I Am Now Officially A Solomon Reed Hate Account And Am A Massive Diggery Graves And Percy Fan.
I am now officially a Solomon Reed Hate account and am a massive Diggery Graves and Percy fan.
Love me some trans masc piano ghost and nonbinary zombie man dating.
Also Diggery Graves is gender.
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Bokuaka Week 2020 Day One: Bookshop/Coffee Shop AU
Also Available on my AO3
It started off as a normal day for Akaashi. He woke up, got dressed then walked downstairs into his cafe and bookshop to set up before opening. Akaashi looked up as he heard the doorbell chime and Kenma walked in, “Have you had any sleep Kenma, your eyebags look worse than mine?” Kenma looked up tiredly at Akaashi before continuing around the counter. “Sorry, Kuroo bought me the newest Pokemon game as an apology for his last prank and I lost track of time while playing it.”
Akaashi put the last of the cakes into the display case while Kenma set up the register. They were opening soon and Akaashi still had to bake a few more cakes but he had the first batch out and ready. Kenma had finished setting up the register and had gone over to the coffee machine and started to brew two coffee’s. He pointed at the clock on the wall before gesturing to the door letting Kenma know that it was almost opening.
It was around two when things started to go crazy. Kuroo entered at his normal time, sitting at the table in the back as people began to vacate the cafe, before it closed so that Akaashi and Kenma could have lunch. Akaashi flipped the sign to shut as Kuroo bookmarked and closed a short novel, with an orange paw print on the front of its otherwise white cover. It was only upon turning around that Akaashi noticed that Kuroo wasn’t alone at the table. A tall man with spiky grey-white and black hair was sitting across the table from Kuroo looking around the small bookshop cafe with his golden eyes.
Kenma looked over at where Kuroo was sighing as he made coffee for the four of them and grabbed the lunches out of the backroom. Akaashi moved over to the counter and grabbed the coffee’s putting them down at the table, noticing that there was a hot chocolate there that he assumed was for the owlish man. Kenma walked over to the table with some sandwiches, a medium apple pie and a piece of chocolate cake.
Kuroo was the one to start the conversation, asking Kenma and Akaashi about their day, Kenma seemed to know the owlish man and talked about irritating customers before asking him how training went. Akaashi started to feel more and more awkward as the conversation continued, the owlish man was gesturing in wild movements how volleyball practice went while Kuroo was listening intently, cracking jokes and asking questions. Kenma was distracting himself from the wild conversation by playing on his DS, it was probably the new Pokemon game that Kenma had mentioned Kuroo buying him earlier. Akaashi half listened to the conversation having lost interest in volleyball during middle school declining recommendations from Fukurodani and Suzumeoka in favour of Nekoma’s closeness to home and high level literature classes. By the end of the conversation Akaashi had discovered that the owlish man’s name is Bokuto, that he played volleyball against Kenma and Kuroo in high school and that he is a pro volleyball player for the local division 1 team the MBSY Black Jackals. Akaashi looked over at the clock as he gathered the dishes from lunch taking them over to the sink behind the counter signalling for Kenma to flip the sign on the door back to open as Kuroo and Bokuto leave the cafe, the owlish man still gesturing wildly. Akaashi notices that he has a small smile on his face in his reflection.
Kuroo and Bokuto walk down the street towards the professional spikers house talking about how excited they are of Hinata's return to Japan and the upcoming game against the Adlers. The conversation turns from volleyball to Kenma when Kuroo says he’s going to be watching the game with Kenma. Bokuto asks how Kenma is going about working at the cafe as well as having a large following on his gaming channel on youtube.
“It’s easy for him, Akaashi lets him work at the cafe whenever he wants for as long as he wants, he knows how lonely being at home without anyone can be and he’s known us since high school.” Kuroo sighs looking upwards at the clouds, “I wish that Akaashi had someone sometimes, he just seems so lonely all the time.”
Bokuto looked at Kuroo, eyes wide with shock at the revelation that Akaashi, the pretty, petite, pale cafe/bookstore owner, was single. “Bro, Akaashi is single, I assumed that he was dating someone, he looks so nice and is so polite.” Kuroo sighs at Bokuto’s sudden outburst coming to a stop at the crosswalk.
