho, exchanges a few words with him and they both start sprinting away from the two of you, around a corner and out of sight.
a loud metallic creaking reaches your ears. you hear Newt groan quietly. he speeds up, running, or rather hobbling, down the long hallway.
he races around a corner to find a slowly closing garage like door. picking up the pace, you try to block out the footsteps behind you, growing closer.
Newt leans into you, whispering in your ear, “this is going to hurt, it’ll be over soon.” you nod and he touches your nose with his for a moment, before bending down and sending you rolling underneath the door.
you shout in pain as you tumble on your injured leg. as you roll to a stop, you see Newt slide under the door, just before it closes with a crash.
he kneels next to you, gently prising your bloodstained hands off your leg so he can examine it. you see him bite his lip, anger flashing in his eyes.
putting a hand on his, he smiles at you, warmth once more filling his face. yet at the sound of footsteps, both of your heads jerk upwards towards the sound.
Minho and Thomas stand above the two of you, looking grave. “What is it?”
they look at each other, “follow us.” Newt looks back down at you, “are you okay if we stand?”
you take a breath and nod. he puts one of your arms around his shoulders and, as gently as he can, rises with you.
wincing slightly, you lean on him, keeping weight off your leg. the two of you follow Minho and Thomas in silence.
you duck under rocks, bent double. you finally straighten up, expecting to see the gladers, anyone.
but you’re met with a completely different sight. large smoking craters dot the area. boulders have been destroyed, littering the floor with rocky debris.
Newt POV
“looks like WICKED were more aware of what was going on than we thought.”
“I suppose y/n, and me weren’t doing much for them except to get the rest of you in one place. seems like they attacked the others before we got back.”
“Do you think they’re alright” Thomas bites his lip, looking anxious.
“Well there are no bodies but WICKED could have always cleaned up after themselves.” I twist my hands together, worry and hatred for what WICKED had done fighting for dominance.
“They know what they’re doing.”
“That won’t stop them getting blown up.”
Minho sits down with his back against a rock, “so what’s the plan. we can’t stay here. it’s only a matter of time before WICKED blow us up too.”
“We should get moving.” y/n lowers themself steadily onto a rock, “maybe we’ll be able to catch up to the others, and regroup. and if not, at least we’re putting some distance between us and this wretched place.”
“We need to do something about your leg first. I’d clean it, but there’s nothing, but bloody sand around here”
I bend down, looking closely at the bloody fabric of her trousers. I look around me for some sort of bandage, before eventually ripping off a strip of fabric off my jacket and tying it, gently yet tightly around their leg. a small wince slips from their lips and I immediately look up. they have their eyes squeezed shut and their fists clenched.
“It’s alright love, I’m done now.”
you prise open your eyes slowly, trying hard not to look at the already bloodstained bandage.
“Are you okay y/n.” Minho is looking at you sympathetically.
“Of course they’re not bloody okay. bloody shuck ran their leg through with a bleeding bullet. and when I get my hands on the idiot that did it, I’ll-“
“you won’t do anything to anyone” you pat him gently on the arm.
“We’ll see”, menace edges his voice but the rage has left his face.
“There isn’t much we can do against them.” Thomas is watching Newt closely, “four unarmed teenagers, one of which is injured, against hoards of armed WICKED workers with bergs and launchers. this isn’t a movie, just ‘cause we’re the good guys doesn’t mean we’ll win.”
you sit in silence for a moment, letting Thomas’ words sink in. the truth was, he was right, they didn’t stand a chance against WICKED. it would be a miracle if all of them made it out of this alive. you had already lost so many.
you look around at the boys. if any of them didn’t make it. no, you shake away that thought, it was too unbearable.
besides it wasn’t true, you would make it out, all of you. you’d just have to keep telling yourself it. then maybe you’d believe it.
Newt POV
we keep walking. walking, walking. not sure to where exactly. well I know where, but I don’t know if ‘where’ is even real.
didn’t seem likely that the people that had just dropped bombs on us, and shot y/n in the leg, would just let us into a ‘safe haven’.
I feel I have good reason to be skeptical but I don’t want to mention it to the others. they’ve already got enough worry to burden their minds.
I find myself glancing over at y/n more and more often. I can tell that they’re struggling, though they don’t say anything. their small gasps every few seconds and ever increasingly obvious limp.
they catch me watching them anxiously and tries to smile but it comes out as more of a pained grimace. I move closer to them and offer them a shoulder.
with a small sigh, they lean gratefully into me. burrowing their head in my neck, their short sharp breaths slow gently.
