Boy To Man - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Luma#2 Dream Fails

A young boy pull a sword from a stone and become a huge strong man

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5 months ago

The Doctor: Minor League To MLB

The doctor is a series of story where people go see a Doctor but the crazy old senile Doctor keep on making mistake about his patient. But the Doctor is never wrong.

Timmy, a 10-year-old boy afraid of the doctor, undergoes a magical transformation that helps him embrace his future. As he ages rapidly during the appointment, he discovers newfound confidence and athleticism, transforming into a promising baseball player. With the doctor's encouragement, Timmy dons a professional baseball uniform and steps into a stadium to showcase his incredible abilities, hitting home runs with ease.

The Doctor: Minor League To MLB

Timmy was sitting nervously on the examination bed in the doctor's office. The doctor was looking at his medical chart, his face friendly and reassuring.

The Doctor: Minor League To MLB

Timmy's mom had to leave for a phone call, leaving him alone with the doctor. The doctor tried to ease Timmy's nerves by talking about him graduating high school and how he know that must be scary.

The Doctor: Minor League To MLB

Suddenly, Timmy felt his body start to change. He was growing taller, his clothes ripping as his body rapidly aged to 18.

The Doctor: Minor League To MLB

The doctor seemed unfazed by this transformation. He told Tim that he was in great shape to play college baseball.

The Doctor: Minor League To MLB

As Tim thought about playing baseball, his body started to grow again. He became more mature, his body becoming more athletic, his underwear turning into a jockstrap with a cup.

The Doctor: Minor League To MLB

The doctor handed Tim a baseball uniform and told him to put it on. As he dressed, he noticed that it was a uniform for a professional baseball team.

The Doctor: Minor League To MLB

Tim began to age again, his face growing a small beard and his muscles stretching the jersey. The doctor patted him on the buttocks, telling him he was ready to play baseball.

The Doctor: Minor League To MLB

Tim's buttocks started to fill out his baseball pants. He looked in the mirror and was satisfied with his new physique.

The Doctor: Minor League To MLB

Tim stepped out of the doctor's office and found himself in a huge baseball stadium. The crowd was cheering, and he was next to bat.

The Doctor: Minor League To MLB

Tim grabbed a bat and swung it easily. To his surprise, he hit a home run. The crowd went wild, chanting his name.

The Doctor: Minor League To MLB

Tim was overjoyed. He had always liked baseball but had never been very good. Now, he was hitting home runs with ease.

The Doctor: Minor League To MLB

Tim felt a sense of joy and accomplishment. His life was great, and he was excited about his new future as a professional baseball player.

The Doctor: Minor League To MLB

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3 years ago


“Dude there’s no way anybody is gonna think this is legit,” 

Two boys walked down the hot sidewalk through an unfamiliar neighborhood. The summer heat was at an all time high, and they were stuck out in the open during their unfortunately timed outing; however, they were determined to not leave “empty handed”.

“Shut it, Salad. This is totally gonna work...easy peasy.”

“Come on, man, you only call me that when you’re completely dry of those ‘sick burns’ of yours. Besides, couldn’t we have waited until night? Or at least until it was cooler? I’m dying out here!”

Brandon and Cesar, you can guess which one was called salad, were trying their best to get employed. Now that both of them were at the age where they could get jobs, they were eager to start making money.

Cesar was much more organized with his approach. By the time his 16th birthday came around, he had already planned out where he was going to apply, and ended up landing the opportunity; though, he wasn’t starting for another week or so. 

Brandon, on the other hand, wasn’t so fast on the uptake. Despite his apparent excitement to make money, he slacked off and laid it off until now. Instead of a more formal job, he opted to go a little more casual. After asking around his own neighborhood, he nabbed a job babysitting.

Just as soon as he landed it, he lost it. Royally messing up with the tasks given to him, the parents decided to quickly get a new sitter. He didn’t want his reputation to follow him around, so he decided to scope out another nearby neighborhood for his next target.

Brandon swiped his hand at his forehead, arm swinging lazily as if it weighed one hundred pounds, whisking away the sweat that was beginning to drop into his eyes. The sunlight caught the screen of his small black digital watch on his wrist and shot his eyes for a split second. He brought his other hand up to rub his eyes with a groan. 

At an astounding 5’5, he was a pretty average looking guy. His daily outfits consisting mostly of shorts, graphic t-shirts that hung over his skinny body, and the same pair of shoes that he’s worn for over a year. His medium length chestnut hair swept to the side, occasionally having to be brushed or blown out of his face. Perfectly average with average hair, average clothing, average interests, and average voice too. Ok, he had to admit his height was...less than average.

“Trust me, Cesar. It’s going to work,” Brandon raised a clenched fist to the sky and stated in a blatantly dramatic tone as if he were a character from a movie, “it must work, lest thine work be for nothing!”

“Yeah, ok, man.” Cesar responded dryly, half listening to whatever his friend had just spouted. He stared at the houses alongside them. They were definitely upper middle class, bigger and nicer than the ones from where they lived, not that their neighborhood was all that bad.

Cesar was bigger in stature, clocking in at 5’10. His dyed platinum white hair was wavy, but around the same length as Brandon’s. He was smart, but could be quite lazy if he had to do something that he didn’t want to do. Being a straight A student was a good catch word for when he was introduced to people by his parents, but he only achieved those grades so that he could get his family and teachers off his back. Outside of school, he had a knack for music. His main instrument is the electric guitar, and you can almost tell that he enjoys playing hard rock just by looking at his outfit. Pierced ears with small studs, black tank top with a bright red highlight on the hems, breathable button up long sleeve that was now tied around his waist, slim cut grungy jeans and topped off with thick black combat boots. As much as his parents told him not to wear black on hot days, a majority of his closet consisted of that color, so there wasn’t much he could do.

The two of them turned into a cul de sac, where a much cleaner and bigger house resided between less impressive houses, at least by comparison. Both of them were clearly eyeing that one, despite knowing for sure there was no way they’d land anything there.

They slowed to a stop right in front of the lawn, admiring the building in front of them. Very stylistically modern, with clean cut corners, a white aesthetic, and a lot of windows. The building almost led the eye to its second floor, where there appeared to be two rooms facing the street, judging by what they could see from the windows. 

To their surprise, from the second floor’s room on the left, there was a very young boy sticking his head out, before he waved at Brandon and Cesar. The three awkwardly waved at each other for a moment, before Brandon and Ceasar turned to one another, knowing exactly what the other was thinking.

“This is the one!” They excitedly said unison.

“I’m gonna go for it! I’m totally gonna go for it!” Brandon’s speech was quick and excited, an elated look on his face

“Hell yeah, man! Get that bread, let’s gooooo!” Cesar was reciprocating the excitement in the air, happy for this chance his friend just might have before him.

Their excitement simmered down a bit after they realized that it must be weird to be celebrating in front of someone's house like that.

“I’m going on ahead,” Brandon’s face was dark, having pumped up the dramatics for this crucial moment that was about to unfold. “If I don’t come back with the job,”

Cesar stared blankly at him, the tension completely evaporating as he couldn’t think of what to say next.

“Then what? Don’t leave me hanging here.” Cesar jabbed, still staring at his friend.

“Then...then, I don’t know, buy me some fries at McDonalds?” Brandon refused to make eye contact with Cesar, the awkwardness piling up with each passing second.

With a slap to his back, Cesar pushed Brandon towards the house, sending him stumbling a few steps onto the driveway.

“Go get ‘em, tiger! I’ll be hanging under that tree.” Cesar was reminded of just how hot it was outside, and pointed at a big tree nearby with a bench underneath. It wasn’t air conditioning or an ice cold glass of water, but you have to work with what you get.

Brandon turned again to face the house, and then the door. “This is it. Don’t mess this up. Paycheck, here I come.” He braved himself after his small pep talk, before stepping up towards the entrance. Left foot, right foot, left, right, left. His footsteps grew louder and louder in his ears the closer he got.

At last, he was at the grand door in front of him. That pearly wooden frame with the warped glass in the middle that allowed light through, but nothing more than a foggy and blurry image of what lied beyond it. Brandon raised his ever so slightly trembling hand, and reached to knock on the door. 


The door opened. Brandon didn’t process what was happening at all. There was a door in front of him, and now there isn’t. Someone opened the door! His hand swatted the air, and Brandon stumbled in a few steps, so as not to fall.

This was bad. Very bad. Brandon had stepped into the house. His eyes darted around frantically, before noticing the pair of legs on his left.

“Can I help you?” A soft voice inquired.

Brandon slowly stood up, and began to face the voice, and the one who opened the door.

There was a woman. Tall, lean, and pretty. Long brown hair draping over her shoulder. Perfect hourglass figure. Definitely mid 20s to early 30s. Was that old enough to be classified as a MILF?? He didn’t know, all he knew for sure was that she was H O T

“Um-O-Oh! I’m so sorry! I was about to knock on the door when it suddenly opened! Please forgive me!” Brandon stammered, obviously terrified of what had just happened. Could he go to jail for this? And here he was, just out looking for a way to make money! He wasn’t prepared for the slammer…

“Oh, I see! Sorry for the scare,” The woman giggled, obviously not nearly as shaken up as Brandon was. “I was just on my way to the store! Our son just drinks up all the milk, I swear we need to pick up more all the time- oh look at me… sorry, I’m oversharing a bit hahaha~”

Brandon watched as she brought her hand up to her mouth as she was laughing. She was so pretty. He was still startled, but he was glad that she didn’t take to this experience badly.

“Are you alright? Honest, I didn’t mean to scare you at all.” The woman inquired 

Brandon stared for a moment before remembering what he came here for

“U-um, hi there! My name is Brandon, I’m a high schooler, and I was wondering if you were in any need of a babysitter?” his voice was notably shaky, and he blurted it out pretty quickly. 

After a moment of awkward silence, he added, “By any chance?”

More seconds go by before either of them said anything

“Well,” The woman said, sighing “We actually are going on a business trip and I really didn’t plan anything yet,” her speech devolved more into mumbling to herself, rather than talking to Brandon.

Her eyes snapped up to look at Brandon. “Can you start today?”

It was a simple question. Straightforward and precise.

“...what?” Brandon had no idea how to respond to this. He wanted the job, yes, but this soon? This easily? How is this happening? “U-uh, yeah, sure! I don’t have a lot going on. Just tell me what you need done and I’ll get to it!”

“Perfect! Let me put away my keys real fast and…” she turned away into the nice house, mumbling some more to herself before returning. “Come on in, I can give you the rundown!”

He looked back momentarily, noticing that Cesar was talking to another boy under the refuge of the tree’s shade. He stared for a bit, wondering who it was, before proceeding to follow the woman.

Already technically inside of the house, Brandon stepped further in. Nice hardwood flooring, high ceilings, and some decorative touches like plants on tables and nice paintings adorning the walls. This was a very nice house, but he could have guessed that already from the outside.

He was led into a spacious living room, which opened up into a kitchen. Both of which were incredibly nice. Big fuzzy rug in the living room with a large couch and an even larger flatscreen TV mounted on the wall. 

The kitchen had clean white granite looking countertops and an island in the middle with a bunch of kitchenware on it, among other things.

“Alright, you’ve babysat before, yeah?” The woman was walking briskly through the house before stopping at the kitchen.

“Yes, a couple times in my own neighborhood.” Brandon answered concisely, albeit not completely true. He has only babysat once before, and that ended in a disaster.

“Hmmm alright, you look pretty dependable, not looking like the type to throw parties, either.” She said sizing up Brandon as she poured herself a drink.

