kitsantoss - Pink Pony Club
Pink Pony Club

45 posts


˙ ˖ ✶ Micah

Kit could never ascertain just how much time since his eyes decidedly glued themselves onto Micah. Studying his features as he admired just how sweet and charming they truly were. If he were much younger he'd have said the man looked like a prince from one of those fairy tales he read long ago.

"I'd say let him, Juliet seems to be enjoying the attention. She might be a bit of a diva, but I think Romeo might just be her new soft spot." Kit giggled as he watched how his pup eyed the other dog, going about meeting him and what could only be described as giving Romeo puppy kisses. "Romeo's quite the Casanova, has my Juliet charmed already,"

Kit took Micah's hands, but before he could process what Micah had just said he simply nodded and moved forward. "Sure, that sounds great, and honestly I'd never hear the end of it if Juliet were to be separated from Romeo right now. She'd cry for hours, she does the same when my roommate leaves." he grinned. "She loves people,"

"You know in all my walks with Juliet I've never come across you, and quite frankly, you're definitely someone I would've remembered." Kit mentioned forgetting how he was still holding onto Micah's hand.


there was no way to say what drew micah in more, the melodic giggle calling him close like a siren song or the sweet puppy’s name. quite literally the juliet to his romeo.

it almost embarrassed him now. like this stranger could see right through him, into the source of the red blood he bled. it was his mother who had offered him the deep connection to shakespeare, but micah was the one to take it. he tried to brush it off as a guilty pleasure. deep down, though, it was true: he was a romantic. just not a very good one.

still, micah responded first with a chuckle to show his appreciation for the coincidence. then he started, “of course it’s okay.” incapable of hiding his amusement as he went on, a wry grin graced his expression. “we just have to keep an eye on these star-crossed lovers. romeo can get a bit carried away.” he gave the leash some slack and romeo stepped forward, then rested on all fours to get to juliet’s level, allowing her to initiate the inspection. it is something micah is quite proud of his dog for learning; their way of showing smaller dogs he’s harmless.

“i’m micah. i never remember mine,” he replied, leaning forward and offering kit his hand to shake. then after a glancing at the pair of wagging tails, he tells him, “we’re heading over to the park, if you wanna join us.”

There Was No Way To Say What Drew Micah In More, The Melodic Giggle Calling Him Close Like A Siren Song
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6 months ago

˙ ˖ ✶ Marcus

Kit had been showered with accolades after his first book was published, and even more so when it became a best-seller. Still, all the compliments, all that praise felt about as deep as a puddle on the New York city pavement. He could never truly tell who liked him for him, not for his money, his fame, or even his looks, just him. It was the same back when he was sick, all that pity and those empty I'm sorry, never truly meant anything as people back then thought of him as nothing more than a passing thought. Not when it came to Marcus as he'd realized there wasn't a more genuine soul in the city. Him, Cece, and the friends he's made along the way were the found family promised in all those queer happily ever afters. "You can't please everybody Marcus, but I'm sure the thirsty people of the world which is everyone who is chronically online even the naysayers will be obsessed with your ridiculous good looks. If not I'll just create fake accounts to call them names in your behalf." Kit giggled thinking of all the ridiculous names he could use for those same said accounts. They were both hung up on exes, except at least in the case of Marcus, he could always call her. Kit could never have that luxury. "You butter me up so much, I'm about to become one of your baked goods, Mr. Thompson." he mused, smiling up at his friend. "Though my writing prowess is mostly due to all the free time I had being able to read. I was such a drastically different person before I got sick. I was sorta the queen bee, not a tyrant or mean whatsoever, but people thought I was intimidating which is so bizarre." Blushing at his words, Kit didn't necessarily agree that he was easy to love, but he was glad someone like Marcus thought so, but ultimately it would make his love life harder for a very specific reason. "Then I'm definitely meeting them next time, and I have to say I'm slightly jealous of the us that's actually happy together and not as solemn as we are."

There was a type of dance that these two often engaged in, a kind that was quiet and passionate. Not a game of cat and mouse, but a beautiful waltz between friends as their passions and woes were expressed, and their feeling kept safe within one another. "You know..." Kit paused unsure of how to word what he was trying to say without making it sound weird. "Whatever guy I end up with I already feel so sorry for. Because no matter what he does, or who he is, I'll always end up comparing him to you, and how he'll never be able to beat you in how safe and happy you make me feel, Marcus." Kit finally said with a bit of a sigh following suit. "No other man has ever treated me as good as you do." Talking about Emily made him miss her even more a flood of happy images taking over his mind as all those good times crossed his view like a slideshow. "It was short looking back, but it was a great time, we were just reckless kids in love with the idea of living and love. Emily was probably the most spirited, Omari was our teddy bear, Jason was the leader, Isabella our feisty no bullshit taking queen, and I will probably never stop talking if I keep going." Kit giggled, thankful for whatever this was between him and his friend, this sad but beautiful tale of woes and friendship. "Again Marcus, future Mr. Kit is going to absolutely hate you because he will never be you."

