keishiyug - dee

55 posts




neighbor!nakamoto yuta x reader

On your way to work, you had encountered a man moving in to your apartment building, on the same floor as your apartment. There was something about him that attracted you in first glance. Was it because of the stars in his eyes?

genre: neighbors to lovers, kind of a slow burn?, romance, oneshot, fluff

warnings: might have some errors :( sorry about that ><

words: 9.7k+

tags: @iwonzzi @sunbokie @angel-hyuckie @joker0705 @bbjisungg @spectracully @mmarrie @jwoos-colored @deysii @trashlord-007 @jeonqquk @neotechhsworld @kjpmin @yellowsbuttercup @je4nsv @whatsa-bi-as @gu-nil


Stargazing. One interest that eventually became a big part of your life. It fascinated you. It never fails to give you such astonishment.

It's one of your favourite hobbies. Looking at the celestial bodies through the lens of a telescope made you wonder how much more magnificent will they be up close. Maybe not too close where it endangers your life but you get the point. Your curiosity over the twinkling stars and sometimes the visible planets from the atmosphere of the earth are the reason why you picked up this hobby. Since you were little you always wondered, what were those things in the sky? What would they look like if you take a closer look?

This interest of yours was clearly evident. The stars were always present in your past school activities where you know you can include them. You were always ten times more attentive when the topic in your science class enters the chapter for astronomy or the outer space. You did research about them in your free time because you always wanted to learn more. Soon, people started to associate the heavenly bodies with you; giving you the nickname "stargazer". You can bet that most of the people in your life thinks of you when they hear terms related to the subject and they found it quite adorable.

Your parents were supportive with your interest. On your fifteenth birthday, they bought you your first ever telescope and you remember the moment vividly. Right when you tore the gift wrapper of the big and tall box that your parents said contained your present inside, it left your mouth hanging open in disbelief. You were so happy that you teared up before giving your parents a hug, saying thank you over and over again like a broken record player. Until you reached college and after you graduated, the first telescope you ever had was still with you; even when you bought a new one. It was both displayed in your living room near the window of your apartment. Luckily you had a good view as you were twenty-five floors above the ground. Although moving in was hell because of how high the floor was, it was worth it for you when you have a beautiful view of the night sky and the city lights as well. When you go home stressed from your work at a local library or just stressed from life in general, just one look outside your window and your tiredness instantly wiped out; replaced by your childlike excitement.

Like any normal day in your life, you woke up at six in the morning and did your daily routine— from freshening up to drinking a cup of coffee. You're not a morning person so there's a chance that you still might take five minute naps that turns into a whole hour. As a result, you're usually tardy at work.

But today was unlike those days. There was something in the way you woke up that you could tell you were in a good mood. Kind of like the world's way of saying that today will go smoothly for you. The morning was bright and lively and so were you. After getting dressed, you made sure your valuables were with you— phone, keys, and wallet, leaving once you made sure everything was set; locking the door of your apartment once you stepped out. You noticed that there were boxes stacked four doors away from yours. Hm, looks like I'll have a new neighbor. You thought before walking down the hall to reach the elevator at the end of the corridor, standing patiently as you wait for it to arrive.

A soft ding resonated through the quiet floor and the lift's door slid open, more stacks of boxes greeted you while you heard a faint grunt from behind the cardboard materials. You stepped aside in respect, muttering a quiet 'sorry' just as the person stepped out. "Can I help?" You asked politely, wanting to lend a hand with the man who was struggling with the boxes he was carrying. "No it's fine, I appreciate your offer." He replied, looking at you when he whipped his head from the other side to the side where you were. He had a small smile on his face and immediately, you were captivated. His smile was gorgeous, he was gorgeous. However only one thing stood out to you the most, and it was his eyes. They were magnificent, they look like they were filled with stars as they glistened from reflecting light. You were hypnotized. "Are you sure?" You asked once more to which he answered with a nod. "It's nothing don't worry." The man spoke. "Alright. Have a great day." You uttered before pressing the down button again because you missed the elevator that had just arrived. "You too." He said before walking away.

Finally you managed to step inside the elevator and go down to the lobby. But as the doors were about to close, the same man from earlier peeked towards your direction before flashing the smile that seemed to heal anything and waving his hand in this manner that made him look adorable to you. Even though you kind of waved back last minute when the doors were about to close, he managed to see it.

Somehow this man managed to charm you in one glance. Is this love at first sight? You shook your head at the thought. It's impossible that you fell in love right away after one interaction, especially a short one; in all your past relationships, you made sure you got to know them more before even saying that you love them. How come you feel like this now? It was bizarre yet you didn't particularly dislike this feeling on your chest. Even while you were on your way to the library you were working at, there was this tingle throughout your whole body every time the image of the man you interacted with earlier suddenly crosses your mind.

"You're all smiley today." Your co-worker and best friend, Taeil, pointed out as soon as you entered the place. "You're not like this in the morning. Are you buying a new telescope again? Or did you find something exquisite last night?" He asked in a whisper-like manner— the two of you are working at a library after all. His first statement slightly took you aback. You were smiling the whole time? You slightly felt embarrassed, nervous that your cheeks might be turning rosy. That's why you tried to shake it off and just play it cool. "No I think I just woke up on the right side of the bed." Taeil stopped abruptly with whatever he was doing before giving you this smile a dad would give their child when they're about to tease them. "Are you blushing?" "What? No— no why would I even." You chuckled before clocking in and getting behind the counter, placing your bag on one of the shelves underneath it. "We've been working together for almost three years now. I've seen how you act when someone catches your eye."

