39 posts
Chapters: 9/?Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016)Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death
Chapters: 9/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Wayne Munson Additional Tags: Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson Summary:
Forbidden Love Part Six
Steve was riding the high of last night's date with Eddie. It was the best date he'd ever been on and he was happy. Much happier than usual, and Dustin could tell. Steve had just picked him up so he could take Dustin to Hellfire, and as Dustin got in the passenger seat, Steve was humming and tapping his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of an ABBA song playing on the radio.
Dustin immediately looked at him and frowned. Steve was smiling softly and he just looked so happy.
"Uh, Steve?"
Steve was snapped out of his lovesick daze, his head turning to look at Dustin.
"You're. Happy," Dustin says confused.
Steve's smile grew.
"I suppose I am."
"No reason."
Dustin saw right through him, but decided to shake it off. He had more important things to worry about.
"Can we do Hellfire at your place?"
Steve came back to Earth, frowning slightly.
"Principle Higgins won't let us play in the drama room anymore."
Steve sucked in a breath. He wasn't ready to come out to anyone yet and he and Eddie were very new. They'd only just started getting to know each other, only had two dates. He wasn't sure if he would be able to hide what was going on with him and Eddie.
"You can't do it anywhere else?"
"Please Steve, your house is the biggest. And if we stay late, your parents aren't home so we can sleep over."
Steve's heart began to pound in his chest. Because part of him wanted Eddie to stay the night. To share his bed with him, to cuddle with him. To spend time with him. Steve heaved a sigh.
"Fine, fine. You can use my phone to call everyone and invite them over."
Dustin grinned and bounced in his seat, thanking Steve profusely. Once Steve pulled into his driveway, Dustin was out of the car and bounding into the house before Steve could even blink. And suddenly his house was filled with people faster than he could say Dustin's full name.
The kitchen table had been pulled into the living room, the couch pushed aside and it was filled with everything they needed for the game. Little figurines, many different dice, character sheets, pencils, Eddie's DM books and supplies. Steve was in the kitchen whipping up snacks for the group of boys in his living room.
Dustin, Mike, Eddie, Lucas and Eddie's bandmates; Gareth, Jeff and Doug. The living room was rowdy, the game in full force. Shouting, cheering and laughing, while Steve was putting the finishing touches on some freshly baked cupcakes.
Eddie had abandoned his battle vest and leather jacket, having discarded them on the couch. That left him in his Hellfire Club shirt, one that every member of Hellfire was wearing, and his usual ripped jeans and accessories. Steve couldn't resist glancing at him every so often.
He had a wild and chaotic energy about him, and even playing D&D, he was beautiful. The next time he went to glance at Eddie, he was standing right in front of him, nearly giving him a heart attack. Steve jumped slightly, placing a hand over his heart.
"Jesus Eddie, you scared me."
That beautiful dimpled smile appeared, Eddie's vibrant brown eyes sparkling and dancing with amusement.
"Sorry pretty boy. Didn't mean to scare you."
Steve's cheeks flushed at the pet name, an obvious attempt at flirting. Eddie was leaning against the counter now, his elbow propped on the marble surface, the muscles of his forearm flexing slightly, drawing in Steve's eyes. His mouth went dry and his mind went blank. Eddie was gorgeous. He was always gorgeous. Steve flashed a shy smile.
"It's ok."
"Smells good."
The compliment drew a bright smile from Steve, and Eddie's lips curved into a knowing smirk.
"So I was thinking. Dustin and Mike are begging to let this campaign draw out a little longer. I think they're just trying to draw it out so they can stay the night," Eddie says, sliding his hand forward and fingertips brushing against Steve's. They were callused from playing his guitar, yet they were soft. Steve leaned into the touch, letting Eddie play with his fingers, every touch sending a spark through him.
"Are you saying you want to let it drag out?"
Eddie smiled again, a mischievous, yet flirty smile.
"It would give me a reason to stay. Spend some time with you. If you want."
Steve swallowed
"Yeah. I'd like that. Very much."
"And sleeping arrangements. We can put the kids in the living room, Jeff, Doug and Gareth in the guest room. And I can. Stay with you. In yours?"
It was a question, a hopeful one. Steve could hear the hope in Eddie's voice. And he smiled.
"As long as you don't hog the blanket."
Eddie huffed a laugh, a soft and affectionate one.
"I might just hog you."
Steve couldn't stop smiling.
