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Ride Or Die - Jeon Jungkook Mafia Au! Smut, Angst - Trailer FMV 2
Ride Or Die - Jeon Jungkook Mafia Au! Smut, angst - Trailer FMV 2
He seemed to have come out of a museum for being so handsome, it seemed to be that badboy coming straight from the teen movies, but as you go deep into his life, you realize he was not a badguy just to annoy his parentes. He was not a Badboy, but a BadMan. He sold drugs and his friends too. He commanded a dangerous, feared gang. The Century. And you fell madly in love with him, almost leaving your life and everyone you knew behind, to be with him.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 Coming Soon
Music: As We Fall
*I do not own any of the pictures. All rights to music and images are reserved for their respective artists.
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My Soldier - Min Yoongi (M)

— pairing | Min Yoongi /Reader — word c | 4,183 — genre | Soldier/Army au!, Non idol au! Smut, lightly angst. — summary | The boy you’ve always loved goes into the army to fulfill his mandatory years. You have little contact and you feel destroyed whenever you see something about the soldiers’ fight. One day, after school, someone knocks on your door and you take a surprise. — warnings/tags | Some bad words, oral (male receiving), unprotected sex (stay safe!).

Day one thousand and three. There are 1003 days that Yoongi joined the army and left me here without a course. I do not even know how I'm enduring how much I miss him. Maybe the nights I'm crying over are helping me with this, but it's already becoming unbearable to live without him by my side. Yoongi and I met when we were kids, our parents were friends and he's three years older than me, so he was my guardian at school until he graduated and started college.
But then he made the choice to stop his studies at the college in order to enlist in the army. Which was a bomb to all those who were close to him. But it was a bomb mainly for me, because I learned to be dependent on Yoongi for everything. He would take me to school, pick me up after gymnastics practice, we would go out together, he would take me everywhere and always scare the boys who wanted a chance with me saying that I was his and that none of them would ever touch me. We were both very intimate, so it was with him that I lost my virginity, it was not something planned, it was at random, in the same year he left.
As we were both very close, I never knew if what I felt for him was the love of a friend, or if it was really love between two people. But that changed when he told me he would join the Marines. It was on this day that I knew that I really loved him as a man and not as a friend. In the thrill of the moment, to know that he was leaving soon, I ended up confessing to him. And I cried like a child who had lost his parents.
Yoongi pulled me into a hug as I teared up in tears. He stroked my hair, pressing me against his body, trying to comfort me.
“Please darling, don’t cry. I don’t want you to cry, you know how I hate when you cry.” He said softly, pulling my hair away from my face, holding my chin and directing my gaze at him. “Everything will be fine, I promise.”
"Why are you doing this?" My voice broke in the middle of the sentence, and he frowned, looking away from me, to look at my hair between his fingers. "You had already been dismissed because of college, why did you decided to enlist?"
“I just don’t think it's right, (Y/N). So many guys are out there helping to save lives, protecting people and I'm here, studying music.”
"Music can also save lives."
"Yes, but not the way a soldier can."
"Please, don’t go." I burst into tears again, stuffing my face into his chest, making him hold me tight and put his face in my hair, kissing the top of my head several times, stroking my arms.
"It's okay, baby. Look, when I get back, we'll be able to talk about it and laugh at the whole situation, I promise. I promise to come back to you.”
He said that when he returned, we would talk about what we felt for each other. He also said that he would call me whenever he could, and he would send news. Which obviously did not happen often. We talked more by letters, every week he sent me one and the next day that I had received, I ran to the post office and sent another to him.
We talked twice over the phone, he asked me how things were going here, I cried a little more and we hung up. A month later we also talked about videoconferencing, where he asked the same questions, I gave the same answers and then cried again. Seven months ago I received a letter. In it he told how things were in Afghanistan. Not good. He said he lost comrades and that many others were injured. He apologized for not communicating so often because he was in the midst of critical situations. He said he missed me and that he would talk to me again soon. And I'm waiting until today.
From time to time, Yara, Seokjin's girlfriend, one of Yoongi's friends who is also in the army, calls me to meet and talk about the old days. She says it helps in waiting for Seokjin's return, but I do not think so. The more I talk about Yoongi, the stronger is the desire to see him and stronger is my desire to return to cry, but the fact is I don’t want to cry. I can’t cry anymore, I can’t stand to cry any more. I swear if I don’t get new news from Yoongi, proving that he’s okay, I'll go crazy. This is the part that disturbs me and does not let me sleep at night. The fear I have of him getting hurt badly or even dying is something that haunts me every night. So I always pray before bed and after waking up. I always ask God to protect him and I really hope he hears my prayers.
Today is my birthday. And I'm not happy about it. I'm not happy at all, because it just shows me that it's been two years and many days since I last saw him. I do not want to celebrate. My mother begged me to throw a party, even if it was just a meeting for friends, but I denied it. I'm not in the mood for parties. At least not anymore.
When I got to school, at the gate I met Suran, my best friend. As always, she smiled at me and we walked together to the lockers. She doesn’t even ask if I'm okay anymore, because she already knows the answer I’ll give.
"So, are you really not going to have a party?" She asked as I pulled out my philosophy book from the cupboard. I shook my head in denial.
“I’m not in the mood for parties or any kind of socialization with people who flatter me in front of me and stab me in the back, like half of this school does.”
“Oh, come on (Y/N), so let's go out, have fun. It is not every day that someone celebrates their birthday.” She said in a steady voice. She was always trying to get me into the party, but I do not think I can leave the house after school. "You didn’t party last year, either.”
“That's why I remember well the disaster at the party the year before. I remember that I had a hard time all night and still cried for a few more hours because of Yoongi.” I closed the locker and turned to the hallway while she did the same.
“You have to live your life, Yoongi would not like to know that you're depressed like that.”
"I don’t care, Suran." I grunted as we climbed the stairs to the second floor. "I have nothing to celebrate, so please, enough of that. My parents have pissed me off for the whole month."
"Okay." She said with a sigh of defeat and so we continued until the first class of the day that was history. Our subject? Second World War. Sometimes I wanted to be able to forget Yoongi, so that all the pain and fear would go away, but the things around me did not help me much.
When we got to class, we sat down, just after the other students entered, Mr. Padd entered the room and put his briefcase on his desk as he did every day. Mr. Padd was 45 and married. He had black hair and eyes of the same color and was a very handsome guy for someone of that age. He was one of the best teachers the school had. He taught Yoongi while he was studying here and had already sent him several times out of the room since Yoongi always liked to be the joker. From the table in the back of the room, where I sat, I could see him perfectly as he write the date on the blackboard.
"Good morning students!" He said receiving a reply from everyone in the room. "Well, I want to remind you today that next week we will have a test only on the Holocaust. Then I suggest you study hard."
"That's not even that difficult, Professor." Caleb, one of the nerd students in the room said. "Anyone can get a good grade."
"Anyone who studies, Caleb, don’t forget ... Well, before we talk about the matter of class, how about we take a commentary on world news that are circulating out there. Somebody saw something interesting that wanted to share?"
"Besides the fact that they're trying to create a robot with a human mind, no."
“Has anyone heard of the success of the peacekeeping missions in Afghanistan?” I immediately lifted my head at the words. I usually did not watch television so I never really knew much about this news. "Despite the losses of soldiers, everything is going well ..."
Oh no! Loss of Soldiers. Yoongi is a soldier. I may have lost Yoongi and I do not even know.
Suddenly, my heart sank into my chest and my breathing became hard to control. Suran who was next to me looked at me startled but not surprised. I've had panic attacks other times, so she always knew what to do. She took my hand and gave me a comforting smile, then turned to the teacher who was talking about something, but I couldn’t understand the words and did not even connect them to make his sentence make sense.
"Mr. Padd, (Y/N) is not feeling well, can we go to the infirmary?" She stood up and stood beside me, running her hand through my hair.
"What are you feeling, (Y/N)?" He approached worriedly as I felt the eyes of everyone in the room on me, the weird girl with a panic attack.
"You touched on a sensitive subject." He seemed to understand, then indicated the door, giving us permission to withdraw. Minutes later we were in the ladies' room. She leaned against the wall and I with my hands soaked with water on my face.
“(Y/N), this is not right! You are not well. You need to go to a psychiatrist”
“I don’t need appointments with psychiatrists. I'm not going crazy. I just need Yoongi! Is it so hard to understand, Suran?” I raised my voice more than I should, but I could not control myself. “I don’t want a fucking birthday party, I don’t want to go out and enjoy my fucking life. I want Yoongi. Alive. With me!
“(Y/N), I know it's hard ...”
“No! You don’t” I yelled, slamming my hand on the sink counter. "The man you love is here with you! Yoongi is in the middle of a war where he can be killed at any moment.” And my tears of pain and despair began to fall. "And I can’t stop thinking about it.I can’t stop thinking that I can’t protect him. I just want him back. I just want him to come back home, Suran.” And seconds later she was hugging me, comforting me once again while I cried and called desperately for him. I lost count of how many times she did it for me. I remember several times when she and her boyfriend stopped going out to stay with me while I had my anger attacks and started screaming and breaking everything. I do not even remember how many times I felt like I was going to explode in tiny pieces if Yoongi did not come back soon.
So, this is love? It is like this? Does it make you corrode inside, then make you explode and lose your head as if nothing else matters? So that's what I feel. That's what I feel for Yoongi.
As soon as I got home, I went straight up to my room, threw my backpack on the floor, and started taking off my clothes. I went straight to the bathroom and turned on the shower to take my shower. I would be home alone today, at least until nine or ten at night. It was Friday, and my parents would be arriving later. I would have the rest of the day to stay home and do whatever I wanted, but the only thing I would do was lie in bed and think.
Just past five-thirty in the afternoon, I got up and went down to the kitchen, making a quick sandwich for me. And before I take the first bite, I hear the bell ring. I found it strange because I was not expecting any visitors, and no one would come to my house unannounced. I got up from the counter, clapping my palms and removing the crumbs.
I went to the front door and without even peering to know who it was, I opened the door, I was startled to see who it was and froze in place. My heart stopped for a few seconds and it hit me again quickly, making the blood flow increase, irrigating my muscles, causing me to finally have a reaction and run towards the one who was standing at my door, hopping desperately in his lap.
It was Yoongi. The black-haired man with small eyes that I loved so much was right there in front of me, smiling with that sincere and seductive smile he always had. His arms moved around me, lifting me from the floor and shoving his face into my neck as I tear myself apart for the thousandth time in a week, but this time the tears were for joy. Thank God! He is alive! He is fine! He is with me again. Thank, God!
"I missed you so much, my princess." It was only by listening to his voice that I really knew it was real. We stayed for long minutes like that. I sobbing softly and he stroking my hair. Until I sniffed and lifted my face, staring into his gleaming black eyes, almost seeing my reflection through them. Before I could think of something to say, Yoongi put me down and took his two bags, putting them in and closing the door behind him.
We stare at each other for long seconds. He wore brown boots, a camouflaged trousers, a white shirt, and a camouflage jacket over it. His black hair was short, but it made him extremely sexy, with the look of a serious man. Soon I was on top of him again, hugging him tight, but this time without crying. I knew I would not cry any more.
"When did you get here?" I asked in a voice muffled by his coat.
"Are you sure you want to talk about it now?" He asked raising my head and making me stare at him for long, long seconds. I recognized that look. It was that look he threw at me the first time he saw me naked. It was a look full of lust and malice. Born of desire to have something he needs. “I swear I'll tell you anything you want, (Y/N)! But I need to do something that I have been eager to do for a very, very long time.”
"And what is it?" My voice came out in a whisper. I closed my eyes as I felt his hand slide from my face to my neck, shuddering all that remained of base inside me, destroying everything at once.
"Make you mine again." I felt the hot breath touch my cheek and when I opened my eyes, there he was. Close to me. So close it made it easier when I stepped forward and kissed him with desire. The desire that was kept in me all this time he'd been away. His hands came down to my hips, giving me the impulse to intertwine my legs around his waist, lifting me off the floor. I brushed my nails through the back of his neck and bit his lip, hearing a moan coming from his mouth. Right after we were moving. I'm not sure how, but soon he was jamming me against the newly closed door of my room.
One of his hands held me underneath and the other grabbed the back of my neck, deepening the kiss. A few seconds later, his kisses down from my lips to my neck, causing me delicious chills to feel his wet lips touching me.
“I need to feel you.” He whispered and so took me to the bed, laying me on it and taking the jacket, and throwing it in a corner of the room. He opened my legs and slid into them, kissing me over the top of my shirt, and then he was biting my nipples. “Thank God you're not wearing a bra.” If I was not so excited, I would have laughed at the despair in his voice. “I remember well the first time we did this ... Are you still the way I remember?” I think his intention was that the phrase came out sweet but ended up showing more malice than innocence and chivalry.
"Take off my clothes and tell me you!" I whispered as I watched him look up from my breasts to my eyes. The Black burning with desire. The malicious grin appeared at the corner of his lips, making him extremely sexy and making me extremely aroused. His hands gripped my arms and lifted me, pulling my blouse up, leaving me with my naked chest. Soon his hands were wrapping my breasts gently as his used his thumbs to play with my nipples. I threw my head back as I remembered that Yoongi was simply boss in driving me crazy in every way. I let out a moan accompanied by a sigh as I felt his tongue caressing my left nipple. Fucking hell! I had forgotten how good it was.
“Lie on your stomach, Princess”. And once again, a phrase that should be sweet, came out of his mouth full of malice. I obeyed, turning and bending my hands on the bed as I felt his fingers caressing my back, making me shiver again, making me arch my back. His hands went down to my hip and stood for seconds on my butt before he squeezed and let out a moan. A few moments later, he pulled on my shorts, leaving me only in panties. "My impression, or are you wet down here?" He whispered on my ear as he stroked my clit over my panties. I groaned and turned my face. His lips touched mine and my desire was to turn around and grab him.
“It's not fair. You're still in your clothes.” I grunted and he quickly backed away, laughing, lifting and throwing his clothes away, impressing me with his speed. Soon he was kneeling on the mattress beside me, his hand caressing me over my panties. I bit my lip moaning again and with one hand I held his rigid limb, watching him sigh, pressing his fingers on me harder and moaning. I let my hand go up and down its length before I put it in my mouth, sucking it.
