Flowermaking - Tumblr Posts

How my poppies begin their life. #tsumami_zaiku #tsumamizaiku #tsumamiearrings #tsumamiflower #silkflower #silkart #flowerearrings #poppy #etsyseller #etsysellersofinstagram #uketsyseller #ukhandmade #つまみ細工 #つまみ簪 #手作り #耳飾り #罌粟 #jewelrymaking #flowermaking #miniatureflowerarrangement #miniatureflowers https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv9zgvCAcnJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qjz76w53jpeu

What flower will these become????? #flowerearrings #floweraccessories #flowers🌸 #floweroftheday #flowermaking #silkearrings #silkflower #silkart #handmadeearring #handmadecrafts #redflower #accessoriesoftheday #fashionearrings #springfashion #summeraccessories #tsumami_zaiku #tsumamiflower #tsumamiearrings #tsumamicraft #origamijewelry #origamiflowers #redaccessories #accessorieslover #accessoriesaddict #naturejewelry #natureinspiration #botanicalgardens #flowerlover #etsyseller #etsyartist #etsysellersofinstagram #etsyjewelry #etsyuk https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxpk4ytAjKA/?igshid=h708nola4i2c

And here it is in it full glory. #tsumami_zaiku #tsumamicraft #tsumamiflower #tsumamizaiku #tsumamikanzashi #silkflower #hairaccessories #hairpin #floralhairaccessories #floweraccessories #floweroftheday #flowermaking #flowerlover #japanesecraft #maiko #geiko #willow #etsyseller #handmadecrafts #handmadeuk #etsylove #つまみ細工 #つまみ細工コンテスト #日本つまみ細工コンテスト #柳 #ミニチュア #ファッション #つまみ簪 #流儀 #着物 https://www.instagram.com/p/ByfF2erABuK/?igshid=1vise4s37ipe4

Experimenting with different materials and figuring out their limitations. #tsumamicraft #tsumami_zaiku #tsumamiflower #tsumamikanzashi #glitterflowers #hairaccessories #glittery #sparklesparkle #whiteflowers #girly #etsyseller #ukhandmade #uketsyseller #flowermaking #floweraccessories #つまみ簪 #つまみ細工 #日本つまみ細工コンテスト #つまみ細工コンテスト #花 #白い花 #手作り #accessoriesoftheday #accessorieslover https://www.instagram.com/p/Bymd2ebAZEP/?igshid=1l2eb4xuz17iq

Reintroducing hairclips back into my shop. These are made from hand dyed habutae silk and have a tiny alligator clip to hold in your hair. #tsumamicraft #silkart #hairaccessories #hairclips #silkflower #tsumami_zaiku #tsumamizaiku #tsumamikanzashi #rose #roseaccessories #floweraccessories #flowermaking #flowerlover #hairflower #着物ヘア #伝統工芸 #髪飾り #つまみ細工 #ヘアアクセサリー #つまみ細工コンテスト #日本つまみ細工コンテスト #つまみ簪 #薔薇 #etsyseller #ukhandmade #uketsyseller #handmadeuk #weddinghair #floralaccessories #花 https://www.instagram.com/p/ByvooG9AkRX/?igshid=1oevo56gqvf3z

You can't make a rose kanzashi without making one with red silk. Love the vibrant red. #tsumamicraft #silkart #hairaccessories #hairclips #silkflower #tsumami_zaiku #tsumamizaiku #tsumamikanzashi #rose #roseaccessories #floweraccessories #flowermaking #flowerlover #hairflower #着物ヘア #伝統工芸 #髪飾り #つまみ細工 #ヘアアクセサリー #つまみ細工コンテスト #日本つまみ細工コンテスト #つまみ簪 #薔薇 #etsyseller #ukhandmade #uketsyseller #handmadeuk #weddinghair #floralaccessories #花 https://www.instagram.com/p/ByxsnckAI99/?igshid=pszjl42afgc4

Practicing some dyeing and this is the result. #tsumami_zaiku #tsumamicraft #tsumamiflower #tsumamizaiku #silkflower #silkart #rose #accessoriesoftheday #etsyseller #handmadeuk #ukhandmade #uketsyseller #ukaccessories #accessorieslover #accessoriesaddict #つまみ簪 #薔薇 #花 #つまみ細工 #日本つまみ細工コンテスト #つまみ細工コンテスト #伝統工芸 #手作り #着物 #耳飾り #ファッション #fashiontrends #floralaccessories #flowermaking https://www.instagram.com/p/BzECt9JgtWu/?igshid=1ez65fh8yatu3

Another one of my dyeing experiment. Was not sure when they were dyed but once I used them to make a rose it turned out nicely. #silkflower #silkart #dyedsilk #rose #flowermaking #flowermaking #tsumami_zaiku #tsumamicraft #tsumamiflower #tsumamizaiku #tsumamikanzashi #handmadeuk #handmadeflower #手作り #つまみ細工コンテスト #日本つまみ細工コンテスト #伝統工芸 #つまみ細工 #つまみ簪 #薔薇 #花 https://www.instagram.com/p/BzGv0PdAv7C/?igshid=1lb5f2m4ax0pi

I haven't made a ring for so long. #tsumamicraft #tsumami_zaiku #rosering #accessoriesoftheday #accessorieslover #statementring #blackrose #gothaesthetic #statementjewelry #silkflower #gothiclolita #lolitafashion #moimememoitie #flowermaking #花 #薔薇 #つまみ簪 #つまみ細工 #伝統工芸 #日本つまみ細工コンテスト #つまみ細工コンテスト #手作り #リング #rings💍 #floweraccessories #floralaccessories #floralring #silkart #gothgirl #gothicstyle https://www.instagram.com/p/BzL3bEwHVlb/?igshid=1l61jn11suwss

