kingofthegray - The King of the Gray
The King of the Gray

The only thing that I am obstinately opposed to is stupidity. If you bring it on to my blog, I will show your bum no mercy.

98 posts

Kingofthegray - The King Of The Gray - Tumblr Blog

6 years ago

This will never not be my favorite video. 


7 years ago

This is it, this is the worst thing I have ever seen. 

kingofthegray - The King of the Gray
7 years ago

It was at that moment Illarion knew, he fucked up. 



7 years ago
kingofthegray - The King of the Gray
8 years ago

When I attended OSU for Nuclear engineering, I was required to take “Power, Difference, and discrimination” so I could graduate. I find this repugnant, as that money came out of my pocket for a class that had nothing to do with my chosen field. 

My comment was in reference to majors being forced to take classes that have nothing to do with a particular field of study, not necessarily in reference to sociology or the said white guys specifically, I merely assumed, as anybody taking a mandatory class is less likely to simply walk out of lecture, at least in my experience.

I know the whole “well you need to be well rounded, etc. etc.” which is a cute idea until you have to shuck out $100 or rend a book written by the professor that is teaching your class, or the matter of the tuition and time it takes to complete said classes in order to earn a specific degree. 

The fact that tuition hikes exist means being forced to take classes that simply will not help you constitutes fraud, in my humble opinion. Either way, the required credits for a degree would likely go down if the fat and waste classes were simply trimmed out of that particular pipeline. 

This concept can be applied to fine arts students as well. Should an English major be forced to take Calculus II? I don’t think so. My main complaint is about waste, it isn’t efficient to take classes that simply do not apply, especially in college, where you are looking to specialize into a particular field of academics, research, or work. 

@kingofthegray replied to your photo “pleasestopandrew: fed-ex-official: poetic-floetry: …”

Why are STEM students being forced to take and pay for useless classes like sociology?

even though this was more a general comment on that post i decided to add my two cents since it showed up in my notifications.

the post didn’t say anything about STEM fields so it’s only a very bizarre assumption that there were STEM students being forced to take a sociology class, but as I’m sure most people know, in college you have to take a number of classes that have nothing to do with your major (I know I wound up taking a load of classes that weren’t related to my field at all). At my school they were called “learning goals” and “distribution requirements.”

And as luck would have it i can still log into my old college account and get the list of requirements and the classes i took for them

@kingofthegray Replied To Your Photo Pleasestopandrew: Fed-ex-official: Poetic-floetry:
@kingofthegray Replied To Your Photo Pleasestopandrew: Fed-ex-official: Poetic-floetry:

that was for my personal major, my major was included in the college of arts and sciences which includes STEM fields, so it would be the same for them as it was for me, but basically we had to get a certain amount of credits in each section and a bunch of classes fulfilled those requirements. Some of them were indeed sociology classes (almost every course offered at the school fulfilled at least one of the requirements so there were always loads of people in my classes that weren’t in the same major but chose to take the class). I personally never really felt forced to take any class (except spanish, fuck that class) for one of the learning goals or additional requirements since there were so many options that I got to always take a class I really wanted to take.

So tl;dr: while again, we don’t know if the random white dudes in the screenshotted Twitter post were majoring in a STEM-related field, chances are they were not forced to take or pay for a sociology class, but chose to take it because it fulfilled a requirement for their degree or they could have been majoring in sociology (though if they really walked out of the sociology class, my guess is that they weren’t majoring in it and were taking it as an elective). 

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8 years ago

This is spine-shattering levels of cringe

Please Kill Me.

Please kill me.

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8 years ago

Ah alcohol poisoning, my old friend. 

>check out OKCupid because I’m bored and lonely >set match results to singles in my age range

>hippies >”Vegan/Socialist/Marxist” >”We are a couple looking for someone…” >more hippies >someone actually looking to cuck their boyfriend in the literal sense of the word >”DO NOT MESSAGE ME IF:” [wall of text equal in length to Martin Luther’s 95 Theses] >exaggerated tumblr stereotype >”In a committed relationship and looking for a third!” >“My 10-year-old comes first” (girl is 25) >more goddamned hippies >girl in a Hillary t-shirt >obvious meth addict >”interested in getting myself a cute short skinny boyfriend that will be my toy. […] Also I enjoy emotional torment like sending you photos of me at a bar with other men and you send me pictures of what you’re doing.” (<– LITERAL QUOTE FROM SOMEONE’S PROFILE) >”looking to join a stable couple…” >EVEN MORE FUCKING HIPPIES

>check Out OKCupid Because Im Bored And Lonely>set Match Results To Singles In My Age Range
8 years ago

Oh I’ve been active on tumblr, but I don’t post too much.

