Summary: A Series Of Moments In The Lives Of Sonic And Sally, Showing The Reflection Of Their Childhood
Summary: A series of moments in the lives of Sonic and Sally, showing the reflection of their childhood selves in their later relationship. The more things change, the more they realize what they had all along. Continuity: Sonic SatAM (with a little bit of game stuff where it fits) Tags: Fluff, Friendship/Love, Then and Now, Slice of Life Relationship Tags: Sally/Sonic
3: Fashion A little bit of care goes a long way.
(There we go, got the link to render properly.)
speedybronze64 liked this · 4 months ago
putterpen liked this · 4 months ago
More Posts from Kogarashi-art
Summary: A series of moments in the lives of Sonic and Sally, showing the reflection of their childhood selves in their later relationship. The more things change, the more they realize what they had all along. Continuity: Sonic SatAM (with a little bit of game stuff where it fits) Tags: Fluff, Friendship/Love, Then and Now, Slice of Life Relationship Tags: Sally/Sonic
5: Mind Being sick is more bearable when your roommate cares.
(If you've been having issues reading any of these prompt fills this week due to AO3's server issues, I do also post to my FFN account, where you can find this prompt collection for reading. It's not my preferred place to post, as the formatting sometimes gets messed up, but it is a backup location if needed.)
Summary: A series of moments in the lives of Sonic and Sally, showing the reflection of their childhood selves in their later relationship. The more things change, the more they realize what they had all along. Continuity: Sonic SatAM (with a little bit of game stuff where it fits) Tags: Fluff, Friendship/Love, Then and Now, Slice of Life Relationship Tags: Sally/Sonic
6: Reflection Sometimes old times don't feel so long ago.
Fans of the Saturday morning cartoon may recognize "Blast to the Past" here (still one of my favorite episodes). Why not have fun playing around with it a bit?
Also this is the earliest point chronologically for the "past" segments.
My teenager told me recently that she learned from a source online that the original Japanese version of this scene is more akin to “This is too easy, which is fine by me.” Suddenly this clip makes a lot more sense. Still going to make fun of it, though, because I’m just like that.
(gif via Tenor)
Bonus goof: I will never not read this stage title as “Space Groget.” It’s just...such a bad font choice.
Summary: A series of moments in the lives of Sonic and Sally, showing the reflection of their childhood selves in their later relationship. The more things change, the more they realize what they had all along. Continuity: Sonic SatAM (with a little bit of game stuff where it fits) Tags: Fluff, Friendship/Love, Then and Now, Slice of Life Relationship Tags: Sally/Sonic
4: Direction One of the hard things of leadership is trusting others to listen to direction.
(Ok, so AO3 is having server issues since yesterday that are making the link not render quite right. I'll see if I can fix it later, but in the meantime, the link above should still work, and if for some reason it doesn't, you can find the story mirrored to my FFN account. And if you missed the post yesterday, Prompt #3 is up too.)
(Edit: link properly inserted now.)
Seconding this, but also adding that it's very helpful to both PC and mobile users to set the image size to scale with the browser if you're using image links.
<img src="insert image url here" width="75%"> is a good way to do it (note the percentage used for the width).
If you do it this way, the image will always scale to 75% (in this case) of the width of the text area, no matter how large or small the browser window is. 75% is what I personally recommend, but for taller images, it's better to use something around 50%. Use "preview" to check how it looks.
I feel the need to tell you that you can insert images into ao3 via certain html commands. You can also have hyperlinks.
<img src=”insert image url here”>
Oh thank you for letting me know! May have to edit the fic to do this when I have time