kimaixun - Eccedentesiast

I let my imaginations run wild

47 posts

[Doomsday - SKZ Bang Chan X M!Reader]

[Doomsday - SKZ Bang Chan X M!Reader]

It was an exhausting day and M/N can’t wait for it to end. It started with waking up perfectly fine this morning, having his cup of coffee and breakfast made by his husband, kissing the latter goodbye, driving to work, settling down at his desk, only to be instantly called out not even a minute after he sat down.

M/N was a loved firefighter in the city of Seoul. He was also, the first one to come out that he was happily married with a sweet loving husband. It was a dream come true for him but, soon, reality speaks itself. As wonderful as his life could be, there was exhausting day as a firefighter and today happened to be one of it. It was his 5th call for the day and it was not even midday, meaning, it was doomsday. This was commonly known in fire stations. Doomsday was a cursed day.

“Seriously?” M/N mentally cursed the world when the bell to the firehouse alerted the station. He quickly grabbed his gears and climb up to truck.

“Someone tell me, who didn’t shower today?” WonHo, the captain groaned as they were en route to their sixth call.

“Definitely Jae. He stinks today.” Francis joked as the group laughed along.

As least, his coworkers/teammates made the day still bearable. M/N was not the type to talk much. He was introverted, just like his husband and the entire station knew that.

“Alright, M/N , Jae, take a sweep. We’re looking at a fire structure, minutes, are all we have.” WonHo commanded and the team made a move.

It was finally the end of the day when M/N finds himself dragging his feet across the long stretch of apartment. At that moment of time, he cursed himself for getting the furthest apartment out of the 9 others that were available once upon a time. He clumsily rummaged through his bag for his keys, only to drop them on the floor. M/N felt like crying.

“Love.” M/N looked up with his teary eyes to meet the eyes of his husband.

“Channie.” The firefighter whispered dropping his duffel bag onto the floor and practically throwing himself onto the other.

Bang Chan cooed softly as he caught the bigger frail into his arms. He buried his face into M/N’s neck, not minding the stench of burned woods and sweats overpowering the faint scent of his favourite cologne that was gifted to the firefighter on their 3rd anniversary.

“Bubble bath?” Bang Chan offered the younger as they finally broke apart from the hug. M/N’s appearance was a mess. His hair sticking out everywhere as if he had been in some kind of tornado. His face had smudges of burned marks. Bang Chan didn’t miss the minor burn that ran across the firefighters forearm. M/N nodded subtly before grabbing his keys and bag off the floor, trudging into the apartment.

The older closed the door behind them before following after the younger one into the bathroom. M/N had switched on the tap, letting Luke warm water run into the tub. Bang Chan smiled as he cups the younger face, pecking his lips. M/N almost purred as he grips Bang Chan’s waist, pulling him closer and begin kissing the older.

“Okay, if we don’t stop, the tub will overflow.” The rapper panted slightly as he broke their kiss just in time to switch the tap off. The two undressed themselves and climb into the tub. M/N positioned himself in between the older’s leg, leaning onto his husband’s toned chest. No doubt, both of them were buffed, it was just fortunate that M/N was a foot taller than the older.

“So, today HyunJin and Felix fought because HyunJin literally put Felix’s duck into a pot and pretended to cook it and like it took JiSung and ChangBin to stop Felix from literally straddling HyunJin to death,” M/N listened contently to his husband describing how his day had went, “and like Lee Know decided it was a good idea to dance on a chair without anyone supporting him which resulted to a sprained ankle.”

“Serve him right, is he okay though?” M/N asked.

“He got a week off from dancing and literally is not allowed to bear any weight so, I.N became his humanoid wheelchair.” Bang Chan explained making the younger chuckle heartedly.

There was a minute of silence as Bang Chan gently messaged the firefighter’s scalp. It was then M/N finally cleared his throat.

“I had a horrible day today. It was doomsday.” Bang Chan understood where the conversation was going, “we broke our firehouse record and went to 10 calls today within 16 hours. I am exhausted and,” M/N paused and shifted. He was thankful that their tub was almost like a mini jacuzzi. The firefighter turned to face his husband, lifting the older up onto his laps so that he was straddling the firefighter, “I got triggered today.”

