i don't know. 99.9% womany, myrsexual myrromantic fictosexual. is this where I list all my medical and mental health problems? I wish I could be a hot mess, but I'm only a mess
522 posts
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ready set go
so when to people say "everything posted in godkin are from trolls"?
More Posts from Kaiyodei
what is an identidy joke? "2 guys walk into a bar, the 3rd is very short and ugly said he is a bottle of vodka and the two said they agree because he ain't no tall drink of water and an angry drunk"
transethnic, a new term so weeaboos can feel good?
so, this is more of "I was born in Kansas, raised by very very American people, good old flag lov'n folks. but I can't quite shake this feeling that I should of been born into another nationality, It's not just that I am a Francophile, but I really feel I should of been born in France, to French parents"
Please (do not) give a welcoming round of applause to our newest entry—Raijuu! Here is their main blog.
Raijuu is a dysphoric transgender furry-loving pegasister therian/demonkin who claims to be the incarnation of Raijuu, a six-tailed thunder weasel youkai. Her mother was a Raijuu as well,...