Sometimes you forget how he can easily read you. Taeil was three years older than you and he turned into this father figure of yours that you can always turn to and ask for advice. He became your best friend as well and you're always thankful for this man that always has your back. Even if he acts like an actual dad to you sometimes, at least his jokes are better than the one's your biological father makes (ps. don't admit that to Taeil or else he'll grow an ego and keep on making more dad jokes).

"I'm— no one caught my eye." "Yeah you're lying I just know it. The lies you say right in front of me." He jokingly stated.

You are a bit scared about this newly felt notion. Perhaps you can tell him and he'll be able to help you find an answer to why this shiver of a compelling emotion seeped in your heart rapidly. "Alright fine you win maybe someone did." You admitted.

"Who?" "To be honest, I don't know him." You looked at Taeil with pursed lips. "So you, the great 'it takes a long time for me to have feelings' (Y/N), had your attention caught by a stranger?" He was bewildered. In the three years of the two of you being friends and all, this never happened. At all. It's understandable that he's surprised by this; even you are surprised. "Technically he's going to be my neighbor. Or he's like my neighbor, I guess. He's moving in today and I had a small encounter with him that's all."

Taeil's mouth was wide open, gaping at the words you told him. "A small encounter and he already caught your eye?! Damn he must be a god or something then—" unexpectedly, he exclaimed in amusement. "Shh— be quiet, Taeil." You hushed the older boy and he immediately covered his mouth with his hand. "I don't know what's so special about him. It can't be love at first sight, right? Because that's not a real thing." You said, asking for reassurance.

"Honey, it's real and that's what you're experiencing right now. You've been in three relationships and none of them had you caught up like this in just a short period of time." He put the same hand he used to cover his mouth on his hip. Making him look like that one sassy friend you'll always have or encounter in your life.

You're in denial. The whole day while you were working you kept asking yourself— Why? How? What? Other than those type of thoughts, your friend has been pestering you with questions.

"What does he look like?" "He looks decent I guess." "YOU GUESS? HE MADE YOU FALL IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT AND YOU'RE TELLING ME HE LOOKS DECENT AND IT'S FOLLOWED BY 'I GUESS'?!" "Shush shush shush stay quiet or else we'll get in trouble!" You scolded him and he only pouted as a response.

"What if I walk you to your apartment until your actual apartment door just so I can personally see this man." "Taeil, no." "Taeil, yes." A sigh escaped your lips. "I am practically your second father, I have the righ— hey where are you going." He cut himself off when he saw you walking away, heading towards the aisles of bookshelves to which he supposed you were going to stock some of them.

Day became night and your shift will be over in just a few more minutes. The library is open for twenty-four hours and as expected, there are moderately more people at night than in the day. But you don't blame the people who go at night though; because you do think the ambiance of reading, studying, writing, and researching at night is much better. It feels more calm and quiet. Well in your opinion anyway. You hope that Taeyong and Seulgi who work the night shift will be able to stay up until the day.

You closed your eyes while you were reclining on the chair, thinking that maybe just maybe it'll make time pass by faster. What seemed and felt like a good ten minutes have passed, you clicked your tongue disappointedly when the clock on your phone read 8:13 PM. "What it's only been two minutes?" You groaned softly. "(Y/N)." "Hm?" You tilted your head at Taeil's direction. "Very genuine question but do you feel like you're hoping to see that stranger-slash-neighbor of yours again?" He said after he leaned from the other side of counter.

Now that he asked about it, the familiar tingle made its way into your heart again and it made you breathe a deep breath. You want to say no just because you're in denial, however you do want to see his marvelous smile and his twinkling eyes once more. You do hope that you'll see or cross paths with him again.

"Kind of..." You quietly confirmed. "Look it's not bad to fancy someone right away. Besides, that might just be a short fling or a small crush. Don't worry too much." He patted your head then chuckled. He has a point. You just had this pride over not being the first person to like someone that sometimes, you forget there is nothing bad with it at all. Yet again, it's this small trauma you had when you confessed first and got rejected badly back in highschool. But Taeil is right. He's always right (in some occasions). It may just be a short term thing that you shouldn't worry about. "Thank you." You smiled at your friend.

At last, you can finally go home. You bid your goodbyes with Taeil before proceeding to walk to the bus stop about nine minutes away. You stopped at the sidewalk to look at the sky for a moment and you saw that there were more stars tonight than yesterday. It looked beautiful; the scene filled with what seems to be hundreds of stars displayed at the night sky, with constellations waiting to be spotted. You admired it for a while before walking once again.

Eventually, you finally reached the bus stop and after an estimated waiting time of fifteen minutes, you finally got on one and all you were waiting for was to arrive at your destination. You scrolled through your phone to occupy and entertain yourself during the ride, casually looking out the window from time to time because yes, you managed to sit next to the window. The bus wasn't that crowded anyways. When you hopped, in you saw that there were only about seven passengers; you being the eighth one. Although you were stuck in traffic for almost an hour, you still got home before the clock strikes ten.

You entered your apartment building, quickly walking towards the elevator and pressing the up button. The small led screen just above it read that it was coming down from your floor. Someone from there is probably going down to the lobby. You waited for a few minutes to which made you zone out before coming back to reality after the soft ding the elevator made. The doors opened and behold, you saw the face you were hoping to see. "Oh my bad—" you stepped aside to give him room. It was the same situation, the only difference was it was night and he had no boxes on his hands.