"Well, no complaints here."
Eddie grinned again and was soon called away to return to the game. Steve brought out the cupcakes and everybody dug in. The hours flew by as he cleaned up, set up the sleeping arrangements and then sat to watch Eddie play. Like always, Steve was mesmerized. Eddie was captivating to watch, and his voice was so beautiful. A sound that Steve wanted to commit to memory, along with him singing and laughing.
As the game drew to a close, he helped everyone clean up and distributed everyone to their sleeping arrangements. He was just pulling the blankets back on his bed when Eddie entered the room. He set his battle vest and leather jacket on a chair in the corner before stripping down to his boxers. Steve's eyes lingered, taking in every little feature of Eddie's body.
"Like what you see?" Eddie says, a smirk appearing. Steve's cheeks flushed.
"Very much."
That devilish smile of Eddie's appeared again, as he strode over, reaching out to curl a strand of Steve's chest hair around his finger. He didn't even bother to hide that his gaze roved all over Steve.
"I like what I see too."
Steve's cheeks were flaming now. Eddie knew how to make a guy flustered, how to turn a guy on. But Steve wanted to take it slow. What he had with Eddie was so new, he was a guy virgin and he wanted to keep what he had with Eddie. He wanted to do it right. Eddie let go of the strand of hair, smiling softly and pressing a kiss to Steve's jawline.
It was a quick and simple kiss, but the warmth of Eddie's soft full lips had Steve's breath hitching. Eddie took his hand, gently guiding Steve into bed. And once they were both settled under the blankets, Steve's head was resting on Eddie's chest, one arm draped around Eddie's torso, and Eddie's arms wrapped around Steve, one of his hands tangled in Steve's hair, gently playing and twirling with the strands.
And there in Eddie's arms, Steve completely melted, his eyes sliding shut and a hum of contentment escaping. His embrace was warm and affectionate, a spot that Steve never wanted to leave. Within moments he was asleep, the last sensation being the gentle brush of Eddie's lips on the top of his head.
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More Posts from Kristybear2001
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Wayne Munson Additional Tags: Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson Summary:
Forbidden Love Part Four
Now that Steve was home he took a long hot shower and then started getting ready. He spent an hour fussing over what to wear and ultimately decided on a pair of Levi's and a navy blue and white striped polo shirt. Then he spent another hour fussing over his hair to make sure it got it's fluffy swoop and applied some deodorant and cologne.
When he was ready it was time to head to the Hideout. It was a dingy little bar in the part of town that wasn't so nice. Somehow the floor was sticky, though there weren't many people. A few regulars but that was about it. There was an older woman tending the bar and then there was the stage.
It wasn't a big stage but it was occupied. Eddie's band was setting up their equipment. Under the crappy stage lights Eddie looked stunning. He was wearing his black ripped jeans but a pair of black combat boots, a studded belt, a chain and bandana on his jeans. He wore his usual jewelry and an Iron Maiden shirt. His arm tattoos were on display and a red flannel was tied to his waist. His fingernails were painted black and blacl eyeliner was smudged around his eyes, making them pop.
He looked like a rock god and Steve couldn't help but stare. He was mesmerized. When he was caught staring, Eddie's dimpled smile appeared, a cocky grin and Steve's face flushed red. Finally tearing his gaze away after Eddie winked, Steve walked over to the bar and ordered a beer. Even the countertop was sticky and he made a face, pulling his arms away from leaning against it.
Once he had his beer he settled at a table close to the stage to watch Eddie set up. This time he was allowed to look and not feel embarrassed or flustered about it. When the band started playing Steve was surprised to see that Eddie didn't just play guitar. He was the lead vocalist. And his voice was sheer perfection.
It wasn't too deep, but it was rich and smooth, like a warm velvet blanket wrapping around him. The combination of Eddie's stunning voice and the way his fingers flew across the fretboard with ease had Steve squirming in his seat. Eddie was gorgeous when he played, and although Steve wasn't much into metal, he could very much appreciate what Eddie did. He could watch Eddie play for hours, listen to his voice for hours.
Eddie knew Steve was watching. Occassionaly his eyes would lock on Steve's and he would smirk, a sexy one and his tongue would dart out to lick his lips. Steve's body felt heated, his stomach swarming and dancing with butterflies. Eddie knew what he was doing. He knew Steve was attracted and he was taking advantage of it.
