justmultifandom - I'm a big shipper
I'm a big shipper

I am a multifandom. Eli/16 yo/🇮🇹/bisexual Voltron/Gormiti/Anime Kidge💚❤/Ikon💙💚

255 posts

Kidge Headcanon N.21

Kidge headcanon n.21

When Pidge discovered she was pregnant, Keith was away on a long mission with the Blades where he could not be contacted for its duration. Since he could be gone for months, if not a whole year if something went wrong, the two lovers had spent as much time together as possible and then poof! A month and a half after his departure, she discovered she was expecting a baby! Obviously she didn't tell him, as were the rules and above all to avoid putting him in danger, remaining alone (even if with friends and family) for almost the entire pregnancy. After six months of mission, Keith decides to surprise her by arriving on Earth earlier than he told her, but he finds himself shocked when he arrives at the Garrison labs and sees her with a big belly… They calmly discussed, hugging and kissing about how much they missed each other and he immediately felt guilty for being away all that time and not being by her side to help her or take care of her, she even responded by crying for hormones that it was all her fault for not telling, even though the rules Kolivan had imposed on both of them were very clear. In the end, Keith was so happy to become a father, so much that he canceled all the missions with the Blades until the following year so as to be at least present at the begin of his son's life, and Pidge, after giving birth, followed him into space, where they could finally always be together…

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1 year ago

Hello kidgers!! A question (please reblog!)

Do you have discord and if yes, I'm creating a Kidge server! I was wondering if y'all would be interested to join?!

(I'll give you more informations tomorrow! And also, I think the serv will be ready soon!)

1 year ago

You're right!!! Happy birthday to our favourite emo!!!!


I wanted to write something special but I forgot, I'll start now but I'll probably be done in a few days... 😓

1 year ago

Shiro:"Tell me again how do you find out that she was pregnant???"

Kidge headcanon 23!

Pidge: *was sleeping on the couch but then abruptly wakes up*

Keith: Are ok?..

Pidge: Touch my forehead.


Keith: *Places his hand on her forehead*

Pidge: do I have fever?

Keith: no, you seem actually pretty cold... why?

Pidge: because I have a "baby fever".

Keith: what-

Pidge: I dreamt about us having a kid and you looked SO HOT as a father.

Keith: Again... WHAT-


(baby fever:  describe the intense longing to have a baby and experience parenthood... doesn't have anything to do with an ACTUAL fever👍)

1 year ago

What if?

I was rewatching the first episode of Voltron: Legendary defender when Allura spoke about the lions abilities and who was gonna pilot them.

She said that the red lion is temperamental and the most difficult to master, it's faster and more agile than the others, but also more unstable. In the Italian dub, Allura say the adjective "vulnerabile" wich means "vulnerable". Since I'm Italian and I watch Voltron for the most part in Italian, and idea came in my mind.

We all know that before Keith the paladin of the red lion was Allura's father, King Alfor, and how did he died? Killed by his best friend and his trusted leader. In fact, as we see in the flashback, the red lion is the first to connect with his paladin, and Alfor didn't no anything.

So my theory is that the red lion want her paladin's trust before let the paladin piloting her because of what happened to Alfor...

What If?

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1 year ago

Kidge headcanon n.19

Pidge is actually a very good cook. Her mother tough her how to cook pasta, pizza, lasagne and other famous and useful dishes since she was little.

Also Keith thinks she cook almost better than Hunk...

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