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Baby, I'd burn this world for you || CLOSED ||

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Ride Or Die - Chapter 6 (M)

Ride Or Die - Chapter 6 (M)

Ride Or Die - Chapter 6 (M)

— pairing | Jeon Jungkook /Reader

— word c | 11,044

— genre | Mafia au!, angst , Smut.

— summary |  He seemed to have come out of a museum for being so handsome, it seemed to be that badboy coming straight from the teen movies, but as you go deep into his life, you realize he was not a badguy just to annoy his parentes. He was not a Badboy, but a BadMan. He sold drugs and his friends too. He commanded a dangerous, feared gang.And you fell madly in love with him, almost leaving your life and everyone you knew behind, to be with him..

— warnings/tags | Adult content, Violence, drugs, alcoholic beverages, explicit sex, low slang words.

— disclaimer | myself and this fic DOES NOT condone violence, abuse, use of drugs, alcohol or any kind of crimes. This is a fanfic, an alternative reality, I have no intention of offending anyone. If that makes you feel bad, please do not read. In this fanfic the character is not abusive to the reader, and remember, what Jungkook does in this fanfic is not what he does in real life. Myself or this fanfic does not have any type of connection with BTS, Jungkook or Bighit. Hope you like it.

— Ride Or Die - Character Biography.


01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | ‘06′  | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 |  11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |


The next day, Jungkook woke up missing something. Still drowsy, he stretched his arm to the side on the bed and felt that his side was empty, he turned to the side and realized you were not lying next to him. He blinked a few times and looked around the bedroom. Seeing that the door was open, he called for you, but he had no answer. He rubbed his eyes and sat up in bed, looking at the clock that marked nine-thirty in the morning. He pushed the blanket aside, showing his half-naked body with only a pair of underwear. He stretched and stood up, scratching the back of his neck, and walking toward the exit of the room still sleepy, bumping into the wall next to the door, cursing.

He walked down the hall looking for you. The door to Hoseok's room was closed and there was no noise inside. The other hallway door, the bathroom door, was open, he checked, and you were not there. Down the stairs, he passed the living room and headed toward the kitchen, but you weren’t there either. Jungkook frowned, beginning to wonder where you might be. He went up to the porch but didn’t find you. He went to the garage because he knew that sometimes you liked to sit in the car and listen to music, but there was no sign of you there either. You never go out without telling him, so he thought that was strange.

Jungkook went back to the bedroom and picked up the phone on the table beside the bed, thinking that you could have left a message on his cell phone to not wake him, but there was nothing, no messages or calls from you. He frowned, and let his head drop slightly to the side. Where had you gone? He couldn’t remember anything you said you needed to do so early that day.

"I can see that you're thinking really hard, there's almost smoke coming out of your head.” Hoseok's voice caught his eye, causing him to turn with one eyebrow arched to his friend with messy hair and sleepy face that was propped up on the doorway. “I know that expression. What happened?”

“Did you see (Y/N) leaving this morning?”

"No. I just got up, why?" He asked yawning, rubbing his hand over his face, trying to stave off sleep.

“She never goes out without telling me.” He said by dialing your phone number. “Her cell phone's off.”

"She may have gone for a walk.”

“She is as lazy as I am in the mornings, she doesn’t go out for morning walks.”

Several theories began to form in Jungkook's head. What if you had cried at last night's sex because it was a good-bye sex and you were going to leave him? What if you had decided that you didn’t want to stay with him and went to your parents' house to ask to go back to live with them? And if you had gone to the police to tell everything that had happened in the pub? This was not even the worst thought he had, for him the worst thing that could happen, it was not the police knocking on his door with an arrest warrant. The worst thing for him was losing you. He was addicted to you, obsessed with you, he loved you as he was never able to love anyone, not even his own parents. He was the most confident man on earth, but when it came to you, nothing in the world seemed enough to him and he felt insecure all the time. Jungkook's head was spinning as Hoseok's voice caught his attention.

“What are you thinking, Jeon?” He turned to Jung, with clenched jaw.

“If she doesn’t come back in two hours, I want everyone from Century looking for her.”

In the meantime, you were drinking soda in a coffee shop table while you were waiting for your friends. Your head was full of things and needs to cool down before you went crazy. The fact that Taehyung had hurt himself and Jungkook didn’t seem to care was bothering you. You wanted to think it was because he was probably accustomed to such situations, but the truth was he didn’t really care. Things were still very fresh in your memory, so every time you remembered the blood running through Taehyung’s fingers and his screams of pain, made you shiver and feel even worse when you imagined it could be Jungkook instead. You wanted to talk to him, clarify everything, understand what had happened in that pub by his words. but at the same time, you didn’t want to know what he had done in there, because you knew he didn’t do anything good.

"So what is the purpose of the meeting at this hour of the morning, the day before graduation?" Suhee asked, leaning her arms on the table. You made your best face of indignation. “We need to sleep very well the 48 hours before the event, so we don’t have dark circles.”

"I'm fucked up then. I didn’t sleep well tonight."

"Did you and Jungkook spend the night committing crimes again? Or were you fucking like two animals in heat? Again.” Suhee laughed and got slapped from Becca.

“Can’t you see she's worried, Suhee?” Becca scolded her before turning to you. "Why didn’t you sleep well last night? Did you and Jungkook fight?”

“Yes, but this time it was a different fight ... We reconciled and everything, but, I don’t know. It seems that something is wrong.” You said uncertainly, looking at the people walking in the mall courtyard, through the coffee shop window. “It seems to lack something. I don’t know.”

"Have you talked to him about it?" Suhee asked and you denied it.

“I left before he woke up. I don’t know if I'm ready to talk to him about it.” You scratched your head, feeling your neurons burn. “I just want one day with my friends. Without Men. Just us. We're going to graduate tomorrow, and we don’t even match what we're going to do after graduation”

“Of course, you don’t step away from Jungkook. I know he has something we don’t have, but I think we deserve a little more attention.” Becca whimpered making you laugh. She was right, the last few weeks, you were spending more time with Jungkook and his friends than with yours. They missed you and you them, Jeon could wait. “What do you think about going shopping? I need clothes for the end of the year, my parents want to spend Christmas with my sister in ...”

And you three went walking through the mall, talking, laughing and joking. You needed that time for you, to forget some of the crazy life that Jungkook had.

"Are not you going back to your parents' house?" Suhee asked as your and she waited for Becca to bring the popcorn. After having lunch together, you decided that you would watch a movie together. The two of you were standing at the entrance to the room, propped against the wall. You looked at her and shrugged.

“I miss them, but I know if i go back to their house, they'll start the same story that Jungkook is not good enough for me, we're going to fight, and it will continue like this for the rest of our lives. And I don’t wanna this.”

“Don’t you think that was too fast, (Y/N)? You are not even a year together ...” You just sighed and shrugged, not having much to say. Becca came with the popcorn and so you went into the movie theater.

Jungkook was pacing the room with his cell phone in his ear, trying for the thousandth time to talk to you, but your cell phone was still off.  It was past four o'clock and you still had not given any sign of life. The theories in his head were beginning to materialize, and the only thing he could think of was that you had left him. And that couldn’t happen, he loved you, he needed you, you were being his curb, and even if he sometimes thought it unnecessary, without you, he would lose control. He had told the others to go out into the city and look for you, and he would stay there in case you came back, but he just couldn’t stand the wait. The roar of the clock was making him angry, making him even more anxious. then he grabbed his leather jacket, stuffed his cell phone in his pocket, and took the keys from the car, heading out of the house like a hurricane, into the car and out into the city.

Jeon visited every place he had taken you, went to bars, pubs, parks, snack bars. He went to school to see if you were with the graduation organization team, but no sign of you. He went to Becca and Suhee's house, but there was no one home, he went to your parents' house, but there was no one either. He started to roam the streets near the places you used to like to go, but he still couldn’t find you. He cursed and punched the steering wheel every time the theories came back to haunt him.

After 6 in the afternoon, he returned home only to find the four boys with empty hands. He kicked the coffee table in the living room and began pacing back and forth, tugging at his hair nervously. Hoseok was leaning against the wall, his head hanging down and his arms crossed, his gaze following Jungkook under his lashes, visibly irritated by his friend's useless despair. He was sure you'd just go around to cool your head because of everything that had happened, and the fact that Jungkook was out of control was precisely because you were his trigger. Without you, he would lose control of his emotions and actions.

Hoseok had the same kind of sociopathy as Jeon, but it was a million times more controlled and I was finding it pathetic, but on one hand he could understand, you was important to all of them and he didn’t want you to go away.  And that intrigued him a lot.

“She can’t be missing out on this fucking town.” Jungkook shouted when Namjoon said he had not found you anywhere. “I need to find her, she can’t leave me.”

“Maybe she's just hanging out with her friends, man. Last night was too hard for her, she deserves to cool her head.” Taehyung said and Jungkook stared at him, his eyes burning with fury. He moved toward the boy and grabbed him by the collar of his T-shirt.

“It's all your fault.” Jungkook snarled near the boy's face, which frowned. “If you weren’t so stupid and distracted, you wouldn’t have been shot and she would not have been mad at me for you having hurt yourself. She left because of you.”

“It's not his fault, Jungkook.” Hoseok said intervening, walking over them. “He couldn’t predict what would happen. None of us could”

"But you should.” He growled, pushing Taehyung back hard.

“And we don’t know if she's gone. (Y/N) wouldn’t do that.” Yoongi said. “Let's take a walk around the city again and look some more.”

“Jin said that he called all the police stations in the city, but (Y/N) didn’t appear in any of them.” Namjoon said coming back from the kitchen after answering his friend's call. "She didn’t report us."

"She wouldn’t do that." Hoseok said with a weary sigh. "And you should know that, Jungkook."

"Do you think I care if she tells the police or not? I want my girl here, by my side, or heads will roll in this town." Jungkook yelled, punching the wall. The boys looked at each other tiredly, but obeyed the leader's command, leaving the house one by one until only Jeon and Jung were inside. Hoseok stared at Jungkook for a moment until he turned to face each other. Hoseok was the only one who was never intimidated by Jungkook's dark gaze.

"What if she doesn’t want to be on your side? What if she really ran away?”

"I want to hear it from her mouth. Then she can go wherever she wants.” Jungkook said walking toward the door.

"Are not you going to try to arrest her here or something?"

“I FUCKING LOVE HER, DAMN IT.” Jeon shouted, turning around to face Hoseok. “I would never touch that girl to hurt her, she's the only person in the world that I would never think of hurting. I just want to hear from her mouth that we had no chance of being together. I just want her to look me in my eyes and say it's all over. And then I'll leave her alone.”