“God! (Y/N)! I almost forgot how good you are at this.” He spoke by increasing the speed of the circular motions in my clitoris. His free hand went up to my hair, pulling them off my face so he could see me better as I sucked him. “You look so beautiful with my dick in your mouth ... Yeah baby. Suck your dick. Show me how much you missed me.” While I sucked him, Yoongi pushed my panties off, touching the skin with his fingers, making my pussy throb, looking for more touch. “You fucked someone after me?"
"No!" I answered before putting his dick back in my mouth. I did not understand why that question, but it did not matter too much. When I sank his cock a little further into my throat, Yoongi fingered me, making me choke.
"So tight." He moaned with pleasure in his voice, moving his fingers in and out of me. “So hot. I can not wait to get in there again and kill my longing for you, my doll. Feel you again ...”
“So don’t wait anymore.” I whispered without restraining the pleasure of feeling he wanted to be with me. Inside me. "I'm ready for you, Yoongi. I have always been.”
I think this was what he needed to do what he had to do.
He knelt over me, leaving my legs together and so he passed the head of his cock through my pussy. I felt him penetrating me and I grabbed the sheets releasing a continuous moan until he filled me. Going deep. At the right point. It hurt, but it was so good. I missed so much to feel it inside me. My cunt throbbed around his cock. It took me a few seconds to get used to it inside, but I can’t say I did not like what I felt.
I could hear his sighs and low moans as he moved slowly back and forth. I interpreted this as if he was afraid to hurt me, but soon after the speed increased, which meant he was preparing me. Loud groans escaped my mouth before I could handle. Yoongi was big and went deep inside me, making every time he thrusted inside me, my cunt tightened around him.
“So fucking tight.” He whispered between his teeth, letting out a moan just after and pulling my butt back, prancing me. He grabbed the sides of my body, using it to pull me back as he went deeper and deeper into me, getting harder with each thrust, making my screams even louder. His hands began to caress my back and soon, his hands were on mine, holding them. Yoongi was leaning over me, giving me kisses by the back of his neck, and bites on his back as he began to thrust deep and hard, causing our moans to rise even higher. “God, (Y/N)! “ A hoarse groan left his throat making me smile.
A short time later, I was facing up, with him between my legs, clinging to me, continuing to fuck me. One of his hands was now between us and he was masturbating me, and the orgasm would not be long in coming.
“Let's do this together, baby” He gasped. "And that will prove we have a very strong connection, little one.” He whispered breathlessly. Oh damn! I was coming. I moaned loudly and began to feel the trembling in my legs starting, feeling a hot little pain focus on my belly as he fucked me deep. “Come on, baby. Come with me, come around that dick.”
And the moment he said that, I could not stand it and I let out a cry, uttering his name, with pleasure running through my body while my pussy throbbed, and he was still deep in me, as he cum inside me, moaning loudly.
Seconds later, his lips hit mine, kissing me gently as he slid to my side on the bed, pulling me to his chest that still rose and fell quickly. We stayed like that a long time, as he ran his fingers through my hair.
“I do not think we need to talk about what we feel about each other, right?” He asked after a few minutes. "What happened here already proves that I love you so much, (Y/N)!" He whispered caressing my hair. I smiled and squeezed him between my arms. “And I promise I will not leave you alone anymore.”
“But what about the army?”
"I've already fulfilled the obligatory years. If they call me again, I can choose to decline. And if you stay with me, I will refuse anything that wanted to keep me from you ”
He is here. He is here with me. We are together again.
"I love you, Yoongi." I whispered, giving him a light kiss on the lips. He smiled and ran his fingers over my cheek before pulling me back to his chest.
"I love you too, Baby. Oh, and happy birthday. Sorry, I did not bring any gifts.”
“You are my gift, Yoongi.”

all rights reserved © katebacks | 2018 — no reposting and/or modifying of any form on any medium is allowed. no translations allowed.
It was so good I'm in love with this series. I'm so excited about what will happen next... - GG Thanks for telling me what hour will be updated in my country... Love u...!!!
I'm so glad you liked it. I'm so excited to share the next chapters with you. 💕 And you're welcome, baby. Love you too 💜💜
Don’t Call Her Anymore - Park Jimin (F)

— pairing | Park Jimin /Reader — word c | 1,532 — genre | Best friends to lovers au!, fluff. little angst. — summary | You were dating a boy for many months, you fell in love but discovered he had another girlfriend and that broke you. He always called you when he were drunk and you answered, listening to him say the same things. Until Jimin put a stop to it. — warnings/tags | None. I was listening to Evanescence and I had the idea to write that. Amy Lee, queen.

You hated when he did that. Every time you were all right, he did it. It had been weeks since you had thought about him, that you didn’t cry for him. You were returning to your life normally, going out with your friends and meeting other people. You thought this time would be different, but no, nothing was different, there was him calling you at 3 in the morning again, probably completely drunk.
You met him at a party your friend was giving, you kissed, you had sex, and you started dating. You just fell in love and all you wanted was to stay with him, but then you discovered in the worst possible way that he had a girlfriend and that he was just using you and that he never wanted anything serious with you.
When you saw him with her, you wanted to make a scandal, wanted to scream, wanted to swear at him, wanted to slap him, and cry while he would try to give you a stupid excuse. But you knew that if he approached you, all the screams and tears would be wasted, because you would give in and let him touch you, hold you. Then you just turned your back and left as fast as you could, holding your tears until you got home, where you collapsed in tears.
Things started to make sense to you at that moment, why he never took you to meet his parents, why you never go out with him and his friends, why most of your dates were in your house, not his, or some other place. He didn’t want anyone to find out about you.
You finished everything with him over the phone, not being able to see him again, or everything you were doing to stay away from him, would be in vain. Jimin, your best friend was there, in front of you, holding your hand, giving you all the support you needed to do that. He was the first to whom you told what had happened, and if you were not crying like a child, he would have gone after the idiot in the moment you told him.
“Please let me explain.”
“You don’t have to explain, you have a girlfriend, I don’t know her, but no one deserves to be deceived in this way.” You said in the firmer voice you could use, while Park stroked the back of your hand with his thumb, giving you a comforting smile.
"I ... I was going to tell you ... I swear ... But now that you know, we can continue together (Y/N)”
“ What? No, I'm not like that. That's not right, I'm not going to be a part of it.” You almost screamed, angry and not believing he'd actually proposed that. There was silence on the other side, but you could still hear his heavy breathing.
"Please (Y/N), I love you." And it broke your heart. How could he say that? He was with another ... You were the other. He lied to you, made you believe he cared for you, that you were meant for each other, that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. He made you believe that you were the most important person in his life.
"If you loved me, you would be here with me." Your voice cracked as tears began to fall from your eyes. “If you loved me, you would not have lied to me, and I would be your only one, I would be your girlfriend. This ends here.” You hung up, tossing the phone on the couch, and Jimin pulled you close, pressing you into his arms, caressing your hair, letting you cry against his chest. He said nice and sweet things, said that everything would be fine, that the pain would pass and that you would be happy again.
And this really happened, you were moving on, but you always burst into tears when he called you, drunk, crying, saying that he missed you, that he loved you, that he wanted you with him, but he never went after you to beg for forgiveness, he had not broken up with his girlfriend, and you were sure he would never do that. You didn’t even know why you still answering to his calls even knowing what he was going to say.
When your phone started ringing, you woke up and fumbled over the bedside table and picked up the cell phone, looking at the screen, recognizing his number. You sighed and sat on the bed. It had been weeks since he'd called you, you thought he'd finally understood that you didn’t want anything more to do with him.
"Is he again?" A voice beside you asked. You turned your face, seeing Jimin lying there, with the blanket over his waist, shirtless, sleepy, with half-open eyes and messy hair.
Recently you and he have started a loving relationship. You had come even closer after what had happened and with that you finally realized that you had feelings for him. He was always with you when you needed, he never let you down, he never hurt you, he was always affectionate and loving with you. It was he who took the initiative on this, he called you out, he kissed you. And you were happy with him, happier than you expected because you thought it might end up ruining your friendship. You nodded your head. Jimin sighed and sat on the bed running his hand over his face, he had a soft expression on his face, but you knew he was angry, because his eyes were dark.
“Don’t you think it's time to finally get it over with, (Y/N)? Tell him that you're with another guy, that you are with me and that I don’t make you cry and suffer like he did, that I really care about you, that with me has no gray skies and only sunny days and warm nights. Just tell him that you've found someone who really loves you.”
You took your eyes from him and looked back at the cell phone. Jimin was right, you were happy with what you had with him, so why not just tell Jeha to fuck off and leave you alone, erase your number and let you live happily? You still loved him, that was true, but there was no chance of you getting back together. And if it was to choose between him and Jimin, you would choose Jimin.
“Can you do that?” You asked, turning to Jimin, holding out the cell phone to him. He smiled and nodded, taking the cell phone from your hand, answering it.
“Hello!” He said, and you lay down, putting your head on Jimin's belly and just waited for the call to end. “No man, she is not interested, he found something better.” He said and took the unoccupied hand to your hair, stroking it. “No, she doesn’t want to talk to you, dude. Try to understand one thing, she found someone who doesn’t stress her, who gives her everything she deserves, who gives her all the happiness you have taken from her. Now stop calling, because the next time you bother my girl, I'll go after you and believe me, you will not like what will happen when I have you in my hands.”
And so he hung up, shoving the cell phone under the pillow and pulling you by the shoulders, to hug you, giving you a kiss on the top of your head.
“Is it over?” You asked, raising your head to look at him. He nodded, smiling softly toward you, stroking your cheek.
“There is only one thing missing.” He whispered giving you a kiss before kicking the blankets and get out of bed, grabbing his pants on the floor and looking for something in his pockets. You sat on the bed, with an arched eyebrow, confused by what he was doing, until he returned to the bed and knelt in front of you, taking your hand and looking at you, deep in your eyes. “Do you wanna date me? Would you like to make this silly boy, who follows you wherever you go, who annoys you when he is needy and who loves you with all his body, heart and soul, the happiest man in the world?” He asked, showing you a ring. You held your breath, your body filling with happiness and your heart almost exploding. You've been waiting for this for a long time. You nodded and he put the ring on your finger before jumping on top of you, making you fall back on the bed, laughing with him over you.
You were ready to move on and Jimin would hold your hand all the way. The only thing you felt at that moment, was utopia.
"I'll make you so happy." He whispered, rising, resting his hands on the side of your head, while you had your arms around his neck. You smiled and pulled him down, kissing him.
“You already make me happy, Jimin.”
"Well, then I'll be glad to make you even happier, baby.”

all rights reserved © katebacks | 2018 — no reposting and/or modifying of any form on any medium is allowed. no translations allowed.
Ride Or Die - Chapter 5 (M)

— pairing | Jeon Jungkook /Reader
— word c | 10,697
— genre | Mafia au!, angst , Smut.
— summary | He seemed to have come out of a museum for being so handsome, it seemed to be that badboy coming straight from the teen movies, but as you go deep into his life, you realize he was not a badguy just to annoy his parentes. He was not a Badboy, but a BadMan. He sold drugs and his friends too. He commanded a dangerous, feared gang.And you fell madly in love with him, almost leaving your life and everyone you knew behind, to be with him..
— warnings/tags | Adult content, Violence, drugs, alcoholic beverages, explicit sex, low slang words.
— disclaimer | myself and this fic DOES NOT condone violence, abuse, use of drugs, alcohol or any kind of crimes. This is a fanfic, an alternative reality, I have no intention of offending anyone. If that makes you feel bad, please do not read. In this fanfic the character is not abusive to the reader, and remember, what Jungkook does in this fanfic is not what he does in real life. Myself or this fanfic does not have any type of connection with BTS, Jungkook or Bighit. Hope you like it.
Chapter song: Whore
— Ride Or Die - Character Biography.

01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | ‘05′ | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |

You were now inside the truck that Hoseok had ‘loaned’ to you. It was a black Toyota pickup truck. It was quick and safe in case you needed a quick escape. You had just arrived at the address they had given you. You were a few meters ahead on the opposite side of a nightclub, on the rich side of town. You still had no idea what you were doing there, wondering every second whether it was really the right thing to do. And every time you thought accepting it was easier than denying that you would not be happy without Jungkook. They're not robbing, they're taking back what's theirs, this is not a crime, right? You thought.
“Is everything okay, baby?” Jungkook's voice drew your attention to the telephone that was on the active call and on the speaker phone right beside you. You took it and brought it to your mouth as you looked from side to side, seeing if the street was calm.
"It's all quiet around here. Without vehicles or pedestrians ...”
"I'm asking about you, my dear.” He laughed on the other side.
"Oh, yeah, I'm okay, I'm a little nervous, but I'm okay," You said, biting your lips. "Just be careful, okay? All of you.”
"Awn, she worries about us.” Taehyung's soft voice made you giggle. "After we finish this, we're going to a party ..."
"Fuck off, Taehyung, she's my girlfriend. " Jungkook yell.
"Don’t fight. There's (Y/N) for everyone." You joked.
“The hell it has.” Jungkook growled. "You're only mine and you know it."
"Get out of this situation without a scratch and I'll let you prove to me that I'm yours." You said biting your lip, looking back at the street.
“Eew!” Hoseok's voice said in disgust. " The noise you make at home is enough, you don’t have to keep talking about it loudly while we're here.”
"As if you did not jerk of while listening to their moans." Namjoon's voice said and soon after an "oof" was heard. "Why did you punch me you, psycho?"
"To see if you shut that mouth, you shit" Hoseok growled.
“We'll be there in less than two minutes, baby” He said. You shook your head and after you said goodbye, you hung up the phone, tossing it over the panel, as you sat back and tried to stay calm. This was crazy, Getaway driver? What were they? Dominic Toretto's team? And you would be who in that story? Letty? No (Y/N), dream lower, you are not even half as that woman is. You thought shaking your head.
You got out of your thoughts as soon as you saw them in the rearview mirror, the boys around the corner and walking quietly toward the pub. All very well tidy, still in their typical black clothes. You wondered if one day you would be able to see them using more vivid colors despite finding black a color extremely sensual, and that it looks very well on the silky, white skins of the boys, while their hair was tossed back in a way that made their faces show, almost an invitation for everyone to look and admire their beauties.