"No worries." The man chuckled softly. "Long day from work?" He asked after stepping out of the lift. "Yeah, kind of tired." You replied. "Hope you get a nice rest." "Thank you." You smiled at him before stepping in the elevator, only to realize he was holding it from the side to stop it from closing, only letting go when you were already inside. So that's why it seemed like the doors were open way longer than it should've?

You were left in awe, surprised that he did that for you. Good thing the door already closed when your mouth was low-key hanging open. It was a small gesture yet so thoughtful. Maybe Taeil is right about him being a god as well or that maybe he's an angel who was granted the chance to live on Earth. Because oh my god, you've never encountered anyone like this. Your heart was racing and you bit your lower lip out of realization; you do in fact, have a crush on him.

Hurriedly, you speed-walked your way to your apartment as soon as you got out the elevator and you opened the door of your apartment. "Oh my god." You said to yourself before going to your room and plopping on top of your bed. It felt like you were back to your teenage years, the nostalgic feeling of butterflies swarming your stomach over a crush came back and it felt like greeting and welcoming an old friend. It really has been a while. It felt new even if you have already experienced it before. You know absolutely nothing about him, he was mysterious to you and it makes you dizzy. You were bewitched by his smile, his eyes, and even his manners.

Dang, is this why you woke up in a good mood?

"He held the elevator door for you?! I swear, if you don't ask for his name or his number I will personally do that for you—" that was Taeil's reaction when you told him what happened last night the next morning. "Yeah but what if he's really just kind to other people." "That's just another reason for you to ask his name and his number." Taeil sassed as he was typing in some of the newly delivered books in the library's database. "I don't want to make the first move, Taeil. You know why..." You sighed as you were stapling a few paperwork. "I know I know. I'm sorry if that came out as ignorant over your small trauma." He sincerely apologized. "It's alright. Although I want to, you know? I'm just scared." You huffed sadly, placing the stapler and the papers down on the counter. Taeil went ahead and patted your back comfortingly, "You don't have to force yourself. Even I won't make any comments that sounds like I'm forcing you, anymore. Just take your time or let fate do it for you instead. Who knows." He consoled you and you thanked him for it.

"Do you want coffee? I'll go and grab us some." You asked as you placed the stuff you used back to it's respective places, putting the papers you just stapled in a folder. "An iced americano would be nice, but I'll just have cola." Taeil laughed slightly at his own words. "Of course you'll have cola instead." You shook your head at him jokingly. "Alright I'll be back." And with that, you left to go to the nearby convenience store instead.

Entering the store, you immediately went to the where the beverages were. You opened the door of the beverage cooler, grabbing Taeil's beloved cola before closing it and scooting a bit to the side to get your bottle of coffee. For some reason you decided to get a snack as well, a candy to be specific, so you have something to chew on while working; and you decided to go for chewy candy. So you went to the aisles designated for sweets and saw the one you were just looking for. However when you reached for it, another one did as well and it made you retract your hand at the speed of light. "Ah you can have it, I apologize—" you turned to face the person. Your eyes widened when you saw the face of your neighbor.

"Looks like we didn't meet with the presence of an elevator this time." He laughed and boy, did his laugh sound like music to your ears. A short chuckle escaped your lips and you nodded in agreement "Yeah. I bet we'll see eachother again at the elevator later." You joked. "I'll look forward to that." He responded and it made you blush, but it was unnoticeable so thank god. "I'm Yuta by the way. Can't believe we've encountered eachother twice, well three times now, and I still haven't introduced myself." "It's alright, my name's (Y/N)." You smiled.

The both of you headed to the cashier. He walked up first so you decided to queue behind him but he insisted that you can ring up your items with his. You pulled out your wallet from your pocket only to be stopped by Yuta. "Hey it's fine, it's on me." "But—" "Please?" He looked at you with puppy eyes before laughing. He paid for the things you got and again, the butterflies were there. "Thank you, Yuta. I really appreciate it." You uttered shyly. "My pleasure." Yuta replied, flashing that pretty smile of his. "I'll head back to my work, it was nice bumping into you. Thank you again." "Mhm, take care! I'll see you later." He chuckled once more. This man sure does chuckle and laugh a lot.

You left the store but you took one last peek inside. You saw that his eyes were on you and it made your heart flutter. With one last wave of goodbye, you started to walk back to the library. The smile that was plastered on Yuta's face just grew wider.

Taeil had his eyebrows furrowed at the sight of the reddish tint on your cheeks while you handed him his cola. He squinted his eyes and gazed on you suspiciously. "So..." He moved his chair to be able to interrogate you properly. "Hm?" You hummed. "Are you planning to share... Why you're as red as this coca-cola can?" He raised an eyebrow. "His name is Yuta." You said with zero hesitation. "WHAT, HOW?" Taeil asked rather loudly, making you shove one piece of the chewy candy in his mouth gently to quiet him down. "I met him at the convenience store." You admitted, taking a sip from your coffee to conceal the involuntary smile forming on your lips. "Wow that's just..." He clapped his hands quietly while chewing.

Maybe Taeil is right (once again) that fate will do it for you instead as it seems that the world is in favor of your crush on your neighbor; it's literally making the two of you coincidentally bump into one another.

