kristybear2001 - Untitled

39 posts

Chapters: 14/?Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016)Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships:

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapters: 14/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Wayne Munson Additional Tags: Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson Summary:

Decided to do a Steddie one shot. Might do more, requests are open if you'd like me to make one for you


Steve stared at the spattering of black ink on his arm. His soulmate tattoo. Everybody had heard the stories of a soulmate tattoo. A tattoo that appeared when you were ready for it, when something had happened in your life that opened you up to the possibility and idea of having a soulmate. But soulmate tattoos had died out. They'd been around for centuries, but in the past 50 years, they'd died out.

But there Steve's was. On the inside of his right forearm, which meant no way of hiding it unless he wore long sleeves. The date of birth of his soulmate, inked into his skin forever. July 31st, 1965. He didn't know many people's birthdays, so he wasn't sure who his soulmate was. What he did know was that his soulmate was at least a year older than him, almost 21.

And conveniently, his soulmate tattoo had appeared right after he'd come to the realization that he was bisexual. That had to mean his soulmate was a boy, right? That had to be the significant event in his life that had opened him up to the idea of his soulmate. 

Steve sucked in a breath before pulling himself off his bed to get ready. There was a pep rally at Hawkins High today and Robin had begged him to go with her. He couldn't say no to her, she was his best friend and he knew she was nervous about being around Vicky. He pulled on some jeans and a striped polo shirt, before deciding to switch it for a soft yellow sweater. 

He fussed over his hair for an hour before darting out the door to pick up Robin. On the drive to school Robin was rambling like usual. And normally Steve didn't mind but his own thoughts were swirling and eventually he needed to get it out, needed to talk to her about it.

"I have a soulmate tattoo."

Robin snapped her mouth shut in the middle of her sentence, eyes wide as she whipped her head around to face him.


Steve nodded. Robin knew Steve was not the type to go and get a tattoo.

"Show me."

Steve sighed before rolling up his sleeve. The black ink was vibrant against his skin, glaringly obvious that it was there.

"July 31st, 1965."


Steve rolled down his sleeve.

"But how? I mean soulmate tattoos have literally died out."

"I don't know. But it's there. And it. It showed up right after I. Right after I um."

"Right after you what Steve?"

"Right after I figured out I'm bisexual."

Robin drew in a sharp breath.

"So that means your soulmate is a boy. If your soulmate is a boy, that is definitely a significant event that would open you up to the idea of having a soulmate."

"So we both agree that my soulmate is a boy."

"Definitely. But I don't know anybody with that birthday. They'd have to be graduated by now, I mean they'd almost be 21."

Steve just shrugged.

"How am I supposed to figure that out? I can't just go around to every guy and say hey, when's your birthday?"

"I mean you could."

Steve fixed her with a glare.

"Or you could not. What you could do is show off the tattoo, let the person find you."

"Yeah, and then my parents would freak if they found that I not only had a soulmate tattoo but that my soulmate is a boy."

"Steve, when have your parents ever given a shit?"

"I mean fair, but I don't think they want a queer for a son."

"You can't exactly change who you are."

Steve sighs.

"I know. It's just. Another way to disappointment them."

"I think it's a big fuck you to them. Like hey, you were shitty parents, so shitty that God gave you a queer for a kid."

Steve couldn't help the laugh that bubbled out of him.

"That does sound nice."

Robin smiles. 

"Just be you. Show off that tattoo. Find your soulmate."

"I'll try."

Once they arrived at the school they barreled into the gym for the pep rally. Robin had to go and change to join her band, so Steve found a seat in the crowded bleachers. For the most part the pep rally was quite boring and annoying, but he gave Robin a thumbs up every time she looked his way.

When it was over they ended up going to the cafeteria for lunch. He'd rolled up his sleeves now, showing off his soulmate tattoo. He was knee deep in a conversation with Robin when a sound caught his attention. Eddie Munson was on top of a table, doing ome of his non conforming speeches, yet again.

"But as long as you're into baaaand or. Scieeence or. Paaaarties," he says sarcastically. Then he cupped his hands around his mouth to amplify his voice.

"Or a gaaaaaaame where you toss baaaaaalls into laundry baskets!" He shouts at the basketball team. Jason Carver, the captain of the team stood up. 

"You want something Freak?"

Eddie just grinned at him, put his fingers on his head like horns, stuck his tongue out and made a demon sound. Jason muttered something before sitting back down. Eddie had turned around and was walking across the table again.

"It's forced conforming. That's what's killiiiing the kiiiids!" He shouts, jumping down in front of a teacher who jumped and placed her hand over her heart before walking away. Then Eddie took a step back and swept his arm out, bowing for the two cheerleaders to walk past him. Then he was sitting down with his friends again.

It hit Steve then. Eddie Munson was 20 years old. He wasn't exactly sure what Eddie's birthday was, but he fit the age. And then Steve shook his head. That wasn't right. There was no way Eddie Munson of all people would be Steve's soulmate.

The man didn't hide his queerness but Steve and Eddie were complete opposites. Eddie was the metalhead, the nerd the town Freak. And Steve, although he'd changed and become a better person, was nothing like Eddie. He was a jock, something Eddie clearly didn't like.

He was a little more boyish, a little more softer, while Eddie was wild, chaotic, dramatic. Always theatrical. They had next to nothing in common and Steve had never actually spoken to the other boy before. Eddie was up again, walking around the table and talking to his friends. And then their eyes connected.

