Legend Of Korra - Tumblr Posts

Two preview pictures from Ruins Of The Empire!
Mako:*gets with asami*
Korra: bruh
Mako: *gets with korra”
Asami: bruh
Korra: *gets with asami*
Mako: bruh
Jianzhu to yun: I can’t give you hugs but I can give you trauma
Sokka: Zuko thought I was speaking Italian, jokes on him I don’t know what Italy is!

I forgot to post my Home Screen. Lmao here it is
Asami: are you gay?
Korra: pending
Korra: *walks in early in the morning* wheres the lunch thing
Asami: it’s lunch time?
Korra: *looking for a lunch bag* it is for me!
Bolin: have you had ramen grilled cheese?
Asami: what are you on?
Bolin: cardiac arrest
Mako: what’s going on in there *pointing at bolins head*
Bolin: a drag race
Mako: are you hurt?
Bolin: yea
Mako: where?
Bolin: My Feelings!!
I redid my Home Screen again-
Bolin: let’s all be nice
Korra to mako: stupid
Bolin: please let’s all be nice
Mako to korra: stupid
Mako: I can’t be gay I use three in one shampoo!
Sokka: the urge to shoot grapes out of my mouth is growing everyday
Sokka: pet your cactus now and then, make it feel loved
Zuko: Sokka wtf
Katara: I think you’re part of a MLM
Aang: Like men?
You’re a cunt
I’m sorry for the lack of posts, I’ve had some health issues.