“Tell me more love, what triggered you?” Bang Chan encouraged as he washes off the shampoo on the firefighter’s head.

“The last call I went to was a married couple just like us. They are newly wed, just like us.” M/N took a couple of seconds to calm his pounding his heart, “he just came back home when he realised that the apartment was on fire. His husband was a producer and songwriter just like you. I…. I….. got so terrified because all I could think of was you.”

Bang Chan felt his heart clenched as tears ran down his husband’s cheeks, “when Jae and I went inside, he was laying unconscious on the floor, my imaginations went wild because all I could picture was you laying there unconscious. The…the beam gave way and it almost killed him.”

“But it didn’t right?” Bang Chan interjected, “because you manage to save him. Knowing you, you ran towards him and pulled him out just in time before the beam fell on him.” He speculated. “Which then results to this.” M/N nodded mutely as Bang Chan traced a finger over the minor burn on his forearm. “You’re okay baby. I’m okay. You’re okay. Look at me.”

“I almost had a panic attack after we left the site. I wanted to call you, I wanted to hear your voice, I wanted to know that you’re alright but, I don’t know….. I don’t know why my body wasn’t moving to my own will. All I did was drove back home, dragging myself here and I finally saw you.”

Bang Chan cooed as he cups his husband face, planting a chaste kiss onto the younger forehead, “here baby. I am right here. I’m okay. You’re okay.”

“Please don’t leave me. Never leave me.”

“I won’t. I promise.” Bang Chan assured. “Till death do us part.”

“Forever and always.” M/N continued before he hugged the older tightly, almost crushing the bones in his husband.

“Forever and always.” Bang Chan repeated.

“I love you.”

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More Posts from Kimaixun

2 years ago

it took i while but i've got the maknae line ver.!

Jisung has this cute little habit of eating like a squirrel, like puffing his cheeks y'know? whenever he gives you a blowjob he would do that, imagine filling his mouth with your cum until his cheeks are stuffed, and han will definetely swallow it all, he would do it slowly tho, swallowing small amounts of it at a time, he would say that "he likes to take time to enjoy tasty things", also he would really enjoy if when you cum into his mouth you start to pound even harder, he'll definetely gag

Felix is also someone that would really like being stuffed, whenever you cum inside him he will ask you for not to clean it, eventually when he takes a bath he will have to clean it tho, he also really likes sucking on your dick or your fingers, cockwarming is a must, when you are playing videogames or just watching a movie he wont even ask he will just take of his briefs and yours to just sit on your cock, if it takes really long for you to finish what youre doing he will just sleep with you inside him

Seungmin would be the bratty type, during the day he would just give you snarky and rude replies or just doing things that he knows you wouldnt like, only for you to go rough on him afterwards, this man wants to cum untouched, depending on his mood if you touch his dick to help him cum he can just cry and be pouty or continue to be a brat the day after, usually after sex he becomes a lil baby, he just wants for you to take care of him

Just imagine Jeongin completely ruined, messy hair, trembling thighs, neck all marked up with hickeys and bite marks, tear stained face, half-lidded eyes, mouth on a perfect O shape, that would be him after only 2 minutes into it, he's the type to be really sensitive, like anything you did could have him on cloud nine, he would really like having a gag on, only if hes not on subspace tho, if he is he would just really like slow soft sex without gags or handcuffs

-[insert here pumpkin emoji]

Jisung and face fucking is a perfect match. His innocent looking doe eyes make it even better, especially from the way he looks up at your through his eyelashes with your dick stuffed in his mouth or his cheeks full of cum. Imagine grabbing his cheeks while they're full and giving them a lil squeeze and watching the cum slowly drip from his slightly parted lips.

Felix loves cockwarming, and just being stuffed in general, because of the emotional aspect of it rather then the pleasure. He loves the pleasure, yes, but he really loves how close he is to you, emotionally and physically. Same with finger sucking and oral, he just loves having you inside him any way he can and he will want to have you inside him every second he is able to.