It was only a brief moment and Steve was the first to look away. But he didn't miss the way Eddie's eyes dropped to Steve's soulmate tattoo. He was too far away to see what birthday was written, but he could almost feel the curiosity coming off of him, even though he was halfway across the cafeteria.

Steve didn't see Eddie again until later that evening. He was working an evening shift at Family Video. This time he was working alone since it was a fairly slow Thursday. He was so bored that he was leaning against the counter reading a sports magazine when the bell above the door rang, signaling a customer.

"Welcome to Family Video," Steve says without looking up from the magazine.

"Is that how a King greets his subjects?"

The voice had Steve's head snapping up, eyes locking with a pair of beautiful vibrant chocolate brown eyes. Eddie's eyes. Eddie's lips curled into a smirk, and were they always that soft and full? Steve wasn't sure why he was thinking that. He'd never been this close to Eddie before, not even when they had a few classes together before Steve graduated. A snort escaped from Steve.

"I'm not the king anymore Munson," he says shaking his head and setting aside the magazine. The movement drew Eddie's eyes to Steve's soulmate tattoo that was now in view. And then his eyes widened, mouth dropping open in shock. Steve raised an eyebrow.

"Cat got your tongue?"

Eddie's eyes snapped back to Steve's, mouth shutting and jaw clenching. And dammit, Eddie had a perfectly sharp jawline.

"What is that?" He says jabbing a ringed finger to Steve's soulmate tattoo. Steve shifted uncomfortably.

"My soulmate tattoo."

"You're kidding right?"

Steve frowned.

"Why would I be kidding?"

Eddie licked his thumb and rubbed it across Steve's tattoo.

"Dude what are you doing?"

He pulled his arm away, and he could see more shock registering on Eddie's face when the tattoo didn't smudge or rub off.

"Gee Harrington, I didn't think you were the type to get a tattoo."

"I'm not. I didn't get this done, it just. Appeared. It's a soulmate tattoo, why does that bother you so much?"

Eddie's lips pressed into a thin line, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the counter.

"Because Stevie. That's my birthday."

Steve blinked a few times, the words barely registering. When they did, Steve sucked in a breath.

"Well I'm sure lots of people have the same birthday."

"Do lots of people have this birthday?" Eddie says pulling down the collar of his shirt. There, etched onto his collarbone was a birthday. A soulmate tattoo. Steve's birthday. February 10th, 1966. Steve sucked in his own breath.

"That's my birthday."

His voice was soft and quiet when he spoke and Eddie let go of his shirt, covering up the tattoo again.

"I thought you were straight."

Eddie was blunt, straight forward.

"I'm bisexual. Sort of just figured that out. And when I did. Well that appeared," he says waving his hand to his soulmate tattoo. Eddie rocked forward, leaning closer.

"You know this makes us the first people to have soulmate tattoos in like 50 years?"

"That's what you're taking away from this?"

"I mean think about it. It's 1986, people hate queers. What better way to make society accept queers than by binding two queers together?"

Steve blinked.

"I hate that that makes sense."

Eddie snorted, a manic laugh escaping him.

"How are we even soulmates man? We're so opposite."

Eddie patted Steve's shoulder. 

"Oh trust me big boy. I've had my eye on you for quite some time."

Steve's cheeks flushed a shade of red. Because he'd be lying if he said being called big boy didn't do something to him. Especially in Eddie's voice.

"When did your soulmate tattoo appear?"

Eddie tilted his head, a thoughtful look crossing his features. 

"84. When I saw you in your Scoops Ahoy uniform the first time. Well after obviously. Kind of dumb that I didn't figure it out then. That was when I figured out I had a hardcore crush on you."

Eddie's cheeks were flushed pink now, and he looked smaller, shy as he pulled a piece of hair in front of his face. He looked adorable. Cute.

"So that was your significant event then."

"Guess so."

"So. What now?"

Eddie was grinning again, eyes dancing with excitement, and he reached over, patting Steve's cheek.

"We get to know each other Stevie boy. There's a reason we're soulmates."

Steve's cheeks flushed again. He wasn't used to all the physical touching.

"Right. Yeah, right."

Eddie laughed, a bright and beautiful sound, before sweeping his arm out in front of him, heading for the door. 

"I'll see you around pretty boy."

And with that he was gone, bounding out the door, while Steve watched, with his mouth hanging open and looking like a deer caught in headlights.

(Let me know if I should make this a two parter. I'm thinking I will probably)

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More Posts from Kristybear2001

11 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Wayne Munson Additional Tags: Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson Summary:

Second Steddie one shot in this book is up now. I like the time loop idea, so I've made my own little time loop fic. Posting it here as well

Time Loop

It was April. 1988. Everybody had survived the Vecna ordeal, even Eddie, while Steve had dragged his bloody body through the gate, using whatever clothes he had available to wrap around Eddie's wounds. He'd survived, he'd made it to the hospital. And Eddie and Steve had been inseparable. They started dating. Steve was head over heels in love. They'd been together for a year and a half now. And never in his wildest dreams did he think a car crash would be what killed Eddie.

Steve had gotten the call and his whole world had come crashing down. Eddie was the love of his life, they'd built a life together, a life that Steve didn't want to live without Eddie. He was a wreck all day, and when he finally crashed on his and Eddie's bed he cried. He cried for hours, and he cried himself to sleep.

When Steve woke up, he was a little disoriented. He had a killer headache from crying so much the night before and it was a struggle to peel his eyes open. When he finally registered his surroundings, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He was in his bed. Not his and Eddie's bed from the house they'd bought together, but his bed. From 1984. He recognized all the changes.

