kimpossibly - gracie

requests open

96 posts





pairing: rowan laslow x fem!reader warnings: knives, fighting, two people literally trying to unalive each other (enemies to lovers things), rowan has mommy issues lmao, gratuitous sexual tension, possibly ooc rowan? (i've only seen a couple episodes of wednesday)

summary: y/n and rowan have been trying to kill each other since the day they met. on this particular day, things go a bit awry. note: Oh my lord I am down bad for Calum Ross. The reason I watched Wednesday actually was because one of my friends kept sending me Rowan edits and ALLLLLL the captions were some variation of "I bet he whimpers" and you know what? After having watched a couple episodes I feel I agree. So enjoy this, I hope I didn't write Rowan too out of character lol. Also plot? She's not here — again, I've only seen a few episodes of the show itself. Enjoy! Happy holidays!


When Rowan walked into her dorm that day, Y/n had the distinct feeling that only one of them would be leaving. Nevertheless, she closed her book and stood up to greet him. "Rowan," she said with a smirk, "always a pleas—" she was cut off as he used his telekinesis to throw her against the back wall of her dorm. In one swift motion he moved to put his hand around her throat and squeezed — not tight enough to prevent her from speaking, but tight enough to send a warning. She just frowned. "This feels a little unfair, no? You're trying to kill me and I don't even get to know why?"

"Don't worry," he replied, his hand tightening around her throat. "you'll find out soon enough."

"Oh my God," Y/n sighed, rolling her eyes. "Do you take pleasure in acting like every stereotypical movie villain to ever live? I get the whole 'Outcast in a school of outcasts' thing giving you a kind of tragic backstory and a means for empathy, but really, Rowan. This is just not a good color on you."

All that succeeded in doing was pissing him off even more. He shifted as if to grab something, and Y/n saw the silver flash of a knife in his hand.

"Wait!" she shouted, attempting to buy herself more time. "I'm an Outcast too, right?"

At that, Rowan laughed. "You're really going to play that card? Try and make it seem like we're one and the same, you and I? You may not have powers, and that may set you apart, but we are not the same."

At the mention of powers, Y/n's eyebrow quirked up in the same way it did when she realized the teacher had made a mistake during class. And though Rowan's hand was slowly succeeding in cutting off her air supply and he had a knife pointed at her, she smiled. "Oh, Rowan. The thing about powers is that as long as you don't use them when anyone else can see, you can convince the entire world they don't exist."

In an instant, Rowan began to understand what she meant. His grip loosened ever so slightly, and Y/n took the opportunity to suck in a deep breathe, her eyes going dark as she spoke: "Let me go."

He had no choice but to comply. His hand left her throat and he stumbled back a few feet, looking back at her with wide, confused eyes. "You're a charmspeaker?" he asked, bewildered.

"I was trained by one of the best." she shrugged nonchalantly, fixing the cuffs of her shirtsleeve. "So, Rowan, would you like to continue this little game of ours," she pulled a knife from her boot, "or do you surrender?"

Rowan said nothing in response but straightened back up, flipping his knife once in his hand. Y/n sighed. "Oh, baby made the wrong choice."

He lunged at her then, giving her only a split second to speak. "Stop!"

At once he seemed to freeze in midair, stuck as though he were encased in concrete. He groaned and struggled against her hold and eventually she let up, chuckling to herself. Unfortunately, she gave him enough time to pull out a few tricks of his own. An unseen force threw her against the wall and cut off her air supply so forcefully that it was impossible to speak, much less take in a breath. Her feet dangled a few feet off the ground. If this were in any other context, she might've enjoyed it...

Rowan came at her again with the knife, but she flung out her leg and planted her foot squarely in his chest, sending him stumbling back. That distracted him long enough and she came off from the wall, collapsing onto her hands and knees at the sudden drop. And Rowan, who was nearly at the end of his wit, offered some explanation: "My mother is a Seer, and years ago she predicted you'd be the downfall of Nevermore. You're destined to end the world. Y/n."

Y/n got up, dusting herself off, and quirked her head to the side at his accusation. "Not exactly the destiny I wanted, but it sounds interesting. Do I get a crown?"

Rowan swung at her with his fist, which she dodged skillfully, sweeping a leg under to knock him off balance. He fell to the ground, wheezing, and Y/n's face soon popped over his field of vision. "Poor little Rowan..." she mocked him. "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to pull little girl's pigtails?"