Him paying for the stuff you got and giving you puppy eyes (even if it was in a jokingly manner) when you said no made you wonder if he truly is just too kind and friendly to anyone else. You try to remind yourself that it's not impossible that he is simply that type of person; convincing yourself to stop being delusional that maybe he likes you too. You wanted to avoid thinking foolishly— because that's what caused your embarrassing confession years ago with your past crush in highschool.

You didn't want to experience all of that again just because of hope that you only made for yourself.

But yet again you thought, did he mean it when he said he'll see you later? Though the two of you were only joking about it, a part of you hoped that he meant it.

With him occupying your head, it was unbeknownst to you that time had already passed by pretty quickly. You swore when you checked the time on your phone a few seconds back, it only read 5:26 PM. How is it already the end of your shift? Although you weren't complaining, in fact you were happy about it.

After exchanging farewells with Taeil, you immediately went to the bus stop as if your life was depending on it. You wanted to go home as fast as you could. Hoping that maybe the two of you would indeed meet.

Eventually you came into the realization that you are hopelessly whipped for Yuta. It took him only three encounters and you're already gone, deeply infatuated with him whom you only knew as the man moving in at first. When on the other hand, the guys that came in your life and left took months, even years, as opposed to him. Is he even human? Is he a wizard or something? Did he just cast a spell on you?

A hint of anxiety flowed throughout your entire body when you have reached your apartment building, already standing in front of its doors. Disappointment enveloped your emotions when you entered the building and didn't see him; even when you already got to your floor. You brought out your keys and opened the door of your apartment, closing it afterwards and then huffing at your own silly hope as you removed your earphones plugged in your ears. You went to your room to change into your pajamas before heading back out to the living room. Sitting down at your two-seater couch, you gazed out of the window. You needed to do something in order to clear your head and have your focus on something else other than him.

You walked towards the window where your telescopes were near. You opened the window and a fresh cold breeze greeted you as it entered and circulated your apartment, making the atmosphere just a little bit colder than usual. It's been a while since you had used the first telescope you had, so you decided that it'll be the one who'll guide you for tonight's discoveries. You set everything up and it was all ready. A small grin showed up on your face before you proceeded to take a peek through the scope. The notebook and pencil you brought out when you fixed your set up, were propped on top of a nearby drawer; you took note of the things you saw as much as possible. Other than noting them, you also sketched the stars and other celestial bodies that you have managed to gaze upon by the help of your telescope.

A knock on your door broke the focus you had. Your heart was thumping while you were slowly approaching your door with quiet footsteps. Scared of who or what it might be. By raising the flap of your door's peep hole, you peered outside, the loud drumbeat sound your heart was making softened and became more tamer at the sight of who it was. You opened the door halfway, peeking your head outside with one fourth of your body hidden behind the wooden door.

"Good evening, Yuta." You greeted quietly but audible enough for him to hear. "Good evening." He greeted back, showing his enchanting pearly whites albeit shyly. "I made too much popcorn." He chuckled. You only noticed the large bowl in his hands when he mentioned it and you agreed, it was a lot. "I didn't want them to go to waste and they won't taste good anymore if I save them for later. But you're the only person I know here so far—" He explained sheepishly. "It's alright. Come in." You invited with a grin.

"How did you know this was my door?" "Oh I saw you enter when I went out to grab some butter at the mini grocery across the street. I wanted to say hello but you looked very exhausted. Didn't want to bother you, you know? I just had to now because of all this popcorn." Yuta said as he stepped in your apartment after you let him in. "Really?" You asked while closing the door and guiding him towards your one and only couch. Yuta hummed in response.

"Did I interrupt something? You seem busy, I'm so sorry" "No no, it's nothing." You assured him.

"I was just stargazing for fun, that's all." You sat down, motioning for him that it's okay to take a seat. "It does sound fun." He remarked.

"I've always wanted to try it to be honest. I was always curious what the things from afar would look like up close. It's the same thing with looking through microscopes but I already tried that in seventh grade." Yuta chuckled before sitting down the couch and placing the bowl of popcorn on your coffee table. "I love how you placed the couch where you're able to view the cityscape." He complimented randomly, making you feel flustered. "Mhm. Sitting down here at night is when this decision of mine is the best." You laughed. "Well I mean it's true." Yuta laughed along with you and the sound was harmonious.

Because of the size of your couch, the distance between your figures were just inches away; to the point where with one slight movement, your bodies would brush against eachother and it sent shivers down your spine.

"Do you want to try?" You offered, clearly referring to him trying out stargazing and he perked up with this sudden excitement. "If it's okay with you of course." He said, waiting for a confirmation even when you already hinted that you're giving him permission. You swore you saw millions of stars twinkle in his eyes when you nodded. It was the exact same twinkle that you saw when you first bumped into him and it was beautiful. You helped him with how he should move the telescope to his liking, to further wander his eyes through the night sky. "This is amazing!" He exclaimed with the evident enjoyment in his tone. You reached for the bowl of popcorn and decided to eat some while you watched how he gleefully and curiously looked through the scope.

A conversation started while he stargazed. The both of you talked whil you were munching on the popcorn beside him. You shared that growing up, the celestials have been a big part of your life, and that you actually thought of wanting to be an astronomer, but you knew you couldn't. You shared that you were working at a local library and you even told stories about the things that would happen during your work hours. Yuta listened attentively, eventually halting from what he was doing to look at you; his interest shifted from the heavenly bodies to the things you were sharing about yourself.