“Ah, thanks!.” Brandon didn’t even notice her pull out the bottle, and more importantly, was she implying that he wasn’t cool enough to attend parties? It was true but, come on, that’s a harsh blow. “Erm, can I get your name?”

“Ah of course! Can’t believe I forgot to introduce myself!” She laughed at this, the drink getting very close to spilling out of the glass but never reaching that point. “I’m Cynthia Miller, nice to meet you.”

Brandon smiled, and Cynthia gave him a tour of the house. Through the many rooms, he was walked through bathrooms, bedrooms, a game room, laundry room, and a large backyard. She went over the tasks that he should be accomplishing with insane speed. Brandon was having a hard time with keeping up, not only with her long strides, but with how fast she was talking too.

He was taken upstairs, and like he and Cesar had thought, there were two rooms facing the street. One of which had the kid inside. He was first shown the room next to it, in which the master bedroom resided. It was spacious, to say the least. Massive bed with an equally massive bed frame, two drawers, one on each side of the bed, and a carpeted floor. There was a big cardboard box placed on top of the left drawer. The brown color of the box looked a little out of place compared to the mostly white aesthetic of the house, but it was just some random cardboard box. He didn’t think too much of it.

The next room had the little guy. It was very childlike, which was to be expected. Pastel blue colored walls, toys galore, and a racecar bed. Brandon used to have a bed like that! The boy was asleep this time, not sticking his head outside the window like when they had last seen each other. Cynthia said surprisingly little about him. Brandon picked up that his name was Ethan, he was 8 years old, and loved his dinosaur chicken nuggets. Pretty typical for a kid his age, he thought.

The rest of the little tour went by fast. Before he knew it, Cynthia was grabbing bags and flying out the door and on her way to…the store? Actually, Brandon didn’t even know where she was going or how long he was supposed to be staying there. Probably not too long, right? 

This was weirdly easy in general, letting him babysit after a few minutes of talking, if that. Trusted his word enough to not ask any follow up questions. This was kinda strange. 

For a few minutes, Brandon just walked around the big house aimlessly. Through the rooms, into the kitchen, up the stairs, back down to the kitchen. He didn’t really know what to do. He walked up to check on Ethan, who was still sleeping soundly. 

Still not sure what to do, and mostly confused by the entire situation that unfolded before him, Brandon strutted back down the stairs and grabbed himself a glass of water from the fridge. All that walking in the heat really made him thirsty, and some water was just what he needed.

Caesar! He rushed to the front door, peeking out the window to see if his buddy was still there, maybe he could come inside for a bit. Well, maybe I shouldn’t do that, but giving him some water shouldn’t be too bad. To Brandon’s surprise, he wasn’t there. Neither was the other boy he was talking to. 

He took his glass to the living room couch, sipping intermittently, before plopping himself down and glancing around for the remote. Ceasar’s fine, he likely just made quick friends with that kid and went to their house. The kid looked pretty close to the same age as him, though. Maybe “that guy” would be a better term. After a moment or two, he found it, and turned the TV on, opting to watch some Gordan Ramsay shows that it turned on to. Does this family like to cook a lot? They sure got the kitchen for it.

He set his glass down on the coffee table in front of him before picking it back up after a moment of thought and placing a coaster underneath it. He knew how much his mom reminded him of using a coaster, and while he never did at home, he may as well do it here. He’s gotta keep his job. Was this a job? He wasn’t even told how much money he was going to make. Oh well, he’s here anyway, not about to walk out and leave Ethan here alone.

After watching Hotel Hell for a while, he glanced at his watch. It read 6:47 PM. Brandon hoisted himself up from the couch and went straight to the kitchen. Now was about dinner time right? Maybe even a bit later than they usually eat. Popping open the fridge, he saw a box of dino nuggies ready to cook. He slapped some into the oven and took some time to figure out how to work it.

Next thing he knew, the nuggets were on their way to being cooked and ready to eat. But in the meantime, he opted to check on Ethan again. Brushing his hand along the busy kitchen island, it slipped across a piece of paper that fell to the floor.

Bending down to pick it up, he placed it back into its old spot, until he decided to take a quick peek at what exactly it was. It was a check, and one with 800$ marked on it! 

“Who could this be for?” He murmured to himself, taking a look at who it was addressed to. 

“Bruno Langston” It read. Could that be the dad? He moved his eyes further downward to see that it was for babysitting.

“Wait, was there another babysitter? Am I gonna get in trouble or something? I hope this Bruno guy doesn’t show up and think I’m a burglar…” Brandon walked briskly to the front entrance, where he peeked out the windows, not entirely sure what he was looking for. Actually, scratch that. Something else shoulda been out there, right? 

“I’m being too paranoid here. Chill. If he was coming, Cynthia wouldn’t have let me here in the first place. So then why is this check here? Was he supposed to come, but couldn’t? That would make a little more sense. Is this going to be his, then? Will he be paid 800$ for this??” At that statement, Brandon couldn’t help but smile. He tried to contain his excitement, but he broke out into a little happy dance.

“800$! Imagine that! I’m getting paid 800 bucks for looking after a child that’s done nothing but sleep hahaha!” He waltzed back into the kitchen and put the check back, heading upstairs to check on Ethan like he was originally planning.

Opening the door quietly, Brandon saw that Ethan was, in fact, still sound asleep.

“Wow...must be a good ass dream...good dream, probably shouldn’t swear in front of the kid, even if he’s asleep.” Brandon swiveled on his feet, about to head back down the stairs to more Hotel Hell, before stopping.

He didn’t get to see much of that other room, and now would be a good time, yeah? 

He walked a couple steps down the hall and past Ethan’s room to the master bedroom and opened the door. It was just a room, not that he was really expecting anything extraordinary. He walked around in the silence, taking in the massive bed, full sized bathroom, and the big ol’ drawers. He wasn’t going to sift through the drawers or anything, that’d be a bit too much.

The cardboard box on top of it, though? Heck yeah.

Brandon lifted it up, surprised by how heavy it was, way heavier than would have expected. Setting it on the floor as carefully as he could, he opened up the cardboard flaps and peered inside.

There was a...change of clothes? A light blue dress shirt, wife beater, beige chinos, underwear, even a fancy white analog watch inside with golden highlights. Everything in here was of a much nicer quality than anything he had owned before.

“What? What is all this for?” Brandon asked himself, not sure why this was singled out and not put into the drawers. More importantly, why was the box so heavy? This stuff definitely didn’t equate to the immense weight of the box.  He reached inside to pull the contents out, but got a static shock as soon as grazed the watch.

“Ack!” Brandon pulled his hand away as fast as he could and waved it in the air to relieve the tingling feeling that was left behind. “Dam- dang… that was a lot of static...jeez” 

“Hello?” A small voice rang out behind him

“AGH!” Brandon yelped and flung himself around to see Ethan standing in the doorway. He breathed a sigh of relief.

“Oh phew, its just you,” Brandon picked himself up and walked over to Ethan, who was staring back up at him. “Hey there! I’m Brandon, your babysitter for today!”

There was a sudden ding downstairs, and both of them turned towards the sound.

“That must be those dino nuggies you love so much, hope you’re pretty hungry!” Brandon said to him. He didn’t really know what he was doing, but it was going better than his first babysitting experience went, so he tried to keep it up. “Must have had quite the nap, huh? You were knocked out for quite a while.” He tried to keep some small talk going, but Ethan had already started down the stairs.

“Let me get that for you,” Brandon walked ahead into the kitchen and got some tongs to pull the nuggets out. After placing them on a plate with some ketchup, he handed it to Ethan, who sat himself at the seats that were connected to the outside of the kitchen counter.

He got Ethan a glass of milk after he asked for some, and then grabbed the ketchup bottle again to make a small smiley face on his plate before he started eating.

Ethan began to dig in, looking quite content with this fine dining. Brandon, on the other hand, was still quite curious about the box upstairs. He brushed it off and just elected to stick around with Ethan for a bit more. 

“So, have you had other babysitters before?” Brandon asked him, trying to probe out something about this Bruno guy, but also trying to talk in general to him.

“Yeah” Ethan responded simply in between bites of the little dinosaurs.

“Aaah I see,” Brandon nodded  along “You remember any of their names?”


Simple enough. This wasn’t going to get me anywhere. He let out a big breath of disappointment.

Standing up, Brandon picked up the ketchup and turned towards the fridge to put it back inside. Opening the fridge up again, he placed it back in. Brandon noticed something strange.

His hands had some hair stuck to it. As he reached up to brush it off, he realized there was some on his other hand as well.

“What the…” he grumbled under his breath. Brushing over his left hand with his right, he realized it wasn’t coming off, and if anything, it was growing ever so slightly longer! 

He paused for a moment, and looked back at Ethan, who was still chowing down.

Closing the fridge door, he started walking past Ethan and towards the stairs again.

“Give me a second, Ethan. I will be right back.” He said quickly over his shoulder as he began to ascend the staircase, the fear just barely sneaking its way out of his voice.

He held his hands up as he advanced, examining his hands. More hair had joined the patch, covering about half of the backs of them, and all of it was pitch black, totally different from the hair on his head.

Reaching the top of the stairs, he made a dash to the master bedroom before dropping to his knees to inspect that box.

“It has to be something with this box. That shock had to be what caused this!” He fumbled with it before slumping back and dropping it to the floor again “But how could I possibly explain something like this to anybody…” 

Brandon sat there thinking about his situation, not wanting to look back at his hands to see if anything changed, but he was pulled out of his head when Ethan appeared in the doorway.

“Can we watch a movie?” He innocently asked, leaning in from the doorway.

Brandon stared at him briefly before pushing the box away and hiding his hands behind his back “Y-yeah..yes! Yes we can watch a movie, uh.” Brandon stammered, beginning to scratch his head before immediately remembering his predicament and hiding his hand again. “Mhmm! What’dya wanna watch, kiddo?” 

Ethan had already started to leave and walk down the stairs, leaving Brandon behind. Brandon cringed at what he just said “Gah, that felt so weird to say.” he remarked as he made one final glance at the box and followed after Ethan.

Both now lying on the couch, Ethan was watching some kids movies about animals with jobs, or something like that. Brandon was glad that the kid was distracted since he had his own distractions. Rubbing his hands together, he could feel the hairs growing in number. They weren’t just soft baby hairs, though. He could feel that this was some real macho man hair growing in.

It was strange, though. The hair was starting to make his hands feel rougher too, maybe even…bigger? He paused his rubbing as he felt small pops, and suddenly the band of his watch felt tight. A tingle ran down his arm, and he felt his pulse. Braving his anxiety, Brandon slowly looked down at his right arm, only to witness that his hand was in fact bigger than he remembered. And hairier. Much, much hairier. With a sick crunch, his own hand contorted and in a fluid motion grew to almost 2x what it used to be. Lean fingers spreading out into big sausages, knuckles bursting in size like popcorn, palm broadening, becoming rough and calloused. As the hair on the back of his hands spread out toward his fingertips, it also spread the other direction towards his forearm.

“Wh-w-wha..t?” Brandon was stuttering and tripping over his words. He finally noticed his watch, and saw that his wrist and forearm had been growing as well. His watch was tight on his arm, the muscle and mass trying to break free from their constraints. Eventually, it was too much, and with a loud snap, his forearm burst in all directions, free to swell up into the biggest arm he’d ever seen, and with the dense black hair swiftly overtaking it, it also looked something like a gorilla arm, which helped to make his now oversized hand fit in.

“ I got…I’ll be right back” Brandon leapt to his feet as he felt his left hand begin the same process. He wasn’t sure where to go. He just knew he had to get out of the room he was in, can’t let the kid see him like this. 