Frantically, Steve got up. He had no idea if this was a dream, but it had to be. Right? But it felt so real. Everything felt so real. He checked the clock on his nightstand. 11 am. Then his calendar. A Tuesday in early April. Which meant Starcourt Mall hadn't opened yet. Which meant he should be in school. Specifically at lunch.

Looking down at his clothes he registered that he was wearing one of his sweats and Eddie's Judas Priest shirt. It still smelled like Eddie, because to Steve he'd worn it the previous morning. Before he'd gone to work. Before he'd been hit by a drunk driver. Tears sprung to Steve's eyes and he brushed them away. He couldn't bring himself to change out of Eddie's shirt, so he kept it on.

He didn't even bother to style his hair, he just grabbed his keys, slipped his blue jacket on, put on his shoes and got in his car. He didn't expect Eddie to be at school if he didn't have to be, so he found himself at one of Eddie's favorite spots. The record store. And Eddie was just leaving it, a cigarette between his lips that he was about to light.

Eddie looked beautiful and vibrant, long wild brown curls blowing in the light breeze, wearing his black ripped jeans, his handcuff belt. A Black Sabbath tshirt and his black leather jacket, along with all of his accessories. Blinking back tears, Steve got out of his car. 


At the sound of Steve's voice, Eddie immediately pulled the cigarette out of his mouth, spun around, and upon catching sight of Steve, he immediately went into defense mode.

"Ok man, don't beat me up, but whatever I did I probably deserve it."

"Ed... Why would I beat you up?"

Eddie cautiously lowered his arms, frowning slightly. Instinctively Steve wanted to smooth out the crease between his brows, Eddie's beautiful lips curving into a little pout of confusion.

"Uh. Because you're Steve Harrington. King of Hawkins High. And I'm Eddie 'The Freak' Munson, and is that my Judas Priest shirt?"

Eddie looked even more confused than ever as Steve glanced down at the shirt, then back up at Eddie.


"Ok uh. Did you break into my trailer or something?"

"No. Eds, ok, listen to me...."

"Did you just call me Eds?"

It was out of habit, one of Steve's endearing nicknames for Eddie. He swallowed, his adam's apple bobbing slightly. He could feel the tears coming again but he pushed them back.

"Uh. Yeah. Sorry."

"Ok Harrington, what has gotten i to you? I mean are you high or..."

"No. No I'm not. It." 

Steve sighed, rubbing his hands down his face. He felt so utterly exhausted and he just wanted to hold Eddie and never let go.

"Eds, please, I just. The last 24 hours have been crazy for me and. And you're familiar, you're comforting....."

"Steve, we don't know each other."

"Right. Yeah. Right. Um. I guess I'll uh. Sorry." 

Steve turned to walk away, more tears stinging his eyes. But that desperation to hold Eddie, to have him in his arms, even to kiss him, reared it's ugly head. And Steve was always weak when it came to Eddie. He had him wrapped around his finger and Eddie had always known that.

On impulse alone Steve turned back around, trapping Eddie between his van and Steve's own body. They were flush against each other, Steve's arms encasing Eddie, placed on either side of his head, and his mouth came crashing down on Eddie's, a desperate kiss.

For a moment Eddie stood there, eyes wide and too shocked to respond to the kiss. But Eddie has always been crushing on Steve if he was completely honest, and the urge to indulge in this kiss was too great. His eyes slid shut, his mouth moving with Steve's, tongues tangling, fingers threading through hair and a soft groan escaping from the back of Eddie's throat when Steve nipped at his bottom lip.

When the kiss broke they were both breathless. And now that it registered what had happened, Eddie's cheeks flushed pink.

"Shit. Sorry. I. I won't tell anyone..."

"Eddie shut up."

Eddie snapped his mouth shut and stared at Steve.

"I kissed you for a reason. I'm not high, I'm not drunk and this isn't one of those one and done and never speak about it things."

"I. I don't..."

Eddie didn't quite understand, and his blush deepened. And then he was ducking away, out from under Steve's arms. Steve wanted to protest but he didn't, stepping back from the van.

"I um. I'm sorry. I'll. I'll see you around."

Steve didn't get a chance to say anything else, because Eddie was suddenly in his van, tearing away from the parking lot.


It turned out that it wasn't a dream, and Steve was in fact in a time loop. Each loop Steve tried to figure out a way out, or tried to figure out how to get Eddie to believe what was happening, what they were to each other. And every time it blew up in his face.

This time, Steve had a plan. The day started out the way it did the first time, the way it did every time, but this time he'd managed to convince Eddie to sit in his van with him so they could talk. He told Eddie that he was from 1988, where he and Steve had been a couple for a year and a half and that now Steve was stuck in a time loop.

"A time loop?"

Steve fidgeted with his hands.


"And we're. Together?"


"That's, this is crazy," Eddie says going to start his van so he could kick Steve out and drive away.

"What if I gave you proof?"

Eddie stopped, halfway to the ignition.


"About us."

Eddie leaned back, dropping his hands in his lap. He didn't believe Steve could provide proof, but he decided to hear him out.

"Alright shoot."

"When you were little. Your mom would put on her Muddy Waters records. And she would dance with you around the living room. That was before she died. These pins on your leather jacket. They came from her sewing kit."

Steve could see the tears springing up in Eddie's eyes as he blinked rapidly.

"How did you know that?"

Eddie's voice came out shaky.

"Because you told me."

"I've never told anyone that," Eddie whispers.

