kazbrekkercansteponme - i am become a simp for tyler galpin
i am become a simp for tyler galpin

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Kazbrekkercansteponme - I Am Become A Simp For Tyler Galpin - Tumblr Blog

2 years ago

The more I watch the more interesting it gets

It being Tyler Galpin that is.

He said he liked killing in the police station scene. He’s a bad person blah, blah, blah. This is me finally becoming a full blown Tyler apologist and if you don’t like it keep scrolling. Up until now I’ve been open to criticism of Tyler about that scene, but now I have a whole new perspective. I truly don’t believe that was him AT ALL. 

By now we all know that Thornhill shackled Tyler up in a cave, and drugged him to unlock his Hyde so he’d become loyal to her. But something stood out to me while rewatching episode seven. It’s the scene where Wednesday is reading Faulkner’s diary that reads, “Born of mutation, the Hyde lays dormant until unleashed by a traumatic event or unlocked by chemical inducement or hypnosis. This act causes the Hyde to form an immediate bond with it’s liberator who the creature now sees as it’s master. It becomes the willing instrument of whatever nefarious agenda this new master might purpose.” So, not only is Tyler forced to do Thornhill’s bidding, he’s conditioned to like it. If that is even Tyler in the first place. Maybe it’s the Hyde in Tyler form. That would make what he said at the station make so much more sense. Him telling Wednesday he enjoyed everything, but then the way his eyes watered after. I’ve come around to the idea that Tyler wasn’t in complete control in that moment. I now believe that there’s a distinction between the real Tyler, his Hyde-self in Tyler form, and the actual physical monster. 

Also, Tyler being a boring character is complete bs. If you don’t like him that’s fine, but don’t lie and tell me he’s bland.

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2 years ago
kazbrekkercansteponme - i am become a simp for tyler galpin
kazbrekkercansteponme - i am become a simp for tyler galpin
kazbrekkercansteponme - i am become a simp for tyler galpin
2 years ago

The Tyler Split Personality Theory

AKA why Tyler Galpin is 100% innocent. And deserves a hug.

Foreword. I know that DID being represented as like an "evil mode/personality" is harmful and not accurate, but I do think its what the writers are doing with Tyler (and hydes as a whole), so heres my theory on why:

Tyler, to my understanding, has 3 modes: Regular Tyler, Evil Tyler, and the Hyde. Regular Tyler is the nice, sweet guy we spend most of the show getting to know. Evil Tyler is the manipulative and cruel side that gets shown off in episode 8. The Hyde is the literal monster (I'll be referring to Evil Tyler and the Hyde both as "the hyde" because they're the same entity, and just calling Regular Tyler "Tyler"). Thinking about Tyler and the hyde as two separate people with different morals and motivations really helps to understand the dichotomy at play with his character.

I believe that Tyler can't control what the hyde does and doesn't enjoy doing violent things, at all.

1. Tyler admits it. Sort of.

To start off, this conversation between Wednesday and Tyler is very very significant. The show lends a lot of weight and screen time to this supposed mural destruction from a year ago for, seemingly, no reason. Yes, it informs how Tyler and Xavier act around each other, but I think it represents Tyler's feelings on his destructive actions as a hyde.

The way Tyler looks off into the distance when he says "I could give you a million excuses, but... the truth is I'm still trying to figure that out" leads me to believe that the hyde had something to do with it. He isn't quite sure whether that was something he did intentionally, or if he was commanded to. If you read everything Tyler says here as him talking around being the hyde and doing violent acts against his will/knowledge, the conversation suddenly means a lot more than it did at face value, and it has a real reason to be present in the show.

In particular, Tyler mentions a "boot camp" which is presumably his torture sessions with Thornhill. He also does not call himself a normie, rather a "townie", which could be semantics, but it's worth mentioning. Tyler saying "I did a terrible thing, but I swear I'm not a terrible person" is also a great way of foreshadowing his split personality and guilt over his actions in a subtle way (assuming this theory is true).

