The Whispering Wars - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

¡¡spoilery thoughts!!


The Secret of Lillian Velvet by Jaclyn Moriarty

Every action that the Mettlestones have taken has been so important to the world that without them it would be an apocalypse. They are so powerful 🥺 and brave 🥺 especially Bronte and Esther 🥺 but mostly Lillian 😭 she is pure starlight and I cry about how much I love her. frequently

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6 months ago

book title abbreviations

I think the abbreviations are funny. Also kind of useful?

EIABM or tEIAoBM- The Extremely Inconvenient Adventures of Bronte Mettlestone

SAWW or tSAtotWW (American title is tWW) - The Slightly Alarming Tale of the Whispering Wars

SPC or tSPoC- The Stolen Prince of Cloudburst

ACOE or tACoOfE - The Astonishing Chronicles of Oscar from Elsewhere

ISLV or tISoLV (American title is tSoLV or SLV) - The Impossible Secret of Lillian Velvet

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6 months ago

It’s pretty cool that magic works without the threads now. Kinda like how money used to have actual worth when it was gold coins but now we trust paper to certify wealth or whatever money is?

Bronte says that mages somehow learned how to do the spells without the actual thread—though they can see the thread in their minds!

I also think the thread itself only has powers if a mage with matching speciality uses it. Like a True Mage could never use Shadow Thread to do any kind of magic, because shadow thread can only do shadow magic and only if a Shadow Mage is using it.

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6 months ago

I have a big plan to make a post comparing historical coal mining (my background is in Scottish coal mines from the 1800s in the Central Lowlands--def the nerdiest hyperfixation I've had to date) and the mining conditions of the Shadow Thread mines the captured children endured during the Whispering Wars. I definitely noticed a lot of similarities and I cannot wait to write it all out mwahaha

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