A tear made it's way down Eddie's cheek and Steve reached out to brush it away.


Eddie sniffed and turned his head to look at Steve.

"We're real. We were real. We are real. I've never loved anyone the way that I love you."

Eddie sniffed again.

"But this is a time loop. It's not real. I'll wake up tomorrow and it'll be today and I won't remember any of this."

"Somehow I'll figure a way out of this time loop. And you will remember me. You'll remember us. You'll remember everything."

Eddie nodded slightly.

"I just have one request."

Eddie tilted his head curiously.

"On April 12th. 1988. Don't go to work. No matter what, just. Just do not go to work."


"Please. Eddie just please."

And just like Eddie had Steve wrapped around his finger, Steve had Eddie wrapped around his finger. Just one look with his tear filled puppy dog eyes, and Eddie crumbled.

"Ok. Ok, I won't go to work."

Steve kissed him then. It wasn't hot and heavy, but it was slow, sweet. A soft taste of lips and tongues, and this time Eddie returned it without hesitation. When Steve went to bed that night, he expected to wake up to the loop starting over again. But it didn't.

Instead he woke up in the familiarity of his and Eddie's bed. It was early morning, the sun just beginning to shine through the window. Eddie was awake and very much alive, slipping on his Judas Priest shirt and a pair of Steve's sweatpants. Steve's heart fluttered, jumping into his throat. He knew this morning. The morning Eddie's supposed to die. When Eddie saw he was awake, he leaves over, pressing a kiss to Steve's lips and then smiled that beautiful dimpled smile.

"I'm gonna go make us some breakfast. Then we can cuddle up on the couch and have a lazy day, watch some movies."

"You're not gonna go to work?"

Eddie frowned and Steve reached up, gently smoothing out that crease with his thumb. Eddie's lips curved up gently at the sweet touch.

"Something's telling me I shouldn't go today. I don't know, just a feeling. Can't really explain it."

Steve smiled then, a beautiful and bright one. He knew why. Eddie's mind not have remembered but his soul did. 

"So you're gonna call in then?"

"Yeah. Pancakes?"


Eddie kissed him again, once, twice, another dimpled smile.


"Yeah baby?"

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Tags :
11 months ago

Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Wayne Munson Additional Tags: Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson Summary:

Forbidden Love Part Three

Tuesday was an agonizingly slow day. The beginning of the week was never that busy for Family Video, so he was bored most of the day. At least he had Robin to talk to. He knew he could come out to her, but he also knew that she would start her rambling if he told her he'd figured it out because of Eddie Munson. 

As Steve aimlessly rewound tapes, restocked shelves and reorgnized tapes, he let his mind wander. If he wasn't eyeing the clock to watch it tick by so very slowly.

"Earth to Steve," Robin says waving her hand in Steve's face.

"Shit Rob, sorry."

"What's gotten into you today?"

"Just. Distracted."

"Oooo is it a girl?"

Steve's face flushed. 


"No? You're bright red face says otherwise."

"It's not a girl."

"Well if it's not a girl then..."

Steve could see as the gears in Robin's head begin to turn, things slotting into place and then her face lit up. She leaned forward, resting her arms on the counter.

"Is it a boy?" She whispered, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

Steve's blush deepened and he ducked his head away.

"Come on Steve, you can tell me!"

"Yeah, I know, it's just. I'm a little caught off guard myself. And our first couple of interactions were kind of. Awkward."

"Awkward how?"

"Well the first time I was drunk and high at my party. And the second time. Uh. Recounting with him what happened with him at the party because I didn't remember. It was. Just awkward."

Robin gasped.

"Did you guys kiss? Full on make out? Sex?" 

Steve fixed her with a look and she was hiding a laugh behind her hand.

"No. He ended the party, helped me to my room. And I uh. Came onto him."

Robin started laughing, trying to hold it in which only caused snorts to escape. Steve's face was as red as a tomato now.

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up."

"Sorry. Sorry, I'm sorry. You. Who just figured out you're bisexual. Came onto him. While you were drunk and high."

"Yeah, I know, stupid. And I'm. Seeing him again tonight."

"Ooooo a date?"

"No, not a date. Just. Getting to know each other."

"Is he attractive? I mean obviously men are not my type, but do you think he's attractive?"

"Very. Like you have no idea. Hotter than Billy Hargrove attractive."

Robin let out a whistle.

"So who's the lucky guy?"

Flustered, Steve dropped the tape he was holding. He attempted to catch it but he fumbled it a few times before it clattered to the floor. He shot Robin a playful glare and her eyes were dancing with mirth.

"Let's not talk about that," Steve says bending down to pick up the tape.

"Why not? You like him right?"

"Yeah but. I mean I don't know him well. And if you were to find out who it is, you would. You would be shocked."


Her tone had taken on a whine now and instead of being annoyed he just shook his head.

"Come on! I want to know! Please, please, please, please, pleeeeeaaaaase?"

"Okay! Okay. It's um."

Steve fidgeted with his hands.

"Eddie Munson," he muttered under his breath.


"Eddie Munson."

This time it came out so fast Robin could barely understand what he was saying.


"Eddie Munson!" 

Steve's eyes went wide with shock, slapping a hand over his mouth at how loud he'd shouted Eddie's name. Thankfully there were no customers. Robin blinked a few times.

"Eddie Munson."

"Uh huh."

"The Eddie Munson!?"

"Yes! Ok, shhh!"

She blinked again.

"Holy shit, you have the hots for Eddie Munson."

