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love and light fires

Katie // 29// ♑️ ♈️ ♓️

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6 Alternative Altar Inspirations For Witches That Are Bored Of Altar Tables

6 Alternative Altar Inspirations for Witches that are Bored of Altar Tables

No matter what path you follow as in witchcraft are, chances are you have some sort of sacred space. If you are a witch whose practice is part of your religious beliefs, this might be a place to communicate with your deities. If you work with spirits, this could be a place where honor your ancestors. Non-religious witches like myself often use altars as a space where they can connect with their magical and spiritual sides. Even though we all share this desire to have a place all our own dedicated to our craft. 

That doesn’t mean we all need the same type of space. Whether you are a new witch who can’t show off your craft publicly (we’ve all been there) or just a witch who isn’t really into the more standard altar table setup, there are plenty of options for customizing and creating an altar space that meets your needs.

Window Altars


One easy way to create an altar is to take up a windowsill. Depending on the arrangement of the room you’re using, your personal preference, and the space available, the size of this type of altar varies. 

This generally small altar space can be good for witches in the broom closet and green witches who like to keep their altars populated with plant friends. Because it is literally a window to the outside, these altars are also great places for charging things like crystals, spells, and water under the light of the moon. 


Good for altars that are heavily planted (hello, sunlight!)

Generally discreet

Keeps your altar space contained (for all us witches that do not know when to quit)

Garden Altars


While pretty much any altar can include plants, there is something else to say for an altar that is almost completely plants. If you have some space indoors, why not design a witch’s garden that doubles as an altar space?

A small tray planted with succulents with offering bowls and candle dishes set into the soil and crystals scattered around can be a unique, and even moveable altar! You could also use potted plants so that you can change the arrangement or plants out whenever you need a refresh.


Deeply connected to nature and the earth

Pluck herbs for spells right off your altar

Generally pretty moveable

Bath Altars


If you love bath magic as much as I do, you’re a water witch, or your bathroom is one of your most sacred places (self-care anyone?), a bath altar could be the perfect thing to give your craft a physical home.

We’ve all seen those pictures of wooden tray tables for baths surrounded by eucalyptus and candles. Add a statue of your deity (or a symbol of something important to your craft), some crystals (check how your crystals are affected by water and humidity first!), and some jars of your favorite things to mix into bath spells, and your bath altar is set.


The perfect place to combine witchcraft and self-care

Perfect for witches that incoroporate the water element in their craft a lot

Magic really does belong in every room in the house

Travel Altars


If you tend to practice on a whim rather than waiting to be in a specific place or if you need to be able to stash your altar quickly, a travel altar is perfect. These altars can be fit into matchboxes, Altoids tins, jewelry boxes, and even hollowed out books! If you can carry it with you and find supplies small enough to fit, anything goes. (I’ve even seen locket altars!)

Some witches will create multiple travel altars for different purposes or focuses, but don’t feel like you need to collect them if that’s not your thing.


Small and discreet, it’s hard to make a mess with these

Very customizable (and easy to have multiples of!)

Perfect for witches in the broom closet

Virtual Altars


Tech witches, I haven’t forgotten you. If you’ve been following me for a bit, then you might know that I threw out the idea a while ago about a altar lockscreen/wallpaper for your phone/tablet/etc. Now that I’ve talked to some tech witches, I know this is actually a pretty sound idea! 

Whether you commision an artist or design one yourself, a lock screen wallpaper for an electronic device (you could even go as big as a laptop with a touch screen!) could make the perfect altar for a tech witch. Even if you decide not to use it as a wallpaper, designing an image that serves as an altar and opening it in GIMP or Photoshop where you can create additional layers for placing other virtual elements could be useful.


Travel friendly

Can be synced across devices, so your altar is always with you

Easy to change and “redecorate” throughout the year

Paper Altars


(This incredible paper altar was created by Stella Witchcraft! Please click here to check out their full post and their blog!)

Similar to a virtual altar, a paper altar is a portable, customizable altar. Many witches choose to include paper altar setups in their grimoires, but there’s nothing stopping you from making larger paper altars with poster paper that can be rolled up and stored away.

If paper altars are attractive to you, don’t be deterred if you aren’t an artist! Minimalism in paper altars is perfectly fine. You can always outline your altar with symbols or even words alone. If you’re happy with it, it is perfect. You don’t have to meet any requirements for aesthetic or any other witch’s expectations.

