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9 months ago

Id love you like no one else is an option. I'd wait for you to come back. I'd sit at your grave and still wait for you to come back. Because I love you. Give my heart back. Please. Give it back so I can move on. Please Vera I beg of you. Give me my heart back so I can learn to live without you. Give me back the rest of my happiness. Give me back my freedom. Give me back all the love I had for you. Give it all back. Please.

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1 year ago

ok, unpopular opinion, but did anyone just grow up and realize Harry Potter genuinley wasn't that good? Like, i loved the series when i was younger, but i just kinda feel like it was mid??

IDK, but i just feel like the worldbuilding is non-exestient, a lot of the charecters are one dimentional/boring, and there was literally no representation?

Like, compared to Percy Jackson, Harry Potter just seems boring?

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1 year ago

I'm gonna say this as many times as i need to, even though hella people get mad.


have i read/watched Harry Potter recently? No

Do i have feelings about this? Yes

Ok so, Ron abandons them in the 4th and last book right? Which isnt every book, but his reasons were really shit. Like i feel like he was genuinley toxic.In the Goblet Of Fire, Harry is picked right? And he makes it no secret that HE DID NOT PUT HIS NAME IN!

He could have died! And Ron was upset because he didn't show him how to get past the age barrier. And i get Ron is a flawed charecter, and he has his like, self esteem issues. But let me tell you, if he was my friend, i would not take that shit. And i get that he is a part of the trio, but it doesn't change the fact that he was a shit friend sometimes. Which is fine, but it happens like 3 times, and I low-key feel like it is never adressed.

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1 year ago

I dont know if this makes sense, but I just crave physical affection? But like, not friend affection, and not like sexually. I just, I want forehead kisses, and cuddling, falling asleep on each other. I want facetimes, and holding hands. I want hugs, to just be in someones presence? But not in like a friend way. I just want to be in someones presence, but like romantically?

Idk the difference between the platonic and romatic, but there is a difference, even if i cant explain what the difference is. idk, i guess I just want someone that wants to hang out? Like I have friends, and good friends, but I dont think im ever the priority. they all have better friends, yk? So like, im just kind of there? like i take up space, but not as much as everyone else? And i know its prob my fault, because im horrible at reaching out, but it doesn't make me want it any less.

Idk how to articulate it, but it just kinda hurts my heart to think about? Like, I want this so bad, but I also know it prob wont happen, because im like hella basic? and im annoying? So sometimes I see posts of couples, or even just people at my school, and it kinda feels like im mourning for something i dont/wont get to have.

its really late, so im sorry if this doesnt make sense, but im struggling a little bit, so yeah?

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1 year ago

Friends are hard. Like, making friends is nerve racking and all, but also just keeping friends. I'm kind of like an obsessive person, but if i havent seen you in a hot second, i just kinda forget you exist?

But also, its so hard to maintain friendships, even ones that are inportant to you. I have a firend i've known sience like 3rd grade, and we've been friends sience then. They used to be homeschooled, and we hung out so often. We introduced eachother to a lot of our fandoms, and have just been friends for so long. But recently, they got really into dance, and just started going to a private school. It seems like they are doing really well there, and im sooo happy for them, but they also like stopped talking to me.

To be fair, its not all on them. there were a solid couple of months i didnt reach out, but seince then i reach out and ask if we can hangout, and they always say they have dance, which i get, because i play volleyball, and im gone a lot of weekends, but they never follow up? And recently i asked what weekends they are availible, and they never even responded. And i mean, its been a little wierd the last couple times we hung out, but their friendship really means a lot to me.

Out of all the friends ive made in the last like 8 years, i thought they were the one that was gonna last. the friendship just had that vibe, you know? And it just sucks, because i really like them, and I like talking with them, and hanging out. I love their family, their pets, everything. but like, i do think its over. And it just sucks, because im so glad they have a better social life, im so glad their dance is going well, but I wish we could still hang out.

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11 months ago

ok, so this might sound dumb, but it midnight, and once again im lonely.

How the hell do people have "best friends"? like actual ride-or-die friends. Because I have friends, but like, casual friends. I dont even know how to make good friends. But even my casual friends arent like good friends.

And, a lot of this is on me. I have trouble reaching out, so when I switched schools, i stopped interacting with my friends as much, because thats just normal for me. They are still my good friends, thats just kinda how I opperate? I get busy with school, or volleyball, and forget I have actual human friends for a while.

