kordy-b - Out.For.A.Walk.Bitch!

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Kordy-b - Out.For.A.Walk.Bitch! - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

Every Time

Every Time

requested by @paisholotus

Spencer peek through the clear glass window of the BAU looking for you, he slowly opened the door looking around as walks to his desk.

Spencer been avoiding you as of late, which is hard since you two work and travel together. The two of you been dating for a good six months, he is your first real relationship that you since you spend more time working than having an actual social life like the rest of your colleagues.

"Prentiss. Morgan. Gracia." Spencer came up to the trio standing near the coffee pot with mugs in their hands, they all mutter out a good morning to him as he came to stand in front of them.

"Are you alright, spence?" Prentiss ask watching him look around the office before back at them.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Look what I got." The three look at each other puzzled before watching Spencer dig in his bag and pull out an black medium square box, Penelope gasp putting her hand over her mouth as Emily stare at the box with wide eyes and Derek choked on his coffee.

"Reid, i-is that what I think it is?" Gracia ask with her hand on her chest looking at the box.

"Yeah," he smiled opening the box, "I got her a necklace for our six month anniversary," Gracia shoulders slump with a frown at the necklace inside.

"Why is it in a ring box?" Prentiss questions as they walk to their desk.

"No idea, but look..." he shove the box in their peripheral vision, "I had someone make a roman pendant of Salus, she was a roman goddess of safety and well-being as well as health, welfare, and prosperity. She is sometimes equated with the Greek goddess Hygieia, though their functions differ considerably."

Spencer discharged his messenger bag on his desk and lean against it as the trio pass it around to take a good look at it, Prentiss handed it back to Spencer making him look down at it with a smile.

"Must have cost a fortune." She said, Spencer shrugged his shoulders, it cost a lot but you were worth it.

"I like it. It's thoughtful." Penelope said with a smile looking at Reid.

"Thank you, I'm actually having a hard time contemplating when to give it to her," he said looking down at the box in his hand.

"Well, you better think quick because she's coming through the door now," Morgan said leaning bsck in his chair, Spencer look up to see you walking behind Rossi and Hotch looking at your phone with an coffee in your other hand.

"Okay, I'm doing it." Penelope gave him two thumbs up, Prentiss went to Derek's desk leaning against it.

"How much you wanna bet, the box is gonna be close when he gives it to her." Morgan grin muttering 'deal' before reaching into his pocket for his wallet, Prentiss smiles as she crossed her arms and look over at Spencer walking towards you.

You glance away from your phone to see reid coming towards you with his hands behind his back, you stop midway watching as he nod towards Rossi and Hotch.

"Hey, babe." You say as reid stop in front of you.

"Hey," he says back with a wide smile, he stares at you for a while making you narrow your eyes at him.

"What you got there?" You ask motioning towards whatever behind his back.

"Something special," He said swaying his body.

"You don't say," You bring the coffee cup to your lips and drain the rest of the sweet caffeine.

The group watch as reid remove his hands from his back and show you the box, your eyes widen and you choke on your coffee.

Prentiss grin in triumph as Morgan hand his head back in defeat, Reid patted your back as you cough. When you finally calm down and ask him why he haves that he chuckles and opens it up to show you the necklace inside.

"My gift to you," he said taking the necklace out and moving around to go behind you, you felt the cool medal against around your neck and against your chest.

"Spence, I love it, but..." You say looking at the necklace of the Roman goddess, Salus, the only reason you know who it is is because your fan of roman and Greek mythology, "Whats the occasion." You ask walking ahead of him to throw away your coffee cup.

"It's june." He says, you furrow your bows slightly as you open the fridge and grab a water bottle that you left a day prior.

"Okay," You say bit confuse as you twist the cap from the bottle as you face reid, he frown and then told you it was also the seventeenth.

"Hmm." You walk by him making him follow after you to your desk, you took a gulp from the water before putting it on the desk and removing your coat.

When you look back at Spencer, your brows deepen when you see him staring at you with his hurt puppy dog eyes and small frown.

"What?" You watch as he clench his jaw and look at you.

"It's june 17." He sigh making you shrug your shoulder and look over at the group as they watch with frowns before looking back at him.

"You said that and I still don't..." you stop and blink at him, "oh, crap." You screw close your eyes and curse yourself.

"Yeah," he crossed his arms, you open your eyes and look at him.

"Spence–" you cut off by hotch's door, you all look over at him as he held up a file before making his way to the conference room.

The others grab their things and made their way up to the room, you look back at Spencer as he was already stating at you.

"We can deal with this later." You said before walking away up the stairs, Spencer sigh looking down at the box.

He walk over to the trash can next to your chair and threw it in before going to work.


You wring out your arms and move your stiff neck side to side, the plan ride was a bitch especially since you didn't have your favorite pillow sitting next to you. You and the rest walked into the office around ten thirty, thank god it was one of those days where nobody got hurt, you move to your desk and grab your coat. You look down and see the box that the necklace was in, you move away and follow out the rest of the team to the elevators.

You and Spence wave to Penelope and Derek as they walk to their cars, you turn away from them to see Spencer walking to your car making you roll your eyes and jog after him.

"Hey, you wanna come back to my place, we can order out. " you say when you drop into the driver's seat, you look at Spence as he let out a yawn that sounded a bit fake and rub his eyes.

"I think I'm just gonna go home, and call it a night." he say leaning back into the seat.

"You can sleep at my place," he shook his head.

"None of my work clothes are at your place, and I really do not want to wake up early to drive across town to get ready, so yeah."

"Tommow our day off." You said as you start the car, reid fold his arms and lean against the car door.

"You can remember that but not our anniversary," you look at reid as pretends to sleep making you shake your head and pull out of your parking spot.

The drive was spent in silence with only the jazz station playing in the background, you tried to change to something a little bit more beat but reid would always smack your hand away. You thought he was suppose to be asleep but you guess his mad enough to wake up and slap your hand away from the dials, you pull into a parking spot and cut off the car making you unbuckle your seatbelt.

Reid opened his eyes and look out the window before sitting up and looking at the familiar setting through the windowshield.

"This isn't my apartment building." He said.

"Get out of the car, Spencer." You pull the key out and into your left pocket.

"You know I can hot wire your car, right?" Your door was open when you look at reid.

"You know I have a gun, right?" You said back making reid grumble under his breathe and unbuckle his seatbealt, you got out and wait for Spencer to do the same.

You walk up the stairs to your flat as reid stand couple feet behind you brooding.

"You know this is consider kidnapping, you forcing me to be here is kidnapping." He said as he stood behind you making you sigh as you dig in your pocket for your keys.

"Reid, I know I screwed up, but maybe we can still salvage the rest of our anniversary with a dinner and a movie." You say finally finding the key and putting it in the keyhole.

"No, thanks. I rather just go to bed and forget this entire day ever..." Spencer trailed off when you turn on the lights, he stood in the archway in awe at your flat.

There were red strings everywhere with red balloons all over the floor and roses that painted the couch, you grab reid's hand pulling in before shutting the door as he move further into the apartment. He looked into your kitchen and say a small white cake with red writing on it say 'happy anniversary spency', along with a couple more floating balloons just hooving there.

"HM6SA?" He said looking at the floating purple letters and number.

"Happy 6 Month Anniversary, Spence." You said, Reid turn around to look at you as you smile at him, you laugh when he march over to you and engulf you in a hug.

"Your the worst." He said.

"And yet your still here, so I can't be that bad." You giggle again as you rock him in your arms, "And, hey, I still got some more stuff up my sleeve," You said pulling away and going over to your drawer near the stove and taking out your gift, you walk up to him and held out a rectangular box for hin to take.

"Hmmm, by the length and width of the box, along with the perfect wrap wrapping paper around it–"

"Open the present before I fling it into the trash can and really ruin our anniversary," Spencer brows bounce before he took the gift and unwrap it making you watch anxious, you look at his reaction as he open the box.

"I didn't know what to get you, so I saw this cool thing that gracia sent me on pinterest a well back and thought of you." Spence look at the bracelet in the box that were suppose to be the eight planets of the solar system, he look up at you with a small smile.

"This is the best gift you could have ever given me," You glance away with smile feeling a bit bashful, he ask you to help him put it on and you did just that before getting up on your tippy toes to give him a peck on his lips.

"Happy Anniversary, babe." He smile.

"Happy Anniversary."

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1 year ago

Every Time

Every Time

requested by @paisholotus

Spencer peek through the clear glass window of the BAU looking for you, he slowly opened the door looking around as walks to his desk.

Spencer been avoiding you as of late, which is hard since you two work and travel together. The two of you been dating for a good six months, he is your first real relationship that you since you spend more time working than having an actual social life like the rest of your colleagues.

"Prentiss. Morgan. Gracia." Spencer came up to the trio standing near the coffee pot with mugs in their hands, they all mutter out a good morning to him as he came to stand in front of them.

"Are you alright, spence?" Prentiss ask watching him look around the office before back at them.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Look what I got." The three look at each other puzzled before watching Spencer dig in his bag and pull out an black medium square box, Penelope gasp putting her hand over her mouth as Emily stare at the box with wide eyes and Derek choked on his coffee.

"Reid, i-is that what I think it is?" Gracia ask with her hand on her chest looking at the box.

"Yeah," he smiled opening the box, "I got her a necklace for our six month anniversary," Gracia shoulders slump with a frown at the necklace inside.

"Why is it in a ring box?" Prentiss questions as they walk to their desk.

"No idea, but look..." he shove the box in their peripheral vision, "I had someone make a roman pendant of Salus, she was a roman goddess of safety and well-being as well as health, welfare, and prosperity. She is sometimes equated with the Greek goddess Hygieia, though their functions differ considerably."

Spencer discharged his messenger bag on his desk and lean against it as the trio pass it around to take a good look at it, Prentiss handed it back to Spencer making him look down at it with a smile.

"Must have cost a fortune." She said, Spencer shrugged his shoulders, it cost a lot but you were worth it.

"I like it. It's thoughtful." Penelope said with a smile looking at Reid.

"Thank you, I'm actually having a hard time contemplating when to give it to her," he said looking down at the box in his hand.

"Well, you better think quick because she's coming through the door now," Morgan said leaning bsck in his chair, Spencer look up to see you walking behind Rossi and Hotch looking at your phone with an coffee in your other hand.

"Okay, I'm doing it." Penelope gave him two thumbs up, Prentiss went to Derek's desk leaning against it.

"How much you wanna bet, the box is gonna be close when he gives it to her." Morgan grin muttering 'deal' before reaching into his pocket for his wallet, Prentiss smiles as she crossed her arms and look over at Spencer walking towards you.

You glance away from your phone to see reid coming towards you with his hands behind his back, you stop midway watching as he nod towards Rossi and Hotch.

"Hey, babe." You say as reid stop in front of you.

"Hey," he says back with a wide smile, he stares at you for a while making you narrow your eyes at him.

"What you got there?" You ask motioning towards whatever behind his back.

"Something special," He said swaying his body.

"You don't say," You bring the coffee cup to your lips and drain the rest of the sweet caffeine.

The group watch as reid remove his hands from his back and show you the box, your eyes widen and you choke on your coffee.

Prentiss grin in triumph as Morgan hand his head back in defeat, Reid patted your back as you cough. When you finally calm down and ask him why he haves that he chuckles and opens it up to show you the necklace inside.

"My gift to you," he said taking the necklace out and moving around to go behind you, you felt the cool medal against around your neck and against your chest.

"Spence, I love it, but..." You say looking at the necklace of the Roman goddess, Salus, the only reason you know who it is is because your fan of roman and Greek mythology, "Whats the occasion." You ask walking ahead of him to throw away your coffee cup.

"It's june." He says, you furrow your bows slightly as you open the fridge and grab a water bottle that you left a day prior.

"Okay," You say bit confuse as you twist the cap from the bottle as you face reid, he frown and then told you it was also the seventeenth.

"Hmm." You walk by him making him follow after you to your desk, you took a gulp from the water before putting it on the desk and removing your coat.

When you look back at Spencer, your brows deepen when you see him staring at you with his hurt puppy dog eyes and small frown.

"What?" You watch as he clench his jaw and look at you.

"It's june 17." He sigh making you shrug your shoulder and look over at the group as they watch with frowns before looking back at him.

"You said that and I still don't..." you stop and blink at him, "oh, crap." You screw close your eyes and curse yourself.

"Yeah," he crossed his arms, you open your eyes and look at him.

"Spence–" you cut off by hotch's door, you all look over at him as he held up a file before making his way to the conference room.

The others grab their things and made their way up to the room, you look back at Spencer as he was already stating at you.

"We can deal with this later." You said before walking away up the stairs, Spencer sigh looking down at the box.

He walk over to the trash can next to your chair and threw it in before going to work.


You wring out your arms and move your stiff neck side to side, the plan ride was a bitch especially since you didn't have your favorite pillow sitting next to you. You and the rest walked into the office around ten thirty, thank god it was one of those days where nobody got hurt, you move to your desk and grab your coat. You look down and see the box that the necklace was in, you move away and follow out the rest of the team to the elevators.

You and Spence wave to Penelope and Derek as they walk to their cars, you turn away from them to see Spencer walking to your car making you roll your eyes and jog after him.

"Hey, you wanna come back to my place, we can order out. " you say when you drop into the driver's seat, you look at Spence as he let out a yawn that sounded a bit fake and rub his eyes.

"I think I'm just gonna go home, and call it a night." he say leaning back into the seat.

"You can sleep at my place," he shook his head.

"None of my work clothes are at your place, and I really do not want to wake up early to drive across town to get ready, so yeah."

"Tommow our day off." You said as you start the car, reid fold his arms and lean against the car door.

"You can remember that but not our anniversary," you look at reid as pretends to sleep making you shake your head and pull out of your parking spot.

The drive was spent in silence with only the jazz station playing in the background, you tried to change to something a little bit more beat but reid would always smack your hand away. You thought he was suppose to be asleep but you guess his mad enough to wake up and slap your hand away from the dials, you pull into a parking spot and cut off the car making you unbuckle your seatbelt.

Reid opened his eyes and look out the window before sitting up and looking at the familiar setting through the windowshield.

"This isn't my apartment building." He said.

"Get out of the car, Spencer." You pull the key out and into your left pocket.

"You know I can hot wire your car, right?" Your door was open when you look at reid.

"You know I have a gun, right?" You said back making reid grumble under his breathe and unbuckle his seatbealt, you got out and wait for Spencer to do the same.

You walk up the stairs to your flat as reid stand couple feet behind you brooding.

"You know this is consider kidnapping, you forcing me to be here is kidnapping." He said as he stood behind you making you sigh as you dig in your pocket for your keys.

"Reid, I know I screwed up, but maybe we can still salvage the rest of our anniversary with a dinner and a movie." You say finally finding the key and putting it in the keyhole.

"No, thanks. I rather just go to bed and forget this entire day ever..." Spencer trailed off when you turn on the lights, he stood in the archway in awe at your flat.

There were red strings everywhere with red balloons all over the floor and roses that painted the couch, you grab reid's hand pulling in before shutting the door as he move further into the apartment. He looked into your kitchen and say a small white cake with red writing on it say 'happy anniversary spency', along with a couple more floating balloons just hooving there.

"HM6SA?" He said looking at the floating purple letters and number.

"Happy 6 Month Anniversary, Spence." You said, Reid turn around to look at you as you smile at him, you laugh when he march over to you and engulf you in a hug.

"Your the worst." He said.

"And yet your still here, so I can't be that bad." You giggle again as you rock him in your arms, "And, hey, I still got some more stuff up my sleeve," You said pulling away and going over to your drawer near the stove and taking out your gift, you walk up to him and held out a rectangular box for hin to take.

"Hmmm, by the length and width of the box, along with the perfect wrap wrapping paper around it–"

"Open the present before I fling it into the trash can and really ruin our anniversary," Spencer brows bounce before he took the gift and unwrap it making you watch anxious, you look at his reaction as he open the box.

"I didn't know what to get you, so I saw this cool thing that gracia sent me on pinterest a well back and thought of you." Spence look at the bracelet in the box that were suppose to be the eight planets of the solar system, he look up at you with a small smile.

"This is the best gift you could have ever given me," You glance away with smile feeling a bit bashful, he ask you to help him put it on and you did just that before getting up on your tippy toes to give him a peck on his lips.

"Happy Anniversary, babe." He smile.

"Happy Anniversary."

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1 year ago

I don't know if you're still doing requests. If you're not, I apologize. But if so, could I have one for Spencer reid x black reader? It could be anything, thank you 😊

I'm not at the moment. But, for you I'll make an exception.

I Don't Know If You're Still Doing Requests. If You're Not, I Apologize. But If So, Could I Have One
1 year ago

Keep Me in Your Thoughts (29)

Keep Me In Your Thoughts (29)

Daemon rode back with Thoros to Stonehold alone, neither man said a word to another.  Thoros was too intrigued on what was going on outside while daemon was to nervous to speak, when they finally which the castle daemon helped thoros out. The old king waved his guards away as they were to take him to his chamber to rest but the king rather stay with daemon pulling the young prince along inside, they continue their walk without words until thoros stop at a water fountain in the West Wing where he stays.

He look up at the statue of the woman, daemon watch as the old man kiss his fingers before he ligt his hand in the air towards the statue. Thoros took a sit on the marble fountain with his cane resting by his side, daemon looks around the area before he glance up at the marble lady. She looked familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it, he look away probably from one of the many paintings in the hall.

"How fast time has passed, huh..." Thoros started as he looks around the room making daemon look at him with a furrow brows, "One minute you are fighting wars in the name of your king, and then the next your trying to figure out what comes after it all." The old man chortle to himself as he what he said was the funniest thing.

"My king?" Thoros turns his pale blue eyes at daemon, it took a moment for the old king to speak.

"You remind me a little of myself when i was once youthful," Daemon swallow as he shifted in his spot not sure what to say, "I never had ambitions or a thirst for chaos and mayhem, but i did love my family. Even if some didn't deserve it." Thoros wave his hand beckoning daemon forward before turning slightly to gaze at the crystal water seeing the different various of fish swim, daemon took slow steps before he lowered himself down on the edge of the fountain.

"I had a brother, Rhaegon, he was my twin and older than me by a second, he was a fierce warrior and a real unscrupulous seducer." the old king chuckle lowly as daemon smirk, "He felt that duties were meant for kings, so he denounce himself as heir of the serpent islands which annoyed my father since he considerme the weak twin."

"But, once my father died and I took the throne it wasn't until I married my sister is when things changed." Daemon gave a confuse frown as he look at thoros.

"How do you mean?" Thoros hum as lines form on his forehead as he tries to remember.

"My brother...he was an unpredictable drunk and when he drink he forgets all morals especially to his family, and take things forcefully without thought." Thoros grip on his cane tighten as he look forward with a look of despair, "My sweet wife was pregnant with my first child, she was seven full moons along. My brother and I were drinking in the throne room after he came back from his voyage, I was never good with the stuff my brother drink always made me sluggish." Thoros stood up using his cane as he pace the area. 

"What happened?" Daemon ask watching thoros as he move around, he knows there is a reason the king was telling him.

"He...defile my wife and in return we lost our daughter, " Daemon cast his eyes down as thoros look at him, "I was almost driven into madness when I was told, as I wait in the throne room for my brother return, he was hurting my wife." Thoros look away from Daemon and gaze up at the statue.

"My sweet love..." thoros spoke softly with a broken smile, "She beg me to spare him, she said he is still our brother and to banish him instead, send him away, but I couldn't." He sigh looking away from the statue, daemon look back at thoros.

"I made sure he was trapped on the island, I had men keep an eye on his dragon, I made it known to anyone who would help him would be dealt the same punishment as him." Thoros shook his head, "When I did finally hunt him down, he begged for his life, even cried, but that didn't deter my rage. And only thing I regret about it all was making his death drag on longer than it had to but you know." He spoke unbothered making daemon look slightly taken back.

"The worst part of it all, he left my wife barren leaving a dirty reminder of what he did to us." Daemon stare at thoros with a mixture of confusion and grief, he didn't understand why he was telling him all this.

Did thoros fear I would do this to rhaelle if she marries marrio, daemon thought, revolted at the idea of putting rhaelle through that. 

"Why are you telling me thus?" Thoros look back at daemon as the old man reach up and scatch at his beard.

"You come here to seek my blessing, yes?" Daemon nod slowly, "So, I ask you rogue prince, will you do the same to your brother if you found out he did such a thing to rhaelle?" Thoros raise his grey white brow.

Daemon gulp as he stares at thoros unsure how to answer, he knows he told rhaelle he would if she ask him too but that was just him saying that to show that he was serious about his love for her. He couldn't truely imagine himself killing his brother, the only person who cared for him and took care of him when their parents died.

"Of course," he said a bit edgy, thoros narrow his eyes at daemon.

"You don't sound sure, son." Daemon glance away with a timid look.

"It is hard to answer,"

"Why?" Thoros ask, the sound of his cane tap against the stone tile as he nears, "Why is it so hard to answer, my boy?" Daemon look up at thoros with a small frown.

"He is my brother–"

"He is rhaelle's cousin, and yet..." Daemon shook his head.

"It's different." He said whispered.

"How?" Thoros chided taking daemon by surpise, "What is it that is different, the fact that your brother trick her into a life she did not want–"

"Otto did that not viserys. My brother was trick too,"

"Trick? No. He was coerce and made to believe that a young sweet girl like rhaelle would want him." Daemon shook his head in denial, "I have seen it many times, lords trying to convince themselves, the only reason they marry the young ones is because it will give them heirs easier, when in reality it to show them off and feel youthful again."

"Not my brother–"

"No, your brother just happened to get infatuated with rhaelle," thoros scoffed, daemon glare at thoros.

"You know nothing. My brother loved only one person and that was his wife, he did not love rhaelle." Thoros gave a eyeroll as he shifted his cane to his other hand.

"I didn't say 'love' did I? I said infatuated. You can love one person but be infatuated with another, can't you..." Daemon didn't know what came over as he stood up, he hated his brother for what he did to rhaelle, but killing him was too much for him.

"So, you wish me to kill my brother over–"

"No, I wish you to kill your brother if he dares defiles the woman you oh so claim to love," Daemon turn away from the old man as he thinks, "I bet if I ask  you to kill otto you would jump at the chance,"

"Damn right I will. He was the reason that rhaelle had to become a concubine, he stole her childhood away the moment he crawled into bed with her."

"And yet your brother get a slap on the hand because he wanted a son. Because he truly meant no harm." Daemon turn around to look at thoros come closer.

"My brother is the good one between us, he was tricked, he regret what he did to her."

"How do you know?" Thoros raise his brow in question.

"I don't, but–"

"Do you think he regrets, how he makes rhaelle feel during her visits to King's Landing, how all he do is gaze lustfully at her like a slab of meat on his dinner plate."  Daemon choke back a scoff knowing that couldn't be true.

"How do you know that?" He challenged.

"Because unlike you, she tells me things. Things that she couldn't bare tell another soul not even Meleah." He humph, daemon scowl at the older man. 

"You tell lies, old man. Maybe, you should go to bed and get some rest, we can talk more in the morning when your head finally clears." Daemon sneers, thoros watch as daemon move from his spot in front of him to the door.

"Do you know how many men ask me for rhaelle's hand in marriage once I die?" Daemon stop in front of the double doors, he turn to look at thoros with a look of annoyance, "Fifthy-six." Daemon clench his jaw feeling something crack.

"Do you know how many I gave my blessings to?" Daemon didn't move to say anything, "One." Thoros says, daemon look away from the old man in anger and distress.

