Hei! Part 2 In Billie Camp.. In Here!
Hei! Part 2 in Billie camp.. In here!

And the next day..:
Billie: ERMOZ! Billy and askname_2 its gone*panic*
Nickname_2: where her 2 gone?
ERMOZ: gone!?

Nickname_2: what the,.. Why Billy in this beach?
ERMOZ: that Billy!
Fillie: hey guys, in here..

Fillie: wait what? Why asknmae_2
in here?
ERMOZ: hey, that is askname..
Billie: what the!?

Fillie: I don't like this!
The end..
kimbillieart liked this · 4 years ago
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ermoz-imnever-friend liked this · 4 years ago
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Billie: what are you doing?
ERMOZ: no no..

Wait for part 2..
Thank you very much... You are the best... 🤣
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