"Shut up."

"What are you guys doing tonight?"

"Um. His band is playing tonight. I'm going to watch."

"You don't like metal music."

"Yeah, but. I told him I wanted to get to know him. And he invited me to his band's show so..."

"So you're going."

"Yep. Oh god. What do I wear? Because I'm not in the metal scene, is preppy not good enough, it's probably not appropriate, I don't have any metal like clothes, what if I mess this up, what if he doesn't like me after tonight..."



"Now who's the one rambling?"

Steve snapped his mouth shut, his cheeks flushing red again, and Robin giggled.

"Oh my god, you're already so far gone."

"Don't make fun of me. He's just so. How do I put it. Pretty. I mean have you seen those eyes, they're like a whole galaxy on their own. And those lips, they look so. Soft, I mean imagine kissing lips that are soft and full and just. Perfect. And I mean, he pulls off the jewelry and the tattoos and shirtless, dear god."

Steve knew he was rambling again, and just recounting some of Eddie's physical features had him half hard and he had to adjust himself to hide his. Well, problem.

"Steve, you're hopeless."

"Don't remind me."

"Just be yourself. Wear what's comfortable for you. If he likes you, he'll like you for you."

"Yeah. I guess your right."

After their conversation about Eddie, Steve was happy to talk to Robin about Vickie, though he more listened while she rambled, but he didn't mind. And thankfully, their conversations were enough to fill the agonizingly slow time till their shift was over. Now he had to get ready to go to the Hideout. He had some time to kill but he wanted everything to be just right.

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11 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Wayne Munson Additional Tags: Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson Summary

Another little Steddie one shot. Really proud of this one

Scars To Your Beautiful

Eddie had survived the Upside Down. He'd clung to the little bit of life he had and Steve had dragged him through the gate and into a hospital, effectively saving his life. Owens had cleared his name, the government had given them all hush money and Eddie and Wayne had gotten a new place. Eddie now had a new solid group of friends and Wayne was good in taking care of him when he could. But Steve was there too.

Steve would spend his free days visiting Eddie, and taking care of him when Wayne needed sleep or was at work. Eddie was difficult to work with but Steve was patient. It'd been three months now and his wounds were almost healed. But his body was littered with scars. He didn't think anyone would find him attractive now.

Fresh pink scars, jagged lines littered his sides, some on his arms and by some miracle his tattoos had been missed and then a thick jagged scar running from his jawline and down his throat. It was one of Eddie's rough days. He'd just finished a shower and now he was staring at himself in the mirror.

His fingers ghosted over every scar, so many of them, and the eyes that stared back at him weren't his usual warmth and excitement. They were sad. Haunted. Eddie heaved a sigh, his eyes sliding shut and rubbing his hands across his face. He was feeling so incredibly insecure. He wouldn't change what he'd done, he sacrificed himself to save everyone else. But along with Survivors guilt and the insecurities with his scars, and how he wasn't really doing much with his life right now, he was having quite the bad day.


A voice startled Eddie out of his thoughts and his eyes snapped open. He could see Steve in the reflection of the bathroom mirror, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed and a look of concern on his face. That was another complicated thing. Steve. Eddie was head over heels in love, but Steve was. Well straight.

This had always been Eddie's problem. Falling hard and fast. It had led to a lot of heartbreak. He'd tried to stop this one, but his feelings for Steve had blindsighted him. One minute Steve was an aquantence who was trying to help clear his name, and the next. He was saving Eddie's life and Eddie had tumbled heart first into his feelings.

"You ok?"

Eddie shook the thoughts from his head, letting his breath out through his nose that he didn't even realize he was holding. 

"Yeah. Fine."

Eddie had always been a terrible liar and it was clear Steve wasn't convinced. Eddie's unrequited feelings were bad enough, but then Steve had to be confusing. A man Eddie very much knew was straight and yet. Throughout spring break Steve had never protested against Eddie's playful flirting. And Steve had been. Well touchy, he'd make his own subtle advances. And Eddie wasn't sure if it was on purpose or if Steve genuinely had no idea what he was doing.

"What's wrong?"

Eddie wanted to lie again. But he was a weak man when it came to Steve. Sighing again, Eddie moved to sit on the toilet seat, the lid already put down because his towel had been sitting there. He rubbed his hands across his face again.

"Just a bad day."

It was quiet for a moment.

"Seems like more than just a bad day."

Eddie's head snapped up, because Steve's voice sounded much closer. And Steve was standing right in front of him now, that same look of concern etched onto his beautiful features. Eddie sucked in a breath. When had Steve gotten so close?

"It's nothing." 

Steve frowned before crouching in front of him, taking Eddie's hands in his. His touch was soft, gentle, rubbing soothing circles into his skin with the pads of his thumbs. And Eddie would be lying if he said that didn't make his heart flutter, his belly swoop and butterflies erupt, his heart now pounding in his chest. His gaze locked with Steve's, warm brown eyes looking back at him.

"It doesn't seem like nothing."

Steve was being patient, his voice was soft and gentle and he was allowing Eddie time to gather his thoughts. 

"I just. I feel...." 

Eddie trailed off, trying to figure out how to put his thoughts into words.

"I feel ugly."

Understanding dawned on Steve's features and Eddie wasn't sure how he was going to react. But what Steve did was not at all what Eddie expected. Maybe for him to reassure him that he wasn't ugly but not this. His breath hitched in his throat because Steve's lips were on his skin. Kissing every little scar, starting from his jaw and throat, down to his arms and sides, and every scar in between.