2. Jekyll and Hyde

The Tyler Split Personality Theory
The Tyler Split Personality Theory

Obviously there's the hyde's namesake: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. If you're unfamiliar, Jekyll is a brilliant scientist that unlocks his alter ego, Hyde, using a chemical mixture. He's aware that he is Hyde and knows that Hyde is doing terrible things, but allows him to do so (at first) because he feels like needs to keep the "evil" inside of him separate from the "good" inside of him.

While it's possible that Wednesday borrowed the namesake just to allude to the well-known story and add to the "monster that transforms into average person" mystery, a INCREDIBLY crucial aspect of Jekyll and Hyde's story is that Jekyll is a good person but also can't control Hyde. While Jekyll unlocked Hyde intentionally, he quickly lost control and Hyde took over more and more until Jekyll was forced to commit suicide. I strongly believe this is also a big part of being a hyde, with the individual affected by hyde-dom taking the place of Jekyll.

Tyler had his hyde unlocked by Thornhill, not by himself, which is immediately a deviation from the old story. To me, this just means that Thornhill tortured Tyler in order to force him to let it out, weakening his ability to hold the hyde at bay, and increasing her hold over him.

3. Tyler's Therapy with Dr. Kinbott

In episode 2, Tyler mentions that he's seeing Kinbott because he has "court ordered" therapy. This is odd given that court ordered therapy is usually only given to people if they are a direct harm to themselves or others, like in Wednesday's case. It's unclear whether this is the result of his hyde getting him in trouble or if he was just ordered therapy following his mother's death because it was especially hard on him.

Near the beginning of episode 8, there's a scene where Sheriff Galpin is listening to recordings from Kinbott regarding Tyler's therapy sessions:

"When I press him on his mother or any sensitive issue, he snaps. It's like I'm talking to a different person. I'm increasingly concerned. I believe the trauma of losing his mother may have left Tyler with deeper psychological scars that I had suspected"

That scene serves zero narrative purpose outside of letting the viewer know this information about Tyler, so it has to be significant. In particular, the line about him turning into a "different person" is especially relevant. It seems like some part of Tyler (hyde or otherwise) is very defensive about his mother and has an extremely hard time even discussing her. This may be the result of Thornhill using his mother to coax the hyde out (see: "Tyler honey, make Mama happy and shut her up."), so any discussing of his mom makes the hyde come to the forefront.

4. Tyler's relationships

A lot of the things Tyler says and does could be interpreted as an extremely well thought out manipulation plot, but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. I genuinely believe that Tyler is a good person and that most of what he says pre-e8 can be taken at face value.

Tyler does genuinely care about Wednesday. Many of his actions with her are likely influenced by the hyde (especially their date lining up perfectly with Thing's stabbing), but he put so much care put into their dates and conversations that it's hard to believe it was all a lie. If Tyler really didn't care about Wednesday, he might not have go so far to decorate a crypt, apologize so profusely for wrecking Xavier's mural, or help her escape Jericho when he knew Thornhill needed her for her plan.

5. Episode 8

There's a lot of small but crucial things in episode 8, so I'll just mention them all here.

The Tyler Split Personality Theory
The Tyler Split Personality Theory
The Tyler Split Personality Theory
The Tyler Split Personality Theory

This tiny moment is EXTREMELY concrete evidence in my eyes. The way the music rises to an intense swell but then fades almost immediately (as if some danger has passed) and Tyler goes from smirking and being all confident to almost crying, it's just the only explanation that makes sense. Tyler was taken over by the hyde and then regained control of himself. Seeing how shaken and afraid Wednesday was overwhelmed him with guilt, so he backs off immediately.