He was beaming at the way you talked about your hobbies, your likes, and your interests. You looked happy as you shared those things about yourself with him. Despite only knowing him for a short while, you were treating Yuta as if the two of you have known eachother for years and it warmed his heart. Yuta didn't know that he was slowly being fond of you. You left an intriguing impression on him; the first time he met you he immediately had this thought that he wants to get to know you. That urge of him only grew more with all the coincidental encounters and he got that chance now, all because he accidentally put too many kernels in the pot.

"I'm sorry did I overshare?" You anxiously asked, afraid that he stopped enjoying because of your too much blabbering. "No. You didn't, don't worry." "I think it's my time to say some things about me. You know, to be fair." Yuta continued with a smile, wanting to give you the same amount of trust you gave him with your personal life.

"I moved here from Japan because I wanted to pursue a career in interior design and I got an offer here." Yuta said as the two of you ended up sitting back on your two-seater couch. "Is that why you complimented the placing of my couch?" A slight chuckle came out of your lips. "Kind of, yeah." He admitted, trying not to laugh at himself.

Yuta shared the same things you said about yourself a while ago; he shared his hobbies, his likes, and his interests.

You found out that he used to play soccer and was in the path of becoming a professional player. However due to an accident before he graduated senior high, he had fractured his leg wherein they needed to place metal implants, resulting to him being no longer able to do the things he used to do. He was heartbroken about it, it left him depressed for months. He said those words with a sad smile and you felt your heart sink. You guess it's true when they say that people with the brightest smiles truly have the saddest experiences.

He said he started liking interior design because of a game he played to keep him sane, and that's when he decided to pursue this second interest of his instead. Initially, he didn't expect that he'll enjoy it. It was too out of the ordinary for him but he found it fun and a new passion of his bloomed.

More and more stories have been exchanged between the both of you as the night goes on. Along with some laughs and maybe some tears when the desolate anecdotes came. The large bowl that was once filled to the brim with popcorn is now empty, and the clock that read somewhere along 10 PM is now showing that it's midnight— bringing the conversation you were both having into an end.

"It was nice talking to you, (Y/N)... It felt lovely. You're a fun person to talk to. Thank you for helping me with the popcorn too—" He chuckled, the two of you were at your door, bidding goodbyes to have a good night's rest. "Anytime, Yuta... It was nice talking to you too." You smiled softly.

"Goodnight, hope you sleep well." "Goodnight, Yuta." You closed the door and you felt your cheeks become sore from grinning too widely.

You got to know him better and vice versa. You've already fallen too hard, but it's okay.

He was worth it.


"Taeil." "Yeah? What's up?" The man helping you fix the shelves before the library opens replied. "I feel like we got closer." "What do you mean, we were always close—" "Not not you and me." You responded. "I meant me and..." "Your neighbor turned love interest? That's great news!" You playfully hit him with a book because of his comment. "OW— WAS I WRONG?"

He wasn't wrong of course.

The day went on as always but today was particularly more exhausting because of a new book release almost everyone was fighting to have. Yes, the library you were working at also doubles as a bookstore, that's why you know once you get home you'll shut down for that long awaited rest. Thank god it's Friday, you internally celebrated.

"I'll see you next week, (Y/N)." Taeil waved goodbye before parting ways with you at the library's entrance. Tonight was particularly colder, it probably has something to do with the rainy days that'll approach according to the news. You hugged yourself, scolding yourself internally for not wearing or bringing a coat.

As usual, you headed towards the bus stop and waited. The wait wasn't that long; only a few seconds have passed when the vehicle arrived. It was empty with the exception of a single passenger and the driver. You hopped in, paying the fare before looking at the rows of seats. The face of the other passenger was unknown to you until you turned to face the rows of seats. A chuckle of disbelief was all you managed to do.

"Looks like we're destined, huh?" The passenger, who turned out to be Yuta, jokingly claimed.

Hurriedly, you walked and sat down at the left side of the bus as he was in the right side. With that, Yuta looked at you with a slight pout. "You don't want to sit beside me?" He sulked jokingly and it made you laugh. "Alright alright I'll be there." You responded, successfully moving from your current seat to the one beside his once you found the perfect timing as the bus has already started moving. "Better?" "Yeah that's better." The both of you chuckled.

"At this point I think we shouldn't be surprised if we just keep seeing eachother." Yuta giggled and you agreed. "Long day at work?" You hummed as a response, no words managed to come out of your mouth due to you being very exhausted. "You can take a nap. Judging from what I'm seeing, we may be stuck in traffic. I'll wake you up once we're there." He offered with a smile and you felt your cheeks become warm. Despite wanting to stay awake for him to have someone to talk to, the fatigue took over and you mumbled a soft 'thank you', falling asleep in a matter of minutes from being worn out because of the people who flocked the library earlier.

Yuta watched over you, making sure that you weren't in an uncomfortable position that would put a strain to your muscles once you wake up from your nap. A soft smile was displayed on his face; for some reason his mood shifted. The monotonous feeling that surrounded him was uplifted by this faint exhilaration when, for what seemed to be like a hundred times already, the two of you met again in an unexpected time.

Your head ended up resting on top of his shoulder, the sudden movement made Yuta whip his head to the side. You were sleeping soundly. Seeing you like this made him want to take care of you and give you this sense of security. He wants to keep you close.

He wants to hold your hand, he wants to keep you safe.

After being stuck in traffic for two hours, Yuta woke you up as the vehicle got closer to the bus stop near your apartment building. You woke up groggily, raising your head from his shoulder. You didn't even notice it at first— that you had rested your head on his shoulder that he willingly sacrificed in spite of the faint pains he felt. The two of you hopped out of the bus then walked towards the building.