"Ser Gwayne Hightower." Daemon snap his eyes to the old man as he stood there with a satisfied smile at the look of irritation on daemon's face.

"That cunt? You truly have gone senile old man." Thoros let out a chortle, daemon watch as thoros came closer, "Rhaelle will never marry him–."

"If I say she will, she will," the old man said, "Rhaelle will marry whoever I pick for her, because she knows I look out for her best interest and you are not in her best interest, boy. How can i trust you with her."

"How dare you. You don't know me, mines and rhaelle history go far back before you or anyones. I love her–" Daemon hiss, thoros slam the ends of his cane onto the stone floor making it echo.

"Then, fight for her." Thoros said stern making daemon step back, "Will you be the husband that watches as his brother continues to torments her or the husband that will stand between her and him to protect her." Thoros move close to daemon making the young prince look at him warily.

"That girl deserves to feel safe, she may look like she has it all together but rhaelle is just human." Daemon swallow as he stares at thoros with mix emotions, "I am sure you know of the monsters that sometimes lurk in her head in the dead of night," Daemon glance away knowing what he speaks.

The doors on the other side of the room opened revealing two knights, thoros turns slowly as he walks away from Daemon.

"I have not long to live, rogue prince. And I wish my family to be looked after long after I am gone to a man who isn't afraid to do everything in his power to protect them." Daemon looks up as thoros stands between two knights, "For your sake, I pray you make the right decision."

Daemon watch as thoros was lead away through the double doors towards his chamber, the rogue prince turn on his heels once the doors closed making him walk down the halls.

He needs to talk to rhaelle.

@avidreader73 @spderm4nnnn @supermassiveblackhope @watercolorskyy @green-lxght @beggarsnotchoosey @cleverzonkwombatsludge

1 year ago

Keep Me in Your Thoughts (28)

Keep Me In Your Thoughts (28)

Rhaelle and the rest of her family move along up the stairs to there spots in the box, she had thoros right arm and valaena had his left arm as they help him up the stairs. Valaena soon let go to take her place behind her mother and step-father, she sat between corwyn and aeron as baelor took a seat on the other side of the box with marra and their guards next to them.

Thoros was slowly lowered down by rhaelle before she took a seat next to him, she look over at the empty seat on her left making her wonder where daemon was. She hasn't seen him for a well, it feels like his hiding from her, but she knows that isn't true since he stills comes visits are during the night. But, he acts weird when they finish the act and talk to each other, he would avert his eyes whenever she brought up Xoro and Meleah acting weird around her or try to distract her with his lips when she bring up her nameday. She knows that daemon got something for her nameday, it was easy to get it out of meya when she notice that her daughter was acting weird too, but what she didn't know was what was this special surpise that daemon got her.

As if he knew rhaelle was talking about him, daemon talk from behind the wall and down the steps. She is brought out of her thoughts at the hush whispers and gasp that came from her daughter, rhaelle glance over to see daemon but her bright eyes turn to wide eyes at daemon new look.

"Your highness," Daemon bow his head at thoros who smile at him and doing the small slightly, daemon look over at rhaelle who gape at him like a fish put of water.

Daemon moves to down the path to his seat watching as rhaelle look at him shock, "My Queen." He purrs low for her ears only already sitting, he smirk at her as she tries to get words out.

"Your...Your hair? It's short...like really short." She said surpise moving her hand to play with a loose of short hair, daemon felt his whole body shiver with rhaelle's fingertips brushing his hair behind his ear and trailing it down to his cheek making him lean into her hand.

"Do you like it?" He ask in a whisper moving his eyes to glance into rhaelle's eyes, he was a bit skeptical when meleah mentioned doing something about his hair, it took him a while to walk up the stairs to the box afraid that rhaelle wouldn't like or like it too much.

Rhaelle smile at him as she drop her hands from his cheek to his hand squeezing it in comfort, "...I love it," she smile making daemon smile a bit, "But, I like your long her more." She said again making the small smile grow at her words.

"Thank you, my belove." Rhaelle gave a single nod before turning her attention to the stage when she heard the curtains open revealing Xoro, the candle light chandelier was illuminating the stage and xoro.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. Lords and Ladies from the East and West of the Serpent Isles. It gives me such pleasure to present to you all. A tale of love and tragedy a marvelous present to the queen from her significant other for her nameday." Xoro voice carried around the theater making the crowd clap as they turn their gaze to rhaelle, she stood smiling and waving at the people of her court before taking taking a seat.

"Without further of due I present my creation, 'The Tale of the Serpent Witch and the Dragon Prince', enjoy." Rhaelle clap along with the crowd as xoro bow with his arm held out before the curtains closed for a moment before reopening to reveal a brown skin woman with dark hair.

Daemon watch from the corner of his eyes as rhaelle sat forward to look below at the actress who was talking, he would look back and forth between the actors and rhaelle to read her face. Rhaelle giggle along with everyone when the serpent witch insulted the dragon prince, daemon smile hearing her laugh, ever time she does it was like music to his ears. Daemon look over the railing to the play below, he watches as the actors act out what he wanted xoro to put in the play. As the play goes on he glances at rhaelle from time to time to see her reaction at the scenes before her, he would laugh along with her and during one scene when the dragon prince brought the serpent witch a sheld necklace made of gold.

He felt rhaelle's hand on top of his own, he look at her as she look at the stage with a tender look. Daemon smile as he moves his hands to thread them with hers, rhaelle caress her thumb against the back of his hand with a light smile.

"I never imagine that I will ever find someone to make me feel the way Draco made me feel..."

The actress spoke looking at the audience with a somber look. The sea witch, Mira, greives the death of her lover, the dragon prince. After he founds out that his wife tricked him into believing that Mira curse their child, he sails to the end of the earth to find Mira only to be killed by his younger brother.

"...I always knew that the gods were unfair creatures, but it seems my belove made me believe that they weren't. Curse them."

"Curse the whore who called herself his wife. Curse his brother. Curse his kingdom. I curse them all for coming between us and causing me so much pain."

The Sea Witch hollers before she looking down with heartache.

"And curse my belove most of all for making me love him,"

"Curse you. And I love you. May we meet again in another life."

The curtains closed making the crowd rise with joyous as they applauded, many people in the box stood as well at the performance.

Daemon was one of the people in the box to stand and applaud, he looks behind him at valaena to find her standing up with a smile as she clap. She look at daemon giving him a wide smile and tilt of her head to gesture an congratulations, daemon return the smile and look forward again.

The curtains reopened with the cast and xoro in the middle, he bow with the others as the crowd scream for an encore.

Daemon retook his seat and look at rhaelle, she was lean back in her chair staring ahead with wet eyes. He look at her worried and concern, he knew the play would bring up some hidden memories from their time together back in the Red Keep. Maybe, it wasn't a good idea to do this maybe he should have stuck with his original plan.

"Rhaelle, are you okay?" Daemon whisper making rhaelle look at him, she nods with a small smile.

"Yes," he watch her as she wipe at her eyes and made sure she didn't have any tears on her cheek and neck.

"Are you sure?" She nod again before sniffing, the sound of baelor's voice stop daemon from consoling her.

"Mother, can we stay for the encore." Rhaelle forward to look at her son who look lean forward with marra as they look at her with pleading eyes.

"Of course, my dear." She said before standing up requesting an encore which made the crowd cheer.

Rhaelle sat back down after Xoro nod his head at her, she lean back before looking at her husband.

"How are you faring, husband?" Thoros look over at her with a smile.

"I am fine, wife. But, as much as I love the performance, i think I will call it a night." Rhaelle nod before standing up again making a guard come down to help thoros up.

"I will you like me to accompany you back to your chamber, my king." The guard ask making thoros shake his head as he lean on his cane.

"I rather have the young prince daemon accompany, if he does not mind." Rhaelle look at her husband with pinch brows before looking at daemon.

"Of course," A wave of uneasiness wash over rhaelle as she watch daemon stand up, the feeling wasn't towards daemon but to her husband.

She worries that thoros doesn't like daemon much, even though the two never talk but before he became bedridden. Thoros did not like Viserys and she fears that his dislike for daemon's brother would cast onto daemon himself, and she doesn't want that to happen not when things are starting to look up for her.

"Why don't I go with you instead, husband." Rhaelle says looking back at her husband, the older king shook his head and held out his hand for her.

"No,no, you stay and enjoy." He patted her hand before leaning in towards her making her ducking her head to hear him, " I promise I'll bring you him back intact." He jest low making rhaelle pull make with a small smile before nodding.

"Come along, rogue prince." The guard handed the king back his cane before taking daemon's arm.

Daemon look back at rhaelle with reassuring smike before turning back at his task, rhaelle sigh before taking a seat just in time for the curtains to open. As the actors begin to act, rhaelle thoughts were somewhere else.

@cleverzonkwombatsludge @watercolorskyy @supermassiveblackhope @spderm4nnnn @avidreader73 @beggarsnotchoosey @green-lxght

1 year ago

Keep Me in Your Thoughts (27)

Keep Me In Your Thoughts (27)

As winter melted away spring sprouted like a blooming flower, so did rhaelle and daemon new found courtship. As the days pass, the lovers have been making themselves comfortable with domestic life, so have her children.

Valaena was happy her mother was happy, Aeron disapproved of the courtship still not liking daemon and thinks his mother could do better no matter what his sister says, Baelor didn't mind just as long his mother was happy and he was happy. As for Corwyn, well there was a bit of a heated conversation that lead to rhaelle feeling ashame and sadden, daemon and aeron glaring death stares at the prince, and valaena scolded corwyn as she pull him away by his ear. The young queen had hoped that telling them over dinner was better than having them hearing it through gossip, but nothing good ever goes her way but that feeling didn't last long when daemon comforted her when they were alone in her chamber.

Rhaelle had found it easy nowadays to open up to daemon, he was ever so gentle and understanding as he held her against his body. Each day, they were together made the castle feel brighter and her heart felt lighter and not heavy like before, and daemon felt the same way when he was around her.

It have been five full moons since the lovers been together, and five months of them making love and creating new memories together as well. One memorable moment was when the family went to the beach:

Rhaelle on the sand watching her son and god daughter run around on the beach, daemon was just further up a few feet away from her with valaena and adrielle as they played in the sand. Corywn and Aeron was on the left of her far enough to see them swinging their swords at one another, it was a beautiful evening the sunset was gorgeous.

These were the rare moments were they would be together in harmony without a snide comment being thrown at one another, she tilt her head to the sky as she close her eyes taking in deep breathe before exhaling as she listens to the sounds around her. She was in paradise. If everyday could be like this she would give her left arm and right leg for it to happen, she deserves this even if the small voice in the back of her mind whispers she doesn't.

"My belove." Rhaelle open her eyes and turn her head forward to look at daemon, "Want some company?" Rhaelle smile and motion her head to the spot next to her making daemon take a sit.

"Are you having fun, my love." She ask when daemon sat down next to her, he nod as he lean back on his elbows as he watch her baelor and marra splash around in the water.

"I have to say you were right, who knew the beach could be fun." He chuckle making rhaelle grin as she lean back so she was on her side looking at him.

"I'm sorry I thought I said heard you say, I was right." Daemon roll his eyes facing away from her as she laugh, she move her hand so her fingers would trail his naked arm and neck making him swat it away, "Say it again, dae. I wish to hear you say I was right again, come on, my handsome prince. Tell me I was right."

Rhaelle giggle as she taunt him, daemon shook his head as he refine from smiling.

"I came to keep you company, and here you are being mean." He tsk before move to get up making rhaelle watch with a small pout.

"Where you going, my love. I was just teasing." He grunt looking down at rhaelle.

"I'm going back to building my castle with Addy and Val, and away from your malice." Rhaelle gasp when daemon turn on his heels and kick a bit off sand on her breeches, she had on for their outing.

"Dae." She calls as he begin to walk, "Dae, don't be like that, my love." She said with a smile as she move to get up, she hurried along the hot sand to her lover.

"Oh, my love. Don't be mad at me." She said finally coming up behind him to wrap her arms around his waist making him stop, "I was just teasing, you know I like to tease you," she whisper into his skin before moving to bite the little flesh on his back causing him to snort.

"Please, look at him." She says pulling back a bit making him look over his shoulder at her, "I'm sorry," she said in a low voice with a hint of a smile, she lean up and kiss the corner of his mouth making him smile.

"I can never stay mad at you," He grins turning around fully to hold her by her waist, rhaelle pucker her lips waiting for a proper kiss, daemon smile and lean down.

Rhaelle close her eyes waiting for a pair of soft lips, but was only meet with everything upside down.

"Dae! What are you doing," she gasp as he open her eyes to find herself staring at the sand and daemon bare legs.

"Taking you for a swim to cool off," rhaelle started chanting 'no' as she struggling in his hold.

"No! Dae. It's too cold in there. I don't want to get wet," Daemon snort with a small smirk, rhaelle wave her hands at Valaena and Adrielle.

"VAL! HELP!" The second oldest laugh as she held the young baby in her lap.

"I'm sorry. I'm a bit preoccupied right now, mother. Have a nice swim" Rhaelle scowl her daughter, she saw baelor and marra making her wave at them.

"Bae! Marra! Help-"

"Sorry, mother. But, my hands are tied." Rhaelle look to Marra, "It's too cold in there to help you, my queen." Rhaelle growl as she pointed at all them.

"How could you. Traitors! A lot of you-" Rhaelle rant was cut short when daemon let go of her making her fall in the water.

She resurface gasping for air, she heard laughter making her move her hair out of the way to see all the childern laughing with daemon as he stood in the water holding the legs of his breeches from touching the water.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Laugh at this." She push at the water so it splash on daemon, he stop laughing as the impact made some of the water get inside his mouth.

The childern laugh louder when daemon started choking and splitting the taste out his mouth, they watch as rhaelle made her way to daemon to push him into the water making her lose her balance fall down onto her knees. The couple soon started splashing one another before they ended it, daemon smirk as stare his belove with a glint of lust as he could see her perk nipples through her tunic.

Rhaelle notice the stare and couldn't hide the smile at seeing daemon dripping in water making the sun making him shine, she shook her head and stomp through the water pass him. Not before giving him hard push before quickly making her way out before daemon could drag down with him.

Daemon was on the balcony over looking the city as he thought back on that day, it was one of his fondest memories to visit when he was alone. He was suppose to be with baelor but canceled his lesson for today (to the young boy relief) and sent the young prince off to play with his friend, so now he stood there waiting for the three jesters who attend to help him with the queen's upcoming namesay.

Daemon with the help from Valaena and the two servants that seem to always be around are planning on surprising rhaelle for her nameday, since the king is now up and about like his twenty again. The idea to put on a show for her at the "Black Citadel" was his idea, he wanted it to be perfect not only for her but for the king as well. Daemon for a while has been battleding with himself about asking the king for his blessing to take rhaelle as his wife, he always knew he wanted to be with rhaelle and he was okay being her whore if need be but now things have shifted and he wants to make known to the world that rhaelle was his and he was hers.

"My Prince." Daemon turn to see Marrio, Meleah, and Xoro walk on the balcony, daemon nod his head at them when stood in front of him.

"Is everything set and ready for tomorrow," he ask looking at meleah, the priestess nod with a wide smile.

"Yes, we have all her favorite entertainers coming all way from Dorne, and her favorite cuisine coming from Braavos and Volantis." Daemon hum nodding before he look to Xoro, the bard and rhaelle's friend.

"How is the play coming along, Xoro?" He ask making the young tan gentleman with silver blonde hair and pale blue eyes give a proud smile.

"Fantastic! They will talk about it for the ages, I can already hear the chants of an encore in the air." He said brightly as he imagines the crowd tomorrow.

"Yes, do you think she will like it." Daemon ask putting his hands to together in front of him and squeezing them anxious, Xoro scoff and wave daemon away.

"Of course, she will love it. I mean why wouldn't she I made it." He ran his hair through his wavy hair boastful, "It has everything anyone would want. Love. Comedy. Betrayal. Death. Redemption. It will be a grand performance. I won't be surpise if I get her to laugh. Hell! Even make her cry."

"I don't know about the last one, but I believe you." Daemon says, Xoro nod and turns to Marrio, daemon tone them out as they talk making him look away in thought, he hopes it does do good and that rhaelle likes it. She really deserve something nice.

"Daemon," Meleah say softly putting her hand on his elbow making him look at her, "Everything's going to go great tomorrow, trust me." She smile reassuring him, Daemon gave a firm nod, Marrio and Xoro started walking out.

Daemon and Meleah follow after them going back to court, so rhaelle wouldn't expect anything.

@cleverzonkwombatsludge @beggarsnotchoosey @watercolorskyy @avidreader73 @spderm4nnnn @supermassiveblackhope @green-lxght

1 year ago

Little Red

Little Red

Summary : Mr. Freezey takes a liking to a smart mouth red head.

Pairing: Robert "Mr. Freezey" Pronge x reader

Word count: 7k

Warning: non-con/dub-con, kidnapping, mention of stalking.

Little Red
Little Red

You walk down the boardwalk with your little sister next to you as she told you how our mother was going to kill you, when she sees what you did to your hair.

"I don't think it's gonna be that big of a deal, she told me to get whatever I wanted for my birthday." Your sister got in front of you as she walk backwards talking to you.

"Yeah, like shoes or some earrings not dying your whole head red!" She exclaim looking at you, you both stop outside of a arcade store, you look at the big tinted window seeing your reflection. You look at your dark red curls before smiling, you think it's sick, and it goes great with your drowning pool sinner tour t-shirt you got last year and black tights. You think it gives you more character, you turn away looking back to your sister as she list all the ways our mom was gonna beat your ass six ways to sunday, you roll your eyes when you nottoo far ahead, you decided this will be the good distraction for your impending doom and your sister rambling.

"Here's an idea. How about I buy us ice cream and you stop talking about how mom is going to murder me, deal?" She stop talking and purse her lips making you smile, oh how you could kiss the man who made ice cream as a gateway to keeping kids quiet, she held your hand as you walk across the way to the truck.

"Pick your poison, little sister." You told her as you rub your hands togther looking at the menu on the side, so many delicious choices but so little money, the little window slide open abruptly causing us to jolt back to see a scruffy looking guy with long brown hair poke his head out.

"What the fuck do you want?" He ask rudely, your sister move behind you making you glare at the older guy.

"We want ice cream you've got any."

"We're close." He snapped.

"Okay, when do you open." You couldn't see his eyes through his brown lens glass, but you could tell that he roll his eyes. He look down at his watch before growling.

"Two minutes ago." You smile mockingly as you cross your arms.

"Lucky us." He sneer at you before asking what you wanted through gritted teeth, you turn away from him looking at the menu again, you already knew what you wanted but since this guy wanted to be a asshole, why not be one back.

"Your holding up the line, red." You roll your eyes before telling him what you wanted, he move his gaze from you to your kid sister who was hiding half her body behind you.

"Well, kid. I don't have all day." You look at your sister telling her to take her time, she look at the ice cream man before staring at the menu again, you notice the guy was looking behind him every second we stood there making you look at him warily, he let out a annoy groan before slamming his hand on the truck.

"Are you gonna order or not." He snarl, you glare at him as his attitude was getting on your nerves, you put your hands on you sister's shoulder as she wore a frown.

"You know what, fuck this, we can go to that ice cream shop up ahead." You told your sister, "Atleast they have some common sense and fucking manners." You chided glancing at the guy before stirring your sister away.

"Oh, get fucked, bitch." He hissed out the window, you turn back to see his head was sticking out of the window.

"Suck my dick, old man." You raise your middle finger up for him to see, your sister grab your arm pulling you away.

"I hope you find a pube in your ice cream, cunt." He shouts back, you turn around about to stomp back to the truck and throw one those rock they have scattered around the trees at his truck, when your sister drag you away before you could even say anything to the prick.

After that you spent the remainder of your time with your sister stabbing at your ice cream with a plastic spoon, you were so piss that when you finally got home, you couldn't hear your mom's voice when she rip through you about your hair. Your head was still stuck to that asshole from earlier, I mean what type idiot do you have to be to not have patience for a little kid, you were pulled out of your thoughts by your sister after your mom left with your dad who was trying to calm her down.

"Thanks for the ice cream, sis." You smile at her before saying any time, the young girl eyes drift up to your hair before humming.

"You know the more I look at it, the more it's growing on me." You laugh at her comment before pushing her forward as you and her walk to set up the table, the thoughts of the scruffy man from earlier was forgotten like a snap of a finger as your family pick on you the entire night about your choice in hair color.

Little Red

You were walking down the boardwalk again, but this time you were with your friend, she was helping you shop for dresses for the night club you both are going to after your birthday party at your parent's house, as you two talk about the party, your friend stop motioning over to the familiar ice cream truck from last time.

"Let's get some ice cream, I need something to cool down after all that walking." You pulled a face before shaking your head.

"No way that guy is a grade A asshole when i came here last week." Your friend grimace before asking what happened.

"He was being a prick. He had a whole attitude for no reason, and took it out on me and my sister. The guy a dick." You cross your arms with a scowl on your face remembering what he said to you, your friend look over at the man who seem he was in a happy mood.

"He seem in a better mood today." She shrug making you look at her.

"Are you kidding me."

"Girl! It's 97 degrees out here and my feet her killing me." You suck your teeth as she hook her arm around yours and started moving you across the way.

"No one told your dumbass to wear high heels to an outing. "Your friend roll her eyes as you stood behind three people, she talk about how she was trying to found herself a man before her family annual dinner party, you know it well, her family are loaded and they always host these parties in one of those manison like cabins.

"What happened to Charles?" You question stepping forward as you look at her, she roll her eyes before letting out a annoy groan.

"That moron. He can't make up his mind on what he want, I mean one minute it's " Oh I love you let me cum inside you" and next it's "gosh babe I'm not sure if I'm ready for a serious relationship just yet." she mock his voice before scoffing and rolling her eyes, you could only chuckle at your friend.

"Men are the worst." She nodded in agreement as we finally made it to the front, you didn't look at the menu already knowing what you wanted, you look at the closed window waiting for the jackass to show himself.

"What can I get for you-" the man stop mid sentence as he opened the glass window and saw you, you expected a scowl or a sneer to appear on his face, but instead a odd smile was plastered on his lips, making a chill go down your spine uncomfortably. Weird.

"Well, hello ladies, what can I get you today on this hot summer day. A Cream Stix maybe." He says oddly, his eyes meeting yours when he brought up the cold treat, you glance away from him and look to your friend getting a weird feeling.

She decline and told him what she wanted before looking at you, "I'll have the same thing." You look back at him to find him already staring, you didn't notice before maybe because you were so heated the last time you were there, but the way he look at you made you feel uncomfortable and unsafe.

"Righty-o" He finally pulled his gaze from you as he went back inside to get the ice cream, you look at your friend to find her on her phone texting. He came back with the two delicious treats making your friend pull out her wallet.

"Do you take debit." My friend ask as she dug in her small purse.

"No need it's on the house." We both look at him a bit surpised, "...consider it a apologize for my behavior last week, sweetheart." He said looking at you making you gap like a fish on land.

"Thanks, Mr..." You said warily as you walk closer.

"Call me Mr. Freezey," He said lowly, when you leaned up to receive the treats, he move his eyes to take a look down your white tank top, he hum not before he lick his lips as he admire your breast making you shudder. He notice looking you in the eyes as he gave you malicious smile as his index finger caress the back of your hand making you pull away like a bat outta hell. He chuckle at you before pulling back as you turn to find your friend sitting at the pinic table, you walk over and took a sit across from her.