“we need to keep moving love if you’re ready.” I didn’t want to have to say it but Minho and Thomas were getting further and further away.
they look up into my face for a moment, as though they were trying to remember every detail of it. then they nodded.
I let them wrap an arm around my shoulder as we started walking. both of us limped along after Thomas and Minho who looked like they had stopped to wait for the two of us.
you reach the boys, and see Minho and Thomas watching you closely. “Do you want me to take her Newt.”
you press closer to the boy beside you, and he looks down at you before answering, “I’m alright Tommy, they’re good with me.”
he nods. Newt looks towards Minho, “are we gonna keep moving or are we stopping here?” he cups his hands over his eyes, looking up towards the sun then back at you.
“we can stop here.”
you sigh in relief and sink onto the sand. the sun has already started setting, splashing orange into the blue sky. Newt sits down next to you and you put your head gently in his lap.
he looks down at you, stroking your hair softly. you hear Thomas and Minho laying down out of your field of vision. you close your eyes and feel sleep tugging at you.
a few weak rays of sunlight peek out from the horizon, creeping through your eyelids.
you raise your head to see Newt. dark circles showing prominently under his eyes. looking like he hadn’t slept in ages, still in the same position he was when you fell asleep.
you prop yourself on an elbow. Newt looks down at you then at the boys. “you should try and get some more sleep darling.”
“you can talk.” you retort quietly, “it looks like you didn’t get a wink of sleep last night.”
he doesn’t answer you, pretending he didn’t hear.
“Newt, you need to sleep”
he shakes his head. “Who’s gonna make sure no one from WICKED comes and takes you again in the night”
you shuffle closer to him, and put a hand on his cheek. “don’t worry about me, you need to sleep” he opens his mouth but you put a finger of his lips and drag him down slowly onto the sand.
he lets out a small sigh and, after a few moments, his breathing becomes steady. you run a hand gently through his hair. and smile at the peaceful look on his sleeping face.
Newt POV
I wake with a start, silently cursing myself for falling asleep. propping myself up on my elbow, I start looking around for y/n. my heart starts to race as I look up and down the endless dunes. spinning around frantically, I spot them and feel my heart slow from its, one hundred beats a second.
they smile, “lose something.”
“Not anymore”
“How did you sleep.” they move towards me.
“‘bout as well as I can in a desert with a fear of me or you guys being blown up by a bunch of mad scientists.”
“So pretty bad then”
I yawn hugely in answer. they look over to Tommy and Minho, who are stirring slightly. “I’d tell you to get back to sleep, but Minho will kill us both if he catches anyone sleeping longer than him. the filthy hypocrite.” they add as an afterthought, but I can tell it was a joke.
“speak of the devil”
I turn to see Minho, with bleary eyed Tommy in tow. “Shall we get moving then.” he doesn’t wait for an answer, but drags Tommy after him.
y/n rolls their eyes at me, but the smile on their face is wiped away almost instantly as they start walking. their leg seems to have gotten worse over night. they are limping worse than ever and every step is met with a grimace or small gasp.
I find myself moving closer to them, stiff, as though being ready to catch them at any moment. they seem to notice because their mouth turns into a brave smile and they say, “after this heat, I’ll never complain about the cold again.”
I have to agree with them there. I’m not sure there is a part of me that hasn’t been burned from the sun. not that I’m a stranger to sunburns.
while being both a runner and a trackhoe, I usually found myself in the sun. but this was a whole different level of torture. at this point, I’ve given up trying to wipe the sweat of my forehead.
though if anyone was struggling, it was y/n. it wasn’t that hard to see they were in pain. with both the sand dunes making walking normally impossible, and their leg that looked to be getting worse by the minute, I half expected them to keel over at any moment.
beads of sweat glisten on their forehead, and though it is hot, I’m not sure it’s from the heat. their breath is becoming rasping. yes, none of us have had enough water for quite some time, but, I can’t help worrying.
it wasn’t just me who was getting nervous. Minho and Tommy glance over their shoulder more and more frequently until they are practically walking with their heads facing backwards.
as soon as the sun starts to sink, Minho tells everyone to get some rest. he and Tommy sit on a large rock, tipping sand out of their boots, and shaking emptying bags of water sadly.