It was quiet. Yuta knew that you're still sleepy so he kept the calming silence that embraced you both while entering the apartment building.

You expected that he'd say goodnight and enter his apartment first since it comes before yours, but to your surprise, he walked you to yours instead. He even waited until you opened the door. It's a small gesture but it means a lot; he really is a gentleman, huh?

"Thank you so much, Yuta." You smiled a bit tiredly as you faced him. "It's nothing. Sleep well, alright? You deserve it." He beamed, waving goodbye as he walked to his door.

As you were lying down your bed, that was when you suddenly realized.

Oh my god did I fall asleep on his shoulder?

Embarrassed by that thought, your eyes widened. He was probably uncomfortable the whole time and he probably hates you for it now. You were ashamed. Blaming yourself even though it was out of your control since you were asleep. You kept on overthinking while you stared at your ceiling; afraid that he'll start avoiding you just because of that one thing. Your heart was thumping but eventually, it calmed down once sleep was returning to you.

Yuta woke up early in the morning, being the early bird he is, and made himself breakfast (if you consider opening three packs of onigiri from 7/11 making breakfast). He's done with decorating his new home, it was what he was doing for the past few days, and now he's finally done. After eating, he went ahead and sat down on his couch, realizing that he absolutely has nothing else to do today. If he went out, where would he go? If he stayed at home, what will he do?

He sighed silently as he ended up scrolling through his phone. A thought crossed his mind, out of nowhere he wondered if you're free today. He doesn't know how he would approach you. Make too much popcorn again? No, it would be an obvious excuse already. Yuta spent a good thirteen minutes trying to come up with something. Why can't he just knock on your door and say hello you may ask? Well... Even he doesn't know. He definitely wants to talk to you again but he can't bring himself to make the first move. Though the popcorn thing was accidental, he'll do it again as a last resort if can't think of anything else.

And what a surprise, he did.

He cooked popcorn. Again. Because he has zero courage as of now to just walk to your door, knock, and say hi. So yeah he cooked too much popcorn again.

He was nervously standing in front of your door with the bowl in his hands, pacing back and forth as he tried to calm down and gather all the confidence in this world. He halted his pacing, returning to his initial position. He inhaled deeply, exhaling the air he just breathed in slowly. Finally raising his hand to knock on your door.

"Hey." "Hi, so uh—" "Yes I can help you with the popcorn." You laughed and he smiled widely. You invited him inside the two of you plopped down on your couch. "Popcorn at 10 AM?" You questioned. "I wanted a snack..." He laughed sheepishly and it was adorable. "Do you want to watch a movie?" You suggested. Yuta nodded before giving a response. "If you don't mind, sure."

"What do you wanna watch?" "Cartoons?" "That's sounds great." You chuckled before grabbing the remote that was resting on top of your coffee table, turning the television on as you switched through channels until it landed on cartoon network. He'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy your company. Everything just instantly clicked between the both of you; none of you were uncomfortable. It was just like two best friends hanging out with eachother.

With your eyes fixated on the television that was playing a re-run of adventure time, you reached for the bowl that Yuta placed on a pillow between the two of you. Instead of feeling the texture of popcorn under your touch, you felt something softer— it wasn't popcorn, it was a hand. Your eyes darted immediately on the bowl, involuntarily moving your gaze to the man beside you. It was cliche, very cliche. He was already looking at you. Both of your eyes locked gazes, everything in the background faded— the sound coming from the television gradually became inaudible, the whole room seemed to be blurred out; your focus was on him as his focus was on you. His eyes, they truly were enchanting. They were beautiful. Very beautiful. They glimmered as if millions of galaxies were inside them; a twinkle that was composed of gazillions of stars and celestial bodies.

Is this why you like him? Is it all because of his eyes that appear to be made out of stardust? His smile? His character? All of the above?

Your heart was racing, you could clearly hear your heartbeat and it sounded like someone was speed running their drum practice. "I'm sorry." You apologized quietly as you retracted your hand, averting your gaze to the other side of the room. The heat from your cheeks is probably hot enough to be able to fry an egg.

Awkwardness clouded the room and the both of you didn't like it. Both were trying to find a way to try and lighten up the atmosphere, wanting to sweep the scene earlier under the carpet. "So... If you don't mind me asking, where will you work?" You asked with the only topic you managed to think of. "Oh I'll be working on the building in front of the convenience store where we met once. I actually came there for an interview that day." Yuta calmly spoke, internally thanking you that you changed the focus of the moment. "It's not that far from the library I work at then." You chuckled.

"Well then we'll might see eachother more often." He stated with a small smile. "That wouldn't be a surprise anymore." The two of you laughed. The show on the television slowly became nothing but a background noise as you and Yuta talked comfortably with eachother. Evaporating the once present awkwardness once you both managed to shift the topic.

As time continued to pass by, you checked your phone and saw that it was almost past lunch time— around two in the afternoon. Yet the two of you were still talking and joking around. The bowl that was filled with popcorn was now empty and the television was now turned off. You have spent almost half of the day hanging out with him.