You start up an conversation trying to get your mind away from the perverted ice cream man, you and your friend started listing clubs that would be a safe location to travel to and from with your other group of friends. As you start talking about the party, your mind forgets about the the man known as "Mr.Freezey" when you start feeling the summer heat, which you make the foolish mistake in unwrapping your cherry bomb pop. Robert Pogue or what he likes to be refer to by his customers, Mr. Freezey, watch from his window as you suck on the cool treat, he held the rag he has in his hand with a tight grip imagining all the screw up things he can do to your mouth.

His felt his cock twitch when he saw your tongue poke out to capture the sweet red juice that ran down your hand, he watch frustrated as you suck the ice cream stick clean before you and your friend got up and threw away your trash in a nearby bin. He bite his bottom lip watching you walk away, your ass in those tight shorts made him put the "be right back" sign on the slide window before closing it and moving to the front of his truck. He undid his belt around his torso and unbutton his pants before he dug his cock out, he shut his eyes thinking about your tits and how he imagine how nice they would look smush up against the window of his car while he took you from the back. And your ass he can imagine his cock between them with his cum trailing from your tight hole to your wet pussy, he let go groan as he imagine the sound you make when his fucking you into a stupor covered in sweat and his cum.

"Fuck!" He hissed, he held the wheel of the truck against his grip as his cum strew all over his seats and hand, he leaned his head back with his chest heaving up and down as he come down from his orgasmic high.

A twisted smile came to mr.freezey's face when he saw you in his rearveiw mirror, you were bending over as your ass hang out for him to see. You soon straighten up as you adjust your shorts before catching up with your friend, as he watch you walk away the thoughts of how your pussy will feel squeezing his cock or the way you whimper when he leaves love bites all over your chest. His thoughts starts becoming twisted as he imagine using his a knife to trail down your stomach until it reach your panties making him cut them to your pussy free, robert hit his head against his seat against frustrated at images he creating with you. A girl who isn't really his type but yet the mouth on you makes him want to see you trembling under him with his fluids all over your body, but first he knows he need to get you fast and ready for him. Robert smirk to himself because lucky for him, he knows exactly where your going to be in three days.

Little Red

"Happy Birthday!" Your drunk friends shouted over the loud music the hundredth time, you laugh as you took your eightth shot of the night and you twitch at the disgusting bitter taste of tequila, it seems the more you take it the nastier it taste and the drunker you get.

Sudden, an intro to an song had you and your friends screaming recognizing it as our favorite song, you start to giggle as you watch your friend rush us out of the booth and towards the dance floor. You stumbled a bit in your black platform heels when you took a step down one of the two steps that lead to the dance floor, you held your friend in front of you and behind you hand so you all wouldn't get lost in the crowd full of party goers.

Your group finally made it through the partiers and onto the floor where everyone was feeling the music, you smile towards your friend as you dance with her to the song. You let out a laugh as you both are back to back dancing against each other, after three more sonas vou started to feel hot and a bit horny. Which the guy grinding behind you isn't helping, you and all your friends made an agreement that we wouldn't leave the club with any guys and that we all go home togther. But, by the looks of it already four out of your eight friends are dancing with a guy while the others are busy sucking faces with strangers in the corner, so if you were to sneak off for a little quickie they definitely wouldn't notice your gone.

"Hey, let's go to the bathroom for a little break, huh red." The guy behind you whispered in your ear, you didn't know why but the way his hand slides against your stomach made your cunt wet and clench around nothing, and his voice sounded familiar but you couldn't place it with all the noise and heat.

You didn't get the chance to say a word as he grab your hand and started to pull you away the restrooms, no one blink an eye when he pulled me into the girls bathroom or maybe because they were either too high or too drunk to notice or they just simply didn't care. He took you to the big stall and push you against the wall, he attack your lips like a starved animal. His hands started to going up your thighs and under your dress, you moan when one of his fingers rub your covered and soak pussy, you threw your arms around his shoulder as your grind on his hand. You gasp for air when he finally pulled away from your lips and started leaving marks on your shoulder and chest, he pick you up and carried you over to the sink and lowered himself on his knees. The sound of riping made you look down at the man between your legs, you slap him on the top of his head at your ruin stockings.

"Hey! Those were Victoria's Secret." You slur as you glare down at him.

"I'll buy you new ones, sweetheart." You lean your head back against the mirror with a eye roll.

"Yeah—right." You moan out the word as you reached for his hair pulling it as he lick your folds. The man hand went to put his hand around your neck applying a bit of pressure as his lips suck your clit and roll it around with his tongue, you let out whimper feeling his teeth bit your thigh before his tongue started fucking your wet cunt. He groan as you squeeze around his tongue and pull his hair, your other hand went to the stall next to you clenching it as you grind your pussy against his face.

Your tongue poked out licking your lips before biting your lower lip at the sudden cool air on your chest, you lazily look down to find the top of your dress was pull down to your stomach and the stranger's large hand move from your throat to massage your breast and roll the bud between his fingers. Your body started to feel like he was on fire when you came on his tongue, you mewl as your legs begin to shake on his shoulders.

"You taste so fucking good, red." His rough voice sounded far in your ears as he lean back and admired your cunt, he soon spit on your pussy to watch his saliva drip down your folds before going back to licking your juices, your head started to feel dowsy making you lean it against the stall wall next you.

Your eyes started to get blurry and your mouth dry, but this didn't stop the man in front of you from stopping his assault on your cunt. Robert pulled away after much time and stood up to see the young woman half asleep, he furrowed his brows as he move his hand to gently slap your cheek only for you to grumble as you slump to the side semiconscious. He cursed stepping back with his hand covering his mouth, he wanted her to be awake for what he was about to do. Goes to shows never buy drugs from a fucking junkie, thanks syd, he thought, he sigh taking a step towards her again, robert look at her for a moment before moving his hand under her dress causing her to moan and stir in her sleep.

"Fuck it." He said moving to unbutton his jeans and pull down his zipper, "okay, red. I hope you can take me." He says as he guide his cock to rub against your folds, he moans at how wet your cunt was. Robert play with your folds causing a whine fall from your lips, he bite his lip as the tip of his cock rub your clit.

His cock was slowly pushing in your entrance, when the door to the bathroom was slammed open. The sound of your name being call cause robert to curse and pull away, he pull up his jeans quickly before moving to fix you up. He could hear different stall doors being bust open as two girls call your name, he fixed your dress and carry you to sit in the toilet, the stall door that he and you were in begin to shake and the girls call your name.

You woke with water being sprinke on your face making you groan look around with blurred vision as a blurry figure quickly moves to crawl under the the next stall, you blink at that and soon turn away hearing your friends call your name. You use the rail to get up and stumble to unlock the stall door, you move to put your hand to your face wiping the water off as you stood in front of them looking at your worried.

"I think I had to much to drink." You slurred, your friends started talking but you couldn't hear a word they were saying, you turn your gaze to the man who walk out of the stall two doors down with familiar long brown hair.

"...babe, did you hear what I just said?" Your friend put her hand on your arm making you look back at you.

"What?" You asked disoriented.

"Okay, she's out of it," your friend, Vi, says looking at your other friend, "I'm going to get the others, you take her to the car." Vi left leaving your other friend, Jade, with you.

"Alright, birthday girl. Let's go." She hook your arm around her shoulder as she help you walk, you tried not to lean all your body weight on her as you walk out of the bathroom and out of the nightclub.

You leaned your head on her shoulders as you both waited by the car you came that was also next your other friends car, you lean your head off her when you thought you heard an ice cream truck making you look around. Your attention was soon pull away when you saw your friend walking out of the club, some stumble while others were just tipsy as they walk towards you. Vi unlocked her car making J help you inside, you leaned your head and body against the door and window tired. The seat next to you were filled by your other two friends as Jade and Vi were up front, the friend next to lean her head on your shoulder as the car started.

"Can we get some ice cream before we leave, please." Your other friend ask Vi.

"Hmmm, doesnt it seem creepy that an ice cream truck is selling this late. "Your friend says waiting for the cars to move, so she can pull out and take us home.

"He probably going home like the rest of us." Jade yawned, the conversation between the three friends started to sound to sound far as you drift off to sleep, before you can fall into sweet slumber your friend says something that made your heartbeat skip a beat.

"I don't know, Mr. Freezey doesn't sound so creepy."

Little Red

After that night at the nightclub you couldn't really remember much the next morning, but you did get a raging hangover and some of your friends you rode home with stayed over and had to endure the torture of loud clanging of pots and pans from your mom downstairs. You were lucky it was Sunday which means you didn't have to open the bookstore until tomorrow, so you got to chill for the rest of the day with your friends since they too didn't have to work or was off.

The next day, your friends went home and Vi drop you off at work, you stayed there for hours helping customers and putting book back in their original place in the correct order. The bell to the shop ring, you welcome the customer without looking there way as you stood on the ladder returning a book on the top shelf. You made your way down but lost your footing causing you to slip, but a hand on your side and thigh cause you from falling backward onto the next bookcast.

"Woah, sugar, nearly too me out." A chuckle came from behind you making you straighten up and turn to find the guy from the ice cream truck.

"Oh, shit sorry, these things are like death trap these days." You let out a nervous giggle as you made it safely down and turning your body fully to him and keeping your distance, he watch you with a glint in his eyes making you hug yourself and avoid his eyes.

"Is there anything i can help you with, sir?" You finally said glancing at him, it was so hard to hold his stare, it was something behind his look that scream creepy.

"No, not really, just looking around." He shrugged as he stare down at you with a smile that made your skin crawl, you plaster a smile and nod.

"Okay, then, if you need anything just give a shout or come find me in the front." You lean off the bookcase making him do the same and have you brush pass him.

"Thanks, red." You stop momentary before a shudder came over your body, you dismiss it and continue to the front of the store with robert still watching you.

It wasn't fifteen minutes when he came to the front to buy a couple of book, you put your own down and checkout his stuff. You read the titles of each book, your eyes linger on one of them for a bit too long making him clear his throat, you glance up at him with a clear his throat, you glance up at him with a apologic look before scanning it and putting it in a bag for him.

"Have you read it." He ask catching you off guard as he gave you the amount needed

"I'm sorry?" He said the book name making you let a small "oh" before shaking your head.

"Yeah, a while back...in highschool." You said giving him his change and bag.

"Was it good?" You motion your head side by side thinking about it.

"Yeah, to me anyways." He nod back before holding up a twenty dollar bill and putting it in the charity jar.

"Have a nice day, sugar." You gave him a small smile at the nickname and watch him walk out of the bookstore making you exhale.

You hope that was the last time you see him, but it wasn't he came back not the next day but every Monday and Friday at the same time on the dot, but you didn't notice the pattern until the third week of the month. When he comes in he looks around for about ten minute and come back with different things, sometimes its books or a sweatshirt here and sweatpants there or just random objects you have in the store for people to buy with its brand on it. He would make small conversion with you everytime you checkout his things, which lead you to knowing his real name after he told you quit it with the sir talk.

"You making me feel old, I still got a good ten years on me." He joke making you let a small giggle which cause a genuine smile to appear on his face and not the one that give you chills.

He was railing you in maybe not a lot but good enough to make you let your guard down a bit, and that what you did when you were walking down the boardwalk at night with one earphone in your ear and your hand in your jean pocket fishing for your keys. You just finish locking up the bookstore and surprising enough you didn't see robert there today, you were about to send a text to your mom when you heard a curse. You look up to see robert trying to get this dolly into his truck but having a hard time, you stop for a moment watching him, you contemplate if you should go over to help him since he did the same for you back at the bookstore not too long ago.

Robert pick up the other end of the heavy rectangular box as you both tried to bump into anything, you finally made it to the backroom where you laid th bo on its side next a shelf of books. As you made it out of the room you look at robert with a grateful smile.

"Thanks, bobby. I owe you one." He waved his hand at you in dismissal with a grin on his face.

"Always happy to help, darling."

You jump out of your thoughts looking over to find robert on the ground with his dolly knock over, you curse under your breathe hurrying over to him.

"Shit. Are you okay?" He grunts sitting up as he took off his baseball hat and rub his shaved head.

"No, I just busted my ass." He says as you help him to his feet, you move to pick up the dolly and put the boxes back in place.

"You don't need to do that I got it," you didn't listen to him before motioning to the door, he comply and got in the truck as you roll the dolly in with a bit of a challenge until you and robert finally got it in the doors.

"Thanks, red. You lifesaver." He said, he got a box cutter from his back pocket and opened each box each before dumping the different brand of ice cream in their respectable places.

"No big deal you did the same for me." You gave him a small smile.

"Well thanks for the help, can i interest you in a free treat of your choosing before you go." You shrug with a nod, I mean why not you were already there and a bit hungry, before you tell him what you wanted he pulled out a ice cream.

"Here." You look at it for a second stun at the chances he get your favorite one, "what's wrong? I thought this was your favorite." You glance at him as he look at you with forge confusion, you shook your head probably forgot you told about it when he was talking about his job, you let out a small laugh before taking it out of his hand.

"Thanks." He smile at you before moving to reach in a different fridger to out a beer, you tap the treat against your hand before glancing at your watch and the door.

"Uh, i should go," You said finally leaning off the table.

"...so soon." He asked, your hand was on the handle as you try to open it but it wouldn't budge.

"Early day tomorrow-uh can you help with the door." You wiggle the handle again but this time you push your hand against it to try to get it open.

"Tomorrow's saturday you don't work on saturdays." You slam you hand against the metal door trying to get it up, you slam your fish against the door frustrated closing your eyes before taking deep breathes trying to calm down your heart.

"You want to know why I know that?" You slowly turn around facing him, he starr at you intensely still leaning against the fridge.

"Do it have to do with you being a creepy fuck, who had to act injured to get a girl in here," he chuckle, robert standing up straight in here makes him looks huge.

"There it is. That smart mouth that I like so much," he took a step towards but you didn't move, he tilt his head to the side watching you.

"Now, this is the part where you be a good girl and come with me quietly." You scoff, if you were going die you were gonna put up a hell of a fight, as you roll your eyes you notice the box cutter on the shelf close to you.

"Or better yet this could be the part where you let me go and you don't have to share a cell with a biker name, tiny." You gave him a sweet smile as he hum with his arms crossed.

"So, the hard way then?" You didn't say anything glaring at him, "fine, I like the hard way." He started moving towards you making you throw the cold treat at him catching him off guard and grab the box cutters, you move to slash him making him back up in time to avoid the blade and grab your wrist.

You had your back to his chest as you try to get out of his grip, he let out a laugh as your thrust against him trying to get your wrist out of his grip.

"You crazy bitch you really tried to stab me," you move your head as he move his lips near her ear, "Ah, your making me so hard, right now." You growl as he rub up against feeling his taint against your lower back, you stomp on his foot causing a painful grunt to come out.

"Okay, play time over, drop the knife." You didn't listen holding the blade like your life depending on it.

"Get fucked." He let out airy laugh as he mouth move to suck on your neck causing you clench your jaw, "Oh, that honor goes all to you, red. So, Let. Go. Of. The. Fucking. Knife." He said each word while slamming your hand against the metal fridge, you finally drop it making him kick it away.

"Good girl." He pick you binding your arms to your side with his arms and turn you both around to bring you to the front of the truck, but you kick your feet causing him to slam his back agsinst the corner of the table.

"You fucking cunt." Your head hit the fridge door when he threw you down, you moan in pain feeling a bit dazed. The sudden weight of him on top of you made you start hitting his chest as he took off his belt, you even scratch him on his arm as he tried to grab your hands.

Robert lose his temper and backhanded you hard making you grasp your face in pain, he turned you on your stomach and took your hands before using his belt to bind them togther like handcuff. He pick you up by your arms and roughly pulled you over to his other fridger.

"You have a choice, red. You either be good and sit up front with me, or you can go in there with him." A shriek came out of you as you saw a dead body in his freezer, he move you closer making your leg shot up on the edge of the freezer stopping you from going any nearer.

"So? Front seat." You nodded quickly making him shut the freezer and pull you to the front seat.

Little Red

Robert glance at you front time to time as he drove you into the city and out of your town, you kept your eyes forward feeling the vibration in your back pocket. You knew it was your mom calling you or your sister or one of your friends, you been spending the last hour and a half trying to reach for your phone, but it was too deep in your pants and your hands were starting to feel numb from the there position. You look out the window at the high buildings that past you by and the lit up nightclubs and diners, your mind started wondering about robert, you glance over at him as he turn the wheel with a lit cigarette in his mouth and eyes blinded by his shades as he focus on the road. You didn't want to think about where he talking you or what he was going to do to you, you lean your head against the seat and just wanted to spend the last few minutes alive pretending that he was taking you on a night drive before taking you home.

As you were slowly starting to enjoy the car ride, the truck finally came to a stop making you open your eyes and look around. You were confused to find yourself not at an abandoned building or the bad side of the city, you were actually in a good looking neighborhood. The sound of the engine cutting off leaving you two in complete silence, you didn't look at him as he stare at the side of your face. The truck moves as robert got up and went to the back of the truck, a second later you flinch away at a sudden cool plastice that touch your cheek making you look to find robert holding a popsicle.

"You need to put ice on it in order for it to heal." He bend down kneeling beside you as he held the cold treat to your cheek, you didn't say anything as he did nor did he as he look at you.

After about a couple of minutes, he it away and toss on the metal table, he move his thumb over the swollen making you lean away making him sigh.

"I'm telling you if you stop resisting, we could have a pretty fun time. " He said making you glare at him with a mean look, he scoff before telling you to suit yourself before moving to his back and pulling out a gun. You tense moving away from it closer to the door to put distance between you and him, he notice the fear making him hold up the gun and point it at you.

"Now, I'm going to undo the belt and if you scream, shout, or try to run away." He reach in his pocket and took a picture of you and your family on the front pouch on your usual sunday afternoons, you grind your teeth togther trying not to cry, "I'm gonna take my friend here and introduce him to your family, you understand?" You nodded.

"Good." He put the gun on the ground and motion you to move forward, you move feeling his hands against your skin as he unloosen the restraints making you pull your hands in front of you as you rub them.

"Let's go." He took the gun off the ground and got out of the truck, you watch him go to your side and slide the door open. He aside as you got out, the moment your shoes it the concrete he pulled you to him making you feel the gun against your side

"Now, slow and steady." He said with his arm around your shoulder, he lead you across the street to the apartment building. You opened the door and walk in with him before he lead you to the elevator, he press the button multiple time before looking around. The doors finally opened making you and him step back as a couple of people walk out not really paying attention to neither of you, he watch as the group of friends walk out before making you get inside.

Robert use the gun to press the button of his floor before putting the gun back in his waistband, he pull you against his chest making his hands move to your hips and his lips to attach onto your neck. You grimace at his touch as he suck on your neck and grind against you, you tried to shrug him off but he was resilient making you hope and pray someone will make their way into the elevator.

As the elevator was moving to shut someone called out, making you slip out of robert's grip to stop the door from closing. Robert pull you back roughly with a glare, he finally let you go when the man came inside.

He nod toward you letting a faint thanks slip out before pressing his number, "How's your night going, pronge." The guy said glancing back to you and robert.

"Peachy." He said montone pulling you closer to him, the guy hum before turning his eyes at you making you glance away and hide your face.

"That's a nasty bruise, miss. How you get it." You look at him trying to think of something, but robert beat you to it.

"Aren't you off the clock, Diskant." He said, you didn't understand what robert meant until the guy turn around showing off his badge on his hip.

"A cop is never off the clock, if we were the city would be up in flames right about now." He look back at you with soft narrow eyes, "How old are you, sweetheart." You saw robert roll his eyes in the corner of your eye before speaking.

"She's twenty-" This Diskant guy gave Robert a look cutting him off.

"I was asking the lady, pronge." The guy look back to you and raise his brow asking you about your name and age, you told him your name and how old you were. He motion to your cheek.

"And the bruise." You swallow thickly before moving your hair behind your ear.

"A book." He look at robert than you.

"A book?...Did that to you." You nod.

"Yeah, that's kinda the risk you take when you work in a bookstore, especially with brats running around and bumping into things." You said cool and collected, the cop look you in the eyes, making you stare right back at him.

"How did you two meet." He ask you, you plastered on a small smile and lean against robert.

"I wanted ice cream. He called me a cunt and I told him to suck my dick," The cop raised his brow at you, "It's kinda of a enemies to lover type story." You nod your head, he stare between you and him, you saw him bite his lip trying not to smile.

"How romantic." You hum, the sound of the elevator ding making you and him glance to find it was his floor.

"Well, little bit advice, " he step out of the elevator with his hand opening the door from closing, "...it not too late to run." You smile.

"And miss out on free beer and dinners, I think I'm good." He chuckle before nodding.

"Don't say I didn't warn ya," he stare at you with a glint in his eyes, " Have a good night." He walk down the hall to his door, he look back at you as he pull out his key. He held up his hand waving making you do the same, you let out a sigh leaning against the wall.

"....well wasn't that just cute." Your heart fell into your stomach at the sound of robert's voice, you forgot that he was there for a minute.

You look at him to find him already staring at you with a void look, you turn away feeling ill all of a sudden. He so creepy when he does that one minute his seems normal and the next his like a fucking sociopath, you don't know how long you can keep on putting on a brave face.

"You thinking about him." He asked.

"No." You said montone.

"You like him." You told him no again but it seems like he doesn't believe.

"The way you talk to him says otherwise." You bang your head against the wall at this insane person, "and the fact you told him your name says a lot."

"His a cop. What you wanted me to do." You argue.

"The fuck you think lie. Its obvious you have a thing for him if you telling him your business." You close your eyes wishing this elevator will break down and kill you both.

"I didn't even know that was your name." He mumbled, you glanced at him as he had his arm crossed and a soft scrowl on his face, this guy is fucking mental.

"I would of thought stalking me would have told you all you need to know about me, or are you the type of stalker whose jerk off while watching me through the window." A hint of a smile play on his lips as he look forward in thought.

"Gulity as charge." You glance at him with a look disgust before the elevator ding, you swallow the lump in your throat as the doors open, robert snake his arm around your waist pulling you along to his door.

You look up and down the hall, the thought of shouting for help play on your mind until it was quickly thrown out of the question when you remembered what he said about your family, robert pull you in and shut the door behind him before moving to toss his keys on the table. He didn't say a word when he let go of you and went to his kitchen, you stood in the area between the living room and the kitchen with your arms wrap around your chest as you look around the room.

"Sit" He said making you turn to him to see him as he walk to his couch with a plate with sandwiches on it, you slowly follow suit and took a seat far away from him only for him to scoot over, so his knee was touching your own.

"Eat." You look at the plate warily before glancing at him as he held it towards you, "I know you haven't had anything to eat since this morning,so.....it's just pb and j." He said innocently, but you know it was full of shit. "Lace with?" you ask knowing something had to be up with the sandwich, he let out an airy laugh before moving to take a bite of of both sandwiches to show it wasn't anything wrong with it.

"See just a sandwich. Now eat." He said muffle with his mouth full, the bubbling and discomfort in your stomach signaled that you needed to eat.

You swallow the lump in your throat and reach for the sandwich, you sigh before taking a bite, you hum slighly it didn't taste weird so you took another bite, robert lean back against the couch with his arm on the back while eating watching you. You were the first to finish eating, you went to wipe your mouth when robert stop you, his hand grasp your jaw turning you towards him before his thumb slowly move across the corner of your mouth to the bottom of your lip wiping away any mess to be found. You flex your jaw as his thumb rub against the line of your lips, and the air in the room shifted making you pull back as his hand in the air, he stare at you with a eerie calm before pulling his thumb back to lick the jelly from his digit.