By the middle of the set Steve's beer was empty but he was far too riveted to get up and get another. And he wanted to be sober tonight. He certainly wasn't ready for anything more than making out but he wanted to remember tonight. He wanted to commit every inch of Eddie to his memory, every movement, every sound. The shape of Eddie's lips as he formed the words, the way his fingers danced and plucked at the strings of his guitar.
The last song of their set was a rendition of Metallica's Fade To Black. The other guitarist kept his electric guitar but Eddie switched to an acoustic one that had the words this machine slays dragons written on it in black ink. Instead of standing he pulled up a bar stool and sat down. Steve had never heard the song before but it was beautiful. And Corroded Coffin's version of the song was absolutely stunning.
It brought out emotion in Steve, he had to blink back tears because of how powerful the lyrics were, power that was amplified by Eddie's voice. This he knew was a song he would commit to memory. Eddie's version. After the show and all the equipment had been taken down and put away, Steve waited anxiously for Eddie.
And there he was, walking over and sliding into the seat across from Steve. His breath caught in his throat at how close Eddie was now.
Eddie's lips curved up, eyes boring into Steve's.
"What did you think? I noticed you couldn't keep your eyes off me."
Steve was at a loss for words. He didn't know how to describe how amazing Eddie's performance was.
"Incredible. How are you not signed to a record label?"
Steve was genuinely curious, because Eddie had talent, and so did the rest of the band. Eddie remained quiet for a moment.
"We had a shot. In 84. Things just. Didn't work out. They ended up wanting me instead of the whole band. And uh. Some shit happened, I couldn't make the audition."
Steve wouldn't push. If Eddie wanted to talk about it, he would.
"I'm sorry it didn't work out."
Eddie shrugged.
"Maybe we'll get another shot someday."
"I think you guys would be. Really fucking amazing. Like I think you guys could go big."
"It's a nice dream. Nice idea. But I have a backup plan. You know if we don't make it, I wanna be a tattoo artist."
Steve sat up straighter.
"That sounds right up your alley. A creative outlet. And. Kinda sounds hot."
Steve hadn't really flirted with a man before, but it couldn't be much different right? For a moment he thought he'd embarassed himself but then Eddie was smiling that adorable dimpled smile, his eyes lit up.
"You ever think about getting a tattoo?"
"Uh, no, not for me. But uh. You really pull them off. They suit you."
Eddie leaned forward in his seat.
"I think you could pull one off if you wanted to."
"Maybe, but I'm not the one who looks like a literal rock god."
The words had slipped out, his confidence rising. And Eddie laughed. Bright and beautiful. Immediately Steve caught the sound and saved it for later.
"Very smooth Harrington. You're lucky you're pretty, because flattery very much works for me."
Steve's lips curved up.
"I do pride myself in being pretty I suppose."
They were flirting now, comfortably and Steve was enjoying it. Eddie wasn't at all what people thought he was. He was charming, he had an aura that made you feel comfortable and at ease.
"I actually really loved your rendition of Fade To Black. It was. Beautiful. Powerful. I didn't know metal music could be like that."
"Metal can be just as deep as anything. It's. It's a community. A place for people to feel like they belong."
"That sounds. Really nice. Who taught you how to play?"
Eddie tapped the table with his knuckles, eyes drifting away for a moment.
"My dad. And uh. My mom, she uh. She loved Muddy Waters. She had these records that she would take with her wherever she went. Called them her plane tickets. She would put those records on and. She would dance with me around the living room."
"She sounds lovely."
"Yeah. Yeah, she was."
"What. Happened to her? If you don't mind me asking."
"She got sick. Passed away when I was six."
"I'm sorry."
Steve really did feel bad. He hadn't meant to bring up something sad and ruin the mood. But Eddie smiled, a soft and sweet one.
"It's ok. She's kind of my inspiration. The reason I have so much love for music."
"It's how you keep her alive."
"Yeah. Exactly."
"That's beautiful. And uh. You're beautiful."
Eddie's cheeks flushed pink and he slid down in his seat, pulling a clump of curls in front of his face to hide behind it. It was adorable, and Steve smiled.
"Thanks," Eddie mumbled.
They ended up talking for another hour, sharing childhood stories, laughing and flirting, and then they were heading out.
"I um. I had a really good time tonight. Thanks for inviting me."
"Me too. Thanks for coming."
"Do you wanna. Go out? Sometime. Like. A date?"
Eddie smiled softly.
"I'd like that."