Enraged, Rowan grabbed her ankle and pulled, causing Y/n to drop onto the floor hard. He rolled, and suddenly he was on top of her, the silver blade of the knife knicked the thin skin on her lip, opening a cut, and pressed against her throat. "My mother is dead." he said lowly. "And I have to finish what she started."

And while a twinge of guilt pricked at Y/n heart, she pushed it down and refused to let it show. His face was dangerously close to hers, glasses askew, hazel eyes intent on ending her life. "Then quit stalling and make her proud." Y/n hissed. For a split second he hesitated, and her eyes clouded over again. "Too slow. Get up."

He complied immediately. Once again they found themselves standing and facing each other like they had been when he walked in. Except now, Y/n felt that she had the upper hand. "Shut up. Listen to me."

At once, her voice became magnified in his ears and he cringed. He tried to retaliate but found he couldn't speak. Y/n paced before him, perfectly calm and content despite the blood running a small rivulet down her chin. She wiped it away as though it were nothing and cleared her throat. "Now, you said you want to kill me, yes? To avenge your mother and save the world and blah, blah blah...I get it. You have mommy issues. We're all a little screwed up, you know? But killing me...It's not as easy as you think. You want to kill a rat, you have to lure it into a trap first. Corner it. Make it afraid. But I'm not a rat, Rowan — I'm the Queen Bee. And there's only one way to get something from a queen..." she trailed off, fixing him with her opaque dark stare. "Beg."

Rowan dropped to his knees, his hazel eyes looking up at her with a jaded want. She had never seen anything like it. He sighed, almost as if he were relieved to suddenly be so at rest around her. "Please," he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. "Please."

In that moment, Y/n saw Rowan for what he truly was: tired. The weight of a promise he had made to his mother was weighing on him, crushing him, and it likely had been for a while. So much so that begging became the most viable option.

As he knelt before her, the hardened glare melted from Y/n's face. This wasn't a thing she let people see, but Rowan was under charmspeak. He'd go with the image of her compassionate face to the grave if she asked him to. Before she quite knew what she was doing, she stepped forward, his neck craning further and further up to look at her, and she wrapped an arm around him, cradling his head in her arms. And Rowan seemed to melt into her touch, resting his head against her torso as she ran gentle fingers through his hair. "You're not going to kill me." she said quietly, neglecting the charmspeak. "At least, not yet."

She said it because she believed it — he would not kill her. And she would spare his life as well. Because even Queens occasionally show mercy.

She wasn't sure how long she held him before she stooped down to his level, getting on her own knees to face him. She wanted to see her eyes as she spoke so that he would know it was just her — not the charmspeak, not the warrior, not the queen, just her. "You don't want to kill me." she said with a quiet confidence. "And I don't want to kill you. So let's give it a rest, yeah?"

The charmspeak was wearing away and the real Rowan was fading back in, but she stared him dead in the eyes and waited for a response. He didn't speak, but the knife in his hand suddenly clattered to the ground, and she felt they had come to an agreement.

She stood, smoothing out her skirt and sighing. "It's a shame, you know," she said. "I quite liked when you were on top of me. Oh, and slamming me against the wall too. Very nice."

The regular Rowan was fully back in control now and she could see that something had changed. Vulnerability had the power to do that to people — especially when they let other people see it. Y/n nonchalantly opened the door and stood by it with her arms crossed over her chest, waiting for him to leave. He stood, picked up the knife, and fixed his glasses. As he headed for the door she felt some small spark of victory in her chest, but he paused just before leaving for good.

"Nobody gets to kill you but me." he said lowly, pointing the knife at her.

All she did was smile. "I'll send out a memo."

He left then and Y/n shut the door behind him, leaning back against the door and sighing to herself. "Oh, God." she muttered. "I'm in trouble."


Author's Note: Oooooooh boy was this a fun one. I want to write so many more of these actually so maybe I might expand on this story, give our MC a name and a backstory, and maybe write a part two? Let me know what you guys think!

Much love, Gracie

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More Posts from Kimpossibly

2 years ago

Hi so wednesday addams promt 10,40


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Oooooo first prompt exciting exciting!! Thank you so much, hope you enjoy it!

CHARACTER: WEDNESDAY ADDAMS — WEDNESDAY (2022) PROMPT #10: "Hey! Hey, it was just a nightmare. You're okay. I'm right here." PROMPT #40: Going to sleep

Hi So Wednesday Addams Promt 10,40


Wednesday often dreamed about murder, so when you woke up screaming it took her a second to follow.

