Just a Ace guy who like making tf story wear guys get huge with muscle and have big belly
118 posts
Luma#2 Dream Fails
Luma#2 Dream Fails
A young boy pull a sword from a stone and become a huge strong man
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More Posts from Keozrb
The magic Potion workout
Poe an overweight guy stumbles upon a magical potion that transforms his body, leading him to a new life of laziness and indulgence.

Poe, a man who was typically lazy, found himself at the gym. He had bought a magical potion to cheat at working out.

Poe hesitated, but the desire to become fitter overpowered him. He gulped down the potion and began his workout with an abs routine.

As he worked out, his belly shrank. He looked in the mirror, surprised to see a six-pack abs replacing his belly. He was thrilled.

He moved on to weightlifting. With each lift, his arms and chest became more muscular. He was now a well-toned man with a V-shaped back.

After working on his legs and butt, he admired his perfect bubble butt and large legs in the shower. He looked like a bodybuilder.

Post workout, Poe devoured the donuts kept at the gym. His six-pack abs faded, replaced by a belly. He looked like a off season bodybuilder with a huge belly.

Poe screamed at his reflection, realizing he needed to work out again. He started lifting weights, hoping his body would lose fat.

However, Poe's workouts only made him more muscular. He tried cardio, but was quickly out of breath. His body wasn't getting smaller.

In the locker room, Poe failed to put on his old clothes due to his size. He managed to put on only his tight underwear.

Despite his size, Poe was happy. He bought new clothes and continued his life, now as a larger, more muscular man.

However, Poe was still lazy and his new size made him constantly hungry. He ate a lot, and his body grew even more.

He continued lifting weights at the gym but avoided cardio. Poe was content with his size and his new lifestyle, despite becoming very Huge.

Some Extra Ai image I made