Playing with wired flowers. Again something that I have not done in a while as I was wrapped up in expanding my shop but I think that was a mistake as drained my energy. #newdesigns #experiment #floweroftheday #flowermaking #wireflowers #flower #organza #fabricflower #workinprogess #newlife #prettyflower https://www.instagram.com/p/BzqxekDH6Fw/?igshid=1vcrz042iekjm

Time to tackle the main reason why I'm making wired flowers, morning glory! First try and it isn't bad. The wires sit nicely next to each other but still need to make it more trumpet shaped. #kanzashi #handmadeuk #kanzashiflower #wireflowers #handmadeflower #morningglory #flowermaking https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzvrla6gmnn/?igshid=2039npxc8r6b
Finally I made a morning glory that I'm happy with. It has a nice trumpet profile and the petals sit neatly next to each other with no gap. #morningglory #flowermaking #floweroftheday #abstractflowers #floweraccessories #hairflower #hairaccessories #flowerhairpin #wireflowers #whiteflowers https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz0VTd8g9BY/?igshid=1m4glgug87vd5
Finally made a morning glory that I'm happy with. It has a nice trumpet profile and the petals sit nicely next to each other with no gap. Now time for colourful on. #tsumamicraft #kanzashi #floralaccessories #flowermaking #floweroftheday #floweraccessories #flower #flowerlover #weddingidea #weddingflowers #whiteflowers #hairflower #hairaccessories #hairpin https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz0V7tNgOqi/?igshid=1gg147fnvncle

Because it is my favourite colour. #morningglory #flowermaking #floweroftheday #floweraccessories #flower #flowerlover #purpleflowers #silkflower #kanzashi #hairflower #hairaccessories #hairpin #handmadeuk #handmadeflower #ukhandmade #uketsyseller #ukaccessories #etsyseller #etsysellersofinstagram #accessoriesoftheday #accessorieslover #floralaccessories #floralhairaccessories https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz0jkILAnEh/?igshid=zjjoc3jgk6ec
Coloured the red silk with a darker shade so it look a bit more like the rose in Beauty and the Beast. Now to make it into a necklace. #tsumamicraft #tsumami_zaiku #tsumamiflower #roseaccessories #miniatureflowerarrangement #dollsize #silkflower #handmadeflower #tinyflowers #silkart #rose #薔薇 #薔薇🌹 #つまみ簪 #つまみ細工 #つまみ細工コンテスト #日本つまみ細工コンテスト #flowermaking #instacraft #etsyseller #etsylove #handmadeuk #ukhandmade #uketsyseller #japaneseart #miniatureflowers #beautyandthebeast #belljar https://www.instagram.com/p/B1odzQkAGgA/?igshid=1oe16io6d061z

Because these mini rose are just adorable. #roseaccessories #rose #roseflower #flowermaking #floweroftheday #silkflower #silkart #tsumamicraft #tsumami_zaiku #tsumamiflower #dollsize #miniatureflowerarrangement #miniatureflowers #miniflowers #minirose #etsyseller #etsylove #handmadeflower #japaneseart #japanesecraft #日本つまみ細工コンテスト #つまみ細工コンテスト #薔薇 #薔薇🌹 #つまみ簪 #つまみ細工 #花 #手作り # https://www.instagram.com/p/B11JF1ygjt3/?igshid=lv08ld0dbyu8

And now we have a orange rose 🌹. #tsumamicraft #tsumami_zaiku #tsumamiflower #roseaccessories #roseflower #floralaccessories #flowermaking #floweroftheday #silkflower #silkart #minirose #miniatureflowerarrangement #miniatureflowers #dollsize #handmadeuk #handmadeflower #手作り #つまみ細工 #つまみ簪 #つまみ細工コンテスト #日本つまみ細工コンテスト #薔薇 #薔薇🌹 #花 https://www.instagram.com/p/B11Vqz0gXw-/?igshid=a3nhy3au85jv

Oops made it a bit too big. #tsumamicraft #tsumami_zaiku #tsumamiflower #tsumamizaiku #tsumamikanzashi #lily #silkflower #silkart #silkflowers #lilysilk #handmadeuk #handmadeflower #dollsize #flowermaking #floweroftheday #floweraccessories #flowerlover #flowery #手作り #つまみ細工 #つまみ簪 #つまみ細工コンテスト #日本つまみ細工コンテスト #花 #百合 https://www.instagram.com/p/B13pp1JAGY7/?igshid=tz1g5k5tdkx6

Try got the size right. #tsumamicraft #tsumami_zaiku #tsumamiflower #tsumamizaiku #tsumamikanzashi #lily #silkflower #silkart #silkflowers #handmadeuk #handmadeflower #dollsize #flowermaking #floweroftheday #floweraccessories #flowerlover #flowery #手作り #つまみ細工 #つまみ簪 #つまみ細工コンテスト #日本つまみ細工コンテスト #花 #百合 #канзаши #hobby #伝統工芸 #日本文化 #手芸 #趣味 https://www.instagram.com/p/B13_nZdArCO/?igshid=vc9465wnejvn

They are now in their dome and ready to be turned into necklaces. What do you think? #tsumamicraft #tsumami_zaiku #tsumamiflower #tsumamizaiku #tsumamikanzashi #lily #silkflower #silkart #silkflowers #handmadeuk #handmadeflower #dollsize #flowermaking #floweroftheday #floweraccessories #flowerlover #flowery #手作り #つまみ細工 #つまみ簪 #つまみ細工コンテスト #日本つまみ細工コンテスト #花 #百合 #канзаши #hobby #伝統工芸 #日本文化 #手芸 #趣味 https://www.instagram.com/p/B14QqF7AT0o/?igshid=cmq90niqg9kz