Oh I'm Sorry I Just Sent In A Request I Forgot To Add Could You Make It A Black Reader
Oh I'm sorry 😅 I just sent in a request I forgot to add could you make it a black reader
okay wiil do
stunnaguh liked this · 2 years ago
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Mc/reader and Sam started to fall for each other.

requested by × @ilovehobi101
• The reader was new around town when she met Emily at school.
• Emily was so kind and sweet which made the reader fall for her even more.
• After high school, Emily and the reader moved to La Push where they met Sam.
• Sam was quickly drawn to Emily and the reader, but both girls didn't pay no mind to him.
• After a celebration, the reader accidentally imprinted on Sam without his knowledge and kept it a secret for weeks until the accident.
• Emily was in the hospital for days and devastated when she found her cousin knew about Sam, the reader finally told her what happened at the gathering several days making Emily reassure her.
• "Im not mad–" Emily said watching her girlfriend pace.
• "But you should I kept this from you for weeks, and now this I–" the reader took a breathe before looking over at Emily.
• "I wanted it to be you, Emily. Not him." Emily smiled held out her hand for the reader to grab and told her everything was going to work out.
• After a few weeks, Emily was out of the hospital and accepted her place as the Sam's mate. When the reader finally got alone time with sam, she told him about the imprint.
• "So, that means I'm your mate?" She nodded, he looked at her for a moment before getting close and grabbing her hands.
• "I am happy you told me. I'm always find you...pretty and–" She cut him off taking back her hands.
• "Don't get it twisted, Uley. I still hate your guts for what you did to Emily, but since my girlfriend is such a kind soul I promised her I let this work." She glared before walking away leaving Sam to look after her with a frown.
• It was hard to watch her girlfriend to slowly fall for Sam, but the reader was reassured by Emily that she still loved her just as much. While the reader was phasing, she would run through the woods as a way to clear her mind.
• Well, running she was joined by Sam who raced her to find a hunt to bring Emily. The reader and sam challenge was turned into a game as they played through the woods, until til the sun went down.
• The reader didn't want to admit but she had fun, especially after they unphase. Sam compliment the reader the way home which made her smile and her cheeks heat up.
• Later that night, Sam held Emily in his arms while the reader legs were tangled in Sam with her head rested on his chest with her hand linked with Emilys'.
• The amount of pictures Emily took well they were sleep could fill two scrapbooks, she finally left to cook breakfast only for them to wake up two mins later.
• "We been asleep forever and you still haven't cook breakfast." Emily scoffed looking at her girlfriend before glancing at her boyfriend.
• "You gonna let her tall to me like that?" She joked narrowing her eyes at Sam, he yawned before slapping tge reader butt making Emily giggle.
• "Be nice." The reader slapped his chest smirking at him as she took a seat next to him well he leaned his head on her shoulder still tired.
• The food was ready as Emily sit two plates down before walking away to get her plate.
• "Pancakes. Nice." The reader said pouring syrup on her pancakes, Emily came back to seat on the reader lap. Sam planted a kiss on Emily's shoulder and the reader's neck making them grin at him as they cut up their food.
The reader and sam have an argument and Sam says that he doesn't love her and that he alone dates her because of Emily the reader breaks down crying.
requested by x @ilovehobi101
Emily watched nervously as her soulmates argue in the living room, they had been at each other heads for the past two hours.
"When I tell you to do something, you do it," Sam shouted.
"I don't know if you notice, but I'm not one of your betas you could bark orders to like a dog." she hissed, he glared knowing how much they hate being referred to as dogs.
"Don't call us that." He growled, Emily noticed Sam started to breathe heavy making her intense up pulling (y/n) by the arm as she insert herself in between them.
"Stop it. Both of you." Her hand was on Sam's chest at arm's distance looking between the two.
"Stay out of this Emily."
"Don't talk to her like that." Sam turned his gaze back to (y/n).
"I can talk to MY girlfriend anyway I want to you know why, because she's My mate your just a tag-along that I let stay here because of Emily." (y/n) and emily looked taken back at sam.
"SAM." Emily hissed glaring at him, sam knew (y/n) biggest insecurity was feeling like a plus one in their relationship.
