keithkoganevltrn - Vol-Tron?

indie semi-selective Voltron:LD RP blog | pen'd by Artemis

718 posts

Keithkoganevltrn - Vol-Tron? - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

“ why are you so afraid of trusting this— trusting us. what’s making you hold back? ”

Takashi's eyes averted from Mark, downcast and sorrowful the grey blue hues shone in the dim light like dying stars. The wind whipped around them, causing a chill to run down his spine. The leaves were just starting to change, that familiar fall chill creeping into the air. They'd been walking home from school when Mark asked that pointed question.

"I'm graduating soon," he explained, frown only deepening, "and going off to college...I won't be able to see you as often." He tried to explain the whirlwind of thoughts running around in his head. He'd been accepted to a college just out of town, still in state, but out of the way of an every day visit.

"I don't want to ruin your chances at something great, I don't want to hold you back, Mark..." Takashi took Mark's hands in his own, trying his damnedest to smile at him. "I don't want to be the reason you lose an opportunity." He loved Mark, truly he did, but with the distance and the strain of college, would they be able to keep this up?

"We can keep trying, if that's what you want, but I'm leaving the ball in your court, Mark."

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5 months ago

@palidinus cont. [x]

He gasped audibly, hips rocking back to press closer still. Everything felt hot, the temperature of the room rising rapidly around them. Keith's whole body buzzed, nerves set alight by even the slightest contact.

"Stars, I need you." He breathed, leaning his head back to look up at Shiro. "Let me show you a good time?"

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5 months ago

Nibbles the shell of Keith's ear.

Keith purred, leaning into the contact, a low whine leaving him. "Takashiii~" His body reacted on instinct, arching against Shiro in desperate need for more contact. "Please, you always know just how to drive me wild~"

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5 months ago

[ EMBRACE ] for one muse to suddenly hug the other one for their own comfort.

Keith wrapped his arms around Mark and buried his face against the other's chest. It had been a long day, and he was exhausted. The world was too much. They didn't speak, they hardly moved other than clinging to the slightly taller male, he didn't even look up. Shallow, almost gasping breaths slowly dwindled into slow, even inhales and exhales. He was calming down, and Mark was to thank for it.

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5 months ago

[ NURSE ] for one muse to tend to the other while they’re recovering from injuries.

Keith groaned, trying to sit up. He felt as if he'd been hit by a truck. His body ached - no, hurt - and his head was spinning. Looking around the room, he tried to gather his surroundings. It didn't look like any hospital he'd seen before, so he considered that a plus. He was in someone's bedroom - a simple room with dark green walls and posters everywhere. Mark's bedroom?

He tried again to sit up, forcing himself up on the plush bed. "Mark?" Keith called out, voice rasping. They cringed at the sound of it, frowning. Had he been screaming? "Mark...?" He tried again, finally a bit louder.

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5 months ago

Shiro nodded, taking in what Keith was saying and weighing it with his own feelings. That little internal war that had never really stopped. He chewed the inside of his cheek, frowning. He adored Keith, and wanted nothing more than to make him happy and to be happy with him. If he married someone else, that meant something went wrong with what they have now.

"I don't want to waste your time," he started, tears stinging in the corners of his eyes, "but the future can change, Keith. Nothing is set in stone..." Shiro was hopeful, cautiously optimistic, and it shone in his eyes more than on the rest of his face. That little glimmer of hope.

"Do you want to see where this goes?"

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5 months ago

Can we get an inbox/drafts/queue check? :)

inbox 60 drafts 10 queue 0

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5 months ago

;; if you're waiting on ask answers from me, thank you for being patient!

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5 months ago

;; going to be throwing everything in drafts and stuff to reply when I'm able.

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5 months ago

"One condition," he spoke carefully, gently. "What's bothering you? You know you can tell me anything, Keith. I can see right through that fake smile and you know it." He was stern, but not angry in the slightest, concern washing over his face and knitting his brows together. "If it's something you don't want to say, that's fine, but please know I'll listen to anything you have to say. I'm here for you just as you are for me."

He wrapped his hand around Keith's, gently, and lifted it to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss on the other's knuckles. The smile that had previously danced across his face like the flame of a candle was now a solemn look, grey blue eyes flashing in the low light.

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5 months ago

[ SCARED ] for sender to bury their face in receivers shoulder at a scary scene in a horror movie.

