FINALLY - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

The temp agency called with a job in a wood mill. I took it. My first day is tomorrow, then it's a full week M-F. They may decide to renew after that.

This is a relief because unlike the restaurant job there's no expectation I'll stay long term. My biggest worry is that a 40 hour week of manual labor may be more than my body can handle. If I can handle it, I'll stick with this job as long as it lasts or until January 30.

Why January 30? Because I'm eligible for unemployment aid then, and my counselor wants to get me on track for the nursing assistant certification program. I had the best conversation with her about it today. Plus! Omg you guys. Plus ! She was totally appalled at how my social worker has been (not) handling my attempts to move to the hour away city. And she called someone she knows in the office that kept referring me back to my same (not very helpful) social worker. And she talked to the person who agreed my application should get priority, so now I have a big form to fill out and mail to the person in the office and *we may finally be able to move* which would open up *so many things*.

For a year and four months I worked as an in home caregiver for people with severe disabilities. There were parts of my job I liked a lot and parts that were very frustrating, but overall it was unsustainable because I had to commute for an hour to the city and then during the day I'd have to go from one home to another. I was not paid for that time. So I was earning a part time salary but I was gone from home 60+ hours a week. I was utterly exhausted.

I found a job just 3km away from home, working at a long term care facility for elderly people who are still fairly autonomous. Reader, it was a shitshow. This has been independently verified; the government agency that evaluates these places failed the facility.

Anyway, I was going to hang in there because they had promised to put me through a nursing assistant certification. At the end of my 30 trial period they fired me. Mind you they never trained me for any part of the job. When I asked questions I got answers ranging from sarcastic to nasty. And no one ever gave me any feedback. So yeah I'm sure I fcked things up but I'm also not a mind-reader and a heads up would have helped. Anyway. Because I quit the previous job and worked only thirty days I'm ineligible for unemployment aid. You have to have worked at least 91 days after quitting a job.

It's been two weeks. I have lost track of how many jobs I have applied for. I have three kids. One has a birthday in November, then there's Christmas, and then another has a birthday in January. I'm stressing so hard. I had a job interview today at a long term care facility for dependent elderly people but it's in the hour-away city and the bus schedule doesn't fit with their shifts. The managing nurse is going to see if she can make it work when she does the schedules for November and December over the weekend. I find out on Monday.

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7 months ago
A four panel comic of Honeydew having trouble processing auditory information. The comic is titled "Gear Grind" and is made by Theresa Scovil.  Panel 1: Ky asks Honeydew "Have you seen my phone?" Panel 2: Honeydew squints their eyes in concentration. Two gears in their head are struggling to turn with "whir" noises. Above Honeydew are the words "Processing auditory information. Processing auditory information. Processing auditory information." Panel 3: Honeydew, still squinting, says "Sorry, what?" Ky says "I asked if you've seen-" Panel 4: Honeydew perks up and says "Oh yeah! On the dresser!" Ky looks shocked.

Please be patient with those of us with auditory processing disorder. We just need more time for the gears to turn in our heads.

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7 months ago

Gonna be trying something new!

Each character will now have their dialogue color-coded and with an accompanied emoji!

Ava 🚬

Sarai 🦢

Adina 🐇

Milan 💥

And for the NRWEs (because I can):

Daria 🤓

Peter 🏡

Mothman 🦋

Beulah 🤣

Joyer 😈

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10 months ago

BIG thank you/shout-out to @beesofink for helping me with the design of this oc, Bee came up with the fanny pack! 🩵

CJ Intro

BIG Thank You/shout-out To @beesofink For Helping Me With The Design Of This Oc, Bee Came Up With The
BIG Thank You/shout-out To @beesofink For Helping Me With The Design Of This Oc, Bee Came Up With The

[Character info is under the cut.]

CJ is a character that would be introduced in a hypothetical Season 3 of Making Fiends, as Charlotte's older brother who, unknowingly as to what's going on in Clamburg due to not receiving any letters or calls from his grandma or sister since Vendetta doesn't allow it outside of Clamburg, moved to Clamburg after finally being done with, according to Charlotte, "Space Camp".

CJ has the same happy and optimistic attitude that both of his other family members have, but unlike Charlotte, he's fully aware about Vendetta's intentions. Instead of telling her about it or trying to convince her of the truth, for the sake of Charlotte's fragile heart, he decided to play along with the situation, while making sure that everyone and especially Charlotte, survive Vendetta's traps.

He usually does this throughout coming up with some sorta plan, that usually seems like utter nonsense that won't work at first.

He keeps the most random of objects in his fanny pack, some useful others nonsensical. It's an ongoing gag that he pulls out objects out of it that wouldn't realistically fit into it, or the exact random object that is needed at that moment.

For the residents of Clamburg his arrival was first met with, "There's two of them now??" but eventually people grew to appreciate his efforts, making him well liked by almost everyone.

To lighten up the mood, he often says dad jokes and puns that are silly enough as to where they can at least put a smile on your face if nothing else. Sometimes he's also the "straight" man for whatever kinda shenanigans Charlotte is up to.

