jxnko-png - Jxnko

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59 posts

Bruh The8 Really Got To Take Promo Pics In A BMW The 8.... HES REALLY THAT GUY A LEGEND I SWEARRRRR

Bruh the8 really got to take promo pics in a BMW The 8.... HES REALLY THAT GUY A LEGEND I SWEARRRRR

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More Posts from Jxnko-png

5 years ago

Thank gosh!!! The honey’s are back togetherrrrr and they’re friends again!!!! I’m happy :))

Its Been A Month. A Little More Than That, Actually.
Its Been A Month. A Little More Than That, Actually.

It’s been a month. A little more than that, actually.

And you come back to where you started: standing in front of the winter white door brings back flashbacks, fresh and painful.

But the pain has faltered over time, smaller areas and details a little awkward, but overall faltered. Turns out, to start a new chapter, you have to finish your current one. For you, you thought it had ended a long time, but maybe it wrote itself more pages than needed so that it can get back on track.

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5 years ago

Imagine idol!Wonwoo being so infatuated with you. As a foreigner the one of the only jobs you could find was as a library assistant at a small library around the corner from your apartment. You have a few other odd jobs to make ends meet but all things considered you’re living pretty well. You know Wonwoo, you know of seventeen, you would consider yourself a carat. But you would never in you’re wildest dreams imagine that you would see the Jeon Wonwoo. In person. In the small library. Everyday. The owners said he came in once in awhile but that every since you started working there he’s been there constantly. One random day he just so happens to be in the isle you’re organizing. I mean he didn’t “just happen to be there” it was the kids isle. “You into kids books?” You questioned. “No yeah I love.... “the little lamb”” he said picking up a random book. “Ok no, I’ve actually been wanting to talk to you, I’ve seen you around, noticed bong bongie on your backpack, I’ve maybe purposefully seen you walk to the convenience store...” are you stalking me?” “No- I- I’m just so nervous to ask you out on a date...” “well I am pretty busy all the time...” his face dropped assuming what you were about to say. “But maybe if you stick around the library and I just so happen to be here we could go to the staff room and eat lunch together?” He couldn’t have said yes faster, and so it began his infatuation burned deeper than ever before.


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5 years ago

Imagine you and acquaintance!Mingyu are hanging out with a couple of friends. You’ve known each other for only a few months and you’ve always thought he was handsome but never really thought you’d work because you’re a foreigner. He’s always thought that you’d never be into him because he doesn’t speak your native language. While you’re hanging out and laughing there’s a sudden breeze and you shiver like a puppy, it catches his eye and he can’t help but giggle at how cute you look. “I’m fucked” he thinks to himself as his heart pounds when you laugh.


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5 years ago

Imagine you and boyfriend!Vernon are watching Adventure Time on the floor of your new apartment together. You didn’t have a lot of furniture so instead you guys grabbed all the blankets and pillows from the bed and made a makeshift couch bed thing. It wasn’t perfect but it was enough for the both of you. All the lights were turned off, phones turned off, Finn and Jake going on adventures, and you and Vernon snuggled together on the living room floor surrounded by pillows, stuffies, and blankets. Perfect. You soon drifted off to sleep as Vernon sang along quietly to Marceline’s “slow dance with me”.


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5 years ago

Damn my heart-


heart shaped: v

wc: 6.8k

summary: you start to doubt everything. jihoon takes you out for valentine’s day, and you make a decision that changes everything. 

part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | finale (in progress)


when you wake up, you find that jihoon was right: your head is absolutely pounding. you open your eyes just to close them a few seconds later - your vision spins a bit and even though the room is dim, it seems too bright. breathing slow and deep for a minute or two, you open your eyes again slowly and take in your surroundings.

you’re still on jihoon’s couch, and there’s a pillow underneath your head and a blanket overtop your body, a small trash can on the floor next to you that jihoon must have put there after you’d fallen asleep. a gentle turn of your head finds a pair of feet next to the trash can, leading up to the rest of jihoon’s body. you frown and wonder why he’s there and not in his own bed? but your head pounds harder, setting all other thoughts aside. you turn, little by little, onto your side from your back and look down at jihoon as he continues sleeping.

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