I honestly can't decide if Seungmin would be the biggest brat ever or the best boy ever. Either way, he'd want you to be rough on him no matter what. But if you really want to punish him to make him behave, making him cum from only dick stimulation. Whether it'd be oral, a handjob, using a fleshlight on him, or making him touch himself, just make him get off by touching his dick and he'll do anything you tell him to. Even just threatening to only touch his cock will make him behave better. Another thought I have to add, in a sort of enemies with benefits situation, having hate sex with Seungmin. You just fucking all of your anger and frustrations out on him while you're degrading him and telling how much you hate him while he tells you how much he hates you as well, but his words come out in bits from how fucked out he is and how hard your pounding into him causing him to mess up his words.

Jeongin is a sensitive baby who easily becomes wrecked the second you touch him. The way he trembles though >>> I'm a huge sucker for men who tremble and shake during sex and during orgasms. Gagging and handcuffing Jeongin's hands behind his back while he rides you, and watching him fall apart so quickly and easily until he eventually collapses on top of you from how much he's trembling and how weak he's become. With the slow and soft sex, he'd like when you fuck him in missionary or doggy style with you leaning down to press your chest to his back while whispering praises into his ear. No matter how you fuck him, soft and slow or fast and rough, he'd be shaking and crying. Baby boy is just so sensitive that everything you do to him feels so good and so overwhelming, his body just can't hide how much you affect him.

2 years ago

[New Year Kiss - SKZ Seo ChangBin X M!Reader]

Part Two

“Hyung, when is this boyfriend of yours coming over? It’s almost midnight. Are you sure it’s your boyfriend or is he just a random stranger you paid for the night?” I.N teased the rapper as the members gathered.

SKZ had organised a dinner on new year eve and had booked a private restaurant that was located at the highest floor of a hotel in an open space.

ChangBin couldn’t help but frowned as the maknae teased him. M/N was running late due to work but, that was the last update he received almost three hours ago. At that moment, ChangBin could not help but, felt betrayed and scared that M/N was not going to show up at the last minute. Maybe it was because M/N didn’t want to show himself and admit their three years relationship together.

ChangBin anxiously looked at his phone, every minute as he downed the liquor, trying to calm his pounding disappointed heart. He couldn’t help but, send a spam texts to his lover.

“ChangBin, seriously, where is this boyfriend of yours? Are you sure you have one?” Again, Bang Chan asked.

It was nearing midnight in half an hour time and ChangBin felt his heart shatter every second it goes by.

“I have one. His name is F/N M/N and he’s the man I love. He’ll be here. He’s going to be here soon.” Drunk, ChangBin begins to let his tears roll down his cheeks.

“Binnie, love.” A voice was heard behind him. ChangBin wiped off his tears, looking at the rest of the members to see all of them staring behind him, jaw dropped.

ChangBin turned to see M/N standing behind him, panting and sweating. “You’re late!”

“I’m so sorry love. I got caught up at work, my phone died after the last text I sent you and then our car broke down so I ran all the way here only to run into a traffic accident. I lend a hand to an expecting couple who was trapped in the car then while waiting for the ambulance, the lady decided it was time to be in labour. She gave birth to a healthy baby boy so then, after I officially handed over to ambulance, I ran all the way here, got into the lift but it broke down at level 35 and I can’t wait. I pried the door open and ran 25 storeys here hence I’m late.” M/N ranted to his lover. “Please give me a minute to catch my breath.”

“I told you I have a boyfriend! This is F/N M/N. This is the man I love!” ChangBin slurred as he cling onto his boyfriend’s arm.

Everyone stared in awe. In all honesty, they wouldn’t have thought the man standing next to ChangBin would look the way he was right now. M/N stood two feet taller than the rapper. He was dressed in a black tee and jeans showing the littered tattoo that covered his arms. M/N had a lip and eyebrow piercing. He wore a black glasses that perched on the bridge of his nose, almost slipping down from the sweats.

“How many have you drank?” M/N asked the rapper, pulling him into a hug, planting a soft kiss on the brunette’s forehead.

“Just a few~” the rapper slurred.

“He had drank maybe about three cups of liquor.” JiSung answered.

“Oh my apologies. Please let me introduce myself. My name is F/N M/N. Im ChangBinnie’s boyfriend of three years and it’s a pleasure to introduce myself for the first time.” M/N said. “I assume you must be Christopher, MinHo, JiSung, HyunJin, Felix, SeungMin and JeongIn.”

“Pleased to meet you! Now I know why ChangBin Hyung has been missing at night and smiling at his phone like a pedophile.” Felix chimed.