"Screw you." She sniffled rubbing the tears from her eyes as she rushed out their house and went for a walk in the woods, emily called out for (y/n) running to the door to see her girlfriend rushing into the woods.
"Let her go if we're lucky she find herself a new home." sam said still heated from the fight he just had with his lover, emily snapped her head to her mate and stalked towards him making him stepped back a little at her heated glare.
"Do you always have to a asshole." emily hissed. sam looked taken back at emily she usually be calm when things like this happened.
"No, you better go fix this or your not just gonna be losing a girlfriend tonight." emily walked out of the living room as she slammed the door to their shared room. Sam sighed rubbing his head before walking to the back door and phasing tracking (y/n)'s scent.
(y/n) sat on the ground playing with a small flower in her hands, when she heard sounds coming from the woods. She was unfazed by the sounds as stared motionless at the flower, she finally looked up seeing sam walking towards her still shirtless making her look away staring on the grass underneath her.
"hey." she didn't say anything making him take a seat next to her, (y/n) shook a bit from wind blowing through the woods sam noticed scooting a bit closer to her.
"I'm sorry for what I said earlier, I didn't mean to take it that far." (y/n) felt his warm hand engulf hers making her look at him.
"I love you so much I'm sorry that I hurt you like that," (y/n) sighed,
"No matter how much I want to hate you, right now. I can't..." he moved a strand of hair out of her face before leaning in to his girlfriend, (y/n) grabbed sam's upper arm pulling him closer as they kissed.
"Let's go home." he mumbled against her lips, he gave her on more kiss on the lips before her up and walking next to back home.
Emily waited outside on the porch for her boyfriend and girlfriend, she grinned looking up to see her mate arm around their girlfriend's shoulder and (y/n) arm around his waist.
"Happy to see you two are in good graces, again." emily says making them nodded.
"Yeah, we're good.." (y/n) glanced at sam before looking emily with a smile.
"how about we go to bed, i want to show both my girls how much i love the." emily giggled when (y/n) kissed her neck pulling her into the house with sam following behind.
Hi could you do one on what it would be like for the twilight wolf pack to date a black girl. Thank you 💙😊
I haven't watched twilight for over 8 years, so I'm gonna try my best.


requested by x @angelluminary
Thomas was in the kitchen drinking coffee when he saw his wife walk in with charlie on her hip, she put him down when they saw tommy.
"Daddy." Charlie ran up to his father making tommy lift him up and kiss the top of his head.
"My boy, good morning." He said sitting his son on the counter top before looking over to his wife.
"How did you sleep, my love." Thomas asked, (y/n) shrugged pouring some tea in a cup.
"Good. It would have been better if you were there..." She looked over at him with a small smile, he sighed giving her a guilty look.
"I'm sorry, but I promised I be here tonight." he grabbed her hand squeezing it with care.
"You better or your going to be spending more time on the couch rather than your own bed." (y/n) kissed tommy's cheek before moving over to the table, tommy chuckled nodding before moving charlie off the counter and sitting him between (y/n) and him.
"What are your plans for today?" He asked looking between his son and wife.
"Well, I was thinking we head to the flower shop to see my mother, then get some sweets at the bakery we love so much..." Charlie giggled when (y/n) tickled his tummy before looking back at tommy.
"And finally head to John's so charlie can see his cousins?" Tommy gave (y/n) a look after sitting down his coffee.
"Is that a good idea? You know how wild John's children can get and I don't want you to strain yourself." She rolled her eyes.
"Tommy I'm only 14 weeks along I'm not gonna strain myself." His hand landed on her small bump, (y/n) notice the look of worry on his face as she place her hand on top of his own.
"If it makes you feel better, ill bring the nanny to help." He looked at her thinking before nodding his head.
"Yeah...I'll send some boys to watch over you as well..." (y/n) opened her mouth to object.
"I know, I know, but it help me to know your okay...please," She sighed before nodding, he leaned over and kissed the side of her face.
"Thank you." He got up and poured his coffee down the drain, before walking back to his small family.
"I'll see you tonight." he kissed his son head, (y/n) got up as mary came in coming to watch charlie as tommy took (y/n)'s hand and lead them to the foyer.
"Be careful today."He says pulling her into a hug, she winced pulling causing tommy look scared.