I help y/n over to another rock and after making sure they are alright, gently peeled back the makeshift bandage. the little liquid I have left in my body nearly came back up as I look at a swollen, red streaked wound where the bullet had entered their leg.
clearly an infection had set in, no doubt from the little piece of metal buried deep. there was nothing I could do but try to get as much excess blood off the strip of ripped jacket as I could.
you lean into the boy beside you and he puts an arms around your shoulders. looking up into his face you see worry there and both of you know there is nothing you can do to stop the infection.
the other boys walk over to you, “how is it looking?” Thomas asks Newt.
he doesn’t look at him, but says quietly, “infection.”
“and-“ Minho starts.
“and it means without fancy medication from WICKED there’s nothing we can do. after what’s just happened I don’t think they’ll be all too happy to help us” anger edges his voice now and his grip around you tightens.
you hold onto his hand and he relaxes a little.
“is there anything we can do, anything at all?” Thomas looks at his friend.
Newt pretends not to hear him, under the pretence of binding your leg back up, not that it would do anything but cover up the vomit inducing sight. his head is low, hidden in the shadow of the setting sun.
“You just need to go easy on it and I’m sure it’ll be fine.” he pointedly ignores Thomas’ question once again.
Thomas opens his mouth again but Newt cuts over him.
“We need to rest.”
“Now Tommy.” Minho gives him a stern look, gesturing to Newt’s blank, numb looking face.
all four of you know. you all know that if you don’t get medication, and soon, you’re not going to make it much further. you all know that you’re never going to get said medication. there wasn’t much hope. there never was much hope. but you have to keep going. for your friends. for the gladers. for Newt…
(Might continue this, if y’all like this one 😊)

her laugh. newt x reader
summary 📰: in which newt calms reader from her anger against gally
warning/s 📬: unedited, blue eyed thomas
slater’s note 📮: uhh this originally was a thomas fic but oops

gally could tell he was losing power just as much as anyone could. it was obvious he was no longer the center attention once the boy with pretty blue eyes entered the glade with chaotic curiosity for the truth with him.
gally was angry with the way thing were folding out before him, with the way things were changing. it was all right before his eyes happening so fast he couldn’t even do anything but yell.
you could see the anger inside of him, fuming to the brim as you stared intently, watching him go off about how thomas was breaking the rules and deserved to be punished.
you bit your tongue, resisting the urge to argue with the wall of bullshit he was building. he was completely ignoring the fact that even though he did break the rules, he saved two important people of your glade.
“the rules are the only thing that have kept us together, why now are we questioning that?” gally looked around the circle of the eight of you before looking back to newt, “you know alby would agree with me on this.”
“don’t bring him up,” you mumbled, shaking your head as rubbed your finger tips against your bottom lip.
“what?” gally raised his eyebrows as if taunting you, challenging you speak up against him again and with how close he leaned towards you, you would usually shut you right up but it only fueled your fire more.
you looked up to him, challenging him right back, “don’t talk about alby, gally. he’s not here right now, so you don’t know what he would agree with.”
“well someone here needs to state the obvious and that is the fact that of new greenie here needs to be punished.”
“yes, and that someone is newt,” you gave gally a pointed look, “there’s a reason you weren’t pointed as second in command.”
his eyes just about popped out of his head as he stared you down. it seem as though he was about to strangle you if you hadn’t exited the tent.
you felt heat rise to your cheeks as an unusual amount of feeling overwhelmed. you knew that was about to bite you in the ass near future because no one ever felt the need to stand up to gally but rather allow him to bitch it out. it never really was worth the fight.
“hey, wait,” you felt a hand reach your shoulder before rather roughly turning you around to face them, to face newt, “calm down, cowgirl.”
you shook your head as both of newt’s hands reached on both sides of your face as if steadying you in place. he smiled lightly, his eyebrows rising as if questioning if you were alright.
his eyes dazzled and it made you swallow roughly, “he’s going down too hard on him, newt, and if he doesn’t knock it off i’m gonna punch him in the gut.”