While Marcus Laughed At The Comment And Kept Up His Usual Cheery Demeanor, For A Very Brief Moment, There

While Marcus laughed at the comment and kept up his usual cheery demeanor, for a very brief moment, there was the smallest flicker of doubt in his eyes. He had a healthy amount of self-love and knew there were some pretty great qualities about him that other people loved, but perhaps there were a couple wounds that dug deeper than he acknowledged that opened the door to a tiny bit of doubt. The end of his last relationship hardly instilled confidence after all. "Hmm on second thought, maybe it's for the best that I don't do any of that then. I'd hate the idea of disappointing that many people and it'd be inevitable that some of them would get disappointed." The hypothetical still managed to make his stomach twist with guilt, reminding him a little of the few first dates he'd been on in recent times to try to move on. It was safe to say they didn't exactly go as well as he hoped they would and he couldn't help but feel bad about potentially disappointing those dates by clearly being hung up on an ex. He wished navigating the whole thing was easier than it was, but since it wasn't, he was content to distract himself by hanging out with his friends. "I think you absolutely could. Then again, with your writing talents, you could probably write whatever for whoever and be wildly successful at it." He made it a point to give as much as he took in all his relationships, which meant Kit would absolutely get showered with just as many compliments as he gave to Marcus. "Oh for sure, I mean, you're easy to love so they'd have no reason not to." They may have been joking around with hypotheticals, but he did genuinely think there were plenty of things that made his friend special and loved him for it. "There's definitely a universe where that's a reality."

Despite the heaviness of their conversation, he had his own little smile as well. There was something so beautiful and comforting about knowing that he had someone to confide in and vice versa and no matter what it was, there would always be care for each other. He couldn't ask for more from a friend and he was glad he was able to provide that for the other. He had this belief that life was so much harder to get through if you tried to do everything on your own and didn't have any kind of support, so he was always more the willing to help and listen where he could. He shrugged gently, "Maybe some things are just harder to put into words no matter how good you are with them?" He suggested. As open and expressive as he was, there were some things that he also struggled to fully explain the way he wanted to with words. He wanted to argue and say that Kit was just as great as anyone else, however, he held back and quietly listened. He wasn't sure there was anything he could say that would completely remedy the other's survivor's guilt. After a moment, he laughed softly as if recalling a memory himself as he pictured Kit and Emily talking about boys. "She sounds like she was a lot of fun to hang out with. I'm really sorry you lost her and your other friends." Whenever he wasn't sure what to say, he thought about what his grandma would say if she was in the room now. "I'm really glad you guys got to have each other in your lives though, even if it wasn't for as long as you would've wanted, and even if it's sort of painful now. I bet you all made a huge difference in each other's lives." He felt they were probably exactly who they all needed in that moment too. "Hey, you could talk forever and ever and I'd be all ears."

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6 months ago

˙ ˖ ✶ Cece

"Singing? Cece have you gone loca? But obviously we need to do Holding out for a hero." Kit mused as he kept watching his friend peruse the music selection. This was definitely a much needed distraction from the fiasco of his love life, and Kit was just about ready to become a spinster and a hermit before Cece dragged him out here and out of his funk. He could always count on his best friends. "And yeah anybody could tell that movie raised you." he said teasing her lovingly. @chcmpagneprblms


starter: (specifically for @drvioletmetcalfe, @mvximized, @tctteredwings, & @kitsantoss) but also open to anyone else! @bhqextras location: Songbirds & Sangria Karaoke Tent

(this is a group starter, not a group thread!)

Starter: (specifically For @drvioletmetcalfe, @mvximized, @tctteredwings, & @kitsantoss) But Also Open

cece needed something like this. the woman had been feeling more established now in new york but work was starting to actually feel like...well a job, instead of just a fun thing she got to do with her favorite cousin, and a part of her was missing ricky just a little bit the festival filled with drinks, tents and good music couldn't have come at a more perfect time. she was currently buzzed, swaying and singing along as someone finished their rendition of a fleetwood mac classic, and she quickly turns to the other in excitement, eyes bright as she almost tips over her cup in excitement. "oooh, sing with me? you're singin' with me! what should we do?!" she gasps, grasping onto the mini book of selections that a worker hands her way. "i mean don't go breakin' my heart is a classic, of course, but there's also (i've had) the time of my life...oooh! or you're the one that i want!" she looks back over at them from where she's pointing at the line. "ya know, believe it or not that movie absolutely raised me."

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6 months ago

˙ ˖ ✶ Devi

"Yup, and I'm really not drunk enough to indulge in any sort of nonsense with guys. Hypothetical, I sleep with the guy and next thing you know I'm in one of those saw traps. So clearly this is all about the self preservation of my body and mind." Kit laughed, his eyes trying to avoid puppet guy as much as possible even if the man was waving over at him with his puppet's hand. "See this is what the world needs more of, standards, sanity, decorum. That last one I still don't personally have since I'm barely an adult even at my age, but still." Once given the green light to ditch this event he went off with his new friend. "You think we'll run into J-Lo at the bodega and she'll try to have us try her famous bacon egg and cheese, with a bag of chips, and an orange drink? But honestly, a bodega sandwich sounds heavenly right now, and since we're both hot I'm sure he'll give us extra."

