He/they/it| 19 | I always take art/fic requests btw!
557 posts
Im Like, Half Way Through(?) With An Art Project And It's Already Taken Almost Two Hourssssss
Im like, half way through(?) With an art project and it's already taken almost two hourssssss
Im gonna dieeeeee
Have a half finished bug

Its a Eupholus schoenherri, it doesn't have a common name but it is sometimes referred to as a smurf weevil!
Reference pics:

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More Posts from Just-a-shark333
Does half of a leftover chicken tender eaten at 4pm count as lunch??

Solomon: You were stabbed. Do you remember anything?
MC: Only the ambulance ride to the hospital.
Solomon: That wasn't an ambulance, I drove you.
MC: But I heard a siren.
Solomon: That was Mammon.
Mammon: Sorry, I got nervous-
Belphegor: If we put Solomon and Barbatos in a room, who would come out crying first?
Diavolo: The room.
Barbatos: Where's Satan..?
MC: Doing stuff.
Barbatos: I don't like the sound of that. Where's Lucifer?
MC: Trying to stop Satan. from doing the stuff.
Barbatos: And Asmodeus?
MC: Trying to stop Lucifer from stopping Satan. from doing the stuff.
Barbatos: I see. And what are you doing here, MC?
MC: I'm supposed to stop you from stopping Asmodeus from stopping Lucifer from stopping Satan, from doing the stuff.
Mammon: You can trust me! Let's not forget who pulled you out of the river when you were six.
Levi: let's not forget who pushed me in
Lucifer: You don’t want MC to die
Simeon: Right.
Lucifer: And I don't want MC to die.
Simeon: Right.
Lucifer: So we just have to make sure MC doesn’t want MC to die.
Simeon: Wonderful plan, but have you met MC?
Asmodeus: Do you think I’m ugly?
Solomon: It’s not about looks, Asmodeus. What’s valuable is on the inside...
Asmodeus: Aww.. Sol...
Solomon: For example, someone's heart.
Asmodeus: Aw... Stop it-
Solomon: It could be purchased for more than a million dollars, you know.
Asmodeus: Seriously, stop it.
Diavolo: Words ending in 'ie' just sound so adorable. Like cutie, sweetie, cookie-
MC: Eyy, homie!
Leviathan: But then there's cootie...
Belphegor: Die.
Lucifer: Who broke the toaster?
Satan: It was Mammon.
Asmodeus: It was Mammon.
Beelzebub: Mammon broke it.
Mammon: ...yOU PROMISED-
Luke: Everyone thinks I'm this soft cute person but I'm not!
Simeon: Luke, you cried for an hour after stepping on a bug yesterday.
Luke: It had feelings! It was probably going home to dinner and I killed it!
Solomon: ...It was a bug…
Luke: It was a BEETLE, and its wife is definitely worried sick, wondering where it is, and I really don't get why you all think I'm so sentimental because I'm not!
Solomon: ...
Simeon: ...
Luke: Stop looking at me like that!
Asmodeus: Wow, this parking is as straight as I am.
Lucifer: I know I should be focused on the fact that you just came out, but HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY PARKING!
Mammon: I'm not that stupid!
Lucifer: Mammon, you literally ate the wax from a babybel.
Mephisto, referring to MC and Mammon: Those guys are dorks.
Lucifer, insulted: Yes, but they’re my dorks.
Okay seriously. Reblog if you're OLDER than 11.

Made me think

Uhhhhhhhh iddddddkkkkkkkkk
Its like 2am so instead of sleeping I made you this :3
I have a bug infestation

🐛 🐛 🐛