It was past seven at night. You and your friends were walking the streets lit by streetlights. You were singing and dancing a song that the three of you worshiped, it's been a long time since you've been together for so long. You'd even forgotten about Jungkook and what had happened last night.

"Guys, are you having the feeling that we're being followed?" Becca asked and you looked up from the sidewalk to look at her looking sideways, you did the same. “I'm feeling it since we left the mall.”

"Me too." SuHee answered and you frowned. Had Jungkook put one of his friends to follow you? No, he wouldn’t do that. It was not possible that he would do something like that. You glanced around for some familiar face, but you just saw a hooded man walking a few yards behind you. You wondered if you should question him, to see if he was really following you, but it would be very strange to come to someone randomly on the street and ask such a question. You hugged your friends by the shoulders and began to pull them with you, deciding to just walk faster. Sometimes you would glance back coverfully to see if the man was still there and every time you looked, you had the feeling that he was getting closer and closer. That was weird. Not wanting to risk it, you waved to a taxi in the street. The driver stopped and you three went into the backseat.

You decided it was time to go home. It was almost eight at night, and all three were tired, the next day would be the graduation ceremony and they all wanted to be rested. You left the girls in their homes first before heading to yours. When you got there, you noticed that the cars of Yoongi, Taehyung and Jin were there. They must be doing some meeting. You thought.

Walking at a normal pace, you reached the porch and opened the door to enter the living room. As you turn to head for the ladder, after closing the door behind you, you have come upon some eyes on you. Yoongi and Taehyung were sitting on the couch while Hoseok was propped against the wall next to the kitchen door. Jin was sitting in the armchair beside the sofa and Namjoon sitting in front of the center table of the room, with a notebook on his lap and his back propped up on the couch. They all looked surprised and relieved to see you.

You were about to ask what was going on, when your attention was called to the loud, heavy steps that Jungkook had down the stairs and went like a hurricane, screaming at you.

“But where the fuck were you, (Y/N)?” He screamed with red face and veins of neck jumping. You involuntarily took a step back, banging your back on the front door, wide-eyed, startled by the scream.

“Wow! Slow down, badboy!" You said raising your hands in innocence. "I was with Becca and Suhee.”

“And why the hell don’t you answer that fucking phone? Do you know how worried I was with you? We run the whole city looking for you.” He screamed again, throwing his hands up, taking a few steps away from you, taking a deep breath. You raised your eyebrows, confused as to why they were looking for you. You just spent the day off, it was not like you ran away ... And that thought lit a light in your head.

“Did you think I'd run away?” You asked, and all eyes fell on you, including the dark, enraged eyes of Jungkook, who was now with his hands on his waist, breathing deeply several times. You laughed and shook your head in disbelief, having thoughts confirmed by them. "Why would I run away? Just because you are a gang and my boyfriend is the leader?”

"Honestly? That's exactly why." Jin replied, making you laugh again.

“I knew where I was getting myself when I accepted what Jungkook does. I would not run away.” You said looking back at Jungkook who did not take his eyes off you. He still had a frown, and his gaze was still full of doubt. “I'm hungry, Hoseok, can you order a pizza for us?" You asked, turning to the guy next to you who had been silent until then. He shook his head nodding, and waving at them you went up the stairs. You needed a shower. As soon as you entered your room, Jungkook came in behind you and slammed the door, making you let out a sigh of irritation. “Seriously, Jungkook. Calm down. The door didn’t do anything to you.”

“Do you have a notion of the fear I had of you having left me, (Y/N)?” He asked in a low voice, even more angry. You turned to him, shaking your head.

“I have friends too. And I needed to get away from your life for just one day, or I would go crazy. And I'm glad you felt the pain of almost losing who you love, because I felt exactly like that yesterday.” You said with sarcasm, sitting on the bed and taking off your boots.

"Why was your phone turned off?"

“Because the battery is dead.”

"And why didn’t you wake me up to say you were going out?"

"Because I didn’t want to.”

“Have you thought about running away?” He asked, and that made you stop untying the boot. You sighed and looked up at him, his hands on his waist, bent over one foot, clenched jaw, his eyebrows lowered. No, you hadn’t thought of that possibility.

“What if I have thought it?” You asked, and his eyes widened slightly, his breathing was getting heavy and the blood dripped from his face. You hadn’t thought of running away or reporting him to the police, but you had to know what he would do if you had tried. “What would you have done?”

“I would have killed myself.” He answered without thinking twice, staring at you with deep eyes, without blinking, without any hesitation in his voice. That surprised you, to the point you flinch to the sounds of his words. "That's what I would have done, because I found purpose in you, (Y/N). Yeah, that sounds like the biggest cliché shit of all time and I never imagined myself saying that shit, but you're the most important thing I have. So, if you had run away, yelled at me to stay away from you, if you kick me out of your life and run to a police station to report me, I would kill anyone who could harm you and then I would die, because I would have no more for what to live. I always lived in black and white, (Y/N), you brought color to my life.” He finished speaking softly, calmly.

You had nothing to say, you were shocked by what he had said. Would he kill himself? Suicide? You blinked a few times, it was like a shot in the middle of your chest, right in your heart. The intensity of those words, instead of leaving you in pure comfort, knowing that he loved you unconditionally, those words made you feel bad, to think that he could hurt himself because of you. You lowered your head, still processing his words.

“Why did you cry yesterday?” He asked in a broken voice, making you look back at him, seeing his eyes filled with water. Oh God, he was going to cry? You've never seen Jungkook cry. “It was because of me? Did I do something that hurt you? Did I hurt you, (Y/N)? Do you want to leave? You want to leave me? Was sex yesterday a farewell? Are you thinking of running away while I'm sleeping or something?”

You could hear the desperation in his voice, and you were sure he could collapse at any minute. You wanted him to feel what you felt, but not that way. You never wanted to see him cry. Seeing the man you love, the one who was not affected by feelings, in that state was making your heart ache even more. How could someone with sociopathy have that kind of reaction? He didn’t even shake when you fought over Taehyung being shot, so how was he shaken by the thought of you running away? Maybe you had to seek professional help to understand it better, but at that moment, you needed to calm the heart of your man.

You got out of your thoughts and looked back at Jungkook who was still in the same position as before. You reached out to him and he blinked a few times, walking toward you, kneeling and crawling up to your thighs where he rested his head, embracing your legs. You had never seen him so vulnerable. He was always so strong and full of himself, so confident, but at that moment he just looked like an ordinary man, afraid of losing the woman he loves.

“I cried because the fear I felt of losing you yesterday, coupled with the euphoria I feel every time I'm with you and I couldn’t hold back the tears. A lot happened yesterday, and I was shaken.” You said, stroking his hair with one hand while with the other, you stroked his back. “I didn’t cry because you hurt me or because it was a good-bye sex, Jungkook. I love you. And I didn’t think of leaving you, I just went for a walk with the girls, I needed to go out with my friends.”

"You promise?" He asked. He raised his head and looked at you, the black eyes now cleared of any bad feeling, just shining with your image, with a bunny smile so full of innocence that made you gasp and smile at how childlike and pure he was being at that moment. “Promise you will not leave me, ever?”

You shook your head, nodding and bent, kissing him.

“I promise. I want to take a shower. I've been walking all day and I'm a mess.”

“Can I go with you?” He asked sitting on his heels, propping his hands on your thighs, excited. You nodded, watching him get up and start undressing, before grabbing your arm and pulling you out of the room, running only in his underwear down the hall, toward the bathroom, making you laugh.

"My God, you made up quickly." Namjoon's voice said, drawing your attention to the other side of the hall at the top of the stairs. He was standing there, laughing.

"She loves Me." Jungkook said smiling, before pulling you inside and slamming the door, pulling you into a kiss. The bath would not be quick.

During the shower, after you had sex, Jungkook told you that the day after graduation, he would take you to look at some houses, to buy a bigger one for you to live in. After the pizza and everything was properly explained, and after the boys were calmer, they decided to leave. In the middle of the night, you were still rolling in bed, unable to sleep anxiously for the next day. You stood up, and walked out of the bedroom, not wanting to stay in bed and wake Jungkook. When you reached the top of the stairs, you noticed that the kitchen light was on. Someone had forgotten to turn it off or Hoseok was there.

The second option was confirmed when upon reaching the door, you observed Hoseok sitting in the chair, leaning on the back of the chair and with his feet on the table. He was shirtless, and you noticed a tattoo of a black skull on his chest, and you could be sure that the skull had a macabre smile. There was a sentence in a language you didn’t understand, written around the drawing. You never know he had a tattoo. He had a bottle of beer in one hand and his cell phone was in the other, making him distracted. The black hair was messy, like he's just woken up. There was an ashtray on the table, and a cigarette that still burned rested inside, with smoke coming out of it. When did he start smoking? You asked mentally.

Hoseok lifted the beer bottle for another sip, but as soon as the bottle spout was on his lips, his senses warned him of something and his eyes left the screen of the phone and slid to you making him freeze his actions and stare you. He looked you slowly from top to bottom, his eyes darkened, noting that you were wearing only one of Jungkook's black blouses, showing your thighs and wearing bunny-like socks on your feet. He looked back into your eyes, intrigued. For him you were beautiful, sexy, smart, funny full of emotions and innocent, so what were you doing there between two drug-dealing murderers who liked to see blood dripping? Why the hell did he have the feeling that you were breaking into his mind and destroying him? It was strange, he did not feel anything for you, but he liked your company. He look at you and see a person he should despise, so pathetic and innocent with all those feelings involving your soul and your heart. You were a lamb between two lions. So easy to manipulate. A perfect prey for him. But there was something that kept him from doing something against you. Not the fact that you were Jeon's girl, but it was something else that kept him from being the evil man he liked to be. Maybe you were his trigger too. And if that were true, he would be totally fucked.

"Like what you see?" He asked when he saw you still staring at him. You widened your eyes and your cheeks reddened, making him laugh. So inocent. He thought. You opened his mouth to answer, but frowned when you realized what he had just done.

"Are you trying to flirt with me?"

"I wouldn’t dare.” He pointed to the chair next to him, so you could sit down. So you did. You sat down beside him and leaned your arms on the table. “Can’t sleep?”

“No, I'm looking forward to graduation. I've waited for it my whole life, but now I feel like I'm going to miss school. I don't know.” You said biting your lips. Hoseok just nodded and offered the bottle of beer. You took a sip as he took a drag on his cigarette. “Since when do you smoke?”

