kittkatt678 - (d.n.k)

Greetings beings, I’m (d.n.k)! I write fan-fiction, theories, yandere content, and poetry. Requests are open!

197 posts

Kittkatt678 - (d.n.k) - Tumblr Blog

7 months ago

Everyone's talking about how funny it was to see Hannibal pining so much after Will didn't show up for his therapy, but may I also draw your attention to the fact that literally the second Hannibal saw Will wasn't there, Requiem started playing? This is the most melodramatic thing I've ever seen. Will didn't show one (1) time and Hannibal was already channelling a widow in mourning. This show is pure comedy gold.

7 months ago

fast food, fast fashion, songs being sped up, tv show seasons being only 8 episodes long, replacing youtube vlogs with fifteen second “day in the life” tiktoks, people in their 20s complaining about being too old...everything is so rushed, we have lost the art of lingering.

9 months ago
So Many Of These Are Basically The Plot Of Hannibal

so many of these are basically the plot of Hannibal

9 months ago

eminem is trans masc to some, trans fem to others, and an enemy to all

9 months ago
kittkatt678 - (d.n.k)
kittkatt678 - (d.n.k)
kittkatt678 - (d.n.k)
kittkatt678 - (d.n.k)
kittkatt678 - (d.n.k)
kittkatt678 - (d.n.k)
kittkatt678 - (d.n.k)
kittkatt678 - (d.n.k)
kittkatt678 - (d.n.k)
kittkatt678 - (d.n.k)
1 year ago

My Hannibal presentation for school

Why NBCs Hannibal is a comedy instead of a horror show...

My Hannibal Presentation For School
My Hannibal Presentation For School
My Hannibal Presentation For School
My Hannibal Presentation For School
My Hannibal Presentation For School
My Hannibal Presentation For School
My Hannibal Presentation For School
My Hannibal Presentation For School
My Hannibal Presentation For School
1 year ago

Here's THE masterpost of free and full adaptations, by which I mean that it's a post made by the master.

Anthony and Cleopatra: here's the BBC version

As you like it: you'll find here an outdoor stage adaptation and here the BBC version

Coriolanus: Here's a college play, here's the 1984 telefilm, here's the 2014 one with tom hiddleston

Hamlet: The Kenneth Branagh 1996 Hamlet is here, the 1964 russian version is here and the 1964 american version is here. THe 1964 Broadway production is here, the 1948 Laurence Olivier one is here. And the 1980 version is here. Here are part 1 and 2 of the 1990 BBC adaptation. Have the 2018 Almeida version here.

Henry IV: part 1 and part 2 of the BBC 1989 version. And here's part 1 of a corwall school version.

Henry V: Laurence Olivier (who would have guessed) 1944 version. The 1989 Branagh version here. The BBC version is here.

Julius Caesar: here's the 1979 BBC adaptation, here the 1970 John Gielgud one.

King Lear: Laurence Olivier once again plays in here. And Gregory Kozintsev, who was I think in charge of the russian hamlet, has a king lear here. The 1975 BBC version is here. The Royal Shakespeare Compagny's 2008 version is here. The 1974 version with James Earl Jones is here.

Macbeth: here's the 1961 one with Sean Connery. Here's the 1971 by Roman Polanski, with spanish subtitles. Here's the 1948">here. The 1988 BBC onee with portugese subtitles and here the 2001 one). The 1969 radio one with Ian McKellen and Judi Dench is here and the 1966 BBC version is here. The Royal Shakespeare Compagny's 2008 version is here.

Measure for Measure: BBC version here.

The Merchant of Venice: here's a stage version, here's the 1980 movie, here the 1973 Lawrence Olivier movie, here's the 2004 movie.

The Merry Wives of Windsor: the Royal Shakespeare Compagny gives you this movie.

A Midsummer Night's Dream: have this sponsored by the City of Columbia, and here the BBC version.

Much Ado About Nothing: Here is the kenneth branagh version and here the Tennant and Tate 2011 version. Here's the 1984 version.