"What? What's wrong...is the baby, okay?" His hands shoot to her shoulders as she bends over wincing.
"I-I'm okay...just cramps...I'm fine." She took in deep breathes.
"You could visit your mom and kids another time, we should you to bed. Mary?" (y/n) hushed tommy making him look at him watching her straighten up.
"See I'm fine...just a cramp." she smiled at him showing he was okay, he looked at her for a minute.
"Are you sure?" She nodded moving her hand to her stomach and rubbing it.
"We're fine...she's fine..." Tommy rolled his eyes making (y/n) grin wider.
"Your still milking that.." He stared at her with a smirk.
"Hey, I'm just telling you what the lady told me. She's gonna be a strong headed little girl...like her father." He chuckled.
"You mean like her mother..." (Y/N) slapped his chest as he kissed her lips.
"Call me for anything, okay?"
"Okay." She put his coat on him before he turn around to look her straight in the eye.
" I love you."
"I love you, too." He pecked her lips one more time with his hand on her stomach before saying goodbye, she watched him get in the car and she waved blowing him a kiss before he pulled off to go to work.
She groaned lowly feeling another cramp coming on but it went away a second later, she sighed rubbing her belly before walking inside and closing the door behind her.
It was close to midnight, when tommy was in a meeting with alfie and the russians. He stared between alfie and the short russian man as they talked he could feel another set of eyes on him, he glanced over at tatiana who was looking at him with a small smile before her gazed turned back to the two men. Thomas watched the two man finally shake hands making him get up and settle on an agreement, alfie and tommy was talking when tatiana walked up to them.
"Gentlemen." She glanced at both of them but her eyes lingered on tommy a little bit longer, they nodded toward her before watching her walk away with her uncle.
"It seems like someone has a little crush on you." Alfie says glancing back at tommy, thomas rolled his eyes.
"I don't do crazy russians." Tommy mutters walking out of the room with alfie by his side.
"No, you like them headstrong and...exotic." Thomas side eyed alfie before taking out the cigarette from his mouth.
"Speaking of headstrong and exotic, how's that ebony goddess you have hiding away?" Alfie asked.
"You mean my pregnant wife...she's fine." Tommy looked over at the amused look on alfie's face at the mention of (y/n) pregnancy.
"Mazel tov." He said patting tommy on the back before he headed towards his car, "I hope we get to talk soon about business." Tommy nodded before stepping back as alfie drive off, tommy flicked his cig to the ground before heading towards his own car.
He pulled up to his home seeing the lights off, he sighed getting out and walking to the door. He quietly sneaked inside closing the door behind the him, he slowly started pulling off his coat and cap before making his way to his office.
He rubbed his neck walking into his office to found his wife waiting on the couch looking out the window, "(y/n), what are you doing in here you should in bed." he walked over to his wife and sat down next to her.
"Where were you?" she looked over at him.
"In a meeting...why? what's wrong?" she sniffles looking over at tommy with misty eye.
"So, no one told you what happened then..." tommy shook his head looking worried, he reached for her hand only for her to moved it away,
"No, what is going on (y/n) your... your scaring me." he moved closer he noticed that (y/n) didn't move away so he moved his hand on top of hers, she started crying and moving her head to his shoulder.
"I lost the baby..." she cries into his shoulder, thomas sat there frozen in place as his wife cried.
"i'm sorry...I'm so sorry..." Tommy snapped out of his dazed, he wrapped his arms around his wife and held her tight.
"It's not your fault...you didn't know." (y/n) shook her head.
"I should have listened to you...I should have-"
"No, its not your fault...I know it's not your fault." Thomas planted kiss on her head, he closed his eyes trying to keep his tears at bay.
"W-We get through this...we will...I promise we will." his voice cracked moving her curls out of her face, she hooked her arms around tommy's neck causing him to moved his arm under legs picking her up and carrying her to their bedroom.
He laid her down before moving to removed his clothes, he slide into bed hesitating if he should hold her or not. He choose the latter and laid in bed staring at the ceiling, he griped the covers in pain trying to contain his anger and sadness. He tried to go to sleep but every time he closed his eyes he sees a little girl with (y/n) beautiful skin and wild hair, and his eyes...thomas opened his eyes as tears poured down his face, he took a shaky breathe trying to deal with the lost in silent.
