kimichaan - kimi-chan

hi there! welcome to my blog, it features : things i find cute, some of my art (i won’t post art often?), and things I find funny! sorry if the description bores you! promise i won’t make my descriptions as long as these in the future

30 posts



unfortunately i made a mistake while working on my art, i accidentally deleted the nose of a person i was drawing. how you may ask? because i’m a dumby and didn’t realize which layer is which and continued drawing.

that’s okay though! cause redrawing the nose will help me with practicing my art skills and such! :)

More Posts from Kimichaan

5 years ago


hope I give off good energy

everyone who reblogs this post will get an ask telling them what energy i think they give off after scrolling through their blog for a minute

5 years ago

wow! that’s super neat, though i won’t be learning korean anytime soon.

Hangeul: Consonants 자음

Hangeul: Consonants

Hello! 안녕하세요. This is Admin Yu with the first Hangeul lesson on consonants. Now, let's start learning.

The Korean langauge itself can be difficult to learn since the grammar system is vastly different from other languages. But learning to read and write in Hangeul, the alphabets of Korea, is very, very easy. Today we are going to learn how to pronounce Hangeul's 19 consonants.

<자음 Consonants>

ㄱ [g, k] - 고기(go-gi): meat, 각(gak): angle

ㄴ [n] - 나비(Na-bi): butterfly, 나(na): me, I

ㄷ [d, t]- 도장(do-jang): stamp, 더(deo): more

ㄹ[r, l] - 라면(Ramyeon): Ramen

ㅁ[m] -모래(Mo-rae): sand, 문(Moon): door

ㅂ[b,p] - 방패(bang-pae): shield, 밥(bap): meal

ㅅ[s]- 시간(si-gan): time, 소(so): cow

ㅇ[∅,ng] -우유(oo-yu): milk, 운(oon): luck

ㅈ[j] - 지구(ji-gu): earth, 짐(Jum): burden

ㅊ[ch] - 친구(Chin-gu): friend, 차(cha): tea, car

ㅋ[k] -코끼리(ko-kki-ri): elephant, 콩(kong): bean

ㅌ[t] - 투표(too-pyo): vote, 탕(Tang): tub

ㅍ[p]- 편지(Pyeon-ji): letter, 피(pi): Blood

ㅎ[h]-하늘(ha-neul): sky, 혀(Hyeo): tongue

ㄲ[kk] -까마귀(Kka-ma-gui): crow, 꽃(Kkot): flower

ㄸ[tt (dd)]-딱지(ttak-ji): a traditional korean toy. We will explain more when we make a post about Korean traditional games. 땅(Ttang): ground

ㅃ[pp]- 빨대(ppal-dae): straw, 뼈(ppyeo): bone

ㅆ[ss]- 쌈장(ssam-jang): a type of spicy and sweet Korean sauce. It's delicious. 씨(Ssi): seed

ㅉ[jj]- 찌개(Jji-gae): stew/soup, 짝(jjak): pair

That's it for today :D Next time in Hangeul class we'll learn about the science and categories of the hangeul consonants, which is crucial to understanding how to pronounce and read, and properly spell Korean.

-Admin Yu

Additional notes:

Written by Admin Yu/

Edited and posted by Admin Sun/ Spell, grammar checked by Admin Gyu

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5 years ago

you can do it little turtle!

I believe in you!!

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5 years ago

the tea looks sooo good (・・?)🍷🎟☎️

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