Like, I'm moving back to my old school, so I have been trying to reach out to my friends from that school. And, ngl, this is mostly my fault, because I have not talked to them much, but they wont respond. And its not like they are doing anything malicious, its just that they hve other things to do. when we stopped talking, they found someone else, and now im left kinda waiting? Like, they dont even respond? They just leave me on read. And like, I get that people have lives, but i am reaching out, and they arent responding. So I text them again, maybe they respond, maybe not.

And heres the thing. I may be busy, but I will ALWAYS respond, and I am always there. So like, when I have to send double or triple texts? It kind of hurts.

Like even the people that i was REALLY good friends with, they just have better things to do, and It kind of sucks.

And I need some friends right now. It would just be nice to have people to talk to, but most of the people I know are basicaly casual acquaintances. Which kind of sucks. I just feel like I have no meaningful relationships.

anyways, if you need a friend, hit me up. I can be dry, but I will respond, and I can sometimes be fun.

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10 months ago

ok so yall, i've never dated anyone right? Well, i think(?) i have a gf rn, but im lwk confused?

Cause like, I asked her out and she said yes. But, she stopped texting me, and is bringing one of her friends to our first "date" and idk what to do w/ that info?? Like, im 90% sure she likes me, but im not 100% sure, and bringing a friend doesnt seem like something you would do?

Like, before i asked her out we were texting and stuff all day, and i think flirting?? (again, never dated, idk what im doing) but after i asked her out she kinda stopped texting? supposedly, the wifi at her school is really bad, but idk.

And yk, ive got the Anxiety ®, so i dont know what to do. Besides the date where shes bringing her friend, we have another date planned for this weekend. Hopefully i will get the vibes then??

Cause I dont know what to do, but i really really like her.

anyways, thanks yall! just needed to rant

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1 year ago

i feel like i’m constantly having to block someone out with my headphones or pillow bc my family never stop screaming at each other or picking fights and i hate it i just wish we could be normal..

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3 years ago

Ok I need help. School is completely destroying my mental health and I’m going to be homeschooled but I think my girlfriend and friends are mad at me. They are like the only people I talk to and I don’t want to lose them. I don’t know what to do. What do I do?

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1 year ago

they're leaving me. they're leaving me again. for good this time... i knew it would happen because everyone abandons me sooner or later but i didn't want to acknowledge it. they are leaving me all alone in this godforsaken country with NO ONE.

i can't be alone again please...

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6 years ago

"How dare you. How dare you leave me when I am at my worst. You hold a blank stare as you shatter me with your words. Can't you see I'm bleeding out? You storm away and shut the door, and the only thing I can possibly think of is how I just lost you. And how much I'm going to miss you. But you don't care, and now I realize, you never did."

- Dreaming of Wolves//Vent

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6 years ago

"Don't cry," He whispered to the broken girl beside him on the ground, "you have me."

The girl choked on her own tears. Blood splattered on the dusty dirt ground below them. It was only them left.

"Now... Now the war is over," She wiped her tears away, "when my friends are all dead. And I'm still here."

- Dreaming of Wolves//Story Excerpt

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6 years ago

What To Do If You Catch Me Venting In A Conversation:

- liSTEN.

- Try to calm me down.

- DO NOT say that my emotions/things I am talking about are invalid.

- Put yourself in my shoes and try to see it from my perspective.

- Don't. Leave.

- Try and understand.

* I'll probably tell you sorry the next day or so if I find I'm overreacting. I'll probs just say I'm sorry in general.

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7 months ago

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Tell those people to stfu. They cant decide how you’re described. Only you can choose how you want to be described. I describe myself as chaotic and crazy because I accept people calling me that, but if you describe yourself as something else and someone calls you an idiot or insane, ignore them the best you can. You don’t deserve to be judged, and no one does. People don’t just choose what other people are described as or what they are like. You are special in your own way. If they keep saying that and they are your friends, leave them. If they have changed and started respecting you BEFORE you made this post, I wouldn’t be friends with them as much. You are perfect in just the way you, shape, body, and the way your mind is. (Did that sentence make any sense-) You are special and different from everyone else, and if they don’t understand human emotions, then tell them to shove a stick up their ass and loose their virginity to a snake-

If it’s still going on, just stay strong and try not to punch them in the face :)

I hate myself. :DDDDDDD






"Weirdo" - Justice

"Jerk" - Alex

"Horrible at art" - Lewis

"Mistake" - .....

"don't put so much on yourself" - Alex

"if you want to be a bitch then leave me" - Alex

"Rat" - Alex

"you just try to get support over nothing" - Alex

"you god damn disgusting rat" - Alex

"fuck you worthless bitch" - Alex..