The Tyler Split Personality Theory
The Tyler Split Personality Theory
The Tyler Split Personality Theory
The Tyler Split Personality Theory

Similar to the scene in the police station, it seems like Tyler snaps himself out of the hyde's control for a moment. But this time, instead of it being at the end of an outburst, it's Wednesday mentioning his brief torture that brings him out of it.

The Tyler Split Personality Theory
The Tyler Split Personality Theory

At first, Sheriff Galpin's involvement in the Tyler vs. Enid fight seems strange and sort of pointless. He doesn't contribute much other than giving Enid the upper hand for a moment and futilely calling out for Tyler. To me, they included the Sheriff here in order to demonstrate that the hyde is not Tyler. If it were, he might have calmed for a moment or even just hesitated before rushing to attack his father, but he didn't. I believe they're using the Sheriff to represent Tyler's humanity, which the hyde has completely stripped away in this moment.

6. Master/Hyde Dynamic

The Tyler Split Personality Theory
The Tyler Split Personality Theory
The Tyler Split Personality Theory
The Tyler Split Personality Theory

A hyde becomes a "slave" to the person who unlocks it. This is a big part of the unraveling mystery of the show and it seriously calls into question Tylers agency and free will. Even if Tyler was a completely terrible person who wanted to do everything Thornhill told him to do, he would still be a victim because hydes by nature form a weird and dependent bond with the person who freed them, even if the hyde was freed against the individuals wishes.

Aand thats all! I'm sure theres more stuff I didn't mention, and there was even stuff I left out because I didn't want to get to bogged down in the micro-expressions, but! There it is. Can Tyler haters give him a break now?

2 years ago

i love them your honor

Wyler Playlist Demons By Imagine Dragons
Wyler Playlist Demons By Imagine Dragons
Wyler Playlist Demons By Imagine Dragons
Wyler Playlist Demons By Imagine Dragons
Wyler Playlist Demons By Imagine Dragons

wyler playlist  → demons by imagine dragons

When you feel my heat, look into my eyes It’s where my demons hide

2 years ago

wednesday “i can make him worse” addams and tyler “i already am” galpin

2 years ago

the short breath, the pulling by lapels, the the intense stare..

The Short Breath, The Pulling By Lapels, The The Intense Stare..


2 years ago

i am tyler x wednesday trash actually

I Dont Understand How Anyone Can Say Wednesday Didnt Like Tyler. She Chose To Go To The Dance With Him,
I Dont Understand How Anyone Can Say Wednesday Didnt Like Tyler. She Chose To Go To The Dance With Him,
I Dont Understand How Anyone Can Say Wednesday Didnt Like Tyler. She Chose To Go To The Dance With Him,
I Dont Understand How Anyone Can Say Wednesday Didnt Like Tyler. She Chose To Go To The Dance With Him,

I don’t understand how anyone can say Wednesday didn’t like Tyler. She chose to go to the dance with him, she INITIATED their first kiss and SMILED at him. Then even after finding out he was the Hyde, she still said he was her type. It’s canon that she liked him. 😭

2 years ago

Seems like I am not done talking about Haymitch.

Do you ever think about how he probably got a visit from Snow after he pulls his stunt with the forcefield?

I mean, this IS an act of defiance, a very big one at that. Finnick, Cashmere, Gloss and Johanna haven't had their Games yet. Snow maybe starts using people as prostitutes after he sees how badly losing his family breaks Haymitch, how it kills his spirit.

Imagine Haymitch coming home from the Games, stitched up, gasping for air, still feeling the ax digging into his stomach. And he's angry. Angry for Maysilee Donner, angry for his other two district members.

But he survived the hardest Games in history, despite being from the worst district. And the forcefield? He chuckles at the thought. Well, that was just the cherry on top. We, the audience, now know how smart he is. But he knew all along. He's made a fool out of the Capitol... and he is proud of it. Now there is only a lifetime of peace with his family and his girlfriend. And maybe, just maybe, also revenge.

