✉ Requests Closed ✉ Hello I have a full time job so I might not be able to write a lot of things, this is mostly a 18+ blog so follow at your own risk, don't hesitate to ask anything my ask is always open to talk 27 years old
275 posts
Snow Storm [Jungkok Noona Au]
Snow Storm [Jungkok noona au]

They don’t know how this happened they don’t know when it happened. all they know that they were lost, and alone in a rough snow storm. they were walking aimlessly through the snow every step was getting harder the cold wind wouldn’t stop hitting them making them shiver.
“hyung do you know where we’re going?” Tae asked holding his jacket tighter around himself “no, but there has to be a route somewhere or at lest a car passing by” Jin replied “in that weather hmpf i don’t think so” “well do you have another idea Yoongi” at that he stayed silence “didn’t think so.....Jimin what are you doing?” the boy turned around with wide eyes “where is Jungkook?” “wha..what do you mean where is Jungkook you were walking next to him”.
Jin was suddenly terrified no this couldn’t be happening right now, they didn’t lose Jungkook no way “well he isn’t i just turned around to talk to him and he wasn’t there..” Jin could feel the younger boy’s voice shaking with fear “OMG HYUNG WHERE IS HE?!?!” Taehyung shouted eyes wide as a golf ball looking at him expecting and an answer “i.....he....i...” “ok everyone calm down let’s just go back the way we came, i’m sure he’s fine” at these moments Jin is really grateful for Yoongi and how calm he could be in any kind of situation.
They followed Yoongi this time yelling out Jungkook’s name repeatedly Jin could feel how anxious Yoongi was getting even though he still put up a tough face for the younger kids. they kept walking but to no avail they couldn’t find him anywhere their shouts got more franker now.
that’s when they heard a whimper from somewhere Jimin was the first to hear it running as fast as he could into the direction of the voice “I FOUND HIM HE’S HERE HELP ME GET HIM OU.....’‘ his voice soon dropped as soon as he laid eyes on him the three went running to him when Jin asked why isn’t the younger moving “there’s blood..” even though he whispered it but they all heard it everything stood still Jimin left his head up “he’s bleeding” the red ice around him and how pale his skin was proofed it.
I know this really fucking sucked but i promise it will get better.....(hopefully) this was kind of an introduction thingy to the story. i didn’t really revised this so there’s probably a lot of wrong grammar and misspelling I”m really tiered so.....sorry :D
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More Posts from Justiceforvillains
This is so damn good!!

Classy Hoseok
Imagine hoseok, your boyfriend, taking you out, spending all of his money on you, spoiling you, because he just loves you so much. He takes you out to a ball that’s nothing quite like the ones you had been invited to before. You feel slightly nervous, so many people that you didn’t know were there, you were stranger to all of them but one. Hoseok. You two get slightly buzzed on champagne and it’s definitely reflecting in the way you’re giggling almost constantly to yourself. Hoseok just can’t help but to just gaze at you. He eyes what you are wearing and draws his attention to your facial features. How he just loves the way you smile, the way you laugh, the way your eyes crease when you giggle. He loves every single bit of it. Taking another sip from your glass, his hand comes in your sight, signalling that he wants to dance and you just can’t help but to take it. You’d never been out dancing in a while but when you stepped foot on the floor you became addicted instantly, the way he holds you with such grace, like you’re the most precious thing ever. The way his hands just mould around your back, the way both your hands fit just perfectly together. You loved it all and nothing could be more perfect.
i was just thinking wow Jimin is really hot maybe i shou.................and then i saw this thank you for reminding me who my bias was

set it on fire
Maknae Line Reaction to their girlfriend cuddling them in her sleep
Jimin is going to be all for it he would immediately wrap his arms around you. carefully give you some kisses cause he couldn’t hold him self back of how adorable you looked cuddled against him.

We all know Taehyung is a huge fan of cuddling. so when you were lying on the couch watching a movie. you would turn around and nuzzle your whole head in his chest. he would look down and softly touch your cheeks admiring how big his hand is compared to your face.

I feel like Jungkook would find it absolutely adorable and cute but he wouldn’t act on it. he would just let you hug him. however if he was sleepy too he would be the one nuzzling into you trying to find warmness.