The main gag regarding his character is that he's a pretty normal guy reacting to this very weird town, who doesn't know any better besides just rolling with whatever new anomaly he sees today.

A giant red cat just casually sitting there? Alright I guess that's a thing now good to know.

His optimism is seemingly endless, he always finds at least something to be happy about no matter how bad the situation, but he never makes it up.

Still, not everything goes according to plan.

Not every joke lands.

He has a bit of a "saying things he didn't mean to say out loud out loud" problem.

Some social interactions can get pretty awkward when he runs out of ideas.

Vendetta obviously doesn't like him and subjects him to the things SHE finds funny out of spite since he's breaking the "No jokes." rule and probably many other rules. Usually him getting hurt in some way.

His luck generally ain't the best, he tends to get hurt on sheer accident, hence why he always has bandages on random areas of his body. Another gag would be that he gets hit with Vendetta's attacks even if they couldn't have logically hit him of all people in the room.

But, hey. He has to make the most of it since he's not getting out of the town anytime soon, so he gets up and keeps on a smile, for everyone's, and especially Charlotte's sake.

And now that he's finally here again, new hijinks shall ensue!

Here's the transparent versions of the drawings:

BIG Thank You/shout-out To @beesofink For Helping Me With The Design Of This Oc, Bee Came Up With The
BIG Thank You/shout-out To @beesofink For Helping Me With The Design Of This Oc, Bee Came Up With The
BIG Thank You/shout-out To @beesofink For Helping Me With The Design Of This Oc, Bee Came Up With The
BIG Thank You/shout-out To @beesofink For Helping Me With The Design Of This Oc, Bee Came Up With The

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1 year ago
Mary Jane Revamps Part 1
Mary Jane Revamps Part 1
Mary Jane Revamps Part 1

Mary Jane Revamps Part 1

Mary Janes are my favorite and most used shoes style. While I adore the designs of the few basic Mary Jane shoes that comes with the game, I have always been pained by their intimidatingly weird shape. I've been tinkering with their mesh intermittently to make them actually wearable. So far I think the results are good and worth sharing.

I hope they can still benefit from other wonderful recolors for the original shoes, so they were made as mesh overrides. I've also done some extra recolors (although most are subtle variations of brown and beige. I can never have too much brown).

Part 1 is the Mary Jane heels from EP11 Cottage Living. It includes:

Mesh Override: Only replaces the original mesh.

Recolor Add-on: 90 carefully designed multi colors, including a bunch of Maxis-Match retro natural colors and soft pastel colors. Appears as additional swatches under the original shoes item.

Requires EP11 Cottage Living to work.

These two files work independently so you can download both or choose the one you want. Hope you like them!

DOWNLOAD: ▶ CurseForge - Mesh Override / Recolor ▶ Patreon - free

You can find other revamps of EA Mary Janes here: Part 2 - SP18 Paranormal Shoes Part 3 - SP15 Moschino Shoes

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5 months ago

The Edge of Sleep tv show dropped today!

I repeat….


Spread the word, go watch it now!

(It’s on Amazon Prime, btw)

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1 year ago



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4 years ago


[201019] Hf_dreamcatcher Twitter Update:
[201019] Hf_dreamcatcher Twitter Update:

[201019] hf_dreamcatcher Twitter Update:

[#Dreamcatcher] A complete Dreamcatcher!!!! The fansign was so fun~ ♥️ Thank you so much to our Somnias who have been waiting 🥰

Transl: 7-Dreamers | Please do not take translation without credit

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10 months ago

Is it too soon to wiggling to celebrate? Well I'm going to do it anyway 🤭

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1 year ago

im so excited that im finally on tumblr on thursday the 12th for once!!

Ive Been Waiting Since March To Post This

I’ve been waiting since March to post this…

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1 year ago

people saying “oh my god this fandom is so bad 🤯🤯🤯” as if not every single other fandom does the same things never fails to annoy me.

oh my god people got into twitter drama over petty things!!! wow i cant believe this!!!

oh my god theres weird nsfw art!!!! wow this has never happened before!!!!

oh my god someone involved in this project did a bad thing seven years ago!!!!!! the entire fandom must be terrible people for liking this!!!!!!

wow i can’t believe people are getting into shipping arguments!!!! this fandom is so toxic!!!!

like literally shut the fuck up are you new here

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3 years ago
Cordell & Geri | 2x10 Nudge
Cordell & Geri | 2x10 Nudge
Cordell & Geri | 2x10 Nudge
Cordell & Geri | 2x10 Nudge
Cordell & Geri | 2x10 Nudge
Cordell & Geri | 2x10 Nudge
Cordell & Geri | 2x10 Nudge

Cordell & Geri | 2x10 Nudge

“I kept thinking about… you. And how you stuck around. Uh, and um, how that… how that made me feel.”

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1 year ago

Puella Magi Madoka Magica The Movie: Walpurgisnacht Rising Trailer

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9 months ago


they finally gave ao3 the mommy kink tag. its there, im so happy-

one small step for mankind, a huge step for manwhores

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11 months ago



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