You still had no idea how you got in the middle of that group of extremely handsome mens and wondered why they were not models or actors, people would pay dearly just to spend hours looking at those faces, especially for Jungkook. You examined it for a moment, Jeon had something about him that made people curious, the dark and intense look, sometimes empty but sometimes full of intentions that were difficult to decipher, the way he looked at you, as if he were analyzing you from head to toe, as if he reads every inch of your body, as if he could see through you. That look that attracted you whenever you saw each other, and that was in your mind whenever you were far away.
The way he walked was soft, sensual, inviting. Hell, everything about him was inviting, his eyes, his face, his hair, his muscular arms, his thick thighs, his scent, his voice. He seemed to have come out of a museum to be so perfectly designed, a work of art, a work of the gods. It was at times like this that you wondered why he had chosen you as his girlfriend, not that you were ugly, far from it, you were beautiful in your natural, in your own pattern of beauty, but he, he should be out of anyone's reach.
Jungkook could feel your eyes on them and before entering the pub, he looked at the truck a few yards away across the street and smiled sending a wink to you who laughed. He was the one who drew attention the most with his hair thrown back, leaving those black eyes in evidence. You were totally in love with the darkness that covered them.
Okay, now i just must wait. You thought, leaning back in the seat.
As soon as the boys entered the pub, the first thing they looked at was the sides, seeing that the guards there just ignored their presence, as Jungkook had asked Roger to do. The boys immediately passed through the sea of people on the dance floor, heading for a dimly lit corridor that connected the bar to the back of the establishment where the office and security room were as well. As they approached the corridor, Jungkook signaled everyone to wear their masks over their mouths and noses so they would not have the danger of having any witnesses to recognizing them. Not that anyone who went to that place had enough courage to report anything, especially if the denunciation involved a Century guy. He held out his pistol that was hidden around his waist and Hoseok did the same while the other three stopped in front of the hallway, making it impossible for anyone to get in and out.
Walking down the dimly lit corridor, the two boys stopped in front of a door. Jeon just looked at Jung and kicked the door with all his might, causing it to open up and reveal two frightened men on the table right in front of them, where the monitors were with the security cameras. The two didn’t hesitate to wield their weapons and shoot the two security guards. So, they removed the cables from the computers and threw the cabinets on the floor, stepping on top of the CPU and destroying it. Soon they closed the door and walked back down the narrow corridor that led them to another door, where the owner's office was.
Hoseok knocked twice on the door and it was a girl who answered, he grabbed her by the arm, putting the gun on her face and warning her that if she screamed, he would kill her and from the look he gave her, she knew he was not kidding so she held her tears and nodded. The two of them entered the room and found the owner pulling up his pants, looking surprised and startled at the entrance of the two boys.
"Jeon, Jung, I did not think we'd see each other so soon." The man said with a yellow smile on his face, as he sat down in his chair. Hoseok pushed the girl into an armchair and ordered her to remain still as Jungkook approached the table and put his gun up there, aimed at the man who swallowed. “Is ... Is there any problem, Mr. Jeon?”
Jungkook hated when people called him that, he was not old, and even if it was a sign of respect, someone called him Mr. Jeon made him remember his father and he was not a big fan of him, but he knew he should let and even require people like that man to call him by his last name, because this way he showed who really was in charge. Jungkook sighed and let out an ironic laugh still staring at the man in front of him, as if wondering if he was being stupid to ask if he had any problems or if he really did not know what the problem was.
"You're sure you don’t know? I'll give you a tip. You bought 20 pounds straight from my hands, two months, but you still have not paid me. I'm here to get my merchandise back, and maybe one of your ears to remind you to listen the next time I give you a deadline to pay me." He said without taking his eyes from the man's eyes, as if he were his prey that night, a prey that was minutes away from being killed.
“I'm sorry, I swear I'll pay ...”
"I do not want your apologies or false promises, Shawn!" Jungkook shouted slamming his fist on the table. "I want my fucking goods back now, or I'll kill you."
"Please, Mr. Jeon, just give me a few more days ..."
"I gave you two months, I can’t let everyone think they can get over me without consequences. So, I think it's better that you give me my merchandise now or pay me. Or Jung, me and the Century will kill you and destroy this place.” He said and so the eyes of Shawn left Jungkook and stopped in Hoseok that now unlocked his weapon and put it in the head of the girl that whimpered in silence. "We going to start with her, it's my last warning."
"I can pay you, I have the money, I'll pay you. It's in the basement, I can get it for you."
"Take me there."
While Jungkook followed with Shawn to the deposit of the club, Hoseok stayed in the owner's room, sitting in an armchair, comfortable, with his eyes and gun pointed at the girl who was curled up in the armchair in front of him. She wore no pants, just a transparent black lace blouse showing that she wore no bra, and panties of the same color. She should be one of the dancers who worked there or some prostitute.
“You don’t have to kill me, I will not say anything to anyone.” The girl spoke and Hoseok did not move, analyzing her, before smiling.
"I know, but if your boss doesn’t pay mine, you're going to die anyway.”
"You don’t have to do that," she whimpered.
"You don’t tell me what to do." His smile left his face, and he sobered again. "Now shut up. I don’t want to have to kill you before the time." And so he began to look around the room.
"We can make a deal." The girl said, drawing his attention again, who looked at her with one eyebrow arched. "If you let me out of here, I can make you cum so good…”
"Cut this bullshit, there's only one girl that I want to fuck right now, and it sure is not you. Now shut up. I'm not going to ask you one more time.”
Before the girl could finish the sentence, Hoseok moved the gun a little to the side and pulled the trigger, firing into the chair, the shot hitting right next to her head who screamed and cringed, crying desperately. He just rested the gun on his thigh, knowing that now she would be quiet and he could think peaceful.
Jungkook followed Shawn down the hall and entered the room behind the man, but the moment he stepped inside, a security guard came out from behind the door and hit Jungkook with a baseball bat on his face, causing him to sway and fall to the floor. The door was then closed and the owner locked it.
"I can’t let that happen." Shawn said and his security hit a kick in the chest of Jungkook that grunted with the pain but clenched the jaw, not opening his mouth. He kept thinking about what you had told him, that you didn’t want him to hurt anyone, but you wouldn’t mind if it was in self defense, right? The security man hit him with another kick, but this time in his chest, but the boy remained silent. She will understand. He thought. “I can’t let you take my money ..." And he stopped talking, seeing the smile that had appeared on Jeon's face. He glared at him, his eyes burning, while the smile passed the message of 'you're fucked in my hands'. When the man lifted his leg to hit another kick, Jeon turned on the floor, kicking the legs of the security guard, who fell on his back.
He stood up and advanced on the man, stepping hard on his throat, then hitting several kicks against the security guard's head, and when he tried to stand up, Jeon hit him with his foot in his stomach, and then his focus turned his head, and he continued to deliver the blows directed at the his head, until the man was unconscious and the blood flowing down the floor, around the body.
Shawn was shocked, paralyzed by the door. Throughout all this time, he had already heard rumors about how the leader of the Century could be violent, but he had never even imagined that he would blow someone's head off with just his feet.
Jungkook took a deep breath, drawing the scent of rust that came from the amount of blood being poured out from that man, breathing in the scent of death that was coming here. The security guard was not dead, but he would die soon. Jeon took a moment to look at his sneakers, blood splashed over it as his body still calmed down from the adrenaline rush that was released in his veins.
Shawn turned to the door, shoving the key and trying to open it, but with despair, turned the key in the lock to the wrong side and it broke. Panic gripped his body as he heard Jeon's laughter behind him.
"You locked yourself in a room with me?" Jeon asked in a low, menacing voice. And he started to go toward the man, but stopped moving as he heard to gunfire and screams coming from outside the door. “What did you do?” He growled toward the man, grabbing him by the shoulders and pushing him hard against the door.
“Your friends will die, and so will you." The pub owner replied, forcing himself not to let his voice break, but it made Jungkook's violent instinct spin inside him. The man's fear-filled voice only made him laugh with sarcasm.
“You're so screwed, man.”
You still had your head against the back of the seat, thinking about random things when you heard shouts making you jump, and look around looking for where those screams came from. You looked back, seeing dozens of people running out of the pub where the boys had come in. Your heart went to your stomach, feeling worried about what might be happening. That's when you saw three boys running among the people towards the car.
Taehyung was being carried by Namjoon and Yoongi while he groaned in pain and had his eyes closed tightly, his hands were on his thigh and when they approached a little more, you saw the blood seeping through his fingers. Your heart almost came out of your mouth, and you immediately turned the key in the ignition, turning on the car.
“Changing plans.” Yoongi said stopping at the driver's window, looking at you while Namjoon helped Taehyung into the backseat. "Take Taehyung to your house, call Jin on the way and leave him there, then come back and get us, we'll send a message with our location."
"What happened to him?" You asked turned back to see the boy.
"We don’t have time for questions, (Y/N)" Yoongi said sticking his arm through the window and pulling your shoulder, making you look at him. "You have to go now, go as fast as you can, he needs Jin's help. Go." And when you heard the back door slam and Yoongi released you, you accelerated the car.
You took a deep breath trying to keep your head clean and not thinking that Jungkook could be hurt, and that Taehyung was bleeding in the back seat. Passing through a hole in the asphalt, the boy screamed in pain, what made you loose a sigh and a tear fell from your eyes. You were desperate.
“Taehyung ...”
“I am fine.” He moaned, squeezing the wound, watching his blood go through his fingers. "I need something to make a tourniquet ..."
“Do you want my jacket?”
"Yes, please" he said in a sore voice. You managed to take off your jacket, alternating your arms at the wheel. You stretched your arm back, handing the garment over to him. “Fuck, fuck.” He moaned as he tied the jacket around the wound. You remembered to call Jin, picked up the phone and dialed the older man's number, leaving the phone on the speakerphone, on top of your thigh.
“(Y/N) ...”
“Jin, I need you to go to Jungkook's house. Taehyung is injured and I was asked to call you.” You said holding yourself to not break and let the despair take over your body, Taehyung needed you to stay focused to not end up causing an accident.
“I am going. How serious is the injury?”
"It's a bullet wound, I was hit just above the knee. I made a tourniquet.” Taehyung said weakly. Bullet wound ... He was shot. Jungkook ... That's what you thought when nearly drove the car off the track, and a sob came from your throat.
"I'm on my way, be quick (Y / N), please." Seokjin said and hung up the phone. Focus, (Y/N). You need to stay focused. You thought taking a deep breath. Going through red lights and slowing down only when needed cornering, you tried to leave your mind, vision and hearing focused just on the road to try not to hear the groans and grunts of pain that the boy behind let out. You never thought this could happen. You understood that the boys were a gang. You knew with that they would be involved with other things than the drugs they sold, but you tried not to think about their possibility, especially Jungkook, be involved with weapons, because weapons are tools of destruction, are utensils that bring pain and death, most of the time they are only in the hands of those who really intend to kill, and you didn’t want to think about your boyfriend, sociopath, with a gun in his hand.
Even though you knew he could control himself, you were still afraid, not for you, because you knew he would never hurt you even if he lost control, but was afraid of the damage he could do. You were not dumb, you knew that Jungkook was dangerous using only his fists, so with a gun in his hands God let it never happen.
At the speed you were, it did not take you long to get to your house where Jin waited leaning in the car. He doesn’t have the key. You thought.
Parking the car in anyway, you jumped out, your legs threatening to fail, and opened the back door. Jin stepped closer and helped you pull Taehyung out. When he stepped on the floor, he roared in pain, and you had to choke a sob and hold back the tears.
Seeing him like that broke your heart. For you, Taehyung was the most innocent of all the boys, he always smiled serene when he saw you, gave you tight hugs and was always affectionate. And you had known each other just for a month. You were curious to know how a sweet kid like him had entered Century. Whoever looked at him, could only see purity in his gaze, no marks of violence or darkness, only the gleam of his brown eyes.
You and Jin carried Taehyung to the porch of the house, where you slipped your hand into the pocket of your pants and tried to put the key in the lock, but your hands were shaking so far and the key didn’t fit. It was when a bloody hand took yours and caressed it, making you look at Taehyung who had a sore smile on his face.
“Calm down.” He almost whispered, trying to calm you down. He was hurt, in pain, and was trying to calm you. He shouldn’t be worrying about you at that moment. He was just being the affectionate boy he has been since you two met, and it made your heart shatter. You wanted to crash right there, cry until you no longer had tears in your body, but you just forced a smile and tried again. With his hand in your, helping you, you finally managed to open the door, helping Jin to carry him inside, and put him on the living room sofa.
"I-I ... Do you need help?" You asked as the older man untied the jacket Taehyung had used to make the tourniquet on his leg.
"Can you get my briefcase in my car, please? It's in front of the passenger seat." You nodded and did so, ran to the SUV and was soon back, handing the briefcase to him. "Thank you. I think you'd better wait outside, you will not want to see that."
"Oh ..." You whispered, pressed your lips together, and nodded. "If you want to put him to bed, you can use Jungkook's room. I-I'm going, Yoongi said he will send their location to pick them…” You turned your back, leaving the house and going towards the car without letting either of them say anything, in your condition, if Taehyung said anything else, you would break. You were sure that you didn’t have the ability to work with the boys, even if you were just driving, you would not be able to see them get hurt like that.
As you got into the car, your cell phone vibrated. Jungkook had sent a location.
It was not far from the pub that all that had happened. Jungkook said to stop in front of an alley and so you did, after, the four guys were jumping in the car and you drove away again. Jungkook gave you another address where you should take them and so you did.
When you turned the corner of the street, you saw that the house was full of people. You frowned. They had mentioned that after job, you were going to a party, but you thought that after what had happened to Taehyung they would want to know how he was, and not go to a party. As you parked the car, the four of them jumped out of the car and headed toward the house.
You did not move. How do they do not seem concerned about Taehyung? And Jungkook? Didn’t he realize that it was a shock to you? Why were they going to a party instead of seeing how his friend was? These were the thoughts that went through your head as you decided to get out of the car and shout at them, or go after Taehyung. Jungkook stopped halfway and looked back, seeing that you had been sitting in the driver's seat. He turned his heels and walked back to the car, entering the passenger's side and touching your thigh, making you look at him with watery eyes.