"Are you hungry? I can cook lunch if you want even if it's already past lunch." You asked. "Ah isn't that too much? You did a lot of things for me already." "Yuta, it's you who did a lot if things for me already. Come on, you can help if you want." You smiled before heading to the kitchen with Yuta following behind you. "What do you want to eat?" You leaned forward on the kitchen counter, waiting for his answer. "You can decide." He replied. "Yeah that's the problem I have no idea—" He laughed at your response. "Adorable." He mumbled under his breath unnoticeably and inaudibly. "Pancakes?" He suggested. "Sounds great!" You went ahead and opened the kitchen cupboard to grab the pancake mix.

Yuta volunteered on cooking the pancakes after you made the batter. The first batch wasn't perfect, with half of them almost burnt. But the two of you laughed it off and the latter batches were better— still not perfect, but in the bright side, they're better. You sat down with him on your small dining table where Yuta sat across you. "Oh wait let me get the butter and syrup." You stood up again and approached the fridge, grabbing the stuff that was essential for eating pancakes, then sitting back down. "Here let me have the failed ones—" "No no no, let's share them."

You took a bite right after spreading a light amount of butter and drizzling syrup on top of the pancakes the two of you made. "It's not that bad." You commented. "Hey hey, don't speak when your mouth is full." Yuta scolded you albeit in a playful way. The room was filled by this sweet and comforting aroma and just like the pancakes, the whole moment with Yuta was warm and soft. The two of you were eating while chatting with one another; not running out of different things to talk about. And you like it. As you always told yourself, you like talking to Yuta. It was like finally being able to lie down on your bed after a long day. That's exactly what it feels like.

"I've been here the whole day, I'm sorry you didn't get to rest properly..." He said apologetically, scratching the back of his neck. "I enjoyed it, Yuta. It's alright." You assured him as the both of you were standing outside your apartment's door, exchanging goodbyes as it was 5 PM already and he insisted he'll leave to give you some more rest. "If you don't mind, is it ok if I ask you for something?" Yuta wished that his voice didn't display the nervousness he was feeling. "Sure go on." You smiled.

"Can I have your number?" He blushed unnoticeably. He didn't know where the sudden courage came from. Was it from the pancakes or was it from the way you always looked so invested to whatever he was saying? Who knows. But he did. He asked for your number. It wasn't what you were expecting so it was given that you would be shocked. "Yeah sure no problem." You said calmly when your inner self is literally freaking out this very moment.

After successfully exchanging phone numbers, the two of you went inside your respective apartments. Both were looking on the newly added contact in your phones with a wide smile.

"YOU GOT HIS NUMBER NOW?!" You quickly covered Taeil's mouth with your hand. Apologizing to the people who were disturbed with your friend's sudden exclaim. Although you and Yuta weren't together yesterday, that didn't mean you would stop talking to eachother. You became textmates and it was funny because you still talked with him for almost the whole day. "Taeil we work at a library be quiet." You scolded him in a low voice, slowly removing your hand on top of his mouth. He cleared his throat and fixed his posture before fanboying silently.


"So when's the wedding." He teased. "We're probably just friends." "Just friends? Girl, it's clear you're both into eachother." "What if he's just friendly?" "And what if he likes you?" Taeil raised an eyebrow at you, somehow confident about his stand. "That's impossible." Was all you manage to say before walking away and disappearing in the aisles of shelves. It took you thirty minutes to returne the books left somewhere by some customers back to their respective places.

You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You took it out and the first thing that greeted you was the message displayed on your lockscreen. "Hello~ how are you?" A grin formed on your lips when you read the message and saw who it was from. You replied that you were alright before returning the question to him. You walked back to the front desk with your eyes glued on the screen of your phone, Taeil looked at you suspiciously once he saw the expression on your face. As you sat down on your chair, your dear friend was sneakily peeking over your shoulder, reading the messages that were being exchanged. Taeil knows he shouldn't do that. It's bad to be nosy yes but he can't help it. He's curious as to what or who made you all smiles and rainbows.

"Just date already." You jumped from your seat, startled by the comment of your friend who you didn't even know was right behind you, peering over your shoulder. Slapping the man softly on his shoulder as you turned your phone off before placing it on the counter. "He likes you. He definitely does." Taeil stated with confidence. "You don't know that—" "Why did he put a heart when he said he's alright too then?" You couldn't say anything, mainly because you don't know what else do you say with his point. Your phone lit up, a new message was received. You grabbed your phone then read what it said: "Can I stop by later at lunch?"

"Say yes—" "Shh, yes I will don't worry." "Omg I'm finally going to meet him." Taeil covered his mouth dramatically at the realization while you replied to Yuta's text, saying yes and giving the details of your location. "Don't you dare say anything weird." You looked him in the eyes and all he did was flash you this stupidly wide smile. He's definitely going to say something weird to your neighbor.

The more you look at the time, the more nervous you feel. This is not the first time you saw him (obviously), but there was something about the setting that makes your heart thump as if you just ran a marathon. Other than that, you're nervous over what Taeil is going to do or say. You know, just like those times where you're going to introduce your significant other to your parents, more specifically your father. Taeil is your second dad anyways, so it's valid for you to feel this way— right? But just to be clear, you're not thinking that Yuta is your significant other; at least not yet.

Wait what am I even thinking? You questioned yourself internally.

Checking the time for the hundredth time already, a notification popped up. "I'm almost there ♡ " You got flustered at the sight of the heart, what Taeil said earlier echoed in your mind. Why would he put a heart? It means nothing. It's just his style of texting that's all. You convinced yourself, not wanting to assume things. You looked at your left side to see Taeil practicing different facial expressions, furrowing your eyebrows at the sight, what is he doing? "Taeil, what are you—" "I'm practicing how stern should I look when I talk to him." He said as if he was your actual father. "He's not even my boyfriend." "Yet. He's not your boyfriend yet."

