Bedivere - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
Bedi Dubai

Bedi Dubai

My beloved 🥀🖤✨

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3 years ago

Incorrect Fate Quotes #2

Master: Bridge the generation gap by combining old and new slang into one! Gawain: Tubular AF! Bedivere: Mood to the max! Tristan, annoyed: Groovy, I hate it. Lancelot, just as annoyed: If she breathes, she’s a square.

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3 years ago

Incorrect Fate Quotes #3

Master, trying to convince Lancelot to join their party: You know… I thought it'd be good to have someone come along who's really... strong! Gawain: And loud! Bedivere: And grumpy! Tristan: And oblivious to reality! Lancelot:

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3 years ago
Bedi And Tristan In Maid Outfits

Bedi and Tristan in maid outfits

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3 years ago

Incorrect Fate Quotes #4

Master: I’ve done a lot of dumb stuff. Gawain: I witnessed the dumb stuff. Tristan: I recorded the dumb stuff. Lancelot: Somehow, I ended up joining the dumb stuff. Bedivere: I TRIED TO STOP YOU FROM DOING THE DUMB STUFF!!!

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3 years ago

Incorrect Fate Quote #5

Master: What did you guys get in your yearbook? Gawain: 'Prettiest Smile' Bedivere: 'Nicest Personality' Lancelot: 'Most likely to start a bar fight' Tristan: 'Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one'

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2 years ago

It's just another Gawain appreciation post.

I loved Camelot singularity and the Movies were good. Wandering Agataram had the best Gawain's design imo. I liked the design, the hair were just better combed, the cape was fine but animation? Aaaaah! Paladin Agataram was so fucking epic! Dynamic animations, camera movements were vivid, it felt like an actual movie and not just an "animation".

And with this I learned to love Gawain style in this too. Some eyes shot are super cool but in Paladin is more noticeable the changing of art style.

When Gawain and Bedivere start fighting during the day the art style is good, but i swear that as soon the sun starts to set! Orifnfkcir! I couldn't! The action, the movements, the MUSIC. oh my god the OST of Paladin are the best! (Babylonia and Gran Temple of Time have epic battle music and super exciting OST too)

Movement For Four Hands and Paladins: Bedivere vs Gawain are amazing. The first is an amazing piano solo and it's just so nice to listen to it, you can feel the energy, the battle that hits! It's epic. And then there is Paladin which, oh Lord, the trumpets! 1:36 marking hits the right spooott! It gives me goosebumps everytime!

But ye, i decided to sketch Gawain around like this. I watched the movie so many times and still I cry at the end and it emotionates me everytime. Play the Fate Grand Order quests tho, they are better and gives better looking into the characters and concepts!

It's Just Another Gawain Appreciation Post.

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2 years ago

This is so cool



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2 years ago

Me, September 16th, 2021: Nah, I don't like Fate that much. I play Grand Order because the game is fun!

*Camelot Movie blu-ray get released*

*There is various characters in the banners*

Meh, I have Sigfried np3 and Artoria, I don't need another Saber. But there is Leonardo Da Vinci! I could try for her.

*rolls and gets Bedivere*

Ah. He seems to be the protagonist, well he is 3 star, I will keep him there.

*goes doing mission so can get more quartz. Tries out Gawain as support*

nice buster.

*pulls for Gawain. Get Medusa Lancer on last day of banner.*

*grows obsessed with Gawain and the round table*

*has Bedivere lv70 with np3*

*has Lancelot Berserker lv80 np5*

*still hopes every gold Archer is Tristan but it's just Atalanta and Emiya*

*hopes to find Saber Lancelot*

*hopes to find Percival but still not farming nor saving for him*

*wants to Grail Gawain and has material for enhancing his skill at 9 and doesn't use them on other Servants*

*throw 900 quartz in Castoria banner. No Castoria, no Rounds, just 5★ CEs*

Welcome to my gatcha hell.

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3 years ago

Why?.... He doesn't deserve this

Why?.... He Doesn't Deserve This
Why?.... He Doesn't Deserve This

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2 years ago

A year ago, i started making fan art of Gawain with my Oc, and his master, Elizabeth.

I wanted to do it for fun and giggles, but i ended up building a deeper world around them.

Fate/Reminiscent: Two Intertwined Souls will be an hard project to make and finish (cause as usually happens to us writers, we know how it begins, how it end and some cool stuff in the middle, but we are having an hard time connecting it), but it's making me proud already.

Maybe it won't be good, just some shitty fanfiction on the internet, but it will be there, for other people to cringe and laugh about it .

I will probably look at this in few years and ask what was wrong with me, but that's okay. This is how we grow.

So ye, happy 1st Anniversary, Gawain and Elizabeth.

Fate/Reminiscent will start soon.

A Year Ago, I Started Making Fan Art Of Gawain With My Oc, And His Master, Elizabeth.

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2 years ago

"The Old King is returning. The Gardens of Avalon are burning."

Fate/Reminescent: Two Intertwined Souls - Elizabeth Gallagher and Her Knight has now a 13h playlist. I am proud of it.

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