She shot straight up from her stoic sleeping position (flat on her back, arms crossed over her chest like she'd been laid to rest in a tomb — what a dream), her dark eyes snapping open instantly to see you thrashing around and screaming in terror.

She shot straight up from her stoic sleeping position (flat on her back, arms crossed over her chest like she'd been laid to rest in a tomb — what a dream), her dark eyes snapping open instantly to see you thrashing around and screaming in terror.

"Y/n. Y/n!" she said, trying to wake you up. She swiftly dodged a flying fist that came her way and moved quickly to stop you from hurting yourself admist all the thrashing. Wednesday knew all about nightmares — she'd had the pleasure of having many throughout her lifetime — but something about the terrified look on your face tried to melt its way through her frozen heart.

"Hey!" she said, and you stopped thrashing, your eyes widening when you realized you had woken up. You looked around yourself, eyes scanning the room, the bed, and then finally turning to Wednesday. When you saw her concerned look, the screams melted away and they were replaced by hot tears rolling down your face. And, to your immense surprise, Wednesday wrapped a comforting arm around you to pull you closer. "Hey, it was just a nightmare. You're okay. I'm right here."

For a moment you allowed Wednesday to hold you as the fear faded away. Then, processing, you were so thrown off by her comforting words and tone of voice that you nearly giggled through the tears. "If I didn't know any better, Wednesday, I'd think you were a big softie sometimes."

Wednesday stayed stoic as she brushed a hand through your hair. "Tell anyone about it and I'll become your worst nightmare."

Hi So Wednesday Addams Promt 10,40


Going to bed with Wednesday is a one-of-a-kind experience.

For example, her nightly skin routine consists of merely powdering her face in order to further "emulate the dead."

It's not very often that you can force a sheet mask onto her, but you try your best.

Okay, it only happened once, and it was only after you said that the sheet made her look a little like Jason Voorhees. Then she agreed to keep it on for a few minutes.

Also, Wednesday likes it cold.

Like, morgue freezer cold.

So you always bundle yourself up in blankets and sheets whereas she only needs one to sleep comfortably through the night.

She also likes to keep it pitch dark, so all blinds are drawn tight and all lights are turned off

Now Wednesday likes to sleep on her back with her arms crossed over her chest like she's been... you know, buried.

But if you're the cuddling type, she'll maybe allow you to rest a head on her shoulder. If you're lucky

And if she's in an especially good mood, she'll wrap an arm around you.

All in all, going to sleep with Wednesday is always dark and cold, just how she likes it.

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2 years ago


REQUEST Hi hi happy new year!! I love your rowan fic (can't wait for part three) and I was wondering if you could do hc's for Wednesday characters (Wednesday, Enid, Xavier, Rowan, Tyler) seeing their SOs in a suit (preferably a female reader please)? thanks! — anon

AUTHOR'S NOTE: AHHHHH MY FIRST REQUEST!! Hi hi happy new year I love this prompt! I'm getting maaaaaajor Kate Bishop vibes here...this is so exciting. I kind of ended up doing the suit hc + how they would act when taking you to the Rave'N, so I hope you like that bit as well :) Happy new year! I hope you enjoy it!

PAIRING: fem!reader x wednesday characters WARNINGS: two little suggestive comments, but other than that it's just fluff!



We all know that Wednesday is not one to show enthusiasm...or any emotions. About anything. Ever.

But when you appear in the doorway in a suit, she almost almost cracks a smile.

She recovers quickly, of course, and gives you a brisk "You look nice."

I'm just going to assume you're wearing a suit to some sort of formal event — maybe even the Rave'N

Regardless of where you're going, Wednesday sticks by your side the entire night, glaring at everyone who looks at you.

Basically she's giving everyone the silent "She's mine."

And if anyone comes up to you to flirt? Oooo boy she is threatening them with everything she has.

And after the potential flirters walk away, terrified, and you give her a surprised look, she just stares back at you like she's done absolutely nothing wrong (which, in her mind, she hasn't.)

"Wednesday, what was that?"

"A reasonable reaction to people hitting on my date. Why do you ask?"

And you can only roll your eyes at her, blushing like mad as you wrap an arm around her. "No reason."


Now Enid is the exact opposite of Wednesday when it comes to this. When you pop up, girlie squeals.

As in, loud enough to make everyone cringe and cover their ears

Once again, in the opposite fashion of Wednesday, Enid takes every opportunity to show you off to everyone, so much so that you end up a little embarrassed.

"Everyone, look look look! Look at how good Y/n looks!"


"What? Can't I tell everyone how good my girlfriend looks?"