Darting past the kitchen, Brandon turned towards the entrance, he remembered there was a guest bathroom there he could use. Across from the main door was his destination, he fumbled the door with his changing hand, further instilling panic inside him, but eventually he made it in and closed the door behind him. 

Back against the door, Brandon panted for air as he stared at his massive right arm, moving his fingers and clenching his fists, before looking back to his growing left side. With no watch, his left forearm was free to grow, mass bubbling up into the air to match its fellow arm’s monstrous size.

Brandon slapped his meaty mitts onto the door with a deep thud, and at that moment he felt a vibration in his thigh. Terrified of what that could mean, he darted his eyes towards the origin of the sensation. Much to his pleasure, it was just his phone vibrating. Was someone calling him?

Trying to reach into his pockets was damn near impossible. Brandon was fumbling about with his oversized catching mitts for hands, fingers hardly able to reach into his pant pockets, let alone grab his phone.

“Damn…er, darn fingers…won’t…fit!” Brandon groaned through his teeth, and then the phone went silent. With a sigh, he closed his eyes and leaned his head up towards the ceiling. Doing his best to push the thought of his arms out of his mind, he began to feel much more at peace.

With one last deep breath, he opened his eyes and…something was different? It looked like everything in the room was ever so slightly lower than it was previously. Did something happen while his eyes were closed? Before he could come to a conclusion for that question, his phone vibrated again.

Knowing that it could potentially be from Cynthia, he couldn’t just ignore it anymore. Fumbling once again with his pants and pocket, it seemed Brandon was not gaining any ground in this battle, his giant fingers were just not equipped for the pockets made for someone with clearly much smaller hands than a beast.

“Come on, come oonn…” Brandon was starting to really get irritated with his situation, getting more frantic with his movements. “Jeez, come on just let me get my phone out!” He felt another sensation in his legs. Wait, legs? It wasn’t his phone this time, both of his legs had a fuzzy sensation in them before he noticed that the creases in his pants were starting to disappear.

“Oh no no no no,” Brandon realized what was happening to his legs, but he also noticed that his pant hems were higher up than he remembered. Quickly reaching down to palm his calf. As if activated by the touch, the muscle there immediately ballooned out into what looked like a football, and what felt as hard as steel, shredding the pants completely.

Brandon stared bug eyed, groaning in fear before biting his lip to catch it. He hated this. Why did this have to be happening to him? All he was trying to do was get a second chance at this babysitting thing. At the very least, he reasoned with himself, it was happening in his home.

He felt his other calf start to grow to match, albeit a bit slower. His thighs began to stretch and bulge, straining his pants to their limits. For a moment, Brandon was more concerned about something other than his morphing body. 

“My house? My home?? What…what did I just say” It didn’t feel like it was a slip of the tongue, but before he could really process what he’d said, his pants ripped. One leg burst out of its confines, its mass stretching out with both muscle and fat. The other wasn’t too far behind, launching through what was left of his pant legs. The pocket tore open, and his phone clattered to the crisp tile of the bathroom floor.

Brandon saw on its screen that it was in fact from Cynthia. He kneeled down to reach for it, and while one hand was grabbing the now miniscule phone, the other was resting on his thigh. Unknown to him, the touch of his wide palm to his burning hot legs cause that familiarly black and wiry hair to grow, rapidly gaining in number and spreading out over his legs.

Holding the phone with his hand felt awful no matter which way he oriented it, the darn thing just was too small for his fingers to manage. Thankfully, he could read the text message from his notification bar.

[Hi Brando, hope Ethan isn’t driving you nuts over there. Thank you again for taking care of him on such short notice! I’ll b-] The notification stopped there. He slapped his thumb on the screen in an attempt to unlock it, but it wouldn’t recognize his fingerprint. It was a harmless message for sure, if not a slightly strange one. Spelling his name wrong for one thing, but Ethan was probably the most calm kid he’s dealt with in a long time, a far cry from driving him nuts! Well, he hadn’t taken care of many kids, actually. But something about that felt wrong as well, almost as if he *has* been babysitting for longer than he can remember.

“I suppose its better to get into character, huh?” Brando said to himself sarcastically. Now that he’s taken care of that finally, he has another situation to take care of. Looking down at his legs, he saw just how massive they’ve grown, and how hairy they’ve grown as well. Without him even noticing, that same hair found the time to take root and spread out over their expanse. 

His body looked bizarre. Massive forearms and hands, gigantic legs, skinny everything else. His feet somehow remained unchanged, though that just made it harder to balance all the mass of the hairy tree trunks he had for legs; their bloated mass shaking with every test step he took. Apparently the strain was too much for his shoes, and they started to creak.

Or, that’s what he thought. Looking a little closer, he realized that the hair from his legs were spreading down towards his feet. Brando instantly knew what was about to happen.

“Sunnavab-” POP

His shoes burst apart to make way for his growing feet, which were crackling and growing meatier by the second. From a size 8 all the way to 17, the torn apart scraps of shoe and sock scattered about like confetti, applauding the debut of Brando’s now massive feet.

Brando didn’t even know what to say or think anymore. People didn’t just grow muscles like this out of nowhere, and yet here he was. He had to do something. Could he fix this? Could he stop it? Would that even be a good idea since his body is currently built like some lopsided pottery assignment? The scenarios kept running through his mind over and over, until eventually he remembered the box and for some reason everything started to click into place.

He had to get to that box. He didn’t know what he’d do when he got here, but surely he’d figure it out. Brando tried to put his phone in his pocket, only for it to scratch against his colossal thigh. He pat his hand down on it and rubbed around a little, feeling the unfamiliar terrain of his leg. 

“Oh, right. All that’s left of my pants is the crotch area,” Brandon let out a deep sigh. There goes another wrench into his plan. He had a shirt on, and the equivalent of denim panties. That was it. At least his underwear was still intact. Jeez, these thighs sure get hot. All that rubbing and hair, he couldn’t imagine living with these monsters. Lucky for him, he won’t have to if he can reverse all of this.

Leaning over and throwing away the shoe and sock scraps, Brando began to devise a plan to get upstairs. He knew he’d have to pass by the boy to get to the stairs, but at least he was facing away from them and towards the tv. He could just sneak behind Ethan, waltz up the stairs, and viola! 

He could still hear the cartoon playing on the tv. As delicately as he could with his hands, he twisted the doorknob and opened the bathroom door. Step 1: complete, and the coast was clear! 

“Oh this’ll be so easy!” Brando exclaimed to himself, certain in his abilities to sneak up to the box. What he forgot to account for, was his new weight and giant feet. With every footfall he made, it was like tremors reverberating through the house. Brando tried to be as quiet as he could, but no matter how softly he thought he was stepping, the thuds of his feet were always audible.

“Pappy?” Brando’s heart dropped. Ethan’s voice rang out from the couch, calling out to someone. Pappy? Was that what he called his dad? Regardless, he knew his cover was about to be blown. Before Ethan could come and investigate, Brando quickly made his way to the kitchen, hiding his lower body and arms behind the counter. He had to squat a bit, since his legs got longer during their transformation.

“Nope! Just me, kiddo.” Brando capped it off with a laugh as awkward as ever.

“Oh, ok!” Ethan was quick to return to his show. 

Brando wanted to ask him about who this Pappy guy was, but he thought against it, opting to seize this moment to go upstairs before the boy could ask anything e-

“Can I have some more dinosaur nuggets?” There it was. The precious moment that Brando had wanted to take advantage of was gone. He turned to face him, and opened his mouth. He wanted to say something, but couldn’t find any words. He had to be very careful to not let Ethan witness the state he was in.

“uUm-” Brando shot his hand up to his throat, and then back down right before Ethan looked over. Was that his voice?! What had just come out of his mouth was something deep, incredibly deep. It sounded like a gritty rumble more than it did his own high pitched voice. He cleared his throat. It was just the nerves, calm down

“Of course!” He replied cheerily, the two holding eye contact for a moment as Brando started shuffling towards the fridge, the thuds of his feet telling a different story than the appearance that Ethan was seeing above the counter. Ethan returned to his show, and Brando let out a sigh of relief. 

Opening the fridge, Brando palmed the frozen nuggets with ease, and quickly got to work cooking them up. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t a lot of work. After an eternity of awkward standing around as the nuggets cooked, the oven finally dinged. Struggling for a moment to put oven mitts on, he wondered if he would even need mitts with his hands, they looked tough enough to tolerate magma if need be. Pulling the nuggets onto a plate and squirting some ketchup onto the side, he decided to sneak a nugget into his mouth before Ethan noticed. 

“Could be better.”

As Brando was eating it, he heard a yelp from Ethan

“I gotta use the potty!!” his voice wasn’t coming from the couch. No, he was already up and dangerously close to seeing Brando’s body. 

Brando’s heart sank into his chest, he had probably less than a second to get right out of sight. Just his luck, the shock and pressure caused him to choke on the nugget he was eating, hacking twice before pushing himself to hide behind the kitchen island. Thankfully, Ethan ran right by the kitchen and towards the bathroom that Brando was previously hiding in. Crisis averted! But now he was choking big time.

After a couple coughs, he tried to take a breath of air. The crumbs caught in his throat on the inhale, and he entered a second even harder coughing fit. With every cough, he could feel his throat straining. In between coughs, he let out a groan, but it was deeper than his regular voice. Not as deep as earlier, but definitely deeper than normal. Reaching for his throat, it felt hard and thick, and with every subsequent cough, it became thicker. He couldn’t be worrying about this right now, Ethan is in the bathroom, a perfect chance to climb upstairs  and get to the box. 

After a few steps and a couple more coughs, he felt like his throat was clear, and took as deep an inhale as he could.


The neck of his shirt had ripped open. He thought it was just from his neck thickening, but now that he thought about it, his whole shirt was feeling a little tighter than he remembered. Then he looked down and realized that his ribcage had expanded. Once he realized this, he had to take another breath, and yet again his ribs spread out, shirt ripping just a bit more as his chest became more prominent.

“Oh, damn it all!” There it was. That deep rumble of a voice he heard earlier. Clutching his throat, he swallowed the last bits of the nugget and under his hand felt his adams apple swell out. With a grunt, which sounded more like it had come from a lion than a person, he trudged along, eager to get up the stairs.

Almost at the base of the stairs, he heard the door to the bathroom creak open, and his heartrate started to spike. Brando’s breath quickened and he went as fast as his strange body could take him. He reached the stairs, slapping his hand on the rail, and began to climb. With every frantic breath he took, his chest was creaking bigger, changing his whole body shape. Eventually he felt something more, something was moving as he was climbing the steps. Looking down once more, he saw the beginnings of pecs bouncing up and down with each step he progressed. And with each step, they too got bigger.

Brando switched between looking up the stairs at where he was headed, to down the stairs if Ethan was following, and then to his chest. With every glance, his shirt looked tighter than before, pecs a bit bigger, and curiously, there were two smaller lumps that started poking through the shirt as well. Now almost all the way up the stairs, his shirt was reaching its breaking point, and he hated to admit it felt…good! He stumbled a little, caught off guard by this feeling. Slapping a hand to his chest, his large fingers pinched that bump, wracking his mind with pleasure and making him stumble all over again. Why? Why did it feel so good?! 

He kept his hand on his chest as he made it to the top of the staircase, trying to keep his tits from bouncing. No, no. Pecs, not tits. Speed walking into the master bedroom, he knelt at the box, knees landing on the carpet with a loud thud as if a bowling ball was dropped.

Grabbing at the contents of the box, he wasn’t even sure what he was looking for. 

“Come on,” He reminded himself of how deep his voice had become, oozing with masculinity. “Come to daddy.”