Othello: A Massachussets Performance here, the 2001 movie her is the Orson Wells movie with portuguese subtitles theree, and a fifteen minutes long lego adaptation here. THen if you want more good ole reliable you've got the BBC version here and there.

Richard II: here is the BBC version

Richard III: here's the 1955 one with Laurence Olivier, and here's the 1995 one with Ian McKellen. (the 1995 one is in english subtitled in spanish. the 1955 one has no subtitles and might have ads since it's on youtube)

Romeo and Juliet: here's the 1988 BBC version.

The Taming of the Shrew: the 1988 BBC version here, the 1929 version here, some Ontario stuff here and here is the 1967 one with Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor.

The Tempest: the 1979 one is here, the 2010 is here. Here is the 1988 one.

Timon of Athens: here is the 1981 movie with Jonathan Pryce,

Troilus and Cressida can be found here

Titus Andronicus: the 1999 movie with Anthony Hopkins here

Twelfth night: here for the BBC, herefor the 1970 version with Alec Guinness, Joan Plowright and Ralph Richardson.

The Winter's Tale: the BBC version is here

Please do contribute if you find more. This is far from exhaustive.

(also look up the original post from time to time for more plays)

1 year ago

Do you know how Will asked Hannibal to feed his dogs while he is away?

When Hannibal has to leave for a few days, he asks Will to feed his sourdough starter. Will accepts, not entirely sure what he is saying "yes" to so when Hannibal is standing on his porch holding a big jar filled with something... interesting...Will tries his hardest to take him seriously.

Hannibal gives him a note with the exact quantities.

"So like, is this alive?" Will asks as he is holding the jar, admiring the air bubbles which are visible through the glass.

"Yes. Been alive for almost 10 years now."

Will promises to take care of it.

When Hannibal comes back a few days later, he is taken aback by what he sees. The starter is doing great, bigger than last week. But that is not the reason why he is smiling dumbly.

The jar has now a label on it saying "Steve" and a little cowboy hat on top. That was the moment when Hannibal knew for certain that he was irremediably in love with Will.

1 year ago

Episodes I wish we had in Hannibal: - Christmas episode. Someone said it'd be so funny if they had Will's stag hallucinations become a reindeer on Christmas, out of nowhere and that's it, just to make it festive and honestly? yes. why didn't they do that? - Halloween special. Come on, it's a horror show? Hannibal could've thrown a party and literally use his murderous basement as a dance floor, with real bodies, and no one would even blink cause "halloween decor!!" - Entire episode on the mind palace just cause it'd be fun having no boundaries. Mischa could've been there, too. - This is in every fic and I'm so mad we never got the "Hannibal taking Will to a fancy gala to investigate some murder" thing. Please, murder husbands in fancy suits! - Entire episode is Will dreaming what could've been if he had run away with Hannibal instead of Mizumono tragedy. We deserved a little indulgence. - Ill Mostro episode. Young and hot Hannibal murdering in Florence. Will is investigating in season 3A and we get flash backs. - An entire episode with "the in between" scenes we never got to see like the hypnotic sessions for example.

1 year ago

Will should have been cursing every 5 minutes considering what he went through in the show. Like Gordon Ramsey level with the occasional southern accent slipping though

1 year ago
The Depiction Of The Three Important Locations In Hannibal

The depiction of the three important locations in Hannibal

Baltimore to FBI Academy - cca 70 miles, about hour and a half by car

FBI Academy to Wolf Trap - cca 35miles, about 50 minutes by car

Wolf Trap to Baltimore - cca 50 miles, about an hour by car (a lot more if Will sleepwalks ;-))

1 year ago

Thinking of that chapter in Red Dragon where Hannibal writes Will a lil note after Will gets stabbed in the cheek. OOUGGGHH MY BOOKS WILL (I also think about you so much ❤️) aaach my books! What a little freak (lovingly)

Thinking Of That Chapter In Red Dragon Where Hannibal Writes Will A Lil Note After Will Gets Stabbed
1 year ago

imagine hooking up with someone's crush and their revenge is to indirectly give you a hysterectomy :) like not :) up :) in :) here :) bitch