I don’t have a high enough opinion of you to be mad at any thing you do to me. I didn’t even know you made a call out post about me, I suppose I should feel upset, but I don’t value the opinions of insects. 

Whenever I am feeling down, I always come to your blog, because seeing all of your Omega level cuck posts makes me glad I am not you, and thus I feel better about myself.

I found the grown man running down the street like an anime character.

He didn’t like my call out post, apparently so now he’s reviving a blog that he hasn’t posted on in months to inform me that he’s still mad.

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9 years ago

Dr. Mike isn’t takin any of your shit today.



9 years ago
kingofthegray - The King of the Gray
kingofthegray - The King of the Gray
9 years ago

Male suicide rates are about 4 times higher than female suicide rates. 

"Since when are statistics required to prove a point?" Gosh, you're so dumb... You prefer feels over facts, don't you? This way, it's easier to feel like you're right because you think men are evil oppressors and women are eternal victims. Women getting the children most of the time just because they're mothers, the right to have your say on whether or not the child will be aborted (and the guy might pay child support on an accident), and high male suicide rates: this is male oppression, bitch.

statistics do not equal facts, for the last time. what is your obsession with numbers? you can have facts without numbers. all of the instances of “male oppression” you cited are not actual real things. women get their children more often because a sexist society assumes women should have children. women should ABSOLUTELY have the right to abort a child - it’s their body, not the man’s body that has to go through pregnancy and give birth and more than likely become the one responsible for that child. and finally, it’s well known that women have much higher rates of depression and suicidal thoughts than men. you said “high male suicide rates” not even that male suicide rates are higher than women’s?? how is that an argument?

9 years ago

Except that doesn’t answer my question. I asked for an alternative, you gave me an unfeasible practice that is not inline with the legal tradition of the united states. Abolishing indictment hearings means the court system will be even more backlogged than it already is, as these hearings sift through charges that do not have any standing and  

You propose we abolish grand juries, but I assume you will keep the petty juries that are used during the trial? If that’s the case, your claim is completely moot, as a grand jury provides a similar function to a petty jury. 

And everybody charged with a felony must be brought up on formal charges via Indictment hearing, some with grand juries and some by the prosecution filing with the court, which still requires a preliminary hearing to determine the validity of the charges. This is outlined in the 5th amendment, which is 5th grade history class, bro.  

Abolish grand juries in police violence cases and stop using crooked prosecutors that don’t actually want justice.

Then maybe cops will start being held accountable for their actions.

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9 years ago

And what do you propose we replace a grand jury with in order to keep the standard of “innocent until proven guilty” at the forefront? 

Abolish grand juries in police violence cases and stop using crooked prosecutors that don’t actually want justice.

Then maybe cops will start being held accountable for their actions.

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9 years ago


Probably dead.

(Well Shit Undertale)

(Well shit… Undertale…)

9 years ago

True Thought

Tom Selleck is the only man who can look cool with a mustache. 

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9 years ago

Your ancestors were not stolen from Africa, they were sold by their leaders, a fact that you conveniently forget. That doesn’t absolve the sins of the slave trade, but putting blame where it is due goes a long way towards actual change.

White People Be Like...

White People: You should be grateful you’re not living in Africa!

Black People: Yes, we should be grateful for our ancestors being kidnapped, raped, tortured, and murdered.

White People: If you don’t like it here, you can just leave!

Black People: And go WHERE?? Did your punk ass ancestors keep records of where they kidnapped my family from? Or were they too busy raping and killing them to care?

9 years ago

Absolutely disgusting.

Reutilizationby J Arell

Reutilizationby J Arell

Omg, this is incredible. Yes.

9 years ago


Mindfuck detected

Watch How This Guy Blends Real Objects With 3D Prints
Watch How This Guy Blends Real Objects With 3D Prints

Watch how this guy blends real objects with 3D prints

9 years ago

One of the biggest baits I’ve ever seen. 

So I was viciously attacked today.

I simply don’t understand gay men.  Like they claim to be a lady’s best friend, but when women like myself can’t even so much as find a date anymore, let alone find someone for even so little as casual sex, it’s infuriating.