“Since Jungkook and I founded Century.” He replied, throwing his head back and blowing the smoke out of his mouth. “I don’t usually smoke near others, I like doing this when I'm alone or after work. It's comforting.”

“It's toxic and can kill you.” You said grimacing. Hoseok laughed sarcastically and looked at you. “What?”

“I'm from a gang that sells drugs and uses fists and violence to get what they want, (Y/N). If I still haven’t died with a bullet in my forehead, it will not be a cigarette that will knock me over.” He said taking another drag and releasing the smoke on your face, making you cough and wag the front of your face with your hand, dispersing the smoke and seeing an amused smile coming out of his lips.

“What is the meaning of the tattoo?” You asked, pointing to his chest. He stared at his chest before glaring at you.

“When we die, the only thing left is our bones. I did this to remind myself that people are nothing more than a bag of bones covered in red meat and blood.”  He replied with darkening eyes again, making your body shiver with the coldness in his words.

"And what does the phrase say?"

"There is no salvation for those who don’t want to be saved." He replied, and you swallowed. His eyes were so clouded with something you couldn’t identify. Hoseok was so mysterious sometimes, so gloomy. And sometimes his eyes cause you chills, like they were empty. As if he were empty. His eyes were so different from Jungkook's eyes that were always full of intentions, while Jung's eyes were almost always empty, as if he felt nothing, free of feelings or internal conflicts.

“What does that mean?” You asked, not sure if you wanted to hear the answer. Hoseok studied you for a few seconds before smiling with the corner of his mouth.

“One day you will find out, little one.”  He swallowed his cigarette again, and you frowned, lowering your head. Why did you feel as if those words were a kind of warning to you?

“Hoseok, can you explain something to me?” You asked and he looked at you again, nodding. “How does your mind and the Jungkook's mind work?” He raised an eyebrow, not understanding the question. “I mean, how do you control sociopathy? You said that it is a rare syndrome that few sociopaths have, that these few can control their feelings. How does it work?”

“Why are you asking me this now? You didn’t seem to care about that before.” He said, narrowing his eyes suspiciously. You shrugged.

“It's just ... I'm confused. Jungkook doesn’t care about many things. Yesterday he didn’t care about Taehyung being shot, and sometimes he really shows that nothing is important, but ...”

“But when it comes to you, he seems to conflict with all the feelings he has for you.” He completed your sentence, saying exactly what you were thinking, making you eye-popping. Hoseok laughed and dropped his cigarette in the ashtray. He took his feet off the table and turned his body to you. "You're his trigger."

“What does that mean?”

“Triggers on guns are used to fire. Emotional triggers have the same definition, but instead of bullets, they trigger reactions, trigger emotions. Sociopaths don’t feel things like love and compassion because our triggers are technically inactive, but sociopaths with emotional syndrome, like me and Jungkook, can connect to a person which functions as a button to turn on our inactive triggers. And that person becomes the only thing we care about. When we attach to that person, our feelings for her are true and intense, and we would do everything for her, we would do everything to see her happy and safe, but our emotions are limited to her alone. With the rest of the world, we still don’t care.” He say without taking his eyes off you and you could feel the intensity of the words while linking Jungkook's actions to all that. “Jungkook began to try his best to care for other people, after meeting you, even if he finds it unnecessary, he tries because of you, because that would make you feel happy, seeing that he has friendship for other people. Because you're his trigger. You're the only one who can take good things from him. And you're the only one who can hurt him emotionally. You're the only one who can destroy him from the inside.”

“He said if I left him, he ... he would kill himself.” You whispered, looking down at your hands. Hoseok sighed and shrugged, shaking his head. “Was he serious?”

“Yes." Hoseok remarked, making you look back at him. “Without a trigger, a weapon is inactive, a bomb cannot explode, feelings become numb. When a sociopath with emotional syndrome loses his trigger, we didn’t get back to having an inactive trigger, because in fact the trigger breaks. A broken trigger means that the weapon can continue shooting until the ammunition runs out, and in relation to feelings, they go out of control. All human beings have a mental barrier, a blockage. a protection that keeps us from trying to kill ourselves. People with depression, people who cut themselves, who attempt suicide, they have this damaged barrier. But the sociopaths with emotional syndrome, when our trigger breaks, our mental barrier completely collapses. And feelings take control of our body, they fill our heads with the thought and feeling that we cannot live without that person, without our trigger. So, we simply have no purpose or what to live for. And our only option becomes death.”

You should not have asked. That was what you thought at the moment, feeling your eyes fill with tears at the thought that if something happened to you, Jungkook would not live his life normally.

But soon another thought took over your mind. How did Hoseok know that much?

“You ... Have you been through this?” You asked and Hoseok smiled, denying.

“I'm still alive, aren’t I?” He said, and you nodded. He took a deep breath and bit his lip before looking at the clock on his cell phone screen. “It's late, you better go to sleep, little one. If you have more questions tomorrow, I promise I'll answer.”

You nodded again, rising from the chair as he turned his attention to his cell phone, and walked toward the door. Before leaving, you turned to him and smile gratefully.

“Hoseok." You called him, and he turned his eyes from the screen to you. "Thank you for telling me this."

He looked you up and down again and nodded.

“Good night, (Y/N).”

“Good night, Sunshine.”

The Graduation was scheduled to begin at 6 pm, but you had woken up at 10 a.m. to start organizing. You'd fix your hair at home and then go to Becca's house where SuHee would be too, and you were going to put on your makeup and together you would go to the ceremony. You planned this from your freshman year of high school and finally that day was coming.

This was another step towards adulthood. So many things had happened in those years of school and now you were sitting in the armchair of the bedroom you shared with Jungkook, wearing only your panties and one of the only white social shirts he had in his wardrobe. A year ago you would never have imagined any of this happening to you, absolutely none of it. What would have happened to you if you had not taken that ride? What if you had refused his invitation to take you to that party? Would he have insisted or would not you be together today?

“I can’t find any plausible explanation for you to be there and not here by my side.” Your man's voice brought you out of your thoughts and now he was lying on his side in bed, facing you, only with the blanket covering the rest of his naked body.

“What would have happened if I had not taken your ride? You would have insisted or would have given up?” You asked and he bit his lip corner, letting out a heavy sigh. He sat on the bed and stood up, letting the blanket fall on the floor and reveal his naked body, showing his morning erection.

He walked over to you and knelt in front of you, laying his hands on your thighs.

“I would have insisted.” He said using his hands to open his legs slowly. “I would have insisted until you told me to go to hell and stay away from you, or until give me a chance to make you feel good.” He said grabbing your calves and pulling you a little forward, making you almost lie down in the armchair. He placed your legs propped up on the arms of the armchair and you smiled biting your lips. “Not wanting to be cliché, but you were the only girl that made me want to spend the rest of my life with.” He said caressing you over the panties. “And it's certainly the only one that can make me want to stay inside you all day long.” He pulled your panties aside and began to caress your clit with his tongue, making you moan and bring your hand up to his hair. “You're like a drug to me, the most delicious in the whole world, and after I've tasted you, I've become addicted and now I cannot live without you because I'm totally dependent on you.” He whispered against your pussy, and started to suck you again, causing you to arch back and moan loudly, biting your lips.

Jungkook stroked your entrance with his forefinger before penetrating you and feeling you tighten around him, making him groan as he didn’t take his eyes off you. He loved to see how you liked him down there. He loved to taste you, to feel you pulsing around him, begging for an orgasm. But he literally loved it when you rubbed your pussy in his mouth, wanting more. He added another finger and you pressed his hair between your fingers and he laughed increasing the pressure of his tongue on your clit and the speed of his fingers that came in and out of you with force.

“Shit Jungkook, fuck me hard. Now." You moaned, leaving his hair and holding the sides of the armchair. He wasted no time and stood up, positioning his cock in your entrance and slowly penetrating you. Panting and biting his li. Seconds later he was in and out of you quickly and hard, the way you two liked.

“I love the way you pulsates around me, baby.” He groaned, his forehead pressed against yours, his hips moving toward yours. You grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him down, kissing him to stifle the moans.

It was not long before you were both cumming and exhausted.

“I can’t believe we’re finally getting rid of that hell.” Suhee said as Becca put makeup on her eyes. The three were getting ready in Becca’s room and would soon be heading toward the school where the graduation ceremony would happen.

“I don’t know why so much celebration, next year we will be studying again.” You said putting the lipstick to your lips, sitting in front of Becca’s dressing table.

“Yeah, but next year, we’re going to be gorgeous, hot fledglings among a bunch of hot, veteran hot guys. The college has a lot better than the school, we can make our schedules, have the fraternities parties, we can leave class when we want, have a lot of cat and smart man.” Becca said.

“Or donkeys and rich.” Suhee completed making you laugh. “You should have chosen a better course, (Y/N). Physics classes should not have many profitable men.”

“I’m not going to college to look for men, I already have mine and I’m very happy with him.”

“Did you and he make up?”

“Yeah, we talked yesterday and it’s okay. Luckily I do not regret being with him.” You said turning in the chair and facing the bed, looking at your friends.

“Girls, are you ready?” Becca’s mother yelled downstairs. “It’s picture time.”

“We're going, Mother.” The girl screamed and the three went down to the living room, gathering in front of the sofa to take the long-awaited graduation photo. None of you could explain in words the feeling of finally being formed, of finally taking a turn in your lives, and finally doing it together, as you always dreamed.

“What the fuck, I'm going to be late.” Jungkook grunted as he slipped his tie around his neck, staring at the bathroom mirror. He had been so busy with some things he had to do that day, that he had lost his time and now if he didn’t rush to get ready, he would be late for the graduation ceremony. He was not at all excited about all this, he hated the people at school and had no desire to participate, but you almost begged him to be there, and he couldn’t say no to you, even because he rarely said no to you. “Shit. (Y/N) will kill me.”

“You aren't afraid to fight guys twice your size, but you're afraid to be late for an event because of (Y/N)?” Hoseok stopped at the bathroom door, laughing at his friend. "You've gone from big bad wolf to little puppy."

“That's what a woman does to a man. If I'm late for this crap, she'll be able to stay for a month without having sex with me.” They both laughed. “How is the situation of the houses?”

“The Realtor said they are ready for visitors. Both have a basement that has the structure to make the panic room like the one we have here. It will probably be more spacious than here and will be able to store more weapons and more products. But you know she's going to find it, don’t you?”

Jeon was about to answer when he felt the cell vibrating in the pocket of his pants.