1 year ago

I want a final girl that’s 0% angelic or pristine

Like just a loud, messy, abrasive, chain smoking foul mouthed stress monster. She works the night shift. She’s a triple taurus, she’s a nervous wreck. Her apartment is the size of a shoebox but she drives an immaculately kept bmw. She has an ugly haircut. She can play the drums. She has a stack of unpaid parking tickets and unopened mail on her kitchen counter. She gets into screaming matches with her landlord. She doesn’t speak to her parents. She has a tie dye tapestry in her room that she doesn’t even like, she’s a loyal spectator of the real housewives of new jersey. She has an antique figurine collection and shops at rue 21. Her lore is 10x deeper, darker, and more intriguing than that of the antagonist

And the killer is just like 😍🥰🥺🥵 completely taken aback. Completely beside himself

That’s what i want

1 year ago

I think that Hannibal regularly forgets that Will is human, and that is the cause of the majority of conflict between them. To Hannibal, Will is an enigma. Will is the only person to have ever walked the Earth that is his one true equal. When he sees Will, he sees divine anger and judgment and the ability to see and understand. Truly, he sees Will as a being meant to be worshipped. He sees Will as divineness in physical form.

And so he has all of these completely unobtainable expectations. When Will does not react perfectly, Hannibal is unable to see the situation clearly. When you question why God would let something happen, you never hear people say that it was an accident. You always hear that God has a deeper reason, even if you don't understand it yet. And so when Will does something that does not have a deep philosophical reason, Hannibal is unable to wrap his brain around it. Because God always has a deeper reasoning. So Hannibal ends up scrambling around, trying to piece together a puzzle doesn't exist, because there's no way his God, divinity in physical form, could possibly have made a mistake because he was scared or impulsive.

Hannibal tells Will that his compassion is inconvenient and Will respond by grouping himself in with the rest of humanity. And then this causes a huge barrier between them. Because Will does something rash that does not have a complex meaning behind it, and then Hannibal cannot understand that, so he assigns it it's own meaning and inevitably hurts himself. And then Hannibal is lashing out due to this perceived slight and Will has no idea what's going on because it never even happened. And then it's just a vicious cycle.

Will Graham is Hannibal Lecters God, and God doesn't make mistakes, so when Will makes a mistake, it must not actually be a mistake and instead must be an intentional, deliberate, planned act

1 year ago

calling my lover "mine" but not in the way that my toothbrush or notebook are mine, mine in the way my neighborhood is mine, and also everybody else's, "mine" like mine to tend to, mine to care for, mine to love. "mine" not like possession but devotion.

1 year ago

It is hilarious when people talk about the ambulance scene from nbc hannibal as like the pinpoint of when Will started realizing hannibal is the chesapeake ripper, but in reality my guy saw hannibal in someone’s guts and realized he wanted it to be his guts

1 year ago

Hello again I was the one who asked u the s3 question and now I have finished watching the finale and tbh I have so many emotions going on right now but the main thing I want to know is - was Will aware that shit will go that way or did he plan Hannibal escape or he was just going with the flow?? What was the endgame he wanted to have ? I am confused because his plan doesn't seem like a solid plan. He also warned Bedelia before all that . So like what was happening in the finale 😅😅😅

I think we can't try to rationalize actions that were bordering on insane. Bedelia clocked that when she said "what you are becoming is pathological". She is arguably the most intelligent and perceptive character in the show, so we know she's absolutely right about this. "You found religion", she says. Will is not close to normal or sane in this last part of the series, and this show has that element of "long term foreshadowing", so things that happened in season one, only made sense in season two and so on, and unfortunately they were almost certain they'd be getting a 4th season, so I'm pretty sure most questions would be answered there :/.

But, I think it's safe to say they were prepping us for a completely insane Will Graham, since Fuller said in season four it would be "Will Graham's broken mind".

I believe his actions were already mirroring this brokenness, so it's hard to try and make sense of them, he was acting carelessly.