“Please have a seat, shall I offer you a drink?” Lee Know asked the latter.

M/N took a seat, pulling the drunk rapper beside him, “just a glass of wine would be fine please.”

“So…..” HyunJin trailed off.

“Just call me M/N.”

“M/N, what do you work as?” HyunJin questioned.

“M/N is a doctor! My man is a doctor at the top hospital in Seoul! He’s a cardiologist. He operates heart.” ChangBin grinned.

Everyone gasped.

“I don’t look like one, do I?” M/N chuckled.

The rest of the conversion went out as M/N answered the mini interrogation from the members. It didn’t take long for all of them to get comfortable with the doctor. ChangBin on the other hand, leaned his head against his boyfriend’s broad shoulder.

“Love, I’m sorry I was late tonight. By the looks that you have cried, I must have broke your heart.” M/N whispered. “Are you sober now?” M/N had made sure that the rapper downed mineral water for the rest of the night, just to get him to sober up and when the rapper finally threw up in the washroom, he was glad that the rapper was finally sober.

“I’m okay and It’s okay.” ChangBin smiled, “as long as you are here now. Honestly, I was really upset and scared that you won’t show up because maybe you didn’t want to have a boyfriend like me.”

“What do you mean like you? Binnie, you’re the most lovable person that I could ever have. You’re perfect just the way you are. You are wonderful and pretty and I…. I want to marry you.” M/N stood up, kneeling on one knee in front of ChangBin. “Seo ChangBin, would you do the honour to be the love of my life for the eternity?”

ChangBin couldn’t hold back his tears when he looked at the shiny diamond ring with his name on it. “Yes F/N M/N! I will marry you!”

Just in time when the firework light up the night sky and marks the day of a new year. Everyone cheered at the newly engaged couple. M/N slipped the ring on ChangBin’s finger and kissed the latter, pulling him into a tight hug.


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1 year ago

reblog if you’re NOT tumblr famous, but you ARE tired and kinda gay

2 years ago

[The Last Wish] [SKZ Han JiSung x SKZ Lee MinHo]

The Sequel

[The Last Wish] [SKZ Han JiSung X SKZ Lee MinHo]

‼️Breaking News! JYP Entertainment announces the passing of our beloved F/N M/N‼️

A week after M/N’s passing and a small funeral ceremony, only dedicated for close family and friends, the news was finally disclosed. Everyone was shocked and dismayed. Some even speculated that M/N had committed suicide because of the break up he had went through and Han JiSung was put under the bus.

SKZ went into hiatus immediately mainly because of two reasons. M/N was their closest friend, family member and they needed to mourn indefinitely to where their heart would take them. M/N was with them since the start and there was no way he could be forgotten in any way. To SKZ, M/N was their advisor, the parent of the group, a significant being who had always been there for them.

It was a day after the funeral ceremony when Chan had told Lee Know to meet him at the late’s M/N studio. Lee Know obeyed and went over to the studio. When he entered, Chan was sitting on the chair, staring onto the computer’s blank screen, tears streaming down his tears albeit the emotionless expression. Lee Know closed the doors behind him and went over to the leader. He was about to invite himself onto the chair next to the leader only to have the leader standing up and punching him across his face. 

Lee Know stumbled to the floor at the forceful blow, immensely taken aback. Chan had his fist clenched tightly still even after the punch; his breathing was heavy as he finally let out a cry. Lee Know knew that he deserved the punch. The only possible reason could be maybe Chan knew something. 

“He told me not to punch you or hurt you but, i can’t help it!” Chan yelled in frustration, falling onto the couch and he cried harder. 

Lee Know gathered himself before cautiously taking a seat beside the leader. He wraps an arm over his shoulder, comforting the older. It took a while for the leader to calm down and once he did, he mutely gave the dancer a black book. The two spent the next five minutes staring from the book to each other than back to the book. 

“I knew what had happened. I knew you and JiSung are in a relationship prior to their breakup. M/N told me everything. First of all, I’m sorry i punched you because i am very sure you know why and now, i happen to break one of M/N’s promise.” Chan sighed, “I can’t help it. If JiSung was here, i would punch him too, honestly.” 