They were gentle kisses, filled with adoration, affection and Eddie's heart did another flutter, his belly did another swoop. Everywhere Steve's lips touched left a tingling sensation that burned through Eddie's veins, his very soul. Another bought of confusion washed over him. Maybe Steve wasn't as straight as he thought he was.

"You are not ugly. You are beautiful. So utterly beautiful. And every little scar. It doesn't take away from your beauty. They add to it. You're scars are just as beautiful as you are. Because they tell a story. That what you've been through, you fought. You survived. And you are stronger than you were before. Be proud of these scars. They're a part of you. And I wouldn't change a single part of you."

Eddie could feel his eyes misting over. Steve's words were the sweetest anyone had ever said to him. Eddie was well and thoroughly fucked. There was no coming back from this. He was hopelessly in love. Steve owned his heart, and part of Eddie wanted to just rip it out of his chest and put it in Steve's hands.

He didn't even realize he was crying until Steve was kissing away those tears. Finally his shoulders sagged, a choked sob escaping from the back of his throat, because he felt relieved. He was still beautiful. He was wanted. Accepted. For exactly the way that he was and it felt like a giant weight had been lifted from his chest.

"God, could you get anymore perfect?"

An affectionate chuckle escaped from Steve and he was gently tugging Eddie closer.

"I'm just being honest. Telling you what I see," Steve says, reaching up to brush some of Eddie's curls out of his face.

Eddie sucked in a breath, gathered all of his courage and finally asked the question he needed the answer to.

"What is this? Between us? I mean. As far as I know you're straight. And I'm. Well, not straight." 

Eddie clamped his mouth shut, biting down on his lower lip, eyes watching Steve for any indication of what he was thinking.

"I thought I was. But if I'm being completely honest with myself. I'm not. I mean I still like women, but..."

"So you're bisexual then."

"Is that what it is?"

Eddie nodded.

"It's what I am."

Steve tilted his head, a pensive look crossing his features. 

"That makes sense. Looking back, I should've known. Should've figured it out. You're not. The first guy that I've wanted to kiss."

Eddie's breath hitched again.

"You want to kiss me?"

The question came out almost like a whisper. Steve bit his lip before nodding.

"Yeah. Yeah, I want to kiss you. And so much more. And we'll get there. For now. For now, I just want to kiss you. If I can."

Eddie didn't hesitate, diving in for that first kiss. His hands gently cupped Steve's cheeks, his mouth meeting Steve's in a desperate, yet soft kiss. And Steve was kissing him back, lips moving languidly against each other, tongues darting out to taste and tease. Eddie felt like he could live in this moment forever. And maybe it sounded cliché but this kiss was like magic. Perfect in every way. For the first time, Eddie truly loved himself. Because Steve saw him for who he was. And he wanted him. 

They finally broke the kiss when they needed air. And with one look at each other, they knew they didn't need to talk about it. Because it was there, in their eyes. What they were to each other. No words needed to be spoken. They just knew. Eddie pulled another kiss from Steve, this one slower, sweeter, as if conveying everything that he was feeling. 

"You're perfect," Steve whispered against his lips, and Eddie swallowed down the words, a soft whimper escaping, because those words went straight to his heart. Where they would remain, for as long as Eddie lived.

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11 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapters: 10/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Wayne Munson Additional Tags: Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson Summary:

For mature audiences, light smut warning

Forbidden Love Part Seven

It had been three months since Steve and Eddie had first started spending time together. Their sexual tension was thick but so was the affection they had for each other. Even though it had only been three months, Steve had tumbled, head over heels. Eddie was everything he could've ever wanted. Sweet, kind, compassionate, affectionate, loving. 

They'd really opened up to each other, they knew each other like the back of their hands now. They hadn't kissed or had sex yet, but Steve was there now. All he could think about was taking what they had to the next level. Physical. And hopefully, more than just sex. He wanted a relationship. And he was starting to get antsy about coming out. He at least wanted to come out to his friends. Start there.

It was a Saturday night and Eddie was over. Another date, though this one was in the comfort of Steve's kitchen, attempting to do some baking together. Which had really just ended up with a half made pie that wasn't ready to be put in the oven yet and them playing around. They were laughing now, Eddie's beautiful eyes dancing with amusement, happiness. There was a small streak of flour on Eddie's cheek and Steve loved it. In this moment, the world fell away, and all he saw was Eddie.

"You have something on your cheek."

They were both smiling, warm and affectionate, and Steve licked his thumb, reaching out and gently wiping off the flour. Eddie's eyes tracked his every movement, growing darker and the tension in the air thickened. Steve's chest tightened, his belly erupting in butterflies. Eddie reached out, hooking a finger through one of Steve's belt loops, tugging him close. His free hand tangled in Steve's hair. 

And then they were kissing. Finally. It was slow and sweet, just a taste. Steve completely melted into the kiss, his hands finding Eddie's waist and desperately tugging him even closer. Both of them were rock hard now and a groan escaped from Eddie's throat. The kiss deepened, Eddie's tongue darting out to drag across Steve's bottom lip.

Steve gave in, granting access and Eddie swept his tongue in, exploring and tasting every inch of Steve's mouth. Eddie pushed their bodies until Steve's back was pressed against the counter, pulling away from the kiss and teeth nipping at Steve's bottom lip. Steve let out a soft whimper and then Eddie was kissing down his jaw and throat, finding one of Steve's moles and sucking, licking, nipping.