"Shit.” He mumbled picking up the phone in his pocket as Hoseok turned his back, walking towards the stairs, knowing that from then on, Jungkook rather be alone.

Jeon frowned as he saw a text message on his cell phone, from an unknown number. "Can you protect your girl from everything?" The blood drained from his face, and he dropped the tie around his neck, dialing your number and beginning to call you, as he turned away from the bathroom and yelled for Hoseok.

“Come on, shit!”

“What's up man?” Jung, who was still at the top of the stairs, stopped and turned back, seeing Jeon beginning to turn red and his eyes slightly wide.

“Something will happen with (Y/N).” Jungkook said trying to call you one more time. “An unknown number sent a message to my cell phone, I think she's in danger...”

"Yes, baby?" Your voice said across the line, making him sigh with relief.

“Damn, where are you?” He asked, pulling on his tie and throwing it into the hallway as he walked toward the stairs with Hoseok in front of him.

“What do you mean, where am I? At school. Where are you? The ceremony starts in 15 minutes ...”

“Listen to me, stay close to the people, don’t get away from the other students, get it?” He ordered, walking toward the front door. “If you feel in danger, yell as loud as you can, okay?”

“Yeah, but what's going on?” You asked confused.

“Just do what I'm saying, (Y/N). I'll be there in a few minutes.” He said leaving the house, going towards the car.

“All right.”

He hung up.

“Call the others and send them to school.” He ordered Hoseok as soon as they had entered the Dodge. He shook hands on the wheel and drove exceeding 100 hours, passing a red light, causing a mess in traffic. At the moment he was not worried about fines or the police, but thinking of a thousand ways to torture and kill whoever had sent that message and threatened the life of his girl.

“Is everything alright?” Suhee asked as soon as she saw that you had hung up the phone and had a question mark almost drawn on your forehead. You turned to her with a frown.

“Yes, it was Jungkook ... He was strange ...”

“Come on  (Y/N), let's agree that your boyfriend is not the most normal guy you ever met, right?”

“(Y/N).” Becca approached. "Your parents are sitting near the stage, they were asking about you. I think you should go talk to them, they seemed to be sad.”

“I’ll go there. If Jungkook arrives, tell him where I am.” You said turning away and walking through the field, where the stage was set. Walking through the chairs, you reached the side of the parents and relatives, where you saw their seated in the first two chairs of the second row. You bit your lips and walked toward them. It's been a while since you've talked to either of them. Since leaving home, you had not yet contacted them and was not really sure they would be there that day, but you were glad they were there. "Hi." You said and they both looked at you. Your mother instantly covered her mouth with both hands, beginning to cry. “Mom, what ...”

“You look so beautiful in this outfit, my dear.” She said hugging her and crying compulsively. You smiled and hugged her back. You looked at your father standing there, just watching you two with a sad look on his face. You just smiled at him, reaching out for him, calling him into the embrace. Having a family hug. He also cried. The last time you saw him crying, it was when your sister decided to move.

“I'm sorry for everything, (Y / N). We miss you.” He said.

"It's all right, Daddy. I miss you too.”

"Then come back home, my dear." Your mother said after you undo the hug. You took a deep breath and gave them a comforting smile. You didn’t want to fight with them, again. “I cannot stand the anguish of not knowing if you're doing well or not.”

"I'm fine, I swear, Jungkook is taking good care of me, I'm happy."

"And where is he?" Your mother asked and your father became serious. Even admitting that he was wrong to slap you and even miss you, he hadn’t forgotten that he didn’t like the boy.

"He's coming, he's only a little late ..."

"Everyone at your seats, please, the ceremony begins in 5 minutes ..." The speaker said into the microphone, and suddenly with the nervousness, you felt a great urge to go to the bathroom.

“I'm going to the bathroom before the ceremony starts, maybe after we can go out for dinner, maybe you can give Jungkook a try.” You asked with a hopeful smile on your face.

“Sure. We can try.” Your father said, pulling a gigantic smile from your face who waved and began to run to the lockiing room in the field where there was a ladies' room that you could use.

After using the toilet, you stopped in front of the mirror and took a deep breath after washing your hands. You were forming, literally going into adulthood. You'd soon start working and college. And you were happy, glad you accepted that ride Jungkook offered you. You were definitely happy with him despite some things that happened over the weeks, but you were sure that everything would get better, you just had to have faith.

You took off the cap and fixed your hair. Through the mirror, you saw the door being opened and a man who was twice your size came in. He was wearing a janitor's uniform, but you had never seen him there. You decided to ignore it, turning your attention to your hair, but when you saw that the man had not moved, you turned to him, waiting for him to say what he wanted.

“You are (Y/N), right?” He asked as he slowly approached you, like a predator approaching its prey. You frowned and looked at him suspiciously, nodding right after.

"And you are?"

"I'm a friend of Jungkook." He said even closer, forcing you to take steps back.

“I know all of Jungkook's friends. You are not one of them. Get out of here.”

“Of course, but first ...” And he lunged at you, pushing you against the wall and cupping your nose and mouth with a damp cloth, giving you no chance to scream. You started to get dizzy until you passed out in that man's arms.

Jungkook made the tires of his car roar as he skidded into the entrance of the school parking lot. He stopped anyway, leaving the vehicle desperately, with Hoseok. Another car stopped there, and the other three boys left, followed Jeon who were running toward the soccer field behind the school building. When they got there, they saw that heap of people in the field, parents and students, teachers, and needed to find you, so he told the boys to divide and look for her in the crowd. The desperation of not being fast enough, and something to have happened to you, took control of your body and he cursed himself for still having feelings.

"Suhee!" He screamed as he saw your friend talking to some other students. He grabbed her arm, turning her at once, startling her. “Did you see (Y/N)?”

"Uh yes, she went to her parents. They are there in front ..." He did not let her finish speaking and ran through the crowd, bumping into some, but not bothering to apologize, like always, trying to get to the front of the seats where he spotted your parents sitting.

"Did you see (Y/N)?" He asked as he approached. The two who had previously talked among themselves looked at him in surprise.

"Yes, and ..."

"Where is she? Do you know where she went?" He asked again, interrupting them. He was visibly irritated and worried, and your parents realized that.

" Did something happen..."

"Just tell me where she went, damn it, I have no time for questions." He almost shrieked nervously.

"She went to the bathroom, I think in the locker room ..."

Jeon turned and saw Hoseok passing almost on the other side of him.

“Hoseok.” Jeon caught his attention as he turned toward him. “Locker room.” He shouted, pointing to the field dressing room. They both ran toward the locker room, Jungkook nearly ripped open the bathroom door. There was no one inside, but there was a cap over the sink.

“There is no one in the male either.” Hoseok said entering the room. Jungkook picked up the phone, already with his hands shaking and tried to call you, but the number just turned off.

“FUCK.” He shouted kicking the door of one of the cabins tightly. Hatred bubbled in his veins. The two of them left the locker room, meeting the other three boys who shook their heads. Jungkook clenched his hands in fist, pacing back and forth, thinking desperately about something, in any solution. Who was the son of a bitch who dared do that? He thought.

“What should we do now?” Taehyung asked. Jeon spotted your parents heading toward them and not having the patience to argue or quarrel, knowing he might be running out of time, he motioned for them to follow him back into the parking lot.

“Whoever kidnapped her must have taken her to some hiding place, Yoongi, call Jin and ask him to delve our contacts, see if anybody saw some suspicious acting in some rival gang. Taehyung, the school has cameras in the corridors, I want you to find a way to pick up the recordings of today and find (Y/N) and the son of a bitch who kidnapped her. Namjoon, I want you to try to trace her number and the number that sent me the message, try to find out which location it was used, then look around the area and see if there are sheds, closed industries, abandoned buildings and let me know.” They all nodded.

“They would not be dumb enough to use the phone near the hiding place, Jeon.” Taehyung said, and Hoseok let out a sarcastic laugh.

"If they were dumb enough to kidnap Jungkook's girlfriend, then make sure they're dumb to anything else."

At the same moment, Jungkook's phone vibrated in his pocket. As he picked it up, he saw it was another message, but this time it was a picture. You were lying in the backseat of a car, unconscious.

"That was the most shit idea anyone could have." He snarled. “I want the head of this bastard.”

When you started to open your eyes, your views were blurry. You were dizzy and felt sleepy. You wanted to raise your hand to rub your eyes, but you couldn’t. Looking down, you saw that your arms were tied around the arms of the uncomfortable wooden chair you were sitting on. Confused, you blinked a few times, shaking your head, trying to remember what had happened. With your senses coming back and your memories too, you began to panic as you remembered what had happened before you passed out, which made you start pulling your arms out of the brown leather handcuffs that held you. Straining to free your wrists.

Seeing you could not free yourself, you began to look around, trying to get a sense of where you were. It seemed to be a basement somewhere, you didn’t know for sure. In front of you was another chair. It had a giant iron machine on your left side that was dusty, and looked rusty. On your right side was a table and a few cardboard boxes around it. There were some papers on the table.

You couldn’t move your head to look back, so you couldn’t see what was behind you, but in front of you, behind the empty chair, there was an iron ladder leaning against the wall leading to a door, so maybe you were on one floor under another floor. It was really a basement. You were not desperate, yes, you were scared, but not to the point of being desperate with it, and you didn’t know why. Most people would start screaming and crying for help, hopelessly trying to let go, but you were clear-minded, trying to think of why you were there.

The first thing you remembered was the man who attacked you in the bathroom in the school locker room. You looked down and still had your scholarship. The second thing was Jungkook. The call he'd made to you, asking you not to get away from people, that's what he was talking about, he knew something would happen, And that man said he was Jungkook’s friend, which led to the third conclusion, they had kidnapped you because of him. You sighed and let your head fall forward, now you need to remain calm, but instead of calming down, you felt irritation.

“This is the result you getting involved with a drug dealer, (Y/N). Besides you being forced to see your friend bleeding for being shot, and nearly losing your boyfriend in the middle of this story, now you’re stuck in a fucking bad remake of The Godfather. Why couldn’t you fall in love with the school nerd? The most dangerous thing he could be doing right now was building a killer robot. But no, you had to fall in love with Jeon Jungkook.” You grunted through your teeth, sarcastically as you tried to release your arms by pulling hard, giving an angry grunt, lowering your head in frustration.

