just-some-troglodyte - Just Some Troglodyte
Just Some Troglodyte

I want to believe that most people are good

205 posts

I've Got Nother Homebrew Chpter! The Venger's Psithes! Of The 8th Founding, With N Unknown Genefther.

I've Got Nother Homebrew Chpter! The Venger's Psithes! Of The 8th Founding, With N Unknown Genefther.

i've got αnother homebrew chαpter! the αvenger's psithes! Of the 8th founding, with αn unknown genefαther. during the events of the Bαdαb wαr these fellαs were fighting on both sides! the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 10th compαnies where loyαlist. While the 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 9th compαnies were on the insurgent side. the 8th compαny was busy fighting the Ork wαrlord: bungαr fαcepuncher. the insurgents fled, while the loyαlists were forced to go on crusαde... to continue fighting bungαr fαcepuncher, until they were found in αn αpocalyptic lαst stαnd! they were given reinforcements from the Sons of Orαr, αnd the hαwk lords. bungαr was slαin by the chαpter mαster Tisαmenos (he's the chαpter mαster of the αvenger's psithes). αfterwαrds they were given their primαris with open αrms αnd α greαt big ol' smile. oh, i should mention the trαitors αre led by the former 2nd compαny cαptαin: Rhαdαmαnthos.

The Red Hounds An 18th Founding Chapter Experiment To See If The Lunar Wolves Geneseed Itself Was Dangerous
The Red Hounds An 18th Founding Chapter Experiment To See If The Lunar Wolves Geneseed Itself Was Dangerous
The Red Hounds An 18th Founding Chapter Experiment To See If The Lunar Wolves Geneseed Itself Was Dangerous

The Red Hounds an 18th founding chapter experiment to see if the “Lunar Wolves” geneseed itself was dangerous… they are currently operating in the Imperium Nihilus the Armored Saints were a 19th founding chapter what was an experiment to see if the “Word bearers” geenseed itself was dangerous… it is the Viridian Dukes are an 18th founding chapter experiment to see if the “Night Lords” geneseed itself was dangerous, and they’re in a similar græy area of loyalty as the Marines Malevolent… the Viridian Dukes are currently operating in the Imperium Nihilus

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More Posts from Just-some-troglodyte

3 years ago


may i request a Bedivere alter?

May I Request A Bedivere Alter?


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3 years ago

as for their descriptions...their color scheme is the shiny color of the normal versions, and their shiny is the colors of the normal.  mild imp/devil elements in their appearance, dark circles around their eyes, and their "clothes" looking more rough around the edges. ralts, kirlia, and gardevoir having mocking grins on their faces, while the gallade has a dour frown.


why do i like the idea of a dark type Ralts -> dark type Kirlia -> dark/fairy gardevoir or a dark/ghost Gallade as hisuian forms; the ralts being a very mischievous ‘mon, kirlia being even more so, with gardevoir and gallade being more malicious

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2 years ago


may i request a BB alter?

May I Request A BB Alter?

That's really not bad

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