“Akaashi is seen as too introverted for most and those who find him nice often don’t mesh well with his ‘serious and emotionless’ self. He also has issues with anxiety that causes him to avoid people for the most part.” Kuroo took a step forward crossing the road with Bokuto slightly behind him on his left, processing what Kuroo had just told him.
“Do you think that I could have a chance with him, Kuroo?” Bokuto questions, shocking Kuroo with the abruptness of the question. “Well it depends on if he finds you interesting or annoying, he quit volleyball at the end of middle school but was willing to give Kenma pointers with strategy and tactics cause he found that Kenma was nice to talk to but he disliked me at first. It really depends on how you act, I don’t think he likes being around loud people a lot but is more used to it than he was in high school.”
Bokuto looked over at Kuroo with pleading eyes, “Could you please be my wingman on this one Kuroo?” Kuroo looked at Bokuto’s puppy eyes before nodding slowly in agreement “I’ll be your wingman but you're going to have to be the one to talk to him once I get the conversation going okay?”
Bokuto nods as they round the corner to his apartment and continue up the stairs to the elevator inside. They ride the elevator in silence, Bokuto thinking about what he was going to talk about to the beautiful man he had met earlier that day, Kuroo’s talk about how he had quit volleyball was probably a sign that using that as a conversation point was probably off the table. He looked over at Kuroo, a moment of decisiveness coming over him. “Do you know what his favourite book genre is? I could read some books then use them to have a conversation with him.” Kuroo looked over at his longtime close friend, shocked that he was willing to read after having to fight with him to get him to study for exams.
“He likes lots of genres but is currently reading lots of short novels about teenagers, sport and crime. I’ve almost finished the first book in a series he’s recommended. I'll lend it to you once I finish it.” Kuroo said, gesturing to his bag which had the book from earlier in it as they exit the elevator and continue towards Bokuto’s apartment.
The following week Bokuto was finishing up the final book in the All for the Game series as he waited for Kuroo so they could head to Akaashi’s coffee shop for lunch. He was nervously tapping his feet as he read the final chapter of The King’s Men. He was surprised by the theme of the book and how it went from lighthearted to dark then back to lighthearted as the characters' moods shifted. Bokuto jumps and closes his book as Kuroo enters his apartment, slightly slamming the door shut as he yells. “Hey, bro are you ready to see Akaashi?”
Bokuto paused at the corner of the street from the cafe, he was clenching and unclenching his fist nervously as he waited for the lights to change. Kuroo looked over at his best friend who was clearly nervous. “Dude, chill, the worst thing that could happen is Akaashi gets nervous around you. Kenma has told me that Akaashi has asked him to be his wingman.”
Around the corner Akaashi and Kenma sneeze as they close the shop for lunch. “Akaashi are you sure that you are comfortable with this, you have only known each other for a week.” Kenma looks worriedly over his longtime friend. “It’s okay Kenma, I’ll give him a chance, thanks for talking Kuroo out of his original plan, that would have been awkward.” Both Kenma and Akaashi shiver at the thought of a picnic double date in the current chilly weather.
They look up from their usual lunch table as Bokuto and Kuroo enter the cafe, walking past bookshelves and other tables as they make their way towards them. Akaashi started to nervously fiddle with his fingers under the table as Bokuto sat down on his left. Kuroo sat on Kenma’s right smiling at Bokuto as he reached for Kenma’s hand under the table. There was a short bout of awkward silence as they all started to eat. After a few minutes Kuroo finally decided to break the silence, “Akaashi, I finally got around to finishing the All for the Game series a few days ago, I must say that I was surprised that you were interested in it considering how sports focused it can get.”
Akaashi looked elated at the prospect of talking about the series as he quickly replied words seemingly flying from his mouth, “On the surface it can seem to be focused on sports but the real pushing factor is everyone's mindsets from the trauma that they had gone through in their childhood, Neil wants to play exy not only because it's fun but because it’s something that he was told he couldn’t do by his mother due to his circumstances with his father. Andrew is playing exy cause it gets his family into a University and allows him time off his meds at the beginning then we see him become more and more attached to Neil…” he drifts off realising that he was ranting about a book series that half of the table probably haven’t read yet.
