i don't know. 99.9% womany, myrsexual myrromantic fictosexual. is this where I list all my medical and mental health problems? I wish I could be a hot mess, but I'm only a mess
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ready set go
so when to people say "everything posted in godkin are from trolls"?
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self loating and season born misery and lost of lostness of selfitude and withdrawls of mood stablelizing drugs
and i am so indesscriblbly miserable I hope this is not waht drunk feels like.
because wtf. why
and i just do not like myself always and hate it all. my head swims with the confussion and lack of knowing how to fix anything while doing it alone and having only people that might not be the best to do it
to fix me.
just shut up and buck up and do it and fly right and stand tall.
something was missing
it had dawned one me, that I think I have no swag. and you just can't buy that in a box. but then I saw some purple hair dye called "purple swag". so I guess you can.
what is transabled
so this is a "i'm fine but really feel like, or wish I were/was_________"
is this just a cute way of saying "I think I'm going to merge Munchhausen's with hypochondria"
screw you guys. be nice to me. I'm medicated but I swear I have Borderline personality disorder and some shizmits like that.
or eah. maybe I was supposed to?
or maybe I was not supposed to be with scoloisis and neuro fibromatosis. yeah yeah. the backwards of transabled. I have reason to have body dysmorphia. I don't empthizie with the "i'm 300 pounds overweight I hate my body"
I also am transhobby. I just gravitate twords drawing things, but I should of been a really really good female wrestler.
I may of been born a geek, but I don't think I can, as hard as I try be a scene brat clubber or swinger.
that is what it is.
i want something pretty
there seems to be a lack of "pretty" males or ones I like the look of. especally on Pounced.and if they are lithe and pretty they will be homosexual and that kind of dosen't work for me, as I am a heterosexual female woman girl thing who cannot shapeshift with a snap of the fingers.