"How about next week. Maybe a picnic by Lover's Lake?"
"Romantic," Eddie says, smiling softly as he gently bumped Steve's shoulder.
"Well I am a hopeless romantic."
Eddie laughed softly.
"How about Thursday, around six?"
"I'll pick you up?"
Eddie smiled again.
"Thursday at six."
After solidifying their date, they said their goodbyes and went their seperate ways. And Steve couldn't stop smiling.
Chapters: 14/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Wayne Munson Additional Tags: Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson Summary:
Decided to do a Steddie one shot. Might do more, requests are open if you'd like me to make one for you
Steve stared at the spattering of black ink on his arm. His soulmate tattoo. Everybody had heard the stories of a soulmate tattoo. A tattoo that appeared when you were ready for it, when something had happened in your life that opened you up to the possibility and idea of having a soulmate. But soulmate tattoos had died out. They'd been around for centuries, but in the past 50 years, they'd died out.
But there Steve's was. On the inside of his right forearm, which meant no way of hiding it unless he wore long sleeves. The date of birth of his soulmate, inked into his skin forever. July 31st, 1965. He didn't know many people's birthdays, so he wasn't sure who his soulmate was. What he did know was that his soulmate was at least a year older than him, almost 21.
And conveniently, his soulmate tattoo had appeared right after he'd come to the realization that he was bisexual. That had to mean his soulmate was a boy, right? That had to be the significant event in his life that had opened him up to the idea of his soulmate.
Steve sucked in a breath before pulling himself off his bed to get ready. There was a pep rally at Hawkins High today and Robin had begged him to go with her. He couldn't say no to her, she was his best friend and he knew she was nervous about being around Vicky. He pulled on some jeans and a striped polo shirt, before deciding to switch it for a soft yellow sweater.
He fussed over his hair for an hour before darting out the door to pick up Robin. On the drive to school Robin was rambling like usual. And normally Steve didn't mind but his own thoughts were swirling and eventually he needed to get it out, needed to talk to her about it.
"I have a soulmate tattoo."
Robin snapped her mouth shut in the middle of her sentence, eyes wide as she whipped her head around to face him.
Steve nodded. Robin knew Steve was not the type to go and get a tattoo.
"Show me."
Steve sighed before rolling up his sleeve. The black ink was vibrant against his skin, glaringly obvious that it was there.
"July 31st, 1965."
Steve rolled down his sleeve.
"But how? I mean soulmate tattoos have literally died out."
"I don't know. But it's there. And it. It showed up right after I. Right after I um."
"Right after you what Steve?"
"Right after I figured out I'm bisexual."
Robin drew in a sharp breath.
"So that means your soulmate is a boy. If your soulmate is a boy, that is definitely a significant event that would open you up to the idea of having a soulmate."
"So we both agree that my soulmate is a boy."
"Definitely. But I don't know anybody with that birthday. They'd have to be graduated by now, I mean they'd almost be 21."
Steve just shrugged.
"How am I supposed to figure that out? I can't just go around to every guy and say hey, when's your birthday?"
"I mean you could."
Steve fixed her with a glare.
"Or you could not. What you could do is show off the tattoo, let the person find you."
"Yeah, and then my parents would freak if they found that I not only had a soulmate tattoo but that my soulmate is a boy."
"Steve, when have your parents ever given a shit?"
"I mean fair, but I don't think they want a queer for a son."
"You can't exactly change who you are."
Steve sighs.
"I know. It's just. Another way to disappointment them."
"I think it's a big fuck you to them. Like hey, you were shitty parents, so shitty that God gave you a queer for a kid."
Steve couldn't help the laugh that bubbled out of him.
"That does sound nice."
Robin smiles.
"Just be you. Show off that tattoo. Find your soulmate."
"I'll try."
Once they arrived at the school they barreled into the gym for the pep rally. Robin had to go and change to join her band, so Steve found a seat in the crowded bleachers. For the most part the pep rally was quite boring and annoying, but he gave Robin a thumbs up every time she looked his way.
When it was over they ended up going to the cafeteria for lunch. He'd rolled up his sleeves now, showing off his soulmate tattoo. He was knee deep in a conversation with Robin when a sound caught his attention. Eddie Munson was on top of a table, doing ome of his non conforming speeches, yet again.
"But as long as you're into baaaand or. Scieeence or. Paaaarties," he says sarcastically. Then he cupped his hands around his mouth to amplify his voice.
