Literally just another casual individual relaxing and looking for things that I love on the internet. May be just a lot of My Hero Academia stuff though. :P Definitely a Tokoyami and Uraraka fan
557 posts
7/15 Happy Birthday To Izuku Midoriya!! His Final Birthday While The Series Is Still Ongoing I Luv U

7/15 happy birthday to izuku midoriya!! his final birthday while the series is still ongoing ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ i luv u son

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More Posts from Khonaker
You wanna know who the #1 beneficiary of the tech power creep is in this series? Momo. One thing this mech suit shows is that Momo totally wasted her time trying to beat people with sticks. The idea of trying to create items in a battle as a form of problem solving is stupid, or at best, should be done as a last resort. Her power was always meant for technology. That's the true power in this world. She should have been trying to be Ironman. You know how All Might spent his fortune on the suit, and that was meant to be a limiting factor as to why this tech can't be widely used? Well, guess who has the ability to generate materials with no cost. Even the idea of her inventions requiring studying to make things more complex stops holding water when you look at the torture device she tried to strap Midoriya into during Class A vs Deku. She made that in an instant and it posed an immediate threat. What could she make if she wasn't trying to do it during stressful battles with enemies right in front of her? So, her limiting factor really is her ability to study advanced concepts and have people explain them to her, and most importantly, what an author is willing to let her do. The path forward for her was always to pay people smarter and more educated than her to invent things and then she can have them explain it to her so she can recreate it. If her family had paid the cost to design that Iron Might suit, then she'd pay it. Once. And then be able to use the schematics to create as many of them as she wants. Or better yet, make killer robots except use the tech inside of the suit. Create an entire army of them so she never has to be in any sort of danger at all. Control them remotely. UA has been shown to have advanced AI robots who have personalities. Said bots have enough restraint to never kill any of the kids in the sports festival or entrance exam. This could be used for hero work. This also gets into what a valuable resource Mei Hatsume is and how if you wanted Momo to be a god, you could just have them meet in middle school. Mei just has to design a working device, once, and then Momo can study it and forever use it. What could she come up with, if the idea was that Momo would hide somewhere, perhaps in an APC, while she uses drones and robots to fight at a distance? Energy/food costs for her also aren't a concern. She's clearly able to output more energy than she takes in, given she can create cannons and things that weigh more than her. So she could use up all of her lipids creating a dead meat cube that contains as many calories as she's capable of packing into an object, then eat it. And repeat this process as needed.
This is definitely interesting.
Momo absolutely has the potential to be the most OP in the series. Horikoshi originally wanted to give her quirk to a pro but recognized that someone experienced would nerf the entire story.
I don't necessarily think that making things for problem-solving is the issue; I think it's way more that Horikoshi just didn't have the creativity for it. Like you said the entrapment device she made during 1A vs Izuku was maybe her most effective creation. Instead of disinfectant, imagine she made poison gas and simply knocked Kendo and the other 1B students out (not sure if she can create chemical reactions, but she could theoretically cause one by using components right).
I doubt she would be comfortable doing next to nothing as a hero. I do wish we knew her motivations, but relying purely on her money while doing minimal work doesn't paint a great picture for her. I like that in canon she doesn't rely on her status or wealth for hero work, she relies on her intelligence.
Momo should be an underground hero. She could be the equivalent of Batman (no this isn't my love for Batman over Iron-Man talking), strategizing and having any gadget she needs at her disposal. I would love to see more tech incorporated into her work as a hero. I also wouldn't mind the bo staff if she was allowed to actually use it like a bo staff (seriously she barely does anything with it what's the point of giving it to her. Nah give my girl a sword and let her cut people)
hi im currently planning out a mha fic (that could now kind of evolved a fix-it fic of sorts) and right now im debating whether or not i want uraraka or bakugou to win during their match during the sports festival. and i like your opinions on uraraka, so my question to you is that do you think it would be ooc for uraraka at that point in the story to win against bakugou during the sports festival?
Well, first thank you, Anon! It’s been ages since given an ask, and thank you for liking my opinion on Uraraka!
Next, no, I personally don’t think it’s impossible or OOC for Uraraka to win.
What I believe would make it OOC is if she is able to keep fighting without any signs of fatigue from her quirk.
In this point of the story, they are still getting use to their powers, some more than others. And Bakugou himself has an inner monologue about how using their quirk too much can wear them out. And that was surprisingly introspective of him.
Now if only Horikoshi practiced what he preached, as Bakugou ends up being able to use his quirk easily and spamming it with no break, as Sero and Kirishima point out.
So, obviously, I am biased about wanting Uraraka to win, and I think it’s just small tweaks in the fight that can make her win. Like her throwing herself to the ground just as Bakugou is about to let loose the explosion that destroys her meteor attack, making Bakugou’s big explosion not as powerful as it was (because his gauntlets were supposed to help make them more powerful then when he doesn’t have them)and he still gets caught up by the meteor shower. Even having it to where Uraraka is just closer enough to where before Bakugou can wipe out her attack and she rushes him and uses her quirk to quickly shove him out and have him go out of bounds.
Or you can take all this, and still have Bakugou win, but the main thing to show from them on is that even he isn’t invincible overtime. At some point, his wrists cramp up to the point his explosions are barely as effected and he loses to someone else.
And the same needs to go to Uraraka. She will eventually get to the point her nausea affects her and she is unable to last longer as the fights. (If you are going to have Ochako go the same bracket as Bakugou did in canon, I think her fight against Tokoyami is where her streak runs out. DS is just too much of a counter for her quirk.) This can still prompt her and have her realize she needs to compensate by finding a way to fight without relying on her quirk so much, because she would feel her getting far was mainly luck, and she can’t solely rely on that anymore. And she goes to intern with Gunhead, just like canon.
Lastly, the reason I believe Ochako winning their match would be more beneficial from a storytelling perspective is that he has to come to terms with the fact he lost against a quirk that wasn’t initially offensive and powerful. He can either show he takes it on the chin, and accepts he lost to someone who has won fair and square, but he obviously doesn’t voice it out loud. Or he’s in denial and accuses Ochako of not being able to do anything with Deku’s help, causing a huge rift between the two, as well as the rest of the class as they hear how much of an ass he was against her.(It depends on how you’re wanting you have Bakugou come across in your story.)
Sorry if this was a lot more info then you originally intended, but I have studied this scene a lot because I found this fight to be bullcrap (again, because I am a fan with Ochako), and I just feel she was done dirty in this fight.
Hope your fic goes great and that I didn’t waste your time babbling!
Ochako: What does it really mean?
Toko: what does what mean?
Ochako: revelry in the dark
Toko: …
Toko: It is a promise. You and everyone else are creature of light. You dance in the day with nary a care while we wait amongst the shadows for the night. There is a divide between us. Our power comes from the dark, it is where we thrive, the time when we are strong, when we are truly alive. That is Revelry in the Dark.
Ochako: …It sounds lonely
Toko: It is