"Don’t ‘baby’ me, Jungkook. What the fuck happened there?”
"It was just a misunderstanding ..."
"A misunderstanding? That ended with your friend being shot and you guys coming to a party?" You interrupted him, snorting in disbelief looking away, refusing to let your tears that were now in frustration fall from your eyes. That's when you saw a car approaching. You knew that car. Your eyes widened when you saw Jin was driving and Taehyung was in the passenger seat. You frowned and got out of the car as the SUV parked in front of the house. You walked irritably and confused toward them when Taehyung got out of the car grimacing in pain. He had changed his pants, they were no longer soiled with blood.
“What are you doing here?" You asked loudly as you approached him. Taehyung was startled by your sudden arrival and went back unable to support himself in the injured leg, but you stepped forward and hugged him around the waist, not letting him fall. "Tae, you should be resting."
"He needs to be here, (Y / N)." Jungkook's voice said behind you and you turned irritated toward him. "Alibi"
“He was shot, you and the other guys could be hurt too and you just think about it? You got shit in your head, Jungkook?” You said between your teeth, almost screaming. Jungkook looked arched up at you, taken by surprise at your reaction, as if he didn’t understand why you were so angry, it was when you remembered about sociopathy, he couldn’t understand what you were feeling at that moment because he could barely feel empathy for others. You shook your head in disbelief keeping quiet and running Taehyung's arm across your shoulder, helping him head home, past Jin and Jungkook, who did not say another word.
The music that came from inside the house was loud. It was a rock with heavy guitar solos. The house was full, you walked as carefully as possible so no one who was dancing to the violent music, would bump into you and knock Taehyung and you down. The couch was empty as people had gotten up to fiddle with their heads in the middle of the room, you sat Taehyung there and sat down next to him.
"Jungkook was not to blame for what happened." He said when you sat down. "I was distracted and left the guard low.”
"I just ... I panicked, Taehyung. What if something worse had happened? What if ... What if they had hit you somewhere else and you had died? God, what if Jungkook was dead now? You know the fear I was when I saw ... Shit." You lowered your head, putting it between your hands. Your heart was still racing and you still felt the adrenaline in your chest. “I really want to know what happened over there, but I don’t think here is the best place to talk about it.” You said.
“You need a drink.” Taehyung's voice said and you nodded.
“Don’t go anywhere." You commanded and got up, passing among the people and looking for the kitchen, or any place where the drink was. Arriving in the kitchen, you saw some people talking and others kissing against the walls. You shook your head and walked to the counter where there were some bottles and glasses as well.
“Are you thinking of giving me a silent treatment?” Jungkook's voice invaded your ears and soon you felt his hands on your waist, hugging you from behind, putting his chin on your shoulder. You salivated and sighed, ignoring the question and putting the drink into a glass. "Baby, why are you so angry? I'm fine."
“You could have died, Jungkook." You said turning your face and looking at him. “And I don’t even know what the fuck happened there, but the moment I saw Taehyung, I thought it might have been you in his place and that scared me. What the fuck happened there? How did he get shot? Inside a pub?”
“I can’t tell you.” He said cooly.
“Why not? You told me it would be a apprehension, just that, but ended up with Taehyung being shot. Did you lie to me, by any chance? What happened there?” You asked but he didn’t answer. You bit your lip and nodded. You wanted to walk away, you wanted to yell at him, hit his chest and scream how scared and afraid you were. But you just decided to follow the rules of the game. If he would not talk to you, you would not talk to him either. “Great, when you want to tell me, you talk to me, meanwhile, I'll be taking care of Taehyung.”
You drank the contents of the glass and left it on the counter. You released yourself from Jungkook's embrace and returned to the living room with the bottle in your hand, drinking on bottleneck until you were seated next to Taehyung.
“You will fall drunk if you drink it on the bottleneck.” Taehyung said arching his eyebrow at you who held out the bottle for him, offering him. He accepted willingly, taking a bit too. "You want to sit here with me the whole party?"
“I'm angry at my boyfriend and I want to slap Jin because he brought you here when you needed to rest, so yeah, I'll stay here. Someone has to take care of you.” And so you smiled taking the bottle back and taking another sip. "What can I do to make you feel better?"
"Well, since you mentioned ..." He turned to you, with the innocent kitten eyes he always had and smiled sweetly at you. "Can you fondle my hair? My mother always caressed my hair when I hurt myself while I played.”
You laughed with a shrug, but nodded, putting your hand to his hair and stroking. Minutes later he was lying with his head on your lap, and with his legs hanging in the armrest. You talked and laughed about some things, he almost forgot the pain in his thigh while you gently pulled some of his strands of hair. Meanwhile on the other side of the room Jungkook watched you, jealousy corroding his body, almost making him come to you and throw Taehyung away from you, the only thing that kept him from it, was that he knew you would probably get even angrier and start a fight with him.
Emotions always sucked to him. He always found it useless to have them, but now he just could not get rid of them because of you. He felt a little guilty about what happened to Taehyung after he saw how worried you were. You were so sweet, so caring, so careful with the people you liked, you were so heart, you were all that he would never be and that he never wanted to become. He was happy having to worry only about you and anyone else.
“Did you start sharing (Y/N)?” Hoseok stood beside him, looking at the same spot he looked at and laughing at the sight of a vein in Jungkook's neck jump when he saw you tossing your head back laughing at something Taehyung was saying as you smoothed his hair. “Who will be the next one with you're going to share her? Me?”
“If you want to die, just repeat it one more time.” Jungkook murmured without looking at him, continuing to stare at you.
“You know there's nothing going on there, right? She loves you and he's not crazy to try to steal your girlfriend.”
“It doesn’t stop my blood from bubbling every time she puts her fingers in his hair.” Jeon growled as he turned to Hoseok. "Is there anything important to talk about, or did you just come here to try give me a lesson about jealousy that you know I'm going to completely ignore?"
Hoseok nodded, asking for him to follow, and so the two left the house, heading toward the cars, where no one was near to hear. The two then leaned against the truck and Hoseok pulled out a cigarette and a lighter.
“Our informant in the police called me, they found Shawn's body in the nightclub. And apparently there's a witness too.” He said. Jeon raised an eyebrow. Who would be stupid enough to denounce someone from the Century? “The girl in Shawn's office.”
“The girl you put a gun to her head? You didn’t kill her?”
“I didn’t think she was going to be dumb at that point.” Hoseok defended himself, taking a drag on his cigarette. “Anyway, he gave me her address, he sent her home and said he's going to be making the rounds at her house. I would go alone, but apparently, she doesn’t live alone, she lives with a friend and I need you to go with me. Just in case.”
“Go with Yoongi.”
“Yoongi was injured in the fight with the pub's security guards, Jungkook. Namjoon sucks in body fighting and was almost killed too, i don’t even know how he wasn’t hit by a bullet. He must be very lucky. Taehyung is busy stealing your girlfriend...” And Jungkook gave him a deadly look, who raised his hands in surrender and laughed. "I borrowed the keys from Jin's car. If I were to get the Toyota keys with the (Y/N) she would be suspicious, so thank Taehyung to be distracting her.”
"If you talk about it again, I'm going to stick a knife in your throat, Hoseok." Jungkook said menacingly as they headed toward the SUV.
"No one's talking, chief!"
Meanwhile, inside the house, you were watching Taehyung who was looking at people dancing while you smoothing his hair. Of all the other boys, he was the one who made you curious to know why he had gotten in the middle of it, so you decided it would be a good time to ask.
"Tae ..." You called him, making him turn his head to look at her. "Can I ask you something?"
"Sure." He smiled cute.
"How did you end up in the middle of it? In Century?”
"Oh ..." He looked surprised by the question, his eyes widening slightly.
"If you’re not comfortable to talk about it ..."
“No, it's okay, it's just that it's been a long time since I've spoken about this to anyone. It's not a very long story. And I do not mind talking about it to you. I knew that one day you would ask, and you are my friend, so I'm glad you want to know me better.” He smiled out of the corner of his mouth, making you smile as well with the sweetness in his words.
“My family was very rich before I was born, my father had a company, but his partner stole all his money and all that was in his name, house, car, property, everything. My mother was still pregnant with me when they moved in under a bridge. When I was four years old, my father died, he tried to rob a shop, so he could give me and my mother what to eat, so a plainclothes policeman shot him... And I was with him that day because my mother had to look for a job, so I saw everything.”
Your heart almost stopped beating at that moment, and you could see Taehyung's eyes filling with water as he spoke. You dropped the bottle of liquor beside you on the couch and held Taehyung's hands that were crossed over his chest, to give him comfort.
“My mother and I spent years living from shelter in shelter, I never stopped at any school because we were always changing from one side of town to the other. When I turned eighteen, my mother wanted to take me to see the sea, and we were walking down the street at night and a man tried to rob us. We shouted at him saying that we had nothing, but he didn’t believe us and moved on to my mother. I walked among them and fought against him. I grabbed the knife he used and thrust it into his chest, over and over again. I felt my body tingling with hatred and adrenaline. So many people had already hurt my mother, I couldn’t let him hurt her either. My mother shouted at me to leave so I could escape, but I couldn’t move. I looked at my hands, at my clothes soaked with the blood of that man and I didn’t know what to think. Someone had heard the man's screams and called the police. They took me and my mother to the police station and questioned us both to find out what had happened.”
He looked at your hand over his, and used his thumb to caress yours, biting his lips. You were so emotional about what had happened earlier that you just could not bear the tears of sorrow that forced the way out of your eyes, falling silently down your cheeks.
“It was there that I met Jin, he was taking care of a case and was interested in me. He represented me in court without charging me anything, I was cleared for having been in self-defense. Seokjin offered me a job, a job that would help me take care of my mother, a job that would help me give her a life she deserved, he said they were going to take care of us, so I accepted.” And so he looked back at you and smiled sweetly.
Poor kid, he saw his father murdered and was forced to kill someone to protect his own mother. Where is this world going to stop with all this violence? You thought as you stroked his hair.
“Oh no, please (Y/N), don’t cry. Please. My life has been sad enough so far, I don’t want you to cry because of me, please.” He said raising his hand and touching her cheeks, wiping away her tears. It made you sob and collapse in tears again. He stood up, and pulled you into a hug, stroking your back. “Jungkook must already be angry enough with me for stealing you from him tonight, he'll kill me if he see that I made you cry." He joked.
"I'm sorry, Tae. You did not deserve to go through that." You sobbed.
"It's okay, (Y / N). Look at me, doll." You lifted your head, looking at his face. He smiled and once again wiped away your tears. “Look, you can think sometimes that here in Century we only work together, but we are a family. We protect and care for each other. And that's all I've ever had, and I'm happy about it.” He smiled, making you smile at his innocence. "And you're part of the family, and I'm very happy with you stroking my hair. So what do you think of stop crying and start caring for me again?” You laughed and nodded, letting him lay his head on your lap again, and so you kept talking about other things, laughing again.
Hoseok and Jungkook had parked the car a block away from the girl's house they were going to get rid of. Both were wearing black masks over their mouths, and black leather gloves on their hands, so they would not leave fingerprints on anything they touched. As they approached the house, they saw that there was a police car at the door. The policeman who was leaning against the door of the car, seeing the two, just nodded at them and ignored their existence while they headed toward the house. Hoseok was able to easily open the lock on the front door and they both entered, closing the door behind them.
They separated, one going a different path from the other, checking the first floor of the house, and when they saw that it was clean and that there was no one there, they went up to the second floor.
Jungkook opened the first door, it was a bedroom and a girl were sleeping there. Hoseok came in, and managed to be silent as he approached. Seeing that it was not the girl that needed to be eliminated, they went out closing the door. They stopped walking at the sound of the shower coming from the last room in the hall. Jungkook waved for Hoseok to investigate as he looked at the other room in the hallway. Jung walked slowly, managing to make his feet almost slide to the ground, making no noise. Jungkook opened the second door to the hall, seeing that it was a room, but that there was no one. He closed the door and seconds later he headed for the last room which Hoseok had entered. And as he stepped inside the room, Hoseok came out of the bathroom carrying a naked girl in his lap, who was struggling to break free. With one arm he held her waist and with his other hand, he squeezed her throat, leaving her breathless and unable to scream either.
Jungkook just left the room and closed the door behind him, letting Hoseok do the work and making sure the other girl would not wake up. Inside the room, Hoseok threw the girl into bed and climbed on top of her without letting go of her throat, sitting on her thighs and knees on her arms, stoping her from fightback.
"I honestly didn’t want to have to do that. You should have kept quiet instead of going after cops." He whispered looking into the girl's eyes that were now tearing desperately. "I know, I know ... Shh ... But it's better me than my leader, believe me." And so he pulled a pillow, placing it on the girl's face and squeezing it tightly, until she stopped moving. He checked her pulse, and as he realized she was dead, he left her. He just put the pillow back in place and walked out of the room.
He and Jungkook went downstairs, Jung took the key from the coffee table in the entrance room, and when he left he locked the door, shoving the key in his pocket. They passed quietly by the police car, where the accomplice police did not even bother to raise his heads to look at them. The two then headed toward the car, as if nothing had just happened.
Back at the party, You and Taehyung were just the same as before, the difference is you were a bit more drunk. You two would now laugh at anything from a word in the song to someone falling drunk in the middle of the room. Taehyung was a lot of fun, you were enjoying his company and you almost forgot everything that had happened. You told Taehyung that you would go to the bathroom. You got up and went upstairs. After using the bathroom, as you were returning to the living room, you saw Yoongi sitting at the top of the stairs, with a bottle of beer in his hand, just watching the people down there.
"Hey Yoongi." You called him, coming up behind him. He turned back and smiled at you. "Why are not you down there dancing?" You asked sitting next to him.
"I'm not much in the mood for parties today." He replied looking back at the people. "How's Taehyung? I have not talked to him yet."
"He is fine." You answered. "How are you? Are you hurt?"
"A guy got my shoulder shifted, but the guys put it in place. I am fine." He replied grinning at you that widened your eyes. "It's not much."
"Yoongi, what the hell happened in there? How did you get involved in such a thing? How was Taehyung shot?" You asked in amazement at everything that was happening.