Keith chuckled lightly, wrapping his arm around Mark and kissing the top of his head. "It's okay, I'll let you know when it's over." He nuzzled closer, purring low in his throat in an attempt to soothe. He was a bit spooked as well, but hid it behind the brave facade he always kept up. A few scenes made him jump, though, and he hid his face against Mark's hair.

"It's almost over," he whispered, smiling. "You big baby..." Keith teased, laughing quietly.

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5 months ago

some angst idk y’all i like crying

“  i don’t want you here.  just go.  ” 

“  you ‘didn’t mean to hurt me?’  yeah you did.  like it or not,  i know exactly who you are.  ” 

“  why won’t you even look at me?  ”

“  i’m not angry at you.  i’m angry with myself for trusting you.  ”

“  i wish you’d stop trying to destroy yourself in some misguided effort to feel worthy.  ”

“  i know it’s not fair to say this,  but i don’t have anything without you.  if i don’t have you i have nothing.  ”

“  you can’t love me.  not the way i need to be loved.  ”

“  i’m broken.  and i don’t need anyone to try to feed me white lies about it.  something inside me is broken and it isn’t just going to be put back like it was.  ” 

“  sometimes being broken isn’t about trying to put things back together like they were before.  it’s about picking up what pieces are left and building something new.  ”

“  okay,  so you’re a monster.  so am i.  lets be monsters together.  ” 

“  because of what they/you did i’m damaged.  ”  

“  what the hell is wrong with you?  ”

“  what the hell is wrong with me?  ”

“  i can’t fix you.  you can’t expect me to know how to fix you.  ” 

“  yeah,  i’ll be here.  i’ll be here when you’re ready to stop running.  ”

“  my world is just falling apart.  it’s like everything is just crumbling around me.  i don’t know what to do.  i just want it to stop ”  

“  you’re the only thing that makes sense right now.  everything else is just—  the world is so loud.  and the only time it feels quiet is when you’re here.  ”

“  i don’t know how to talk about shit okay?  it’s too hard.  but i do care.  i need you to trust me that i care.  ”

 “  stop punishing yourself.  you wanna make up for what you’ve done?  get off your ass and do something about it.  ”

“  whatever it is you think was going on between us,  you’re wrong.  ”

“  it didn’t mean anything to me.  ” 

“  you should move on.  i did.  ”  

“  i feel like i’m one bad day away from becoming everything i’ve fought against.  ” 

“  stop pushing me away.  i’m not going anywhere,  asshole.  and as soon as you get that through that thick skull of yours,  the better.  ”  

“  i don’t need you in my life.  i don’t want you in it.  ”  

“  i can’t trust myself.  if i let myself get comfortable enough,  when i try to be happy,  people get hurt.  ”  

“  people like me don’t get to have peace.  ”  

“  i’m not the person you want.  i know you think i am.  but it won’t take long for you to realize this is a mistake.  ”  

“  you want the truth?  the truth is when i love people it burns inside me like a poison.  it infects every part of me until it feels like they’re in my goddamn soul…and then i fuck it up.  and it’ll destroy us both.  ”  

“  i’ll always choose you.  that’s the worst part of it all.  i’d choose you over and over, even though i know you wouldn’t do the same.  ”  

“  you never had to be perfect.  you just had to stay.  ”

“  will you please just stay for once.  just.  don’t walk away.  ” 

“  if i loved you less,  i might be able to talk about it more.  ”   

“  just tell me something real.  tell me something i can remember no matter what happens to us.  ”

“  when you look at me,  i feel seen.  i feel like you see past everything i’ve always surrounded myself with to try and protect my heart.  no one has ever looked that deeply at me.  ”  

“  how can you uncover so much about someone,  make them let their guard down and lay themselves bare to you.  and then just throw it all away?  ”

“  if you walk out that door don’t bother coming back.  ”

“  why are you so afraid of trusting this—  trusting us.  what’s making you hold back?  ”

“  will you still be here?  will you stay even after you’ve seen all the ugly parts of my heart.  ”  

“  i don’t care how willing you are to die for me.  i want you to fucking live with me.  live for us.  ” 


[ DISCOVER ] for one muse to find the other crying alone. 

[ COMPANY ] for one muse to sit with the other so they don’t have to be alone while they’re upset. 