“settle down, alright?” he gave you a light pointed look, amusement twinned up and around his slowly forming smile, “you’re too pretty to worry about big old gally and his problem with the new greenie, okay? i’m starting to get worried he’s gonna strangle you before you can do it yourself.”
you rolled your eyes, nodding your head for no entire reason of agreement aside to bring peace of mind to newt. you laid your hand on his, slowly bringing it away from your rosy left cheek, moving it so you can hold it tightly.
he nods, satisfied with the simple nod, “alright, now before you do anything crazy... i want a kiss as a reassurance that you’ll somewhat listen to what i’ve told you.”
you rolled your eyes, shifting your head from left to right before reaching your hand up to the side of his head, rubbing his cheekbone, “you’re not getting a kiss that easy, babe.”
he smirked, his hands going back up to clutch your head tightly, shaking his head, “you know you’re really lucky i like you.”
you smiled, before giggling loudly, something that rarely ever happened and made newt smile even harder as he begun to press kisses all over your face and lightly on your neck.
your laugh became louder and louder and more heads begun to turn your way as the sweet noise echoed throughout the glade. your laugh was always nice to hear, it brought sweet thoughts to the young boys’ heads, reminding them of better things that went far from the glade and the maze.
“alright, alright, alright! i’ll kiss you,” you smiled widely, trying your best to pull away from his strong grip full of love.
“good,” he whispered, pulling away finally, waiting for you to lean in, pressing your lips against his. “alright, now try not to kill anyone, love.”
“cant promise anything.”
join then taglist little greenie
Just Another Glader—Newt

Pairing: Next x fem!reader
Trigger warning: Alcohol, drunk Newt, jealous Newt
Fandom: The Maze Runner
Genre: Non specific
Requested: No
Word count: 1163
Summary: Newt is struggling to admit to Y/n that he has feelings for her, so on bonfire night he decides to get a little bit of help.
Newt sometimes wondered why he was appointed second in command. It's not that he didn't like it. Sure, it was a lot of responsibility having to help run The Glade, but that wasn't something he couldn't handle, and unbeknownst to him he was the glue of the Glade. He wondered because he didn't view himself as anything particularly special. Why not Gally, or Minho? Sure they were both hotheads, but they could get people to rally. Of course Newt didn't view himself as anything lesser, he wasn't insecure, just didn't quite see himself as special. He was equal to everyone in his mind. Just another Glader.
And unfortunately, when you're pinning after the only girl in The Glade, being "just another Glader" doesn't help you much. And that was another thought Newt ranggled with on the daily.
Y/n. The perfect balance kind, quirky and mischievous, and Newt wasn't the only one after her, not by a long shot. At first when people started to proclaim their quote unquote, "undying love" for her, she turned them away gently telling them they were very kind, but she didn't feel the same. But after the first half dozen she started to get impatient. If any boy (besides maybe Newt, Minho, Chuck, Alby or Thomas) got anywhere near her she sent them away with a withering glare, and continued doing what she was doing, and reasonably so.
Newt and Y/n were friends, so at least he knew she cared for him, just not in the way he wanted her to. Apparently, Minho had had enough of watching Newt stare at her while she worked, or ate, or talked, or really anything, Newt could have watched her for hours, but Minho took the snap.
Minho was eating dinner with Newt and telling him about the maze, various patterns they'd already been over dozens of times before, both were starting to loose hope about ever getting out, much to Alby's chagrin, but Minho went over it with Newt every day anyways. Or Minho was trying to. "So we ran section 8 today, and Thomas seems to be adapting pretty quick— Newt, are listening to me?"
Newt was staring at Y/n as she chatted amiably with Chuck and Thomas. She laughed at something Chuck said and Thomas gave ruffled her hair with a fond smile. Despite the brother sister type of relationship they seemed to have, Newt felt jealous cloud his vision quick as quicksilver.
As Y/n busied herself swatting Thomas's hand away, Newt busied himself clenching his fists and sending Thomas a cool look. Minho slammed his fork down, causing Newt to snap out of his daze, and a few boys to raise and eyebrow at the keeper of the runners.
"Alright that's it, shuckface! If you don't tell the shebean soon, I'll tell her myself. If you're gonna be pissed at Thomas, it better be for a reason better than this." he said.
Newt looked at Minho warily, knowing full well what he meant. "Tell her what exactly?" he asked with feeble hope that Minho meant something else.
"You know very well what. I'm tired of you gazing at her like she's the shuck sunset while I'm trying to talk to you." Minho snapped, crumpling Newt's hopes like a ball of paper. Newt sighed, knowing he was probably right. "Besides, if you don't make a move soon, Thomas will. And then where will you be?"
Newt scowled, teeth grinding together audibly. "You think Tommy likes her?"
Minho scoffed, if he would have had more hair he would have flipped it. "Yeah, Thomas and every other guy in this shuck place. Do something soon, or I will."