A light chuckle left Chan’s lips as he finally calmed down, “the day M/N told you to bring JiSung to the training room was supposed to be the day M/N propose to JiSung. M/N saw you guys kissing, that was why he did not appear in the training room. He told me that he did not realise that 6 hours pass by just like that as he locked himself in this very studio. M/N was punished with the hanahaki and he did not deserve it. For two months, M/N suffered with the disease. The doctors told us there was no hope left unless JiSung would fall back in love with him or have a surgery to get it removed with the consequence of not being able to feel anything. He chose not to do anything with JiSung anymore because he saw how happy he looked with you.”

Chan got up to take a black velvet ring box, “before he collapsed the other day, he gave me this. He said you would need it when it’s time for you to propose to JiSung.” Lee Know took the ring box, opening to see a shiny diamond ring with JiSung’s name engraved on it. “Please tell Lee Know to take care of JiSung, make him happy. That was M/N’s last words to me before he was wheeled into the emergency room. So, it’s all in your hand now. The book is for you and JiSung. I hope you could fulfil M/N’s last wish.”


Han JiSung found himself in the tub, filled with white petals as tears stream down his cheeks. He had been unwell ever since M/N’s passing and discovering about the Hanahaki disease he know had was just an unfortunate bonus. Han JiSung could not stop thinking of his late ex boyfriend. Everything seems to have crash down on him.

“Sungie~, are you okay in there?”

JiSung panicked upon the voice, he cleared his throat, croaking out a reply as he gathered all the petals, throwing them into the toilet bowl, “I….I’ll be out in a minute.” He felt the regret as he flushed down the system. He washed his face before going out of the washroom, meeting Lee Know. He screened the latter’s face, seeing a forming bruise on his left cheek. “Your face…. What happened?”

“Nothing much. Are you okay? It’s almost two weeks you’ve been throwing up and coughing. I think we should see the doctors.” Lee Know said.

JiSung shook his head subtly before making his way over to their bed. He could see a black book on it. Curiosity had him. JiSung picked up the book, turning to the dancer, “what is this?”

“This belonged to M/N. We should read them together.”

JiSung could feel the ache in him as he plopped down on the bed, the book on his lap. His hands trembled as tears, once again made their way down his cheeks. Lee Know sat next to him, putting an arm around his shoulder, giving a reassuring squeeze as he opens the book.

‘As I laid eyes on you, the world stopped. You stood there, grinning as Chan introduced me to all of you but, out of all of you guys, only you, Han JiSung caught my eyes.’

‘I joined in the practice today because I was suppose to help Chan after the practice on song writings but, he had something to do urgently. So instead, I stayed back with you in the training room and we had our first ball dance after we joked about High School Musical. It was euphoria as I felt my heart sparks into fireworks when I held your hand.’

‘I realise I started to like you. I like the way you smile, I like the way you are passionate about your career, I like the way you persevere in everything and there is so more to it that I swear I can write a 10 series book about it. I think I might just love you.’

‘You had a breakdown from the recent dance practice. It keeps getting harder and you were exhausted. You begged to be held and I held you in my arms, assuring you softly.’

‘I finally decided that I am in love with you and today just happened that I confessed to you. You accepted my confession and I cannot describe how happy I am. I love you, to eternity and beyond.’

JiSung sniffled as Lee Know gave him a cup of tea. They had decided to take a pause from reading the black book once owned by M/N. Lee Know could feel the tremble from the rapper as he sat next to him.

“Let’s stop for the night and continue tomorrow. Let’s get you to bed, you need the rest please.” Lee Know told the rapper as he placed the black book onto the nightstand, pulling JiSung to bed.

JiSung followed the latter as they tugged themselves under the covers. The rapper shifted closer to the dancer until his back met his chest. He felt Lee Know’s arm around his waist , giving him a tight comforting hug. JiSung sinks into his hold, letting a sob soft out. He felt the itch on his throat as he cries but, he knew he couldn’t cough. He shouldn’t cough because, a petal might just be out.

The next morning, JiSung forced himself out of bed, taking a warm shower and got ready. Lee Know was still fast asleep beside him and he doubt any of the member would be awake too. He grabbed his belongings and the black book on the night stand before tiptoeing out of the room. A sigh of relieve left his lips seeing no one in the living room. The rapper exited the dorm and made his way towards late M/N’s studio. He felt the tears accumulate in his eyes as he entered the studio.