“Nor do I know tell you that. We were fine in a minute, making sure no one disturbed Hoseok and Jungkook while they were talking to the owner of the pub, and the next moment Taehyung had been shot and we rushed him out. Hoseok told us that the guy tried to fool us. He said he tried to separate him and Jungkook by locking himself inside the basement with Jungkook.” And he laughed. "He locked himself in a room with Jeon Jungkook” You were not sure if you wanted to understand why it seemed so bad and ironic to Yoongi, so you just kept quiet. “Anyway, we managed to get our money back, that's all that matters.”
"And how Jungkook left the room?"
"After we left the Taehyung with you, we went back inside, fought with the security guards, and went to the back to see what was happening to Jeon and Jung. Hoseok was breaking through the door." He said taking another sip of his drink. "But it's all over (Y/N), I know you must have been fucking worried about us, especially with Jungkook, but we're fine."
You thought about filling him with questions, thought about giving him a sermon, but you were just relieved that he was okay. Then you smiled and got up, down the stairs and back to Taehyung. It was after three in the morning and your body was filled with an immense desire to dance, but none of the songs had interested you, until a specific song began to play, a song that you knew and loved.
"Oh, I love this song." You said almost screaming at Taehyung who arched his eyebrows at you.
"Whore?" He said the name of the song, frowning. "Do you like In This Moment?"
"Of course I do. I want to dance." You said excitedly. The boy laughed and shook his head, turning his hip and sitting up, watching you get up and take a few steps, not far from him. Dancing to the rhythm of the music, shaking your head, tossing your hair sideways and hips too, turning your body and facing Taehyung who took a sip of the drink in the bottle that was almost at the end and extending to you who took it willingly and turned it in your mouth, starting to take the rest of alcohol that had it, as your wriggled your hips and used your free hand to climb up and down your body, making sensual and desperate movements. You just wanted to dance and forget about that whole situation.
That music came directly through your ears and connected with every part of your body, making you warm, and with the help of the alcohol, you were starting to get excited, not being able to hold yourself and descend to the floor, swinging your hip. When the liquid in the bottle was gone, it coincided with the beginning of the chorus.
"I can be your whore." You and half the people there screamed the chorus phrase, but the difference from them to you is that you had an empty bottle in your hand and threw it with all your might on the wall behind the couch, making Taehyung and all there screaming in excitement. There was something about the violence, the sudden movements, the debauched attitudes that excited those people, and that's why they got together for those parties, to satisfy themselves, to join people as dirty as them, like you. Sometimes you tried to deny it, but you knew you was part of that place, those songs, you knew you was part of that life.
You grabbed your hair and started to roll your hips, closing your eyes, feeling the beat of the song, singing with all your strength the dirty and insinuating lyrics. Jungkook and Hoseok had just arrived at the house again, and the first thing Jeon did was look at the sofa, looking for you, but instead of seeing you stroking Taehyung's hair, he saw you dancing sensuously in front of the sofa, and saw Tae laughing as he sang along with the music. It was when he saw you going towards Taehyung and holding his hands, dancing with him while he was sitting.
Okay, that was Jungkook's limit, Taehyung had already had too much of you for one night and he was not obliged to accept that. He walked toward you, pushing some people out of the way when the last chorus of the song began, and everyone sang, including you, loudly. He reached up and pulled your shoulders, causing you to let go of Taehyung's hands and hit your back in his chest.
Seeing who it was, you laughed drunk and walked away from him, staggering.
"What's so funny?" Jungkook asked seriously.
“You, silly.” You laughed.
"You're drunk, it's time to go."
"What if I don’t want to?" You teased, making him take a step toward you with dark eyes, forcing you to step back.
"I force you. I'll put you on my shoulder and carry you out of here."
"You love me, you will not do anything I don’t want to." You said, taking another step back as he took another toward you. That was true, he loves you, but he would not leave you there for another second.
"I'm not kidding, (Y / N). Let's go. Now." He said pointing toward the door. You snorted, but obeyed, walking toward the door and out of the house. As you approached the car, you turned to Jungkook at once, knowing he was following you.
“You're a dick." You almost shouted at him, who ignored and kept walking toward you to get the car keys in your pocket, but you took a few steps back, stopping in the middle of the street. He sighed in frustration and annoyance and went after you, grabbing your wrists, pulling you close, not letting you go further.
“I'm a dick? Why? Because I don’t want my girlfriend to flirt with another guy?”
"It's Taehyung, Jungkook! And I was not flirting with him." You said thinking about how absurd he was to think you could one day cheat on him, even more with Taehyung, who was like a brother to you.
"He still a guy." He said, releasing your wrists and reaching for the car key through your trouser pockets. "Did you find it funny making me jealous? Did you find it funny to pet him in front of me?”
"What about you, Jungkook?" You asked, pushing his hands away from your pants, pulling away from him. Making him take a deep breath and run his hand through his hair. "Did you find it funny to make me afraid for you and for them today? Did you find it funny that Taehyung was shot and I have to see him bleeding and in pain? Did you find it funny that I was worried about you all the time? Worried you could have hurt yourself too?"
"I already told you, I'm fine." He said looking bored, trying not to get irritated any longer.
"But i’m not, Jungkook.I can’t go through these things, I can’t go through the fear of losing you. It breaks me inside. It will be like this for the rest of our lives? Will you continue to risk yourself on such things forever?” You asked, but he just stood silent, staring at you without knowing what to say to make you feel better. “Talk to me.”
“What do you want me to say, (Y/N)? I have nothing to say. You said that you would accept what I do if I didn’t hurt anyone and that's why Taehyung was shot, because if I had acted otherwise, in a more violent way, he would not be hurt.”
You blinked a few times and kept quiet trying to know if he really had said what you had heard.
"So you're saying it's my fault?" You asked incredulously, pointing to yourself. "Because I don’t want you to be a killer?"
“No, but in my job, flowers and poetry don’t save anyone, (Y/N). It may be so in the fairy tale you created in your head, but in real life, things are extremely different than in your fantasies with enchanted princes.” He said throwing his hands up, his patience exhausted. If you wanted to fight, you would fight.
"Wait, what?" You said, as if he had offended you in the worst possible way. "Fantasy with enchanted princes? Now you overreacted, Jeon Jungkook, because first, I don’t like enchanted princes. They are boring, narcissistic, and they think the ‘princess’ is not able to do anything on her own, and we both know that I know how to do many things.” You said visibly annoyed with your index finger up.
“And second, if I thought my life would be a fairy tale, I would certainly not choose Shrek as a prince, and yes, I am comparing you to Shrek. Not in beauty because you're certainly one of the most handsome guys I've ever seen in my life and that gorgeous little face looks even more beautiful when I'm sitting on it and your tongue is inside my pussy.” Jungkook laughed at your words, folding his arms and leaning against the car, thinking that was exactly what he wanted to do right now, be between your thighs. “But I compare you to him for being stubborn, inflexible and your lack of notion, and for being selfish, not wanting me to help take care of your friend who was shot. So if I were to live a fairy tale, perhaps I would choose Taehyung as a prince. Maybe I should go back to that party and fuck withTaehyung to apologize to him, since it was my fault that he was shot and not the stupid job you were doing.” Jungkook's arms fell to his side and his gaze darkened. You knew you had touched his weak spot and that was what you wanted. “I've already decided, that's what I'm going to do, I'm going to go back inside and ride Taehyung’s dick until I can not move anymore.”
You turned to walk toward the house, but Jeon grabbed your arm, pulling you back, pushing you against the driver's door that was facing the opposite side of the house where the party took place. He pressed his body against yours.
"You're playing with fire, baby.”
"And what on earth makes you think I'm afraid to burn, Jungkook?" You provoked him.
“Get in the car, we’ll go home, and we'll fuck, so I can show you who you belong to.” He said pulling away, but you did not move, just crossed your arms in front of your chest. “Baby, if you don’t get in the car ...”
"What, Jungkook? What are you going to do?"
"I'm going to fuck you in the middle of the street, leaning against this car." He growled and you laughed, not wanting to make it clear that it was what you wanted, that those words made you soak your panties. All you needed at that moment was him.
"And what are you waiting for?" You asked and at the same moment he let out a moan and moved against you, grabbing your face and pulling you for a kiss. You held on to his shoulders, pulling him as he lowered his hands to your hips, lifting you up, trailing your legs around his waist. He pressed his cock against the middle of your legs and you moaned as you felt it hard. It was ridiculous the desire you were feeling for him at that moment. You'd seen your friend bleed, your boyfriend might be hurt too, but the only thing you thought was how you wanted to feel him at that moment. Maybe it was the drink or the adrenaline that was still flowing through your body, but you honestly did not mind having sex on the street, leaning against a car. As long as it was with him.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked, holding her neck and looking into her eyes. You nodded and pulled him by the back of his neck, kissing him again. One of Jungkook's hands came up from under your blouse, and he squeezed your breast over your bra before pulling it down and caressing your nipple, making you moan between his lips. “If you want to stop ...”
“Fuck me, Jungkook." You asked, wanting to make it clear that you didn’t want to stop, but wanted to do it fast, so that no one had the chance to caught you there. "I'm so wet, so horny"
“Already, baby? Are you so desperate for my dick?” He whispered, no longer kissing your lips to attack your neck, with kisses and bites. "I'm not taking good care of you, baby?"
“No. Maybe you should take better care of me.” You moaned pulling his hair. He laughed derisively and put you down, turning you on your back and pushing you toward the car, pulling your hair to the side and kissing the back of your neck as he rubbed his hard cock in your ass. He used both hands to stroke your chest and squeezing your breasts before lowering them to your waist and pulling your hip against his.
"Let's see how wet you are, baby.” He whispered in your ear, making your whole body shiver as he opened the buttons of your pants and slipped his hand into your panties, dipping his fingers into your juice. Jeon groaned to feel how wet you were, squeezed your waist, and began to move his fingers in circles over your clit, making you brace your forehead against the window and pull the air so you don’t groan too loud. Jungkook slid a finger inside you, making you arch your back as he pushes his finger in and out, adding one more, caressing your walls. You let out a groan and grabbed his arm that was in front of you. "So hot..."
"Please, Jungkook." You whimpered, rubbing your cunt in his hand, making him laugh and let the warm air from his mouth into your ear, make you roll your eyes as you feel the shivers go through your body.
“Please? Before you were all rebellious, telling me that you would ride Taehyung’s dick and now you are asking me please, baby?” He laughed wickedly, adding a third finger inside you, making your pussy throb around his fingers. With his thumb, he began stroking your clit as he thrust his fingers inside of you. You let out a weak moan and threw your head back, propping it on his shoulder, as he bit his own lips and saw your expression of pleasure. "Do you think asking me ‘please’ will save you from your punishment, little girl?"
“You know I just said that to tease you, I would never do anything like that." You moaned as he began to push his fingers harder into your pussy.
"I know, love, but that doesn’t mean that listening to that didn’t make me extremely angry." He said kissing your shoulder. “On another occasion, I'd put you on your knees and fuck your mouth, so you can learn not to say things like that to me, unless you want me to kill whoever that person you're referring to, but now we need to be quick, right? I don’t want anyone seeing how hot you get when you're being fucked against a car.” He growled, pulling his fingers out of you, and pushing your pants and panties down. “Stand on tiptoe for me, baby, like you always do when I fuck you from behind.”
You obeyed, resting your hands on the roof of the car, and standing on tiptoe, with your face against the glass, watching it get blurry by your hot breath. Jungkook opened the button and zipper of his pants and lowered them slightly, taking his cock out and stroking before using one hand to hold your waist, and the other to fit the head of his cock in the entrance of your cunt. He pushed in slowly, moaning all the way, feeling you throbing around him.
“Shit, (Y / N), you're so tight.” He said holding onto your waist and beginning to move slowly against you. But seconds later he was thrusting hard into your pussy, making you squeeze your lips and force yourself not to scream at the pleasure you were feeling, while he pounded hard on your weak spot. Inevitably the images of Taehyung being carried by friends appeared in your head, but you saw Jungkook in his place, and that made your heart clench. That feeling joined with the pleasure you had in feeling Jeon there, inside you, feeling that he was okay, and you just couldn’t hold back the tears and started to cry silently, pressing your fingers on the car roof, and pushing your hips hard against his, wanting harder. Jungkook was too busy getting into you, feeling the pleasure of having your tight and wet pussy around his cock, clinging to your waist and eyes closed to see that you were crying.
It was only when you let out a sob that he opened his eyes at once and looked at your face that was still against the glass, seeing the tears falling down your cheeks. He made a move to stop the movements, but you took your hands back, grabbing his hips, not letting him out of you.
“Don’t stop, please Jungkook. Fuck me hard. I don’t want you to stop, please, I need this.” You whimpered and he was uncertain whether to continue or stop, but seeing that you were begging him to continue, he did. He wrapped his arms around your chest, one hand resting on your belly, the other resting on your neck, holding lightly in your throat, pulling you back, making you lean your head against his shoulder as he fucked you from behind, hard. He buried his face in your neck, stifling the groans.
“Don’t cry baby. I'm here ... fuck.” He whispered against her skin and you closed your eyes, feeling your legs begin to shake with the orgasm approaching. “I love you baby. I fucking love you.” He moaned against your neck, now sucking it. He took the hand that was in your belly to your clitoris, making circular movements. You grabbed his arm when you felt you would cum.
“Choke me." You asked in a broken voice and he obeyed, his fingers tightening around your throat and thrusting harder, grunting as you let out an almost inaudible, hoarse moan, cumming around his cock.
“That’s it baby, come around me. Let it all out.” He moaned against your ear, before pressing his fingers into your clit and cum too, inside you.
It took you a few seconds to recover. Jungkook zipped up his trousers and helped you into your. He hugged you, but you gently pushed him away, reaching into the pocket of your pants and handed the Toyota’s key for him.
“Take me Home." You said and got into the backseat, slamming the door, leaving Jungkook confused as to why you had cried during sex. He blinked a few times and got in the car, seeing you crouched in the back seat. You would talk at home.

all rights reserved © katebacks | 2018 — no reposting and/or modifying of any form on any medium is allowed. no translations allowed
Ride Or Die - Chapter 3 (M)

— pairing | Jeon Jungkook /Reader
— word c | 10.181
— genre | Mafia au!, angst , Smut.