It was when the creak of the door that led to that ladder caught your attention, making you look up. You saw four men entering. Both wearing black trousers and white blouses, both with guns in their hands. Your heart raced and your breathing threatened to do the same, but you pulled the air and held it for a few seconds, before exhaling and clenched the jaw. Your body wanted to despair, your arms and legs wanted to shake and your eyes wanted to tear, but you forced your mind not to do so. Stay calm (Y / N). You told yourself. You have to be strong. They're very big weapons, but you'll be fine.

As those four men approached and formed a circle around you, another man came in and closed the door behind him. Before he went down he paused for a moment at the top of the stairs.

“Wow." You can hear him whisper over his breath. He was tall and dressed differently from the others who were there, and his aura was quite different as well. Should be the boss. You thought. He wore leather shoes and a suit with a soft fabric, probably of a very expensive brand. As he approached, he sat down in front of you, propping his back against the back of the chair and examining you. He wasn’t handsome, his eyes were green, but that didn’t mean he was charming or something. He had a goatee, his hair cut mullet style, already a little gray.

"So you're the famous (Y/N)?" He asked after a few more minutes staring. You arched a brow when the word "famous" came out of his lips.

“I'd love to say it's true, but no. I haven’t had my debut yet.” You answered, not even knowing where that courage had come from. The man in front of you smiled, looking pleased with your answer.

“Usually I'd be pissed off at such a naughty little girl like that, but I understand, you seem to be a long time with that little cocaine salesman that people call Jungkook, you must have taken his bad habits from being rude.”

“In fact I've always been like that, bad cradle creation.” You replied. But what the fuck are you doing? Do you want to die? Your subconscious screamed. That man put his hand on his chin, on his beard, watching you once more. “Can I know why I'm here?”

“Nothing important...”

“Come on! If it's not important, why would the so-called orchestrator of everything would be here in front of me? I don’t know how things work in real life, but in movies when things are not important, bosses don’t show their faces.”

He reached the body forward, supporting his arms on his legs, getting even more curious about you.

"How are you so sure I'm the boss?"

“Your clothes. Your suit is Slim, made of cold wool, thin wires, probably Italian. Your tie is a silk jacquard, maybe Salvatore Ferragamo if I'm not mistaken and your shoes are leather. My mother works with luxury clothes, so I know the products. Even if you were the second in command, I don’t think you'd use something expensive like that so I assume you're the boss, or at least it would be if this were a movie.”

“Your perception is impressive. Did you learn all this from the movies or did Jeon teach you about it?”

“It's not because my boyfriend is from a gang that I have to be the dumb and innocent girlfriend. The reason I'm here is him, right?”

“Yes, he irritated us a lot ... He took some things that were ours ... He destroyed one of my establishments, he and his gang killed my subordinates ... So, nothing better and more cliché than kidnapping the enemy gang leader's girlfriend, don’t you think?” He asked, leaning back in his chair again. The seizure. Was that his place? Did Jungkook really steal from someone? “Is not that what would happen in a movie?”

“Yes, but I don’t know if you know, but at the end of the movie, bad guys always get bad.”

And then he smiled rising and approaching you, and drawing his face closer to yours, which made you gasp and swallow.

“Glad we're in real life, right sweet?” He whispered close to your face, letting that hot breath hit your face, and even if you had held your breath, the scent of his mouth came through your nostrils and you wished you could vomit. "Put the camera in position." He ordered, moving away from you that allowed yourself to breathe again. Glancing to the side, where had those boxes, one of the men who were armed opened one of it, taking out a camera and a dismounted pedestal, putting everything next to the chair that the man was sitting on. "Are you recording?" He asked and henchman nodded, signaling yes. Despair began to pour through your veins, imagining what he was about to do, and whatever it was, you didn’t like anything about it. “You know (Y/N), I understand why Jungkook likes you, besides being very pretty, you had a smart mouth and God knows what you can do with it.” He said reaching out and holding your lip, pulling it and releasing it. “If you're a good girl by the end, I untie you and let you suck me while one of my men or maybe all, fuck your hot pussy.”

“How lucky for me to be a bad girl then." You said between your teeth, feeling disgusted at his words, just to make you smile again.

“Bad girls deserve to be punished, you know that, don’t you?” And he hit you with a strong slap on your face, making you groan with pain. You were sure that if you were an owl, your head would have made a full turn because of the force he used. You took a deep breath, holding back the tears of pain and looked back at him. “"Look at that angry little face." He said grabbing your chin tightly. “I'd love to see those eyes filled with rage and tearing as you choke on my cock in the back of your throat. Too bad I cannot do that right now.”

“Not now and not ever.” You snapped and at the same time received another slap, even stronger, making the urge to cry even harder.

“Sir." One of the men called.

“What?” He practically yelled at the boy who was almost next to you.

“I'm sorry, sir, but ... I do not think you should do this to her ...”

"Are you crazy? Are you fucking crazy?” Said the furious man advancing against the boy and grabbing him by the shirt. “Do you think you can handle me, bastard?”

” Sorry sir, no, but you heard what Jungkook did to that man who just hit upon her ...” You turned your attention totally to the two, confused. "He's not going to be happy to see what we're doing to her ..."

"What did he do?" You interrupted them, drawing their attention. "What did Jungkook do and with who did he do?"

“You didn’t know?” The boss asked and you shook your head in denial. “He beat him to the point of almost killing him with a crowbar.” And if you were not crying before for the pain, now the tears rolled down your cheeks with no control. “Why are you so surprised? Do not you know your boyfriend's fame, baby?”

“Don’t call me that." You said between your teeth, causing the chief to throw himself at you, holding your chin tightly and pulling your hair back, forcing you to throw your head back.

“Do you think you're in the position or in the mood to order something here, you whore? Hm? You claim to be the smart girlfriend but you're being stupid enough to be petulant with the guy who trapped you in that fucking chair. You have no voice here, bitch. I do whatever I want with you, and you have to accept it. If I tell you to shut up, you shut up, if I tell you to open your fucking legs so I can fuck you like the bitch you are, then you're going to do it, or I swear I cut your throat and throw you to the dogs, understood?”

You didn’t answer, just took a deep breath as he released you.

"Let's go back to where stopped." He said, taking a penknife out of his suit pocket. You're not calm anymore. Of two one, or he would torture you, tear your skin with the knife, or release you and then possibly rape you. Neither option was good in your eyes and you didn’t know which was worse. And looking around once more, seeing that obviously no one there would help you, your eyes stopped in the camera. They were recording it. And if it was not for a sinister, disgusting and scary collection of torture footage, they would send it to Jungkook. And your heart broke, you didn’t want him to see anything that could possibly happen.

“So let's start at the beginning. Who are Century's suppliers?” The man asked and you frowned. "Are you suddenly silent?"

"I don’t know what you're talking about." You answered simply, and he held up his pocketknife, his eyes glittering wickedly.

“Wrong answer, little girl.”


all rights reserved © katebacks | 2018 — no reposting and/or modifying of any form on any medium is allowed. no translations allowed

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More Posts from Katebacks

6 years ago

Too Late To Apologize - Min Yoongi (A)


— pairing | Min Yoongi /Reader — word c | 2,393 — genre | Angst. Break up. — summary | You were dating for three years and what you wanted most was being able to take care of him. But Yoongi was too busy with his job to realized that he was losing you. — warnings/tags | Some bad words. This fanfiction was inspired by Apologize, a One Republic’s song. 

Too Late To Apologize - Min Yoongi (A)

"Can’t you do this just this once, baby? We haven’t had a real date for months, you only stay in this studio and-"

“I already said no, (Y / N). I am working. I'm doing something in my life. I need to write for the new album. I need at least four melodies until the end of the month. We can do it another day.” He said rubbing his eyes while you were still trying to convince him to leave work early for you have a dinner together. But it was always like this, he always put off for another day. It's been three months since you had your last romantic date. He would always uncheck the last minute, or leave you waiting for hours then send a message saying he couldn’t go. Life was being a boring routine. "Just go home, we'll talk later."

"But you promised me, Yoongi." You whimpered. Yoongi snorted irritably, throwing his head back.

"It's 'Yoongi Oppa', (Y / N), I already told you about it."

"You need to leave this room, stop for a while, you will end up getting sick. If you don’t want to hang out, we'll just go home so you can sleep a little, on a real bed and not on that uncomfortable sofa-”

“For God's sake, (Y / N), I said no. You aren’t my mother, so stop acting like you are, and stop “babying’ me. I'm 25, I don’t need you to tell me when to sleep or eat. I'm busy, unlike you who spends most of your day with your ass nailed to the couch in your living room. Why do you have to be so insistent and can’t understand when I say something just once? I don’t understand why you like so much about meddling in the lives of others, just go live yours and let me take care of myself. Go find someone else to annoy. Stop giving opinions and wasting my time and just go away. I'm already stressed enough to have to put up with you now.” He screamed, making you take a step back, amazed. He never yelled at you. You blinked a few times as he turned, put on his headphones, and turned his attention back to the computer.

His words hit the bottom of your chest, hurting you. You shrugged, sniffling, feeling like you could start crying at any moment. You didn’t mean to upset him, you were just worried about him, because you loved him. But a bad feeling came over your chest, making several questions hovering around your head. What was I doing there? Did he really want to be in a relationship with me? He was happy with that? No, he wasn’t. Because if he was happy, he wouldn’t say those things to you. You thought. He didn’t need a relationship with someone in need like you, he did not want you to worry about him, and apparently you were just making him waste his precious time. You got the message.

You took some deep breaths. You bit your lip a few times and opened your mouth about five times to say something, but no word left. You had nothing to say, you just wanted to cry at that moment. You turned your back and left the room, closing the door carefully to not bother even more.

Two weeks had passed since your discussion with Yoongi. You missed him so much, but you were not sure he felt the same. You didn’t see him, you didn’t speak to him either by call or message, he kept living his life at Bighit and in his studio, and you just worked and got some extra work to not think too much. While in the morning you worked as a receptionist in a hotel, in the afternoon you worked in a fried chicken shop.

You had just come home from work, and was exhausted. Luckily the next day you were off duty. Your weeks were like this, you were destroyed, but you preferred it than just shrinking in bed for the rest of the day, looking at the empty space beside you and crying over the things that Min Yoongi had said to you.

You dropped your house keys on the coffee table of the living room and walked toward the kitchen. Your head was starting to ache from exhaustion. You took a glass of juice and stood propped up on the kitchen counter for a few more minutes, wondering if you'd go to your bathroom to take a bath, if you ate something, if you went to the room to watch TV, or if you sat on the balcony of the apartment to think. It was when you heard footsteps coming from the living room, making your eyes widen in alarm, not knowing who was there. You put the glass on the table and walked toward the living room, bumping into Yoongi. The moment your eyes met, you knew he wasn’t there to make up.