Bokuto took his silence as an opportunity to jump into the conversation, “I think that Akaashi is right Kuroo, the book series used the Foxes playing Exy as a parallel to Neil and Andrew facing their trauma and identity and overcoming the habits that their parents had trained them into.”
Akaashi looked at Bokuto surprised remembering what Kenma had told him about the man Bokuto had read a book series that he had enjoyed and had analysed what the true story going through the series was when he was rarely able to sit still and was training to play on the Japanese Olympic team. “It also shows all four responses to threats, Neil being flight, Andrew being fight, Kevin being freeze and Jean being fawn.” Akaashi added onto Bokuto’s previous statement, eyes shining with excitement behind his passive facial expressions.
The two continued to talk about the book series with Bokuto getting his number and several book recommendations so they could continue to converse about them. It wasn’t a surprise that within a month of them exchanging contacts they had told Kuroo and Kenma that they were officially dating. It was more of a surprise for Kenma that Akaashi could deal with Bokuto’s high energy and mood swings as though he had been doing it for years.
They were perfect for each other, Kenma mused, he was happy that he had asked Kuroo to bring Bokuto along that day.
I can't believe that Hello from the Hallowoods defeated me defeated my after an exam 4 weeks in a row. It makes me so emotional, I can't believe you've managed this Mx. Wellman looking forward to listening to 86.
Annabel Cane attempts to puppeteer Jon and Martin to end the Eyepocalypse.
For Day one of my TMA-tober form @its.a.trilingual.tree on instagram's TMA-tober prompts.
Also availible on ao3: Puppet
The spider watches as her prey wanders ever closer to their final destination, she knows that they will get there with or without her interference but she needs to ensure that when they get there they do what the Mother wants them to. In the current world its almost impossible for her to puppeteer the Archivist, in fact it is impossible to directly puppet him, however she knows which angle will work she just needs to ensure that her timing is right.
First she pulls on the domains and places Mikaele Salesa, and the blindspot camera in their paths to ensure that the Archivist does not see what she is planning, that would be a sure fire way for a quick but excruciating death. Next she needs to gain Martin's trust which she has been building over vague phone calls which she does hope weren’t too threatening, she knows the Archivists dislike of spiders may have affected this one's attachment to them, so that he will allow himself to be more or less alone with her at the very least he needs to be away from the Archivists protective gaze.
Once she is alone with Martin she strikes her bargain, they talk for a bit and as the conversation continues she notices that her plan may not work as she intended it, Martin was still to tied to the lonely and his relationship with Jon to complicated for him to fall into the Mothers lap despite his talents in manipulation, she needs to reevaluate her plan.
She watches once more as the Archivist and Martin leave the Upton house, she has her new plan in mind. She eats one with Mikale Salasa one last time before she kills him in his sleep, its a quick and merciful death much better than what would have happened to him if she had just taken the camera and left. While she does not need the camera’s protection to traverse between the domains she needs to stay out of the Eye’s sight, it is happy with the world as it is and she knows that she would not last long if it caught onto her and the Mothers plan.
She follows as her prey reaches London and nears the panopticon before she strikes. She watches as Martin and the Archivist argue over the best way to return the world to normal, or at least as normal as it can get after an event like this. She hopes that the joint blindspot of the tunnels and the camera works well enough to allow her to collect Martin unnoticed at first, while she can puppeteer the domain layout she still needs a head start to get to Hilltop Road with Martin before the Archivist can notice and catch up to her.
She's done it. She's managed to arrive at Hilltop Road before the Archivist despite Martin's attempts at stalling, she's unsure if he was slowing to give the Archivist time or to relieve the trapped souls of torment for longer. Feeling across the Web of domains tied together she feels for the Archivist finding him quite the distance away with Basira, slowly heading this way, clearly trying to make a plan. She turns back to Martin deciding that while they wait they may begin while waiting for the Archivist.
