Dreams Of Fanart
dreams of fanart
so. I can’t really draw. I want to learn, but that isn’t relevant to this complaint. Basically I just desperately wish I could draw pictures of all of these beautiful scenes and people but I know I would be disappointed if I tried? I just want to draw fanart of Kingdoms and Empires by Jaclyn Moriarty
Anyways I’m working on digitally coloring an illustration in the first book. Just kinda teaching myself, ig? It’s fun. Who knows when I’ll be satisfied with it though! Lol
earlyzakariya liked this · 6 months ago
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book title abbreviations
I think the abbreviations are funny. Also kind of useful?
EIABM or tEIAoBM- The Extremely Inconvenient Adventures of Bronte Mettlestone
SAWW or tSAtotWW (American title is tWW) - The Slightly Alarming Tale of the Whispering Wars
SPC or tSPoC- The Stolen Prince of Cloudburst
ACOE or tACoOfE - The Astonishing Chronicles of Oscar from Elsewhere
ISLV or tISoLV (American title is tSoLV or SLV) - The Impossible Secret of Lillian Velvet
bronte mettlestone series
—formally known as the Kingdoms and Empires series by Jaclyn Moriarty—is one of my new favorite series and I cannot find any hint of a fandom online. So I guess I’ll just see if I can start it/find it? Hello ppl? Are you out there??
audiobook fangirling
The narrator for Oscar's chapters is Australian. Just like Oscar. I am so happy rn.
The Astonishing Chronicles of Oscar from Elsewhere by Jaclyn Moriarty

So. I have this fancy family tree software and I thought I might as well use it, but it was having technical difficulties (or maybe I was the problem?) so here is this super low-quality Mettlestone family tree. Since it's impossible to read, (I just wanted to have a picture in a post for once, lol) I guess just rely on the image description! rip
Basically, I have figured out as best as I can the order of the Mettlestone siblings so I put them in, added their spouses, and added their kids. Oscar isn't in there but like he's an adopted grandkid so that is a bit of an inaccuracy; I'm not sure where he would go though? It was very fun researching the books to find all the ages, though ultimately there was a mostly-in-age-order list in SLV that filled in all the gaps. Before I found that list, I had known that Isabelle, Carrie, and Franny were the three oldest, that Emma and Patrick were at the end, and that Sophy was also a younger child.
kinda crazy they had 12 kids. that's a lot. In case you are wondering, the reason Bronte only had 10 gifts to give but 11 aunts is because Maya & Lisbeth shared a gift!
Also it's really cute that Jacob and Ildi combined their last names to make Mettlestone. Very wholesome.
silly character names
My mom and I's favorite names in the Kingdoms and Empires series that we like to say out loud because they make us giggle:
Snatty Ra-Ra
Ronaldo C. Torrington
Jonathan J. Lanyard