He put his half eat sandwich back on the plate before basically throwing the plate on the wooden table making a clanging sound, before getting up and towering over you. He pull out the gun again before motioning for you to get up, you did as you were instructed and was pull by your elbow down a short hallway into a room. The lights was off but the lights from the city through the window made the room dim, you felt the cold metal of the gun under chin making you look up at robert.

"You look so beautiful in this lighting." The barrel of the gun trace down her neck until it was in the valley of her breast, he lean in kissing her neck.

His other hand reach the button of her jeans, making her grasp his wrist and let out a sorrowful whisper.

"P-please, don't...don't do this-" Robert shush her as tears starts welling in her eyes, he move the gun and put it in his dresser draw right by them.

He took your hand away from his wrist and pull you close to his chest, "I'll promise I'll make you feel so good, just like I did at the night club." You didn't have time to register the alarming confession, when your back hit the mattress and your jeans were being rip off.

Robert got tired of waiting and stalling, he wanted what he been watching for weeks, and wasn't going to waste anymore time. You kick your legs at him, but he only use that to take hold on your leg and pull you forward ne rip your underwear off before getting on his knees and burying his face in your cunt. You bite your lip trying to keep a moan from slipping out, you try to push his head away but he wouldn't budge, you squeeze your thighs hoping to get him to pull away but he just bit you making you snap your legs open again. You stare up at the ceiling restraining yourself from grind your pussy against his face, but the more his tongue twirl inside you, your brain start to go haywire and your body starts to betray you.

You couldn't take it anymore all thoughts of what occur before was forgotten as you clench the covers under you while your other hand held down his head as you grind against his tongue, you moan into the dim empty room coming close to your peak. You shook as the tense pleasure move through your body like crashing waves, but that didnt stop robert from eating you out, he wanted your pussy to be sore and needy when he finally fucks you. He wants you to beg him to fuck you into his mattress until you can't function anymore, he wants the only thing to come out of your mouth is his name, he wants you to feel every inch of his cock when he takes you from behind.

The feel of robert's mouth no where near your sensitive pussy made you whine, you squeeze your soak thighs togther wanting more. You tilt your head to see him striping off his clothes, you watch him as he stood nake with his cock stiff and large. He slowly crawl on the bed to straddle you, he move his hand to your cheek, he look down at you as you up at him.

"Do you want me?" He ask trailing his fingers down to unbutton your black tank top, he move his hands to squeeze your covered breast before leaning down and planting a kiss on each breast. You stare at him as he did these things, not wanting to answer his question scared that you might say yes.

He unclasp your bra from the front exposing your nipples to the air and getting them hard, he took one of your nipple into his mouth making you let out a airy moan. He suck and bite on it making you squirm underneath him at the pleasurable feeling. You heard a low growl come from him and before you knew it you were on your stomach and your bra and shirt was off you leaving you completely nake.

Robert's hand find their way to your hair turning your head to face the window overlooking the city.

"Because I want you. You have no idea how long I've been wanting to fuck you...no idea..." he said hasky against your ear, he was holding your hands behind your back making you struggle a bit.

"Hey, hey, hey, stop that," His chest was against your back as well as his head against your face. He use his free hand to line up his cock to your dripping hole, you took in a deep breathe moving to lay your head flat on the mattress.

A deep groan came from robert as he slide his cock inside you, you screw your eyes shut and curl your toes as he stretch you out. He didn't give you a moment to adjust to his size as he pull out slowly and slide back with the same pace, you start to flex your hands due to the grip that robert is holding them making your hands feel numb and tingly. The slowness of robert rocking into you made you whine and let out a soft mutter of his name causing him to come closer to your face, and ask you to say his name again. You didn't want to do it, the thought of begging him and complying made you sick, but you were getting desperate at this agonizing pace.

"....robert.." you mutter, he told you to say it again and you comply, and each time you said his name his pace start to pick up making you feel the sweet tightness in your stomach, you say his name over and over like a mantra as his thrust start to get rougher.

Your hands were release from his grip to pull your hips up, so your ass was in the air, soon you felt your hair being pull making your head lift and his hand to wrap around your neck. The sound of flesh slapping togther and moaning coming from you and him were the only things you could hear, your vision was beginning to become blurry from the tears that welled up, you couldn't tell if it was from the pleasure or the ashame you bear as you fell apart on this insane man dick. Robert grabs your hips pulling them towards him fucking you through your third orgasm, he looks down at you with a smirk enjoying the way you gave in to the inevitable. He slowly move his hand from your hip to find your hand, you lace your fingers with his without thought causing robert to smile widely.

You let out a silent cry as you squeeze around robert dick making him bury his face in your neck, he held still filling your cunt with his hot cum. You shudder feeling the cum spout all over your walls making you slumb into the bed tired, the sudden weight of robert full weight on top of you made you let out a soft grunt, you swallow feeling your mouth become dry before blinking several times trying to regain focus in your eyes. You notice your fingers and roberts' were togther still, you could feel his thumb caressing your fourth digit making you watch tiredly.

Robert remove his head from your neck and slide his cock out of your, before turning you both to the side as he spoons you.

"Did you enjoy yourself, red?" He ask, you didn't say anything as you look out to the lit up buildings, you inhale sharply at your sensative area, "I ask you question, red." His other hand were between your thighs with his middle finger inside you.

"Y-yes." You moan as he rub your sore bud with his thumb, he let out a low chuckle.

"I thought you would..." you had a soft scowl on your face as you move your pelvis against his hand.

"Shut up, pronge."

1 year ago

Little Red

Little Red

Summary : Mr. Freezey takes a liking to a smart mouth red head.

Pairing: Robert "Mr. Freezey" Pronge x reader

Word count: 7k

Warning: non-con/dub-con, kidnapping, mention of stalking.

Little Red
Little Red

You walk down the boardwalk with your little sister next to you as she told you how our mother was going to kill you, when she sees what you did to your hair.

"I don't think it's gonna be that big of a deal, she told me to get whatever I wanted for my birthday." Your sister got in front of you as she walk backwards talking to you.

"Yeah, like shoes or some earrings not dying your whole head red!" She exclaim looking at you, you both stop outside of a arcade store, you look at the big tinted window seeing your reflection. You look at your dark red curls before smiling, you think it's sick, and it goes great with your drowning pool sinner tour t-shirt you got last year and black tights. You think it gives you more character, you turn away looking back to your sister as she list all the ways our mom was gonna beat your ass six ways to sunday, you roll your eyes when you nottoo far ahead, you decided this will be the good distraction for your impending doom and your sister rambling.

"Here's an idea. How about I buy us ice cream and you stop talking about how mom is going to murder me, deal?" She stop talking and purse her lips making you smile, oh how you could kiss the man who made ice cream as a gateway to keeping kids quiet, she held your hand as you walk across the way to the truck.

"Pick your poison, little sister." You told her as you rub your hands togther looking at the menu on the side, so many delicious choices but so little money, the little window slide open abruptly causing us to jolt back to see a scruffy looking guy with long brown hair poke his head out.

"What the fuck do you want?" He ask rudely, your sister move behind you making you glare at the older guy.

"We want ice cream you've got any."

"We're close." He snapped.

"Okay, when do you open." You couldn't see his eyes through his brown lens glass, but you could tell that he roll his eyes. He look down at his watch before growling.

"Two minutes ago." You smile mockingly as you cross your arms.

"Lucky us." He sneer at you before asking what you wanted through gritted teeth, you turn away from him looking at the menu again, you already knew what you wanted but since this guy wanted to be a asshole, why not be one back.

"Your holding up the line, red." You roll your eyes before telling him what you wanted, he move his gaze from you to your kid sister who was hiding half her body behind you.

"Well, kid. I don't have all day." You look at your sister telling her to take her time, she look at the ice cream man before staring at the menu again, you notice the guy was looking behind him every second we stood there making you look at him warily, he let out a annoy groan before slamming his hand on the truck.

"Are you gonna order or not." He snarl, you glare at him as his attitude was getting on your nerves, you put your hands on you sister's shoulder as she wore a frown.

"You know what, fuck this, we can go to that ice cream shop up ahead." You told your sister, "Atleast they have some common sense and fucking manners." You chided glancing at the guy before stirring your sister away.

"Oh, get fucked, bitch." He hissed out the window, you turn back to see his head was sticking out of the window.

"Suck my dick, old man." You raise your middle finger up for him to see, your sister grab your arm pulling you away.

"I hope you find a pube in your ice cream, cunt." He shouts back, you turn around about to stomp back to the truck and throw one those rock they have scattered around the trees at his truck, when your sister drag you away before you could even say anything to the prick.

After that you spent the remainder of your time with your sister stabbing at your ice cream with a plastic spoon, you were so piss that when you finally got home, you couldn't hear your mom's voice when she rip through you about your hair. Your head was still stuck to that asshole from earlier, I mean what type idiot do you have to be to not have patience for a little kid, you were pulled out of your thoughts by your sister after your mom left with your dad who was trying to calm her down.

"Thanks for the ice cream, sis." You smile at her before saying any time, the young girl eyes drift up to your hair before humming.

"You know the more I look at it, the more it's growing on me." You laugh at her comment before pushing her forward as you and her walk to set up the table, the thoughts of the scruffy man from earlier was forgotten like a snap of a finger as your family pick on you the entire night about your choice in hair color.

Little Red

You were walking down the boardwalk again, but this time you were with your friend, she was helping you shop for dresses for the night club you both are going to after your birthday party at your parent's house, as you two talk about the party, your friend stop motioning over to the familiar ice cream truck from last time.

"Let's get some ice cream, I need something to cool down after all that walking." You pulled a face before shaking your head.

"No way that guy is a grade A asshole when i came here last week." Your friend grimace before asking what happened.

"He was being a prick. He had a whole attitude for no reason, and took it out on me and my sister. The guy a dick." You cross your arms with a scowl on your face remembering what he said to you, your friend look over at the man who seem he was in a happy mood.

"He seem in a better mood today." She shrug making you look at her.

"Are you kidding me."

"Girl! It's 97 degrees out here and my feet her killing me." You suck your teeth as she hook her arm around yours and started moving you across the way.

"No one told your dumbass to wear high heels to an outing. "Your friend roll her eyes as you stood behind three people, she talk about how she was trying to found herself a man before her family annual dinner party, you know it well, her family are loaded and they always host these parties in one of those manison like cabins.

"What happened to Charles?" You question stepping forward as you look at her, she roll her eyes before letting out a annoy groan.

"That moron. He can't make up his mind on what he want, I mean one minute it's " Oh I love you let me cum inside you" and next it's "gosh babe I'm not sure if I'm ready for a serious relationship just yet." she mock his voice before scoffing and rolling her eyes, you could only chuckle at your friend.

"Men are the worst." She nodded in agreement as we finally made it to the front, you didn't look at the menu already knowing what you wanted, you look at the closed window waiting for the jackass to show himself.

"What can I get for you-" the man stop mid sentence as he opened the glass window and saw you, you expected a scowl or a sneer to appear on his face, but instead a odd smile was plastered on his lips, making a chill go down your spine uncomfortably. Weird.

"Well, hello ladies, what can I get you today on this hot summer day. A Cream Stix maybe." He says oddly, his eyes meeting yours when he brought up the cold treat, you glance away from him and look to your friend getting a weird feeling.

She decline and told him what she wanted before looking at you, "I'll have the same thing." You look back at him to find him already staring, you didn't notice before maybe because you were so heated the last time you were there, but the way he look at you made you feel uncomfortable and unsafe.

"Righty-o" He finally pulled his gaze from you as he went back inside to get the ice cream, you look at your friend to find her on her phone texting. He came back with the two delicious treats making your friend pull out her wallet.

"Do you take debit." My friend ask as she dug in her small purse.

"No need it's on the house." We both look at him a bit surpised, "...consider it a apologize for my behavior last week, sweetheart." He said looking at you making you gap like a fish on land.

"Thanks, Mr..." You said warily as you walk closer.

"Call me Mr. Freezey," He said lowly, when you leaned up to receive the treats, he move his eyes to take a look down your white tank top, he hum not before he lick his lips as he admire your breast making you shudder. He notice looking you in the eyes as he gave you malicious smile as his index finger caress the back of your hand making you pull away like a bat outta hell. He chuckle at you before pulling back as you turn to find your friend sitting at the pinic table, you walk over and took a sit across from her.

You start up an conversation trying to get your mind away from the perverted ice cream man, you and your friend started listing clubs that would be a safe location to travel to and from with your other group of friends. As you start talking about the party, your mind forgets about the the man known as "Mr.Freezey" when you start feeling the summer heat, which you make the foolish mistake in unwrapping your cherry bomb pop. Robert Pogue or what he likes to be refer to by his customers, Mr. Freezey, watch from his window as you suck on the cool treat, he held the rag he has in his hand with a tight grip imagining all the screw up things he can do to your mouth.

His felt his cock twitch when he saw your tongue poke out to capture the sweet red juice that ran down your hand, he watch frustrated as you suck the ice cream stick clean before you and your friend got up and threw away your trash in a nearby bin. He bite his bottom lip watching you walk away, your ass in those tight shorts made him put the "be right back" sign on the slide window before closing it and moving to the front of his truck. He undid his belt around his torso and unbutton his pants before he dug his cock out, he shut his eyes thinking about your tits and how he imagine how nice they would look smush up against the window of his car while he took you from the back. And your ass he can imagine his cock between them with his cum trailing from your tight hole to your wet pussy, he let go groan as he imagine the sound you make when his fucking you into a stupor covered in sweat and his cum.

"Fuck!" He hissed, he held the wheel of the truck against his grip as his cum strew all over his seats and hand, he leaned his head back with his chest heaving up and down as he come down from his orgasmic high.

A twisted smile came to mr.freezey's face when he saw you in his rearveiw mirror, you were bending over as your ass hang out for him to see. You soon straighten up as you adjust your shorts before catching up with your friend, as he watch you walk away the thoughts of how your pussy will feel squeezing his cock or the way you whimper when he leaves love bites all over your chest. His thoughts starts becoming twisted as he imagine using his a knife to trail down your stomach until it reach your panties making him cut them to your pussy free, robert hit his head against his seat against frustrated at images he creating with you. A girl who isn't really his type but yet the mouth on you makes him want to see you trembling under him with his fluids all over your body, but first he knows he need to get you fast and ready for him. Robert smirk to himself because lucky for him, he knows exactly where your going to be in three days.

Little Red

"Happy Birthday!" Your drunk friends shouted over the loud music the hundredth time, you laugh as you took your eightth shot of the night and you twitch at the disgusting bitter taste of tequila, it seems the more you take it the nastier it taste and the drunker you get.

Sudden, an intro to an song had you and your friends screaming recognizing it as our favorite song, you start to giggle as you watch your friend rush us out of the booth and towards the dance floor. You stumbled a bit in your black platform heels when you took a step down one of the two steps that lead to the dance floor, you held your friend in front of you and behind you hand so you all wouldn't get lost in the crowd full of party goers.

Your group finally made it through the partiers and onto the floor where everyone was feeling the music, you smile towards your friend as you dance with her to the song. You let out a laugh as you both are back to back dancing against each other, after three more sonas vou started to feel hot and a bit horny. Which the guy grinding behind you isn't helping, you and all your friends made an agreement that we wouldn't leave the club with any guys and that we all go home togther. But, by the looks of it already four out of your eight friends are dancing with a guy while the others are busy sucking faces with strangers in the corner, so if you were to sneak off for a little quickie they definitely wouldn't notice your gone.

"Hey, let's go to the bathroom for a little break, huh red." The guy behind you whispered in your ear, you didn't know why but the way his hand slides against your stomach made your cunt wet and clench around nothing, and his voice sounded familiar but you couldn't place it with all the noise and heat.

You didn't get the chance to say a word as he grab your hand and started to pull you away the restrooms, no one blink an eye when he pulled me into the girls bathroom or maybe because they were either too high or too drunk to notice or they just simply didn't care. He took you to the big stall and push you against the wall, he attack your lips like a starved animal. His hands started to going up your thighs and under your dress, you moan when one of his fingers rub your covered and soak pussy, you threw your arms around his shoulder as your grind on his hand. You gasp for air when he finally pulled away from your lips and started leaving marks on your shoulder and chest, he pick you up and carried you over to the sink and lowered himself on his knees. The sound of riping made you look down at the man between your legs, you slap him on the top of his head at your ruin stockings.

"Hey! Those were Victoria's Secret." You slur as you glare down at him.

"I'll buy you new ones, sweetheart." You lean your head back against the mirror with a eye roll.

"Yeah—right." You moan out the word as you reached for his hair pulling it as he lick your folds. The man hand went to put his hand around your neck applying a bit of pressure as his lips suck your clit and roll it around with his tongue, you let out whimper feeling his teeth bit your thigh before his tongue started fucking your wet cunt. He groan as you squeeze around his tongue and pull his hair, your other hand went to the stall next to you clenching it as you grind your pussy against his face.

Your tongue poked out licking your lips before biting your lower lip at the sudden cool air on your chest, you lazily look down to find the top of your dress was pull down to your stomach and the stranger's large hand move from your throat to massage your breast and roll the bud between his fingers. Your body started to feel like he was on fire when you came on his tongue, you mewl as your legs begin to shake on his shoulders.

"You taste so fucking good, red." His rough voice sounded far in your ears as he lean back and admired your cunt, he soon spit on your pussy to watch his saliva drip down your folds before going back to licking your juices, your head started to feel dowsy making you lean it against the stall wall next you.

Your eyes started to get blurry and your mouth dry, but this didn't stop the man in front of you from stopping his assault on your cunt. Robert pulled away after much time and stood up to see the young woman half asleep, he furrowed his brows as he move his hand to gently slap your cheek only for you to grumble as you slump to the side semiconscious. He cursed stepping back with his hand covering his mouth, he wanted her to be awake for what he was about to do. Goes to shows never buy drugs from a fucking junkie, thanks syd, he thought, he sigh taking a step towards her again, robert look at her for a moment before moving his hand under her dress causing her to moan and stir in her sleep.

"Fuck it." He said moving to unbutton his jeans and pull down his zipper, "okay, red. I hope you can take me." He says as he guide his cock to rub against your folds, he moans at how wet your cunt was. Robert play with your folds causing a whine fall from your lips, he bite his lip as the tip of his cock rub your clit.

His cock was slowly pushing in your entrance, when the door to the bathroom was slammed open. The sound of your name being call cause robert to curse and pull away, he pull up his jeans quickly before moving to fix you up. He could hear different stall doors being bust open as two girls call your name, he fixed your dress and carry you to sit in the toilet, the stall door that he and you were in begin to shake and the girls call your name.

You woke with water being sprinke on your face making you groan look around with blurred vision as a blurry figure quickly moves to crawl under the the next stall, you blink at that and soon turn away hearing your friends call your name. You use the rail to get up and stumble to unlock the stall door, you move to put your hand to your face wiping the water off as you stood in front of them looking at your worried.

"I think I had to much to drink." You slurred, your friends started talking but you couldn't hear a word they were saying, you turn your gaze to the man who walk out of the stall two doors down with familiar long brown hair.

"...babe, did you hear what I just said?" Your friend put her hand on your arm making you look back at you.

"What?" You asked disoriented.

"Okay, she's out of it," your friend, Vi, says looking at your other friend, "I'm going to get the others, you take her to the car." Vi left leaving your other friend, Jade, with you.

"Alright, birthday girl. Let's go." She hook your arm around her shoulder as she help you walk, you tried not to lean all your body weight on her as you walk out of the bathroom and out of the nightclub.

You leaned your head on her shoulders as you both waited by the car you came that was also next your other friends car, you lean your head off her when you thought you heard an ice cream truck making you look around. Your attention was soon pull away when you saw your friend walking out of the club, some stumble while others were just tipsy as they walk towards you. Vi unlocked her car making J help you inside, you leaned your head and body against the door and window tired. The seat next to you were filled by your other two friends as Jade and Vi were up front, the friend next to lean her head on your shoulder as the car started.

"Can we get some ice cream before we leave, please." Your other friend ask Vi.

"Hmmm, doesnt it seem creepy that an ice cream truck is selling this late. "Your friend says waiting for the cars to move, so she can pull out and take us home.

"He probably going home like the rest of us." Jade yawned, the conversation between the three friends started to sound to sound far as you drift off to sleep, before you can fall into sweet slumber your friend says something that made your heartbeat skip a beat.

"I don't know, Mr. Freezey doesn't sound so creepy."

Little Red

After that night at the nightclub you couldn't really remember much the next morning, but you did get a raging hangover and some of your friends you rode home with stayed over and had to endure the torture of loud clanging of pots and pans from your mom downstairs. You were lucky it was Sunday which means you didn't have to open the bookstore until tomorrow, so you got to chill for the rest of the day with your friends since they too didn't have to work or was off.

The next day, your friends went home and Vi drop you off at work, you stayed there for hours helping customers and putting book back in their original place in the correct order. The bell to the shop ring, you welcome the customer without looking there way as you stood on the ladder returning a book on the top shelf. You made your way down but lost your footing causing you to slip, but a hand on your side and thigh cause you from falling backward onto the next bookcast.

"Woah, sugar, nearly too me out." A chuckle came from behind you making you straighten up and turn to find the guy from the ice cream truck.

"Oh, shit sorry, these things are like death trap these days." You let out a nervous giggle as you made it safely down and turning your body fully to him and keeping your distance, he watch you with a glint in his eyes making you hug yourself and avoid his eyes.

"Is there anything i can help you with, sir?" You finally said glancing at him, it was so hard to hold his stare, it was something behind his look that scream creepy.

"No, not really, just looking around." He shrugged as he stare down at you with a smile that made your skin crawl, you plaster a smile and nod.

"Okay, then, if you need anything just give a shout or come find me in the front." You lean off the bookcase making him do the same and have you brush pass him.

"Thanks, red." You stop momentary before a shudder came over your body, you dismiss it and continue to the front of the store with robert still watching you.

It wasn't fifteen minutes when he came to the front to buy a couple of book, you put your own down and checkout his stuff. You read the titles of each book, your eyes linger on one of them for a bit too long making him clear his throat, you glance up at him with a clear his throat, you glance up at him with a apologic look before scanning it and putting it in a bag for him.

"Have you read it." He ask catching you off guard as he gave you the amount needed

"I'm sorry?" He said the book name making you let a small "oh" before shaking your head.

"Yeah, a while back...in highschool." You said giving him his change and bag.

"Was it good?" You motion your head side by side thinking about it.

"Yeah, to me anyways." He nod back before holding up a twenty dollar bill and putting it in the charity jar.

"Have a nice day, sugar." You gave him a small smile at the nickname and watch him walk out of the bookstore making you exhale.

You hope that was the last time you see him, but it wasn't he came back not the next day but every Monday and Friday at the same time on the dot, but you didn't notice the pattern until the third week of the month. When he comes in he looks around for about ten minute and come back with different things, sometimes its books or a sweatshirt here and sweatpants there or just random objects you have in the store for people to buy with its brand on it. He would make small conversion with you everytime you checkout his things, which lead you to knowing his real name after he told you quit it with the sir talk.

"You making me feel old, I still got a good ten years on me." He joke making you let a small giggle which cause a genuine smile to appear on his face and not the one that give you chills.

He was railing you in maybe not a lot but good enough to make you let your guard down a bit, and that what you did when you were walking down the boardwalk at night with one earphone in your ear and your hand in your jean pocket fishing for your keys. You just finish locking up the bookstore and surprising enough you didn't see robert there today, you were about to send a text to your mom when you heard a curse. You look up to see robert trying to get this dolly into his truck but having a hard time, you stop for a moment watching him, you contemplate if you should go over to help him since he did the same for you back at the bookstore not too long ago.

