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83 posts
Sweet Kookie [Jungkook]
Sweet Kookie [Jungkook]
Request: Id like to request a scenario with Jungkook making breakfast in bed for his sick girlfriend reader but he's such a klutz at cooking he ends up as a food covered cute mess TT //this is lame but I really want some fluff dorky Jungkook time TT...
I really hope you enjoy this. It gets a little teasy at the end cause I have a weakness for Jeon Jungkook T^T
for @amlu69

word count: 591 genre: fluffy, hints at smut pairings: Jungkook x Reader
To be perfectly honest, you were somewhat irritated when you woke up, the sound of something crashing from outside your room loud enough to wake you up from a dead sleep. You had taken a tad bit of medicine before bed, your body sick with a cold and sleep being practically impossible without it. You had hardly slept at all in the last few days, and for whatever reason, you were being forced awake when you had finally managed to.
You heard Jungkook groan from what you assumed to be the kitchen and sighed, kicking the warm blanket off of your body and sitting up reluctantly. You creeped out of the room quietly, making your way through your small apartment toward the kitchen, pausing when you caught sight of your boyfriend kneeling on the ground with a roll of paper towels in hand.
You saw the bowl of pancake batter on the counter, but the pan laid strewn on the floor, along with the spilled, half-cooked pancake mushed on the floor. You shook your head when when Jungkook unsuccessfully tried to clean it up in one swoop with a paper towel, ending up sliding with his hand in it, and falling flat on top of it.
“Damn it!” He huffed, sitting up to take a look at the pancake mess pressed against his plain red t-shirt. “This is my favorite t-shirt.”
It was then that you decided to intervene, your chuckle as you entered the room drawing his attention quickly. “Since when did you think it was a good idea to cook? You have the cooking skills of a three month-old infant.”
“Babe!” Jungkook whined at your comment, wiping helplessly at his shirt. “I was trying to be a good boyfriend and make you breakfast in bed.”
“That’s sweet of you, Kookie.” You smiled as you leaned down with him on the floor, taking the paper towels from his hand to gently brush it away yourself. As endearing as what he had done was, however, you just couldn’t resist teasing him further. “But you’d have probably made me sicker with your undercooked pancakes.”
“Yah, you’re even meaner to me than Yoongi hyung is when I try waking him up.” Jungkook pouted, giving you a weak glare. You rose a brow at him in challenge, which he was almost attempted to return before he sighed, rolling his eyes. “But, you’re probably right. We’d both end up in the emergency room if we ate that.”
You snorted, standing up when you got the last little bit of pancake mush off of his shirt, the only remnants left being a smudged dark spot. “We should probably throw that in the wash now if you want to salvage your shirt.”
Being the little shit he was, you didn’t miss when Jungkook’s pout turned into a smirk as he stood up as well and took a dangerous step toward you. “Is that your way of trying to get me naked, Babe? Cause all you really have to do is ask.”
You bit your lip in response, so very tempted to tease Jungkook a little further. “Maybe I am. How about you do it, and we’ll see where it goes from there.”
A giggle escaped your lips when Jungkook let out a playful growl and pulled his shirt off before reaching toward you and picking you up so your legs wrapped around his hips. Your headache was completely forgotten as the boy carried you away to your bedroom, sure to help you feel better in other ways.
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More Posts from Kaikumin
Can I have a Scoups or DK scenario or imagine? How would they take care of a sick partner, or make them feel better cause they've got tissues all over the bed and floor and feel horrible in general. Thanks!
This is my first time doing this, so here’s to hoping I don’t screw shit up, lmao. I’m lowkey trash for Seungcheol, so you really shouldn’t have given me an option if you had actually wanted Dokyeom, oops. >.I hope you like it though T^T
pairing: seungcheol x readerword count: 482 words
It had been a rough night for you, to say the least, most of it spent rolling around in bed and sneezing and coughing and blowing your nose into the plethora of tissues that now surrounded the surface of your comforter and the floor of your room.
You had only managed to fall asleep when pure exhaustion finally won out over the sickness your body held - courtesy of Mingyu not-so-gracefully coughing into your face numerous times when you went over to his place to help take care of him.
