kingpin-jester - furball

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2 years ago

My ass that uses both:🤪

to all the people who may be coming back here from twitter in light of elon’s purchase:

A photograph of a single story suburban home with a car parked out front. A handmade sign reading "welcome home, cheater" in all caps is hanging from the storm drain.
2 years ago
Friend Me Bring It In

Friend me bring it in 🎵 🎶

2 years ago


— Grizzy, 2021

3 years ago

Fuck it this is my fnaf oc his name is sharky and his part of a swimming area at the pizzaplex that's open during the summer but his on year round just in case of any water related accidents he is trained to help from drowning and choking and is 100% water proof and his dorsal fin can fill up and hold water and spit it at others like a water gun!

Fuck It This Is My Fnaf Oc His Name Is Sharky And His Part Of A Swimming Area At The Pizzaplex That's

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3 years ago

Hey! Are you a young trans (or just someone who wears a binder) who is still in school, is hiding a binder from their parents and doesn’t know how they’re going to wash it? Cause you’ve come to the right place!! (This is also just a tutorial on how I wash my binder).

Step 1: Be prepared.

It will be helpful if you go to a school where you carry a bag around. You need to prepare that morning. Make sure you have nothing going on that day after school. You’re going to need:

Your binder

A plastic bag (preferably two)

Washing detergent (either buy some before/after school, steal from your laundry or use hand soap like I did)

A sink (with water)

A normal bra

A clothes hanger

A school bag

And a towel.

You’re going to need to take a few of these to school with you (binder, bags, soap, bra, towel). And make sure you do this the moment you get home so your parents aren’t suspicious of why you are taking your school bag into your bathroom.

(I personally forgot this step and almost had to explain what I was doing).

Step 2: Washing time

Ok, take off your binder, and put on a bra (if you want to that is)

Pour warm water into your sink.

Hey! Are You A Young Trans (or Just Someone Who Wears A Binder) Who Is Still In School, Is Hiding A Binder

And soak your binder in it.

Hey! Are You A Young Trans (or Just Someone Who Wears A Binder) Who Is Still In School, Is Hiding A Binder

Pull it out and put some soap on it (I use A LOT)

Hey! Are You A Young Trans (or Just Someone Who Wears A Binder) Who Is Still In School, Is Hiding A Binder

And then rub it in and put the binder back into your sink.

Hey! Are You A Young Trans (or Just Someone Who Wears A Binder) Who Is Still In School, Is Hiding A Binder

Drain your sink and fill with cold water. Put binder in again and soak it.

Hey! Are You A Young Trans (or Just Someone Who Wears A Binder) Who Is Still In School, Is Hiding A Binder

Drain the sink and run your binder under cold water to get off the extra soap.

Hey! Are You A Young Trans (or Just Someone Who Wears A Binder) Who Is Still In School, Is Hiding A Binder

Get any extra water out by squeezing it and put it in the plastic bag/s.

Hey! Are You A Young Trans (or Just Someone Who Wears A Binder) Who Is Still In School, Is Hiding A Binder

Put it in your school bag (along with anything else) and sneak into your room.

Step 3: Drying it.

Pull out your binder and hang it up in your closet with a hanger.

Hey! Are You A Young Trans (or Just Someone Who Wears A Binder) Who Is Still In School, Is Hiding A Binder

I like to put a towel underneath to catch all the drips. And to prevent my carpet from being ruined.

Your binder will (hopefully) dry overnight.

I know a lot of people are in different conditions when it comes to family, resources etc. so this might not work for everyone. This is simply what works for me. If you need help/advice, you can always ask me.

And since this has gotten so many notes (thank you for that), I’ve posted a part 2