Robert pick up the other end of the heavy rectangular box as you both tried to bump into anything, you finally made it to the backroom where you laid th bo on its side next a shelf of books. As you made it out of the room you look at robert with a grateful smile.

"Thanks, bobby. I owe you one." He waved his hand at you in dismissal with a grin on his face.

"Always happy to help, darling."

You jump out of your thoughts looking over to find robert on the ground with his dolly knock over, you curse under your breathe hurrying over to him.

"Shit. Are you okay?" He grunts sitting up as he took off his baseball hat and rub his shaved head.

"No, I just busted my ass." He says as you help him to his feet, you move to pick up the dolly and put the boxes back in place.

"You don't need to do that I got it," you didn't listen to him before motioning to the door, he comply and got in the truck as you roll the dolly in with a bit of a challenge until you and robert finally got it in the doors.

"Thanks, red. You lifesaver." He said, he got a box cutter from his back pocket and opened each box each before dumping the different brand of ice cream in their respectable places.

"No big deal you did the same for me." You gave him a small smile.

"Well thanks for the help, can i interest you in a free treat of your choosing before you go." You shrug with a nod, I mean why not you were already there and a bit hungry, before you tell him what you wanted he pulled out a ice cream.

"Here." You look at it for a second stun at the chances he get your favorite one, "what's wrong? I thought this was your favorite." You glance at him as he look at you with forge confusion, you shook your head probably forgot you told about it when he was talking about his job, you let out a small laugh before taking it out of his hand.

"Thanks." He smile at you before moving to reach in a different fridger to out a beer, you tap the treat against your hand before glancing at your watch and the door.

"Uh, i should go," You said finally leaning off the table.

"...so soon." He asked, your hand was on the handle as you try to open it but it wouldn't budge.

"Early day tomorrow-uh can you help with the door." You wiggle the handle again but this time you push your hand against it to try to get it open.

"Tomorrow's saturday you don't work on saturdays." You slam you hand against the metal door trying to get it up, you slam your fish against the door frustrated closing your eyes before taking deep breathes trying to calm down your heart.

"You want to know why I know that?" You slowly turn around facing him, he starr at you intensely still leaning against the fridge.

"Do it have to do with you being a creepy fuck, who had to act injured to get a girl in here," he chuckle, robert standing up straight in here makes him looks huge.

"There it is. That smart mouth that I like so much," he took a step towards but you didn't move, he tilt his head to the side watching you.

"Now, this is the part where you be a good girl and come with me quietly." You scoff, if you were going die you were gonna put up a hell of a fight, as you roll your eyes you notice the box cutter on the shelf close to you.

"Or better yet this could be the part where you let me go and you don't have to share a cell with a biker name, tiny." You gave him a sweet smile as he hum with his arms crossed.

"So, the hard way then?" You didn't say anything glaring at him, "fine, I like the hard way." He started moving towards you making you throw the cold treat at him catching him off guard and grab the box cutters, you move to slash him making him back up in time to avoid the blade and grab your wrist.

You had your back to his chest as you try to get out of his grip, he let out a laugh as your thrust against him trying to get your wrist out of his grip.

"You crazy bitch you really tried to stab me," you move your head as he move his lips near her ear, "Ah, your making me so hard, right now." You growl as he rub up against feeling his taint against your lower back, you stomp on his foot causing a painful grunt to come out.

"Okay, play time over, drop the knife." You didn't listen holding the blade like your life depending on it.

"Get fucked." He let out airy laugh as he mouth move to suck on your neck causing you clench your jaw, "Oh, that honor goes all to you, red. So, Let. Go. Of. The. Fucking. Knife." He said each word while slamming your hand against the metal fridge, you finally drop it making him kick it away.

"Good girl." He pick you binding your arms to your side with his arms and turn you both around to bring you to the front of the truck, but you kick your feet causing him to slam his back agsinst the corner of the table.

"You fucking cunt." Your head hit the fridge door when he threw you down, you moan in pain feeling a bit dazed. The sudden weight of him on top of you made you start hitting his chest as he took off his belt, you even scratch him on his arm as he tried to grab your hands.

Robert lose his temper and backhanded you hard making you grasp your face in pain, he turned you on your stomach and took your hands before using his belt to bind them togther like handcuff. He pick you up by your arms and roughly pulled you over to his other fridger.

"You have a choice, red. You either be good and sit up front with me, or you can go in there with him." A shriek came out of you as you saw a dead body in his freezer, he move you closer making your leg shot up on the edge of the freezer stopping you from going any nearer.

"So? Front seat." You nodded quickly making him shut the freezer and pull you to the front seat.

Little Red

Robert glance at you front time to time as he drove you into the city and out of your town, you kept your eyes forward feeling the vibration in your back pocket. You knew it was your mom calling you or your sister or one of your friends, you been spending the last hour and a half trying to reach for your phone, but it was too deep in your pants and your hands were starting to feel numb from the there position. You look out the window at the high buildings that past you by and the lit up nightclubs and diners, your mind started wondering about robert, you glance over at him as he turn the wheel with a lit cigarette in his mouth and eyes blinded by his shades as he focus on the road. You didn't want to think about where he talking you or what he was going to do to you, you lean your head against the seat and just wanted to spend the last few minutes alive pretending that he was taking you on a night drive before taking you home.

As you were slowly starting to enjoy the car ride, the truck finally came to a stop making you open your eyes and look around. You were confused to find yourself not at an abandoned building or the bad side of the city, you were actually in a good looking neighborhood. The sound of the engine cutting off leaving you two in complete silence, you didn't look at him as he stare at the side of your face. The truck moves as robert got up and went to the back of the truck, a second later you flinch away at a sudden cool plastice that touch your cheek making you look to find robert holding a popsicle.

"You need to put ice on it in order for it to heal." He bend down kneeling beside you as he held the cold treat to your cheek, you didn't say anything as he did nor did he as he look at you.

After about a couple of minutes, he it away and toss on the metal table, he move his thumb over the swollen making you lean away making him sigh.

"I'm telling you if you stop resisting, we could have a pretty fun time. " He said making you glare at him with a mean look, he scoff before telling you to suit yourself before moving to his back and pulling out a gun. You tense moving away from it closer to the door to put distance between you and him, he notice the fear making him hold up the gun and point it at you.

"Now, I'm going to undo the belt and if you scream, shout, or try to run away." He reach in his pocket and took a picture of you and your family on the front pouch on your usual sunday afternoons, you grind your teeth togther trying not to cry, "I'm gonna take my friend here and introduce him to your family, you understand?" You nodded.

"Good." He put the gun on the ground and motion you to move forward, you move feeling his hands against your skin as he unloosen the restraints making you pull your hands in front of you as you rub them.

"Let's go." He took the gun off the ground and got out of the truck, you watch him go to your side and slide the door open. He aside as you got out, the moment your shoes it the concrete he pulled you to him making you feel the gun against your side

"Now, slow and steady." He said with his arm around your shoulder, he lead you across the street to the apartment building. You opened the door and walk in with him before he lead you to the elevator, he press the button multiple time before looking around. The doors finally opened making you and him step back as a couple of people walk out not really paying attention to neither of you, he watch as the group of friends walk out before making you get inside.

Robert use the gun to press the button of his floor before putting the gun back in his waistband, he pull you against his chest making his hands move to your hips and his lips to attach onto your neck. You grimace at his touch as he suck on your neck and grind against you, you tried to shrug him off but he was resilient making you hope and pray someone will make their way into the elevator.

As the elevator was moving to shut someone called out, making you slip out of robert's grip to stop the door from closing. Robert pull you back roughly with a glare, he finally let you go when the man came inside.

He nod toward you letting a faint thanks slip out before pressing his number, "How's your night going, pronge." The guy said glancing back to you and robert.

"Peachy." He said montone pulling you closer to him, the guy hum before turning his eyes at you making you glance away and hide your face.

"That's a nasty bruise, miss. How you get it." You look at him trying to think of something, but robert beat you to it.

"Aren't you off the clock, Diskant." He said, you didn't understand what robert meant until the guy turn around showing off his badge on his hip.

"A cop is never off the clock, if we were the city would be up in flames right about now." He look back at you with soft narrow eyes, "How old are you, sweetheart." You saw robert roll his eyes in the corner of your eye before speaking.

"She's twenty-" This Diskant guy gave Robert a look cutting him off.

"I was asking the lady, pronge." The guy look back to you and raise his brow asking you about your name and age, you told him your name and how old you were. He motion to your cheek.

"And the bruise." You swallow thickly before moving your hair behind your ear.

"A book." He look at robert than you.

"A book?...Did that to you." You nod.

"Yeah, that's kinda the risk you take when you work in a bookstore, especially with brats running around and bumping into things." You said cool and collected, the cop look you in the eyes, making you stare right back at him.

"How did you two meet." He ask you, you plastered on a small smile and lean against robert.

"I wanted ice cream. He called me a cunt and I told him to suck my dick," The cop raised his brow at you, "It's kinda of a enemies to lover type story." You nod your head, he stare between you and him, you saw him bite his lip trying not to smile.

"How romantic." You hum, the sound of the elevator ding making you and him glance to find it was his floor.

"Well, little bit advice, " he step out of the elevator with his hand opening the door from closing, "...it not too late to run." You smile.

"And miss out on free beer and dinners, I think I'm good." He chuckle before nodding.

"Don't say I didn't warn ya," he stare at you with a glint in his eyes, " Have a good night." He walk down the hall to his door, he look back at you as he pull out his key. He held up his hand waving making you do the same, you let out a sigh leaning against the wall.

"....well wasn't that just cute." Your heart fell into your stomach at the sound of robert's voice, you forgot that he was there for a minute.

You look at him to find him already staring at you with a void look, you turn away feeling ill all of a sudden. He so creepy when he does that one minute his seems normal and the next his like a fucking sociopath, you don't know how long you can keep on putting on a brave face.

"You thinking about him." He asked.

"No." You said montone.

"You like him." You told him no again but it seems like he doesn't believe.

"The way you talk to him says otherwise." You bang your head against the wall at this insane person, "and the fact you told him your name says a lot."

"His a cop. What you wanted me to do." You argue.

"The fuck you think lie. Its obvious you have a thing for him if you telling him your business." You close your eyes wishing this elevator will break down and kill you both.

"I didn't even know that was your name." He mumbled, you glanced at him as he had his arm crossed and a soft scrowl on his face, this guy is fucking mental.

"I would of thought stalking me would have told you all you need to know about me, or are you the type of stalker whose jerk off while watching me through the window." A hint of a smile play on his lips as he look forward in thought.

"Gulity as charge." You glance at him with a look disgust before the elevator ding, you swallow the lump in your throat as the doors open, robert snake his arm around your waist pulling you along to his door.

You look up and down the hall, the thought of shouting for help play on your mind until it was quickly thrown out of the question when you remembered what he said about your family, robert pull you in and shut the door behind him before moving to toss his keys on the table. He didn't say a word when he let go of you and went to his kitchen, you stood in the area between the living room and the kitchen with your arms wrap around your chest as you look around the room.

"Sit" He said making you turn to him to see him as he walk to his couch with a plate with sandwiches on it, you slowly follow suit and took a seat far away from him only for him to scoot over, so his knee was touching your own.

"Eat." You look at the plate warily before glancing at him as he held it towards you, "I know you haven't had anything to eat since this morning,so.....it's just pb and j." He said innocently, but you know it was full of shit. "Lace with?" you ask knowing something had to be up with the sandwich, he let out an airy laugh before moving to take a bite of of both sandwiches to show it wasn't anything wrong with it.

"See just a sandwich. Now eat." He said muffle with his mouth full, the bubbling and discomfort in your stomach signaled that you needed to eat.

You swallow the lump in your throat and reach for the sandwich, you sigh before taking a bite, you hum slighly it didn't taste weird so you took another bite, robert lean back against the couch with his arm on the back while eating watching you. You were the first to finish eating, you went to wipe your mouth when robert stop you, his hand grasp your jaw turning you towards him before his thumb slowly move across the corner of your mouth to the bottom of your lip wiping away any mess to be found. You flex your jaw as his thumb rub against the line of your lips, and the air in the room shifted making you pull back as his hand in the air, he stare at you with a eerie calm before pulling his thumb back to lick the jelly from his digit.

He put his half eat sandwich back on the plate before basically throwing the plate on the wooden table making a clanging sound, before getting up and towering over you. He pull out the gun again before motioning for you to get up, you did as you were instructed and was pull by your elbow down a short hallway into a room. The lights was off but the lights from the city through the window made the room dim, you felt the cold metal of the gun under chin making you look up at robert.

"You look so beautiful in this lighting." The barrel of the gun trace down her neck until it was in the valley of her breast, he lean in kissing her neck.

His other hand reach the button of her jeans, making her grasp his wrist and let out a sorrowful whisper.

"P-please, don't...don't do this-" Robert shush her as tears starts welling in her eyes, he move the gun and put it in his dresser draw right by them.

He took your hand away from his wrist and pull you close to his chest, "I'll promise I'll make you feel so good, just like I did at the night club." You didn't have time to register the alarming confession, when your back hit the mattress and your jeans were being rip off.

Robert got tired of waiting and stalling, he wanted what he been watching for weeks, and wasn't going to waste anymore time. You kick your legs at him, but he only use that to take hold on your leg and pull you forward ne rip your underwear off before getting on his knees and burying his face in your cunt. You bite your lip trying to keep a moan from slipping out, you try to push his head away but he wouldn't budge, you squeeze your thighs hoping to get him to pull away but he just bit you making you snap your legs open again. You stare up at the ceiling restraining yourself from grind your pussy against his face, but the more his tongue twirl inside you, your brain start to go haywire and your body starts to betray you.

You couldn't take it anymore all thoughts of what occur before was forgotten as you clench the covers under you while your other hand held down his head as you grind against his tongue, you moan into the dim empty room coming close to your peak. You shook as the tense pleasure move through your body like crashing waves, but that didnt stop robert from eating you out, he wanted your pussy to be sore and needy when he finally fucks you. He wants you to beg him to fuck you into his mattress until you can't function anymore, he wants the only thing to come out of your mouth is his name, he wants you to feel every inch of his cock when he takes you from behind.

The feel of robert's mouth no where near your sensitive pussy made you whine, you squeeze your soak thighs togther wanting more. You tilt your head to see him striping off his clothes, you watch him as he stood nake with his cock stiff and large. He slowly crawl on the bed to straddle you, he move his hand to your cheek, he look down at you as you up at him.

"Do you want me?" He ask trailing his fingers down to unbutton your black tank top, he move his hands to squeeze your covered breast before leaning down and planting a kiss on each breast. You stare at him as he did these things, not wanting to answer his question scared that you might say yes.

He unclasp your bra from the front exposing your nipples to the air and getting them hard, he took one of your nipple into his mouth making you let out a airy moan. He suck and bite on it making you squirm underneath him at the pleasurable feeling. You heard a low growl come from him and before you knew it you were on your stomach and your bra and shirt was off you leaving you completely nake.

Robert's hand find their way to your hair turning your head to face the window overlooking the city.

"Because I want you. You have no idea how long I've been wanting to fuck you...no idea..." he said hasky against your ear, he was holding your hands behind your back making you struggle a bit.

"Hey, hey, hey, stop that," His chest was against your back as well as his head against your face. He use his free hand to line up his cock to your dripping hole, you took in a deep breathe moving to lay your head flat on the mattress.

A deep groan came from robert as he slide his cock inside you, you screw your eyes shut and curl your toes as he stretch you out. He didn't give you a moment to adjust to his size as he pull out slowly and slide back with the same pace, you start to flex your hands due to the grip that robert is holding them making your hands feel numb and tingly. The slowness of robert rocking into you made you whine and let out a soft mutter of his name causing him to come closer to your face, and ask you to say his name again. You didn't want to do it, the thought of begging him and complying made you sick, but you were getting desperate at this agonizing pace.

"....robert.." you mutter, he told you to say it again and you comply, and each time you said his name his pace start to pick up making you feel the sweet tightness in your stomach, you say his name over and over like a mantra as his thrust start to get rougher.

Your hands were release from his grip to pull your hips up, so your ass was in the air, soon you felt your hair being pull making your head lift and his hand to wrap around your neck. The sound of flesh slapping togther and moaning coming from you and him were the only things you could hear, your vision was beginning to become blurry from the tears that welled up, you couldn't tell if it was from the pleasure or the ashame you bear as you fell apart on this insane man dick. Robert grabs your hips pulling them towards him fucking you through your third orgasm, he looks down at you with a smirk enjoying the way you gave in to the inevitable. He slowly move his hand from your hip to find your hand, you lace your fingers with his without thought causing robert to smile widely.

You let out a silent cry as you squeeze around robert dick making him bury his face in your neck, he held still filling your cunt with his hot cum. You shudder feeling the cum spout all over your walls making you slumb into the bed tired, the sudden weight of robert full weight on top of you made you let out a soft grunt, you swallow feeling your mouth become dry before blinking several times trying to regain focus in your eyes. You notice your fingers and roberts' were togther still, you could feel his thumb caressing your fourth digit making you watch tiredly.

Robert remove his head from your neck and slide his cock out of your, before turning you both to the side as he spoons you.

"Did you enjoy yourself, red?" He ask, you didn't say anything as you look out to the lit up buildings, you inhale sharply at your sensative area, "I ask you question, red." His other hand were between your thighs with his middle finger inside you.

"Y-yes." You moan as he rub your sore bud with his thumb, he let out a low chuckle.

"I thought you would..." you had a soft scowl on your face as you move your pelvis against his hand.

"Shut up, pronge."

1 year ago
Warnings: This Fic Will Include Dark Content Such As Dubcon/noncon, Obsession, Stalking, Manipulation,

Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, obsession, stalking, manipulation, reclusive behaviour, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.

This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.

Warnings: This Fic Will Include Dark Content Such As Dubcon/noncon, Obsession, Stalking, Manipulation,
Warnings: This Fic Will Include Dark Content Such As Dubcon/noncon, Obsession, Stalking, Manipulation,

Your legs was against your chest as you huddle in the corner of the bed, you couldn't stop crying not since he brought you here. You took in shaky breathe as you try to calm your beating heart, you knew if you didn't stop crying by the time he gets home he was going to get upset all over again and punish you yet again. You didn't want to a repeat of last week, you gulp as your hand hover over your bruised neck.

How did you let it get this bad. How could you have known he do something so rash after the argument you had recently, it was still fresh in your mind. You remember how shocked you were when he starting yelling and how scared you were when he started trashing his place, so many emotions were going through you as you watch a man that couldn't even swap a fly. Turn into a whole different person in a matter of a minute, you exhale through your mouth before leaning your head against the wall, you hiss slightly taking your head off the wall remembering the lump on your temple, where he hit you with the tire iron that knocked you unconscious and ended you up waking up in here.

The sound of a car door shutting made you flinch, oh god his here, you move to wipe at your face clearing any sign of tears before getting off the bed. The sound of the door opening and closing made you bite your bottom lip, the floorboards creak under his step as he walk down the hall. You heard him stop by your door making you wipe at your face again and fix your attire, the door creak open making you snap your head up to look at the door.

You watch him poke his head in looking at the bed with a frown before his gaze finally meet you, he beam and opened the door widely as he step inside with one hand behind his back.

"Hey, babe." He said softly making you give a weak smile.

"Hey, Cole. How was work?" You slowly move over to him, he bend down giving you a kiss on your lips.

"It was fine. I tell you more about it over dinner. How was your day?" He asked, a dumb question to ask you knowing you couldn't do much not even read.

"You know same old same old, what you got there." You asked shifting your eyes to his arm behind his back.

"It's your favorite..." he grins moving his hand from behind his back to show you the large brown paper bag, "Italian. I thought I treat my special girl to her favorite restaurant in the city."

You swallow down your grimace, your favorite restaurant is a nice cuban place down the street from where your friend lives he knows that, but the italian restaurant was cole's number one place for anything, he took you there once for your birthday and you ended up having food poisoning. So, you never really liked the place much after that.

"Oh...yum." You said with a tight smile, you could see the annoyance flash across his eyes as his jaw clenched.

"Let's eat." He walk past you towards the bed making slowly shortly after him.

You climb on the bed with your back against the headboard and pillow between your legs for comfort, you watch Cole take out two containers of food for himself and one more containers for you. You leaned forward taking a plastic fork from the bed and open one of the container, you blench when you realize it was the pasta you order and got food poison from long ago. You glance up at Cole who was already looking at you with a look that made your skin crawl, you look back down at the food and stab your fork into the fusilli and put a single one in your mouth. You chew it slowly trying not to think back to the time you fall ill and kept on throwing up, you finally swallow it before looking up at Cole. He let out a satisfied hum before digging in his own food, you sigh in relief, he wasn't angry that's good.

Your stomach made a uncomfortable churn, you haven't eaten in days, the only time you eat is when Cole visit that was once a week if your lucky two. As you eat slowly you begin to think of your parents and friends, you wonder if they know that you gone messing or did Cole just give them so water down bs about your absent. You leaned your head against the palm of your hand as you stab into your food, you wanted to ask him how much longer would it be until you can finally leave this place and go back home.

"You know sweetheart I spent a lot of money and gas getting you, your favorite all way out here and I have yet to here you say thank you." You stop stabbing your food and lift your eyes up to Cole to find him looking at you patiently and calm, if you haven't been here for weeks you think that the same man you feel in love with.

"Thank you, cole. The food is great." You master up a small smile before dropping your eyes back to the mattress.

You heard him sigh making you glance up to see him finishing his pasta and discarding it in the brown paper bag, he see him open the second container and your stomach rumble at the smell of garlic cheesesticks. Your eyes caught coles' after he broke the cheesestick in half and eat the other one, he smile at you point the delicious cheesestick at you making you reach to get only for him to pull back.

"Only good girls get treats, brats gets nothing..." you frown as you watch him eat it before moving to get another breadstick, you swallow before casting your eyes away and back to your cold pasta.

"Maybe if you treat me right tonight, I'll leave you some for later." He says making you look at him as he gave you small sly smile.

"Thanks, cole." He reach over his thumb caressing your cheek.

"Anything for you, baby." You felt his thumb trail along your jaw before gently brushing it against your bottom lip, you taste the seasoning of garlic and parsley from his thumb as he move his thumb along your tongue.

You could he tell he was getting himself worked up, his breathing became labour and the tint in his pants made it known he was aroused, he let out deep exhale before slowly pulling his thumb from your lips and trailing the saliva down your lip to your neck. He pulled away as he take you in you couldn't look him in his eye after that, when you heard him shift you look up and seen him adjust his crotch before picking up another cheesestick.

You lift your hand going to wipe the saliva of your lip and chin, but was stop by growl from Cole. You drop your hand in your lap and move to close the container, hopefully he would allow you to save it for later. You look at Cole again to see him scrolling through his phone, you couldn't stand the silence so you ask him the very thing you know will put him in a even better mood.

"U-uh, cole?" He hummed, "I never asked but how is the wedding planning going?" Cole stop scrolling and look up at you, the look of excitement in his eyes confounds you at how quickly he can change moods.

"It's going amazing, baby. We so close to the finish line, we already have the venue, your dress, my suit, and all we have to do is figure out the sitting chart." He said with grin, "Oh, I meant to show you the sitting chart since I have no idea who should sit with who on your guest side of things." He scroll on his phone and taping on thing before shoving it your face, you squint before looking over the sitting arrangement.

It all looked good no one from your side needed to be reseated, your eyes drifted over to your mom's table and frown for two reasons. One: your brother's name wasn't next to your mom, and two: a familiar name that you heard a dozen times from cole and his family's mouth too many times.

"What? What's wrong do I need to relocate someone." He asked pulling his phone back and looking at it before you, you shook your head trying to wrap your head around the person he invited.