But we do have interesting insights from the script that could help us answer your question:

Hello Again I Was The One Who Asked U The S3 Question And Now I Have Finished Watching The Finale And

Here we see that Will is shattered and incomplete. This is when Francis gets him in the hotel room.

Hello Again I Was The One Who Asked U The S3 Question And Now I Have Finished Watching The Finale And
Hello Again I Was The One Who Asked U The S3 Question And Now I Have Finished Watching The Finale And

Here we understand that Will is mirroring a scene where Francis burned down his shrine. Both he and Hannibal are lighting up votive candles. This isn't random, no writer would waste time putting such specific detail and then making sure this was on the scene, for no reason or aesthetic reasons (aesthetics would not be on the script unless it had symbolic meaning, notice how they never write the coloring of the show, the way they light up Mads' face to look like a skull, etc, those are aesthetic choices and do not need to be specified on script in such detailed manner).

VOTIVE in all caps is very meaningful, too. For those who don't know, this is what votive candles mean:

Hello Again I Was The One Who Asked U The S3 Question And Now I Have Finished Watching The Finale And
Hello Again I Was The One Who Asked U The S3 Question And Now I Have Finished Watching The Finale And

Both of them are lighting votives. At the altar.

Then, we have this line that Will says to Reba, about Francis:

Hello Again I Was The One Who Asked U The S3 Question And Now I Have Finished Watching The Finale And

This is basically foreshadowing of the cliff scene/dragon fight. This is exactly what both Will and Hannibal feel about one another.

And just before he executes the plan, we have this great exchange with Bedelia:

Hello Again I Was The One Who Asked U The S3 Question And Now I Have Finished Watching The Finale And

He had no clue what he truly wanted. All he wanted was to free Hannibal. The rest was just happening. To him, Hannibal could've simply escaped after Francis shot the police. He asked Will to come. Will had no idea of the existence of the cliff house or anything like that, so he couldn't have predicted exactly what happened.

It's the exact same picture of an addict. If you spend a long time in abstinence, then you use, it hits harder than before and the recovery becomes even more difficult. He spent three years without Hannibal, "was it good to see me?", "Good? No." It was not good, it fucked him up. He was losing his mind and we see that in scenes where he's beginning to hallucinate again and is gradually being more affected by the Dragon's "energy"/idea.

He also threatened Bedelia, "I'd pack my bags if I were you". He had the intention of releasing Hannibal and all hell breaks loose after that. He had no specific plan other than setting H free and watching everything burn down.

1 year ago
This Is One Of The Strongest Acting Moments In The Hannibal Series. Hannibal Was Just Murderous, Throwing

This is one of the strongest acting moments in the Hannibal series. Hannibal was just murderous, throwing his body against a door. All of his effort was going into ending Jack Crawford for turning his friend against him and trying to make a fool out of him. Then, in a split second, his entire attitude shifts. His body language, facial expression - it’s all different. He calms himself to watch Alana and see what she intends to do, always curious like a cat on the prowl.

Alana: *shouts* HANNIBAL

Hannibal: *stops, and turns to face her*

Alana: *now whispering in fear* Where’s Jack?

Hannibal: *whispers* He’s in the pantry.

The fact that he leans in and whispers his response. Knives still in hand, mocking her tone like an animal playing with his food. Again, like a cat on the prowl, mimicking their preys sound to draw them in. I think Hannibal sincerely would have let Alana go, but with all his knowledge and intrusion, he knew she wouldn’t.

1 year ago

Honestly, Chilton is one of my favourite characters, and I don't think people acknowledge enough how complex his character is. He is the perfect example of the duality of man.

We see Chilton running the BSHCI. He's aggressive, manipulative, and unethical. He gaslights people, and psychic drives patients all in the name of power, fame, and control. He will do just about anything to get ahead. Objectively, he is not a good, morally sound person.

However, he is one of the only characters in the entire series who is completely unwilling and unable to kill someone. Even with all his flaws and weaknesses and immorality, he can't bring himself to kill someone. Will even says it point blank, "You're not a killer, Frederick."