"But where the hell have you been?" He asked in a harsh voice. You sighed and walked away from him, walking toward the bedroom.

"I was at work."

"You work from eight to noon, (Y / N)." He said out loud.

"I'm working two jobs now." You replied.

“Why? Do you need money? If you are, you can tell me that I give you some, you do not have to work two jobs.” He said, making you turn to him, you arched one eyebrow. Was he worried?

“No, I don’t need money. I just don’t want to spend my day with my ass on the couch.” You spoke remembering his words and felt that painful pang in the chest once more, but you gave a weak smile to disguise.

“Bullshit, I know you, you’re too lazy to work in two jobs just because there was nothing else to do. Do you owe money to anyone?”  You stepped back while listening to those words. Was that what he thought of you? Did he think you were lazy? You weren’t yet healed of the last fight you both had, so the urge to cry, attacked you again.

“You came here to insult me?” You asked, feeling offended.

“No, I came here because you didn’t talked to me for days, and I thought something was wrong, you can’t go a day without pissing me off, so I figured something should have happened.”


“You told me to go away and take care of my own life, leaving to understand that you didn’t want me to interfere in your or worry about you, that's what I tried to do.” You grunted, even more offended by his words. How had your relationship reached that point? Where he stepped on you and you didn’t even defend yourself.

“When did I say that?” He asked frowning, confused, searching in memory when he had said those things.

“Two weeks ago when you yelled at me because I wanted to get you out of the studio and take you out for a little bit of space.”

"I can’t believe you took that seriously." He said dropping an ironic laugh, looking at a corner of the room, before returning to look serious to me. "You're so dramatic."

“It's not drama, unlike you I have a heart. I was just trying to take care of you, like I've been doing since we started dating. But it's always like this, I try to make you care, then you fight me and I leave crying. If you don’t want a girlfriend, or if you don’t want me as your girlfriend, just say it at once and stop mistreating me." You spoke sadly, holding your hand to your chest. Your heart ached and your tears threatened to fall from your eyes.

“But of course I want you as my girlfriend. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be bearing you bothering me for so long.” He said raising his voice. Once again you were taken by surprise with his words. Was that so? You only bothered him? “And I'm so tired of all this work, it's such a big pressure for this new album that I just can’t stop working, and you are always asking me for things I cannot do the time, you know (Y / N), I have priorities!”

"Of course, why would I think I'm one of your priorities, right, Yoongi?" You asked sarcastically.

“What did I tell you, (Y / N)? It's Yoongi Oppa. Where is your respect? I'm still older than you.” He said, taking a step toward you. That made you reach your limit. All that situation and he was more concerned with formalities than with your relationship.

"And where is your respect, Min Yoongi?" You screamed, unable to contain yourself, walking from one side to the other. catching him by surprise, making him widen his eyes. You had never yelled at him. “We've been dating for three years and most of the time you've been treating me like I'm fucking a bitch, a sperm deposit where you come to my house at three in the morning, wake me up and get me down on my knees to suck your dick, to ease your fucking stress. And then the next day you ignore me and remind me of my true place in your life. I'm last on your list of important things, that's if I have a place in this shit.” You took a deep breath and stopped walking, looking at him before continuing. “You know what? Fuck you, Yoongi, I'm tired of doing everything you want. I'm tired of trying to make you take care of yourself, to take care of you. I'm tired of always trying, and always getting bad words in return. I'm at my limit. If you can not treat me like a fucking human, like the fucking girl who loves you and who would do everything for you, It is better it to end here and now.”

Yoongi was silent, he had never witnessed anything like this, he had never seen you angry and frustrated as you were at that moment.With all the work he and the boys were doing to promote the group, with all the pressure he was having on his head, he didn’t have time for anything else, not even to take care of your relationship. But he did not know it was being so bad for you, he didn’t know that he was being such a bad person to you and that he was hurting you that way, because he didn’t pay attention to you. He loved you, that was a fact, but with all that was happening, he couldn’t assimilate everything.

He looked at you who was standing in front of him, hands on your waist and head thrown back, taking a deep breath, sniffing, holding as much as possible your tears. You no longer knew what to do, you were tired of all the times you cried for him. You was tired of excuses, tired of giving other chances, thinking that he would change someday, tired of always falling and rising alone, tired of loving him with all your heart, body and soul, but receiving nothing in return. You knew you would suffer with all that, but it was time to put a stop to all that suffering. You sighed heavily and turned to him, who regarded you without knowing what to do.

“Leave, Yoongi. Ask for one of the boys to come get your stuff, it ends here. I will not suffer for you anymore.” And you walked toward the bathroom, entering and slamming the door behind you. You leaned against it, feeling like if your heart would come out of your mouth. You could hear his steps out of the room and then the door of the living room being slammed. That's when you allowed yourself to slide to the floor and cry compulsively.

Six months later.

Yoongi was walking down the sidewalk, heading for his favorite coffee shop in the city that was also close to the company. He had not spoken to you or seen you for six months. He missed you a lot, and often found himself staring at his cell phone, thinking of calling you to listen to your voice. He knew you were okay, because you kept in touch with Namjoon and he always heard from you. He was glad you were okay, but he just wanted a new chance to show that he could be a better boyfriend.

He was about to enter the cafe when he turned his face to the side and saw you coming out of a clothing store. You had a smile on your face and carried a bag in one hand. You still as beautiful as ever. Always so smiling and radiant, infecting everyone around you with your happiness, charisma and optimism. Yoongi's heart throbbed and he couldn’t contain the gigantic smile that came from his lips, with the euphoria spreading through his body, finally seeing you after all this time.

That was his chance. The chance to talk to you, to apologize and if necessary, beg for a new chance. He would do anything for you, change whatever it takes to get you back into his arms. He would be a better boyfriend, a better man, he would be what you deserved. Yoongi turned towards you, walking towards you, but stopped short in the middle of the way to see a man coming out of the store you had just left and wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you into a warm kiss that you accepted smiling.

Yoongi's world collapsed at that moment. Any fantasy he had created in his mind in which he got his forgiveness and you came back to him,  broke into bits like his heart. Anguish and pain took control of his body, making him paralyzed, seeing you give affection to another man. He didn’t know you were dating, you had never said anything to Namjoon, and if you had, he hadn’t said anything.

Yoongi stayed in the same place, watching you and that man walk away laughing and playing with each other, while his heart was scattered on the sidewalk, so that anyone could step on it.

Just then, Yoongi came to realize, that it was too late to apologize.

Too Late To Apologize - Min Yoongi (A)

all rights reserved © katebacks | 2018 — no reposting and/or modifying of any form on any medium is allowed. no translations allowed.

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6 years ago

ride or die is dope 😊💕

I choked as I read this. I remembered Namjoon. Lol. I'm glad you liked it 💜

6 years ago

My Soldier - Min Yoongi (M)


— pairing | Min Yoongi /Reader — word c | 4,183 — genre | Soldier/Army au!, Non idol au! Smut, lightly angst. — summary | The boy you’ve always loved goes into the army to fulfill his mandatory years. You have little contact and you feel destroyed whenever you see something about the soldiers’ fight. One day, after school, someone knocks on your door and you take a surprise. — warnings/tags | Some bad words, oral (male receiving), unprotected sex (stay safe!). 


Day one thousand and three. There are 1003 days that Yoongi joined the army and left me here without a course. I do not even know how I'm enduring how much I miss him. Maybe the nights I'm crying over are helping me with this, but it's already becoming unbearable to live without him by my side. Yoongi and I met when we were kids, our parents were friends and he's three years older than me, so he was my guardian at school until he graduated and started college.

But then he made the choice to stop his studies at the college in order to enlist in the army. Which was a bomb to all those who were close to him. But it was a bomb mainly for me, because I learned to be dependent on Yoongi for everything. He would take me to school, pick me up after gymnastics practice, we would go out together, he would take me everywhere and always scare the boys who wanted a chance with me saying that I was his and that none of them would ever touch me. We were both very intimate, so it was with him that I lost my virginity, it was not something planned, it was at random, in the same year he left.

As we were both very close, I never knew if what I felt for him was the love of a friend, or if it was really love between two people. But that changed when he told me he would join the Marines. It was on this day that I knew that I really loved him as a man and not as a friend. In the thrill of the moment, to know that he was leaving soon, I ended up confessing to him. And I cried like a child who had lost his parents.

Yoongi pulled me into a hug as I teared up in tears. He stroked my hair, pressing me against his body, trying to comfort me.

“Please darling, don’t cry. I don’t want you to cry, you know how I hate when you cry.” He said softly, pulling my hair away from my face, holding my chin and directing my gaze at him. “Everything will be fine, I promise.”

"Why are you doing this?" My voice broke in the middle of the sentence, and he frowned, looking away from me, to look at my hair between his fingers. "You had already been dismissed because of college, why did you decided to enlist?"

“I just don’t think it's right, (Y/N). So many guys are out there helping to save lives, protecting people and I'm here, studying music.”

"Music can also save lives."

"Yes, but not the way a soldier can."

"Please, don’t go." I burst into tears again, stuffing my face into his chest, making him hold me tight and put his face in my hair, kissing the top of my head several times, stroking my arms.

"It's okay, baby. Look, when I get back, we'll be able to talk about it and laugh at the whole situation, I promise. I promise to come back to you.”

He said that when he returned, we would talk about what we felt for each other. He also said that he would call me whenever he could, and he would send news. Which obviously did not happen often. We talked more by letters, every week he sent me one and the next day that I had received, I ran to the post office and sent another to him.

We talked twice over the phone, he asked me how things were going here, I cried a little more and we hung up. A month later we also talked about videoconferencing, where he asked the same questions, I gave the same answers and then cried again. Seven months ago I received a letter. In it he told how things were in Afghanistan. Not good. He said he lost comrades and that many others were injured. He apologized for not communicating so often because he was in the midst of critical situations. He said he missed me and that he would talk to me again soon. And I'm waiting until today.

From time to time, Yara, Seokjin's girlfriend, one of Yoongi's friends who is also in the army, calls me to meet and talk about the old days. She says it helps in waiting for Seokjin's return, but I do not think so. The more I talk about Yoongi, the stronger is the desire to see him and stronger is my desire to return to cry, but the fact is I don’t want to cry. I can’t cry anymore, I can’t stand to cry any more. I swear if I don’t get new news from Yoongi, proving that he’s okay, I'll go crazy. This is the part that disturbs me and does not let me sleep at night. The fear I have of him getting hurt badly or even dying is something that haunts me every night. So I always pray before bed and after waking up. I always ask God to protect him and I really hope he hears my prayers.

