just-anothr-anxious-bisxual - Just Another Anxious Bisexual
Just Another Anxious Bisexual

Literally just 8 and a half lizards in a flannel and cuffed jeans. Be gay, do crimes. Live life until the universe decides to pluck you off ❤

439 posts

Was Literally Almost Done With My Math Homework But Then I Realized That I Had Forgotten A Very Important

Was literally almost done with my math homework but then I realized that I had forgotten a very important step on EVERY SINGLE ONE

I had to erase it all and now I just wanna lay down

I was feeling so good about it too :(

Send help

(Also I just figured out how to do that ^ so that's cool)

More Posts from Just-anothr-anxious-bisxual

😭😑🦍 oof alright

your first column of emojis describes your personality! what’s yours?

Your First Column Of Emojis Describes Your Personality! Whats Yours?

you: are you okay?

me: *looks off into the distance*

me: in theory.

someone: i think the world of you and i appreciate you being in my life, you’re smart and talented and beautiful. i love you.

me, a person who is unable to respond well to compliments and has trouble expressing emotions: *finger guns* cool beans

@whatthajoffiswrongwithppl would you say this is accurate? 😂

just-anothr-anxious-bisxual - Just Another Anxious Bisexual