— summary | He seemed to have come out of a museum for being so handsome, it seemed to be that badboy coming straight from the teen movies, but as you go deep into his life, you realize he was not a badguy just to annoy his parentes. He was not a Badboy, but a BadMan. He sold drugs and his friends too. He commanded a dangerous, feared gang.And you fell madly in love with him, almost leaving your life and everyone you knew behind, to be with him..
— warnings/tags | Adult content, Violence, drugs, alcoholic beverages, explicit sex, low slang words.
— disclaimer | myself and this fic DOES NOT condone violence, abuse, use of drugs, alcohol or any kind of crimes. This is a fanfic, an alternative reality, I have no intention of offending anyone. If that makes you feel bad, please do not read. In this fanfic the character is not abusive to the reader, and remember, what Jungkook does in this fanfic is not what he does in real life. Myself or this fanfic does not have any type of connection with BTS, Jungkook or Bighit. Hope you like it.
— Ride Or Die - Character Biography.

01 | 02 | ‘03′ | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |

The next day, you told Jungkook that he didn’t need to pick you up, ‘because you would go on the school bus. As soon as you left your room, your parents started talking to you, but you just ignored them and left the house waiting for school bus to arrive. It was starting to drizzle, so you pulled the hood off your sweater and sat down on the sidewalk.
“Honey, can we talk?” Your mother's voice caught your attention, making you sigh and lower your head, putting it in your hands.
"I do not have the patience for complaints and demands now, mom.”
"Do you know how worried we were when we saw that you had left home and had not come back?"
"If you had not taken my cell phone, I could have warned you."
"We're doing it because we want a good life for you. Because we are your parents and we want a promising future for you, not that you end up pregnant from a punk and unhappy.” She said, but you ignored her again. “All right, I tried. Anyway, after graduation you go to Australia, go to college in Sydney ...” And you stopped listening there. The dilemmas in your head were driving you crazy. Your parents wanted to send you to another country, away from the man you love. The man you love was a drug dealer and you didn’t know how to feel about it, didn’t know how to deal with it. The bus came so you got up and went, leaving his mother talking to the wind. Once arrived at the school, you took what had to get in your locker and went to the classroom.
You had physics as your first lesson. And as always JungKook was there. You didn’t talk to each other, and he did not try to get your attention this time. When the bell rang, you got up and was leaving the room, but the pain in his chest made you stop. Looking back, you saw JungKook sitting at his desk, his arms propped up on the table and his head in his hands, visibly uncomfortable and upset. You wanted to say something, wanted to go to him and hug him tightly, saying that everything was fine, but you were as uncomfortable as he or maybe even more, so you just took a deep breath and left the class room.
Thus were the following schedules.
In the lunch, instead of sitting with him, you sat down with your friends., who were surprised and started to ask questions that you couldn’t answer so you just said that you guys had fought.
“He's been staring at you ever since you sat down here. It seems that he wants to talk to you a lot or that he's very angry about something.” Suhee said. You moved your head, looking over your shoulder. He was sitting the way he did every day. Anchored on the back of the chair, feet on the table, head slightly hanging to the side, one arm propped over his chest and one hand over his chin. He was staring at you from top to bottom, as he used to do when you did not yet talked with each other.
“He'll get over it.” You said turning to look at her friends. “Look, I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Is everything alright?” Becca asked holding her hand, seeing that you had red cheeks and noticed your wet eyes. You denied shaking your head as the tears that you were trying hard to hold since you woke up, began to fall. Becca and Suhee took you in a double hug, running their hands down your arms and back. Even if you've moved away a little from them, by the different style of Jungkook's life, they still loved you as their best friend. “Let's go to the field, we can talk there.” So the three went up. You kept your head down as you passed Jungkook, and he frowned, seeing that something was wrong, and when he heard you sniffing, he got up quickly, following you and the girls out of the canteen, and grabbed your wrist pulling you once against him.
“No!” You exclaimed loudly pulling his arm back, moving away from him. He stood there in shock looking at you with surprise in his eyes. You'd never denied him to touch you. You pursed your lips and moved away from him quickly with your friends, leaving him static and actionless.
“You want to tell us what's going on?” Suhee asked as they sat on the stands. There were so many things you wanted to put out at the time, but you knew you could not talk to them, even if they were your friends.
“My parents want me to break up with Jungkook or they will send me to Australia after graduation." You said wiping the tears with the sleeve of your blouse.
“What?” The two shouted together.
“And what are we going to do? What are you going to do? Are you going to break up with him?”
“I would never do that." You said it loudly and then you stared at the court in front of you, as if a light was burning in your mind. That was always the answer. Even if you were very angry and upset with him, you still loving him and would do anything for him, even if it was at least trying to understand what he did and why he did. “I don’t know what I'm going to do about it, but there's no chance of me ending it just because my parents do not like him. And I'm not going to Australia either. I'll fix it. I'm just annoyed because the first time I find someone who doesn’t want to just get into my pants and hurt me, but rather that loves me, my parents want to ruin my happiness.”
“Come on (Y/N), look at their side too. Your sister left home years ago and now you're technically their only daughter, they just want the best for you.” Becca said.
“And let's agree that Jungkook is not exactly the parent's favorite type to date their daughter.” Suhee said. “From what we know, he does not care to be polite in front of them, he always has that expression of who hates the world and that if he could, he would set fire to everybody. They're right to be worried. Your boyfriend, despite being beautiful, has a psychopathic face sometimes. It’s scary”
“I do not think he is scary, And I understand that, but they have to understand that I love Jungkook and there is nothing in this world that will make me stop loving him.”
“You're only seventeen, (Y/N). In two months you will be eighteen and in four you will be in college. You will be surrounded by beautiful and hot men, and when someone asks you ‘How's Jungkook going?’ you'll answer ‘Who's Jungkook?’“ Sehee said making you and Becca look at her. “What?”
“Are we talking about Badboy Jungkook or another Jungkook we do not know, Suhee? Because forgetting him is something out of the question for anyone who has ever had him on their way ... Not wanting to lust after (Y/N) boyfriend, but he's a whole path from the bad way.”
“You understood what I meant.” She said rolling her eyes. “We are young, you can say that you love him today, but tomorrow you may be in love with another, you know? So is it really worth fighting with your parents, those who take care of you since you were born, just for a guy?”
“Yes, Suhee, it's worth it. And just as you say that this may be just another crush, I say it's not. Something deep inside me tells me this is true, and that maybe I'll never stop loving him, and honestly, I don’t want to stop loving him.”
“We understand you, dear.” Becca said hugging you aside once more. You begin to feel better by taking it off your chest, but still lacked something. You had to clarify things with Jungkook. “Tomorrow we still go to the mall to see our prom dresses, right?”
“Sure, we will.”
After the conversation ended, you three returned inside the school when you heard the ring belll. You were walking towards the classroom, when you saw him walking with his shoulders down, hands in his pockets, bumping into the other students and not even bothering to apologize. Normal. He was upset for making you feel that way. You bit your lips and walked toward him, determined to talk about it all once and for all. When his eyes fell upon you, he stopped walking and stood watching you approach. When you were close, you reached out, grasping his wrist and pulling him toward the exit of the school, taking advantage of being tumultuous. He didn’t say a word despite being curious about what you were doing. When you reached the parking lot, you released him and approached his car, turning to him as you opened the passenger door.
“Take me for a ride.” You said and got in the car. He did not hesitate and did the same, taking the car out of the school parking lot and away from there at high speed. As he parked in a higher area away from the city, overlooking the buildings, and without anyone disturbing your conversation, he turned off the engine and the two of you fell silent.
You turned on your side, folding your legs and setting them on the bench as you stared at him.
"I want you to tell me everything." You said making him sigh and look at you, analyzing you one more time.
“Are you sure you want to know everything?” He asked cold, needing to know if you really wanted what you were asking. You took a deep breath before answering.
"If I was not sure, I would not be asking you to tell me, would i?"
“I don’t think you're ready for that.” He said looking away, making you laugh disbelief.
“Don’t tell me what I'm ready for or not, Jungkook. I didn’t sleep at night thinking about it, I didn’t pay attention in class and I was thinking about what to do until Becca and Suhee took me to the field to talk to me about why I was crying.”
“Did you tell them?”
“Do I look stupid to you? ‘So girls, my boyfriend besides being a fuckboy is a drug dealer’” You said sarcastically rolling your eyes. “I just told them that my parents want to send me away if I do not break up with you and that's when I realized that I had spent too much time thinking about it, since the answer to all this is more than obvious.” So he looked at you waiting for you to finish speaking. You could see the fear he had in his eyes, and he knew it was the fear of losing you. Afraid you'd say at that moment that you did not want anything else with him, that you wanted to break up, that you did not love him. “I love you, Jungkook, and I'll never leave you.” You finally said and you can see the tension coming off his shoulders as he hid his face with his own hand, hiding the relief of hearing your words, hiding the smile that was inevitable at that moment. "But you must tell me everything, I need to know who you are."
"Can you wait? At least a few days? Until I find a right way to tell you." He asked, wanting to have more time to get a way to tell that besides being a drug dealer, he also killed the people who got in his way. In his head, he knew you would accept him the way he was, after all you loved him, but he needed more time. He needed more time to show you how much he loved you and to show you that he would do everything for you to stay together. To show that he was the right guy, the only one who should be with you.
"No, Jungkook, it has to be now." You said shaking your head in denial. "Let's get things straight now"
“Look baby, this is more complicated than it sounds, so I'll just say it's a family business. My father, besides being a judge, has a drug business, and I help to administer it.” He paused. “I can’t say much now, not because I don’t trust you, but because it is something that involves other people besides me, and the less you know, the less dangerous it is for you.”
“Who else knows?”
“Hoseok, the guys in my gang, some cops who help us cover up, and some people in town.”
You were silent for a few seconds thinking about it. It was not possible that this was really happening.
“Why did you get into that, Jungkook? Did your father make you do this?” You asked taking his hand and placing it between yours, caressing. He stared at the gesture and his mind smiled at the thought of seeing you worried about him.
“No love, I didn’t want to live at the expense of my parents, since they wanted to control my life at all costs. So I told my father that I would take care of the traffic on the south side of town with some friends, and that he would have no more power over me. Honestly, I just wanted to kill him, but if I did, I'd have to take care of business and I do not have the patience for it.” You were taken by surprise with the seriousness in his voice when he said that he wanted to kill your own father. You could not tell if he was being serious or ironic, so just remained silent. “That's when I left home, I set up that house for myself and met Hoseok who came to live with me a month later.” He said without taking his eyes from your, showing that he was being completely honest with you. You lay back on the bench and took a deep breath, you were confused again.
‘Maybe I should tell her. She loves me, she will not leave me because of the truth. She will continue loving me even knowing what I do. She seems well by now’. That's what he thought.
"I don’t do just that." He said drawing your attention again. He could see the worry in your eyes. He should be careful with the next words, you were not like him, you felt everything that humans felt, but he did not. “Sometimes me and the guys do some work, and I have to hurt some people in those actions.”
“What do you mean by hurt? Hurt how? You…” You asked, letting go of his hand and frowning at him. That's when you started thinking about what he was talking about. No. He would not do that, would he? Panic began to settle in your body, and the idea that your boyfriend could be a killer left you terrified, and made you throw your body involuntarily back away from him. He kept quiet waiting for you to finish the sentence, but you didn’t, just opened the door and got out of the car, walking away a few steps and trying to get you breath back to normal.
While doing this, you remembered all the times he fought at school, had never seen even a flash of regret, fear or any other emotion that was not anger in his eyes. When Jungkook was in a fight, he was there to win and did not care about the damage he would cause to the one he fought with. You thought that was part of his explosive personality but never thought he could kill someone. You did not want to think about it any more, but the only thing that came into your head in that moment was Jungkook's words and all the fighting scenes you'd seen since he entered school. It was making breathing difficult. You brought your hand up to your chest, feeling as if you were about to have a panic attack.
Jungkook had gotten out of the car and was slowly moving toward you. He didn’t understand your panic. Had he said something that made you feel threatened? Were you afraid of him? But he would never do anything to hurt you, so why were you scared? Should he have waited to tell you that? Maybe he should not even have told you.
“Baby.” His voice pulled you out of your thoughts as he cupped your chin, forcing you to look at him.
“Have you ever murdered anyone?” You asked in broken voice, silent tears streaming down your cheeks.
‘I told you that you were not prepared to know everything, baby. Why did you insist? Stubborn girl.’ He thought.
“No.” He lied. You let the air out with relief and your legs weakened as well, forcing you to hold onto it so you would not fall down. “But I hurt almost to kill.”
Your heart went to your stomach as you heard those words, making the tears begin to fall faster. At that moment you had no strength at all. He pulled you into a hug and you did not have the strength to pull away. What would you do?
“I ... I-I can’t do this.” You spoke after a few seconds, moving away from him, getting his confused look. “It's too much information. And I can’t.”
“Are you ... Are you breaking up with me? Are you going to leave me?” He asked confused, looking at you wide-eyed. "But you said you would never leave me. You love me. Why do you want to leave me? If you love me, you can’t break up with me.”
And you were even more confused. He hurt people, hurt until almost kill. Why did you feel that you could not live away from him, even knowing that he was violent up to this point?
“I need some time to digest all this.” She said taking a few steps back, running a hand over her hair, nervous. “Damn you're a fucking drug dealer who beat up people. I-i was not ready for this. I'm not ready to move on with you after hearing this, I need some time to know if this is really what I want for my life.”
He looked incredulous, almost unable to believe what he was hearing. Why was you acting like this with him? What had he done wrong?
"You can’t accept me like this? But you love me! Just think with me, if anyone can love a vampire knowing that he kills to feed on blood and lives well with it, why can not you accept me like that?”
You brought your eyes to him, opening your mouth in shock. Was he really asking you that? Did not he understand that what he did was a bad thing?
“You hurt people, Jungkook.” You shouted. “Shit! Imagine the fuck you'd do to me if we fought ugly. Imagine what you could do to me now, damn it.”
“Are you afraid of me? I would never put a finger on you, to hurt you, baby. You are the most important thing I have in this fucking life.” He said walking up to you, pulling you by the wrists, holding you against him, grabbing your chin, forcing you to look at him. “I love you, and I will protect you from everything and everyone, you do not have to be afraid of me. We're going to be happy together, I promise.”