As it turns out, Newt did find a way to muster up the courage. Or alcohol dosed Newt did. It was bonfire night, meaning Gally was in an okay-ish mood, which meant Gally's special drink. No one knew what was in it, just that it made them feel "alive". Newt was never one to want to get wasted, but he figured if he was going to spit out how he felt to Y/n, he might as well not remember her rejection in the morning.
"Bottoms up." he muttered too himself, gulping down some of Gally's drink.
Y/n sat on a log beside a clearly intoxicated Minho. Normally, she could put up with Minho and his antics, but when he got drunk he got a little too flirty for her taste.
"Hey Y/n, I think something's wrong with my bed," Minho shrieked out a giggle like an intoxicated hyena. "You aren't in it."
Y/n thunked Minho on the head. "Go bother Thomas, you twat." she said with an eye roll.
Minho skipped off in his drunk stupor, but was quickly replaced by someone else. Newt slung an arm around the girl and sent her a grin.
"'Ello, love." he slurred. "You had some of Gally's drink yet?"
Y/n groaned, hand immediately flying up to pinch the bridge of her nose in frustration. How had someone gotten Newt drunk? He never drank, not once in the two years she'd known him. "Can't say I have." she said. "Have you?"
Newt held his fingers very close together for the girl to see. "Maybe a teeny bit." He giggled.
She stood up quickly, and offered the lanky blond her hand. "Come on, let's get you to bed."
Newt took her hand and stumbled after her towards the homestead. Most Gladers slept in hammocks, but being second in command has the occasional benefit, such as a room in the homestead, and staying away from the cult of Gladers who enjoyed practicing spirit summoning rituals (God knows where they'd learned them) in the dead of night.
After bumping into several walls, and tripping over multiple stairs, a severely exasperated Y/n managed to haul Newt into his bedroom.
"Go to sleep, Newt. You'll feel better in the morning." That was a lie. The only thing he would have in the morning was a pounding headache and a world that appeared to look like a giant pinwheel of death, but she needed to convince him to close his eyes for at least a few hours. A pout appeared on Newt's face as Y/n moved for the door.
"Don't gooooooo." he whined, a childish look of abandonment crossing his morose face.
"Alright." Y/n murmured. She sat down on the floor next to his bed, and after some convincing, got Newt to try and fall asleep. She sat in silence for a few minutes. After a solid forty five minutes or so, she assumed he was asleep, and quietly crept towards the door, but before she could slip through the door and back to her hammock, the girl heard a quiet whisper waltz across broken silence.
"I love you" murmured from Newt. Y/n smiled softly at his now sleeping form.
"I love you too, Newt."
Omg yay, you’ll write for the cuties :)
Can I request a Newt fluff piece where he DOESNT get the flare (sorry I’m still so heart broken over it) and he confesses that he’s in love with f!reader and they just get their happy ending. Please?
Yes, of course, sweet Anon!😊 And aren't we all honestly, Newt deserved better. But I'll be honest, kinda feel like I was cheating on Gally while writing this lmao
Sorry if this is a little short as well.
Watching the sunset in your new home, you thought back on all the hardships you and your friends went through.
You all were so lucky to be alive, coming close to death too many times to count. Only, you did lose people along the way...
You lost friends, people you loved dearly. It hurt more than you could express, yet, you were so thankful for the people that survived along with you.
You upturned your lips into a bittersweet smile, watching your friends conversing near the bonfire, sighing in relief when you saw Newt smiling and laughing along with the rest of your friends.
You were the most thankful that Newt had survived, and you definitely shouldn't felt more guilty for thinking that, but you weren't.
Newt had been your rock, since day one when you first came up in the Box. He was the first face you saw in a sea of unfamiliars, terrified out of your mind, he made you feel more safe. He made sure you were taken care of, and you took care of him in turn. You both shared long nights of just talking, getting to know each other, bonding over what similarity you could find in each other and the hellish situation you were put in.
You loved him, you found that out pretty quickly, but nothing ever came of it. You and Newt both had a sense that something powerful was there, but so much was going on around you at all times, never getting a respite long enough to discuss your feelings.
After a close call in Denver, you made sure he knew how much you loved him. Even if it wasn't the most heartfelt confession, just saying it out loud to him was enough.
But now that you were all in the Safe Haven, the danger far away across the sea, Newt never said anything about it. You didn't know if he was the type to want to wait awhile before confessions such as those, but the way his eyes seemed to shine when you told him, you figured that he felt the same. It shouldn't have bothered you as much as it did, but hearing him say it out loud would make it feel more real to you.