He didn’t know what he meant by that, but he didn’t care. His pecs were starting to stretch the shirt even more, and he had to find a solution fast. But he couldn’t find anything! Picking up and tossing the contents around, there was nothing inside but that same change of clothes he saw from earlier!

“Oooggh-” His head shot up as his pecs gained more mass, trying to break free from the confines of his ripping shirt. His voice was so deep now that he could feel the rumble of it in his chest, like a distant storm. 

He let out a grunt. He couldn’t think straight with all the pleasure he was feeling. He squeezed his chest with one mitt and grabbed the box before stumbling into the bathroom and locking the door.

He planted his hands on the sink, bracing himself as he panted for air. Lifting his head, he stared at himself in the mirror. He looked so tired, his small head atop a burgeoning pillar of muscle that he called his neck.

His self evaluation could wait, according to his pecs. With a choked grunt, Brando arched his back and lifted his chest to the air. As if called forth, his pecs strained against the shirt for a moment, and burst outwards in a jiggling explosion of both muscle and fat. Brando groaned and whined, catching his breath as he looked in the mirror again, this time at his giant pecs. As he watched, they grew yet again, one side lurching bigger, heftier, before the other caught up to it. 

“You’re losing it,” He grumbled to himself. He slapped his chest and watch it jiggle. It jiggled, and yet it felt as solid as rock. A smile snuck onto his features. Looks about the size of a rock too. He saw those mysterious bumps from before, his nipples now looking like pacifiers.

As if to test if they were the origins of what he felt that time, he reached up and squeezed one, only to immediately shut his eyes and growl. His dick began to harden in the little amount of pants he had left. Yeah, that was it.

Looking at himself again, he chuckled “Yeah, you’re losing it, big guy.” he listened to that voice of his. FUCK, that voice.

He slapped his chest again, harder this time. His chest greeted his knocking by lurching out another inch. He laughed even more.

“I’m losing it. Heh, yeah. Daddy’s really losing it, eh?” He let out a wicked chuckle, and clutched at his tits with both hands, causing his chest to push out even further into his hands. They were huge now. Huge, round, brawny muscle tits.

“Daddy’s feeling goooood,” He couldn’t contain himself, groping his massive chest for what felt like ages, and he’d never been harder in his life.

He heard another vibration, his phone was sitting on the counter. With a growl, Brando glanced down, having to lean forward to see over his big muscle jugs. It was a message.

[Hi, Dad. I’m going to come back soon, I hope you haven’t been too bad while I’ve been gone. Love you-]

Brando snorted. He didn’t read who it was from, and in his pleasure delirium, he hardly processed what he even read.

“Gonna come, eh? Sorry, Daddy’s been bad,” He grunted as he slapped his left hand on the counter, right hand leaving his pec to service his aching boner. Before he could get anywhere, the phone vibrated again, irritating Brando.

“Y’know, A’hm gettin’ ticked off by-” He had leaned over again to look at the message. It was from Ceasar.

[Your name is Brandon]

His eyes lit up. Brando suddenly had a moment of clarity of what was going on. Right! He was here to babysit, and he was just a kid! So, why did he look like this? What was happening?! The message…who…is Ceasar? And Brandon, it sound familiar, but it feels so far away. What is happening to him?!

He saw his hands, his legs, feet, his chest. Everything felt so wrong…but why? Was his body incomplete, or was he someone else entirely? He was thinking so hard, and while in his thoughts his hand began to unconsciously move towards his chest. Brandon, no, Brando…er, whoever he was was so close to remembering something.

His hand pinched his nipple, his cock hardened instantly, and it all came crashing down. His brain was instantly shot with pleasure again, that familiar delight he had experienced oh so often. He tried glancing at the phone again, and looked at the message.

[Your name is Brando]

[Your name is Brandon]

The letters were changing right before his eyes, he could hardly figure out what he was looking at anymore

[Your name is Brano]

[Your name is Bru

The phone shut off from inactivity, and in that moment, he felt his arm tense up. The hair from his forearms creeped upwards before a huge patch of jet black hair shot out in hit pits.

“Mmh,” He felt his arms gurgle. Holding up his left arm, he stared at it and then through the mirror. He flexed it and it bubbled outwards, quickly filling his sleeve with hard mass. 10 inches, 13 inches, 17 inches, 24 inches. His arms were quickly becoming something legendary to behold, shredding his sleeves, the bicep pumping up and the tricep swooping down towards the ground. Big fat veins appeared on the peaks, and then his delts began their ascent.

Eventually, everything on his left arm began to squish together, their mass encroaching on one another's territory, until his arm pulled away from his body with a pop. A mighty trap blew up like a balloon, and he felt underneath his arm to feel a lat like the wing of a plane. The trap was hugging his neck, and the whole left side was far heavier than the right for the moment, but that was quick to change. The mass spread through his neck as the right trap puffed into existence, followed by a snap of his right arm and shoulder stretching outward. Finally, his biceps inflated, his triceps engorged and swelled to match his other side. The hair spread over his arms and under just like the left side.

He hit a double biceps, ogling himself in the mirror, then into a crab pose before groping at his pecs again. This time, his hands brought hair with its touch, spanning out over the massive expanse of his chest.

He saw the hair slink below his pecs, and he felt the remainder of the shirt tighten around his stomach.  Resting his hands over it, he felt it gurgle and grow. Just like the rest of his body, it grew with both fat and muscle, aiming to be the biggest it could be. Soon his gut was already bowing out over the button of his pants, shirt starting to slide over its mass as fast as it could.

“Daddy’s gettin’ big, gettin’ real big” He growled, lost in his world again. His stomach grew and grew until it strained the last of his shirt. Then with a rip, his big hairy gut burst into view, jiggling for a moment before hardening with more muscle. He rubbed it, it felt good when he rubbed it, but he could already feel something else happening.

He hunched over as the rest of his back not only exploded in size, but height as well, matching with the rest of his lengthened body. Then before he could even realize what happened, he spread his legs further apart as his ass began to inflate. It began slow, until the left cheek blew up in size, followed shortly after by his right. They stuck out far, acting as a counterbalance to his still growing gut, but it was making his pants too tight on his dick. Despite the lack of space, it decided to grow, his balls quivered before dropping and becoming the size of large eggs. His dick was hard, but he felt it get even harder, and harder again. His dick began to stretch out of the confines of his pants, reaching far towards the footlong fuck stick he would now wield. It didn’t stop there, as it inched towards his knee, it became fatter too, the girth swelling up. 

With a loud and strained groan, He felt his pelvis snap before his hips widened and his ass bloated even further out. This was the last straw, and his pants and underwear tapped out, erupting fabric all over the bathroom floor.

He was panting hard, and slowly looked up to face himself in the mirror. Still that same babyface. He stared unblinking as his jaw cracked and tripled in width, becoming a massive block. His chin popped further out, like a big ball of bone and muscle. He stared unphased as his hairline began to creep back into a wide widows peak, as his eyebrows thickened and his brow bone lurched over his eyes with a crunch. He stared  as his nose cracked from a button to a solid downward curved block, as his ears became bigger and his mouth drooped into a permanent scowl. His deep eyes stared. He liked this. His now massive dick began to harden again as he watched his cheekbones blow outward, as folds formed along his face. He looked brutish. He felt brutish. There standing naked in the bathroom was an incredibly massive man, who’s muscles were still ever so slightly expanding with every breath.

There was a vibration.

He looked down slowly, his body didn’t move too fast these days. It was a notification to tell him that his phone was at low battery. Above it was the previous message.

[Your name is Bruno Langston]

His eyes widened slightly, his breath quickened once more. He reached his hands up to feel around his face. It was gritty, like sandpaper. He smiled and let out a chuckle. 

“Fuck, Daddy’s kinda hot,” He slapped his belly, squeezed his hairy chest, and he felt his boner slap against his gut.

Without hesitation, he started working it, using all the strength in his body to jack himself off. A new life was pouring into his brain, his past life only a hindrance now. His balls slapped against his hands with every thrust, he pawed at his massive ass with his free hand, he rubbed his chest hair, he was feeling every part of his new body like it was a roadmap.

Bruno was gaining the memories he thought he forgot about. He was 53 years old, father of 4 kids, grandfather of just 1 so far, but that would change. He chuckled to himself. He used to be a substitute teacher before becoming a babysitter for the neighborhood kids. Everybody around the neighborhood knew him, and they knew he was a sweet guy. To some, it also meant they got a chance to come over and check him out a bit as they’re picking their kids up.

It was true, he was a sweet guy. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t give himself a bit of a treat every now and then. He loved his big body, and he wasn’t afraid to show it off when he went out on the town. He’d pumped out 4 kids with his sweet wife, Linda, and the two of them raised those kids together as long as they could. Linda passed away a couple years prior, and though it gets to big ol’ Bruno every now and again, he knows that she was happy with how they raised their kids. He was too! He was so damn proud of his family, and made sure they knew it. His big body was made for lovin’ and his extended family knows well of the formidable Family Bearhug he gives.

“Daddy’s gonna burst,” Bruno huffed, and with a final pump, he shot the biggest load he’d ever shot. In the midst of his climax, his whole body began to shake, one more layer of mass being added all over his body. 

Bruno was left standing naked and sweaty. He scratched his massive jaw looking at the cum he got in the sink and on the mirror, and sniffed his pit. 

“Alright, you old man, gotta clean this up.” He leaned over once more with a grunt and picked up the box of clothes. All the clothes were huge! What a weird thought, they had to be huge in order to fit him! He slipped on the underwear and pants, realizing that they were still tight.

“As long as it fits, I’m golden,” He whipped on the beater and did a small pose for himself. 

“Damn, did I really get bigger? Usually not this tight” He stared curiously at his body. The beater, as stretchy as it was, was pulled tight over his mass. The vertical stripes warping and bending outwards to follow the shape of his enormous pecs and belly. He found that hot, and felt his cock twitch again in his pants.

After absentmindedly pawing his dick, he put on his button up, leaving the top 3 buttons open to make room for his hairy chest. After slapping on the wrist watch, he did a once-over in the mirror. Everything felt quite tight today, maybe he gained too much muscle. He smirked at that and gave his tit a squeeze and a slap.

Downstairs, he heard the front door opening, followed by the voice of Cynthia. He opened the bathroom door and began to walk downstairs, his massive body heaving and lightly shaking the picture frames along the walls. Turning the corner, he was Ethan hugging Cynthia as she dropped her bags on the ground

“Hey, Dad!-” She said over her shoulder. Right as she made that remark, Bruno’s body shook. Bruno’s pecs gave another push, popping open the next button on his shirt. That’s right, he was a father! And a damn good one, at that! His big gut joined in and heaved outwards as well, popping open the rest of his shirt.  Bruno braced himself against the wall as he continued to swell, battering ram of a torso snapping through the beater, tractor thighs bursting through his pants. 

Right as Cynthia was about to turn around, the broken fabric began to flutter back into place, but this time in an even bigger configuration to fit his body. Right as the last bit of fabric blued itself back into his beater, Cynthia smiled at him.

Nobody paid any mind as Bruno scratched as his belly.

“Thank you so much for taking care of Ethan on such short notice! Hopefully he didn’t cause any trouble, since you aren’t seething it seems he didn’t, thankfully. He can be a bit of a handful to some other sitters, but it seems he really loves his grandpa!” Cynthia picked up Ethan in her arms, his face smiling with glee

“Pappy!” Ethan wailed and held his hands out towards Bruno

“Oh, yes that's right. Pappy’s right here, son. He loves you very much!” A smile graced Bruno’s heavy features. If you didn’t know him, you would never expect a giant bear like him to smile, but it was a common occurrence.