Today is my birthday. And I'm not happy about it. I'm not happy at all, because it just shows me that it's been two years and many days since I last saw him. I do not want to celebrate. My mother begged me to throw a party, even if it was just a meeting for friends, but I denied it. I'm not in the mood for parties. At least not anymore.

When I got to school, at the gate I met Suran, my best friend. As always, she smiled at me and we walked together to the lockers. She doesn’t even ask if I'm okay anymore, because she already knows the answer I’ll give.

"So, are you really not going to have a party?" She asked as I pulled out my philosophy book from the cupboard. I shook my head in denial.

“I’m not in the mood for parties or any kind of socialization with people who flatter me in front of me and stab me in the back, like half of this school does.”

“Oh, come on (Y/N), so let's go out, have fun. It is not every day that someone celebrates their birthday.” She said in a steady voice. She was always trying to get me into the party, but I do not think I can leave the house after school. "You didn’t party last year, either.”

“That's why I remember well the disaster at the party the year before. I remember that I had a hard time all night and still cried for a few more hours because of Yoongi.” I closed the locker and turned to the hallway while she did the same.

“You have to live your life, Yoongi would not like to know that you're depressed like that.”

"I don’t care, Suran." I grunted as we climbed the stairs to the second floor. "I have nothing to celebrate, so please, enough of that. My parents have pissed me off for the whole month."

"Okay." She said with a sigh of defeat and so we continued until the first class of the day that was history. Our subject? Second World War. Sometimes I wanted to be able to forget Yoongi, so that all the pain and fear would go away, but the things around me did not help me much.

When we got to class, we sat down, just after the other students entered, Mr. Padd entered the room and put his briefcase on his desk as he did every day. Mr. Padd was 45 and married. He had black hair and eyes of the same color and was a very handsome guy for someone of that age. He was one of the best teachers the school had. He taught Yoongi while he was studying here and had already sent him several times out of the room since Yoongi always liked to be the joker. From the table in the back of the room, where I sat, I could see him perfectly as he write the date on the blackboard.

"Good morning students!" He said receiving a reply from everyone in the room. "Well, I want to remind you today that next week we will have a test only on the Holocaust. Then I suggest you study hard."

"That's not even that difficult, Professor." Caleb, one of the nerd students in the room said. "Anyone can get a good grade."

"Anyone who studies, Caleb, don’t forget ... Well, before we talk about the matter of class, how about we take a commentary on world news that are circulating out there. Somebody saw something interesting that wanted to share?"

"Besides the fact that they're trying to create a robot with a human mind, no."

“Has anyone heard of the success of the peacekeeping missions in Afghanistan?” I immediately lifted my head at the words. I usually did not watch television so I never really knew much about this news. "Despite the losses of soldiers, everything is going well ..."

Oh no! Loss of Soldiers. Yoongi is a soldier. I may have lost Yoongi and I do not even know.

Suddenly, my heart sank into my chest and my breathing became hard to control. Suran who was next to me looked at me startled but not surprised. I've had panic attacks other times, so she always knew what to do. She took my hand and gave me a comforting smile, then turned to the teacher who was talking about something, but I couldn’t understand the words and did not even connect them to make his sentence make sense.

"Mr. Padd, (Y/N) is not feeling well, can we go to the infirmary?" She stood up and stood beside me, running her hand through my hair.

"What are you feeling, (Y/N)?" He approached worriedly as I felt the eyes of everyone in the room on me, the weird girl with a panic attack.

"You touched on a sensitive subject." He seemed to understand, then indicated the door, giving us permission to withdraw. Minutes later we were in the ladies' room. She leaned against the wall and I with my hands soaked with water on my face.

“(Y/N), this is not right! You are not well. You need to go to a psychiatrist”

“I don’t need appointments with psychiatrists. I'm not going crazy. I just need Yoongi! Is it so hard to understand, Suran?” I raised my voice more than I should, but I could not control myself. “I don’t want a fucking birthday party, I don’t want to go out and enjoy my fucking life. I want Yoongi. Alive. With me!

“(Y/N), I know it's hard ...”

“No! You don’t” I yelled, slamming my hand on the sink counter. "The man you love is here with you! Yoongi is in the middle of a war where he can be killed at any moment.” And my tears of pain and despair began to fall. "And I can’t stop thinking about it.I can’t stop thinking that I can’t protect him. I just want him back. I just want him to come back home, Suran.” And seconds later she was hugging me, comforting me once again while I cried and called desperately for him. I lost count of how many times she did it for me. I remember several times when she and her boyfriend stopped going out to stay with me while I had my anger attacks and started screaming and breaking everything. I do not even remember how many times I felt like I was going to explode in tiny pieces if Yoongi did not come back soon.

So, this is love? It is like this? Does it make you corrode inside, then make you explode and lose your head as if nothing else matters? So that's what I feel. That's what I feel for Yoongi.

As soon as I got home, I went straight up to my room, threw my backpack on the floor, and started taking off my clothes. I went straight to the bathroom and turned on the shower to take my shower. I would be home alone today, at least until nine or ten at night. It was Friday, and my parents would be arriving later. I would have the rest of the day to stay home and do whatever I wanted, but the only thing I would do was lie in bed and think.

Just past five-thirty in the afternoon, I got up and went down to the kitchen, making a quick sandwich for me. And before I take the first bite, I hear the bell ring. I found it strange because I was not expecting any visitors, and no one would come to my house unannounced. I got up from the counter, clapping my palms and removing the crumbs.

I went to the front door and without even peering to know who it was, I opened the door, I was startled to see who it was and froze in place. My heart stopped for a few seconds and it hit me again quickly, making the blood flow increase, irrigating my muscles, causing me to finally have a reaction and run towards the one who was standing at my door, hopping desperately in his lap.

It was Yoongi. The black-haired man with small eyes that I loved so much was right there in front of me, smiling with that sincere and seductive smile he always had. His arms moved around me, lifting me from the floor and shoving his face into my neck as I tear myself apart for the thousandth time in a week, but this time the tears were for joy. Thank God! He is alive! He is fine! He is with me again. Thank, God!

"I missed you so much, my princess." It was only by listening to his voice that I really knew it was real. We stayed for long minutes like that. I sobbing softly and he stroking my hair. Until I sniffed and lifted my face, staring into his gleaming black eyes, almost seeing my reflection through them. Before I could think of something to say, Yoongi put me down and took his two bags, putting them in and closing the door behind him.

We stare at each other for long seconds. He wore brown boots, a camouflaged trousers, a white shirt, and a camouflage jacket over it. His black hair was short, but it made him extremely sexy, with the look of a serious man. Soon I was on top of him again, hugging him tight, but this time without crying. I knew I would not cry any more.

"When did you get here?" I asked in a voice muffled by his coat.

"Are you sure you want to talk about it now?" He asked raising my head and making me stare at him for long, long seconds. I recognized that look. It was that look he threw at me the first time he saw me naked. It was a look full of lust and malice. Born of desire to have something he needs. “I swear I'll tell you anything you want, (Y/N)! But I need to do something that I have been eager to do for a very, very long time.”

"And what is it?" My voice came out in a whisper. I closed my eyes as I felt his hand slide from my face to my neck, shuddering all that remained of base inside me, destroying everything at once.

"Make you mine again." I felt the hot breath touch my cheek and when I opened my eyes, there he was. Close to me. So close it made it easier when I stepped forward and kissed him with desire. The desire that was kept in me all this time he'd been away. His hands came down to my hips, giving me the impulse to intertwine my legs around his waist, lifting me off the floor. I brushed my nails through the back of his neck and bit his lip, hearing a moan coming from his mouth. Right after we were moving. I'm not sure how, but soon he was jamming me against the newly closed door of my room.

One of his hands held me underneath and the other grabbed the back of my neck, deepening the kiss. A few seconds later, his kisses down from my lips to my neck, causing me delicious chills to feel his wet lips touching me.

“I need to feel you.” He whispered and so took me to the bed, laying me on it and taking the jacket, and throwing it in a corner of the room. He opened my legs and slid into them, kissing me over the top of my shirt, and then he was biting my nipples. “Thank God you're not wearing a bra.” If I was not so excited, I would have laughed at the despair in his voice. “I remember well the first time we did this ... Are you still the way I remember?” I think his intention was that the phrase came out sweet but ended up showing more malice than innocence and chivalry.

"Take off my clothes and tell me you!" I whispered as I watched him look up from my breasts to my eyes. The Black burning with desire. The malicious grin appeared at the corner of his lips, making him extremely sexy and making me extremely aroused. His hands gripped my arms and lifted me, pulling my blouse up, leaving me with my naked chest. Soon his hands were wrapping my breasts gently as his used his thumbs to play with my nipples. I threw my head back as I remembered that Yoongi was simply boss in driving me crazy in every way. I let out a moan accompanied by a sigh as I felt his tongue caressing my left nipple. Fucking hell! I had forgotten how good it was.

“Lie on your stomach, Princess”. And once again, a phrase that should be sweet, came out of his mouth full of malice. I obeyed, turning and bending my hands on the bed as I felt his fingers caressing my back, making me shiver again, making me arch my back. His hands went down to my hip and stood for seconds on my butt before he squeezed and let out a moan. A few moments later, he pulled on my shorts, leaving me only in panties. "My impression, or are you wet down here?" He whispered on my ear as he stroked my clit over my panties. I groaned and turned my face. His lips touched mine and my desire was to turn around and grab him.

“It's not fair. You're still in your clothes.” I grunted and he quickly backed away, laughing, lifting and throwing his clothes away, impressing me with his speed. Soon he was kneeling on the mattress beside me, his hand caressing me over my panties. I bit my lip moaning again and with one hand I held his rigid limb, watching him sigh, pressing his fingers on me harder and moaning. I let my hand go up and down its length before I put it in my mouth, sucking it.

“God! (Y/N)! I almost forgot how good you are at this.” He spoke by increasing the speed of the circular motions in my clitoris. His free hand went up to my hair, pulling them off my face so he could see me better as I sucked him. “You look so beautiful with my dick in your mouth ... Yeah baby. Suck your dick. Show me how much you missed me.” While I sucked him, Yoongi pushed my panties off, touching the skin with his fingers, making my pussy throb, looking for more touch. “You fucked someone after me?"

"No!" I answered before putting his dick back in my mouth. I did not understand why that question, but it did not matter too much. When I sank his cock a little further into my throat, Yoongi fingered me, making me choke.