He walks through his front door after two weeks of Victory Tour, traumatized but alive, and strong, and ready to embrace his little brother... And there sits Snow. Smiling. And Haymitch can't find his family. And he asks. He doesn't want to, but he has to.

"Where are they?"

Snow gives him nothing but a cold, cold glare. "I hope you will think twice about fooling us in the future, mr. Abernathy. Enjoy your retirement"

He walks out. Haymitch doesn't know what to do. Then he runs upstairs.

Their bodies are already cold.

With no one around to help him, Snow counts on Haymitch's grief taking him out.

And it works. For over 2 decades, one of the smartest, most cunning people to have played the Games is nothing more than a bumbeling idiot, trying to drink himself to death. Snow makes sure the force field is a dome, that he has measures to take out tributes who play the game too cleverly.

Who could become a problem, like Haymitch.

He also starts threatening beautiful victors to kill their families if they don't play whore for him, knowing that it'll be much better to have them close, where he can watch them, then back at their districts. He threatens other winners too, but more subtely. If they can't be prostituted, they might somehow get addicted to morphling or alcohol. A child, brother or parent might go missing. He starts showing up at other houses too, making sure that every Victor understand that Snow is all powerful. That there is nothing his hands cannot touch. Just so they are not alone and unthreatened.

Where they can plan, where they can brood. Haymitch might be drinking, but he's not dead yet. He hasn't killed himself like other Victors have. Somewhere deep inside him, the spark for revenge is still burning. So he bides his time, keeps himself alive, even if just barely.

Snow knows a lot about grudges, and he knows how people hold them. He cannot kill Haymitch, and he cannot blackmail him anymore either. He learns from that. So he keeps their families over the victor's heads.

Because otherwise he might get a Haymitch who isn't drinking himself to death. Otherwise he might be in serious trouble. Men like Haymitch, killers with a sharp mind, they might become a problem. Johanna almost becomes one, before he teaches her her lesson. And Finnick Odair knows more secrets than his best spies.

But then the 74th Games happen. And Snow sees, much to his dismay, glimpses of the old Abernathy, of the brilliant mind, of the charming personality. He sees him walking around the Capitol. Making connections.

So of course, he tries to take the girl that looks so much like him out. Fireballs, secret gifts, rule changes; if he cannot kill Katniss, he will kill the image of her.

Then Katniss gives Rue her funeral. Haymitch sees Rue die in Katniss' arms and is transported back, for a moment, to 24 years ago, holding Maysilee. Then he sees the berries and he knows she is much more like him than is good for her. He knows she is in danger now.

Snow thinks about how to kill two birds with one stone. He wants Katniss back in the arena. But maybe there is a way to finally kill Haymitch, too. If things work out.

Haymitch is angry beyond belief when he hears the announcement of the Third Quarter Quell. But he's not suprised. He knows Snow.

Almost all the men and women he knows are going back into the arena. He might go back. The chance that Katniss or Peeta comes back is extremely small.

When Peeta volunteers for him, he knows he can't do anything to stop it. The boy is far too noble for his own good. Haymitch admires that about him.

And that is the moment he starts planning. He knows how he needs to protect her, the girl that looks so much like him. And he's heard the rumours about 13. He might be an alcoholic, but he's still clever as the devil himself. He knows - fuck, he doesn't want to, but he's clocked it - that there are other victors that are angry like him. He starts building his alliance, just like all those years ago, in the Games. Only this time he isn't playing a simple game of kill or be killed. This time around it's much more dangerous.

This time, it isn't just his life he's playing with.

But he succeeds. Even though it costs him Mags, Seeder, Chaff and the Morphlings, he gets Katniss out. And for the rest of the war, he is right there beside her, advising, keeping her alive.

He knows he cannot keep her safe, so he lets her go into the Capitol, lead a team. Clipping a bird's wings is just as bad as killing her, and she is the revolution, even if she doesn't see it herself.