"...Tommy." he turned to look at the back of (y/n)'s head.
"Can you hold me." she whispered, he closed his eyes for a second before opening them again, he moved closer to her slinging his arm over spooning her. He kissed her shoulder making her sighed.
"....I was gonna name her Martha...if it was girl." he smiled.
"If it was a boy?" he asked.
"I was thinking...daniel...daniel is a good name."
"I love them both." she turned around looking at him.
"Maybe we can try again...a year for now maybe." he nods.
"I love you, (y/n)" he says drawing circles on her soft skin.
"I love you too, tommy." he pulled her into his arm resting his head on top of hers, they fell asleep in the embrace.
When the morning came (y/n) woke up by herself, she decided to stay in bed not feeling up to moving, she laid there in thought until she heard the door opened revealing charlie still in his pajamas.
"Mommy, can I stay with you." (Y/N) looked over at him before smiling and opening her arms, she watched him come over and climbed on the bed. He climbed into her lap and wrapping his arms around his neck burying his face in her should.
"My sweet baby." she smiled kissing him on the cheek, she rest her head on top of his head. The door opened again revealing Tommy walking in seeing his wife and son cuddled up in the bed.
He walked over to the side of her bed, she scoot over giving him space to take a seat. He pulled a box from his coat and gave it to (y/n).
"What's this?" she opened it with charlie still in her lap, she pulled out a bracelet with cute charms scatter all over the chain.
"A little gift...to give you hope and protection." she looked at the charms seeing a M and D making her smile.
"This is beautiful, babe. Thank you." he kissed her cheek before kissing his son head, he took off his coat throwing over a chair and then his vast and his shirt.
"Your not going into the betting shop, today?" he shook his head.
"I want to stay home with you and our son." he went under the covers scooting closer to her.
"A lazy day in the shelby household...that's the first." she smile.
"First of many." he said making her giggle, she slide the bracelet on before settling in bed with charlie in the middle.
Thomas watched his wife and son play with his toy cars that (y/n) kept in her drawer just in case he lose his other ones, even through he lost a part of himself and (y/n) yesterday he had to stay strong for his wife. But, seeing his love and son made the pain suppress just for now...right now he just want to forget...because looking at her and he vow he give her the life he promised her when he got on one knee.
Back Again

Requested by × @shyjellyfish1
John sat lumped in his chair as Thomas talked, his eyes bore around the room not really paying attention to his brother. His mind wondered to a memory that he been frequently visiting lately, one of his special memories of his sweet beauty.
John pulled his lover over to the ferris wheel, he looked over to see (y/n) glancing up at the wheel.
"What's wrong? Scared of heights." He grinned making (y/n) glare at him.
"Shut up, Jonathan." John scrowl at the mention of his full name, she knows how much he hates to be called it making it easy to get under his skin.
"Don't be lashing out on me, because you too much of a pussy–" She slapped the back of his head.
"Shut up. I'm not scared and I'm not a pussy." He glared at her rubbing his head as they took another step, she suddenly felt nauseous noticing they were almost to the front.
"I-I'm just a bit timorous." she gulp feeling a lump in her throat, John raised his eyebrow confused.
" Timorous?" she smiled faintly looking at him.
"A feeling of nervousness, fear, or lack of confidence." He looked awed nodding in understanding.
"Right, right, right." He says, John smirked glancing at (y/n) noticing his girlfriend was a bit at ease. One of the reason, (y/n) loved about John he could make her feel better without even trying.
"Next!" (y/n) felt her blood run cold as she glanced up at the wheel, john gave the tickets to the operator whispering something to him before turning to her and reaching for her hand.
"Hey, it's going to be alright. I'm right here." He whispered bringing her hand to his lips, she nodded before he helped her onto the car.
He slide right next to her as the operator closed the small door and locked the latched, John squeezed her hand caress her hand with his thumb. (Y/N) jolted moving closer to John making him smirk, she held his arm as the ride creaked.
"What was that?" She asked scared, he chuckled kissing her forehead.
"It's fine it just the machine, babe." She nodded quickly burying her face in his chest, they were on the top when the ride jerk to the stop causing (y/n) to looking around and look over the car.
