kingstoken - Kingstoken

My blog is dedicated to my current interests. I write my own fanfiction and create my own gifsets. I rarely reblog unless it is something I really love. Support Me on Ko-fi

652 posts

The 100 Rare Pairs Fic Recs

The 100 Rare Pairs Fic Recs

Kane/Indra - Soft Mornings by EleasticElla (Kane and Indra in the rain, Rated M)

Clarke/Roan - Reasons to Fight by hithelleth (Clake and Roan alone together after Praimfaya, Not rated)

Gaia/Raven - soliloquy by  echokomfloukru (AU, Raven likes her nurse, Rated G)

Octavia/Niylah - Willa by redqueenoctavia (Octavia discovers something that will change her future, Rated T)

Finn/Murphy - you fall from grace but it is without dignity by shae (Murphy is Finn’s last friend, Rated G)

Miller/Jackson - Now Look What You've Done by blarkeontheark (Miller and Jackson grow close in the bunker, Not rated)

Raven/Jasper - My Voice is Just a Whisper, Loader Then the Screams You Hear by  theshipstorulethemallwrites (Raven and Jasper help each other after the events of Season 3, Rated G)

Costia/Wells - Toxic Earth by EruditePrincess1993 (Multi-chaptered retelling of the series from Costia’s perpective, Rated  M)

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    monarchweasley liked this · 6 years ago
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    redqueenoctavia liked this · 6 years ago

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Children Of The Zombie Apocalypse, Judith, Hershel, Gracie, Ariana
Children Of The Zombie Apocalypse, Judith, Hershel, Gracie, Ariana

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6 years ago


I get Frank wanted to leave, but damn I can't believe how they did it.  Why didn't they just kill Nick at the end of season 3 during the dam incident? He could have died a hero saving his family.  Or leave his fate up in the air?  Like Madison never found him.  If the show runners knew that Frank wanted to leave in season 3 why didn’t they keep Troy around?  By the way, where the hell is Madison?  She better not be dead too.  She has been so OOC this season so far.  Where is my manipulative, do anything so her family survives, Madison? This time jump is really screwing with the story.  I just have so many questions, and I am not exactly sure I want to stick around for the answers.  It feels like they are rebooting Fear to get the ratings up, so they are getting rid of the characters that the loyal fans of the show have grown to care about, but they are trying to distract us with Morgan.  I love Morgan, but I might take a break from this show for awhile.  Sorry for the rant, but I just watched the episode and I have so many feelings.  

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