[ EMBRACE ] for one muse to suddenly hug the other one for their own comfort. 

[ OFFER ] for one muse to suddenly hug the other one to comfort them.

[ SETTLE ] for one muse to comfort the other and end up cuddling. 

[ SHOULDER ] for one muse to rest their head on the other’s shoulder while they comfort them. 

[ CARRY ]  for one muse to find the other injured and carry them to safety.

[ SECURE ] for one muse to carry the other to bed after they fell asleep. 

[ STRUGGLE ]  for one muse to resist being hugged but then break down and crumble against the other. 

[ CLEAR ] for one muse to wipe the other’s tears. 

[ BREAKDOWN ] for one muse to ask the other if they’re okay prompting them to finally stop bottling things up. 

[ BRUSH ] for one muse to run their fingers through the other’s hair while they open up or cry. 

[ NURSE ] for one muse to tend to the other while they’re recovering from injuries. 

[ TRUST ] for a scenario where sender’s muse is the only one receivers muse will let close. 

[ COAX ] for scenario where receiver’s muse knows they’re the only one sender’s muse will let close. 

[ CALM ] for one muse to subdue the other during an outburst. 

[ CLARITY ] for one muse to help ground the other back in the present  (i.e. after nightmare, breakdown, battle etc)

[ PREVENT ] for one muse to stop the other from going too far during a fight. 

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5 months ago

;; will be trying to write a bit today. Drafts are building up<3 I'll do what I can. Stay hydrated, everyone.

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5 months ago

‘dibs’ x100000!

;; Kay ily <3 Dibs right back at you

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5 months ago


;; aww thank you~<3 Dibs @ you too

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5 months ago

Dibs 💋

;; 💋awww~ I love you

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5 months ago

@palidinus cont from DMs

Keith knocked on the door out of habit before opening it, letting it slide to the side before he slipped in and let it close behind him. "Takashi," he purred out, slinking towards the bed and crawling on top of Shiro. "Need you..." his eyes darkened, pupils forming slits before flickering to blown wide.

He purred low in his throat as he trailed kisses along Shiro's jaw and neck. "Let me ride you till neither of us can walk, daddy."

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5 months ago

send me a ‘dibs’ if you are ridiculously attached to me as an rp partner

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5 months ago

❝ you mumble in your sleep. ❞

"Do I?" Keith asked, dumbfounded for a moment. He had no idea - in reality he thought he was a silent sleeper, he did most other things so quietly. "Do I say anything coherent?" Oh he had to know, what sort of nonsense was he spouting in his sleep?

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5 months ago

✰ ⸻    𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐏𝐘   𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐌𝐍   𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒    !  ༄

some  really  cute ,  shippy  autumn  themed  prompts  for  the  cosy  autumn  feels !  feel  free  to  edit  as  you  see  fit .  add  [  +  ]  to  reverse  the  roles  for  the  word  prompts .  have  fun !


[ TACKLE ]  for  sender  to  tackle  receiver  into  a  freshly  accumulated  pile  of  leaves.

[ PUMPKIN SPICE ]  for  the  sender  and  receiver  to  share  a  pumpkin  spice  latte.

[ COLD ]  for  sender  to  give  receiver  their  gloves  or  scarf  because  it’s  chilly.

[ FOREST ]  for  the  sender  and  receiver  to  go  on  a  walk  in  the  forest.

[ LOST ]  for  sender  to  comfort  receiver  after  both  get  lost  together  in  a  corn  maze.

[ FACE PAINT ]  for  receiver  to  do  senders  halloween  makeup.

[ FIRE PLACE ]  for  sender  and  receiver  to  get  cosy  by  a  wood  burning  fire  place.

[ HAUNTED HOUSE ]  for  sender  to  guide  the  scared  receiver  through  a  haunted  house.

[ CONKERS ]  for  sender  and  receiver  to  collect  conkers  together.

[ SHOP ]  for  receiver  to  help  sender  out  with  buying  appropriate  autumn  attire.

[ CHESTNUTS ]  for  the  sender  and  receiver  to  roast  some  chestnuts  and  eat  together.

[ GHOST TOUR ]  for  the  sender  and  receiver  to  go  on  a  ghost  tour  together.

[ ORCHARD ]  for  the  sender  and  receiver  to  visit  an  orchard  together.

[ DECORATE ]  for  receiver  to  walk  in  and  see  sender  has  decorated  their  house  for  halloween.