"Why is Sadie at the wedding?" Cole furrowed his brows and shrug.

"Because she's my bestfriend." He said as if it was obvious.

"You invited your ex-girlfriend to our wedding," You looked at him as if he was crazy, he shrug again nonchalant as he look back at his phone.

"I don't know what's the big deal is–"

"The big deal is that your ex-girlfriend is not only at our wedding, but sitting in the seat that suppose to be for my brother." You pissed, you couldn't believe the nerve he got to invite her but threw a tantrum when you told him your brother was walking you down the aisle, Cole narrowed his eyes at you with a square jaw.

"I don't like this attitude your giving me, you need to take a beat before you make things worst for yourself." You look at him with wide eyes, you couldn't believe what you were hearing, you look around the room before getting of the bed.

"Are you kidding me, right now. What is worst than being trapped here like some animal," You snapped.

"You are blowing this way out of proportion." He said planting his feet on the floor as he sit looks at you, you let a sharp laugh before covering your mouth.

"That's real rich coming from you." He tilt his head before standing up.

"What the hell is that suppose to mean, huh?" Cole towered over you even through he wasn't right in front of you, you glare at him as you kept your ground.

"You know exactly what I mean." You hissed, the only reason you were here in the first place is because of his detest of your brother.

When he came home after work, you told him how you wanted your brother to walk you down the aisle since your father couldn't. When Cole told you that your brother wasn't invited to the wedding, you thought he was joking and then he made it clear he was not and move to tell you he never sent him an invitation.

"Your brother is a asshole, he had it in for me since the day we meet. Why would I invite someone who doesn't like me to my wedding." You shook your head at him with an exasperated look.

"How many times must I say this to you, he doesn't hate you he just overly protective of me. You act like you never been that way towards Mattie's boyfriend–" His fist contact with the wall next to the side of your head, your words got stuck in your throat at your stare at Cole heated gaze.

"I am standing by my word his not coming and sadie is staying, end. of. discussion." You don't know if it was the adrenaline or your hopelessness.

"Fine! End of relationship." You snap back making Cole cheek twitch, "I don't want to marry you anymore, Cole." He cackle as he step back.

"You don't mean that–"

"Yes, I do." You could see the little pulse come visible in his forehead as he stares at you, "Why would i want to spend the rest of my life with a selfish, abusive, cheating ass–" You grunt as your back hit the wall and your throat being squeeze in cole tight grip making your hand fly up to pry him off.

"I never cheated on you, I am many things but a cheater is not one of them." He node flared and his held so much heat you feel you could explode.

"Your such in denial it's pathetic, you think... I wouldn't notice her smell on you." His hand ease against your neck as he stare at you taken back, you knew for a while but you didn't want to believe it.

You thought if you ignore what he was doing he get bored and come back to you, you always made sure you tell him you love him, make sure you let him do whatever he wanted in the bedroom even if you weren't entirely comfortable with it. You were reaching that age that you just want someone next to you, and cole was that exact person and more. He was sweet and kind...for awhile anyways.

"It meant nothing, i love you and only you, I swear it happened one time and I regretted every since." You weren't looking at him as you shook your head, you told him you didn't care you repeated it over and over.

"...I just want to go home." You sniff as you bend your head as you cry.

"You are home. Home is with me." You felt his hand move from your neck and to your elbow.

You dug your heels into the floor as he tries to drag you to the bed, you stumble forward as pull at your arm roughly. You curse and hit him as you struggle against him, Cole knocked the food to the floor as digging his nails into your elbow and grasp your waist before tossing you on the mattress making you bounce. You tried to get up only to be pushed down by your shoulders, the bed creak as he got on top of you.

"I'm going to show you how much I love you,"

You slap at his face and claw at his neck, you kick and scream but nothing to deter him. His jeans and boxers were past the curve of his ass already, he grasp your hands with one hand pinning the above you. The shorts you had on was being pulled down by his other hand, as they rest on your thighs in tangle with your panties.

You sniff as you pleaded with him to stop, but he didn't listen as he grab his cock and rub it against your folds. You closed your eyes as you shake in fear, you tell yourself let him do what he wants and it will be over. He leave you be–you grunt and open your eyes to stare at Cole on top of you, he had his eyes on you as he slowly push inside of your cunt. He moved in an agonizing pace as you turn away from his prying eyes, when he feels your cunt it slick with your arousal he starts groaning and moving hips a bit quicker.

"I knew you forgive me, baby." He moan.

He let's go of your hands and grasp you throat gently making your hands go to your face, your palm was press against your mouth as you try to hold in a moan. You hated yourself. You hated your body. You didn't understand why he was doing this to you, he could have anyone especially sadie if he wanted too but he choose you. You tensed as if he was reading your mind.

"Fuck! Sadie never made me feel this way...that how much of a hold you have on me, baby." He grunts as he rock his pelvis against your own, you felt the pressure he was adding to your throat making you whimper as his other hand grope your tits.

You could hear him muttering things from above you like "I love you" to "I want to cum on your tit so bad, baby." All these vulgar words he were saying made your cunt become slicker, you hate him so much for making your body feel this way. Suddenly, cole stop and you could feel him pull out of you making your thighs shut, he tore your shorts and panties off of you as they got in the way and ripped your shirt open exposing your naked chest. You more hear more shuffling before you decided to peak through your fingers to see cole naked chest, you hid again as he caught you staring making him smile at you. He poke at your folds getting his cock wet before sliding inside you with ease, he grabs your hips as he rutted into you making you moan and arch your back in pleasure.

You wrap your legs around his waist as his chest pressed against yours, he groan into your shoulder as his thrust sped up making your hands go to his back. He hiss and moan as your nails claw down his back, he move his left hand from your hip down your stomach as he move his hand over your clit moving his hand over it fast making your thighs his waist.

"Yeah, that's it baby. You gonna cum with me, aren't you." He growl as he slam his hips into yours, you whimper at the force and pace he was going the familiar feeling inside your stomach snap and you let out a moan as you trembled under him.

You swallow the lump in your throat before feeling cole's body tensed and his face contorted into pleasure, as the feeling of his hot cum filled your pussy until it spill pass his cock and out of your cunt.

You grunted at the weight of Cole on top of you, he snuggle into your neck as his cock pulse inside you. You were counting the seconds until he get off of you, you stare at the crack ceiling with shame at your orgasm aftermath. You snap out of your head as Cole moved, before you can be relieve cole wrap his arms around your shoulder bring you close to his chest as you voth lay on your sides.

"That was amazing..." He exhale with a smile, "...you're amazing." He kiss the crown of your head, you grimace against his chest.

How can he lay there and say that? What is wrong with this man, you thought.

"You know I can never be mad at you right, baby." His nose nuzzle your hairline before breathing in your scent, "I will allow him to come to the wedding, and I'll uninvite sadie." You furrow your brows and pull back looking at him.

"R-really?" He smile.

"Absolutely, baby." He kiss your head, "Just as long you know to never talk to me like that again," you glance away from his eyes and to look at his chest.

"I will never let you go, and I can't never truly hurt you." His hand brush some of your hair behind your ear, "But, I can hurt your mom and brother." Your eyes snap back at him with fear as he caress your hair.

"C-Cole–" he shushed you as he plant a kiss against your lips.

"As long as you don't threaten to leave me again, they are safe, okay?" You nod your quickly as you try to contain the tears im your eyes, "Good, baby, good because it be ashame if your brother ended up like you father." You couldn't help the sob break out of you, cole shush you again as he rub your back gently.

You and your family never knew what happened to your dad, it was so long ago way before you even knew Cole. Could he have killed you dad?

"Don't cry, baby. Once the baby comes we can name him after your pops and everything will be prefect." You cried harder at the realization that you might be stuck with Cole forever.

1 year ago
Warnings: This Fic Will Include Dark Content Such As Dubcon/noncon, Obsession, Stalking, Manipulation,

Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, obsession, stalking, manipulation, reclusive behaviour, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.

This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.

Warnings: This Fic Will Include Dark Content Such As Dubcon/noncon, Obsession, Stalking, Manipulation,
Warnings: This Fic Will Include Dark Content Such As Dubcon/noncon, Obsession, Stalking, Manipulation,

Your legs was against your chest as you huddle in the corner of the bed, you couldn't stop crying not since he brought you here. You took in shaky breathe as you try to calm your beating heart, you knew if you didn't stop crying by the time he gets home he was going to get upset all over again and punish you yet again. You didn't want to a repeat of last week, you gulp as your hand hover over your bruised neck.

How did you let it get this bad. How could you have known he do something so rash after the argument you had recently, it was still fresh in your mind. You remember how shocked you were when he starting yelling and how scared you were when he started trashing his place, so many emotions were going through you as you watch a man that couldn't even swap a fly. Turn into a whole different person in a matter of a minute, you exhale through your mouth before leaning your head against the wall, you hiss slightly taking your head off the wall remembering the lump on your temple, where he hit you with the tire iron that knocked you unconscious and ended you up waking up in here.

The sound of a car door shutting made you flinch, oh god his here, you move to wipe at your face clearing any sign of tears before getting off the bed. The sound of the door opening and closing made you bite your bottom lip, the floorboards creak under his step as he walk down the hall. You heard him stop by your door making you wipe at your face again and fix your attire, the door creak open making you snap your head up to look at the door.

You watch him poke his head in looking at the bed with a frown before his gaze finally meet you, he beam and opened the door widely as he step inside with one hand behind his back.

"Hey, babe." He said softly making you give a weak smile.

"Hey, Cole. How was work?" You slowly move over to him, he bend down giving you a kiss on your lips.

"It was fine. I tell you more about it over dinner. How was your day?" He asked, a dumb question to ask you knowing you couldn't do much not even read.

"You know same old same old, what you got there." You asked shifting your eyes to his arm behind his back.

"It's your favorite..." he grins moving his hand from behind his back to show you the large brown paper bag, "Italian. I thought I treat my special girl to her favorite restaurant in the city."

You swallow down your grimace, your favorite restaurant is a nice cuban place down the street from where your friend lives he knows that, but the italian restaurant was cole's number one place for anything, he took you there once for your birthday and you ended up having food poisoning. So, you never really liked the place much after that.

"Oh...yum." You said with a tight smile, you could see the annoyance flash across his eyes as his jaw clenched.

"Let's eat." He walk past you towards the bed making slowly shortly after him.

You climb on the bed with your back against the headboard and pillow between your legs for comfort, you watch Cole take out two containers of food for himself and one more containers for you. You leaned forward taking a plastic fork from the bed and open one of the container, you blench when you realize it was the pasta you order and got food poison from long ago. You glance up at Cole who was already looking at you with a look that made your skin crawl, you look back down at the food and stab your fork into the fusilli and put a single one in your mouth. You chew it slowly trying not to think back to the time you fall ill and kept on throwing up, you finally swallow it before looking up at Cole. He let out a satisfied hum before digging in his own food, you sigh in relief, he wasn't angry that's good.

Your stomach made a uncomfortable churn, you haven't eaten in days, the only time you eat is when Cole visit that was once a week if your lucky two. As you eat slowly you begin to think of your parents and friends, you wonder if they know that you gone messing or did Cole just give them so water down bs about your absent. You leaned your head against the palm of your hand as you stab into your food, you wanted to ask him how much longer would it be until you can finally leave this place and go back home.

"You know sweetheart I spent a lot of money and gas getting you, your favorite all way out here and I have yet to here you say thank you." You stop stabbing your food and lift your eyes up to Cole to find him looking at you patiently and calm, if you haven't been here for weeks you think that the same man you feel in love with.

"Thank you, cole. The food is great." You master up a small smile before dropping your eyes back to the mattress.

You heard him sigh making you glance up to see him finishing his pasta and discarding it in the brown paper bag, he see him open the second container and your stomach rumble at the smell of garlic cheesesticks. Your eyes caught coles' after he broke the cheesestick in half and eat the other one, he smile at you point the delicious cheesestick at you making you reach to get only for him to pull back.

"Only good girls get treats, brats gets nothing..." you frown as you watch him eat it before moving to get another breadstick, you swallow before casting your eyes away and back to your cold pasta.

"Maybe if you treat me right tonight, I'll leave you some for later." He says making you look at him as he gave you small sly smile.

"Thanks, cole." He reach over his thumb caressing your cheek.

"Anything for you, baby." You felt his thumb trail along your jaw before gently brushing it against your bottom lip, you taste the seasoning of garlic and parsley from his thumb as he move his thumb along your tongue.

You could he tell he was getting himself worked up, his breathing became labour and the tint in his pants made it known he was aroused, he let out deep exhale before slowly pulling his thumb from your lips and trailing the saliva down your lip to your neck. He pulled away as he take you in you couldn't look him in his eye after that, when you heard him shift you look up and seen him adjust his crotch before picking up another cheesestick.

You lift your hand going to wipe the saliva of your lip and chin, but was stop by growl from Cole. You drop your hand in your lap and move to close the container, hopefully he would allow you to save it for later. You look at Cole again to see him scrolling through his phone, you couldn't stand the silence so you ask him the very thing you know will put him in a even better mood.

"U-uh, cole?" He hummed, "I never asked but how is the wedding planning going?" Cole stop scrolling and look up at you, the look of excitement in his eyes confounds you at how quickly he can change moods.

"It's going amazing, baby. We so close to the finish line, we already have the venue, your dress, my suit, and all we have to do is figure out the sitting chart." He said with grin, "Oh, I meant to show you the sitting chart since I have no idea who should sit with who on your guest side of things." He scroll on his phone and taping on thing before shoving it your face, you squint before looking over the sitting arrangement.

It all looked good no one from your side needed to be reseated, your eyes drifted over to your mom's table and frown for two reasons. One: your brother's name wasn't next to your mom, and two: a familiar name that you heard a dozen times from cole and his family's mouth too many times.

"What? What's wrong do I need to relocate someone." He asked pulling his phone back and looking at it before you, you shook your head trying to wrap your head around the person he invited.

"Why is Sadie at the wedding?" Cole furrowed his brows and shrug.

"Because she's my bestfriend." He said as if it was obvious.

"You invited your ex-girlfriend to our wedding," You looked at him as if he was crazy, he shrug again nonchalant as he look back at his phone.

"I don't know what's the big deal is–"

"The big deal is that your ex-girlfriend is not only at our wedding, but sitting in the seat that suppose to be for my brother." You pissed, you couldn't believe the nerve he got to invite her but threw a tantrum when you told him your brother was walking you down the aisle, Cole narrowed his eyes at you with a square jaw.

"I don't like this attitude your giving me, you need to take a beat before you make things worst for yourself." You look at him with wide eyes, you couldn't believe what you were hearing, you look around the room before getting of the bed.

"Are you kidding me, right now. What is worst than being trapped here like some animal," You snapped.

"You are blowing this way out of proportion." He said planting his feet on the floor as he sit looks at you, you let a sharp laugh before covering your mouth.

"That's real rich coming from you." He tilt his head before standing up.

"What the hell is that suppose to mean, huh?" Cole towered over you even through he wasn't right in front of you, you glare at him as you kept your ground.

"You know exactly what I mean." You hissed, the only reason you were here in the first place is because of his detest of your brother.

When he came home after work, you told him how you wanted your brother to walk you down the aisle since your father couldn't. When Cole told you that your brother wasn't invited to the wedding, you thought he was joking and then he made it clear he was not and move to tell you he never sent him an invitation.

"Your brother is a asshole, he had it in for me since the day we meet. Why would I invite someone who doesn't like me to my wedding." You shook your head at him with an exasperated look.

"How many times must I say this to you, he doesn't hate you he just overly protective of me. You act like you never been that way towards Mattie's boyfriend–" His fist contact with the wall next to the side of your head, your words got stuck in your throat at your stare at Cole heated gaze.

"I am standing by my word his not coming and sadie is staying, end. of. discussion." You don't know if it was the adrenaline or your hopelessness.

"Fine! End of relationship." You snap back making Cole cheek twitch, "I don't want to marry you anymore, Cole." He cackle as he step back.

"You don't mean that–"

"Yes, I do." You could see the little pulse come visible in his forehead as he stares at you, "Why would i want to spend the rest of my life with a selfish, abusive, cheating ass–" You grunt as your back hit the wall and your throat being squeeze in cole tight grip making your hand fly up to pry him off.

"I never cheated on you, I am many things but a cheater is not one of them." He node flared and his held so much heat you feel you could explode.

"Your such in denial it's pathetic, you think... I wouldn't notice her smell on you." His hand ease against your neck as he stare at you taken back, you knew for a while but you didn't want to believe it.

You thought if you ignore what he was doing he get bored and come back to you, you always made sure you tell him you love him, make sure you let him do whatever he wanted in the bedroom even if you weren't entirely comfortable with it. You were reaching that age that you just want someone next to you, and cole was that exact person and more. He was sweet and kind...for awhile anyways.

"It meant nothing, i love you and only you, I swear it happened one time and I regretted every since." You weren't looking at him as you shook your head, you told him you didn't care you repeated it over and over.

"...I just want to go home." You sniff as you bend your head as you cry.

"You are home. Home is with me." You felt his hand move from your neck and to your elbow.

You dug your heels into the floor as he tries to drag you to the bed, you stumble forward as pull at your arm roughly. You curse and hit him as you struggle against him, Cole knocked the food to the floor as digging his nails into your elbow and grasp your waist before tossing you on the mattress making you bounce. You tried to get up only to be pushed down by your shoulders, the bed creak as he got on top of you.

"I'm going to show you how much I love you,"

You slap at his face and claw at his neck, you kick and scream but nothing to deter him. His jeans and boxers were past the curve of his ass already, he grasp your hands with one hand pinning the above you. The shorts you had on was being pulled down by his other hand, as they rest on your thighs in tangle with your panties.

You sniff as you pleaded with him to stop, but he didn't listen as he grab his cock and rub it against your folds. You closed your eyes as you shake in fear, you tell yourself let him do what he wants and it will be over. He leave you be–you grunt and open your eyes to stare at Cole on top of you, he had his eyes on you as he slowly push inside of your cunt. He moved in an agonizing pace as you turn away from his prying eyes, when he feels your cunt it slick with your arousal he starts groaning and moving hips a bit quicker.

"I knew you forgive me, baby." He moan.

He let's go of your hands and grasp you throat gently making your hands go to your face, your palm was press against your mouth as you try to hold in a moan. You hated yourself. You hated your body. You didn't understand why he was doing this to you, he could have anyone especially sadie if he wanted too but he choose you. You tensed as if he was reading your mind.

"Fuck! Sadie never made me feel this way...that how much of a hold you have on me, baby." He grunts as he rock his pelvis against your own, you felt the pressure he was adding to your throat making you whimper as his other hand grope your tits.

You could hear him muttering things from above you like "I love you" to "I want to cum on your tit so bad, baby." All these vulgar words he were saying made your cunt become slicker, you hate him so much for making your body feel this way. Suddenly, cole stop and you could feel him pull out of you making your thighs shut, he tore your shorts and panties off of you as they got in the way and ripped your shirt open exposing your naked chest. You more hear more shuffling before you decided to peak through your fingers to see cole naked chest, you hid again as he caught you staring making him smile at you. He poke at your folds getting his cock wet before sliding inside you with ease, he grabs your hips as he rutted into you making you moan and arch your back in pleasure.

You wrap your legs around his waist as his chest pressed against yours, he groan into your shoulder as his thrust sped up making your hands go to his back. He hiss and moan as your nails claw down his back, he move his left hand from your hip down your stomach as he move his hand over your clit moving his hand over it fast making your thighs his waist.

"Yeah, that's it baby. You gonna cum with me, aren't you." He growl as he slam his hips into yours, you whimper at the force and pace he was going the familiar feeling inside your stomach snap and you let out a moan as you trembled under him.

You swallow the lump in your throat before feeling cole's body tensed and his face contorted into pleasure, as the feeling of his hot cum filled your pussy until it spill pass his cock and out of your cunt.

You grunted at the weight of Cole on top of you, he snuggle into your neck as his cock pulse inside you. You were counting the seconds until he get off of you, you stare at the crack ceiling with shame at your orgasm aftermath. You snap out of your head as Cole moved, before you can be relieve cole wrap his arms around your shoulder bring you close to his chest as you voth lay on your sides.

"That was amazing..." He exhale with a smile, "...you're amazing." He kiss the crown of your head, you grimace against his chest.

How can he lay there and say that? What is wrong with this man, you thought.

"You know I can never be mad at you right, baby." His nose nuzzle your hairline before breathing in your scent, "I will allow him to come to the wedding, and I'll uninvite sadie." You furrow your brows and pull back looking at him.

"R-really?" He smile.

"Absolutely, baby." He kiss your head, "Just as long you know to never talk to me like that again," you glance away from his eyes and to look at his chest.

"I will never let you go, and I can't never truly hurt you." His hand brush some of your hair behind your ear, "But, I can hurt your mom and brother." Your eyes snap back at him with fear as he caress your hair.

"C-Cole–" he shushed you as he plant a kiss against your lips.

"As long as you don't threaten to leave me again, they are safe, okay?" You nod your quickly as you try to contain the tears im your eyes, "Good, baby, good because it be ashame if your brother ended up like you father." You couldn't help the sob break out of you, cole shush you again as he rub your back gently.

You and your family never knew what happened to your dad, it was so long ago way before you even knew Cole. Could he have killed you dad?

"Don't cry, baby. Once the baby comes we can name him after your pops and everything will be prefect." You cried harder at the realization that you might be stuck with Cole forever.

2 years ago

Heyy i was wondering if you could give „Dance to a Different Tune“ another part in which the readers past is being revealed, where she used to sleep with men for money and how she met and ended up with alfie. Maybe even include a little backlash they faced💗 Thank you in Advance☺️

Hi, dance to a different tune is part two of change your tune. Which tells the story how Alfie and the reader meet

2 years ago

thanks for tagging me @eddiemunsn !! this is so cute i’m gonna vom

love at first sight or slowly growing fond of someone | love letters or mixtapes | hand kisses or kisses on the cheeks | understanding each other without words or finishing each other’s sentences | gazing into each other’s eyes or looking away blushing | longing to be with someone again or spending every second together | laughing together or crying together | someone running their fingers through your hair or gently playing with your hand | surprise kisses or long tight hugs

no pressure tags!! @madmaxmayfleld @peterthepark @mydreamsthieved @littledemondani @noretreatnancy

2 years ago

Dance to a Different Tune

Dance To A Different Tune

requested × anonymous

The sound of the alarm clock woke you making you slam your hand against it to shut it off but that didn't get you to get out of bed just yet, the big bear you called a husband next to you shuffled in bed as he leans over to you and pressed multiple kisses on your back and shoulder just waking up.

"Morning, pet." He whispered before kissing your cheek, the smile that spread across your face made you crack one eye open and turn your head slightly to kiss his lips.

"Morning." Alfie patted your butt before getting out of bed and heading towards the bathroom, you closed your eyes again trying to go back to sleep before being force to get up soon.

You listened out hearing the toilet flushing and the sink turning on and off made you continue relaxing, she heard alfie grunt as he walked out of the bathroom and back to bed she perked up as he pulled her into him by her waist.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for work?" She asked.

"I'm the boss. I'll get there when I choose to." She chuckled lowly as she felt him melts into her, she sighed in bliss she loved mornings like these with alfie where they just laid there not saying a word just melting into each other. It's crazy how life turned out for her one minute shes' fucking men for money now she's working in her own bakery and married to camden most notorious gangster, a life she never imagined having but here she was with him enjoying this beautiful quiet morning.