So this was a small reaction thing i thought about. I’m really sorry that I’m not updating as fast as i used to. but once i finish these damn tests i will be on here more often :D
J-HOPE: 「Ok, let’s talk about our first meeting. We first met…」
SUGA: 「It was 4 years ago, we met in the dormitory. I joined the company first and then J-Hope came on 24th December?」
J-HOPE: 「That’s right. 2010’s Christmas Eve! When I first walked into the dormitory, I had mixed feelings, I was anxious and was anticipating at the same time. And Suga appeared, he only had boxers on! It was a reality check of the trainee’s life. On that day, Suga spoke to me first and I can still remember what he said to me. I was sleeping in the living room at night and then Suga said to me: 『go sleep in the room』 (laughs). I was happy~」

Oooh that’s a good one. I can imagine how their faces would look if that ever happened
I think Jimin would be the most civilian about it on the other hand when it comes to the looks of the guy I actually think he would be a little insecure whenever you hang around him.
One day you guys would decorate the tree together and of fucking course you had to invite y/f/n to come. He understood how close you guys were but for fuck’s sake can’t he just leave you alone. He can’t even bring himself to hate the guy cause he was really nice. But when you asked him for the cookies you left on the kitchen table and then seeing HIM with his arms around YOU and whispering in your ear that was it for him.
He couldn’t take it anymore he can’t pretend that this was nothing. he slammed the cookies on the table which made you two look at him. Before anyone could say anything he dragged you to your bedroom. “WHAT THE HELL Y/N??” you were confused and a little scared by jimin sudden outburst he had never in his life yelled at you before especially with someone next door!!
“What are you tal…..” he cut you off by yelling even more “WHAT WAS THAT HE HAD HIS FUCKING ARMS AROUND YOU AND YOU LET HIM!!” Immediately understanding why he was so angry with. You, you smiled up at him unfortunately he didn’t seem so amused at all “but oppa he was just telling me how lucky i’m to have you”
That made him frown why the hell would he hug you from behind and then tell you you’re lucky to have him???? Before he could process the words he felt your arms around him smiling up at him and giggling. His eyes soften as soon as he saw your littlr giggle “listen baby I know you two are really close but can you stop……touching each other” he sighed which resulted in another giggle from you he frowned looking down at you “what what’s so funny” “you’re jealous” you sing sang “well a guy who isn’t ME was hugging you how do you think I would feel like” huffing angry “I promise it won’t happen again” you gave him a peck and went out.
Where your friend was sitting with another guy he looked at you and then at Jimin who glared really hard “who is this” great he not only came to HIS HOUSE and touched HIS GIRLFRIEND but he also brought a stranger over “so umm this is my boyfriend..” while you were laughing at Jimin’s face that went from angry glare to dumbfounded confused. Your friends boyfriend spoke up “don’t worry Jimin y/n is all yours”

Tae wouldn’t mind that guy much. there’s just those few times where he would tell you that he only wanted to spend time alone with you. that you shouldn’t always invite Y/F/N to come over whenever you’re hanging out.
and today was one of those times he didn’t talk much or even cared to look at you he was so pissed off he only had two days off and you decided to spend it with that douchebag. when he heard laughing he looked up to see you laughing at something Y/F/N told you while staring straight at him.
soon he was seeing red walking over you two and straight up burning a hole inside both of you. slowly Y/F/N smile started to fade he opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by a sharp “let go of her” Tae’s voice was so deep that it brought goosebumps to both of you.
you never saw him like this he was always smiley and bubbly this was a whole new side to him “Tae what d…..” but he wouldn’t look at you he would stare right into Y/F/N soul “ummmm listen dude i was just..” “was just what groping my girlfriend?” “TAEHYUNG!!” “WHAT?!?!” he glared at you.
you were debating on whether or not to tell him but you were cut short with a “i never meant for you two to have troubles Taehyung I’m gay I’m not interested in girls” well that sure shut him up he looked at you shocked “umm i……ahh….i wasn’t…..” “it’s ok it’s nice seeing that Y/N found someone that protects her” your friends smiled and left. you two just stood there when Tae smiled and said “i love you jagya” with the most embarrassed smile ever.

Jungkook wouldn’t jock around he would straight up pull you off of him pinning him “Listen i have no idea who you think you’re but if you touch my girlfriend ever again i swear to god you wi……” by the time he finished his sentence your friend would be running out of the house “JUNGKOOK!!” “WHAT HE WAS FEELING YOU UP!!” “HE’S GAY!!” he would stand there with his mouth open not daring to say a word. you glared at him and left to look for your friend who’s probably never coming to your house again.

FINALLY!! This took forever to make i have two other reactions coming up i hope i will finish them today. also who send a request could you please tell me what line you want me to do a reaction to thank you :D