"why are you like this" - Alex.....

"a liar"

"idc what you say"

"no one listens to you"

"you don't matter to me"

"you were a cold blooded snake that chewed people out"

'I don't want to see your ugly ass again"

"k¡ll ur self"

"Your stupid"

"Ur dumb"

"And your mean to me"

"You always say "I've changed" but you never change"

"you NEVER started a conversation I always had to say something"

"you were always scared to do anything "

"your abusive to me and it made me depressed"

"Stfu special ed kid. That's why you laugh at your own thoughts"

"Bro thinks she's cool"

Most of it is old but.... I really act like this...............?

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5 months ago

Idk what post, I just want to say how I feel today because write on tumblr is more cheap that a therapist

Anyways also nobody will see this sooooooooooooooo is time to vent, I gonna write all on Spanish cuz English isn’t my native language and I gonna make a lot of mistakes writing this and that is the last thing I want

Como sea, algunas veces ni siquiera yo se que hago conmigo mismo, no me siento cómodo con mi cuerpo, lo detesto y si lo pudiera cambiar definitivamente lo haría.

Algunas veces e tenido pensamientos de que sería mejor para mi y todos al mi alrededor si yo no existiera, si me muriera y solo me desaparecería para dejar a todos las personas cercanas a mi ser feliz pero irónicamente le tengo miedo a las muerte, se que es algo natural y que a todos tarde o temprano nos va a cargar la chingada y nos vamos a morir si o si pero yo no puedo aceptar eso.

Aveces me pregunto por qué sigo existiendo, me siento co o un desperdicio de tiempo y atención el cual no sirve de nada, un desperdicio el cual tiene grandes expectativas y metas pero no es nada y que solo fracasará en el mundo moderno.

Se me hace difícil concentrarme, todos piensan que es por que soy un vago el cual se distrae dándole su tiempo a personas y hablando do cosas pero la verdad es que me resulta muy difícil concentrarme en alguna tarea pero estoy seguro que no tengo ningún problema mental o eso es lo que espero.

He llegado a un punto en el cual creo que cualquier cumplido es solo por lástima y que no es verdad, que solo es un cumplido que me dan por que doy lástima, me odio, odio cada parte de mi, odio mis ojos, odio mi boca, odio mi voz, odio despertar cada mañana, odio ver como mis padres se sacrifican por mi para que you los decepcione y se pregunten cuál es su pecado para haber tenido un hijo tan pendejo, horrible, idiota y estúpido como yo el cual no sabe hacer otra cosa más que dar lástima y ser un desperdicio de tiempo, un estorbo, un desperdicio de aire y espacio el cual no merece la vida que tiene.

Es normal sentirme así? Es normal que odie cada parte de mi cuerpo, mi alma y mi mente? Algún día tendré una paz mental sin tener miedo de ser una decepción o estar bajo presión para poder hacer algo? Algún día confiaré en alguien y hablaré sobre cómo me siento sin tener que escribirlo aquí en una red social con desconocidos los cuales siento que me entienden mejor de lo que las personas que me rodean lo hacen?

Talvez no, tal vez y vuelva a escribir aquí una y otra vez, me prometí que jamás encontraría ningún confort en una red social pero solo me mentí a mi mismo una vez más.

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1 year ago

I'm mildly inconvenienced by the fact that there are people around me who've known me before I came out and started to introduce myself by my chosen name. Because now there are people who only know my chosen name but come into regular contact with people who refuse to stop dead naming me

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6 months ago

Aaaand I'm sad. I'm sad cause I searched trough the "friend with benefits" tag on ao3, and fucking ALL OF THE FICS THAT CAME UP were about the characters figuring out that they're actually in love. Or about one of then having unrequited romantic feelings for the other and silently suffering. Or about... You get the idea.

I just want happy besties who would burn the world down for each other THAT ARE NOT IN LOVE. They just besties. Is that too much to ask.

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1 year ago

Well someone called me fat in a group chat today 👍amazing

Totally not drawing vent art rn🙁

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7 months ago
Some Of My Favorite Vent Book Pages
Some Of My Favorite Vent Book Pages
Some Of My Favorite Vent Book Pages
Some Of My Favorite Vent Book Pages
Some Of My Favorite Vent Book Pages
Some Of My Favorite Vent Book Pages
Some Of My Favorite Vent Book Pages
Some Of My Favorite Vent Book Pages
Some Of My Favorite Vent Book Pages
Some Of My Favorite Vent Book Pages

Some of my favorite vent book pages

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