Second Felt Doll Using Thinner Felt. Kimono Looks A Lot Nicer And This Time I Have Added A Fake Collar
Second felt doll using thinner felt. Kimono looks a lot nicer and this time I have added a fake collar so it looks like she is wearing a juban. Also this zombie maiko has the split peach hairstyle and an otaiko musubi. She is tiny so she isn't a scary zombie. Would you like to see more felt dolls? #plushie #plushiesofinstagram #plush #plushies #feltcute #feltart #feltdolls #felttoy #toydolls #needlefelting #maikotoy #cuddletoy #plushiecommunity #plushtoys
smasterilli liked this · 3 years ago
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More Posts from Kittykanzashi
Thought you would enjoy a video of my latest creation. #つまみ細工 #かんざし #Japan #髪飾り #手作り #日本つまみ細エコンテスト #ハンドメイド #コサージュ #趣味 #和小物 #舞妓 #手芸 #伝統工芸 #日本文化 #канзаши #牡丹 #tsumamicraft #kanzashi #kanzashiflower #hairaccessories #hairflower #hairpin #maiko #flowerarrangements #flowermaking #floweraccessories #silkflower #silkart #handmadeflower #tsumamizaiku
And the answer is..... #tsumamicraft #tsumamiflower #tsumamizaiku #tsumamikanzashi #japanesefashion #japanesecraft #つまみ細工 #つまみ簪 #日本文化 #手芸 #花 #趣味 #つまみ細工コンテスト#日本つまみ細工コンテスト #伝統工芸 #silkflower #handmadeflower #handmadeuk #miniatureflowerarrangement #dollsize #miniatureflowers #ミニチュア #ドールハウス

My first bell jar flower pendant are for sale in my Etsy shop. #belljar #roseaccessories #rosenecklace #mori #morigirl #naturejewelry #silkflowers #flowerarrangements #floralpendant #tsumamiflower #tsumamizaiku #tsumamikanzashi #つまみ細工 #つまみ簪 #日本のクラフト #日本つまみ細工コンテスト #つまみ細工コンテスト #手作り #フラワーディスプレイ #花 #薔薇 #glassdomeflowers #minirose #miniatureflowerarrangement #handmadeflower #etsyseller #ukhandmade #uketsyseller #artistsoninstagram #artoftheday

Still feeling under the weather so more time to make maiko doll heads. I decided to add eyes this time but she looks a little creepy now. #feltdolls #feltart #plush #plushiesofinstagram #plushies #plushie #dollmaking #handmadeuk

4th brooch from the trellis collection, morning glory. #brooch #accessoriesoftheday #jewelrymaking #flowerarrangements #flowerbrooch #floralaccessories #handmadeflower #ukhandmade #handmadecrafts #etsyseller #etsysellersofinstagram #uketsyseller #miniatureflowerarrangement #dollsize #miniflowers #wisteria #wisteriaflowers #trailingplants #ミニチュア #ドールハウス #手芸 #手作り #花 #フラワーディスプレイ #つまみ細工コンテスト #日本つまみ細工コンテスト #つまみ簪 #つまみ細工 #日本文化 #趣味