"Then you'll give me that time. Please. I need to think.” You said. Jungkook let his hands fall to his side and let out a sigh, looking at you with disappointment. He clenched his jaw and looked away, turning his back and walking to the car, letting out an angry grunt and kicking the bodywork of the vehicle before turning back to you. He would always do whatever you wanted or asked for. You owned him, you controlled him, he was your puppet, your puppy. You commanded, and he obeyed.
“How much time?”
“I don’t know.”
“How long, (Y/N)?” He shouted, making you jump with fright. "How long will I have to stay away from you? How much time you need? Tell me and I'll give you this time.”
“I don’t know, Jungkook.” You yelled back. “I just found out that besides being a drug dealer, my boyfriend is almost a fucking killer, so I'm sorry if I'm not being totally coherent or if I'm not with my fucking head in place. Just... Just leave me at home, don’t try to force anything on me in the next few days, let me think, and as soon as I'm calm enough, I'll come to you. And I can decide what to do.”
Jungkook just shook his head in disbelief and raised his hands in surrender, walking to the car. Entering and slamming the door. He was so frustrated at that moment.
The next few days were strange. As soon as Jungkook left you in your house after that discussion, you did not talk any more. At school he hardly looked at you, he did not approach and you did the same. People began to comment that perhaps you had done, so that’s why you were like that.
On Friday, Jungkook was leaning in his car in the parking lot, cell phone in his ear, talking about something with Hoseok on the other end of the line. When he hung up the phone and put his hand on the door handle opening the car, one of the students approached him.
"Hey Jungkook, how's it going?" The boy spoke, making Jungkook slowly turn to him, one eyebrow raised, without any kind of feeling or expression on his face other than boredom. The boy was subtly intimidated by the unfriendly look Jeon gave him.
"Are you going to talk or what?" Jungkook asked in a cold, calm voice, but managed to be extremely rude at the same time.
"Well, since you and Kate are finished, I just came to know if there was any problem for you if I went out with her." The boredom in Jungkook's face and face was replaced by anger. His eyes darkened, while his cheeks turned red. He clenched his jaw and breathed deeply, with the vein in his neck getting the show. The boy in front of him widened his eyes trembling beneath Jeon's gaze. Oh boy, that was a big mistake.
"What the fuck did you just say?" Jungkook roared, slamming the door of the car he had opened, and grabbed the collar of the boy's shirt, pushing him back hard away from his vehicle. Some of the students who were there stopped to watch the tumult. "You want to go out with my girl, you little shit?" And so he hit a right hook in the boy's jaw that flew to the ground, groaning in pain. Jungkook walked toward him, intending to hit him again, but then he looked at the crowd and saw you standing there. He did not want to scare you any more than he had. He held the boy by the shirt and lifted him off the floor. “She's mine, we're still together. If I see you near her, I will do more than just punch you.” He released the boy, got into his car, and left.
Your parents were surprised Jungkook had not come to your house since Monday and they started questioning you if you were done with him, but you just avoided them saying that you did not feel like talking about it.
Your mother reminded you of the party he would have on the Sunday of renewal of the votes of his maternal grandfathers, who would have been 50 years of marriage, so you should not be late for a meeting with your friends on Saturday so you do not get tired the next day.
"I wish this town was not so boring on Saturday nights." Suhee said while the three of them were sitting at a coffee table in the center. You guys had taken a walk in the mall and were now sitting down to chat.
"It's true, we should go to some nightclub, or whatever." Becca said.
“And do what? They were not going to let us drink alcohol and we all know that a party is just a party if we get drunk.” Suhee said, and the two began to argue about it. You were looking out the window, thinking how much you missed Jungkook. It was weird. Nothing that you felt for him had changed. You still loved him. You still missed him. You still did not want to stay away from him. Maybe the decision you were about to make was wrong, maybe staying with him would lead you to bad places, but if he was with you, you would not mind. You'd heard of many stories of girls dating guys who had "jobs" like that, and never stopped to know what they had gotten with them, but you knew Jungkook would never do you any harm. You were still scared of everything, with all that dependency you were having. You were still frightened by the urge to be in his arms, but you was not afraid of him.
“I know of a place where we can go if you really want to drink and have fun.” You spoke, drawing attention to the two stopped arguing to look at you, waiting to continue. Hoseok was probably having a party that day, he always gave parties on Saturdays. "But for that, you'll have to let these attitudes of little girls aside."
“What? Do you happen to know any illegal bar selling drink to minors?” Suhee asked and you laughed. “Wait, is it in a bar?”
“No, it's a little better than a bar." You said getting up, leaving the money from your milk shake on the table.
“We will not get in trouble, right?” Becca asked as they followed you out of the cafeteria.
“That depends on your definition of trouble.” You said waving to a taxi approaching.
You did not tell them where you were going until the taxi driver stopped in front of Jungkook's house but across the street. You were right, they were having a party there.
"Are you sure you want to stay here? It's a very dangerous neighborhood for three lonely girls.” The taxi driver said looking at the three of them in the backseat. You laughed making your two friends look confused at you and really thinking about what the driver had said.
“My boyfriend lives in that house. We're fine, but thank you for concern” You said pointing to the house where was the party.
“Lady, you have a bad taste in men.” He said making you laugh and get out of the car, followed by the girls who were uncertain about it.
“Everybody says that." You said walking toward the house with your friends who were glued to you, almost as if they had glued their arms and hands.
"Are you sure this is safe?" Becca asked, seeing some people there looking at them strangely.
“But of course I do. Jungkook would not let anything happen to us”
"Correction, he would not let anything happen to you." Suhee said making you stop and look at them in disbelief.
“Girls, relax. Get out of this bubble of yours for one night. It's not because these people have tattoos and wear black that means they are bad people. It'll be fun, just follow me.”
So you turned and followed with the two inside the house. There were really lots of people there and some Arctic Monkeys music played on the stereo. You stopped for a moment, you looking for Jungkook or Hoseok, but you did not see them anywhere in the room.
“Hey." A boy of your height, with platinum hair, wearing a bandana on his forehead, black pants and a white t-shirt, approached you smiling. You had seen it somewhere, but you did not recognize it. "You're (Y/N), right? Jeon's girl?”
"Yes, it's me, and you ...?"
"I'm Yoongi." He said holding out his hand to you and saying hello. "I'm Jeon's friend." And so he looked at his friends from top to bottom, especially to Becca and smiled. "Looks like you brought us new food."
Your friends widened their eyes and nearly choked on their own saliva as you laughed at their reaction.
"New food meant new people for parties and not literally food." You explained, making them laugh in relief.
"Hey Kate. Hi ... Wow!" You turned to the one who was screaming and saw Hoseok passing through the other people and coming to you with a gigantic smile on his face. "Who are the little princesses?"
"These are Becca and Suhee, my friends."
"Jung Hoseok, pleasure." He said greeting them. "Glad you came."
"Where's Jungkook? I need to talk to him."
"He's in the kitchen drinking."
"Can you take care of them for a few minutes? I did not want them to be alone.” You asked them, who smiled and nodded at the same moment.
"Ladies." Yoongi said taking a step aside, showing them where they should go.. They both gave you a sly look before went with the boys.
You walked toward the kitchen, and after passing the sea of people, you managed to get there, where Jungkook had his back to the door, with a bottle of vodka in his hand and a glass on the table. So handsome. That's what a voice in your head said as soon as your eyes fell on it. He had thrown the hair back, half messy. He wore black pants, boots and a black blouse that left dug his biceps and muscular in evidence. You've come up with different ways to approach him.
“Hey, big boy." You said wrapping your arms around his waist, standing on tiptoe to get your chin on his shoulder. He jumped at the sudden touch and his muscles stiffened, but as soon as he heard your voice, and saw your face over his shoulder, he relaxed turning his attention to the vodka in front of him.
“Big boy?“ He mocked the nickname and took a sip of the drink.
“Miss me?” You asked and he laughed.
"Why would I? The house is full of women." He teased with a sarcastic smile on his lips, glancing over his shoulders. You opened your mouth in surprise at his response.
"Oh yeah? So I guess I'll have to find another badboy for me in the room." You said removing your arms from his waist and pulling away, then he turned and caught your wrist pulling you against him, holding your arms between the two of you.
"That was the stupidest question you ever asked me." He said with his face next to yours.
“Are you sure? Stupider than "do you prefer Aerosmith or Backstreet Boys"?” He threw his head back and laughed.
"Yeah, even more stupid than that. Of course I missed you. You are my girl.” He said running his fingers over your cheek, caressing you as he stared down at your face. “ I’ll always miss you.”
“Can we talk?”
He nodded and took you hand, leading you upstairs to his room. As you entered, he closed the door and pointed to the bed, so you could sit down, but you shook your head. Sitting on the bed would suffocate you and you needed air to talk, so he just sat and stared at you with those black eyes that always liked to watch you, to analyze you, in clothes or naked.
"I have no idea what to say or how to say this." You began walking from one side to the other nervously. "I would really like it if you did not interrupt me, it's very difficult to stay focused. Right now." He nodded. “Okay, so, I'm not happy about what you told me about what you do and I honestly do not think I'm ready to get into your life. It is not right the things you did, but if you're willing to change some things, I can try. I'm willing to try. I'm willing to try to be with you even if you do these things, but I have a request to make.” He shook his head, begging you to continue. "I do not want you to hurt anybody else, you can keep selling, i do not really see a problem with this, but I do not want to be a killer's girlfriend. I do not want you to hurt people, I don’t want one day I wake up and you've been arrested for murder...”
“All right, I will not.” He said getting up at once and advancing you, catching you in the lap, placing your thighs around his waist and attacking your lips with a quick kiss. “I love you, I do whatever you want, as long as you stay by my side. Please do not leave me again.”
“I wont” You whispered.
You would not lie and say that you did not want to have sex with him at the time, but your friends were downstairs and if you knew them well, they would freak out if you did not show up.
"Becca and Suhee are in the house, they are with Hoseok and Yoongi, I can not leave them alone.”
"They'll be fine." He whispered walking to bed with you in his arms, threw you on the mattress and climbed on top of you, pressing his cock against her intimacy with force. You moaned to feel it so hard. "I missed you, and I know you missed me too, please, baby, I'm so hard for you.” He said as he attacked his neck with kisses and bites, making you roll your eyes and forget what you were going to say. “You want me to beg you to let me fuck that cunt?”
Beg. You've never seen him beg for you.
"Yes" You answered and he raised his head, looking at you with lust in his eyes. Then he kissed you, down the kisses down your chin, bringing his lips to your ear and nibbling. Taking kisses to your neck, licking and sucking your skin. He lowered his kisses over her breasts over her blouse, and continued down to her thighs, where he pulled up his your skirt and lay between your legs, grabbing your left leg and attacking it with wet and hot kisses, licking and biting, making you grab the sheet with more and more force as he was going up the kisses, approaching your pussy.
“Please, baby." He moaned as he stroked over your panties. “Please, Let me fuck this pussy. Let me eat your cunt.” He pulled her panties aside, and took his tongue to her clit, licking and sucking slowly and gently. “Let me make this little pussy cum around my dick, I need it so much baby, let me make you feel good.” And so he increased the speed of his tongue movements, making your moans grow louder as you threw your head back and arched your back. Taking your hands to his hair, holding them while you move your pussy against his mouth. “Yes baby, ride my face, fuck my mouth"
“Fuck Jungkook.” You cried. “Fuck me, now.”
He stood up, unzipping his pants and pulling it down with his underwear, climbing over you, positioning himself, and thrusting into you. You screamed with the feeling of being filled by his dick. You pussy pulsed around him, begging for an orgasm.
“Damn baby, you're so tight. I missed that, I missed you.” He said starting to come in and out hard, making you moan loudly and squirm under him. With each movement he pushed himself deeper and deeper into you, burying his cock in your pussy, making you grasp his arms and scream. You were so excited that you would come soon.
“More, please”
“You want faster baby? Harder and deeper? Do you want me to make you cum so hard that you're going to scream my name louder than the music and everyone at this party will know who makes you come, baby?”
“Put your legs on my shoulders." He ordered, pulling your legs up, resting your calves on his shoulders, making your hip rise. So he began to thrusting harder once more, rolling his hips, hitting your weak spot. You grabbed the pillow when you felt the orgasm approaching. You took Jungkook's hand and placed it on your neck. He got the message and squeezed your throat, choking you. “Yes (Y/N), come around my cock. Cum while I fuck that tight little pussy. Scream my name, baby. Let everyone know who makes you feel good.”
“Oh fuck Jung-oh fuck me, oh my- Jungkook” You screamed when you felt the orgasm taking over your body. Jungkook released your neck and continued pumping at you until he's cumming too, moaning your name and lying on top of you, panting, tired and sweaty.
“I love you” He whispered coming out from you, and hugging you.
After getting cleaned, you got dressed, and went back to the party even though Jungkook was asking to stay with you in the bedroom or somewhere where no one would disturb you.
“So, what do you think?” You asked as they approached the four friends. The four of them had glasses of drink in their hands and smiled. That was a good sign.
“It's better than I expected.” Becca smiled.
"I thought you were different." Suhee said. "I did not think you guys were cool like that.”
“What did you think we were doing? Human sacrifices and we bowed in front of a pentagram worshiping the devil?” Yoongi asked sarcastically.
"Actually, yes." She shrugged, making them laugh.
“Most people think so, don’t worry” Hoseok said putting his arm around her shoulders and giving her a comforting smile. “The important thing is that now you know us and we can be friends…... or more than that, if you like.” He said causing Suhee's cheeks to redden.
You then got together and the six of you were together, talking, laughing, playing and even dancing. Except Jungkook, he just stood behind you while you danced. That's when Yoongi gave the idea of going for a ride. Everyone was drunk, but you always relied on Jungkook's skills in driving, and he was the one who drank the least there.
The six entered the Dodge 78. You and Jungkook at the front while the four of them squeezed in the back seat. Becca ended up having to sit on Yoongi's lap that did not complain for a minute. It was in Hoseok's face that he was interested in Suhee, but she was plunged too deep into past dramas to realize that. Meanwhile, Jungkook could only think of how happy he was to have you back, it was the hardest week he had since leaving his parents' house. ‘I know she'll understand someday, someday she'll accept me the way I am, and even like what I do, after all she loves me, and when we love a person, if we need to, we change for her.’ He thought.