As if right on cue, you and Newt locked eyes, smiling softly at one another. The strong connection you shared drawing him to you, taking a seat next to you, instinctually throwing an arm around your shoulders and placing a kiss to your temple. "They talking off your ear?" You joked.
Newt chuckled, pulling you closer. "Nah, they couldn't even if they tried. Just wanted to sit next to you is all." He said, making you blush lightly.
You looked back at your friends, the little village that you called home now, it all felt so surreal. "We made it." You voiced softly.
"I know. Sometimes I can't believe it myself. It all feels like a dream."
"Then it's a really good dream." You said happily, kissing at the edge of his lips. Newt looked at you, a fondness in his eyes that made you blush once again. He always had the power to make you blush, even with just a look. "What?" You giggled nervously.
"Back at the W.C.K.D. facility, you told me you loved me. Did you mean it?"
You smiled, taking ahold of his hand. "Of course I did. I know it wasn't as heartfelt as I wanted it to be, but...I didn't want to take any chances. If we didn't make it, I wanted you to know regardless. But it was the truest thing I've said in my entire life."
You froze when Newt took hold of your face, his callused hands brushing across your skin delicately, his now tear filled gaze entrancing you. Placing his lips upon yours softly, he held you close, feeling his tears fall down your cheeks. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, deepening the kiss with a simple movement. His touch the only thing you could focus on, the world around you falling away, Newt was the only thing that mattered to you in that one moment. His lips pulling away feeling like you were awakened from a dream, your head clouded and your vision blurry with tears of your own.
"I love you too, Y/n. I always have."
You grinned tearfully. "You do."
"I do." He smiled. "And I always will."
Bruh, listening to the acoustic version of This Is Goodbye by Imminence while writing this was just *chef's kiss*
Okay, so can you do a fix it fic for newt where he IS immune and makes it to the safe haven and finally confesses he’s in love with reader? He deserves a happy ending -E
I already have an imagine with a similar ask, you can find that here, but I'll make another one just because you're so sweet
Warning: Kinda made Thomas and Vince douchebags, just a tad.
This isn't happening...
This...can't be happening...
You looked down in absolute confusion and horror at your forearm, it looked like it was...rotting.
How could this be happening? You thought you were immune. You knew that you were immune. So, why the hell were you infected? This had to be a nightmare, right?
But it wasn't, the next day you woke up and your arm was only getting worse.
Your first instinct was to keep it to yourself, suffer alone and wait until the last minute to tell your friends. But it was a late night, you couldn't sleep due to the pain you were in and the fever that started to set in, you sat outside your hut on the beach, sobbing as you watched the sun start to rise over the dark waves. You thought you were alone...
Newt found you in tears, quickly switching to panic mode and trying to figure out what was wrong. You accidently panic told him in your frantic mental state. You didn't want to die, you spent too much effort on making sure you and your friends survive to just get the virus when you were supposed to be immune.
Newt was devastated, almost as much as you were. You were the person he cared about the most, so to hear such heartbreaking news caused him to try to find a solution at any cost.
Being Thomas' best friend, he knew about the last serum he was given by Teresa in her last moments. He knew how much it meant to Thomas to keep that safe, but you were more important and he was feeling desperate.
You felt ambushed as all your friends and Vince came up to you, immediately asking you multiple all at once, causing a sensory overload that made you crave an escape. "Guys, enough!" Newt shouted, silencing everybody. "You aren't helping." You gave him a grateful smile.
Vince sighed disapprovingly. "How long has this been going on? When did you first notice your symptoms?" He asked, as delicately as possible.
"A couple days ago..." You answered timidly, impulsively reaching for your infected arm.
"We still have time to save them, then." Newt voiced, causing Vince to furrow his brows.
"Son, there's nothing we can do now...I'm sorry."
"No. No, Tommy has a cure."
"Newt!" Thomas scolded, but it was too late. Everyone in the room looked to him in confusion. "I...uh..."
"Is that true?" You asked, suddenly feeling a spark of hope.
Thomas frowned, running his hands over his face in frustration. He shook his head slightly as he grabbed the lone blue vial from his pocket, displaying it in his palm for everyone to see.
"You had that all this time and you didn't say anything?" Vince asked.
"Teresa gave it to me...I wanted to protect it."