Now compare that to a character like Alana, who arguably is morally superior to him. Obviously, near the end of the show, she's changed a lot, but for the most part, she genuinely wants what's best for people. However, when it comes down to it, she is willing and able to kill someone. I think that's totally understandable for her character, and it doesn't make her suddenly an awful person.

But when it comes down to Chilton, it's a very interesting boundary he refuses to cross. He is genuinely an awful person in so many ways, and yet here is this line that other, morally superior, characters cross, and he doesn't.

1 year ago
If They'd Met Earlier In Their Careers. (inspired By That One Edit Of Will In A Patrol Officer's Uniform)
If They'd Met Earlier In Their Careers. (inspired By That One Edit Of Will In A Patrol Officer's Uniform)

if they'd met earlier in their careers. (inspired by that one edit of will in a patrol officer's uniform)

1 year ago

For @hannibalruinedme and the rest of my Mads Mikkelsen fans trying to keep track of what you’ve watched, just cross them off as you go.

For @hannibalruinedme And The Rest Of My Mads Mikkelsen Fans Trying To Keep Track Of What Youve Watched,

This list does not include his short form commercials but you can find them all on YouTube.

I’ve seen absolutely everything he’s ever been in, so if you have questions about his work or need help finding anything just message me and I’ll help you!

1 year ago

when does lamb think will and hannibal had their first kiss?

ugh I'm so torn between ortolan date night or post-fall but a few things make me think it was season 2:

who the fuck plans to run away together and wishes all greeks would die so you can conquer troy alone/together without fucking hard?l beforehand ? answer: no one


the honeytrap plot was too sexy

hannibal telling will to go smell himself if he wants to get the old scent back, and his face like how dare you bring this up? like what happened my dudes? something happened.

will just hanging, just chillin' in hannibal's office as hannibal draws fanart. like they were literally fucking then hung out after. in the fireplace, dim lit room, silence and eye fucks (have u seen that gif from this scene?? will jusy walks up to hannibal's desk eye fucking him profoundly, my man probably felt his soul leaving his body at that moment. insane.

the date night's cheeky smiles. those were fuck me smiles.

who the fuck begins to blur?? lovers that's who

who the fuck declares to be conjoint? lovers.

who carries someone for what was that crazy distance in Dolce? idk but lovers. lovers carry you unreal distances. by foot.

who seasons you? lovers.

I lost track anyway I think they kissed in S2.

1 year ago

personally it's more thematically interesting to me if will's father was a caring father—or at least as attentive as he could be being a single father raising a son on his own and trying to put food on the table—ESPECIALLY regarding will's whole (deluded) projection onto garret jacob hobbs and his fundamental misunderstanding of abigail.

garret jacob hobbs despite his obsessiveness with abigail tried to redirect the urge outwards, and a good father in an extremely twisted way. it would be more interesting if will failed to rise to the occasion of being someone abigail could trust because he ultimately REFUSED to understand and see her—and see himself clearly as well, by extension.

he tries to connect with abigail after she's healed physically from the attack to walk, victim to victim. he wanted to believe abigail is innocent, because he wanted at first an uncomplicated story—he needed to feel justified in putting ten bullets into her father, and that would only work if he was a irredeemable monster and she was an uncontested victim. he wanted justification for the power he felt in that moment. (he wouldn't get it.)

and when he deduces abigail was the lure and killed nicholas boyle [who hannibal helped her bury], the revelation scares him, and he hoped it wasn't true even when he knew he was right. because he cannot fathom himself relating to abigail when she has blood on her hands, he cannot fathom still wanting to protect her. the lines get exceedingly blurred as the first season moves on because of will's more frequent hallucinations and abigail's mounting distrust of him. in a way abigail is how will sees himself, a victim -> someone despite their "good intentions" are capable of violence -> something Other and utterly uncategorizable. saving abigail was in a way self-preservation, and her ear that he vomited up in 1x13 savoureux is hinted autocannibalism, in refusing to contend with who you are, you are destroying yourself from the inside