Steve's own groan escaped, Eddie's name coming out in a breathless whisper. And Eddie was smiling against his skin, pulling back to look at Steve. Eddie slid down to his knees, kneeling in front of Steve and looked up at him through his beautiful long lashes. And that one look, with Eddie on his knees in front of him, tongue darting out to lick his lips, had Steve weak in the knees, another whimper escaping.

"Can I?"

Steve knew what Eddie was asking for and he was desperate to have Eddie's mouth on him, desperate for release. He nodded.

"Yes. Please."

Eddie's lips curved into a smirk. He liked the idea of Steve begging but he would save that for another time. For now he just wanted to make Steve feel good. They would explore later. He undid Steve's jeans, sliding them down along with his boxers until his erection sprang free, the tip already flushed pink and leaking precum.

Eddie groaned at the sight before licking it up just to taste him. Steve's hips jerked, his flesh already sensitive and chasing that sensation, his hands gripping the counter so tight his knuckles turned white. And then Eddie's mouth was on him, hot and wet, soft lips wrapped around his length, dragging his tongue along the vein and sucking. His hand was wrapped around the base, the metal of his rings cool against Steve's heated skin.

Steve's hand flew into Eddie's hair, gripping tightly as he let his head fall back, his eyes fluttering shut and a moan escaping. Eddie set to work, and his mouth was magic. Thumb stroking the underside of Steve's length, tongue swirling around the head of his cock, lips dragging up and down the flesh as he worked his mouth, hand gently squeezing and twisting at the base.

And Steve was a moaning, whimpering, writhing mess. Eddie's name fell from his lips like a prayer, hand gently tugging on Eddie's curls, which pulled a groan from Eddie. And the vibration went straight to Steve's dick, heat coiling in his lower belly. He could feel his orgasm coming, knew that if Eddie kept this up he wasn't gonna last much longer. Eddie's mouth and hand was just too damn good. 

"Fuck. Eddie I'm gonna...."

He tried to warn Eddie, but his voice broke off into a moan when Eddie deepthroated him, his tip hitting the back of Eddie's throat. His hips jerked again, his orgasm tearing through him, hot cum spilling into Eddie's mouth. His world became fuzzy and all he could feel was sheer bliss. Eddie swallowed every last drop, dragging his tongue across Steve's flesh again until Steve was whimpering because of the over sensitivity. Finally Eddie pulled his mouth away and Steve lifted his head to look down at Eddie.

"Fuck, that was incredible."

His chest was heaving and Eddie was smirking as he hiked Steve's boxers and jeans back up and fixed them.

"You're so fucking beautiful when you cum for me." 

Eddie's voice was deeper now, huskier, thick with lust. And Steve loved that sound. It was the sexiest sound he'd ever heard. Eddie stood up, pressing kisses along Steve's throat, where a hickey was already blooming, dark and purple. Steve groaned softly.

"I want to make you feel good too."

Eddie smiled softly.

"I'll be just fine baby."

Steve's knees almost buckled at the beautiful pet name. 

"Please Eddie. I want to." 

Steve could feel how hard Eddie was and he wanted to bring him pleasure, just like Eddie had done for him. He cupped Eddie's length, palming him through his jeans and Eddie groaned.

"Fuck baby, you're so hard to resist when you touch me like that."

"So don't resist."

Another groan escaped from Eddie and Steve undid his belt and jeans, sliding them down. Eddie's length was revealed and he was an impressive size. Eddie's cock was throbbing, aching, the cool air sensitive against his skin. And then Steve was touching him, his thumb dragging across the slit, gathering up the precum. He wanted to taste Eddie, just a little, and he licked it up from his thumb, groaning at the taste.

He started with gentle strokes, fingertips gliding across the flesh, sending shivers down Eddie's spine. Then he was gripping Eddie's length and pumping him, torturously slow until Eddie was groaning. Then he was sliding down to his knees, taking Eddie in his mouth to return the favor. He'd never sucked dick before, but he'd taken note of everything Eddie had done, and wanted to bring him the same amount of pleasure. 

And he did, working his mouth and hand until Eddie was spilling down his throat, groans and whimpers filling the air. Steve pulled away when Eddie grew oversensitive, fixing his clothes and standing up. And Eddie was pulling him into a desperate and hungry kiss, tasting himself on Steve's tongue.

And Steve knew that wherever Eddie was, is where he wanted to be. They pulled back for air, before diving in again, these kisses were slower, sweeter, more affectionate, Eddie's fingers dragging through Steve's hair. Steve wanted to bask in this moment and so he did. Because Eddie was the first person he was kissing just for the simple fact that he wanted to. He was addicted to Eddie's lips, he was addicted to Eddie. And he knew there was no going back now. Eddie was the only thing he wanted.

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11 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapters: 9/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Wayne Munson Additional Tags: Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson Summary:

Forbidden Love Part Six

Steve was riding the high of last night's date with Eddie. It was the best date he'd ever been on and he was happy. Much happier than usual, and Dustin could tell. Steve had just picked him up so he could take Dustin to Hellfire, and as Dustin got in the passenger seat, Steve was humming and tapping his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of an ABBA song playing on the radio.

Dustin immediately looked at him and frowned. Steve was smiling softly and he just looked so happy.

"Uh, Steve?"

Steve was snapped out of his lovesick daze, his head turning to look at Dustin.


"You're. Happy," Dustin says confused.

Steve's smile grew.

"I suppose I am."


"No reason."

Dustin saw right through him, but decided to shake it off. He had more important things to worry about.

"Can we do Hellfire at your place?"