"Well, now we have a reason to use it. Give it here-" Newt walked up to Thomas and reached for the vial, but he pulled away quickly. "What are you doing? Y/n needs that."
"It''s the only one in the world..." Thomas muttered, guiltily looking at you.
You realized then. You weren't getting the cure. It was all Thomas had left of Teresa, and it was the only one in existence. "And you don't want to waste it on me..." You smiled bitterly.
"No!" Thomas quickly replied. "That's not it at all! It's just, what if we can replicate it? What if we can make more?"
"Tommy, Y/n doesn't have time like that. You wouldn't even know where to start, much less know what to do to make more. We can save Y/n, right now." Newt ranted.
"But what about everyone around the world that's not immune? We just let them die when we can do something about it?"
"Guys..." You called out weakly and sighed. "It's okay...if you can use it to save thousands of people...don't waste it on me."
Newt frowned angrily. "No." He looked to Vince, only to see another guilty expression. "You agree with Thomas?"
"I never said that...I do think we need to talk more about it."
"What's there to talk about?" Newt raised his voice. "Y/n's infected! And we have something that can save them! This should be a no brainer!"
You put a hand on Newt's shoulder, trying to calm him. "It's okay, Newt."
Newt shook his head, turning around and storming out of the area.
You felt Thomas' eyes on you, he looked like a kicked puppy. "I get it, Thomas..." You sighed reluctantly. "Teresa's cure is...important." Thomas didn't reply, in fear of making things worse. "I should go find Newt..." You said, mostly to yourself, not speaking another word to either of those guys.
You found Newt red in the face, his brows knitted together, and his hands balled up into tight fists. "I can't believe this..." He started. "He should've given you the cure as soon as I told him."
"Newt," You sighed, "'s okay."
Newt looked to you confoundedly. "What? No, no, it's not! If you don't get that cure, you'll die!"
You couldn't help the tremble in your bottom lip, the thought of succumbing to the virus scaring the hell out of you. "What if Thomas can make more, though? Just imagine how many people would be saved."
"I don't care about other people, I care about you, right now."
You weren't sure if your face was heating up due to your oncoming fever, or if you were just blushing. Still, you gave Newt a sad smile. You didn't know what to say. A small part of you had already accepted your fate, and you wanted to comfort Newt, but you knew telling him to accept it along with you wouldn't help. So, you said nothing else.
You left that conversation at a tense moment, but you had nothing else to say that would help anything. The night passed along agonizingly slow, your fever only intensifying, making you toss and turn unable to get to sleep. But you weren't the only person who couldn't sleep.
Newt felt rage like he never had before. He couldn't understand why Thomas would keep the cure from you. He couldn't take no for an answer, no way.
Thomas jumped when Newt stormed into his hut, grabbing him by his shirt collar and shoving him up against the wall. "What the bloody hell is wrong with you?" Newt yelled angrily.
Thomas put his hands up in surrender. "Newt," He stuttered, "you don't understand-"
"No. No, I don't understand. Y/n's your friend too, why aren't you helping them?!"
"I do want to help them! I do!" Thomas pushed Newt away, quickly running his hands through his hand in frustration. "It's just...Vince and I really think we can replicate the serum. He managed to save Mary's research, and now that we know my blood is the secret ingredient, we can make more."
Newt sighed. "Tommy...Y/n doesn't have time. They need"
Thomas shook his head sadly. "I'm sorry, Newt...but I can't do that. The survival of the human race depends on that one serum."
Newt didn't say anything, he didn't even really feel anything. He silently walked out of Thomas' hut, going back to yours to check up on you. Maybe seeing you would keep him from burning the Safe Haven to the ground, that wasn't the case however.
You were asleep when Newt came in, but it was less than a peaceful sight.
You were breathing rapidly, sweat drenching your clothes and the bed beneath you, black and purple veins like vines wrapping up and around your arm, stopping just below your neck. You were getting worse, and fast.
Fuck this.
Newt went back to Thomas' hut, waiting until he knew he was asleep, then he searched as silently as possible for that damn serum. It only took a few minutes to find what he was looking for. Thankfully, Thomas didn't wake up despite not being the heaviest sleeper.
Newt all but sprinted back to your hut, clutching the cure that would save you close to his chest, ignoring all the pain that shot up his leg.
You were awake by the time he arrived, the fever getting almost unbearable. When Newt came running back into your hut, you immediately noticed the bright blue vial of liquid in his hand. "Newt...?" You voiced weakly, your throat feeling like you hadn't had water in a century.