"I want a lollipop." You asked, whimpering at Jungkook that came out of the thoughts and laughed mischievously.
"I have one here, if you want, you can suck it."
“Yah Jeon!” You said slapping his arm, and he laughed and turned the wheel, taking the car to a nearby gas station. He got out of the car and you accompanied him, going around the vehicle and jumping on his back, making him give a silly grin and grab your legs that were at his waist, carrying you into the convenience store. When they entered, the attendant gave them a suspicious look, but then lowered his eyes to the book of crossed words that was in his lap.
"Do you think they might end up wanting something more serious with the girls?" You asked after he put you on the floor and walked towards the candy session. Jungkook arched his eyebrow and looked at you for two seconds before laughing
"They just met, and no, I don’t think so."
"Yes, but they can meet and end up liking each other, right?” You said taking a bag of strawberry lollipops with whipped cream, looking Jungkook again who laughed again shaking his head, denying, leaning against the shelf, sticking one hand in his pants pocket.
“Do you really want your friends to get involved with gang guys?” He asked, making you stop to think a little. It was not exactly your choice, if they started hanging out together, you could not forbid them.
“Well, I brought the two to them, so if they decide to go out together, I can not stop them.”
“Even if they have sex today, they will not start dating. Hoseok and Yoongi don’t date, none of the gang's guys besides me have a girlfriend. They don’t like to compromise and that makes things easier. Without bonds, has nothing to lose. Not to mention that it's more fun for them to fuck and leave, without having to worry about anyone. I was like that too. I did not like to compromise either.”
"What changed?"
"You made me obsessed with you." He said pulling you into a kiss before taking you toward the cashier.
After touring the city, buying drinks, getting drunk even more, singing aloud the lyrics of the songs that passed on the radio, making noise and mess in the street, around two in the morning, Jungkook parked the car in a park on the other side of town. This park had a lake and in it could see the reflection of the moon and the stars. You both liked to go there sometimes, to lie down and look at the stars. You took a sheet that Jungkook used to carry in his car, and stretched it under a tree, where everyone gathered to chat while some songs still played not too loud on the car stereo, just to have a soundtrack actually. And while everyone was talking and laughing, Becca and Yoongi moved away a bit as they headed to the car, where Yoongi leaned in front of him and pulled Becca towards him, kissing her.
Suhee at that moment was also a little away with the phone in hand and you already knew what she was thinking, so you got up leaving Jungkook and Hoseok talking and walked to your friend who was drunk and whimpering alone to the phone.
"Tell me you're not texting Brad's idiot." You said approaching.
"Not yet, I'm deciding for what I will curse him ... I need a pretty ugly word that offends like hell ..."
"Seriously, Suhee!" You interrupted her by taking the phone out of her hand. "There's a fucking hot guy over there, and you want to send a message to your ex?" You said pointing at Hoseok who was crouched beside Jungkook, distracted in conversation.
“I don’t think he wants something with me. He's so ... Badboy ...”
“Come on! Hoseok!" You turned around and called the boy who stopped talking and turned to the two of you. "She's too motherfucker to take the first step, so do you want to do the honors?" Hoseok laughed and stood up, walking confidently towards you, so you stepped back to give way to Suhee.
“Come here, gorgeous.” He said pulling the girl by the arms and kissing her. Feeling satisfied, you went back to your boyfriend who was sitting with his back propped up on the big tree. You sat between his legs with your back against his chest and he hugged you, kissing you in the hair as you watched the other boy carrying Suhee toward the car.
"Hey, only me and (Y/N) can have sex in this car, you son of a bitch.” Jungkook shouted when he saw the two enter the back seat of the car, making you laugh and slap his arm embarrassed. “You know it will not go forward.”
“Yeah, but let them have fun. They will not delude themselves, at least I expect. And I know they will not hurt them.”
“How are you so sure? We are the bad guys, remember?”
“Yeah, but you're my boyfriend and they should know that if they hurt them, I will tell you to kill them.” You joked, making Jungkook frown for a minute, trying to figure out if you were just kidding. But one thing he knew, if you asked, he would kill anyone you wanted.
A little later, Becca and Yoongi amused themselves with something they saw on the phone, still in the car's hood. Jungkook had fallen asleep with you in his arms, and propped up on the tree. You just stared at the lake that reflected the light of the moon and stars while listening to the low Angel Aerosmith chords played on the sound. Suhee ended up sleeping in the back seat of the car, but since Hoseok did not sleep with whoever he had sex, he walked over to the sheet and sat there, watching the lake as you did too.
“Jeon told us that you already know what we're doing, and that's why you fought.” Hoseok said calling your attention to the new subject. “Look, I know it seems like we are the bad guys here, and yeah we are, but not all the time and we have our reasons for doing what we do.”
"I'm not judging you, Hobi.” Hoseok frowned, caught off guard by the name you used to call him. “I just ... It was a surprise to know that. That's all."
“Hobi?” He questioned, making you laugh.
"Yes, it's a nickname, get used to it, I always put nicknames on my friends" He just nodded and smiled. "You said you had reason to do what you do. Can you talk about it?”
“We had nothing to do, we had no choice. My parents always wanted to have a girl, but when I was born, they complained to me every day about how unhappy they were with me.” He began to tell you, turning to face you and crossing his legs. “Then my father died and my mother got married again, and this guy beat me whenever he could. Every day I got new bruises, my mother saw and never did anything to help me, maybe she was scared or just did not care. Once I arrived late from a class and he accused me of being late to not help with the house chores. He hit my head against the refrigerator door and left me almost fainted, unable to defend me, he sat me in a chair and put my arm on the table, grabbing a meat tenderizer and banging against my arm”
You almost choked on his words, shocked by the cruelty of his stepfather.
“I fainted and only woke up hours later, in the same place, all the lights of the house erased. The bastard went to sleep peacefully after what he did. I went to a hospital and when they asked me what had happened, I told them that my stepfather had broken my arm with a meat tenderizer, but he was a police officer and he denied everything, my mother said that I had a street fight, and that I did not like my stepfather, so I was accusing him. We went back home together and he beat me up again. But there came a day when I could not stand more and ran away from home. That's when I met Jungkook and he used his father's contacts to get me in business with him. Let me share the house with him not even know me fully. I was only seventeen at the time. Jungkook saved my life.”
"Oh my god Hoseok, I had no idea that this had happened to you, I'm sorry." You said it out of the arms of Jungkook, who continued to sleep like a stone, and leaned forward, giving Hoseok a strong hug that surprised him first, but then he returned the gesture.
"What happened to your stepfather? Did you get him sent to jail after that?” You asked, releasing him and sitting back between Jeon's legs. You can swear you saw a trace of darkness pass through Hoseok's eyes before he shook his head in denial.
"It's a story for another time. The fact is that all of us from the Century had very bad times and we were forced to leave our homes. It is not my place to say what happened to others, but when you meet them and you want to ask yourself, you will understand. Or we would take that chance on this branch, or we would die "
You then moved your head, looking back at the reflection in the water, thinking.
"You have no idea of the mess he turned this week." Hoseok's voice caught your attention again, making you look at him. “He did not sleep properly, and kept mumbling that he needed to see you, but you do not want to see him, that he wanted to hear your voice, but you didn’t even want him to call you. I've never seen him so broken as these days. I've never seen him like this. I never thought I would one day see him loving someone.”
“Why not?”
“Me and Jungkook have one thing in common, (Y/N). We both have a disease. I'm sure you've heard of the cousins of psychopaths. The sociopaths. We both have sociopathy.”
You stopped to think for a moment, that made sense. You were surprised but not scared and it puzzled you, because even though sociopathy was not psychopathy, sociopathy was directly linked to hostile and violent behavior, where the person suffering from the disease could not control his anger and his actions when he was extremely irritated. That explained a lot about Jungkook. About him losing his head in a fight and beating to really hurt, about him getting so angry and violent when someone tried to flirt with you, about his always preferring to stay away from other people and practically disregarding their existence as if they were trash rather than human beings. That explained why he did not seem to know the difference between right and wrong when it came to people, so he did not feel remorse or guilt for hurting anyone.
“Sociopaths have no attachment to moral values and are able to simulate feelings in order to manipulate other people.” You whispered a phrase you had read in a psychology book once in the library, frowning. It was not possible. He would not pretend to love you. "Hoseok, sociopaths can not have normal feelings ... They do not ... Sociopaths have disproved the feelings of others ..."
"There are some rare cases where people diagnosed with sociopathy can control their emotions without the use of medications. We managed to turn on or off our emotions. He chose to turn on the emotions and fell in love with you. But still he does not feel empathy for others and disregards everything that does not look right to him. If you're wondering if he pretends to love you, I can assure you that he does not. He trully loves you. And honestly, I think you're his trigger. You control him. And that's a good thing. That keeps him under control. Under emotions.”
Too muck information. You think.
“I love him more than anything, and even if some people say that this may be fleeting, I do not feel like that, I feel like every day, my love for him increases, more and more.”
“I know” He whispers. "I'm sorry to tell you all this, but you need to know what you're getting into."
“It’s okay. I appreciate you telling me these things and explaining to me. I feel better now. And honestly that's not what I'm worried about right now. I know he would never hurt me, or you.” And so your eyes fell on your hands, with sadness. “But two weeks is the graduation, and my parents are still with this stupid idea of making me break up with him or they send me to Australia. I still do not know what to do. I would run away with him, but I can not be selfish and ask him to leave everything he knows behind because of me.”
"Join us." he said, making you look up and look at him. "We have a job to do, a job we've been planning for months, and if it works out right, we're going to get a great deal. Joining the gang you will have the support of his father, and ours. Jungkook said that you now know how to drive, that he taught you. You can be our driver until we deal with other problems, and then we can use our fund to support you. You would not have to leave Jungkook or run away with him. You can continue here.”
Join Century?
"Am I going to have to hurt someone?" You asked uncertainly, and he denied it.
“No, no one. You just have to drive. Be our escape route in just one job.”
“Are you going to steal somewhere?” You asked, frowning, making him giggle.
"Not exactly, let's just take what's ours, that's not stealing.”
“Okay, I'm in.” You said not even get to think twice. Jungkook moved, wrapping his arms around you and smoothing his face against your hair, still asleep. “I do whatever it takes so I can stay with him.”
"Fuck!" Suhee screamed out of the car, startling all of you, making Jungkook woke up with a fright. "Did you see what time it is?"
"Hum, half past four in the morning." Yoongi said.
"My parents will kill me if they wake up and do not find me there." She said making you laugh at her despair.
"Keep calm, let's take you home," Hoseok said still beside you. You felt Jungkook's lips on your ear and turned back, seeing him smiling at you. An innocent smile, showing how happy he was to wake up with you in his arms. He could not fake it. You thought.
"I think we'd better go." You said giving him a peck and rising. Soon you had left the two in their houses, and now you were in Jungkook's house. The people had already left, and only the one who was in charge of taking care of the house while Hoseok was away, remained there, waiting for them to arrive so he could leave.
"We're going up." Jungkook said pounding highfive with the two friends who sat in the room with beer cans in hand. You waved at them and followed your boyfriend, up the stairs. "I think I'll take a shower first, you come with me?"
"You can wait there in the bathroom, I'll get the towels and clothes for you" He said giving you a kiss on the forehead and entering the room as you headed towards the bathroom. There you took off your clothes and went under the shower. As soon as he came in, he was entered under the hot water holding you. These moments were not very rare among you, although most of the time you had sex under the shower, sometimes you just liked to stick together. You then realized that it was already Sunday and later you would have your grandparents' party.
"Do you remember that my grandfathers have renewed their vows today?" You asked as he helped you clean yourself.
"Do you still want to go?"
"Do you still want me to go?"
"Yes." You smiled.
"Then I'll go, princess." He said helping you to rinse.
"Can I do something?" You asked as you ran your hands down his abdomen. He narrowed his eyes and looked down, to look at your hand that was now holding his cock. "It's always you who starts ..."
“I would love to fuck you now princess, but I want to do this in bed. I missed you too much to do something fast around here.” He said looking into your eyes as you massaged him, making him moan.
“Who says we're going to have sex here?” You asked, kneeling down and putting his cock in your mouth, making him moan again and grab your hair helping in the back and forth movements.
"You're playing with fire, baby." He said pushing his cock deep in your throat, making you choke for a few seconds before pulling him out and letting you breathe.
“I'm not afraid to burn me”
You ended up not sleeping that night, so after lunch together, Jungkook took you to your house. Before entering, you stayed in the car a bit, enjoying each other a little more.
“I love you.” He said through the kiss, stroking your waist, with you sitting in your lap. "And I still don’t understand what you did to me to make me such a fool, but I honestly don’t mind crawling for you.”
“You don't have to crawl for me, baby” You whispered kissing his forehead, raising slightly the body, resting your back on the wheel. You ran a hand through his hair, caressing it. "I love you too, so you'll never have to hurt yourself for me."
“(Y/N).” Your mother's voice yelling for you from the door of your house made you sigh with fatigue. You two looked at the porch by the windshield and saw her with her arms folded, waiting for you.
"Stay calm love, we will solve it all." He said caressing her face with his fingertips. "I'm not going to be able to get you to the party because I'm going to have to do something before, but I'll be there at 7:30 pm"
“Okay." You said, not wanting to think about what he might have to do on a Sunday, and prayed it was not related to his work. You gave him one last kiss before opening the driver's door and leaving, walking toward your house.
"I thought you was done with him." Your mother said as you passed by her and entered the house.
“I never said that, I just refused to tell you why he was not coming here and you came to the conclusion that we were finished.” You said up the stairs. “I'll take a shower and prepare my makeup and my clothes to the party.”
“Is he going?”
"Yes." And so you went in the room where you headed toward the closet. There you got a silver dress, with a entrance at the side and a zipper on the back. You had bought it just for that occasion. It had been a long time since you had seen your grandparents or the other people in your family, you were always more focused on your studies and your friends than on the people who had your blood. And after Jungkook appear in your life, that's when the interaction with them actually decreased. You headed for the bathroom to take a shower, but not before you turned on your stereo to listen to music while you began preparing to get ready.

all rights reserved © katebacks | 2018 — no reposting and/or modifying of any form on any medium is allowed. no translations allowed.