"Or a gaaaaaaame where you toss baaaaaalls into laundry baskets!" He shouts at the basketball team. Jason Carver, the captain of the team stood up.
"You want something Freak?"
Eddie just grinned at him, put his fingers on his head like horns, stuck his tongue out and made a demon sound. Jason muttered something before sitting back down. Eddie had turned around and was walking across the table again.
"It's forced conforming. That's what's killiiiing the kiiiids!" He shouts, jumping down in front of a teacher who jumped and placed her hand over her heart before walking away. Then Eddie took a step back and swept his arm out, bowing for the two cheerleaders to walk past him. Then he was sitting down with his friends again.
It hit Steve then. Eddie Munson was 20 years old. He wasn't exactly sure what Eddie's birthday was, but he fit the age. And then Steve shook his head. That wasn't right. There was no way Eddie Munson of all people would be Steve's soulmate.
The man didn't hide his queerness but Steve and Eddie were complete opposites. Eddie was the metalhead, the nerd the town Freak. And Steve, although he'd changed and become a better person, was nothing like Eddie. He was a jock, something Eddie clearly didn't like.
He was a little more boyish, a little more softer, while Eddie was wild, chaotic, dramatic. Always theatrical. They had next to nothing in common and Steve had never actually spoken to the other boy before. Eddie was up again, walking around the table and talking to his friends. And then their eyes connected.
It was only a brief moment and Steve was the first to look away. But he didn't miss the way Eddie's eyes dropped to Steve's soulmate tattoo. He was too far away to see what birthday was written, but he could almost feel the curiosity coming off of him, even though he was halfway across the cafeteria.
Steve didn't see Eddie again until later that evening. He was working an evening shift at Family Video. This time he was working alone since it was a fairly slow Thursday. He was so bored that he was leaning against the counter reading a sports magazine when the bell above the door rang, signaling a customer.
"Welcome to Family Video," Steve says without looking up from the magazine.
"Is that how a King greets his subjects?"
The voice had Steve's head snapping up, eyes locking with a pair of beautiful vibrant chocolate brown eyes. Eddie's eyes. Eddie's lips curled into a smirk, and were they always that soft and full? Steve wasn't sure why he was thinking that. He'd never been this close to Eddie before, not even when they had a few classes together before Steve graduated. A snort escaped from Steve.
"I'm not the king anymore Munson," he says shaking his head and setting aside the magazine. The movement drew Eddie's eyes to Steve's soulmate tattoo that was now in view. And then his eyes widened, mouth dropping open in shock. Steve raised an eyebrow.
"Cat got your tongue?"
Eddie's eyes snapped back to Steve's, mouth shutting and jaw clenching. And dammit, Eddie had a perfectly sharp jawline.
"What is that?" He says jabbing a ringed finger to Steve's soulmate tattoo. Steve shifted uncomfortably.
"My soulmate tattoo."
"You're kidding right?"
Steve frowned.
"Why would I be kidding?"
Eddie licked his thumb and rubbed it across Steve's tattoo.
"Dude what are you doing?"
He pulled his arm away, and he could see more shock registering on Eddie's face when the tattoo didn't smudge or rub off.
"Gee Harrington, I didn't think you were the type to get a tattoo."
"I'm not. I didn't get this done, it just. Appeared. It's a soulmate tattoo, why does that bother you so much?"
Eddie's lips pressed into a thin line, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the counter.
"Because Stevie. That's my birthday."
Steve blinked a few times, the words barely registering. When they did, Steve sucked in a breath.
"Well I'm sure lots of people have the same birthday."
"Do lots of people have this birthday?" Eddie says pulling down the collar of his shirt. There, etched onto his collarbone was a birthday. A soulmate tattoo. Steve's birthday. February 10th, 1966. Steve sucked in his own breath.
"That's my birthday."
His voice was soft and quiet when he spoke and Eddie let go of his shirt, covering up the tattoo again.
"I thought you were straight."
Eddie was blunt, straight forward.
"I'm bisexual. Sort of just figured that out. And when I did. Well that appeared," he says waving his hand to his soulmate tattoo. Eddie rocked forward, leaning closer.
"You know this makes us the first people to have soulmate tattoos in like 50 years?"
"That's what you're taking away from this?"
"I mean think about it. It's 1986, people hate queers. What better way to make society accept queers than by binding two queers together?"
Steve blinked.