Once she has finished her statement, she feels the Archivist approaching. Turning back to Martin, she informs him of her old plans and how they changed in an attempt to get him to understand, knowing that if Martin agrees with her plan, the Archivist is more likely to go ahead with it. As she feels the Archivist enter the final stretch before he arrives, she decides that it is time to set the mood, binding Martin in tape recorder webs and smashing the camera, allowing the Archivist to see them where they hang above the newly appearing crack between realities opening under Hilltop Road.
Her plan went better than expected. She managed to tell the Archivist her plan to blow up the Panopticon and how that would end the unstable state reality has settled into. She even managed to get away without getting smited by the Archivist, an achievement even the Mother wasn't fully expecting. Just a few days later, both her and the Mother rejoiced as an explosion echoed through the domains, followed by a wave of change as the world returned to normal. Her puppets succeeded.
How Is This Place Worse Than Australia?
Prologue: Why Is The Person Who Rudely Awoke Me, Disappointed With Me?
Chapters: 0, 1
‘Shit, why the fuck do people always call while I’m trying to sleep,’ I mentally curse as I rollover to where my phone is ringing with a familiar number that I can’t quite place flashing across the screen. “Hello, this is Eclipse, who is calling me at this ungodly hour of the morning on my one day off for the year,” I sass almost falling out of the bed as I sit up preparing to grab a notepad for if it is important.
“It’s Eraserhead, I’m calling because Nedzu, is looking for an international heroics teacher and I heard that you were involved with the Overhaul case, I understand if you want nothing to do with him but All Might is teaching this year and I fear that he is not properly qualified and might need someone to keep an eye on him.” I hear Aizawa’s dry and tired voice say through the slight crackle of the phone.
“You want me to take on another class of hero students as well as my own while I’m on several cases, I would have thought that you of all people would have been trying to talk Nedzu out of trying to get me to teach after the amount of times that you call me a problem child, after taking another case when I already have 5. Plus, you want me to keep tabs on All Might without wanting to punch his lights out, I thought you knew me better.” I say sass and sarcasm dripping from my words as I roll my eyes and get out of bed deciding that I might as well begin my exercise routine early today.
“I know it is hypocritical of me to ask you to do more work after the amount of times that I have asked you to do the exact opposite, but the bottom line is that you owe me for that time that I saved your life and now I am cashing in that debt. I need your help; the number of criminals being caught on the streets is going down and there are whispers of an attack on UA happening. I don’t want to see any of these kids hurt.” He sounds very serious and sincere.
“Ok, you’ve got a deal, but you owe me for this, I’m going to have to get somebody else to teach some of my classes and take my patrols. Let Nedzu know that I’m coming and to have some accommodation for me, I’ll be there roughly two weeks before the beginning of the school year.” I say sighing at the end while I grab sports pants and a shirt out of the pile of washed clothes that I hadn’t had the time to put away yet.
“Do you want me to tell Nighteye as well? He might want to see you in person if he knows that you're going to be teaching his star intern,” he says, I could almost feel the sarcasm radiating off of him from across an ocean.
“You might as well let him know since you were the one to suggest it.” chuckling as he realises his mistake.
“No, that is on you, problem child, your case, your job to inform him that you're going to be in Japan to teach at UA.” he says seriously with a heavy undertone of exhaustion, probably due to the likelihood that he had just finished a patrol.
“Ok, get some sleep if you can Eraser, it is 4am here so it's 2:30am where you are.” I say a slightly parental tone slipping into my voice coming from many years of teaching.
“I will Jonni, don’t you worry about me, I have Present Mic for that.” he says, an undertone of humour slipping into his voice as he talked.
“So, you two finally stopped pining after each other then, Midnight owes me some money then.” I say chuckling at the memory of my last trip to Japan ending with me and Midnight making a bet on those two before I ‘escaped their custody’ and left the country back to Australia at the end of the case.
“See you in a week, problem child.” I heard Eraser’s unimpressed voice come out of the phone one last time, before hearing the beep that signalled him hanging up on me. ‘Rude’ I thought as I finished getting dressed and left the room, in hunt of Delphi before heading to the training rooms.
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Gonna piss an anon off in my inbox who sent me ‘ Delete your tumblr. Its not worth posting your writing when nobody will see it or care about it ‘