Cynthia rolled her eyes, “I think Ethan wants you to do the thing with your chest again,” She jokingly shook Ethan around “you little rascal! Pappy can’t keep bouncing them forever!”

Bruno let out a hearty laugh with that one, his chest and belly quaking, “Oh, don’t be so hard on him. I can bounce these bad boys all day long if I had to!” He exclaimed as he bounced the colossal pecs he sported.

Ethan was loving it, and laughed his head off.

There was a knock at the door, and both Cynthia and Bruno turned to look at it.

“I’ll get it sweetie, you and Ethan can keep gettin’ ready to take off.” Bruno started towards the door, Cynthia making way to avoid getting hit by her brick wall of a father.

Upon opening the door, Bruno looked down to see a young boy. His white hair was in stark contrast with his mostly black clothes, and he looked like he might better belong in a rock band. 

“Good evenin’ young man, can I help you with anythin’?” 

The boy looked up at him in awe, anyone would if they saw the massive man he was. The boy forced himself to stop gawking and collected himself.

“Hi there, sir…” He looked at his shoes and hesitated for a moment, causing Bruno to cock an eyebrow. “I just moved in to the house down the street and I’ve been trying to get to know some of my neighbors. My name’s Caesar.” He held out his hand towards Bruno.

“Well look’it you, son. Not everyday you get nice young’ns like you moving into the neighborhood. Lately we’ve had a few trouble makers ourselves.” He held out his paw and met Caesar’s, completely overtaking his due to the size difference. “Pleasure to have you in the hood’. The names Bruno Langston.” Bruno ended it with a firm shake and a smile. But he noticed that Caesar’s eyes widened. He looked *almost* scared. 

“Thank you, sir. I have to get home and continue unpacking, take care.” And Caesar quickly turned face and began to walk away. Bruno looked towards him, confused by their interaction. He seemed like a good boy, and he hoped that Caesar made the right choices growing up. Just beyond Caesar, was a boy standing by the big tree at the end of the cul de sac. With that, Bruno shut the door.

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2 years ago

Must’ve been the wind


These three boys were trapped in a cabin due to the violent snowstorm that had just blown through moments ago. Now looking like a colossal pile of snow, it would have been hard to realize that underneath all of the cold and white mass was actually a quaint and cozy cabin. 

“NNH,” One of the boys slammed his shoulder into the door, trying desperately to get it to budge so they could make it outside. As many times as he pushed into the door, he found himself being pushed away from the door, feet sliding along the hardwood at the entrance of the house. “There’s no way this thing is going to open, man! We’re fucked! Absolutely, positively fucked!” he protested with a firm swat at the door with his fist.

A second boy chimed in, “Chill out, Jack. Look, yes we’re trapped but it’s not like we’re going to be dying any time soon. There’s still food, it’s still warm and even if it starts to get colder, we have tons of blankets and pillows, even all of our extra clothing we can put wear,” Standing further away from the door, this second boy watched Jack’s attempts to open it while knowing with certainty that he wasn’t going to be able to open it even a crack. With how much snow apparently piled up against that thing, they had to be monsters to swing it open.

From across the room, another voice arose. “Are we really going to die, Thomas? I don’t want to die while stranded in here! I want to go home!” The third boy’s voice was noticeably more shaky, clearly scared of the situation the three found themselves in.

Staring down the door in defeat, the first boy was out of breath, hand trembling “Yeah, ain’t nobody here going to come help us at this point. We gotta figure this out on our own…” He muttered this without turning, punching the door had hurt more than he thought, and he surely didn’t want anyone to catch that actually it hurt.

“Can you be quiet and listen to me? Will you, Jack? There’s no need to scare Alex more about the situation,” Thomas turned towards Alex, who was slinking in the corner of the room. “We’ll be fine, Alex. People will come get us for sure.”

Jack tutted, “Yeah, right…” Causing a fearful look from Alex, and an annoyed look from Thomas.

“Forget this, I’m going to the other room.” Thomas turned with a huff and started off to the back of the house, winding through the hallway and into the bedroom. Plopping himself down on their soft bed, he laid back and stared at the wall. 

How did this snowstorm happen so fast?


The three of them met at a summer camp not too long ago, and after getting to know each other more, they decided to take another trip out to the snow. Thomas and Jack were always hanging with each other and going on adventures. They both met Alex who was much more meek and afraid, but enjoyed the company of the two and tried his best to keep up. They quickly became a trio. A family member of Alex offered the cabin outing, and they couldn’t say no to an entire cabin, even if it was way out in the middle of nowhere. While the long drive there had some snow that was more slush than snow, they were expecting it to resume snowing throughout the night. It was forecasted to be a light snow, and they were excited to frolic around after they woke up to a winter wonderland.

Little did they know, the snow began to pick up earlier than expected. By the time they got to the house, there was already a fairly strong downpour of snowflakes. After parking their car in the side lot of the cabin, they made their way into the cobblestone entrance and began to bring all their luggage in. The three boys gaped at the luxurious wooden interior, with all the typical amenities that they expected to be in a top notch cabin. The entire back of the front door was covered in a huge mirror, they noticed. Jack would make faces at himself in it between luggage trips.

As soon as their luggage was all in, the three of them kicked off their boots. Jack and Alex got comfy on the huge couches, and Thomas decided to peruse the place. Turning into the hall, he felt the floor’s fluffy carpet along his feet. He saw that the hall split off in two directions, bathroom on the right, and bedroom on the left. Thomas gently swung open the bathroom door and saw that it was, well, a bathroom. Pretty small, all things considered. Door opened up to a square room with a toilet on the opposite side of the door, shower on the right, and sink to the left. 

‘Functional’ Thomas thought to himself.

A big mirror was once again found on the back of the door, and Thomas didn’t particularly enjoy that he would be staring at his reflection if he were to take a dump in there; the toilet was directly facing the door. Leaving the bathroom behind after one last eyeball, he turned to inspect the bedroom. It seemed that it was a master bedroom, as he could tell it was quite spacious even before entering. As soon as he crossed the threshold, Thomas heard a humming noise. 

‘Where’s that coming from?’ He thought to himself as he brought his hand to his ear and glanced around. Thomas put his ear to the hallway wall, and he could hear it. He put his ear to the floor, and he could hear it. Strangely, it seemed that the mystery noise had no origin that he could find. It was almost like i-

In an instant, they all felt a wave of sleepiness hit them as if a switch was flipped,  and they all opted to take a quick nap. Thomas stumbled to the bed where drifted to sleep, while Alex and Jack had still been on the couch. 

They didn’t wake up until Alex’s scream blew through the whole house. Jolted awake, Thomas quickly got up and ran down the hall to the main room where he met the other two boys. Had he fallen asleep? This was no time to be thinking of things, as he turned out of the hall and met with his friends. They were looking at the front window, but something was wrong. The entire window was white! Turning around to the window behind him in the kitchen, Thomas noticed that its fate was in a similar state.

In the time that they all fell asleep, they somehow were completely snowed in. It looked as if someone covered the outside of their windows with white paint, there was not even a hint of the scenery that was typically seen from the windows.

“What the fuck?!”

“Guys what do we do? I’m scared!”

“Just how long were we asleep for?”

Jack tore his eyes away from the kitchen and searched for a clock. No clocks on the walls that they could find. The clock on the microwave screen was blank. The oven? Blank.

Thomas furiously patted down his pockets in search of his phone, but no dice.

“Dudes, I think the power is out!” Jack immediately looked toward Thomas, who met his eyes in the same shocked expression.

Alex began to sniffle, and then burst into tears. He was clearly overwhelmed by the sudden dilemma they found themselves in.

“Hey, come on, it’s ok Alex!” Thomas, ever the guardian, comforted Alex while Jack ran around the house looking for anything that could help them out in this predicament. He found more windows similarly blinded by snow. After what felt like an eternity of running around the house looking for anything helpful, Jack noticed a door on the ceiling above the hallway.


Jack hopped up to grab the string and attempted to pull it down…with no success. His fingers had scraped against the scratchy string and left a stinging sensation. With a sneer, he shook out his hand and readied himself again to pull it down, this time with all his strength. Once again, nothing budged. Jack huffed in frustration at the fact that he couldn’t pull it open. He began to hear that same humming in his ears.

At the same time, Thomas rounded the corner, spotting Jack.

“Hey, did you find anything, man?” Shortly after asking, Thomas noticed that Jack had indeed found something of interest. “Alright! We got something! Do you need any help opening it?” Thomas walked closer, offering his hand to help Jack out before being shrugged off by him.

“More like I got something. You were busy babysitting over there or something.” Jack barked at Thomas. “Besides, I can open it myself.”

“What? Now isn’t the time for your little tantrums, man. What even is your deal with Alex? He just gets a little scared sometimes,” Thomas was clearly losing his patience with Jack already, this wasn’t uncommon to say the least, but he certainly hoped Jack would have been more mature in a situation like this.

Both Thomas and Jack have pretty similar builds. Thomas being 5’8 while Jack was a smidge taller at 5’10. Both were skinny, but Thomas had some more meat on his bones due to helping his dad with moving some client’s desks around at his office. Jack on the other hand, was skinnier yet much more scrappy. He always had a bit of a short temper, but he’d been working on it as best as he could. Thomas knew, though, that his temper always shined through when he was stressed out, like their current situation. Thomas had medium length brown hair that was always in a middle part, a lot of girls at his school seemed to enjoy it fluttering in the wind during gym classes. Jack’s hair is of a similar length, but black in color and brushed back on his head. His didn’t flow nearly as luxuriously as Thomas’ though. Jack’s hair often flew right into his eyes, causing him to form a habit of wiping his forehead upwards to get the hair out of his face.

The two glared at each other for a moment before Jack broke away and tried one more time at the string. Third time, third fail, and Jack fell to the ground with an “oof”.

Thomas grabbed his arm and helped him up and then helped him open the door, with Jack’s reluctant compliance. With a pop and both the boys stumbling back a bit, the door was opened! It appeared to be a cozy, albeit dusty, little attic loaded with equipment of some kind.

“Look, Jack. Just let me help you out sometimes, alright? It doesn’t hurt to ask for help when you need it,” Thomas was used to this, Jack always wanted to do things on his own terms.

“Whatever, man. I could’ve done it myself, just go back to Alex.” Jack didn’t make eye contact, just brushed Thomas off and inspected what was inside the attic. It seemed that it was a lot of household supplies and things like extra blankets and bedding.

Walking back over to Alex, Thomas noticed that he had shifted positions to be in the corner of the room huddled together.

“You alright?” Thomas was quick to ask how he was doing. 

“Yeah…” He replied meekly. “Sorry for not being much help,” Alex was always like this since the other two have known him. With his much shorter stature of 5’4 and his short brown hair, he definitely fit the bill of a shy and quiet kid. After meeting Jack and Thomas, he realized that he wanted to change himself for the better, and it was obvious to the two bigger guys that Alex looked up to them.


It stings.

Jack’s hand was trembling from punching the door, his shoulder still aching from his tackles. Why couldn’t he just open it? Why did he have to be-

He didn’t want to say it, but it was true. Jack looked at his reflection. His red knuckles on his shaking hand. He glared into his reflection’s eyes. Why did he have to be so weak?

Instantly, the humming returned within his ears. It began soft, before growing louder and louder until his head throbbed. ‘Why? Why am I so damn weak?’ He felt his entire body heat up, before he stepped forward and punched the mirror in front of him.


The sound of glass crackling startled Alex, and he looked over at Jack from his position on the other side of the room. He saw Jack hunched over against the front door and it looked like he was shaking.