With Peeta's hijacking, she needs a goal, otherwise it might eat her alive like it's eating Haymitch, who curses himself for not being on time. He could have saved Chaff and Peeta if he got there earlier. If only, if only.

He promises himself two things: that if they make it, somehow, he'll take care of her for the rest of his life, and if she doesn't, he will finally do what he wanted to do ever since he found the bodies 25 years ago.

When she comes back they hug for a long time. Katniss tells her about Prim, about the bomb. She tells him about her talk with Snow, although she doesn't tell him what it was about. But he's figured it out already. How could he not? He's spent months studying Coin; he connects the dots almost as fast as Katniss herself. Coin used the bomb to break the resistance. And Gale designed the trap. So he tells her "to remember who the real enemy is" He trusts that Katniss gets it. She is so much like him, anyways.

And because he knows her so well, because the same dark thoughts Katniss has have been racing through his head ever since he looked into broken eyes of his brother's dead body, he replaces the nightshade in her uniform with simple black berries. And he posts Peeta right next to him, near Katniss. Just in case.

But he needs to do one more thing. The day before Snow's execution, Haymitch visits him. He sits down in front of the dictator of Panem and does not move. Snow doesn't notice him, at first. But after years of substance abuse Haymutch cannot get his hands to stop shaking. Snow notices the twitch from the corner of his eye and starts looking at his hands. He wonders if Haymitch can still feel the blood on them.

Then he looks up. Katniss doesn't terrify him, he knows her through and through. She's an arrow, fast and straight. He knows exactly what to expect.

But when he looks in the eyes of the victor of the Second Quarter Quell he shivers, despite the temperature. For the first time in a long while he feels fear.

Because if Katniss is an arrow, Haymitch is a knife. Concealed, sharp, o so deadly. And slow. Very, very, very slow.

An arrow needs to be fired, but knives can twist all by themselves.

Snow doesn't know how to describe the look in Haymitch's eyes, but it looks nothing like the boy he left broken on the steps of his home, 25 years ago. In his eyes is hurt that sits so deep it's become part of him. And rage. Haymitch, drunk Haymitch, cunning Haymitch, in control Haymitch, has to clench his fists and grit his teeth to not strangle Snow with his bare hands.

Snow is at a loss for words. Haymitch only leans forward and moves his finger slowly across his neck in a gesture that leaves nothing to the imagination. He doesn't say a word. There is no need. Snow knows exactly where he is: in that house in the Seam, 25 years ago.

Haymitch gets up.

For the first time in ages, he doesn't feel like drinking.

Tags :
2 years ago

light was such a loser cuz he didnt just google the 100 richest people and start writing down names

2 years ago
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Catching Fire is THE book to movie adaption

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2 years ago

avatar korra and jules milone would either be best friends or worst enemies

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3 years ago

You have all accidentally said fucked up shit before, we are all going to hell

3 years ago
kazbrekkercansteponme - i am become a simp for tyler galpin
3 years ago

“i like you better when you’re numb”

“you only like me when i’m numb”

the irony of choking on a lifesaver by all time low//numb bywaterparks

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3 years ago

fictional kiss things that end me

being unable to open their eyes for a few moments afterward

one small kiss, pulling away for an instant, then devouring each other

pressing their foreheads together while kissing

speaking normally, then after the kiss their voice is hoarse

guys furrowing their brow when kissing passionately

staring at the other’s lips, trying not to kiss them, before giving in

running their thumb over the other’s lips

when they lean forward a fraction as if to kiss the other person, then realize they shouldn’t and pull back to stop themselves

ripping the other away - “no we shouldn’t” - but when they kiss them again they moan and hold them close

one sliding their hand into the other’s hair slowly

their entire body freezing for a second when their love kisses them

accidentally being forced inches apart from each other, staring at each other’s lips, and just before they kiss someone pulls them back apart

when one stops the kiss to whisper “I’m sorry, are you sure you-” and they answer by kissing them more

a hoarse whisper “kiss me”

then licks their lips and says “please”