There you have it! Of course, there are so many more types of altars, and even table altars can be created to fit your own personal needs. If you’re attracted to more than one of these, why not try combining the elements that call to you to make something entirely your own? The possibilities are endless.

Looking for more? Check these out: 6 More Alternative Altars for Bored Witches

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More Posts from Katies-delivery-service

Just made an ‘I’m sorry’ offering to the Gods for ignoring them for a few months, have a feeling I’ll have to climb 2 mountains for forgiveness

I think you might find them to be very forgiving esp since you apologized. The gods never expect or demand perfection from us. Just that we continue to try. And you’re obviously trying very hard so I believe they won’t make you climb any mountains.

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Completely accurate to my current situation. Blessings to you for guidance 🌈💜🌈💜

Pick A Card - What Are You Manifesting And How Can You Do It Better?

Pick a Card - What are you manifesting and how can you do it better?

Hello, sweeties!

Today I worked my butt off for hours on this lovely little pick a card, and I hope you enjoy it!

You can use this whether you're actively manifesting or not, as the tittle is more about created energy and how to navigate it than literal manifestation magic.

Take a deep breath and choose for pile. Click the image for clearer definition. Visualise yourself as a current ball of light, going toward one of the piles.


Click to read your fortune.


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The Elements: What to Remember


Rules the North

Symbolic Color is Green and Brown

Symbolic Item is the Pentacle

Salt can be used to represent Earth on the Altar

Represents our Physical Self

Represents the home, and most materialistic things

Magick that corresponds with working with Earth is including, but not limited to: Kitchen Witchery, Garden Magick, Herbal Magick, Working with Essential Oils & personal aromatherapy, Crafting Potions


Rules the East

Symbolic color is Yellow

Symbolic Item is the Wand

Incense or feathers can be used to represent Air on the Altar

Represents the voice, communication, intellect, creativity, communication and eloquence

Magick that corresponds with working with Air is including, but not limited to: incense magick (creating or burning incense with an intended purpose), sigil crafting, as well as creative aspects such as singing, dancing, or playing an instrument


Rules the South

Symbolic Color is Red

Symbolic Item is the Athame 

The Candle can be used to represent Fire on the Altar

Represents our passion, the drive to create and inspiration as well as justice

Magick that corresponds with working with Fire is including, but not limited to: candle magic, sigil burning, circle casting


Rules the West

Symbolic Color is Blue

Symbolic Item is the Chalice

A bowl of consecrated water or symbols that represent water (such as seashells) can be used to represent Water on the Altar

Represents our emotions, maturity, and patience. Sometimes Water can represent death & rebirth.

Magick that corresponds with working with Water is including, but not limited to: bath magick, brewing potions & magical teas, crafting magickal water (Sun/Moon Water) as well as ventures such as collecting rain water.


Rules around us; a universal element (the “Middle” of the compass) [Spirit reminds us that we “are the center of our universe” and the Elements are around us to guide us where is necessary for the time being]

Symbolic Color is White

Represented by the Cauldron

An element that is all around us and not fixed like the main four

Represents wisdom and the universe; transcendence

About “knowing one’s self”

Magick that corresponds with working with Spirit is including, but not limited to: Cosmic Magick, meditation, Ritual Work

Environmental Witchery

Environmental Witchery

I would truly love to think it’s at the top of our to do lists to be good people. I would love to think that and also see it put into place. We can pray to our gods for others, we can (consensually) do a kind spell or sigil for them too, and it’s all well and good. But what can we do for the environment? I got you covered, let’s take a look at my many ideas on how you can be a conscious witch for nature’s sake!

But, Ariel, don’t you usually use a million links in your posts? This is true, but I’m writing this based on everything my amazing teacher taught me back in my Environmental Science class in college. Except without all the big science words because I didn’t do great at that part, however, I did great at solutions and human theory, which is exactly what we want here. So, I encourage you so much to be inspired by this and look for more sources online! Never stop reading on what you can do to help the environment!

And without further ado, this is a quick stop of A-level Environmental Science by someone who cannot for the life of them remember terminology, woo!