Steve came back to Earth, frowning slightly.


"Principle Higgins won't let us play in the drama room anymore."

Steve sucked in a breath. He wasn't ready to come out to anyone yet and he and Eddie were very new. They'd only just started getting to know each other, only had two dates. He wasn't sure if he would be able to hide what was going on with him and Eddie.

"You can't do it anywhere else?"

"Please Steve, your house is the biggest. And if we stay late, your parents aren't home so we can sleep over."

Steve's heart began to pound in his chest. Because part of him wanted Eddie to stay the night. To share his bed with him, to cuddle with him. To spend time with him. Steve heaved a sigh. 

"Fine, fine. You can use my phone to call everyone and invite them over."

Dustin grinned and bounced in his seat, thanking Steve profusely. Once Steve pulled into his driveway, Dustin was out of the car and bounding into the house before Steve could even blink. And suddenly his house was filled with people faster than he could say Dustin's full name.

The kitchen table had been pulled into the living room, the couch pushed aside and it was filled with everything they needed for the game. Little figurines, many different dice, character sheets, pencils, Eddie's DM books and supplies. Steve was in the kitchen whipping up snacks for the group of boys in his living room.

Dustin, Mike, Eddie, Lucas and Eddie's bandmates; Gareth, Jeff and Doug. The living room was rowdy, the game in full force. Shouting, cheering and laughing, while Steve was putting the finishing touches on some freshly baked cupcakes. 

Eddie had abandoned his battle vest and leather jacket, having discarded them on the couch. That left him in his Hellfire Club shirt, one that every member of Hellfire was wearing, and his usual ripped jeans and accessories. Steve couldn't resist glancing at him every so often. 

He had a wild and chaotic energy about him, and even playing D&D, he was beautiful. The next time he went to glance at Eddie, he was standing right in front of him, nearly giving him a heart attack. Steve jumped slightly, placing a hand over his heart.

"Jesus Eddie, you scared me."

That beautiful dimpled smile appeared, Eddie's vibrant brown eyes sparkling and dancing with amusement.

"Sorry pretty boy. Didn't mean to scare you."

Steve's cheeks flushed at the pet name, an obvious attempt at flirting. Eddie was leaning against the counter now, his elbow propped on the marble surface, the muscles of his forearm flexing slightly, drawing in Steve's eyes. His mouth went dry and his mind went blank. Eddie was gorgeous. He was always gorgeous. Steve flashed a shy smile.

"It's ok."

"Smells good."

The compliment drew a bright smile from Steve, and Eddie's lips curved into a knowing smirk.

"So I was thinking. Dustin and Mike are begging to let this campaign draw out a little longer. I think they're just trying to draw it out so they can stay the night," Eddie says, sliding his hand forward and fingertips brushing against Steve's. They were callused from playing his guitar, yet they were soft. Steve leaned into the touch, letting Eddie play with his fingers, every touch sending a spark through him. 

"Are you saying you want to let it drag out?"

Eddie smiled again, a mischievous, yet flirty smile.

"It would give me a reason to stay. Spend some time with you. If you want."

Steve swallowed

"Yeah. I'd like that. Very much."

"And sleeping arrangements. We can put the kids in the living room, Jeff, Doug and Gareth in the guest room. And I can. Stay with you. In yours?"

It was a question, a hopeful one. Steve could hear the hope in Eddie's voice. And he smiled.

"As long as you don't hog the blanket."

Eddie huffed a laugh, a soft and affectionate one.

"I might just hog you." 

Steve couldn't stop smiling.

"Well, no complaints here."

Eddie grinned again and was soon called away to return to the game. Steve brought out the cupcakes and everybody dug in. The hours flew by as he cleaned up, set up the sleeping arrangements and then sat to watch Eddie play. Like always, Steve was mesmerized. Eddie was captivating to watch, and his voice was so beautiful. A sound that Steve wanted to commit to memory, along with him singing and laughing.

As the game drew to a close, he helped everyone clean up and distributed everyone to their sleeping arrangements. He was just pulling the blankets back on his bed when Eddie entered the room. He set his battle vest and leather jacket on a chair in the corner before stripping down to his boxers. Steve's eyes lingered, taking in every little feature of Eddie's body.

"Like what you see?" Eddie says, a smirk appearing. Steve's cheeks flushed. 

"Very much."

That devilish smile of Eddie's appeared again, as he strode over, reaching out to curl a strand of Steve's chest hair around his finger. He didn't even bother to hide that his gaze roved all over Steve.

"I like what I see too."

Steve's cheeks were flaming now. Eddie knew how to make a guy flustered, how to turn a guy on. But Steve wanted to take it slow. What he had with Eddie was so new, he was a guy virgin and he wanted to keep what he had with Eddie. He wanted to do it right. Eddie let go of the strand of hair, smiling softly and pressing a kiss to Steve's jawline.

It was a quick and simple kiss, but the warmth of Eddie's soft full lips had Steve's breath hitching. Eddie took his hand, gently guiding Steve into bed. And once they were both settled under the blankets, Steve's head was resting on Eddie's chest, one arm draped around Eddie's torso, and Eddie's arms wrapped around Steve, one of his hands tangled in Steve's hair, gently playing and twirling with the strands.

And there in Eddie's arms, Steve completely melted, his eyes sliding shut and a hum of contentment escaping. His embrace was warm and affectionate, a spot that Steve never wanted to leave. Within moments he was asleep, the last sensation being the gentle brush of Eddie's lips on the top of his head.

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