“Jack? Are you alright?” Alex walked up to him, and rested his hand on Jack’s back. It was hot, really hot. And his whole body was shaking as well. Before Alex could let out a peep, he felt something shift in Jack. Pulling his hand away he stared at Jack as he remained in his hunched position. After a moment of silence and suspense that felt like it lasted forever, Jack keeled onto the floor with a yell as what looked like a wave passed over his back.

“Jack! What’s going on?” Despite wanting to help, Alex didn’t even realize that he had taken a step back. Jack was on the floor moaning, his back arched towards the ceiling. It looked like something was inside of him that was trying desperately to get out. Pulse after pulse, his back kept pushing outwards, the creases of his shirt soon were a thing of the past. Jack was growing bigger.

Jack’s back jolted harder, a huge burst of mass expanding out of his. He continued to moan, and Alex couldn’t tell if it was in agony or in bliss. Jack’s shirt was looking pretty tight already, and out of nowhere two masses lunged to the sides of his body, ripping the long sleeve right down the middle. With Jack’s back now exposed to the air of the cabin, Alex got a solid look at what was happening. He was growing muscles! The masses that flew to the sides continued their journey, pushing his shoulders out with them until they looked like airplane wings. The smooth back Jack once had inflated and grew mountain like ridges as it grew as hard as stone.

Jack’s mind was blank, all he could pay attention to was the seething heat of his body and the floor in front of him. He subconsciously noticed that his arms were being pulled further away from him as his back was widening, but couldn’t pay any mind to it. All of a sudden, he felt his hand spasm. He turned his eyes to his right hand as he saw his lean fingers puff up and widen with mass and size. His palm blew up with a crunch, and it inflated to match the size of his new grabbers. He noticed that the skin itself looked different as well, much more weathered and beat up, veins growing visible on the back of his hand. He felt a similar sensation in his other hand, but was too busy looking at the progress his right side was already making,

Jack’s wrist snapped and widened, his arm shooting out in length and pushing him away before beginning to fill with muscle of its own like water being poured into a balloon. Instantly his sleeves began to rip and tear from the strain. His twigs for arms blew up until Jack couldn’t even tell if they were humanly possible to be that big, his now beefy forearms looked about as wide as his thighs with corded muscle and veins painted a landscape on the canvas that was his body. His arms jiggled into view until he flexed them and they solidified into huge instruments of destruction, the watermelons attached to his now anchor arms accentuated only by a few veins the size of steel cables. His arms weren’t being filled with water, these babies were cement! His shoulder blew up into a pumpkin sized mass, and even just flexing his arm he could tell that these things were rock hard. 

Jack swiveled his eyes to the other side and saw that the process had steadily progressed on his other half as well, pumpkin sized delts, arms the size of his head, and triceps that provided the grip strength to crush a brick, all capped by the biggest mitt of a hand he had ever laid eyes on. The heat in his body seemed to be more bearable now, as if the energy was dispersing through his body as he changed.

As his arms finished up their growth, one last snap of his back widened him even further until the simple task of walking through doors would prove to be a challenge, and putting his shirt out of commission for good. Jack didn’t even realize, but his feet had begun their growth, his shoes already screaming for mercy. From his average size 8, his feet snapped out of their confines and stretched out to a mighty and meaty size 12, shoe canvas fluttering about. As if his new dogs could breathe, as soon as they touched the outside air his legs shot out in length before mass trickled onto them. To support a body as big as his he would need pistons for legs, and it appeared he was going to get exactly that.

Jack looked up at his own reflection, glaring at himself again. He hated it. He couldn’t stand to look at himself when he was that weak. Jack pushed himself off of the floor, slowly rising to his new height of 6’3. His legs continued to spread out as he rose, thighs and calves blowing up like bread in the oven, his ass evolving from being flat as plank to something more akin to a couch pillows. His pants never stood a chance, and as soon as Jack stood straight, his waist widened with a snap. 

Peering into his own eyes, he braced himself against the mirror. He wanted to change from this weakling. He needed to become stronger. The only way he can better himself here and now is to become stronger!

“UNH!” With a boom not unsimilar to a crack of lightning, Jack’s chest exploded outwards into a much more barrel-like shape, shoving his body into the mirror.  His breaths were raggedy, the hot air fogging the mirror in front of him as he could feel his pecs begin to grow. From nothing came something, and then those somethings blossomed into huge iron plates flowing out of his chest. His now incredible chest showed no signs of stopping, pecs growing bigger and bigger with each fervent desire of their owner to become stronger. A six pack crunched itself into existence along his stomach, pushing out towards the mirror with their mass. Jack could no longer see himself in the mirror with how fogged up it was.

“Jack! What the hell is happening to you?!” In the back of Jack’s mind, he heard Alex’s cry. Who he was, on the other hand, was beginning to blur in and out of his head. Jack began to turn around, showing off his incredible body to the tiny individual in front of him. He looked dully into Alex’s eyes, not processing what was happening at all. It was strange seeing Jack’s young head on top of such a mountain of virility, but that was about to change.

“Hrck!” Jack stumbled back, his large body slamming against the door with a heavy and deep  thud that shook the house. He felt his throat begin to constrict before it thickened like a wrestler’s, his head now even smaller looking atop this body. He brought his beefy hands up to his face, almost palming his entire head.

“T…Thomas? Thomas!” Alex could hardly snap out of his daze to call out for his friend, and he certainly couldn’t pull his eyes away from what was occurring in front of him. Jack let out another moan as he felt his entire head expand, immediately changing his look to a more mature one. A large and straight nose overtook his button; big square jaw looking just like a superhero’s would. His eyes opened, changing to a deep green. As if it were a catalyst, a multitude of changes happened all over. Worry lines forming along his face, placing his age closer to late 30’s early 40’s, 5 o’clock shadow smearing itself onto his chin and similar hair growing on the rest of his body to accentuate the newfound curves and bumps. Even his hair grew more wavy as it lightened from black to a dark brown.

A few curls fell over his face, and the new man slowly brushed it upwards out of the way before letting out a grunt. That small moment of noise was enough to tell Alex how much his voice had changed. It was almost like he could feel the rumble in his own chest with how deep it was. Now in front of Alex stood what looked like SuperDad, towering over him with all of his mass, and the only noise in the room being the deep breaths necessary to maintain his large figure. Despite the situation and how scared shitless he was, he could at the very least respect how good looking this guy was.

“Did you find a way to get out? What’s going on, Alex-” Thomas turned out of the hall to see a huge mountain of a man in his underwear standing inside of their cabin. He and Alex saw movement, and shifted their eyes lower to the python that was slowly growing within the confines of said underwear. It was slow, but it was indeed growing. Pushing the briefs to their limits ever so slowly as the room was silent apart from Jack's breaths and the groaning of the underwear. Even covered up, they could tell that it was huge, the weight of the bulge pushing further downwards the longer the two stared at it.

They were speechless. The three of them staring down at the appendage hiding away behind this thin bit of fabric. The situation and silence of it all was almost comical, almost.

Alex eventually turned to look at Thomas in search of words to speak. Thomas shifted his eyes to acknowledge Alex, before scanning the room and then returning his sight to the man. Where was Jack? The man was now investigating his body; staring at his hands, groping at his pecs and rubbing his stomach. He drifted over his package before he stopped and looked up to greet Thomas’ eyes. Something about his expression changed. It already looked stern given his deep brows, but even Thomas could see the miniscule lowering of them and his lips. This guy was not happy with him. 

Sensing something was about to go down, Thomas lunged forward and reached for Alex. At the same moment, the colossus began to move. By the time Thomas grabbed Alex’s arm and they were both turning towards the hallway, they realized just how big of a stride this man had. He had just covered so much distance in one step!

With their heart in their throats, they slammed their feet into the ground and forced themselves to sprint towards the bathroom. Sure, Thomas reasoned that this monster could tear a door off of its hinges if he so pleased, but within the confines of the cabin a door that was close was all that they could afford, so bathroom it was. 

The thudding footfalls of the man were right behind them as they swiped around the corner and nearly fell over each other to get into the tiny bathroom.

“CLOSE IT, CLOSE IT,” Alex shrieked at Thomas who was flipping around to grab the door. Thomas threw the door closed, and in the brief moment that it was closing, he looked upwards to see the man’s mass blocking out all sight of the hallway behind him. Thomas met his angry eye right before the door shut and he locked it.

Thomas braced the door with all his might. 

“Oh god, oh god, oh GOD,” Alex was pushing himself into the corner.

“Alex! Where’s Jack,” Even now, Thomas was trying to get a grip of the situation before him, as unbelievable as it was. 

“That IS Jack!”

“WHAT?” Thomas couldn’t even process whatever that meant. That was Jack? What do you mean that’s Jack?? Jack’s a twig, not some angry bulging behemoth-

“Hey!” The voice outside of the door was deep. Incredibly so. That singular word boomed so loud that the two of them froze in place. There was a real man behind this door? People’s voices can get this deep??

An equally loud thud shook the door and pulled the two of them out of their reverie.

“Alex! Help me out here!” Thomas continued to push as hard as he could, his hands white from the force he was pushing into them to keep the door shut.

Alex was frozen with fear in the corner.

“Come on, Alex! Help me out!” Thomas didn’t turn around, he didn’t want to put any focus off of the door in front of him, as it was the only thing protecting the two of them.

More bangs shot through their ears, and the vibrations they gave the door were numbing Thomas’ hands. He couldn’t bear this. He shut his eyes and pushed. Just push just push just keep pushing.

Apparently, this was nowhere near as strong as the Was-Jack could go, as his next hit was so strong and loud that it felt as if the door itself buckled and warped.

Feeling that was all that Thomas needed to know for sure that there was nothing he could do to stop his advance. He was simply too strong. Is this guy for real Jack? How could this be Jack? What on earth did Alex mean by saying that this is Jack? He certainly didn’t see Jack anywhere else when he checked on them, but for him to turn…to transform into someone else?

It didn’t matter if it made no sense, the only positives at this moment was that this thing could get into the bathroom, and there was nothing that they could do to stop it. 

“Jack!” It was desperate. It was so desperate but it was all Thomas could think to do. On the off chance that somehow a christmas miracle happened in this literal cabin in the woods and Jack turned into that man, he had to try.

“Jack, please! Please, please, please, please stop, ok? Alex is terrified, I’m terrified, ok? Just- let’s just stop with the slamming on the door and you go back to normal and we go back to how things were, yeah?” Thomas was sweating bullets, the banging and bashing not relenting.

The hum returned. Thomas tried to close his eyes, but the humming grew louder. He looked up at his reflection, the banging on the door and the humming in his ears becoming too much to handle. Thomas began to hyperventilate, unsure of what was going to become of both him and Alex.

“Jack! Whoever you are,” Thomas took one more glimpse at Alex who was still huddled in the corner. “...whoever you are. Goddammit! Just listen to me, please! Just listen to me for once!”

At that moment, Thomas froze up. It felt like he just had a mini heart attack for just an instance before everything went back to normal. He almost forgot about the bashing of the door and the danger of the situation.

Before he could fully grapple his thoughts again, he felt his right shoulder launch outwards towards the wall. Thomas had no idea what just happened, but Alex had seen this once already.

“No, no, NO! Please, Thomas, not you!” Alex pleaded, his voice was shaky. But Thomas didn’t know what he was talking about. Not him? What did he mean?