While not socializing, she is dragging you onto the dance floor just so that she can admire you from every angle

And every five minutes she reiterates the sentiment

"Ugh, Y/n, you look so good!"

"I know! You told me five minutes ago! And five minutes before that! And five minutes before that!"

Poor girl is sooooo down bad.


I feel like he'd get so thrown off by you in a suit that it'd be easy to mistake it for him not liking it.

Like, he's just so baffled that he can't properly articulate his feelings towards it.


Your heart starts to sink a little, but you cover it up with a small grin.

"That bad, huh?"

Needless to say, that gets his lips moving.

"No!" he shouts, a little too loud. "No, no of course not. You look incredible."

He just genuinely forgets how to get across how drop dead gorgeous he thinks you look

And he feels sooooo much pride when you guys walk in together

He's not going to show you off verbally, but with you on his arm, he's exuding "Yeah, that's right, look at my badass sexy girlfriend."

And towards the end of the dance, you'll ask him if he's ready to go

"Ready to leave?"

"Yeah," he says, then leans in to whisper in your ear, "I really want to see what that suit looks like on the floor."

I think you know what comes after that...


Oh my God...this boy forgets how to speak.

The second you appear in the doorway wearing the suit, he's a stuttering mess.

He's gonna need his inhaler if he wants to get a few words out

Once he gathers himself, he'll finally tell you how amazing you look

God he feels so cool arriving at the dance with you on his arm

He's just like me...he thinks women in suits are hot.

Literally cannot take his eyes off of you the entire night

He's not much of a dancer, but if you are, he'll probably suffer for a few minutes or so. Just for you.

Plus, it's just another opportunity for him to look at you up close, which is a total win for him.

Also, he is very touchy just in general, but I imagine especially so at this dance.

When you're off to the sides, he'll keep an arm wrapped around your waist or a hand locked in yours.

If you're sitting, he'll keep a gentle hand on your knee

And when you're dancing? He will be holding your hands, waist, anything.

He just likes the feeling of security and knowing that you're there with him and you're not going anywhere.

He'll probably even pull you out of the dance a little early, just so you guys can get back to his dorm before Xavier gets there


I may not know much, but I know that this man is going to get you blushing in 0.000275 seconds.

He'll momentarily be awestruck by you, but of course he'll recover pretty quickly from the shock. Then, he'll say something that'll get you all hot and bothered

"If I had known you were going to pull off a suit better than me I would've brought sweatpants."

Idk what it is about that slightly awkward, slight confident vibe he has going on, but it works

He knows how to make a gal smile, that's all I'm saying.

He'll be a proper gentleman the whole night, but he's expertly hiding how freaking good you look in that goddamn suit.

He'll probably even make some kind of "twinsies" joke...because, you're both in a suit. Please laugh he'd be so embarrassed if you didn't.

You guys would be on the dance floor ALL NIGHT

You'd be tearing that shit UP don't lie

And it is so much easier to maneuver in a suit over a dress, so you best believe you guys are doing allllllll the dancey dances

The only reason you stop is when one of you is about to collapse and you need to go slam some punch for stamina.

And at the end of the night, he would pull you close just to tell you once more how absolutely amazing you look, just to see the cute lil blush that follows <3

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2 years ago

friendly reminder to please check my list of characters i write for before you request! sometimes i'll write for certain characters from a show/movie but not others, so please always check before requesting. if you request a character i do not write for i may not complete your ask. you can always pm me and ask if i'll write for a new character before you request!

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2 years ago

— dating dick grayson

 Dating Dick Grayson
 Dating Dick Grayson
 Dating Dick Grayson

ੈ✩‧₊˚ sfw & nsfw under the cut

PAIRING: dick grayson x fem!reader WARNINGS: there is some nsfw content underneath the cut (i labelled it so it can't be missed). there are also mentions of fighting, cuts, bruises, general vigilante stuff. SUMMARY: just some cute (and some spicy) headcanons for dating our beloved nightwing

NOTE: I love writing for this character so much — specifically because I've heard from sooooo many people that my boyfriend looks exactly like him. It actually became such a recurring joke with my friend group that we dressed up as Dick & Barbara Gordon for homecoming. But the resemblance is so uncanny it's actually insane — hence why I love this character so much. I hope you guys enjoy this thing I wrote at three in the morning!!

 Dating Dick Grayson

ੈ✩‧₊˚ sfw

Dick is so protective, just as a person. Of family, of friends, and especially of you.