"I hate that that makes sense."
Eddie snorted, a manic laugh escaping him.
"How are we even soulmates man? We're so opposite."
Eddie patted Steve's shoulder.
"Oh trust me big boy. I've had my eye on you for quite some time."
Steve's cheeks flushed a shade of red. Because he'd be lying if he said being called big boy didn't do something to him. Especially in Eddie's voice.
"When did your soulmate tattoo appear?"
Eddie tilted his head, a thoughtful look crossing his features.
"84. When I saw you in your Scoops Ahoy uniform the first time. Well after obviously. Kind of dumb that I didn't figure it out then. That was when I figured out I had a hardcore crush on you."
Eddie's cheeks were flushed pink now, and he looked smaller, shy as he pulled a piece of hair in front of his face. He looked adorable. Cute.
"So that was your significant event then."
"Guess so."
"So. What now?"
Eddie was grinning again, eyes dancing with excitement, and he reached over, patting Steve's cheek.
"We get to know each other Stevie boy. There's a reason we're soulmates."
Steve's cheeks flushed again. He wasn't used to all the physical touching.
"Right. Yeah, right."
Eddie laughed, a bright and beautiful sound, before sweeping his arm out in front of him, heading for the door.
"I'll see you around pretty boy."
And with that he was gone, bounding out the door, while Steve watched, with his mouth hanging open and looking like a deer caught in headlights.
(Let me know if I should make this a two parter. I'm thinking I will probably)
Chapters: 13/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Wayne Munson Additional Tags: Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson Summary:
Smut Warning
Forbidden Love Part Ten
With Steve's relationship blooming beautifully and having come out to his friends and parents, he was ready to let go of his past and embark on a new journey inofe. One with Eddie. Steve was the happiest he'd ever been. A beautiful and loving relationship, good friends. He felt weightless, happy. His life was exactly what he wanted it to be.
Eddie had gone with Steve back to his parents place so Steve could pack his things and move into Eddie's trailer. When they entered the house, Steve's parents were sitting on the couch, along with a very pretty blonde haired blue eyed girl. And despite how pretty she was, Steve's eyes did not linger. He felt nothing towards her.
He knew that she must be Marissa. There was also some papers sitting on the coffee table. The second his father caught sight of Eddie, his face turned red with anger. Not only because Eddie Munson of all people was in his house, but because Steve had recently told them he was in a relationship with a man. He didn't know how much Marissa knew but he didn't feel the need to hide.
"Hey, Eds, can you wait for me upstairs?"
Eddie gave his hand a squeeze before disappearing up the stairs. Steve then rounded on his parents, arms crossed.
"I'm not staying long. Just getting my things. You can keep the car."
"You're not going anywhere Steven," his mother says pursing her lips.
"This is a marriage license. There won't be a grand wedding. But you and Marissa are getting married. Right here. Right now," his father says.
Steve sucks in a breath.
"Yeah, no. Sorry Marissa, I don't know you, And you're probably lovely, but I said no to this from the beginning. So if you don't mind, I'm gonna go help my boyfriend pack my things."
"Wait, you're gay?" Marissa says.
"Bisexual. I like both. But I'm dating a guy. And I have no plans to end said relationship, because I'm quite happy."
"If you even think of touching each other in an inappropriate way..." His father says but Steve cut him off.
"Yeah that ship has sailed. We've sucked each others dicks and he's fucked me. Sorry I'm not the perfect son you wanted. Sorry that I'm fucking queer. But I finally feel like myself. This is who I've always been. It's just. Out in the open now."
Eddie must have been rubbing off on him, because Steve was never this confident when it came to standing up to his parents. And he was proud of himself. Terrified still, but proud of himself.
"Marissa has already signed it. And so will you," his mother says pushing the paper and pen towards him.
"Or what?" Steve challenges.
"Or we tell the police about Eddie's. Illegal activities."
Steve's heart dropped. He didn't want to lose Eddie, and he knew that if he got caught, he'd go to jail. But Steve wasn't going to back down. He was going to stay true to himself and protect Eddie at the same time.
"The whole town already knows about his dealings. But if you rat him out. That means you have to rat me out. Because I accompany his deals, make a few of my own," Steve lied through his teeth.
"And we all know that would tear down the Harrington image you've so carefully crafted together. So," Steve says picking up the paper. And then he rips it.