He felt pressure in his left leg and looked down at it. In an instant, he witnessed his foot stretching his shoe, and watched as it shredded through the front, growing larger and wider until it broke through all sides of the shoe. He couldn’t even process his new meaty feet before his leg cramped and shot out in length. He was thrown off balance, having to lean on the bathroom sink to his right to hold himself up. He changed his position to mak sure he was still bracing the door while he inspected his leg. It was throbbing, and it was hot. He saw his thigh bubbling up like water in a cauldron, but this wasn’t water. It was…muscle? Fat? He didn’t know what it was, but his leg was becoming huge! His calf grew big and heavy, but thighs bulging and heaving outwards even moreso. With a struggle and a pop, his pant leg burst off all at once. His left hand cramped and he couldn’t even look at it before hit arm shot out just like his right arm did. What was happening to him?

Thomas switched hand positions on the door, and that was when he noticed his hand looked puffy. It was only like that for a second before the palm expanded in all directions, stretching out across the door and taking his average fingers and morphing them into huge sausages. His knuckles popped, each as big as quarters, creases and crags appeared all over his hand, veins crawling out from nowhere. He felt another bang against the door, and put his left hand up against it to brace again, and he noticed that his left was in a similar state. He has gorilla hands! And on top of looking like some worn and torn man hands, they were growing hair. Thick and wiry brown hands were cropping up on the backs of his fingers all the way up to the wrist.

Thomas had no idea what was happening to his body, but if this was happening to him, maybe that really was Jack out there. He heard whimpering from Alex behind him. Wait, he can still think straight! Jack out there clearly has something going on up in the brain, but he can still differentiate things, he still knows what’s what.

“It’s ok, Alex! I’m not slipping! I don’t know what the he- what the heck is going on with me right now, but it’s still me!” Thomas didn’t turn around as he said this, he was too busy watching his arms inflate and bulk up, his sleeves quickly filling and groaning from the size.

Alex didn’t seem to be buying it, as he kept whimpering.

“It’s alright, Alex. I’ll…I’ll protect you, ok?” Thomas hoped he was speaking some truth. He seemed to be gaining some size, but was it enough to protect Alex? Enough to get through to Jack behind this door?

As if to respond to Thomas, his shoulders snapped outwards again, making him wider than the door, then immediately his torso lengthened along with his right leg. He was slowly becoming balanced again, he could feel mass pouring into not only his right leg, but his left leg still as well. Every so often he would feel them mash against each other, and he would have to stand a little further apart. 

He was getting pretty tall by now, he noticed. Thomas’ eyeline continued to rise ever so slowly up the door as the process continued. Was he as tall as Jack? He didn’t remember how he looked, he couldn’t really tell. His shoulders widened once more, this time taking his neck with it. Beefy lats flew out to his sides, huge traps rising to wrap around his now beefier neck. His shirt ripping to shreds over all of the size he was putting on here, and baring his skin to the cool air of the bathroom. His back was now a bloated mass of muscle, it was absurdly huge. To match this, his arms grew to become absurdly big as well. 

With a snap, his wrists grew in width, and then the muscle wrapped itself around it this way and that. Huge cannonballs replacing his biceps and triceps, a Christmas ham replacing his forearms. His arms were unbelievable. Even from the short amount of time he saw Jack, he could tell that his own arms were bigger, albeit less defined. The hair from his hands spread upwards like a fuse, covering his forearms and shoulders, then fluffing out under his arms. He felt tickles on his back  and could tell that his back was growing hairy as well.

Out of curiosity, Thomas peeked at his legs. They had become like redwood trunks, muscle and fat coming together to create huge monsters that he was afraid to call legs. He saw hair grow on his feet before it too spread upwards, leaving no space behind as his legs covered themselves in hair. Once again, he could feel the hair growing on his ass before he felt each cheek explode with mass. First the left, then the right, his ass becoming something of legends. It didn’t plan on stopping there, though. Thomas’ hips widened with a snap, and his ass then grew from legendary to impossible, the cheeks jiggling with growth as Thomas yet again spread his legs apart to accommodate. By now, his pants were long forgotten, the underwear hanging on for dear life.

“D-don’t worry, Alex! It’s still me in here! I just look a little different, is all,” Thomas was now taking up most of the space in the bathroom, Alex trying to escape so much he may as well have pushed himself through the wall, but Thomas could feel something else happening, something deep in his gut. 

“Ooohh,” Thomas’ knees suddenly buckled as he felt pleasure flood his nether regions. He looked down once more at the flat front of his crotch, but it wasn’t so flat anymore. His cock was growing not only longer, but thicker as well. It was making him unbelievably horny. Thomas was trying to push against the door while also holding himself up from the sheer pleasure he was feeling. He was rock hard, his beer can thick cock pushing outward against the fabric, making the waistband stretch out along with it. It stretched to 7 inches, then 8, then 9, and came to a crawl at a devastating 10 inches, the fabric having run so tight over the mass it was almost see through. 

Just when Thomas thought it was over, he felt another gut punch, and he knew his balls were growing. They inflated quickly within their confines, growing to match the size of large eggs, and creating enough testosterone to fuel two college football teams. He couldn’t take the pressure anymore. Thomas let out a lewd moan, his voice cracking and lowering into a baritone. His cock stretched to 11 inches.

Another throb of his balls and Thomas kicked out his monster ass as his knees buckled once more. He just barely caught himself from falling as his cock stretched out one last time to a jaw dropping 13 inches, finally snapping his underwear. 

“Uuunng-hhhhh,” Thomas couldn’t stop moaning and grunting, his voice catching in his thick throat and lowering over and over. His cock trembled in the air, still rock hard as his voluptuous balls swung and swayed in the air. 

“I’m…o-oughh,” Once more Thomas’ voice dropped. Deeper than Jack’s. Deeper than a well, or a ravine, or the mariana trench. His voice was now so deep and gritty that it would be impossible to whisper in any capacity, only capable of letting out a rumble that would frighten a lion.

“I’m sorry you had to see that,” Thomas could feel another rumbling somewhere in his gut. “I’m sorry you…have to see Daddy like this,” Thomas didn’t understand the words that came out of his mouth. He couldn’t believe any of this! But he was so, so horny, and couldn’t think straight.

Who was Daddy? Was it him? He certainly looked big enough to be one. Big and strong. Really big and strong.

He chuckled to himself, the rumble reverberating throughout the increasingly tighter bathroom. Then he felt the rumbling again. Thomas looked at his stomach, and saw it push outwards with a groan. It was nothing big, hardly even noticeably, but it was something. Before Thomas could react, his chest heaved forward. Thomas’ ribcage similarly pushed itself against the door with thud. He shifted himself backwards to give his body space, cock still smattering all over the door. 

He felt a push, and saw that his nipple looked bigger than he thought they had been. Another push and they for sure just grew. A mighty push stretched his nipples to the size of gumdrops, and drew out a groan from Thomas. With no time to think, his pecs began to plump up. 

Jack’s body grew with hard, corded muscle. Thomas’ body was growing with both muscle and fat purely for the sake of size. His pecs were no different. Capped by his now large nipples, his pecs fanned out in all directions, and in all directions big. Already big enough to put any bodybuilder or powerlifter to shame, with a grunt they heaved outwards another two inches. It wasn’t enough. Thomas pushed his chest out and with another grunt, his titties stretched and jiggled out even further until it looked as if they were each defying gravity.

Thomas got distracted by their enormity, and cupped his giant mitts to his giant pecs. Even with his new hand size, there was still ample man titty overflowing. Thomas brushed over his nipples with his fingers, and immediately let out a mighty groan. They were very sensitive, it seemed. With every squeeze of his chest, hair began to sprout atop it until hit chest was covered in wiry brown fur.

The rumble returned, but Thomas was too enraptured by his chest to notice. His stomach began to grumble, huge abs forming on top of his slightly bloated stomach, then his stomach swelled outwards into a belly.

“Mmmhhh,” Thomas was completely in his own world at this point, taking in his new body.

“Thomas! Thomas! The door!” Alex tried to warn Thomas to keep the door shut again, but it was too late. 

Jack began to open the door from the other side. With another grumble and groan, Thomas grimaced for a moment, before his belly swelled at once into a fully sized muscle gut, pushing the door shut again. Thomas patted his gut with a grin on his face.

Alex couldn’t believe his eyes. Thomas was huge. He was bigger than huge! How much does he even weigh now? Maybe he was safe with Thomas, even now!

Jack, on the other hand, was not having it. “Thomas, you better get out of that damn bathroom so I can give you a piece of my mind,” In the heat of recent events, Alex had forgotten just how deep Jack’s voice was. “I’m sick and tired of waiting around here! I’ve been trying to find us a way to get out of here and I get NO respect for anything that I have done today!”

Thomas’ grin dropped. Alex could see his expression through the mirror, and he didn’t want to think about what was going to happen next.

“Now you better get your fatass out here,” Jack continued berating Thomas, but Thomas was not having it. It looked like his frown drooped more, his brows getting more angry. But in reality, his head was expanding. To fit his huge body, Thomas’ face expanded in all directions, his jaw becoming almost brutish, his nose growing huge and cragged, chin expanding into a ball. It was bizarre how smooth his face transitioned as compared to the abruptness of his body’s transformation. His hairline shifted further back, creases and crags appeared on his face as he aged considerably. Thomas’ green eyes were now shaded under the canopy that was his brow, and despite how brutal his features were, the somehow retained a paternal feel to them. 

He scrunched his nose, and with a poof a big bushy mustache exploded out from underneath it, he groaned as he scratched at his jaw, bristled growing out into a beard that somehow made his jaw look even bigger than it already was. It was almost majestic, his new beard.

Thomas closed his eyes and stroked his beard, taking a deep breath.

“And quit babying that damn kid! He’s a grown up, for god’s sake!” Jack continued his tirade, and Thomas wasn’t having it. Alex knew Jack was talking about him, and felt embarrassed. He wondered if it was him that did this to his friends.

“Now you listen here, son,” Thomas’ voice was deeper than Jacks, and he was talking different too. Thomas reached a beefy paw to the door knob and backed his massive form up, bumping into Alex. “Scuse me, bud.” he looked at Alex for a moment before returning his attention to the door. Alex wanted to protest, but that tiny interaction left him speechless.

The door swung open and Alex’s heart stopped in anticipation.

Thomas was bigger than Jack. He had at least two inches on Jack. He was wider, he was bigger, he was more muscular. Alex couldn’t believe it. He also couldn’t believe that Jack didn’t even glance down once, as Thomas’ tool was still waving around like mad down there. 

“I don’t know what you’re babbling on about, but you better cut all that shit, y’hear me?” Thomas was so assertive against Jack, and though he knew that Thomas was on his side, he wasn’t sure anymore if it was really him in there. “What’rya trying to achieve here, huh? Trying to prove that you’re the big dog around here won’t get you anywhere so long as I’m here, I hope you know. And besides, can you quit it with all the yelling? You’re scaring the boy here, son!” Thomas  waved his mitt toward Alex, and Jack looked him dead in the eye. Alex felt like he was going to pass out.

 Jack began to fight back, jabbing his fingers into Thomas’ pec only for them to bounce off completely. “Alright, alright! I fuckin-” 

“Language, son,” Thomas interrupted him, and Jack grew angrier but stayed quiet. “Look, you’ve helped plenty already, but what do you mean you were trying to find a way out of here? You forget there was a front door, son?” He ended his statement with a deep chuckle.

“We’re snowed in you geezer, don’t you remember that much?” Jack was already becoming fed up with Thomas

It was bizarre for Alex to listen to them bicker. It was as if even with these new personas, they have known each other for a lifetime.

“You think about using those big muscles of yours for something other than flexing? Can you not just push the door open? It’s gonna be embarrassin’ for you if I take a shot at it and open it like nothing, I’ll tell you that much,” Thomas let out a hearty guffaw

“Yeah, yeah…look, if you’re that confident in yourself just be my guest, alright? Give it a shot, why don’tcha,”

These two, even now, have known each other forever. And even with these new personas, Alex was still being coddled, being babied like always. Everything changed, but had anything here really changed for Alex?