The voice of their oldest daughter, Dinah voice boomed through out the room causing both alfie and you to cringe as more footsteps ran down the hall to your room.

"Mama! Papa! I want pancakes."

"And I want bacon and eggs."

The shouts of the twins made you bury your face into your pillow as you just wanted quiet morning little bit longer, she sat up hearing a painful grunt coming from alfie seeing the little boy and girl crawling on their father's back before sliding off to get into my lap.

"Alf? You okay, babe." His face was buried in his pillow muffling his words, "what?" she says leaning closer to him.

"...fuckin peachy." He grunts out making her give him a small mock pout as she rubbed his back, he twisted onto his back before huffing like a bear he is and looking up at the ceiling as she put ella and david on the bed.

"Do you want me to do that thing that help with the pain?" She asked getting out of bed and going to his side, he looked at her up and down slowly before a small grin made its way onto his face as dirty thoughts ran through his head.

"Oh, darlin not with the kids around." He mutters making you glare at him with a small smile.

"...you guys are gross." Dinah says disgusted before walking out of the room, alfie's index finger trailed its way slowly against your warm thigh making you slap it away gently.

"Stop that," She whispered rolling her eyes when alfie laugh.

"What? We could start on baby number 6." He grins slowly sitting up making me back up a bit.

"Let the one brewing in my belly form first before we start talking about baby number 6." I watched him get off the bed before looking down at her with his hands on her hips.

"I told you when I married ya I wanted a litter of them, didnt i." I let out a mocked laughed making him give her a toothy grin.

"Not that I could recall." I say as him massage my hips, the twins throw their arm around alfie's shoulder as he got up making them giggle as they cling to the man.

"Why don't you take the munchkins to get ready for the day, well I wake the beast from his cave." Alfie nodded giving me a peck before you moved to kiss the twins on their cheeks.

They walked out of the room with you watching as alfie held both twins over his shoulder to the their room well you walk to your oldest, I knocked before peaking my head insides my son's room to found him still asleep, I smiled a little as I make my way inside and take a seat on the edge of his bed. I ran my hand through his silk brown hair stirring him, he turned towards me with his face against his pillow as he crack open one eye.

"What time is it?" He croaked out.

"A little before seven fifty." He groaned as he closed his eyes again.

"...give me five more minutes." He mutters drifting back to sleep, I moved my hand from his hair making him frown a little.

"Okayyyy, but I have to warn you, your father is making pancakes." I song getting up he groaned knowing that if he didn't get down stairs before his father finish cooking he only be left with scraps of bacon and sausage.

"...I'll be down in a minute." He sighed pulling the covers over his head, I giggled before walking out and going back to my room to get dress for the day.

I finished doing my hair with the curling iron before sliding on my black step in pumps, I looked in the mirror one last time as I fix my black bow brooch tie before walking out. I saw that Joseph's room door was left opened i looked inside not seeing him, I closed the door before making my wsy downstairs with the rest of the family.

"Good morning, family." I said walking over to the coffee pot on the stove, my childern spoke over each other as they wish me a good morning. A hand went to my waist as I pulled out a coffee cup and sat it down next to the stove, Alf got a cup from the same cabinet placing it next to my mug waiting for me to pour him some coffee.

"I saved ya a plate." He said lifting the plate from behind his back towards me making me smile in appreciation.

"Ah, thank you, my love." I took the plate of his hand and laid it on the island behind us, he was press to my side like a fly on honey staring at me.

"Can I help you, Mr. Solomon." I asked lifting the mug to my lips taking a sip as I look at him.

"Nope just waiting for my thank you kiss." I raised my brow at the man.

"Thank you kiss?" I asked, he nodded as his hand on my waist made me come closer as his hip leaned against the counter.

"Yea, I basically had to beat those heathens off with a stick to save ya food, I think I deserve a little kiss don't ya think." He said tilting his head to the side with a grin making me smile behind my mug as I thought about it, I held my mug as I set on the counter before leaning in with alfie doing the same and brush my lips against his only for a second.

"...mwah, there you go, happy." I smiled at him as he narrow his eyes at me.

"What was that?"

"That was a kiss." He scoffed.

"You called that a kiss?" He asked crossing his arms.

"You said you wanted a little kiss, so I gave you a little kiss." I shrugged before turning towards my plate of food.

"Don't play, (y/n). Give me a real kiss." I rolled my eyes as I put down my half eaten bacon and turned back to my husband who had his arms open for me, I stepped into his hold putting my arms around his neck and giving him his kiss. A large gasped left my lips when alfie dipped me making one arms go around my waist and one if his hands to take hold my butt making me smile against his lips, his lips moved away from my lips to my neck causing me to laugh loudly as he bites and suck on my neck where I'm ticklish.

"Mum! Dad! The bus is here. " Joseph call out, making alfie pull me straight up I smiled widely at him as I slap his chest for that stunt he pulled causing him to laugh whole heartily. Alfie followed behind me with coffee in hand as we walked Joseph and Dinah outside where the bus came up in front of house, we peppered them with kisses before letting go and watching them ran up to the bus and get in I waved one last time as the bus drove away before reaching in my skirt pocket and taking out the car keys that I brought myself a long time ago.

"I'll see you after work, my beloved." I said as Alfie walked me and the kids to the car.

"See ya after work....you two be good for your mum, now." Alfie says before binding down as the twins nodded planting kisses on his cheek as they hug him making me smile.

"I love you." I said when he stood up straight making him look at me starstruck as if I never said those three words to him before every morning.

"I love you too, lovely." I unlock the door and buckle the twins in with alfie help before Alf opened my door. I took his hand as I got into the drivers seat he shut the door before leaning his head in kissing my lips for a minute.

"...have a safe drive." He whispered pulling away a bit to look into my eyes.

"I will...," he smile but I could see he was still a bit worried that I didn't have his men to drive me, but I made it clear long ago that I could take it with his men being at the bakery but to drive me around was too much. He nod before he patted the roof of the car as I put the key in the ignition, the kids bid their dad a goodbye as I started to pull out of the drive way he waved as he stood in his same spot. I smiled at him one last time before driving down the road of our street to the bakery.

Ella and David sat in one of the four tables in the shop drawing when I was talking to a customer, I slide the pie towards to the woman with a smile as she thanked me and walked out. I looked over at the time seeing it was almost time for the kids to get out of school, my head turned to the swinging doors where Rosie came out with more fresh bake goods.

"Hey, I got a new batch and there a man in the back that need you to sign some papers." She said putting the cookies in the bakery case.

"Alright, I'll be back." I wrapped my hands on my apron before going to the back and walking past my two other employees, the man turned with a clipboard I smiled at the familiar face and take the pen out of his hand as I sighed my signature on my supplies.

"Thanks, Mrs. Solomon. See you next week. " He tipped his hat towards me.

"See you next week, simon." I smiled as his men put the bag of flour in their usual spot as I go back in the front of the shop, as I walked out of the back dinah and joe walked through the door.

"Hey, how was school." I asked walking up to them and give me a hug.

"Great! My teacher was out so we didn't have to take her test today." Joe said happy as he walked behind the counter with his sister sitting down their backpack.

"Luck you."

"I know right." He said with wide smile making his sister roll her eyes.

"And that's wasn't the best part of the day, a boy in my class got in a fight with a kid a year above us and he won. It was unbelievable." He said ecstatic.

"Well, it's good to see you a great day, how about you dinah how was your day." I asked looking at the little girl who took tied her hair in the back before putting on her apron.

"It was alright I got a A on my science test and got the part of wendy in the peter pan play." I squeal pulling her in a hug.

"I always knew you could do it, baby." I kissed the top of her head still holding her, "I can't wait for all of us to go watch it." Joe groaned.

"Do we all have to–"

"Yes." I cut him off making him scrowl softly, as I let her go the bell to my shop ring.

"Welcome to Lovelie's Bakery, what can I–" I turned towards the door before stopping and seeing who it was.

"I knew it was you, you haven't change a bit." I looked at the person speechless.

"Mum? Who is that?" Joseph asked making the lady look at her son, I could see the gears in her head as she study my son and daughter who was next to me.

"She's...she's um..." I couldn't come up with words to tell my son.

"I'm an old friend...she and my husband were old acquaintances, isn't that right?" Lizzie asked looking at me with a wry look making me roll my eyes.

"Hey, Rosie. Can you take the kids in the back and get started on the cookies." I asked my friend she looked at the woman and back at me nodding as she walked over to the twin.

"Come on, guys. Let make some Christmas cookies." I watched as they shouted in excitement and drag her to the doors, dinah followed right behind leaving Joe to still stand by my side. I put a hand on his back making him look at me.

"I'll be fine, go." I motion to the door with my head making him glance at the woman and nod before walking in the back as I watched.

"Their beautiful...the boy looks like his father." My eyes snapped back to her with a vacant look.

"How old is he? He looks like he a bit younger than charlie–" lizzie looked taken back when I cut her off.

"What the hell are you doing here." I asked coming from behind the counter and standing in front of her.

"I was in the area and thought I could go for a cookie." I scrowl taking a step closer to her as she taunt me.

"It's really not a good idea to mock the wife of a gangster in his territory." I glared as she put her hands up.

"I didn't come in here to fight." I scoffed crossing my arms.

"Then why are you here." I asked impatient, she shrugged sighing before moving some hair out of her face.

"I don't know I saw you from across the way and then I saw your kids, and I just–I guess wanted to see if any of them belong to Tommy. " She said.

"Lucky for you and me, none of them are, so." I held up my arm up motioning towards the door.

"How could you be sure?" She asked stepping closer making me look her up and down.

"His still cheating on you." I stated she didn't say anything making me sigh.

" I haven't seen Tommy or been to small heath in over seven years, and I'm not the type of woman to cheat on my man." I let my arms fall to my side, lizzie nodded looking down onto the floor.

"You know you were his favorite. After Grace, he somehow found his way to you and he found you special, why?..." She asked looking up at me I didn't notice earlier but a bit of her mascara was smudge under her eyes as if she was crying earlier today, I wiped my face looking over at the doors behind me before turning back to her.

"Ask him. I let you overstay your welcome long enough, now leave." I turned to walk away when I felt her hand wrap around my forearm.

"This will not last your perfect life...he will get bored they eventually do, and hopefully you feel the same heartache and misery you caused me." I snapped my arm out of her grip and glared at her.

"Let go of me before your husband found your body floating in the–" I shut my mouth when the door creaked.

"Mum? Eveything's alright." Joseph asked.

"Yea, my old friend was just leaving." I turned back to lizzie with a agitated smile, she gave a tight lipped one back before backing up and leaving out of the shop, i huffed rubbing my head before turning and stirring my son back to the kitchen.

When I got home I didn't tell Alf about the visit from mrs.shelby, neither did the kids especially since they could tell that something wasn't right when I came back into the kitchen. Even though i know lizzie was chatting shit it still planted a seed of doubt in me I know Alf and I know he loves me, but his eyes likes to wonder to other woman when we go out and we always laugh about it when I catch him. It's our thing. I trust alfie and he trust me. That what makes our marriage work.

"We be back around midnight." I told Ollie, he nods as he followed me around the house as I told him what the kids can and can not have well we're away.

"If they get hungry we have left over meatloaf in the oven." Alfie was already in the car waiting, I turned over to the sitting room to see the kids lounging.

"Alright." He said as I kept looking at them, alfie was invited to this function by one of his associates and brought me along to distract from boring rich people talk.

" You don't have to worry (y/n), they in safe hands." I turned to Ollie giving him a sweet smile.

"I know they are." I squeezed his arm before stepping closer to the living room.

"I'm going...be good for Ollie, alright." They mumbled a yes before going back to what they were doing before entered the room, I rolled my eyes smiling one more time at Ollie before walking out to the car.

"I don't think asking Ollie to watch the kids was a good idea, you know the twins can smell weakness." I giggled as I link my hand to alfie free one, we were driving out of london to the countryside.

"That's why I told Rosie to drop by when she close the shop to make sure everything's okay." Alfie shook his head.

"...still playing cupid I see." I shrugged a little before looking out the window.

"She likes him and he likes her, I don't see the harm in interfering." She heard alfie snort, we stayed quiet as the music on the radio played through the car, after an hour and half we finally pulled up to a nice-looking mansion.

"...rich pricks." I heard alfie whispered as he tried founding a space to park the car, he got out swiftly before opening my door i smiled at him as he grabbed my hand helping me out. I hook my arm around his own and started walking up the steps the door was opened by an old white man, he stepped aside letting us in as people stood around mingling.

"Remember we only here to show face and get the hell out, okay?" I nodded as I took a glass from a tray before drinking it, the night was spent being pulled left to right by alfie as associates of his introduced him to their friends. I was on my sixth glass when we were brought to the drawing room, a bunch of people was standing near the fireplace when we came up to them.

"Alfie this is Oswald and his wife diana...." I looked up and see a man with mustache standing straight as if he as a stick up his ass, he bend his head down a bit greeting.

"How do you do." He said, he glanced over to me for a second before looking away, I didn't take no offense I know how his kind is. Alfie nod back not saying a word.

"...and you already know Mr. Shelby and his wife." I turned my head a bit looking for a waiter, I wasn't going to pay them no mind especially Thomas I just hoped that his whore kepts a muzzle on about what happened–.

"Hello, (y/n). It's good to see you again." Lizzie said, I look at her giving her a quick smile before looking away.

"How the kids?" She asked, I could feel alfie's eyes burning the side of my head.

"Their fine." I said again, I smiled again when the waiter took my empty glass and gave me new one.

"That's good maybe we could do a little play date with the–" I gave her a uninterested look as alfie spoke up.

"Hold on, now darling. When did you two..." he waved a finger between me and lizzie, "...meet?" He asked looking at me, I let out a nervous laugh shrugging.

"Oh, that it was weeks ago." He narrowed his eyes at me before glancing over at Thomas who was watching us.

"Did you know anything about this?" Thomas took the cigarette out of his mouth.

"Lizzie mentioned it." I rolled my eyes as I downed my drink.

"Funny. Because me own wife didnt." He said.

"It slipped my mind." I refrained myself as the others were watching us, I could tell that lizzie was eating this up so I calmed myself down and grabbed his hand so he could do the same.

"Alfie let's talk about this later." I whispered looking him in the eye trying to get him to see that I didn't want to argue, but he wanst having it.

"I think I want to talk about it now." He said gruffly, I gave him a look as he glared at me.

"Alfie–" I stressed glancing at the prying eyes.

"What? Am I embarrassing you in front of your little boyfriend." He said heated, I looked at him eyes widen in shock.

"You know what..." I let out a deep breathe, " I can't talk to you when your like this so I'm going to the restroom." I grabbing my clutch from the table.

"Come found me when your in the right head space, okay, Alfred." I glowered walking past him and away from the group, after taking a break and hiding out in the bathroom for a good twelve minutes I think that gave me and alfie enough time to gather ourself. I was finishing wiping my hands with the towel when someone knocked on the door I walked over thinking it was alfie

"Hello." I furrowed seeing oswald mosley standing at the door.

" Mr. Mosley–" he cut me off with a wave of his hand.

"Call me Oswald." I looked over his shoulder for anyone as he made me back up back into the bathroom I watch him shut the door.

"You know when lizzie told me you used to be a whore, I couldn't help but be intrigued..." I watched him closely as he walked closer to me.

"I never been with a woman of your complexion before I always heard your kind tasted divine," he said undressing me with his eyes, a bit of bile came up making me gag mentally.

"Whatever that gutter trash told you I don't do that anymore." I shut down.

"Not even for the right amount of cash, you know I have it. Especially with how my political party is going." He said proudful.

"I rather eat glass and I didn't take you for a man with taste." He chuckled at my comment with a small smile.

"And why is that?" I shrugged as I walked around him.

"Well, I heard from the grapevine that you like to keep it in the family, mr.mosley." He face turned sour causing me smile innocent at him.

"Rumors." He rolled his eyes.

"Of course, they are..." I said patronizing, before he could grab hold of me I clocked him in the nose causing him to fall to the ground.

"You have balls I can give you that, but let this be a lesson to you." I said throwing down the towel I was once holding on the floor near him for his bloody nose.

"Never corner a women like this ever again." He was slowly getting up when I landed a kick to his stomach causing him groan again and collapse back to the ground.

"Oh, yeah one more thing...your cause is shit." I turned on my heels and threw open the door and stalked out leaving that pathetic excuse of a man in agony.

I was looking in my clutch when I ran into Tommy, he held my arms to keep me from stumbling.

"Where's the fire?" He asked glancing at me, I shrugged his hands off me and walked around him.

"Will you fuck off." I hissed at Tommy as he blocked my way, "It's bad enough I was drooled on my a fascist pig, I don't want to be around you of all people right now." He looked taken back at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking at me.

"I'm good but your friend on the other hand is not." I pushed my hair over my shoulder.

"His not my friend."

"Whatever. I need to find alfie." He still didn't move making me glare at him.

"Seriously, shelby you need to get out of my way." I snapped growing impatient.

"Did you know how much it cost to get you out of there..." he asked, I gave him a blank look as the though of punching him was playing on my mind.

"Is that a rhetorical question orrr..."

"Alfie gave me thirty percent of his business to me, plus the rest of money you had to pay your debt." He says, I blinked at him taking in his words.

"I guess he knew I wasn't going to let you go so easy so he sweeten the pot, he choose you over his business." I looked up at Tommy hoping to detect if he was lying but he wasn't.

"I need to go."I whispered before pushing past him he grabbed my wrist and making me look at him again.

"Before you find alfie you should know something..." he said.


"His drawn to you. His faithful. He loves you." I looked down at the floor.

"How would you know. You and alfie don't seem like the type to talk about those sort of stuff during business hours." I said.

"We don't, but i can see it when he walked in with you and how he held you by his side the whole night. It's exactly how I was with my grace." He said letting go of my wrist before walking away, I let his words sit with me a bit before walking to find my husband.

After a well, I found him outside looking into our car, "Alfie? What you doing." I asked walking over to him, he turned sighing meeting me half way pulling me into a tight hug.

"...fucking looking for you." He said pulling away.

"I told you I was in the bathroom." He rolled his eyes.

"You never told me which fucking bathroom I comb through this entire fucking house looking for you." He looked angry but happy to see me alright.

"I'm sorry." I apologized, he shook his head putting his hands on my waist.

"Don't apologized, pet. If I wasn't so hot-headed you wouldn't have run off in the first place." My hand palm was against his cheek as my thumb caressed his cheek.

"No, you had every right to be mad I should have told you about her visiting me, I knew it was wrong keeping it from you. She got to me." I whispered the last bit.

"Is she still getting to you." He asked, I shook my head.

"No not anymore." I smiled up at him, he smiled back.

"Let's go home. It starting to smell like cow shit, i dont know how these rich pricks could live out here." I laughed as alfie pulled me to his side before I climbed in through the driver's seat.

"I don't know, Alf. I think the country side is a great place to raised a family of six and counting." I grinned looking over at him.

"...let the one brewing in ya stomach grow first before we start thinking about moving, ya."

Tags :
2 years ago

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 2



Tommy had layed Yuna on the cushioned sofa in her office. Polly lifted her head on to her lap and began gently rubbing her hair. Polly sniffled and blowed smoke from out her nose. "Fookin' hell." Polly said, at the situation.

John, Arthur, and Thomas all appeared befuddled. "Well, it appears that you were correct, pol." Arthur spoke sternly. Polly learned about the restaurant from her friend Lizzie. It wasn't open yet, but it would soon, because the owner also owns a five-star restaurant in California.

When polly looked up the restaurant, she was surprised to see Yuna's picture as the owner. Her breath caught in her throat as she realized she was back in London after all these years.

Polly rushed out of her office, barging into Thomas's office and disrupting his meeting with John and Arthur. They looked at her with concern. "What's the matter, pol?" Standing up, Arthur asked. She regulated her breathing, and said "there's something you all need 'ta see." She told them.Now they're in her office, with Yuna passed out on Polly's lap. Polly continued to ruffle her hair while staring at Thomas. He just stares at her, emotionless, polly could tell by his eyes that he was overwhelmed by the situation.

John shifted awkwardly in his chair and inhaled sharply. "Do you think Aria is here?" He said. Yuna's phone began to ring before anyone could respond. Everyone turned to face the ringing phone on her desk, debating whether or not to answer.

Polly motioned for Arthur to get the phone. He hesitantly walked over to the desk and grabbed the phone, "give it 'ere." She said, he walked over and gave her the phone.

Polly turned the phone back on, and a picture of Yuna and two children appeared. Her eyes welled up with tears once more as she simply smiled at the picture. The boys looked at her, puzzled, and she turned the phone towards them. "She has children." She said laughing. Thomas stared at the picture with a blank expression, but quickly turned into a half smile as he stared at the phone. "They look like you, Tommy." John said with a smirk. Tommy's smile faded, and he tightened his jaw. Turning his gaze back to Yuna.

Yuna stirred in Polly's lap, slowly opening her eyes, groaning, closing them, and clutching her head. She sat up slowly, holding her head. She let go of her head and open back up her eyes, squinting at the light in the room. She felt a hand tough her forehead, and she flinched at the touch.

"Easy, love, you hit the floor pretty hard." Polly said. Yuna turned to polly and tears came back to her eyes, as she put her hand over her mouth choking back sobs. She looked around the room, and they looked at her concerned, she started breaking down when she stared at Tommy and his eyes glossed over with tears but they never came down.

"How!...h-ow.. you're alive?" She stuttered looking at Polly. Polly looked at her confused and tried to comfort Yuna, "of course I'm fookin Alive! What are you talking about?" Polly asked her, as Yuna clutched onto her shirt sobbing.

"The hell you talking about, Loona!? You thought we was dead?" Arthur's gruff voice asked her. Yuna pulled away from Polly and wiped her puffy eyes and tried to breathe regular. "I-I thought you all were dead." Yuna said quietly.

A/n: I know the Calvary are no longer active. Go with it 😊"

What are you talking about?" Tommy asked her, and hearing his voice after all these years brought more tears to her eye's. She stared into his ocean blue eyes and said, "when you three was in the war, maybe, 5 months in I received a letter from the Cavalry saying Sergeant Major Thomas shelby and Comrade Arthur and Comrade John shelby died in front lines." The anger on their faces, caused Yuna to cry more, "the pain that I felt, was unlike any pain that I have ever experienced. And two days later I received another letter from the chief of the police department saying that your house burned down, you including Ada and finn died." Yuna said, looking at Polly.

Tears streamed down Yuna's face as she bent over holding her face in her hands, Polly rubbed her back soothingly. "Who sent the letter?" John asked. Yuna lifted her head back up and looked at John, wiping her face. "Um..I-i" She bounced her leg trying to remember. "I think he's name was Sir William Wallace." She looked at the boys faces hardened, and looked at Tommy his jaw tightened and fists clenched.

"Oh, God, this....this is just a mess." She said, getting up looking going over to her desk. She searched around the desk looking for something, "looking, for this?" Polly asked, holding up Yuna's phone. Yuna looked at poll and slowly walked over to her, grabbing her phone. Polly slowly watched her and took the cigarette to her mouth. "Aria, has called...alot." She said awkwardly, Polly smirked at Yuna's nervousness, "Are, they yours." She asked her. Yuna looked at her confused trying to play oblivion, Polly smiled at her and pointed at her phone, "the kids. Are They yours?"

She asked again. Yuna gave a small smile looking at the screen saver of her kids, and nodded. Causing them to smile and John hit Tommy on his back. "Their Tommy's, ain't they, Loona." Arthur asked, her. But before she could respond her phone rung.

