justaasexual - Untitled

245 posts

Ahhh, Grammarly. Never Change.

Ahhh, Grammarly. Never Change.

ahhh, grammarly. Never change.

More Posts from Justaasexual

1 year ago

we’ve started feeding this tortoiseshell-point siamese recently. she’s beautiful, aside from the fact she has disturbingly big, bulging blue eyes. we’ve started calling her… ‘goop’

1 year ago
This Map Is The Most Up To Date Version As Of 3-4-2023 And Takes Into Account All Recent Movement On
This Map Is The Most Up To Date Version As Of 3-4-2023 And Takes Into Account All Recent Movement On

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1 year ago

"oh but your favorite shows are going to be delayed by the strikes" my favorite shows consistently get cancelled after 2 excellent seasons bc of the exploitive corporate greed that these strikes are fighting against

1 year ago

You work for the United States Department of Paranormal Phenomena, where you deal with stuff ranging from a harmless talking toaster to world ending eldritch abominations. Today you have been tasked with giving an orientation class to the new recruits.

1 year ago

So I've been bored and thinking over Harry Potter again.

Mainly, the whole Snape and Lupin situation. And I've seen a lot where Snape is in the wrong for releasing Lupin's secret.

And, well, I don't think he was wrong to do so.

Having the kids write essays in hopes that some would realise Lupin was a werewolf. Fucked up.

Continuously dropping hints in hopes someone would pick up? Absolutely disgusting.

Having a meltdown when he couldn't see a man murdered. My god, go get some therapy.

His entire attitude toward teaching? Fucking stop.

Bullying of a student because their father tormented him? What the fucking hell, why was this man a teacher?

But releasing to the Wizarding World Lupin was a werewolf? That has a bit more nuance.

First, it's never stated how he releases it. Was it to the students? Someone's parents? The Minister? The Daily Prophet? We simply don't know.

His students? Absolutely necessary. A dangerous dark creature was running around the forest on a full moon. This same creature was their professor, who neglected their safety by failing to take his potion and endangered the lives of three students. Not to mention, the general consensus among the fandom appears to be the Heads of Houses essentially act as the kids' guardians while they are at Hogwarts. He would be warning his charges, the kids he was responsible for about a dangerous situation. Also, teens are dumb. We have evidence three were already out of the castle when they weren't supposed to be. There had to be more.

The parents? Also necessary. Their kids would have been in danger from a professor because he wasn't responsible enough to take his potion.

The Minister? The dude was on the fucking grounds. At that point, it's common sense.

Daily Prophet? Not as excusable. However, again, Lupin endangered students. At that point, he waived all rights to his secret being kept the minute he didn't take his potion and his condition had the potential to literally kill someone.

Now, I won't pretend Snape's motives were altruistic. It's entirely possible and frankly I believe it's likely he just wanted to get back at Lupin and saw a chance to do so. But that doesn't excuse Lupin's actions. The 'outing a teacher with a chronic illness' doesn't work when the chronic illness causes them to be a danger to the students they are teaching. The minute Lupin didn't take his potion, he became that danger, because he failed to properly medicate himself and take precautions. That's on him.

He was under a lot of stress. True. It's understandable why he would forget. But that does not excuse him very nearly biting three students and potentially having done far more damage.

TL;DR: Snape was completely in the right for outing Lupin's condition the minute it became a danger. His motives probably weren't centred around that, and it doesn't excuse any of his actions throughout the rest of the school year, but the minute Lupin failed to medicate himself he became a danger to the students Snape was supposed to protect.

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