3 years ago

the way that i teared up and got chills from this post

" And Though I Can't Recall Your Face,
" And Though I Can't Recall Your Face,
" And Though I Can't Recall Your Face,
" And Though I Can't Recall Your Face,
" And Though I Can't Recall Your Face,

" and though i can't recall your face,

i still got love for you "

3 years ago

*sits down*

dont you think its weird. dont you think its weird that the space race last time was two of the biggest powers in the world. and now its a handful of rich men. dont you think its weird they can afford that. dont you think its bad that rich men can afford the same things as the government.

dont you think its weird that while the world is suffering and poverty is everywhere, where there's wars and climate change and human pain and homelessness. the same month I've watched people die on the news from unbearable heat and unprecedented flooding. that a rich handful of men are going to space, causing more carbon emissions. dont you think its weird that instead of putting their vast amount of money to use for good they're using it to find a way off the planet theyre destroying.

dont you think its really fucking weird.

3 years ago


always thinking about a drunk kaz and inej being all giggly and childish together

3 years ago

text me when you see something that makes me think of you. send me pictures of things you’d know i like. take me to see the night sky and aquariums and anything you could ever think of. call me when you’re bored or just because you wanted to hear my voice. or send me voice messages. i’ll send you more back. double text me, triple text me, text me as many times in a row as you want. i’ll read and respond to every one of them. we can share jackets and mugs of hot chocolate and hold hands under a blanket while watching our movie.

I just want a relationship where we are both equally obsessed with each other, but in a healthy way. Save my selfies when I send them to you. Text me “I know you’re sleeping right now, but…”. Take the time to listen to the songs that are important to me. Joke around with me and make fun of me and then kiss me right after. Tell your friends how happy I make you and how excited you’ll be when we are finally married. Double text me because you miss me. Reassure me when I’m feeling insecure. Grab my hand, hold me, show everyone I’m yours. Don’t hold back on me, tell me how much you want me and how much you love me. Make me happy and I will do my best to make you happier.

3 years ago

laying on your significant other is a love language

3 years ago


Hold Me, Touch Me

Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa

WC: 4281

Rating: General Audiences

A/N: Hi lovelies! Just a fluffy, funny little one shot for your enjoyment! Alys Van Eck is my favorite side character and I love babies, so here is what was born from that.


He, like Wylan, was unsure about Alys at the start. Her airiness made Kaz weary about having her anywhere near official gang business, but unlike Wylan – who rapidly warmed to his step-mother without the shadow of the elder Van Eck looming over him – Kaz was slower to come around.

Inej told him to take pity on her, after all, Alys was notably with child and without husband. And since Kaz was technically responsible for the latter of those two circumstances, the least he could do was let her wallow around the Crow Club a few times a week.

Read on AO3

or, read below

Keep reading

3 years ago


When Nina Looked At Kaz, She Couldnt Quite Believe Her Eyes. Saints, Kaz, You Actually Look Happy. Dont
When Nina Looked At Kaz, She Couldnt Quite Believe Her Eyes. Saints, Kaz, You Actually Look Happy. Dont
When Nina Looked At Kaz, She Couldnt Quite Believe Her Eyes. Saints, Kaz, You Actually Look Happy. Dont
When Nina Looked At Kaz, She Couldnt Quite Believe Her Eyes. Saints, Kaz, You Actually Look Happy. Dont
When Nina Looked At Kaz, She Couldnt Quite Believe Her Eyes. Saints, Kaz, You Actually Look Happy. Dont

When Nina looked at Kaz, she couldn’t quite believe her eyes. “Saints, Kaz, you actually look happy.” “Don’t be ridiculous,” he snapped. But there was no mistaking it. 

 Kaz Brekker was grinning like an idiot.

— SIX OF CROWS by Leigh Bardugo

+ bonus undercover!Kaz