Sleep was welcomed, but even then you knew waking up would be a nightmare of headaches and a stuffy nose. You were too far gone at this point to even notice when the bedroom creaked open in the wee hours of the morning, and Seungcheol tip-toed into the room.
He kept quiet as his eyes landed on you, his heart aching at seeing you in such discomfort, although he would be lying if he didn’t say he found it cute how the tip of your nose flushed a light pink color, even if it was from a cold.
With a sigh he walked forward and began gently removing the used tissues from the bed, tossing them in the waste bin you kept beside your desk.
He felt regretful that he couldn’t have seen you sooner, his schedule having kept him busy that entire week up until that evening. You weren’t the type to share when you felt unwell, too scared of worrying others, so he found out about your cold from Mingyu, who had apologized profusely to him in your place.
Seungcheol just couldn’t resist the urge to visit you the moment he found out.
Once the bed was clean, he made his way to your figure, and sat down by your legs, pulling the blanket up to your chin to tuck you in. Despite your exhaustion, you felt the action and peaked one eye open to look at your boyfriend before moving your hand to cover your face, barely alert and audible.
“Cheol, why’re you here? I’ll get you sick.”
He simply chuckled, pulling your hand away from your face. “I think I’ll live, babe. Go back to sleep, I didnt mean to wake you.”
You gave him a side glare but nodded your head against your pillow anyway, his presence bringing a sense of peace to your mind that your cold had kept away. “Okay.”
“I’ll make you some soup in the morning, yeah? And spend the whole day taking care of my babygirl. Does that sound good?”
Your mind was too far gone to give an actual response to him, but the soft smile on your lips was enough for Seungcheol to understand, and the last thing you felt before falling back asleep was the gentle press of his lips against your temple.
Hello :) is it okay if I can request a Hanbin(iKON) scenario, where y/n is the nerdy girl at school who’s in love with the popular boy so y/n bothers him too much at times. The day of his birthday y/n bakes him a cake and when she takes to him she finds Hanbin with another girl, she leaves and leaves him alone for good. When Hanbin notice the attention that’s missing from her he tries to win her love back :). Thank you! I hope is not too much :( (angst and fluff)
It’s not too much! but, the way I see it, this request is a bit longer than a simple scenario so I ask that you please allow me some time to write it out, because I think it’ll work well as a one shot. sorry for making you wait, but I’ll try and have this together within the next week or two!
Thank you for requesting!
P.S. Hanbin is my iKon bias T^T
His True Love [angst/little fluff]
Sweet Kookie [breakfast in bed for sick gf, fluffy af, lowkey nsfw at the end]
after a hard day at work [kinda fluffy]
Delivery [Hoseok x OC, fluffy af, like so much fluff im dead]
Topping #1, #2, #3, #4
Fifty Shades of Jimin [Jimin x OC, smut, but not pwp and not bdsm]
Shades: 01, 02, 03
frustration [nsfw, smut]
A Car Ride [nsfw, smut]
taking care of sick s/o [fluffy]
The Devil’s Sons [Soonyoung x OC x Jihoon, romance, fantasy angst, supernatural]
00, 01, 02, 03, 04
The Devil’s Sons [Soonyoung x OC x Jihoon, romance, fantasy angst, supernatural]
00, 01, 02, 03, 04
Hanbin (B.I)
Cake for a Cake [fluff]
Hello again I’m the one who requested the Hanbin scenario :). Take all the time you need! :). Oh my gosh really! Isn’t he the cutest! By the way thank you so much for taking my request :). I know you’ll write something amazing!
Hello! I’ve finished your request. I’m sorry if it’s not up to par with my usually writing, I had bit of a rough day, but I didn’t want to keep you waiting for too long, so I do hope you enjoy it anyway.
I’m not the best with fluff, but I tried (and probably failed) lmao.
Thank you for requesting and for being so patient about it! next time I promise to make it 100000% better~
Here it is ---> A Cake for a Cake
COuld you please write something angsty but with fluffy ending for Jimin? I leave the plot to you, but habe you seen the anime Haikyuu!! ? If so, maybe something with Volleyball player Jimin au? I really think about how much in common have Jimin with the main character Hinata hehe And could it be with the Y/N thing please? This is really lame, but if not name is Cecilia (lol it's embarrasing to request my ñame so sorry) thanks!
