kade-is-here - cheesecake

★Neptunic, grayromantic, asexual, genderfluid & a minor!★☆Currently focused on: Invader Zim, Hail, True body, and TF2☆✪NSFW and Queerphobia DNI!✪

352 posts

Welcome, Laddies, Lasses, And Las, To The First Episode Of Im Kind Of Bad At Art But I Needed To Get

Welcome, laddies, lasses, and las, to the first episode of “I’m kind of bad at art but I needed to get this done!” Today’s piece of work?

This solid 6/10 reference of what a mimic in the Hail, True Body Robotic!AU might look like!

Welcome, Laddies, Lasses, And Las, To The First Episode Of Im Kind Of Bad At Art But I Needed To Get

(I’m a beginner artist, if you couldn’t tell.)

Keep in mind, this is not what ALL robotic mimics look like. This is just an example. If you want to know more about the mimics, there’s information in the masterpost for this AU. The original series that this is an AU of is Hail, True Body by mustangs-flames. :]

Text, in order from top to bottom:

Hail, True Body



This is an example of what a robotic mimic might look like.

Feel free to ask questions! :)

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More Posts from Kade-is-here

10 months ago

The sheer AUDACITY

my chicken snuck into my room to lay an egg in my bed again

bold behavior from an animal I could eat if I wanted

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10 months ago

I want to take your robots apart and put them back together.

You can share anything you want about the AU, I love it all. Maybe if you have random notes, you could share that? Or unorganized facts floating around in your head that you didn't get to write down yet?

Feel free to disassemble them! Just make sure to reassemble them correctly, otherwise some unforeseen issues might occur. :)

Also, thank you so much for the ask and the kind words! I really appreciate it! :D

So, uh… yeah, here’s everything I thought of for the AU! This is kinda long but, uhhh… enjoy!

•The mimics can overheat just like every other kind of electronic. However, it’s pretty rare, since their coolant systems are very well made. But it still happens enough for there to be a slight decrease of mimic encounters during the summer months.

•Eve always thought that something was a little off about Adam, but she never mentioned it. She thought it was some sort of mental condition, or maybe he just didn’t understand people well enough. There was always something robotic about him, after all.

•Mimic!Cesar hates the taste of water with a passion. He will only drink it if A. Somebody’s making him do it, B. It’s in a very specific kind of cup, and/or C. It’s cold.

•When mimics get their fight, flight, or freeze “instinct” triggered while they’re in their true forms, they usually change shape or size to fit the situation. If it’s a fight, then the mimic makes itself larger and packs its CPU farther into its body. If it’s a flight, then the mimic makes itself smaller, and therefore harder to hit. If it’s a freeze, then the mimic puts its CPU farther into its body like it would in a fight scenario, but it also closes any gaps that might exist in its form.

•Sam wants to study mimics, but also keep them as far away as humanly possible. He wants to know what they are and how they function, but he also wants to wipe them off the face of the earth. Gotta love the contradictions!

•Mimics just don’t get the concept of gender. At all. They know that pronouns are used to refer to people, but they don’t know how those pronouns are connected to a person’s body. After all, they’re just… metal. And you know for a fact that Liam didn’t give them the knowledge of middle school health class. This in the mimics either using the default it/its pronouns, using whatever pronouns their current/previous form used before switching when they change forms, or just using certain pronouns because they like the sound.

•Cian has an apron with lemons on it. It’s white. He also has a pair of matching oven mits. Plus, he makes lemon related food way too often.

•Mark has a comically large wrench the Sam gave him for his birthday once that he uses specifically for impolitely disassembling mimics. Bonk.

•Mimic!Cesar completely freaks out once he figures out how humans age and why it happens. It still scares him.

•Mark called mimic!Cesar things like “useless hunk of metal,” “pile of nuts and bolts” and constantly referring to him as an “it” or treating him like an object. Which he technically is, but he’s… y’know. Sentient. Which means he isn’t an object. But he’s also a robot…

•Mimics can cause power failures at will. However, for some reason, it’s easier to do involuntarily.

But, uh, yeah! That’s about it! Have a wonderful rest of your day/night and remember to stay hydrated! :] <3

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10 months ago

absolute beast. 10/10 dog

Enjoy this image of my dog

Enjoy This Image Of My Dog

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10 months ago

Poor Cesar probably dumped in some trash can somewhere


Yeah, mimic!Cesar just dropped my guy off somewhere. Disposal, I guess?

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