Sup dont really know who to do this but basically I just post random shit I'm 20 years old so any fanfic you want done
89 posts
No One Can Convince Me That This Isnt The Most Beautiful Anime Fight Scene.Not With Might+u Playing The
No one can convince me that this isnt the most beautiful anime fight scene.Not with might+u playing the background.who ever animated the scene deserves a goddamn raise
jaegereism liked this · 2 years ago
justageneralsimpindeed liked this · 2 years ago
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Me :trying to figure out what they'll change.
Also me :in denial about the current chapters

Before they change it
Kurapika headcannons:
Kurapika with an S/O that looks like they're dancing when they're actually fighting and is bat shit 💥crazy💥NSFW included

He is extremely cautious around you when you two first meet. He knows your need for fighting is at the level where it beyond the point of Hisoka.
You meet in an alleyway.He was taking a shortcut, you were about to off a man.
Kurapika being the person he is tried to help him and you beat him badly.
Yes he did just get his ass beat but he is oddly fascinated on how you fight(think of ruby roundhouse).
You were fascinated because any normal person would have ran.
You asked him if he would like to get lunch with you and he is flabbergasted.
One second you beat him then your asking him on a date basically!
The man who you were about to off he is as confused as kurapika but then he starts calling you names and you finish the job.
After that he does get lunch to find out what the hell was going only to find out you an acquaintance to the phantom troupe and not on good terms.
You help him track down the scarlet eyes as well as help find them through underground ties.
He grows attached to you the longer your together because he realise your actually a sweet person driven mad by trauma like him.
Also doesn't want to in fear of losing you but your a badass so he give into the fact he might like you more that friends.
And he is devastated when he sees you in a state proving to be fatal.
He is begging and crying for you not to leave him and that when he confesses.
He used to unconsciously see you as an invincible being from heaven, now he realises your human and is overly protective.
He still thinks your a badass though.
His protection protocol is literally turning into your ungrateful asshole of a cat with a self destruct nuke for anyone who is within arms length of you.
However he knows not to mess with your food or whole planet is doomed.
Dates are often because a date to you both is movie night, walk in the park or the classic restaurant cafe.
Boobs,ass or thighs he's all of them.
Wearing a deep cut shirt while watching movies on the couch he will suck on your tits like a baby.Depending on how horny he is he might continue he might not(the latter isn't the most likely. 😏
I stand by this till my grave he will call you mommy whether or not he's the one in control or you are.
If your the dom suck his nips and he will be flustered you don't even need to tell him to beg he's already the face of the ahego searches .
He prefers it if you use yourself in him rather that an strap because he has a breeding kink .
However he will go crazy if you ride his cock while having a vibrator in him pull his hair while your at it.
He likes being manhandled because that's one of the things that remind him of when you first met.
If you were lingere he is in love again, put him in it and you will fuck yourself stupid on him and even then you will fuck like rabbits until you pass out.
Dom kurapika is gentle because he doesn't want to hurt you...
You are wearing makeup,hair gel or anything that you think will make you beautiful he will fuck you so hard infront of the mirror that if it wasn't there you would of thought he was a horse.
He will tell you how beautiful you are while your crying and your hair is all over the place.
praise he adores it.
Your walking around in the kitchen making him dinner because he's had a rough day.
And he gets a boner from the sight of you in one of his shirts strutting around with those cute panties of yours that cling so deliciously to your ass.
The house almost burned down because he decided to lie you down on the counter and make you scream with out the s.
Tight Jeans and your ass will be smacked.
His ass though...
You admitted to him the first thought that came to you when you became a couple was ' is he peggable'.
He is.
At times when he feels down and feels like hes going to waste away,you overstimulate him.
Peg him with a vibrating cock ring on his dick while pulling his hair and making him suck on your fingers.
Moans like a god who am I kidding this man will get you horny be anything he does but when he moans especially as the sub you cum evertime he moans and fuck him till he has problems walking the next day.
You both love leaving hickeys on each others thighs.
Suffocate him he will bite you and moan while eating you out or giving you head.
Hair pulling yet again.
You look at him only to find him staring back at you, tears in his eyes, makeup ruined,lingere ripped in diffeent places with his cock peeking out the top of the waistband.
When you give him head he acts as if you just fucked him with a strap the size of an elephants.
He's that sensitive.
He isn't pulling your hair because he's busy trying to keep quiet in the bath room stall of the cafe.
Kurapika will make you gag when he's pissed.Eventhough he doesn't intend to take it out on you,he does and you love it.
I mean I imagine he has a pretty red head with quite a thick shaft but in length it's average.
His cum is more sweet than bitter and your starting to wonder if it's because it's sticky and slightly thick like honey
All right headcannons because I dont know who to do.Anybody from hxh, demon slayer, jjk,mha I'll do them,just ask. ALL OF THESE WILL HAVE NSFW AND THE NSFW WILL BE IN RED. So ask away