Devote An Activity

Whether this be an organised beach clean up, picking up trash on a footpath, helping a charity store or a petition sign up, or any other environmental activity, devote it to your deity/ies! Just some examples would be going to a beach clean up and praying or just speaking in your mind to, say, Poseidon about how you honour him with this action.

Side note, it’s also a good meditative practice as you clean up something up or fulfil a list/sheet.

Pick Organic

You guys thought this was just about shopping, didn’t you? Well, it isn’t, but I do want to say that if you can buy organic you should consider it because it means no artificial chemicals and fertilisers have touched the food. Farmers have to leave previously chemically-touched land to rinse itself and be scientifically declared ‘natural’ again before using it for organics, so when you buy organic, it’s a sign to farmers that its worth their time and money!

But no, this is about how you can make sure your plants are organic. Put down the chemical pest control and pick up your phone to research! Something as simple as a two foot board can keep out carrot flies, or planting marigolds and keeping coin or egg shell barriers can stop slugs. There’s alternatives and they’re usually fun to learn about, interesting to undertake, cheaper for your wallet, and better on your little plants and environmental microcosm you have going on there.

Plant Cloning

So plant coming can be easy or difficult depending on the species at hand, but for the most part all you do is take a cutting, snip it diagonally, and put it in water until it sprouts roots and can be planted. This is called micropropagation, but it’s also some pretty awesome green witchery if you ask me!

You can do this for your herbs so you don’t have to buy more, which is good for your purse, but I also thought that if you find yourself a good gardener with abundant native wildflowers near by or some in your garden, why not try your hand at cloning one? Native wildflowers are the absolute best thing for your native pollinators (did you know some wasp and fly species are also pollinators? It’s not just wasps!). Not only that but also native plants is a really good thing to encourage right now because in our current era we’re seeing the negative effects of invasive species. Rhodendrons is a famous invasive plant around the world because it just grows… All year… All the time… Swallowing anything in its path. It also happens with species: Harlequin ladybird, cane toad, west african giant killer snail (which I’m sure wasn’t the actual name, or was it?), european rabbits, and so on and so forth. Now, we can’t fix the fauna part, but we can do our own little bit for the flora part. Also, if you manage to grow wildflowers, you’ve beat my environmental science professor because he could never get them to survive in his garden, so props to you!

Create Habitats

This is a really great one you probably see people do all the time but never considered to be witchy. Buy birdboxes (or make some!), set up bee-friendly hives (have you see the nests you can get? Google!), but also consider actually leaving dead wood around. I can see the confusion you have right now, but here’s the thing: a fallen tree is an ecosystem for all manners of insects. It creates another level of ecosystem within the bigger environment. For instance, if you go to a nature reserve, ever notice they don’t cut the trees down at the same times? Forgive me, Richard (my enviro teacher), for I have sinned and forgotten the name of the method, but it’s done because it creates different types of environment. Where the trees are pollarded and light hits the floor, flowers may grow and that encourages certain types of fauna. Where the trees create a canopy overhead and the ground is left to be darker and cooler, it again attracts different species. In this same way, a fallen tree is great for certain species. Give it a little research and see what you could attract by leaving that log out a little longer!

Act Consciously

I’m not even kidding with you: trampling is actually a really serious issue with environmental protection and reserves. It straight up makes it onto the Legal Quantative Sheet Thing that people have to fill out when trying to assess if the plans for the land are going to be a gain or loss. It’s why you see designated footpaths and raised walkboards in SSSIs (Sites of Special Scientific Interest) and various other areas of designated protection. It’s really important we think more about how our visit reflects the visit of many. To throw some Kantian Ethics in here, using one of the three maxims, we should think universally. This means we should assume when we do an action, it permits everyone else in the world to do it and they have also done it. When you walk off the boards which are clearly labelled not to, so does everyone else. When you little, so does everyone else. Honestly Kant’s maxims are a really good way to encourage yourself to be a more ethical person. Just don’t read too much into his whole ethical theory. It’ll hurt your brain. Anyway! Here’s things to try to be more conscious of actively doing:

Pick up litter

Stay on designated paths

Use walkboards when provided

Set around flora where possible

If it says keep your dog on a lead it’ll be because of the wildlife there - usually for safety both ways - so do so until you get to the lead-free zone

Visit the visitors centre to learn more about helping the site or what native plants they have

Don’t practice activities banned in the area, as in fires or driving, because it’s probably because the environment can’t take it

Just don’t invade nature’s space, friendsssss

Donate A Little

Sometimes, nature runs low on funds. If you’ve got £2 for the charity bin to help your local reserve build a visitors centre, why not chip in? Visitors centres allow for education of the public and also visiting school groups. It’s places like that that teach you information like this.