If you're a Titan like him, he's the first to jump to your side in a fight — not because he doesn't think you can handle yourself (he knows you can) but because he can't bear not having you in his eye line during a fight. If something were to happen when his back was turned, he'd never quite be able to get over it.

In the middle of the fight, he's constantly shouting to you, asking if you're okay, if you need help. And after the fight he's the first one to you, asking if you're hurt.

And if you're a civilian and you somehow get caught in the middle of his work? Oh my God this man will lose it. His top priority disappears and is instantly replaced by making sure you're safe and well out of the way of danger.

The 'patching up each other's wounds' trope is strong with Dick

He always wants to know how and why each little cut and bruise got there

❝ Wait, where did this one come from? ❞ ❝ Remember when the guy pulled out all those little throwing knives? ❞ ❝ Ah. ❞

I feel like his love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch — he loves both giving and receiving them.

He'll always pull you aside to tell you he loves you before he goes into a fight.

He'll reassure you with forehead kisses instead of kisses on the lips. They just feel more safe and comforting.

But the ultimate way he makes you feel safe and comfortable is by cuddling. He loooooves cuddling.

Nothing makes him happier than wrapping his arms around you and holding you tight to him. He loves falling asleep that way, tangled up together, because it lets him know that you feel completely safe around him.

He knows he can be an imposing person, so he always does his best to make you and everyone else feel safe around him.

And let's be honest, that man is a giant teddy bear.

But he can be pretty scary when he wants to be.

Like I kind of said earlier, if someone is messing with you, he's the first one to be by your side to defend you

At the end of the day, he loves coming home to you and knowing that you'll be there for him every step of the way.

ੈ✩‧₊˚ nsfw — mentions of hickeys, oral (f & m receiving), praise, roughness, fingering

Dick is a pretty selfless person — he's always concerned about other people, he's a bit of a people pleaser, etc.

Thus I firmly believe he's a giver over a receiver.

They don't call him Dick for nothing—

He also definitely has a praise kink, both for giving praise and receiving it.

His favorite, of course, is calling you a ❝ Good girl ❞ and telling you how well you're doing.

He loves to go down on you. There's nothing he finds more beautiful than looking up at you from in between your legs, seeing your face contorted in pleasure as he brings you over the edge.

He also looooves when you pull his hair. It's a sign that he's doing well at making you feel good. This ties in with the whole praise thing.

He never pressures you into anything and always makes sure to get consent before doing something.

He also loves to wake you up by going down on you. He obviously asked for consent the night before, but he just loves the surprise of it.

Or he'll even just wake you up by pressing kisses to your neck and gently fingering you

It isn't until you're awake and moaning that he'll smirk at you and say good morning.


And if you want to go down on him? I mean...he won't refuse.

I don't think his initial instinct is to be very vocal, but once he feels perfectly comfortable and safe with you, oh Lord is he vocal.

He's a very gentle person in general, but every once in a while he needs to let off some steam.

You'll come back from a fight and you'll barely have the time to shut the bedroom door before he's pulling you to him and kissing you.

The suit stays ON

He can get a little rough, but he always makes sure that you're okay with what he's doing.

But he loves after care — and he's great at it too

Like I said earlier, he's a cuddler, but if you're both up for it he'll jump in a shower with you

He doesn't normally like to leave marks because he doesn't want the others to start asking questions, but every once in a while he likes giving you a hickey or two.

But he places them strategically on your collarbone, where they'll be just barely hidden by your shirts and revealed by the merest tug on the neckline (and yes he does take advantage of this)

You're a little more enthusiastic about hickeys than he is

Luckily, in his, er, line of work (???) hickeys can more often be explained away as bruises

Like if it ever gets brought up, he just brushes it off.

❝ What's on your neck? ❞ ❝ It's uh, just a bruise. ❞ ❝ Oh. Looks like a hickey. ❞

Dick will just kind of freeze up, caught of guard by the directness of that statement, and you'll just smile and wrap an arm around him, pressing a kiss directly to the so-called ❝ bruise. ❞

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2 years ago

AWW THANK YOU SO MUCH! And no worries, I totally understand!

hiiiii hazel!! i absolutely adore your writing and i was wondering if i could get a small blurb for wednesday addams with the dialogue prompts "we make a pretty good team."

thank you so much! have a lovely lovely day <3

heyy honey!! congratulations on 200 <33 and I love love ur idea but I'm currently not taking requests!! maybe in the future I'll definitely write this 🫂 and I think u are one of the most talented writers on here! 💋

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