I see gay men going out, easily getting dates, easily finding sexual partners for one night stands, easily finding committed partners in both monogamous and open relationships.  I see gay men happy as a clam.

They’re happy, and we women are getting more and more miserable by the day.  I’m getting to the point where I simply cannot seem to find a man, hell I can’t even seem to find the typical MRA boogeyman that trolls through bars looking for women to swoon and fuck.

I’m at the point where all a pickup artist would have to do to get me in the sack is say “Oye, bitch, my dick ain’t going to suck itself”.  It’s horrible.  I’m slender and pretty tone, I wear nice makeup, I have my hair done once a month at the very least and I’ve made myself look as sexually appealing as I can.

I’m of the age where I’m 28 years old, and I’ve not even so much as been on a date.  I’ve tried plenty of fish, OK cupid and I’ve even tried tinder and I can’t can’t can’t find a good man willing to date me.

So I think, surely I can’t be the only woman having the problem of not being able to find a man.  So I do a little research and find out that I’m indeed not alone in this, there’s tons of women, even tons of good looking, in shape women who still simply cannot find a man.

So I think, “Well, I’ll just ask one of my gay friends to go on a date with me.”  So I bit down and asked one of my gay friends, and let me tell you he’s smoking freaking hot.  I say “Hey, want to grab something to eat?” and he says sure.  We go out right on the spot, and I’m here thinking “Great, I finally have a date!  After all this time, I finally found a man willing to go on a date with me!  HELL YES!”

As I would’ve hoped, it was a lot of fun, and I did the feminist thing and paid for both our meals.  I then comment saying “Thanks for dating me” and lean in to give him a quick kiss and he just backs away putting his hands in front of his face and tells me this wasn’t a date, and that he was just going out with a friend.

Like really?  Gay men aren’t even willing to actually date me?  Since I was the one that drove us to the restaurant, I decided to drive him home and thanked him again for going out with me on the way back to his place.

I figured that I knew how I could get sex, hell I’m a virgin, about damn time someone was willing to fuck me I thought.  How often have I heard from other feminists and even my Women’s Study professor that men typically can’t control themselves sexually?

Well, I figured I’d just rile him up a little bit and he’d be unable to resist and start tearing my pussy up.  What the hell right?  I go right for his balls and gave them a nice squeeze.  Then he fucking assaults me!

The nerve of him.  I’m over here thinking, “Dude, it’s just sex ok damn chill” but he slapped the hell out of me to the point my ears were ringing.  How the hell could he hit me?  You never, NEVER NEVER hit a woman.  What the hell was his problem?

Like, yeah, OK, you’re gay, I get it, but that doesn’t mean you have to tell women you won’t date them and being gay doesn’t mean you don’t have to have sex with a woman.

Seriously what the hell?  I got back to my car and locked the door, he didn’t seem to be following me but just to be on the safe side, I had to lock my door, then whipped out my phone and dialed 911 and had a police officer come over ASAP.

I check my visor mirror and sure enough, he left a damn mark across my face.  When the police arrived, I informed them that he had viciously assaulted me, slapping me across the face.

They then went to speak with him, had him in handcuffs sitting on his porch talking with him.  Then the cops have the audacity to ask me if I had sexually assaulted him.

Like, no, I didn’t sexually assault him, he’s a man, men can’t be sexually assaulted just the same as they can’t be raped, men enjoy and love sex they always want it.

I seriously can’t believe he tried to pin me for sexual assault right after he had viciously attacked me.  What the hell?!  Even worse is that the police told me that they’re not going to arrest him and had told me to not come visit him again.

I’m viciously attacked, I’m the victim here and they punish me.

9 years ago

Here falls the shadow of despair. 

Tho I Walk Thru The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death

tho i walk thru the valley of the shadow of death

9 years ago

why is this a thing?

kingofthegray - The King of the Gray
9 years ago

I am curious to know why porn blogs are now following me. Do I have porn taped to my ass or something?

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9 years ago

This is an attempt to weaponize cuteness. 

Charlie’s bedtime routine.

9 years ago


You know what really grinds my gears?

-people who spell “boy” boi.

-people who spell “girl” gurl. 

-people who spell “baby boy” bb boi.

-people who type “bb boi” unironically.

-people who say “kthxbai”

-people who use texting shorthand unnecessarily.

Did you know that there is a gorilla that knows sign language? Did you know that said gorilla, named Koko, is smarter than you half-brain dead thalidomide babies?

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