Yep, he really does sound like a dad.

The entrance door opened and it caught both of your attentions. Instantly looking at the door simultaneously to see if it was him, and it was. You didn't see him earlier on your way to work, so this is the first time you'll see him today, leaving you in awe. In contrast to the casual Yuta you kept on seeing, he was wearing this semi formal attire. The fabric of his black button up shirt slightly hugged his upper body, his hair was swept to the side neatly. He looked insanely handsome and you felt butterflies fluttering their wings in your stomach. Once he saw you, he flashed his infamous smile and it was contagious. He approached the front desk, saying a quiet and shy greeting.

You greeted back of course, internally swooning over this look of his that you only saw today, trying to contain yourself from being too obvious that you were wonderstruck. "Oh and Yuta, this is my friend, Ta—" "Hi I'm Taeil it's nice to finally meet you. She talks about you a lot." He shaked his hands and you stared at Taeil with wide eyes. Damn he really just throw you under the bus that fast. A brief chuckle escaped Yuta's lips while the tips of his ears were having this pinkish hue; clearly showing that he got flustered. "It's nice to meet you too." He grinned at Taeil.

"I brought food by the way! Although I'm so sorry because I didn't get an extra sandwich." Yuta stated, apologizing to your friend as he handed you a paper bag. Taeil said that he shouldn't worry about it, let's be honest here, that's not what your friend wants with your neighbor.

"So where do you work?" Uh oh, he's starting question and answer segment now. "I work at Lovera. It's pretty close. A ten minute walk if I'm not wrong." Yuta answered. Minutes have passed and Taeil was just bombarding him with questions yet Yuta answered them as if he didn't mind. You did scold Taeil here and there for some of the questions but Yuta just laughed them all off. The three of you had a great time, even though you just listened to the two boys talking. You could tell that he's leaving a good impression on Taeil.

Yuta had to leave and go back to work after staying there for a while. "If you're not going to date him, I will." Taeil joked and you laughed loudly, apologizing later on for the sudden outburst.

Just like that, it was already time for you to clock out; time seemingly got faster everyday. You were fixing your things when your phone lit up. Another message from Yuta was displayed. "Let's go home together!♡ " You smiled uncontrollably at the sight. "I'll see you tomorrow, (Y/N)." Taeil waved goodbye and you nodded as a response before he exited the building. It didn't take that long for Yuta to text you again, saying that he's already there, cutely waving at you from outside once you glanced at him. You bet he bumped into Taeil on his way here. "How was your first day?" You asked as soon as you left the building, starting to walk with him with to your destination which was of course, the bus stop. "I had fun. Though it was only training, I enjoyed it." He enthusiastically shared. "Yours?" "Oh it's just the same." You chuckled.

As you sauntered with Yuta peacefully, you looked up, gazing at the sky. The scenery was extraordinary, it had a magical feeling. He glanced at you, adoration was written all over his face when he saw the reflection of the stars on the night sky twinkling in your eyes.

"The moon looks beautiful tonight, don't you think?" He said softly. "It does. Everything does." You replied. "Mhm, you're right. Even you are beautiful." It made you freeze on the spot, making you look at him with wonder and as did he. Yuta exhaled shakily, he suddenly became nervous because of what he impulsively said. But since it has already come into this situation, he thought now is the time that it'll be worth the try.

"I'm sorry that just..." He breathed in, hesitating to say it but he still did. "Can I take you out for dinner some time?" He licked his lips as an act of nervousness, the anticipation over your answer was nerve-wracking for him. It was a simple question but it had a strong impact on you. You blinked repeatedly, making sure that none of this was a dream.

"I'd love that." You finally spoke, your voice was quiet but it was loud enough for him to hear. Yuta was relieved, the fear he had disappeared once he heard your answer. "Thank you." He smiled. The cold night wind blew and it made everything— the moment, the experience, the feeling, much more breathtaking.

A total of five weeks have passed and the relationship between you and Yuta was unlike any other. It felt more warm, it felt more like home.

Today, he took you out on a cute little picnic date near a river. He told you to bring one of your telescopes and you did. The sky was already transitioning from the bright orange hues to a dark blue, the stars started to become visible as each second passes, and the moon was already rising in the east. "Do you like it? This little treat of mine?" Yuta asked as he was laying down on your lap, soothingly combing his hair with your fingers. "I do. Thank you. I appreciate the efforts you put into this." You smiled warmly. "Oh look, the moon is so pretty." He pointed at the sky and you glanced at what he was referring to.

"Yuta." "Hm?" "I have a question." "Why do you always say that? Like do you just like the moon in general or—?" You laughed softly.

"Well... In Japan, if you say that to someone." He sat up from his position earlier. Turning around to face you and hold your hand.

"It's something like a poetic and subtle way to confess or say you love someone." He continued looking down to hide that he was blushing. His statement made you feel this romantic exhilaration, amused at what it meant.

"If that's the case then I love you too."

Yuta raised his head and his eyes met yours. Just like the first day you saw him, his eyes still had the same twinkle. You love him. You really do. And he loves you too. There was just something that pulled the two of you together as if you're soulmates. As if the stars aligned themselves for two people to eventually become eachother's universe.

There are billions of stars and gazillions of galaxies in this neverending universe. But if you were to choose, he is your favourite. He is the one you adore the most.

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