She stood up and quickly answered. "Hey, everything ok?" She asked the person on the phone. They suspiciously looked at her as to why she had to walk across the room to answer the phone. "Yeah, I'm sorry, been occupied." She said side eyeing the shelby's, "OK, What time you gon be here? Alright see you then, love you too." She ended the call and walked back over to the couch. "Um that was Jo, he's was just saying that the flight was delayed an hour." They looked at her confused, especially Tommy whose jaw clenched at the unrecognized name. Polly looked at Yuna with a smirk on her face, "who is Jo?" Then it was Yuna's turn to look at her confused, and then looked at everyone's face also waiting for the question to be answered. "Jo." And they continued to blankly stare, she waved her hands around trying to get them to remember. "Josiah." And Tommy's face un-hardened and relaxed.

"Bloody hell, why did you jus say that!" Arthur yelled. Causing Yuna to smile, "didn't think I needed to. My bad, he's bringing the kids over, he was just checking in." He nodded and John looked like he wanted to say something so she turned to him. "Is Aria with you?" He asked, she nodded and looked back at her phone. "She called me 10 times, so I just know I'm not going to hear the end of this." And he cheekily smiled at that.

Yuna stood up and went to grab her things, "do, you guys want to come over, for dinner?" She asked them. They got up and nodded, "could use a good fookin meal, missed ya cooking, Loona!" Arthur's loud voiced bouncing off the walls, causing Yuna to chuckle. Tommy stared at Yuna in adornment, Yuna's smile could light up the whole world in Tommy's eyes, he never thought he would see his mea again.

"Alright, come on then. I just know Aria is going to have a heart attack." John went and wrapped his arm around Yuna's shoulder, and whispered "I'd hope not." He said laughing. John was pulled away from Yuna by Tommy giving him a cool glare, "alright, Tommy, don't get your knickers in a bunch" John said, to Tommy cackling with Arthur.

Yuna looked up at Tommy and blushed looking away, causing him to smile at her.

These are her kids




2 years ago


kordy-b - Out.For.A.Walk.Bitch!

( 2021 California)

3rd pov

"OK, so you want to expand your business in London? Of all places?" Aria asked. Yuna turned around and gave her a really expression, as she pulled her bags to the door. "Why not London? This is a big opportunity for me." She exclaimed excitedly.

Aria nodded, still eating her hot fries. "Please, tell Alexandra, to pack the kids clothes." Yuna said. Aria raised her head and returned her gaze to her phone. "I'm sure she's doing what she's suppose to do." Aria said, boredly.

Yuna stood up and rolled her eyes saying, "can you get the hell up and help?" She yelled, at Aria. Aria sat up and scrunched her brow, "What exactly do you need help with? You done packed everything." She said, folding her chips.

Yuna walked out the closet and crossed her arms, "could you please just go check on the kids?" Yuna said, aggravated. Aria made an exaggerated huff and got off the bed to check on the kids. She entered the kids room to find Alexandra packing the children's suitcases.

"Are They ready to go?" Aria asked Alexandra. She bent down to pick up the kids, and they ran to her. "Y'all, mama needs to stop feeding Y'all. Getting too damn big." Alexandra laughed as she said this, and walked to cut the lights off an exit the room.

"They're all packed and ready to go downstairs. Alexandra said. Aria led the children downstairs, where they were met by Yuna, Jo, and Nadia. "Alright, everybody, let's go." Aria said to them, causing them to laugh and , we loaded our stuff into the car, as Aria carried the sleeping babies. She put the kids in the car seat and got in the car, "Y'all, got everything, because this flight, Finna be long, man." Aria said, tiredly. They nodded and said yes. Aria, clasped her hands together and nodded, starting the car, and making their way to the airport.

2 years ago

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 1


Yuna's pov

Walking into my new restaurant felt like stepping into a dream; I never imagined I'd get this far. As I walked around my finished project, tears welled up in my eyes. I was so proud of myself because I did it not only for myself, but also for my children.


I walked to back to the kitchens and did a little happy dance before exiting the kitchen into my Office. I came to my desk, sat in my chair, and leaned back, grateful for what i had done for myself.

Growing up in Jamaica, I saw my parents work to the bone, and when we moved to London, the work didn't stop. Then, when we relocated to California to establish family business, we became stronger and our businesses grew.

My father established his own wine corporation in California, New York, and Washington. My mother owns two jewelry stores in California, and my sisters does photography. My brother is the corporation's CEO. My family has come so far, and I am so grateful for the opportunities we have been given.

I was so into my own little world that I didn't notice the person calling to me. I sat up, confused; there shouldn't be anyone in here. Because we aren't open yet, I won't have my grand opening until next week.

I stood up and began walking out my office, through the kitchen, and to the front door. And when I got to the front I smiled brightly.

And as I got closer to the lady, my smile faded, and it felt like my entire world was crashing down. She looked at me with tears in her eyes, covering her mouth and swallowing her sobs. I felt like I couldn't breathe, and everything around seemed to vanish.

My only focus was on the woman in front of me, but seeing her wasn't the worst part. The three men behind her had me feeling like I was seeing ghost. All Of Them was like I was looking at GHOST!! I clutched my stomach feeling like I was going to vomit.

The lady approached me slowly and cupped my cheeks, tears streaming down my face. She hiccuped as she sobbed and said something that I couldn't make out, I started to hyperventilate and my body began to shake. But I did hear one thing that came out her mouth, and it made everything stop again. "Yuna?" She said, and Just like my surroundings I stopped moving, took a staggering breath and blacked out.

2 years ago

so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god

2 years ago

Panic attack fluff with Luca Changretta?💕

Panic Attack Fluff With Luca Changretta?

requested by × @iam-strangep

• The reader and Luca been married for four beautiful and blissful years, so when he left to london you can imagine how worry she was about him.

• Luca knew the reader was thick skinned I mean you have to be when you grew up on the streets of New York, but he also knew that she been through the ringer enough times to develop a faint heart.

• The only thing that kept her going was the Changretta Family, Luca's brother was a sweet kid who she saw as a brother as well way before she even met Luca.

• Luca's dad was a bit iffy with her at first but he came around eventually when he saw that she made his son happy, and since her father was against her marrying a gangster she gave the honor to Vicente and he was over the moon.

• And Audrey was a sweetheart she was so caring and sweet to the reader when her parents disowned her, she made the reader feel welcome and she was the reason her and Luca were togther.

• So, when she heard about Angel and Vicente her heart shattered, the news of hearing she lose a brother and father in the same week destoyed her.

• Which is why she was so scared for Luca to go, "Hey, I'll be back before you know it, la mia bellezza." He gave her passionate kissed for remembrance before he left to london.

• Every since then she been counting the days for him to get back to her and his mother, and as she wait she started having these panic attacks.

• Some small that made her numb and light head for just a moment before she was herself again, and then there was big ones that made her cry uncontrollably and stay in bed for days...sometime weeks.

• She knew that Luca would come back safe and sound, and she be back to normal...only one of those things were true.

• Luca made it back he was beat up but he was there with her still breathing, during his time away Luca made sure to stay in connect with his wife when he was away.

• But during her late night calls to his morning calls, she never mentions her panic attacks and she made Audrey promise not to mentionit either.

• And when he got back he spent all his time with his wife showing her how much he missed her, making the reader forget all about her worries.

• Until one night, Luca woke alone in bed without his wife next to him causing him to look for her in the middle of the night. It didn't take long to found her in the greenhouse attached to the house crying on the floor.

• "Amore mio, what's wrong?" He came up behind her rubbing her back, she shook her head crying harder.

• "His gone..." she sobs making Luca look at her, "Whose gone, amore?" Her hands covered her face as she shake her head.

• "Luca...Luca's gone." She sobs, Luca heart sinks as he stared at his wife he doesnt know what to do or if he should call someone.

• "Amore mio, I'm right here...look at me." He knees in front her grabbing her face, she sniffed looking at him though tears before swallowing the lump that formed in her throat.

• "Y-your here..." he nodded bringing her head to his chest, so she can hear his heart beating, "Yeah, baby I'm right here." He whispered kissing her head before picking her up.

• She clinged to him like a life line as he brought them back to their room neither of them saying nothing knowing she didn't want to talk about it and he was afraid to ask, so he settled with holding her and whispering sweet nothing to calm her down to get her to sleep.

Tags :
2 years ago



requested by × @bluesapphire2

The museum was half empty when (y/n) walked out of her office, she smiled at some of the guest as she headed towards the roaring 20s display that just opened up. She stop at the entrance of the exhibit feeling her phone vibrant in her back pocket.

"Hello, my love." She says continuing on inside and have a look see to make sure everything is in order.

"Hey, baby. I'm outside, are you ready?" John said sitting in his black rolls-royce cullinan just coming from work, (y/n) hummed jointing down something on her clip board as she looked at a picture.

"Not exactly. Hey, do you mind coming in I want to show you something." John furrowed his brows confused and curious before responding, he got out and headed up the stairs of the museum.

He adjust his suit jacket as he walked inside, he walked around seeing all the different arts and historical artifacts scattered everywhere.

"John." (Y/N) calls out making him smile and gaze at her, she looked beautiful her hair was twisted up half down and other half in a bun on her head. (Y/N) was dressed in black jeans and a white dress shirt with a loose tie around her collar, he came up to her pulling her into a kiss.

"What you wanted to show me?" He asked, (Y/N) was so dazed she almost forgot what she wanted to show him.

"Uhhhh, it's this picture I wanted to show in this new exhibit we just opened." She linked their hands togther pulling him to the display, she brought him over to a display with pictures.

"...recognize anyone?" She said watching look at the pictures, John stared and shrugged.

"Should I?" (Y/N) shoulders slumped as she leaned forward and pointed at a picture of three men.

"Uh, yeah. You and your brothers doppelgängers." John scoffed moving closer to get a better look before shaking his head.

"Those blokes don't look anything like me or tommy and arthur. Who are they anyways. " (Y/N) looked down before flipping theough some papers before finding the number.

"We don't have any of their names, but we do know that they called themselves the peaky blinders." John rolled his eyes before straighten up.

"Sounds like something Netflix would make into a movie."

"Or TV show." John laughed moving his arm around her shoulder pulling her in for another kissed.

They finally left the museum and headed home.

"Do we have everything for tonight?" (Y/N) asked staring at her phone as she answered some emails.

"The cupboard is stocked with all our favorite treats." John smiled looking at the road, (Y/N) nodded

"Good you don't want laila throwing a fit, when she doesn't have her jaffa cakes." John chuckled, as they pulled around the corner almost to come home.

(Y/N) was flicking through HBO Max trying to find a appropriate movie to watch, john and (Y/N)'s middle child walked in the living room pushing her glasses further her nose.

"I thought we decided to find a movie togther." Talia asked taking a seat at the end of the couch.

"Yeah, well I didn't want to spend the better half of a hour arguing so I'm picking the movie." She said taking a seat next to talia, (Y/N) finally picked a movie and waited for the others to get down stairs. Laila was the first to come down stairs and make her way next to her mother, (Y/N) turned her head over to the stairs hearing shouting coming from her oldest and husband.

"You can't tell me who I can and can not date, I'm 17 not a child." Imani shouted walking down stairs with her father hot on her tail, John was red in the face as he shouted back at her.

"The hell I can your leaving under my roof, eating my food, and texting your friends and loser boyfriend on the phone I paid for with my money." (Y/N) and the girls watched as the two shout at each other, (Y/N) would get involved but she learned to CIO with both of them.

Both John and Imani were two peas in the pod sharing the same traits of gutsy and charming, she knows that they tired themselves out and hug at the end.

"His not a loser–" she shouted back.

"He is a loser, and his a dead beat and..." he looked over at his wife and daughters, "his TWICE your age." He growled looking back at Imani.

"His twenty-three, calm down." She put her hand up making him clench his jaw getting more pissed.

"You know how about we postpone movie night until tomorrow, yeah?" (Y/N) said cutting through their argument.

"No, we're having movie night." John crossed his arms moving over to the couch, Imani moved her braids over her shoulder before crossing her arms.

"I'll passed...I'm not in the mood anymore." She said snarkly turning around and stalking back to her room.

"Imani! Get back here." (Y/N) stopped John from going after her, he looked over at her as she looked back at the girls.

"Why don't you head up to bed." The girls looked at each before walking passed their parents to their rooms, John shook his head heading over to the kitchen to fix himself a drink.

(Y/N) walked after him watching him gulp the first brown liquor down, before fixing himself another with a scrowl on his face.

"I'm telling you this now I'm not holding your hair tomorrow morning." John looked up giving her a look, before putting the bottle back in the cabinet.

John walked past (Y/N) to their share room leaving (Y/N) to put away all their snacks they had scattered on the coffee table, she shut off the lights and headed to her room to find John already in his boxers.

(Y/N) grabbed a scarf from her draw and wrapped it around her head, she slid into bed next to John as he looked at his tablet.

"It's kinda ironic how you giving Imani grief about the age difference between her and her boyfriend, when we started out the same." John didn't look up from his tablet when he spoke.

"That was different we were in love..." he looked over at her with a glint making her stare at him with smile, "They are not...she thinks she loves him." (Y/N) sighed.

"You know she's gonna keep dating him now just to piss you off, right?" John shrugged setting down his tablet on the night stand, (Y/N) watched as he laid down in bed facing her.

"Let's see how long that last when I stop paying her phone bill." (Y/N) let out a muffled laugh burying her face in the covers, John pulled (Y/N) closer kissing her on the nose.

"They grow up so fast don't they..." she whispered.

"Yes, they do. I hope the girls love me enough not to pull something like this..." He mumbled.

"Laila is still young and a daddy's girl so you still have that to hold on too," she sighs.

"...and talia is a bookworm who is wouldn't look twice at a guy for well so I think the cards are in your favor." She smiled.

"Yeah, true but y'know when they do realize it, maybe we can try again." John says gazing her flat stomach, (Y/N) rolled her eyes.

"That's the alcohol talking–"

"No, it's really not I'm serious. It be nice to have a baby around again."

"Boy for who? You didn't change not one dirty napkin," John chuckled.

"It be different this time, the business is booming I can start to work for home to help out." (Y/N) stared at him in thought, she was young when she had Imani and not a year later they had talia. John and his brothers were just getting their businesses off the ground during that time, and (Y/N) was in her last year of uni when she found out about Laila.

So, long hours and spending nights working made it hard for John to spend time with her and the girls, so maybe trying again and giving him a chance do the kids he couldn't do with the girls would be nice.

"I'll pray on it." She chuckled moving her arm under her pillow and closing her eyes, John had a twinkle in his eyes before scooting closer wrapping his arms around her.

Tags :
2 years ago

What it would be like on John's wedding day.

What It Would Be Like On John's Wedding Day.

requested by × @angelluminary

• John and the reader had a small outside wedding, the sun was near setting as the reader was with her mother getting ready feeling  giddy as she dtared at herself in the mirror.

• John on the other was shitting bricks as he tries to calm his nerves, he glanced around seeing his children for once behaving themselves.

• As he stood away from everyone behind the tree, he took sips of alcohol to help making him a bit buzzed but not enough for him to be all over the place.

• "Hi, John." John coughed glancing behind to see lizzie stark staring at her.

• "Lizzie–Hey." He looked her up and down, before looking around for Polly or Ada.

• The reader knew that John and lizzie had a thing, and as much she love and trusted John. She didn't trust him enough to be left alone with lizzie, even though shes married to his brother.

• "Your looking nice." She smiled slyly walking closer to him, John knows he shouldn't be talking to her but the buzzed part of his brain that held some fond memories of them togther said otherwise.

• "Thank you. You look beautiful by the way." He says making lizzie blush, lizzie had her hand on John's chest as she moved closer to him as his hands landed in her waist.

• "Come here, you fool." Polly hissed coming out of nowhere grabbing John by the ear shoving passed lizzie, John groaned in pain as he was being dragged away by polly.

• "For fuck sake, pol. I wasn't doing anything." He glares at her as she stood him by the alter.

• "Not yet you werent I swear you and your brothers are just un fucking believable." She swears walking away before telling Ada to keep a eye on John.

• It didn't take long for polly to tell the reader what happened, and didn't take long for the reader to want to kill and bury lizzie and john.

• Against her mother wishes to call off the wedding, the reader kept her head high and walked down the aisle with her father.

• John was starstruck when he saw her come out with her long white gown, but  when he made eye contract with her he knows that polly told her about lizzie.

• The sudden feeling of dread filled his stomach as he stared warily at her, her face is calm but her eyes held blazing hellfire causing him to gulp.

• "You look gorgeous, my love." He whispered standing next to her, she glanced at him before at the priest again as he speaks.

• "Mmmhmm." John sighed defeated, only he pissed off his fiance soon to be wife on their wedding day.

• In a blink if an eye, the ceremony was over and the party was in full swing. The tension everyone felt didn't last long after they started to serve drinks, John was talking to some people when he heard his wife laughing.

• His face dropped seeing the reader laughing and dancing with bonnie gold, he watched as her smiled widen as he spin her around his arms.

• John glared clenching his jaw moving to grab the champagne bottle next to him to kill gold when tommy stopped him, and tried to calm him down.

• "Take a walk, John." Tommy said sternly patting his brother on the back, John had the bottle snatched out of his grip by his brother as he walked away still staring at them dancing.

• John angrily watched from his seat at the table with a cigarette between his fingers, lizzie sat next to him trying to get his attention but was ignored as he watched his wife have a good time.

• He perked up seeing the reader excused herself walking away from the dance floor, john got up midway of lizzie talking following his wife.

• The reader wondered around until stopping neat a tree far away from the party fixing her heel.

• "Shit! John you scared the hell out of–" the reader didn't finished as john kissed her, he had her up against the tree as his hand lift up her dress.

• "I shouldn't even let you touch me, after what pol told me." The reader whispered, John groaned in her neck as he felt how wet she was.

• "We were just talking, it meant nothing." He muffled in her neck kissing and biting her making her moan lowly, he could feel her squeezing around his fingers.

• "She means nothing to me." He moved a strand of hair put of her face peppering her with kisses, "Nothing," John unbuckled his trousers pushing them down to his thighs.

• The reader eyes rolled in the back of her head as he thrust into her, she digged her nails in his shoulder.

• "You so beautiful, fuck your so beautiful." He moaned, the reader arm went around his shoulder as he sped up.

• The reader opened her eyes hearing someone coming, she was about to warn John when she saw lizzie coming around and stopping in shock seeing the reader and John fucking.

• The reader moaned loudly moving her hips making John moan, "Right there, Johnny." She moaned loud enough for her to hear.

• "Fuck, I love you so much." The reader saw lizzie back away looking a bit embarrassed before walking away, she could feel John close making her biting his soft spot.

• John held her hips grunting empty his himself into her warm pussy, John kissed her cheek before pulling himself off her.

• "Where have you been hiding that move?" He chuckled pulling up his pants, his bride giggled shrugging.

• "I was saving it for our wedding night, but I had to remind you who you belong to..." he shook his head with a sly smile pulling her close, he buried his face in her hair before walking them back to the party.

• "Maybe I should flirt with lizzie more often, if it gets yout to act like that..." he joked, the reader glared at him.

• "Try it and I have bonnie throw your body in the cut." She smirked.

What It Would Be Like On John's Wedding Day.

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2 years ago

Hi, guys it weird making this because don't usually have a lot of people asking for request but I'm holding off taking request since I'm back in school. The class I'm taking is time consuming, but im finishing up two more fics and then calling it quits until summer comes around so I hope you guys understand. Deuces ✌🏾

Hi, Guys It Weird Making This Because Don't Usually Have A Lot Of People Asking For Request But I'm Holding

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2 years ago

What it would be like on Tommy Shelby wedding day.🤍

What It Would Be Like On Tommy Shelby Wedding Day.

requested by x @shyjellyfish1

• The reader was unbraiding her hair to give it her coily look, before she part her hair to one side making her smile in the mirror.

• She took in deep breathe as she stand at the mirror in her white gown, she squeezed her hands to togther nervously thinking what tommy is doing right now.

• Thomas stalked in front of his underage sons after catching them with a bottle of scotch behind the church, he watched them sharply slide next to Michael and Finn.

• "Don't fucking move from this spot until this wedding is over." He hissed, glaring at them both.

• "What if I need to pee?" The first born asked sarcastically looking innocent, Thomas scowled trying to restrain myself from choking the life out of his son out.

• "Fucking hold it in, then." He grits out.

• "That's not good for your bladder." His second born said.

• "Then fucking wet yourself, I don't care just stay in your fucking seats." He turned to walk away when he stopped.

• "You shouldn't cursed in the house of the lord, dad. " His second son says after him a bit buzzed, Tommy closed his eyes taking a deep breathe before continuing walking hearing his sons snicker behind him.

• Tommy was at his wits end with trying to make sure everything was perfect for his soon to be wife, he had to run after his young daughter multiple time as she went towards the pond nearly slipping in himself trying to stop her from grabbing a toad.

• That wasn't the worst part of the evening, John and Arthur along with some of the reader's brothers were getting wasted.

• "Tommy. Tommy. Have a drink with us." Arthur shouted sluring some of his words waving a bottle in the air, tommy shook his head.

• "Not right now, the wedding about to start soon." Tommy walked up to them.

• "Come on...just a little sip." Arthur shook the bottle in front of tommy.

• "Alright thats enough Arthur give me the bottle." John and the other laughed watching Tommy try to grab the bottle from Arthur well trying not get any alcohol on him.

• "You stay away from me." Arthur says running as Tommy chased him around trying to get the bottle, tommy finally catches him getting him in the headlock and dragging him to church doors.

• Arthur chuckled as tommy put him in the seat next to polly, so she can keep him from doing anything stupid. Tommy looked at his watched and moved to stand in front of the priest as the music started to play.

• He rolled his shoulders well moving his head side to side, he faced the door where his love will be walking out soon. The doors opened making everyone stand, tommy gave a little waved at his daughter who dropped flowers on the floor as everyone awed her.

• Thomas breathed caught in his throat seeing his true love walking through the double doors, he smiled widen as she waddled down the aisle towards him with a grin on her face. He held out his hand for her to take as they stood side by side, the priest started to say a pray when the reader started to contractions.

• "What's wrong?" He whispered to her as their head were bend in prayer, he felt her squeezed his hand tighter.

• "J-Just pregnancy cramps...I'm fine." She lied chuckling through the pain, tommy looked at her with a look before leaning into her.

• "You would tell me if your going into labor, right?" She nodded her head giving a soft smile, the priest finished the prayer as the contraction stopped making her breathe a sign relief.

• They were almost to the I do's when the reader groaned lowly clenching her stomach, tommy looked at her worried before stopping the priest.

• "That's it. I'm taking you to the hospital." The reader shook her head no, "I'm fine. We almost finished just continue talking." She said strained looking at the priest.

• "Darling, you going into labor–" the reader grabbed tommy by the collar pulling him close.

• "I am not waiting another year to be married. Skip to the good part." She snapped at Thomas and the priest.

• The priest told them if they take each other to be husband and wife, they said yes and the reader gave Thomas a quick kissed before falling into him.

• "Now you can take me to the bloody hospital." She says softly as Thomas picked her bridal style telling someone to get the car, Michael hurried outside and pulled the car to the entranced as Ada opened the door for tommy

• The reader water broke as tommy put her in the car, Ada and polly along with the reader mother had to deliver the baby in the back seat in front of the church for their friends and family and the lord to see.

• "It's a girl." Ada said happy making everyone cheer, the reader leaned her head against tommy chest out of breathed.

• "I told you it was going to be a hell of a wedding, my love." Tommy chuckled kissing her head before looking at their baby girl.

What It Would Be Like On Tommy Shelby Wedding Day.

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2 years ago

Reblog if you need this energy