"What the fuck just happend? Did this thing just break down?" She said freaking out, John chuckled with arm around her.
"It's fine, babe–."
"The fuck it is." She said looking down at the crowd forming.
"Babe. It's fine." He tried assuring her, the ride jerked again causing her to cling to him.
"oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." She repeated.
John looked over the car to see a crowd, before glancing at his girl.
" (Y/N). Your fine." He said again, (y/n)'s eyes were closed.
"If you say it's fine one more time I'm going to punch you in the fucking throat." She said through clenched teeth, she could hear him chuckled rubbing her back pulling her closer.
"It's beautiful tonight." He moved a strand of curl behind her ear making her open her eyes, she looked up starry night sky before looking over at John.
"Yeah, it is." She smiled up at him, he looked down at her with a smirk before leaning towards her pressing lips to hers.
John couldn't resist exploring her mouth tasting cotton candy and beer they had earlier, his hand squeezed her hips as his other hand went under her dress.
"Ever fucked on a ferris wheel before?" He mumbled against her lips, she moaned feeling his hand gazed her inner thigh.
"No, and I'm not gonna start today. " He pulled back face all red with a frown, (y/n) smiled pulling him back by his collar.
"But, I could do you one better for now." She purred, her hand rubbing his member through his pants causing him to moan and lean his head back making her kiss his neck.
The ride jerked again causing her to pull away and John to look annoyed, the wheel started moving again making people on the ride cheer. (Y/N) sighed in relief before looking over at John who wore a irritated look, she glanced at his pants as he shifted in his seat.
The wheel stopped making the operator open the door to the car, (y/n) stood not before feeling John's crotch against her back as they look for another ride to get on.
"You owe me a little something when we get back to the house." He whispered in her ear before tickling waist making her giggled.
"John? JOHN?" John looked up looking around the room before his eyes landed on Tommy.
"Wha." He looked boredly at Tommy making Arthur shook his head, well Tommy looked irrited at him.
"I said how are the numbers coming along." John sighed before telling him the rates and the money flowing through
"Alright." He said moving along to other business making John roll his eyes, after the meeting john went for a drive. He didn't feel like like going to the garrison for a drink or home for that matte, he wanted to be alone with his thoughts.
He was in London when he parked his car couple of blocks away from her shop, he would walk by it looking through the window trying to get a glimpse of her even for a second. It been couple of years since (y/n) left for paris for school that was two years before the war, after John got drafted he went looking for her when she stopped sending letters. He looked everywhere around her school and apartment she was staying with her roommates, and couldn't find her he believed she was died.
Until the war was over, a year later he found out that she somehow made it back to london. John wanted to go to her but he was different and he could tell that she was the same girl....the same beautiful woman he fall in love with and he didn't want to ruin that by coming back into her life.
He walked to her Cafè looking through the window and to see her counting money behind the cashier register, he hesitated for minute before walking through the door.
"I'll be right with you." I said hearing the bell ring, I finished counting the money and sitting it back in the register.
"Welcome to Heaven on Earth. The greatest bakery in West–" I stopped looking at John, he took off his cap.
"Hello, my love." John says walking closer to me, I stared stunned at him.
We stood there staring at each other for a moment before he spoke up again, "I know I should have come sooner, but I didn't want to intrude and–" I rushed around the counter and jumped into John's arm burning my face in his neck.
"shut up, dummy." I muttered feeling his arms wrapped around my waist, he kissed along my cheek before kissing my lips.
"I missed you." He mumbled against my lips.
"I missed you, too." He pulled away leaning his head against mines breathing heavy.
"I'm sorry...I'm so fucking sorry." John shook his head making me grab his face.
"You don't have to apologize, john. I understand why you did it..." he buried his head in my neck.
"I moved on...I was married...I had kids...fuck..." I could feel him shaking against my shoulder as he cries.
"I wish it was you...I wish they were yours."
"Oh, John. It's not like it's the end of the world, we have can do all of it." He looked at me.
"You still want to be with me?" I laughed nodding my head.
"There's nobody I rather be with than you. " He smiled pulling me in for another kiss.
"I love you so much."
"I love you too, johnny."