Mistakes - Tumblr Posts

Ay yo i was just trying to tidy up my pics

But then I accidently took three innocent children into the depth of hell

Ay Yo I Was Just Trying To Tidy Up My Pics

No soft baby girl aesthetic should exist in re8 and i stand by what I say

Ay Yo I Was Just Trying To Tidy Up My Pics

They're safe now <3

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Concept: you are waking up in the king sized bed, looking through the windows, it's sunny outside, you open them and the fresh air comes in, you go to the kitchen, breakfast is waiting for you on the big round white table and also the love of your life, kissing you on the forehead, saying 'hi, beautiful'.

Concept: at night, you are tightly pressed to your loved one in the same king sized bed, he is whispering on your ear 'i love you so much' as you slowly fall asleep

Concept: you are loved, forgiven for all of your mistakes, cherished for being you, feeling attracting and confident, peaceful and relaxed. You are happy.


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9 years ago
Cats Who Immediately Regretted Their Poor Life Choices.
Cats Who Immediately Regretted Their Poor Life Choices.
Cats Who Immediately Regretted Their Poor Life Choices.
Cats Who Immediately Regretted Their Poor Life Choices.
Cats Who Immediately Regretted Their Poor Life Choices.
Cats Who Immediately Regretted Their Poor Life Choices.
Cats Who Immediately Regretted Their Poor Life Choices.
Cats Who Immediately Regretted Their Poor Life Choices.
Cats Who Immediately Regretted Their Poor Life Choices.
Cats Who Immediately Regretted Their Poor Life Choices.

Cats Who Immediately Regretted Their Poor Life Choices.

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Freudian slips are mad..

I was talking yesterday in therapy. We'd been talking about how some things are always going to be a struggle with disability And I go, "one must imagine syphilis happy" (meaning to say "one must imagine Sisyphus happy")

My therapist looks at me, cracks up laughing and says "well, I do hope you don't have syphilis"

...anyway, I'm now pushing an STI up a hill, constantly.

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6 years ago
Lo And Behold: Reveries Of The Connected World (2016)
Lo And Behold: Reveries Of The Connected World (2016)
Lo And Behold: Reveries Of The Connected World (2016)
Lo And Behold: Reveries Of The Connected World (2016)
Lo And Behold: Reveries Of The Connected World (2016)
Lo And Behold: Reveries Of The Connected World (2016)

Lo and Behold: Reveries of the Connected World (2016)

Dir. Werner Herzog


The Internet’s invention was in itself a revolution in history. That is the idea where this documentary starts on it’s path. The film asks questions about the Internet and the life changing inventions being sparked out of it; A.I., Interplanetary space crafts, robots. We see how this revolution made it possible for us to communicate and connect with billions around the globe, exponentially increasing our collective output. Thing is, this rapid growth comes with adverse consequences. Connectivity of the whole world is kind of a dangerous thing because we are getting increasingly dependent on a fragile technological system.


Our use of the internet and things like smart phones have already become tools that we feel we can’t live without. This interconnection with technology is going to get to a point where it makes all of our physical systems effortless, but this ‘connectedness’ is detrimental to our critical thought. We already rely too much on our tech for basic things our brains can do just fine like storing information or deep critical thinking. Imagine when our entire reality could be shaped by the swipe of our finger or a single thought. It makes me think of the people in Wall-E who become gluttonous simpletons, except this is no longer science-fiction, it’s our approaching reality.


The fact that we are relying on electronic systems to house the money of our economies, or store all our important information, is quite short sighted when it comes to human survival. Someone in the doc brings up how a solar flair pointed towards earth has the power to destroy the planet’s entire electrical grid, effectively breaking down societies in a flash. Then there’s artificial intelligence and how that has the potential to throw everything through a loop. There’s a whole chapter about it in the movie where people at the forefront of A.I. tech say it’s hard to imagine it’s limits, or lack there of. I find it interesting though that every invention we see in the film (whether it be a self driving car or a robot capable of doing complex tasks) has multiple corporate sticker logos on it. SHELL, BOEING, AMAZON. All these billion dollar multinational corporations are the ones funding and patenting these technologies, with the intention of saving money on labor costs and increasing output. We think of A.I. as either the spark for a new type of consciousness or as a blessing that will allow us great amounts of free time to enjoy the world around us. What’s more realistic though is that since our societal structure is built for monopolizing wealth and not for the collective well being, A.I will probably cause a jobs crisis and further exploitation of people.