The two large men started walking towards the front door, though it looked more like waddles for them considering how thick their thighs were. They continued to bicker with one another on the trip towards that door. That front door with seemingly an impossible amount of snow behind it.

Jack now had an impossible amount of strength in him. Not only that, Thomas looked even stronger. Alex dreaded that if they opened that front door right there, then this hellish dream would be over. If they opened that door, then that would be the end of everything. No more being trapped in the cabin. No more Thomas and Jack. No more chances for Alex to catch up to his friends.

A hum began to ring out.

“It’s always like this!” Alex shouted out from behind. Thomas and Jack stopped in their places and turned to look back at him. 

“Y’alright, son?” Thomas inquired after a palpable moment of silence. 

“No. No, no, no! Nothing here is alright! The both of you just changed right before my very eyes and you ask me if everything is alright?” Alex was furious. His face was red, blood boiling. Thomas and Jack were both surprised that Alex was lashing out like that, it was so uncharacteristic of him to be so vocal. But something about it didn’t feel correct either. They knew who Alex was, but he seemed different in some unidentifiable way. “Ever since I have known the two of you, I have always been the one behind, always the one following in the shadow of your footsteps,” The humming grew louder within Alex’s ears, his head throbbing with anger. “You wanted to be stronger, Jack? I can hardly stand up for my goddamn self in any remotely stressful situation! You wanted Jack to listen to you, Thomas? I just hope that anybody would actually listen to me! All I ever am is a dead weight, dragging the two of you down. All I ever am is below you two, and for once in my life I want to stand beside the two of you as equals! Is that so much for me to ask of this world?” The humming reached an apex as Alex’s body heated up all at once.

Buckling under the crescendo of heat within, Alex stumbled and fell against the wall. Already his body was beginning to change, his clothes were beginning to rub all over. While Thomas and Jack had quite erratic changes, Alex’s was smooth in every way. Like some kind of weird CGI effect, Thomas and Jack watched in awe as The boy sprouted further in the air. Not only reaching towards the sky, but also towards the walls, his shoulders gurgling outwards at a steady crawl, torso deepening as it widened giving his body a strong looking form. 

Strong was a good way to describe how he was looking. His face had already hardened up a considerable amount, his youthful face still young, but a stronger young of much different genes and lineage. His legs were large, arms were large, and he looked like the definition of a male model. 

Alex was grinning. A grin so wide it was almost creepy. He felt so happy that he was finally undergoing a change. Would he finally find his place with these two? Something nagged at the back of his mind, though.

What was his relation with these two?


His shirt had torn over his toned arms and chest, his back about to follow in the same footsteps. He touched his larger palm to his stomach and felt abs appear from nothing, the heat of his skin almost hurting him. Alex knew these two for a very long time, he was sure of it. Going camping with these two, celebrating birthdays, going for a swim, they even showed up for his high school graduation. Not only his high school graduation, but all the graduations before that.

That didn’t make any sense. Hadn’t he met Thomas and Jack not too long ago? No, no, he specifically remembers them being at his middle school graduation. Even before that, he remembers his elementary school graduation. The further back he reminisced, the more memories he saw of Thomas and Jack. That didn’t sound right to him, though. Their names weren’t Thomas and Jack, he knew that, he just couldn’t place what their names really were. Was his name really Alex?

The more he remembered, the bigger he grew in size. He caught up to Jack in terms of height, and while he wasn’t as big as him, Alex’s size was now nothing to scoff at. His body continued to swell, pants shredding off, shoes snapping apart, he was on his way to only having his underwear on, like his father, Jack. His father?

Yes, of course. Jack was his dad. Alex remembered birthday parties with him when he was young, sitting in his lap and resting against his large chest. He remembered the banners, the decorations. 

‘Happy Birthday, —--’ 

He couldn’t make out what the text said, but he could hear the comments around him.

“Happy 8th, little man!”

“Hey, hope you have lots of cake, dude! Celebratin’ time!”

“I can tell he’s going to grow up to be quite the looker, Bill. Course, his looker of a dad certainly is to thank for that, eh?”

Bill. He heard someone say Bill, but that wasn’t his name.

A deep laugh rang out from above him. “Well, well, I do appreciate the compliments. Yes, I’m certain that he’ll grow up to be quite the man. Just like his Pops,”

He tried to remember who that was. In his memory, he looked up, searching for the origin of that voice, of that name. There he was, his father. And there he was again, right before his eyes in front of that cabin door. Jack.

Alex gasped for air as his body surged once again. He remembered now. It wasn’t Jack, it was Bill. Alex’s hair fluttered in the air before it appeared to lighten up. It bleached itself a few shades lighter while lengthening to just shy of what would attract comments of having such long hair.

He looked up at his dad’s face, Bill’s stern eyes expressing worry as they maintained eye contact, or at least as much worry as a masculine face like that could make. How could he forget his own dad? With that mystery solved, he shifted his gaze to Thomas.

How did he know Thomas? He searched back, diving through his mind to try and remember just who he was, but couldn’t place him.

“Do you…know who I am?” Alex caught his breath and asked his dad, hoping to bring any sort of recollection of what was happening to the surface.

“What kind of question is that?” Bill’s mouth shifted upwards into a hint of a smile. He spoke in a much calmer tone than before, the warmth of his voice naturally soothing to Alex’s ears. “Course I know you, you’re my son.”

Yes, that was correct. Alex stood up further, his change having slowed down by now. “And do you- do you know as well?” He shifted his attention again to Thomas, who proceeded to step forward and slap a paw on Bill’s shoulder.

“Well, I don’t know what kind’a man I would be if I’d forget,” His voice, although much more gruff than his dad’s, had a similar effect of calming Alex down. “You’re my grandson, of course!”

Alex’s eyes widened as soon as those words passed through his ears. Memories came flooding into his brain. His grandpa’s house, his grandpa picking him up from school in his beat up truck, garnering attention from everyone around to see, his grandpa treating him to fast food while his dad was still at work. He remembered going up to Bill whenever grandpa would leave, asking over and over “When can I see grampa Bruce again, dad?”

“Don’t you worry, he’ll be back before you know it, Jacob.”

Reality felt like it snapped in two, and all three of them lost balance as their ears were filled with a shrieking ringing. A new story had unfolded in the world, a new life filled with new experiences. Everything changed to fit their new lives into it, and their bodies were no exception.

With a yelp, Jacob surged in size yet again, his face aging a bit more and placed him at a youthful 23. His dick shot out at once, becoming a sizeable 8 inches. Jacob couldn’t handle all the pleasure that was thrusted upon him, and came into his underwear. His body was slightly smaller and leaner than his dad’s.

With a twinge of competitiveness, Bill fell against the couch as his body swelled as well. He groaned as he easily gained another 20 pounds of muscle all over his burgeoning body, and clenched his teeth as his face hardened with age, skin growing weather beaten and gray hairs appearing along his temples. He batted at his dick inside his briefs, and flooded them with his cum before gasping for air.

Bruce was likewise hit by the changes, but it seemed he was hit harder than the other two. He stumbled backwards towards the door, slamming into it like a solid brick wall. With a grunt and a moan, he thrusted his hips forward as his fur grew more concentrated, his already massive size swelling with one last hoorah. Thighs once again smashing against each other, ass reaching for the door, arms coiling with strength. Even his muscle gut inflated outwards another inch before his jugs stretched outwards as if to overtake his belly. Bruce stared downwards in shock , watching the titanium rod that was his dick disappear from view under his monumental muscle tits as they grew once more. It looked as if he had bowling balls implanted into his chest. Hot, juicy bowling balls right on his body. A rumble caught in his throat before he turned his head to the ceiling and moaned. One hand grabbing at his dick, the other squeezing his pec, Bruce’s beard fluttered outward further before the color drained out of it. His beard was a stark white, and the color spread upwards to his eyebrows and hair. Clenching his huge jaw, Bruce’s face became weighed down by age and life, the creases and folds deepening, hairline receding just a bit further. With a titanic roar that would make any beast cower in fear, the kaiju grandpa thrusted his hips and shot load after load of piping hot cum. 


Bruce’s load was so powerful, he had pushed himself into the door and broke it off of the hinges. Still lost in his pleasure delirium, he kept pushing until the snow gave way. Bruce lost his balance and fell backwards out the door and onto the ground with an “Oof!”

The other two looked at his naked body on the ground, hardly even realizing that the door was just opened. The frigid, snowy wind blew right in through the new opening, surrounding the three men in what could only be described as a tornado of snow.

Out of the snow, clothes began to take shape, flowing around the men before wrapping tight against their swarthy bodies.

Jacob swatted at the wind as a trendy T-shirt was thrown onto his body, big blue jeans covering his legs.

Bill shut his eyes as a leather watch wrapped around his wrist. He opened his eyes at the unfamiliar weight and stared at it. It looked as if the color of the watch was melting down the length of his forearm, overtaking his body and leaving him with a brown V-neck longsleeve. Light gray chinos surrounded his big legs, and he saw that the watch was now a similar shade of gray.

Having fallen naked out the front door, snow was quick to gather on top of the valleys of Bruce’s body before melting into a lilac button up shirt that did nothing to hide his brutal form underneath. The top three buttons were left unbuttoned to accommodate for his enormous chest, his chest fair fluffing about in the wind. A massive pair of black jeans swarmed his legs, only being able to cover those monsters by a miracle.

The wind died down, and the three of them remained where they were, panting and wondering what had just happened.

A shrill ringing sounded off somewhere in the house, startling the three of them. After a moment, they realized that it was a phone ringing in the kitchen, one that had certainly not been there just a few minutes prior.

Not one to let a phone go to voicemail, Bill forced himself to walk his way into the kitchen and answer it, slapping Jacob’s shoulder on the way. “I got it, help your grandpa out, would you?”

“Oh, yeah, sure thing.” Jacob hardly knew how to react, everything about their current situation felt so strange but he couldn’t tell what. He jogged over to the door to help up his grandpa as best he could, but it was considerably difficult considering how much he weighed.

“Thanks, son,” Bruce huffed as he was helped onto his feet. “Don’t know what got into this old man to go down like that.”

Bill picked up the phone to what sounded like a very young voice. “Hello, thank you for picking up, we were beginning to get worried that we lost your connection in this snowstorm,” Bill supposed it was the police station checking in on them after all the sudden snowfall they got, but this boy sure sounded young. Workers sure do get younger with every passing day, that’s for certain. 

“Apologies for worrying anyone down there, we are quite alright where we are. Got snowed in a bit, but it was nothing for the three strong men we got in here.” Bill glanced at his father and son, smiling warmly.

“Great to hear. Just to keep things safe and sound, we sent someone to go and investigate your area just to be absolutely sure that no damage was done or anything of that sort.” His words were very concise and matter-of-fact, Bill could tell that it was a human, but it almost felt robotic the way he said it. He mentioned that they had sent someone out for them, but he hadn’t given them his location. They were quite a ways out in the boonies, after all.

“You sent somebody out here? Hey, do I know you? We are way out of the way of any other residence, how did you get our location-” He could barely get out the sentence before the call was dropped. Bill held the phone to his ear for a moment longer, taking in the strange conversation, while the phone emitted a droning hum in his ear.

Bill looked back at Jacob and Bruce, the two of them chatting it up while pushing the snow on the floor back outside. Bill put the phone back on its stand with a quiet “Ga-chnk!”

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2 years ago

I've grown.

I barely recognize myself.

Now only about 100lbs till the transformation is complete...

Aug 2019- July 2022

I've Grown.

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