I’m actually not familiar with that anime, nor do I know anything about volleyball, but I did my best to put together something. It’s a little more angst the fluff, but I tried to make it bittersweet so he got that nice ending. Sorry if it’s not exactly what you wanted, but I tend to get carried away with angst. I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
I had originally planned on making it multiple parts, but figured I shouldn’t drag it on to much, so this is a shortened version of what I had originally had in mind.
title: His True Lovepairings: Jimin x Readerword count: 903
Every time the ball went into the air, it felt as though all of Jimin’s problems followed suit. And like clockwork, his hand against the hard surface was no different than his hand shoving those problems away. Playing volleyball had honestly become his one true love, and his getaway.
Though he wasn’t able to play anymore, he still cherished the sport for that reason alone.
And it was through volleyball that the boy was able to meet you.
You were sitting in the bleachers at the first volleyball game of the season, clearly not wanting to be there, your friends chatting happily beside you as you grudgingly scribbled in your notebook.
Truth be told, the pride Jimin took in his skills led him to be a bit of a egoist when it came to the game, and it was easy to pinpoint someone not enthralled by him or his team. This led him to be distracted for the first half before his coach finally smacked him in the head and told him to get it together.
But of course, it wasn’t easy when you seemed to finally take an interest in the court, and your eyes meeting Jimin’s from his spot, just as he was about to receive the ball, and he heard his name getting shouted by his teammate Jungkook before he felt it hit him square in the forehead.
He landed on the floor with a oomph, and a whistle was blown as Jimin began to see stars. Through his daze, he still managed to catch a glimpse of you standing from your spot on the bleachers and making your way to the doors, perhaps a little bored or un-amused by the events.
It didn’t take him long after that for him to realize he had to get to know you better, even if you didn’t seem interested in him or his first love. And, after weeks of trying to get your attention, he managed to successfully ask you out on a date, and the two of you had been somewhat inseparable since.
That was the best change in his life.
It was a car accident a year and a half after meeting you, that had become the worst change.
The ball Jimin had served bounced off the wall at an angle and flew passed his head before hitting the ground and bouncing away. He sighed when he heard the patter of it against the concrete, his eyes closing in exasperation. His hands reached down to the wheels of his chair as he began to maneuver himself around, hoping to catch the ball before it rolled too far away and he was unable to grab it at all.
He let out a startled gasp when he came face to face with the ball, having expected nothing to be there.
“Your aim sucks.” You teased him, holding the volleyball out to him. Jimin simply chuckled, taking it from you and shaking his head.
“Yeah, well even in a wheelchair I play volleyball better than you ever could.”
You tsked at him but didn’t disagree as you walked around him and placed your hands on the back of his chair and began pushing him forward and walking at a leisurely pace.
“Fair enough.”
You had been an immense source of strength for the boy after the accident first happened, a drunk driver speeding down the road as Jimin walked home from practice. He wasn’t even sure if he’d survive when it happened, he couldn’t even remember most of it. But he remembered you staying by his side in his hospital room as he recovered, always there when he woke up, until the hospital forced you to leave when visiting hours were over.
He remembered you holding his hand and crying along with him when he found out he wouldn’t be able to walk anymore - and in turn, would no longer be able to play the sport he loved so dearly. And he remembered the promises you made him - that everything would be alright.
Jimin felt one of your hands reach up to run through his hair as you moved along quietly, each other’s company plenty enough to keep you serene and comfortable. He leaned back into the touch, savoring the way your fingers felt and his chest warming up with affection.
“Mm?” You responded to his soft voice, a little lost in your own thoughts as you brushed your fingers through his raven colored hair.
Jimin took a deep breath as he reached down to grab the wheels of his chair, halting you from pushing him. You were surprised by his action, and leaned forward so you look at his face and see what was wrong only to be further startled when he reached back and pulled your head down so your lips met his in a light kiss.
He didn’t have to tell you what that kiss meant, because you felt it easily. He was grateful to you, he had said as much every day, and he showed it through these gentle kisses and his feather-like touches. But, something deeper in this kiss told you he had especially meant it all today.
He wasn’t able to play his first true love anymore, but you had become his true love now, and he felt just as fulfilled with you as he once did on the court.
You were all he needed.