“Hi love. If you’re somewhere up there watching me, I miss you, a lot.” JiSung mumbled to himself as he sat on the roller chair. He finally opened to where he last stop reading and continued.

Lee Know woke up in panic, feeling the empty space next to him. He jolted out of bed, running out the room, searching everywhere around the dorm but, failed to find none other than Han JiSung. He barged into the leader’s room, waking the latter up in the process. Lee Know became even more panic-stricken. He jumbled on his words, trying to croak out that JiSung was missing. Thankfully, The leader understood and got out of bed, waking the rest of the guys.

Lee Know ran as fast as his feet could bring just to everywhere he could think of JiSung could have gone. His mind went out of the line showing him pictures he didn’t wish to see. He was worried. Anything could happen to his lover and only god would know what. JiSung could be out there doing something deadly and even be dead by now. Lee Know stopped for a second, shaking his thoughts away. He took a deep breath in and calm himself down before making his way to that one place that happens to pop up in his mind.

The cemetery.

Lee Know thanked the world for showing him where JiSung was. He could finally breath as he walks over silently from behind to where the rapper was. The rapper sat cross legged in front of M/N’s tomb, the book still in his hand. Lee Know felt something wrong. He wasn’t facing the rapper but he just knew something was not right. As he nears the rapper, he could hear the soft sobs from the latter.

“Sungie~” Lee Know called out. JiSung jolted in shock as he turned to the voice and Lee Know gasped. JiSung had white petals all over him and a stream of blood ran down the corner of his lips.


“I….I can explain.” JiSung stuttered.

“No,” Lee Know replied sternly, “there is nothing for you to explain. You’re coming with me.”

“I’m not going anywhere. Hyung, M/N had Hanahaki disease because of me. For two months, he suffered so let it be, let me be the one suffering this time. I deserve it.” JiSung cried.

“And then what? It’ll be my turn to suffer?” Lee Know yelled, out of the worrisome, “so one day you will pass on just like how M/N did and leave me alone? I love you JiSung and you know that. Trash around, hit me, curse at me all you want but, I’m taking you to the hospital. We’re getting the surgery.” The dancer swept JiSung off the ground and begin walking away from the tomb. JiSung trashed around like kid, hitting Lee Know wherever he could reach for. Lee Know felt his heart break hearing the cries grew softer and softer until JiSung finally gave in, lifelessly hanging on Lee Know’s shoulder.

It was pure silence as JiSung laid on the hospital bed and Lee Know sat right beside him. They had settled down in the hospital after registering for the Hanahaki removal surgery, only waiting for their turn to be called on.

“Sungie~, listen.” Lee Know sighed, “I’m sorry I’m forcing you to this but, please, I just need the best for you. I can’t afford to let you suffer with the hanahaki the way M/N did and I made a promise. I love you, Sungie but, please. This is your only chance to stay alive.”

“What’s the point of staying alive anymore? Hyung, I will lose the capability to love someone after the removal and do you really think you could make me love you?”

Without hesitation, the dancer answered, “yes and I swear to eternity and beyond that I will love you and I will make you fall for me one way or another.”

“Really?” JiSung’s eyes softened as he felt the sincere words from the dancer. Lee Know nodded and grabbed the rapper’s hand.

“M/N’s last wish is for me to take care of you and make sure you’ll be happy and I will make that happen. Han JiSung, I am going to propose to you to be my forever and always.” Lee Know opens the black velvet ring box, “this was the ring M/N wanted to give you. I assume you have read the book finish so you know what was supposedly going to happen. Even though it is not M/N who is proposing to you, I want you to think that it is. I will take care and love you for the rest of my life and M/N will be watching over us, always.” The dancer slips the ring into JiSung’s finger.

“To eternity and beyond of his last wish?” The rapper asked, tears streaming down his face.

“To eternity and beyond of his last wish.” Lee Know affirmed and hugged the other.

The sequel of Hanahaki is up, finally! Dedicated to my dearest reader. Here’s for you.


[The Last Wish] [SKZ Han JiSung X SKZ Lee MinHo]
[The Last Wish] [SKZ Han JiSung X SKZ Lee MinHo]
[The Last Wish] [SKZ Han JiSung X SKZ Lee MinHo]

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