"You won't be telling anyone shit. And I won't be marrying Marissa. Have a good day!" He says with an Eddie Munson like smile.
Then he was climbing the stairs. The second he reached the top Eddie was pressing him against the wall, eyes dark with lust.
"That was so fucking hot. The way you stood up for yourself, so confident, the way you backed them into a corner, protected me. So fucking hot."
Steve grinned.
"You can thank yourself for rubbing off on me."
Eddie's own grin appeared and then he was kissing Steve, hard and hungry, hands tangled in each others hair, groans escaping and tongues, lips and teeth clashing together. Vaguely, Steve registered that Eddie was guiding him to his bedroom. A suitcase was sitting on his bed half packed, clothes and toiletries spilled about the room.
Eddie kicked the door shut, and slid down to his knees, bringing Steve's jeans and boxers down with him. Steve threaded his fingers through Eddie's curls and gripped as Eddie wasted no time taking him into his mouth. Steve didn't bother to keep quiet. Eddie's mouth and tongue was too good, hot and wet, licking and sucking and Steve was seeing stars.
Steve knew he wasn't going to last long, not this time. With a gutteral groan he was tugging on Eddie's hair and spilling down his throat. Eddie's mouth worked him until he was oversensitive and whimpering. Then he pulled away with a smirk and fixed Steve's clothes. Standing up, they stole a few lingering kisses before they finished packing.
Then they were bounding down the stairs, Eddie leading him by the hand, stupid grins on their faces. Reentering the living room he could see the looks of shock and disgust on his parents faces. Marissa seemed more embarrassed than anything. Right. He hadn't been quiet. And he couldn't help but grin again.
Then he was tugging Eddie close and kissing him, right there in front of his parents. And Eddie was grinning into the kiss. They finally pulled away when they needed air and Steve shot a salute to his parents.
"See you never!"
And then they were out the door and in Eddie's van, his bag tossed to the back. And once they were on the road, Steve shifted in his seat, sliding further down. Eddie's eyes flicked over to watch him.
"What are you doing?"
Steve grinned.
"Returning the favor."
He winked and then he was undoing Eddie's belt and jeans. Eddie sucked in a breath, gripping the steering wheel tighter.
"Baby, I am not gonna last long if you're giving me car head."
Steve grinned again, freeing Eddie's achingly hard cock.
"Don't care. Wanna make you feel good."
Eddie went to say something but it was quickly cut off with a groan when he felt Steve's mouth on him. He gripped the steering wheel, trying to stay steady as he drove, while Steve sucked him off. One hand held onto the steering wheel, his eyes staying trained on the road and the other hand gripped at Steve's hair.
He could feel his orgasm quickly approaching, and curses fell from his lips, his hips jerking on instinct to fuck into Steve's mouth. And then he was cumming, hot and thick down Steve's throat who drank it all up.
When Steve pulled back with an obscene sound, he was licking his lips, and Eddie almost came again right on the spot.
"Fuck, that was so hot."
His voice was raspy as he spoke, and Steve was fixing him up, grinning at him. His cheeks were flushed, he looked like he was in bliss and he was smiling.
"You got me off. Wanted to get you off too."
Eddie's heart melted, because Steve cared about Eddie's desires just as much as his own.
"I fucking love you."
Steve's smile was soft and adoring.
"I love you too."
He stole a few quick kisses from Eddie, feeling nothing but love and adoration for the beautiful wild haired man and they were both smiling now.
(And that's it. A short ten chapter fic that at some point soon I'll put into it's own book)
Eddie Edit
Edited this myself, it's a pretty sad one but I really love it. Some Eddie for everyone
Chapters: 12/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Wayne Munson Additional Tags: Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson Summary:
Heavy smut warning
Forbidden Love Part Nine
Steve ended up staying an entire week at Eddie's. Borrowing his clothes, which he very much loved because they smelled like him. He even wore them to work and Robin was ecstatic, happy that Steve had found someone he was truly happy with. For now he still had his car and money, and he assumed it was because his parents were working on a way to make him marry this Marissa girl. Well Steve wouldn't have it.
It was a Sunday morning and Steve was just starting to wake up. Eddie's arms were wrapped around him from behind, his chest flush against Steve's back and their legs tangled together. He could tell Eddie was awake, because his thumb was tracing lazy circles on Steve's lower belly, and it was sending heat straight to his dick.
Emitting a low groan, he pressed against Eddie, shifting his hips so his ass would grind against Eddie's groin. Eddie's arms tightened around him, dropping kisses to Steve's bare shoulder.