My favorite panel from this chapter. Izuku telling Ochaco that she has become a hero to him I felt was something she needed to hear. It was really sweet to see him looking back at all the moments that he could recall of Ochaco always being there for him such as Joint Training (when he was losing control of blackwhip) and the speech she gave back when the citizens wouldn’t allow Deku to come back to UA. Even memories as far back as the first entrance exam when she spoke to the teachers in order to help Deku get into the hero school in the first place.
Do you feel Overhaul with his Yakuza and the Meta Liberation Army make better Villians then the LOV.
Also do you think they were more competent in their goals compared to the LOV.
Well let's look at each of them.
Overhaul wanted to get rid of quirks and bring the Yakuza back into power for the boss that he had put into a coma. He committed horrible crimes in pursuit of this goal, but he did successfully find a way to remove quirks from people under the power of his own organization.
So he was absolutely the most competent, and I wonder how he would act if he found out that Midoriya was originally quirkless. It also could've been really cool to see like, Looking to the Future(heroes and quirks) vs Living in the Past(No quirks and the golden age of the Yakuza)
The MLA were quirk-supremacy, might makes right, kind of people, and that's pretty much just the world's view at large taken to the extreme. The idea of the original founder wanting free quirk use in a time where everyone was terrified of them could've been a cool theme to explore, instead they folded to a group of exactly six people. Gigantomachia also showed up, but the end result would've been the same if he hadn't.
Incompetent. Maybe thematically interesting. Most of their leaders don't even have powerful quirks of their own, they're only in charge because of the influence/money they have. Automatically proving that their own philosophy of quirk supremacy is meaningless.
The League of Villains overall, just wanted to do whatever they want and be free from consequences. Shigaraki wants to destroy things. Dabi wants to kill Endeavor and whoever else he chooses. Toga wants people's blood(consent optional). Compress was just a thief that wanted to Robin Hood-style deal with corruption, and ended up not doing anything like that. Twice just wanted somewhere to be accepted, he's the exception. Spinner was a victim of discrimination that jumped in the first ideological extreme that popped out at him. Their individual goals all turn into "tear everything down and leave nothing(except maybe the stuff we like)."
The League was also pretty incompetent. Nearly all of their successes were built off of what All for One had built. Doctor Ujiko and the nomu, Gigantomachia, hell, even Kurogiri. The League didn't do shit by themselves, but somehow they were the main villains of the series.