The Thought Of Running Into Someone She Knew At What Was Now Described As Similar To A Craigslist Ad

The thought of running into someone she knew at what was now described as similar to a Craigslist ad filled Devi with horror. "Please tell me you're joking. He really tried to flirt with you through his puppet? I can't think of a single person that would actually work on." Now there was no way she couldn't be convinced that they were in the start of a very bizarre horror movie. She shot him a wide eyed expression and quickly shook her head. "You could not pay me enough to go talk to him or his puppet." Which was saying something these days. Her dark eyes darted back to where her friend was enjoying herself. Seeing as though she was occupied with someone, it probably wouldn't hurt to skip out on this thing. It'd be better than sticking around and waiting to interact with the ventriloquist or someone worse, if that was possible. "I'll take you up on that. Anywhere has to be better than here right now. I think there's a bodega nearby where we can get a diet coke and something other than pricey bar food." She suggested, more than ready to ditch the mixer.

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6 months ago

˙ ˖ ✶ Teddy

"Oh I know," Kit giggled, his eyes never leaving Teddy as he wondered what could've driven his friend here. The author had lost count just how many times they've spent the night together this month, their casual fling was becoming a more prominent thing which could only mean one thing. Teddy was running. Something in their life had recently turned sour and this was the solace they needed to forget. Teddy's visits had been helping Kit push back those thoughts of not being wanted, of feeling that his entire life he'd just always be a second choice or a consolation price.

Kit had always been the type to remember the people he loved when he was out and about. Pick out things that reminded him of them, or things they mentioned they liked at a certain point. No matter the circumstance he'd always come with some sort of gift as if it was nothing. Concert tickets and hotel stays when a friend mentioned an artist having a tour but nowhere near them. Putting their friend on a fashion show because the spoke about having dreams about being a model. No matter how big or how small he'd always try. So getting the ointment for Teddy was just natural, healing those bruised hands so they could keep on creating more music. Kit loved every part of Teddy that the other would let him seen, even the unseen, the gritty things lying right below the surface.

As the tension in the room rose to a fever pitch, his hands flew towards Teddy's arms, pulling them towards him as he turned the other around. "Hey, you're okay babe." he spoke softly, pressing a little kiss on Teddy's temple. "Let me help you not be bored then,"

Teddy Huffed Out A Laugh, Shoulder Lifting In A Shrug At The Words. I Take That As A Compliment, You

teddy huffed out a laugh, shoulder lifting in a shrug at the words. ❝ i take that as a compliment, you know, ❞ they replied, eyes following him as he disappeared into the bathroom. incorrigible, reckless, stupid, impulsive, hedonistic; these were all descriptors they'd become all too familiar with, but they'd been called much worse. in fact, they typically embraced these adjectives as though the words were a part of them, though they doubted that kit meant it as an insult, anyway.

green hues watched as he reappeared, pressing a small tube into their chest, the force of it shoving them back a step. they let the neosporin drop into their palm, looking at it for a moment as they tried to parse out how they felt about it. it wasn't like teddy didn't care for their own wounds; the action was almost second nature at this point, given they'd been playing the drums for roughly half their life. still, there was something almost touching about the gesture, the idea that kit went out of his way to pick something like this up for them to use while they were here. they didn't think they were even here that much, but they supposed these visits had grown more frequent over the course of the last year; even more in the last month or so.

suddenly the blond was overcome with emotion, the reason for their drop in forgotten nearly completely as their hand closed around the medicine. they turned away from him, his knowing expression that would almost certainly morph into real concern that teddy felt they didn't deserve. ❝ uh - ❞ they started, grasping for an excuse to get as far away from here as possible. the bravado and joking tone was gone now, palms coming up to dig into their eyes. ❝ nothing, really. i was just bored, kit. honestly. ❞

Teddy Huffed Out A Laugh, Shoulder Lifting In A Shrug At The Words. I Take That As A Compliment, You

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6 months ago
If You Would Like To Take Part, All You Have To Do Is Reblog This Post! If You Do Participate, Please

If you would like to take part, all you have to do is reblog this post! If you do participate, please make sure to check the notes and send out memes to other members who are participating as well. Memes can only be sent out through the weekend, but members are free to respond to any leftover memes they receive past the weekend! Below are our selection of memes. If there are any you do not want to partake in, please specify that in your reblog. Happy meme weekend! Activity Reminder: Answering memes count towards a total of one in-character interaction for activity, regardless of how many meme questions you respond to.

MEME WEEKEND: 8/23-8/25

Starter Prompts: Boroughs Meeting Starters

Headcanon Prompts: Shakespearean Character Ask Meme

Emoji Prompts: Ask muse how good they are at...

Connection Prompts: Anonymously put a name in my inbox and my muse will talk about them while under the influence 🍹