"You were supposed to still be asleep..." He mumbled, taking a seat beside you.
"Newt, I already told you. It's okay, you shouldn't waste the cure on me."
Newt shook his head. "No, I don't accept that."
"Did Thomas give you the serum?" You had your answer when Newt didn't reply, avoiding your gaze. "Newt, go give it back." You tried to scold, but that only made Newt stare at you in bewilderment.
"Do you want to shucking die?!"
", of course not." You sighed. "But this isn't right, you know that."
"I don't care."
"Newt, no!" Newt didn't give you a choice, he held down your arm and injected the serum into your bloodstream.
You felt the effects almost instantly. It was like walking out of an oven and into the fresh air, your whole body covered in goosebumps as your fever finally broke. Your arm felt alive again, it didn't feel dead and numb, you could almost move your fingers without feeling excruciating pain. You didn't even realize you passed out until you woke up the next morning, seeing Newt asleep in the chair next to your bed.
From the look of it, Newt didn't seem to leave your side all night. And your assumption was right for the most part.
After giving you the cure, Thomas rushed into your hut exasperated. "It's too late, Tommy."
"I had to. I couldn't let them die."
Thomas was upset, but he wasn't angry at Newt. You were his friend too, of course he didn't want you to die. In his heart, he was really happy you were cured, but the loss of the only serum weighed heavy on his soul that he couldn't focus on anything else. He just decided to not talk to Newt, or anyone else, until he got his emotions under control. He'd apologize to you, eventually.
You felt a hell of a lot better, you felt energetic for the first time in months. You felt guilty, guilty that you were happy that Newt got you the cure in time. You didn't know how you could face everyone, but that was your future self's problem.
The soft groan that escaped your lips as you tried to sit up woke Newt, quickly helping you. "Hey..." He started softly. "You look so much better. How do you feel?"
"Like there's coolant running through my veins." You joked, but soon frowned.
"What happened, with Thomas?"
Newt shrugged weakly. "Not as pissed off as I thought he'd be, if I'm being honest."
You sighed. "I can't even imagine how he must be feeling right now."
"Why are you so worried about him? You should be worrying about yourself."
"I don't have to anymore, since you stole the serum for me."
"And what was I supposed to do, huh? Let you turn into a Crank, let you die?" Newt raised his voice, but quickly calmed himself when he saw you flinch. "Sorry..."
After a long pause, you spoke up timidly. "I just don't understand...why did you do this for me?"
Newt chuckled. "You really don't know?"
"Know what?"
Newt blushed. "I couldn't let you die...because I'm in love with you, slinthead." Now it was your turn to blush, and blush you did. "Did your fever come back?" Newt asked, genuinely concerned.
You giggled, trying to hide your blushing face. "I'm fine. I guess I wasn't expecting that response."
Newt smiled softly. "Well, it's true...I love you. And if you don't feel the same way, that's okay. I just needed you to know that. I'll let you rest now."
Newt stood up to leave, but you quickly grabbed his wrist. "Wait! Don't go..." He sat back down beside you, interlacing his fingers with yours. "You saved my life."
"I shouldn't have waited as long as I did to get that serum for you."
You gave his hand a squeeze. "Please, you didn't have to do that for me, but you did. Don't regret anything."
Newt glanced at your lips, then back to your loving gaze. "No regrets..." He gently grabbed hold of your face, leaning forwards and planting a passionate kiss on your lips.
You didn't know if the aftereffects of the virus was still causing you to not make sense of the world around you, but you couldn't sworn his lips tasted like strawberries. Even if they did, the warmth of his soft skin relaxed you, making you feel safe. You hadn't felt this safe in your life, not even your mother's hold made you feel so invincible.
A single tear ran down your face, the feeling of love overwhelming your senses so much that it had to escape through your tear ducts.
Maybe it was because Newt saved your life, you had heard once that it was common to fall in love with someone who saved your life, but you quickly dismissed that thought.
Even before you got infected, before Newt saved your life, you realized that you always had feelings for him. During your time in the Glade, during the Scorch, during everything you endured together, you had fallen in love with him. Him saving your life only strengthened that feeling tenfold.
You were alive, finally healthy. You could spend the rest of your life, however long it would be, knowing that you were safe from the virus.
You were safe with the love of your life, until the end of your days.
My apologizes for the excessive angst 😂