"So tight." He moaned with pleasure in his voice, moving his fingers in and out of me. “So hot. I can not wait to get in there again and kill my longing for you, my doll. Feel you again ...”

“So don’t wait anymore.” I whispered without restraining the pleasure of feeling he wanted to be with me. Inside me. "I'm ready for you, Yoongi. I have always been.”

I think this was what he needed to do what he had to do.

He knelt over me, leaving my legs together and so he passed the head of his cock through my pussy. I felt him penetrating me and I grabbed the sheets releasing a continuous moan until he filled me. Going deep. At the right point. It hurt, but it was so good. I missed so much to feel it inside me. My cunt throbbed around his cock. It took me a few seconds to get used to it inside, but I can’t say I did not like what I felt.

I could hear his sighs and low moans as he moved slowly back and forth. I interpreted this as if he was afraid to hurt me, but soon after the speed increased, which meant he was preparing me. Loud groans escaped my mouth before I could handle. Yoongi was big and went deep inside me, making every time he thrusted inside me, my cunt tightened around him.

“So fucking tight.” He whispered between his teeth, letting out a moan just after and pulling my butt back, prancing me. He grabbed the sides of my body, using it to pull me back as he went deeper and deeper into me, getting harder with each thrust, making my screams even louder. His hands began to caress my back and soon, his hands were on mine, holding them. Yoongi was leaning over me, giving me kisses by the back of his neck, and bites on his back as he began to thrust deep and hard, causing our moans to rise even higher. “God, (Y/N)! “ A hoarse groan left his throat making me smile.

A short time later, I was facing up, with him between my legs, clinging to me, continuing to fuck me. One of his hands was now between us and he was masturbating me, and the orgasm would not be long in coming.

“Let's do this together, baby” He gasped. "And that will prove we have a very strong connection, little one.” He whispered breathlessly. Oh damn! I was coming. I moaned loudly and began to feel the trembling in my legs starting, feeling a hot little pain focus on my belly as he fucked me deep. “Come on, baby. Come with me, come around that dick.”

And the moment he said that, I could not stand it and I let out a cry, uttering his name, with pleasure running through my body while my pussy throbbed, and he was still deep in me, as he cum inside me, moaning loudly.

Seconds later, his lips hit mine, kissing me gently as he slid to my side on the bed, pulling me to his chest that still rose and fell quickly. We stayed like that a long time, as he ran his fingers through my hair.

“I do not think we need to talk about what we feel about each other, right?” He asked after a few minutes. "What happened here already proves that I love you so much, (Y/N)!" He whispered caressing my hair. I smiled and squeezed him between my arms. “And I promise I will not leave you alone anymore.”

“But what about the army?”

"I've already fulfilled the obligatory years. If they call me again, I can choose to decline. And if you stay with me, I will refuse anything that wanted to keep me from you ”

He is here. He is here with me. We are together again.

"I love you, Yoongi." I whispered, giving him a light kiss on the lips. He smiled and ran his fingers over my cheek before pulling me back to his chest.

"I love you too, Baby. Oh, and happy birthday. Sorry, I did not bring any gifts.”

“You are my gift, Yoongi.”


all rights reserved © katebacks | 2018 — no reposting and/or modifying of any form on any medium is allowed. no translations allowed.

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6 years ago

Sending this out cuz it needs to be trending: Kim Namjoon is a God!

6 years ago



|S/ M - Smut/Mature | A - Angst | F - Fluff | 

Jealousy | m, f | knj / reader

↳ Best friends to lovers au! One Shot

[ You are in love with your best friend and one day decides it’s time to forget the passion and invest in a new relationship, what you did not expect was that your best friend showed up at the party you’re at, to surprise you.]


Series: The Bet - Between books | m | knj / reader

↳ Boyfriend au!, College au!  Smut. One Shot

[ ‘The ideas we get when we're drunk are best,’ Kim Seokjin said it before challenging you and Namjoon to have sex in the university library. ]


| S/ M - Smut/Mature | A - Angst | F - Fluff |

Lucky In Love | m, f, a | ksj / reader

↳ Best friends to lovers au! One Shot

[ You had a difficult childhood. As a teenager you meet a cool guy on the internet who turns out to be your best friend,  years later you’re living in the same city as him, hiding your passion. A night at a local nightclub can change  everything ]


| S/ M - Smut/Mature | A - Angst | F - Fluff |

My Soldier | m, f, a | myg / reader

↳  Soldier/Army au! One Shot

[ The boy you’ve always loved goes into the army to fulfill his mandatory years. You have little contact and you feel destroyed whenever you see something about the soldiers’ fight. One day, after school, someone knocks on your door and you take a surprise. ]


Too Late To Apologize | a | myg / reader

↳ Idol au! One Shot

[ You were dating for three years and what you wanted most was being able to take care of him. But Yoongi was too busy with his job to realized that he was losing you. ]


Love me, Hate me | a, m, f | myg / reader

↳ Fuckboy au!, College au! One Shot

[ You hated him, hated how handsome he was, hated how all the girls wanted him, you hated hating him, but you couldn’t contain yourself. At least not anymore. You’ll find out in the worst way, or the best, that Min Yoongi is an addictive drug.]


Ddaeng | m | myg / reader

↳  Idol au!, boyfriend au! 

[ Yoongi just performed and goes straight to the dressing room to meet you and continue the show, but a more private one.]


| S/ M - Smut/Mature | A - Angst | F - Fluff |


Hazard | m | jhs / reader

↳  Badboy au! First part of the serie Hazard.

[ You are suspicious that your boyfriend is cheating on you. You decide to follow him one day, after work, and find him at a bar, kissing his secretary.  You two start fighting on the street, outside the pub, and that’s where you meet him. A man you’ve never seen before offers you a ride on his motocycle and you accept. And this ride ends with you in his bath, fucking him. ]


Series The Bet: Haunted House | m | jhs / reader - NEW

↳  Enemys to lovers au!

[ Because of your friends, Hoseok thought you hated him, and you thought the same. But after they bet on spending Halloween Eve night in an abandoned house, everything changes. ]


| S/ M - Smut/Mature | A - Angst | F - Fluff |

Don’t Call Her Anymore | f | pjm / reader

↳  Best friends to lovers au! One Shot

[ You were dating a boy for many months, you fell in love but discovered he had another girlfriend and that broke you. He always called you when he were drunk and you answered, listening to him say the same things. Until Jimin put a stop to it. ]


Our First Time | m | pjm / reader

↳  Non idol au! One Shot

[  Jimin always wanted to be closer to you, and one day he finally succeeded. ]


Series: The bet - Vlive Blowjob | m | pjm / reader

↳  Idol au! One Shot. 

[ You and Jimin make a bet: If he loses, he has to buy a purse of the new Gucci collection for you, but if you lose, you have to make him a blowjob... while he makes a Live. None of this makes sense, but he was drunk when he proposed and you were drunk when you accepted. That explains everything. ]


Thank you, next | f, m, a | pjm / reader

↳  Best friends to lovers au! One Shot

[ In high school you weren’t very popular, ten years later you travel to a class reunion of your old class. What could go wrong? ]


Kiss It Off Me | m | jjk/reader | pjm/reader

↳Non idol au! Series? ↳high school au! bad boy au! baseball player au!

[Jimin is a player on the school baseball team, you are his girl. Jungkook wants you to be his.]


| S/ M - Smut/Mature | A - Angst | F - Fluff |

A Night With a Vampire | m, a | kth / reader

↳  Vampire au! Serie.

[ The end of the relationship leaves you lost and totally sad. Your friend is having a party and you promised you would. You just didn’t know that your life would change from there. ]

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 : Coming Soon.


Swim | m | kth / reader

↳  Part of Swim series

[ He knew you, but he had never spoken to you. You were Hoseok’s best friend, and he was really jealous of you, he never opened a way for Taehyung to approach. Until one night at a party, where Hoseok wasn’t around you. The way was free for Taehyung do what he always wanted.  ]


Swim PART 2 | m | kth / reader

↳  Part of Swim series

[ A week has passed since Hoseok caught you and Taehyung in his bed. Hoseok has being away from all his friends, including you, his best friend. Taehyung is in a bar with some friends and he hasn’t seen you since that night, and he can’t get you out of his head, so when he sees you entering the club, he can’t hold himself. ]


|  S/M - Smut/Mature | A - Angst | F - Fluff |

Ride Or Die | m, a | jjk / reader

Trailer FMV: Trailer One | Trailer Two.

↳  Mafia Au!  / Badboy au! Serie.

[ He seemed to have come out of a museum for being so handsome, it seemed to be that badboy coming straight from the teen movies, but as  you go deep into his life, you realize he was not a badguy just to annoy  his parentes. He was not a Badboy, but a BadMan. He sold drugs and his friends too. He commanded a dangerous, feared gang. The Century. And you fell madly in love with him, almost leaving your life and everyone you knew behind, to be with him. ]


Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 Season Finale | Season 2 : Coming soon


The Ghost Of You | a, m, f | jjk / reader

↳ Ghost au! Series

[ You started studying at a new university after an event that forced you to move to another city. In a city even smaller than you used to live, it was Vegas University, where you would spend the next two years of your life until the end of your course. Strange things begin to happen when you get there, and someone’s life - or death - depends on your choices.  ]


Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 : SEMI HIATUS


Daddy Issues | a, m | Jjk / reader

↳ Stalker au! Killer au! psycho au!, horror, thriller, Serie

[ When you started dating Jungkook, he was your gateway to all the pain but when you finally find out who he really is, you realize it’s too late to go back. You are in danger, and you know it, but worst of all is that you don’t want to escape.]

Part 1 | Part 2 : SEMI HIATUS


Under The Mat | a, m, | jjk / reader

↳ Ceo!Jungkook Series

[ He was your boss and you hated him, but he knew that wasn’t exactly what you felt.  ]


Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3: Coming Soon


Kiss It Off Me | m | jjk/reader | pjm/reader

↳Non idol au! Series? ↳high school au! bad boy au! baseball player au!

[Jimin is a player on the school baseball team, you are his girl. Jungkook wants you to be his.]


All Mine | m | jjk/reader |

↳Non idol au! Series? ↳CEO!Jungkook

[CEO of one of the biggest companies in the country, Jungkook didn’t have much time for love. You were in love with him, but he didn’t feel the same way about you, at least that’s what you thought.]

all rights reserved © katebacks | 2018 — no reposting and/or modifying of any form on any medium is allowed. no translations allowed.

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