My favorite quote comes from this lady who was working on space travel to Mars when she said “While I would like us to explore Mars more, I think the only thing that we’ve demonstrated is that we are very good at destroying the habitability of Earth rather then improving the habitability of a completely alien world. The idea that Mars will some how save us from the decisions we’ve made here is a false one, and it’s a little like saying you’re going to go live in a life boat when even lifeboats need somewhere to land” (this literally cuts straight to Elon Musk looking depressed, lol). She is so right, even though her lifeboat metaphor is a little confusing. We are desperately looking for other habitable worlds because we’ve fucked up our environment on this one so bad. And even though we are developing technologies that have the potential to help swerve us away from disaster, it’s how you use it that matters. Remember, we used atomic energy not to power the world, but to blow it up instead.


Rating: 9/10

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1 year ago

we love mistakes in writing, i was writing a prologue and said, “Most likely Latin, maybe an early version of Italian or France?” we love that

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6 years ago

My First Short Story

I hope you like it!


Mistakes are made, but they cannot be fixed. Ever. The ghosts of my past mistakes haunt me. They row their rickety boat down my stream of consciousness and pollute its crystal waters. They row their way into your mind to just reaffirm to me that nothing in life matters now. Nothing at all. After this mistake everything is nothing. I shake with anxiety. How will I continue? How will I recover from my mistake? How will my life ever be the same?

My mistake.

The mistake that I can never correct.

The hand fumbling.

The cheese puff falling.

The hand reaching.

The cheese puff crashing.

The hand failing.

the cheese puff dying.

The mistake that I can never correct.


The cheese puff.

On the floor cold and alone.

Lost to the dust bunnies.

Ready to claim my mistake as their prize.

My life will never be the same.

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1 year ago

Well was almost finished with the chapter. The way I write on AO3 is I keep the page open for days. Somehow the entire chapter was deleted. My fault I should have saved a draft. Luckily some of it I did save just gonna take a bit to get to where I was.

Well Was Almost Finished With The Chapter. The Way I Write On AO3 Is I Keep The Page Open For Days. Somehow

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13 years ago

I made a mistake... I hate making mistakes. They're usually impossible to fix. You have to spend months or years trying to shove it to the back of your mind just so you can move into the next parts of your life.

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5 years ago
One Of The Test Prints. I Sometimes Enjoy The Mistakes. #mistakes #printing #offset #graphicdesign #packagingdesign

One of the test prints. I sometimes enjoy the mistakes. #mistakes #printing #offset #graphicdesign #packagingdesign #toner #ocularstatic https://www.instagram.com/p/B7yX1csp7S3/?igshid=t2t777f816ef

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Heads up to anyone who sees this, eating oranges doesn’t stop you from having a cold, it’s a preventative measure.

On an unrelated note eating 10 oranges in the span of 24 hours WILL damage the enamel on your teeth so don’t do that.

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2 years ago

Perfect don't mean that it's working

So what can I do?

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6 years ago
How About ...

How about ...

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5 months ago

i remember this quote my dad used to tell me when i was small:

when you are young, you are like a pencil, you can easily erase your mistakes and rewrite them but when you grow older, you turn into a pen and erasing your mistakes gets difficult because they're permanent which means you're responsible to face the consequences of them

of course, this doesn’t mean the mistakes you make as an adult can not be erased, u will always have the space to learn and grow from them no matter how grave the fault is

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7 years ago
Sensitivity Feeling Liable To Be Offended Or Hurt Be A Little More Sensitive Please The World Asks Us

Sensitivity Feeling liable to be offended or hurt ‘Be a little more sensitive please’ The world asks us to fold our rough edges, use sandpaper on the splinters that have formed from being broken again and again.

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1 year ago

All right, so the fan fic recommendation is All The Young Dudes by MsKingBean89 it’s on AO3 and it’s amazing just a warning once you get into it there’s no going back. enjoy! :)

send help. I started this last summer and never finished it 💀


(should I make a video on me reading this, pls send feedback)

Please pray for me.

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