"Baby, if you keep doing that I'm gonna wanna fuck you," Eddie whispered in Steve's ear, his hand now trailing down to the waistband of Steve's boxers, teasing. Not quite sliding in, but playing with the little happy trail.
Steve groaned again, pressing harder against Eddie, who was rock hard now. Eddie started sucking and nibbling on every inch of Steve's skin that he could find, his throat, his shoulder, his back. And his hand slid further down, finding Steve's erection and wrapping his hand around it, squeezing gently and giving it a few pumps.
"Please Eddie."
Eddie's lips curved into a smirk.
"Please what baby? If you want me to do something, you have to beg for it."
"Please fuck me. I want to feel you, I want you inside me, please."
Steve could hear the desperation in his own voice, but he wanted to feel all of Eddie, he wanted to be brought to the height of pleasure. Eddie pulled his hand away and Steve whined at the loss of touch. A chuckle escaped Eddie's throat.
"Don't worry baby, I have lots planned for you."
He took Steve's boxers and slid them off, licking his lips at the sight of Steve's perfectly curved ass. He gave each cheek a squeeze and a kiss before he dove right in, working his magical tongue around Steve's hole.
Steve's body jerked, a moan escaping at the new sensation. He knew the wonders Eddie's mouth could do. Without pulling away from Steve, Eddie reached over and grabbed his bottle of lube, squeezing a generous amount onto his fingers. He worked his tongue, like a man starved until Steve was whimpering and writhing, then pulled away.
"No touching yourself, not yet baby," Eddie instructed. With his lubed up fingers, he gently pressed them into Steve's hole, one finger at a time to ease him open. Steve was clutching the sheets now, groaning and whimpering as Eddie's fingers teased and stroked and played with him.
When he was satisfied, he added a third finger, curling them up to hit that sweet spot that had Steve writhing and gasping his name, and then yet again, begging to be fucked. Pulling his fingers away, Eddie slid his boxers off, put on a condom and shifted Steve so that he was lying on his back.
He applied a little more lube, wanting this to be as pleasurable as possible for Steve. Then he hooked his hands under Steve's knees, pulling his legs up and around his waist to give him the perfect access, and he lined himself up with Steve's hole.
"You ready baby?"
Steve was already nodding
"Please. Please Eddie, I need you."
Eddie leaned down and kissed him, hard.
"Fuck, I love it when you beg. When you say my name. I want to see how many sounds I can bring out of you."
Eddie slowly eased inside, groaning at how hot and tight Steve was. When he bottomed out, he waited to let Steve adjust, waited for the nod of confirmation. And then he was moving, a slow pace at first until Steve was urging him to go faster and harder.
He picked up the pace, Steve trying to match Eddie's thrusts, impaling himself on Eddie's cock. A quick change of angle and Eddie was hitting Steve's prostate, his hips snapping against his ass. And Steve was loud. Responsive. Clutching at the sheets, loud moans, Eddie's name falling from his lips.
Eddie continued his thrusts, hitting that same spot again that had Steve nearly screaming from pleasure and Eddie's mouth trailed over every inch of skin, licking, sucking, kissing, biting, leaving marks all over his body. Steve's cock was rock hard, the tip flushed red and leaking precum.
"You can touch yourself now."
Eddie's voice trailed off in a low groan, because Steve didn't even let him finish before he was stroking himself and getting himself off. And with just a few more thrusts, they both came together, a long drawn out moan escaping Eddie and Steve's mouth open in a silent scream, his body convulsing from the sheer pleasure.
They rode out their orgasms together before Eddie slowly pulled out, drawing a whine from Steve that Eddie drank down with a hungry kiss. And then he was praising Steve, telling him how good he was, how much he loved watching Steve come apart. And Steve was glowing at the praise.
Eddie discarded the condom and got up, grabbing a washcloth to clean themselves, before laying back down and wrapping Steve in his arms, stealing kisses until their lips were melded together in slow, languid kisses.
"I love you Eddie. I love you so fucking much."
Steve's fingers were tangled in Eddie's hair, twisting and playing with the curls. And Eddie's heart fluttered, his belly erupted in butterflies. Because those words were everything Eddie wanted to hear. He blinked back his tears and stole a long and deep kiss from Steve.
"I love you too sweetheart."
And together they relaxed and fell back asleep.