[ JACK O’ LANTERN ]  for  the  sender  and  receiver  to  carve  pumpkins  together.

[ HORSE RIDING ]  for  the  sender  and  receiver  to  ride  together  through  the  woods.

[ COCKTAILS ]  for  the  sender  and  receiver  to  make  &  drink  DIY  autumn  /  halloween  cocktails.

[ MONSTER MASH ]  for  the  sender  and  receiver  to  dance  together  to  fun  halloween  music.

[ SCARED ]  for  sender  to  bury  their  face  in  receivers  shoulder  at  a  scary  scene  in  a  horror  movie.

[ COSTUME ]  for  receiver  to  reveal  their  halloween  costume  to  sender.  (  write  what  their  costume  is  if  reversed !  )

[ FANGS ]  for  sender  to  playfully  bite  receiver  with  plastic  fangs.

[ STICKY ]  for  sender  to  wipe  sticky  candy  from  receivers  face  after  they’ve  eaten  a  candy  apple.


“  oh  my  …   how  scary  … ”

“  your  hands  freezing ,  here  hold  onto  mine.  ”

“  ouch -  ouch ,  help  !  i  can’t  get  my  costume  off  !  ”

“  shall  i  bite  you  and  turn  you  immortal  so  we  can  live  together  forever  ? ”

“  you  have  whipped  cream  on  your  top  lip.  here ,  let  me  just …  ”

“  you  look  really  cute  in  warm  clothes.  ”

“  this  pumpkin  kinda  looks  like  you. ”

“  did  you  just  bite  me  in  the  neck  ?  ”

“  the  ghost  isn’t  real ,  he’s  an  actor.  i’ll  still  punch  him  if  you  want -  ”

“  no ,  it  looks  fine  !  we  can  carve  another  one  !  ”

“  rainy  mornings  make  it  impossible  to  get  up …  ”

“  let  me  practice  my  halloween  make - up  on  you  ?  ”

“  you’ve  been  painting  my  face  for  hours,  can  i  see  ?  ”

“  it  gets  dark  so  early  nowadays.  wanna  go  for  a  walk  ?  ”

“  it’s  so  romantic  when  it’s  dark  like  this  in  the  evening ,  don’t  you  think  ?  ”

“  if  we  get  any  more  pumpkins  they’ll  need  to  close  the  pumpkin  patch.  ”

“  mmm …  i’m  trying  to  watch  the  movie  !  ”

“  we  totally  match  !  ”

“  oh ,  a  leaf  just  fell  in  your  hair.  ”

“  i  want  you  all  to  myself  this  halloween.  ”

“  i  told  you  to  wear  more  layers.  here ,  wear  my  jacket -  ”

“  heh …  your  nose  is  red.  ”

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5 months ago

"Tell me"

"Takashi Shirogane, you make me feel like the only person in the world when you look at me~" He cooed, wrapping his arms around Shiro. They were semi public, but he didn't care. "We work well together, we think in sync, if I didn't know any better I'd say our hearts beat as one." He placed a hand on Shiro's chest, smile only growing. Their hearts were beating in pace with one another. He leaned up onto his tip toes and placed a gentle, chaste kiss on Shiro's lips.

"You are the morning sun and the rising moon. You are the welcomed breath of fresh air after a long day. I don't know what I'd do without you, Taka taka."

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5 months ago

"I feel safe with you. I always have."

Keith smiled up at Shiro, wrapping his arms around the taller paladin's shoulders. He lazily kissed him, a chaste, gentle peck on the lips. His hair stuck to his face from a recent shower, the smell of his body wash still strong and wafting off him. Strawberries...he smelled of strawberries. Cute.

"And I feel safe with you, Takashi..." Though they were in public, he called him by name, something he'd only done a few times. "I always have, and I always will."

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5 months ago

“Tell Me”

"I love you," Keith started, a grin spreading across his face. He was happier than he'd been in years. His life, even. "You're like a breath of air on a cool fall the smell of coffee in the morning. You're the sounds of birds singing after a storm. You're the sunrise and the sunset. The moon shines for you, the stars glitter in your name. I would name constellations for you, but even that doesn't begin to cover my feelings for you. Words can't describe how you make me feel."

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5 months ago

Send “Tell Me” for my muse to confess their feelings for your muse.

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