Simple one here, folks. Inbetween the prayers to deities and thanks and wants or whatever you happen to pray for, pray for the environment. Yours or globally. Also pray for general world atrocities, but that’s another post.


Literally everything made of some natural material is compostable somehow if you do your research on what conditions and so on, but at the very least all your vegetable peels and fruit slices can be left to one side to decompose into dead organic matter. Dead organic matter is like gold to plants because its natural nutrients which seep back into the soil which originated from the earth anyway! You get to decrease what you send to landfill whilst also giving a little home brewed offering to your plant babies.

Reuse and Recycle

Collect your candle wax to fashion into new candles, collect the ash when you burn things to put into your soil, when you’re done working with magic water, pour it into your plants, turn an old shirt into a braided witches ladder, and so on and so on. Their is magic in putting time into fashioning a disused item into something entirely new, or in giving away what you no longer need. I’m going to start calling this The Phoenix Rule and it’s going to be my new witch code as of now (15th June 2019, you read it here first folks). This is about doing what you can to grow from your own ashes or plant something good out of something old.

Paper? Leaves

Do you find yourself using a silly amount of brand new paper for sigils or intent in spells? Start collecting leaves (or old newspapers and things!) and use these instead of brand new paper. In fact, you could match the folklore of the plant to your spell and sigil. Bay leaves for accomplishing dreams, oak leaves for wisdom and knowledge, there is endless possibilities. Start picking up those fallen leaves! They’re free and they’re not using lots of water and chemicals to make them. Okay water, but water from sources which could be used on families and more.

And I think that’s where I’ll stop for now, but this is definitely not the end of all the things you could do to incorporate environmentalism into your witchcraft. And also, since it wouldn’t be written by me without them, I found some articles to get you started on researching this all further if (hopefully) the eco flame burns on in you~

None of them are witchy because when you Google ‘Environmental Witchcraft’ it’s all some very angry blog posts about who even knows what. Zealots in one. Such strange people. Anyway:

Organic Gardening Tips

82 Tips for Sustainable Gardening

10 Organic Gardening Tips

10 Reasons People Buy Organic

23 Ways to Reuse Plastic Bottles

51 Ways to Reuse your Waste

Why Is It Important to Preserve Nature

Composting Tips

How to Reuse your Candle Wax

How to Reuse your Candle Jars and Wax

Creating a Wildlife Friendly Garden

Creating Habitats in your Garden

How to Grow a Wildflower Garden

Growing Wildflowers

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Drawing Sigils: My Way

Dedicated to the anon who asked, thank you~ <3

 My sigils are basically just a variant of the Witch’s Sigil Wheel. I’ve just added my own flare to it. If you don’t know what that is, it’s this thing, you kind find pictures of it on google pretty easy.


The first thing you’re gonna want to do is come up with your phrase. This will set the sigils intention. We’re gonna use the phrase “The Earth keeps me safe” for this example. Once you’ve got that figured out, pick out the words that are most important to you. We’re going to use “Earth” and “Safe” as our keywords.

(note: traditionally letters that are doubled are taken out, and only single appearing letters make the points.)

Next thing you’re gonna do, is draw lines from one letter to the next. You’ll be making separate lines for each word. Feel free to curve some of these lines, but i think it looks like a mountain or a crystal so we’re gonna keep it c:


And then the next word.


This is really starting to look like a crystal in my eyes! Now it’s time to add some flare. One thing I like to do is add circles around letters that have multiple points on them. And I add crossing lines to any other line that doesn’t have an angle or connection.


To really long lines, I like to add another line parallel to it.


The last part, make it personal! Add some sort of your own flare to it.


I played around with the crystal idea that I was getting, and added things to make it look sparkling and an arrow in the middle to represent protection. 

Lastly I like to keep my sigils in circles, but feel free to skip this step and call it done! Here’s what I came up with!


If you make one, please reblog with a picture! I’d love to see ^u^ Hopefully this helps.

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